The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1893, Image 6

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Irlous Apparent IJlrj;enee oftlieAcln
I Minister Willis Prom the Sentiments
lit Bteretert- OrnlMiu'i Itrcent Letter
lh SeoYatary of fltata Burprlieil.
Nw Vqhk. Nor. 30. The Herald thin
timing prints whAt purports to be a por
bn of the report of Commissioner lilount
i thi Hawaiian revolution. Tho report,
i printed, corroborates all that Secretary
Qresham charged as to tho action ol
.plted States Minister Stevens In the rev
;WasIIKOTOJ, Nov. SO. For a week or
i or tht capital and tho country has been
!; kiting for news from Honolulu. It hns
Vme, and the question naturally If un
fj amtnatlcally arising frohi tlioio who
- v not trying to explain mntters la
'SVLtere are we ntf" Tho news by the
luitralia, which arrived Saturday nt Sun
1 1 l J Ujj EBs&EILdiKKK
Srauclsco, li (lie story of diplomacy run
oab'turdlty If Secretary Greshnm's letter
tieant anything. In brief the advices nro
!;. hat Immediately nflcr his nrrlvnl nt
lonolulu Minister Wlllls-iiccredltod to
t K government which Secretary Oresham's
1 'alia illarrnlltpil--rnlll'll on tllO head ot
i Ihat government aud diplomatically fell
Df m its deck.
I TYera Vary Sweat on i:ach Oilier.
liuttcr would not nnvo meiicu in mu
souths ot either Minister Willis crAn
lexer Dole. They roared ench other
'gently at sucking doves." Undo Sum
uaured theanncxers thnt ha lind their
learest interc ts next his henrt, mid Dole
responded in kind. The president's letter
f credentials to Willis said thnt the min
ister "will constantly endeavor to advance
tha InUraata anil nroinorltv of botli irnv-
IFirnments" aud so "render himself nccapt
ably to your cxcollcncy," which the same
la President Hole, the lieml ot tlie govern
ment that Grevhani'a letter says was is-
A jtabllshed by fraud and conspiracy ntul
li. jihoulri te unceremoniously houticcd. And
Km. these facts mnku tho average, unprcten
i ' ftlous "un-wlseacre" und utiKrauimiitlcnl
urnifcuiien asl "Whero are we atJ"
K An Incident of HIcnlllcBiiro.
aria So much for the diplomatic news. It
should be understood, however, thnt the
only man in the Sandwich Islands who
can possibly know about (irrslinm's letter
s Minister Willis. Tho letter win pub
lined In the United States nfter Willis de
parted from 8.i u Francisco nnd no ship has
reached the Sandwich Islands sinco tho
publication, nor will until nhout Thurs
day nxt. IWillls presented Ids credentials
on Nov. 7. On tho night of tho 0th the
$ boats of the Philadelphia wero dropped
fi into the water, armed with Catling khhh
and small arms and manned. There they
stayed until 4 n. m. the next dny whin
mej were nu inKen on noani nK'iiu. Ann
much speculation obtains both horonud
lat Honolulu as to tho significance of this
j manoeuvre.
Some say that the movement was tho
'first step In tho forcihlo removal of the
annexers, a step abandoned because the
: provjslonal Kovernmeut's army of 400 men
j is well armed with repenting rilles, and
was understood to bo ready to Unlit any
one who attempted to Interfere with the
.; annexers; that the Instructions to Willis
f did not authorize him to use actual force,
and that all be could do was to "make n
i bluff." Others say the crews were ready to
put down an expected nttempt of tho roy
. allsts to overthrow tho annexers, Willis
haviug order, to inalntaln tho status quo.
for awhile. The royalists say thero ts not
and never has been any danger of tnat
Secretary areilmm Surprised.
One thing Is ccrtnin and thnt is that
Sccretnry Gresham was surprised nt tho
news ot the continuation of the provision
al government. There wns n good deal ot
running to and fro In tho departments
after the news was received, and when
things settled down tho order of tho day
t was "silence." At uny rato nothing not
even nu opinion could bo gotten out of
any department olllclal. Ouo oxplnna
tlonof the peculiar situation is that Min
ister Willis had! something for the private
ear ot President Dole after thoy Had ex
changed the sugary compliments demand
ed by dlpromntlo usage and that ho was
expected to be quiet nhout tho business,
and negotiate for the stepping dowu of
munexcra "sub roin," us it were.
Auother explanation Is thnt the Instruc
tions to'Willls did not iuvolvo the use of
, force and that when lio found Dolo
. "loaded for interferers" he concluded to
watt and send home for morn Instructions,
i Landing troops nt Honolulu with unkind
ly thoughts tuteut regarding tho govern
ment which we linvo and do recognize
would be a very serious, matter and might
take on a phase In which other powers
would take a hand. There is nnot her ex-
plauattom Willis mny have fouud it Im
practicable to put t tie queen uaik in power
because she refused to go back without
tbs armed protcctlou of the United States
gainst the annexers aud ho could uot.
guarntee this protection.
None of tho congressmen hi the city
would say what they think. Senator
Morgan aud Senator Shormun are equnll)
reticent, because for ouo thing specula
tion ou nu uncertain basis is not profit
able, nnd the extraordinary difference be
tween Greshum's letter nnd Willis' actions
lias made the uucertniu in this case more
uncertain. All that Secretary Herbert
would say wass "When the Americuu
peoplo come to thoroughly understand the
position ot this administration toward
ilnwnll thoy 'will Indorse It us entirely
patriotic mid jusl, mid tho administration
will iu thu ma receive tho enmmendatious
rather than the criticisms of the country
tur .....
Wlillo tanking for HiirRliu tho I'., U. nnd
11. Train Ilobbers Arc C'nnclit.
Lincoln, Ills., Nov. 10. Tho capture
and Jailing of tho tbreo 1'., I), mid II. rail
way bandits wns nn unexpected bit of
work by Chief Mitchell nnd two of his
best men. On Nov. U u clothing storo In
tho neighboring town of Clinton wns
robbed of n largo quantity of clothing,
Jawclry nnd notions. D.uightors.otHhullc,
tho oldest of tho jailed tilo, began display
I ni uloves. silk liniidkcichlcfx nnd Jew
elry, which fnct was reported lo thu pollco
by persons acquainted with tho girls.
Au Investigation was started nnd tho
Important Information camo out tnat
Shellcs nnd two men, Van Meter nnd
1t....- imiw n.i-lvuly U'nrp flll'ilV fl mil
jiu.iir. nun .......i ..b.i., .- ......rf ......
tholr home, Shellcs' place, thctilghtof the
train hold up. A detective began to work
on tho caso under the dlirctlonof Chief
Mitchell, and one day sufllccd townirnnt
tho ofllccrs In raiding Shellcs' house At
'i a. in. tho raid was mnilo nnd tho three
men nrrcstcd, tho officers "getting the
drop" on them. '
Threo revolvers wcro nlt.0 c.ipturcil nnd
the bullet thnt wounded llrnkenmn Trott
(not Scott, us printed J cslurdny), Ills nil
three. One of tho Shellcs girls, bo ono
story goon, was disguised ns u man nnd
participated In tho train robbery. A
wagon load of tho plunder stolen from thu
Clinton storo was also found at Shelles'
house. Tho trainmen described ono ot tiio
robbers as of medium size and another ns
tall nnd stalwart. These descriptions lit
Vnu Meter and Shelles. Auother wns de
scribed ns n small mnu nnd this (its Howe.
They nro nil toughs.
Vnn Muter wus lately liberated from
Jollct whero he wns serving n tvio-jcar
term for tmrulury. nnd Shelles was par
duued from tho samo prison Inst summer
by Governor Altgeld. Jlu was serving n
fcnirtcen-yenr term for incest, tho psrdou
being mnilo nt tho rtquest of many promi
nent citizens of Logan county. Vnn Me
ter and Shelles hall fiom southwest ludl
aua, whero they had unsavory reputations.
All thnt Ih necessary to tecuro conviction
Is Identification by tho train hands ou tho
1, I), nnd K.
Albert Woodward, nn cmployo of tho
coalmine v. hero the bandits made their
rendezvous, has been nrrcstcd. Ills
capturo clears up tho doubts of tho identi
ty of nil suspected. Shelles' daughter bus
given her father, Vnu Meter nnd Howe
nwny through rovctigo for tho cruelty of
her father nudou promise of tho protection
of the statu.
Lincoln, Ills., Nov. CO. Tho testimony
taken In thu preliminary hearing of tho al
leged I'., D. nnd li trnln robbers ts In brlcl
ns follows: Conductor Richmond swore
Hint Woodward resembled ono of the rob
bers. Hiram Jones, n farm hnnd, swoie
that Woodward tried to get him to go Into
t street car robbery at Springfield. That
is nil. Tho prosecution's caso is so weak
that If it wero uot for thu records ot the
suspects it would amount to nothing. Old
man Shellcs is uot hold for thu tralu robbery.
A Man
Itrnilitrccts (lives tlm Features of ttie
llusliicis World.
Ni:v YuliK, Nov. 18. Uradstrectssnys:
General tradu hns beun Irregular, without
actual lucrenso iu volume. At tho south
Improvement in demand is noted in lead
ing Tennessee nnd Tcxns cities. Heavy
6iilos of southern pig Iron nnd tho break
ing of tho drouth in tho southwest are
features. Demand for rails is checked be
cnuso of tho cut ot $',"J to t'i prlco nnd
tho outlook for further reduction. At
oastern cities thero Is u most hopeful feel
ing, but no improvement in demand ex
copt within n day or twoof clothing, wool
ens nnd shoes. Net railway earnings for
September nnd October ullect unfavor
nblo tradu features with decreases of 9 nnd
10 pur cent, monthly ns compared with
llku periods of Inst year. Not one group
of roads showed 11 gain ot gross earnings
for September, while only ouo (Ccuttnl
Western) showed a gain in net.
At linllluiorc Jobbing is light and tho
volume falls behind tfTat of 1S0J. Thero is
no Improvement in demand for sales nt
Pittsburg, business being confined to act
ual wants. Manufacturers of pig Iron
and steel continue to lefusu contracts for
1KM delivery for present prices. Tho trade
with tho Interior nt Detroit Is restricted.
Thero has been some demand In general
trade nt Chicago, through the cold w-avo,
iu clothliiK, woolens and bhocs. North
west dealers nru still holding largo stocks
on hand. Collections nro uot favorulilo nt
Mllwuukco, and jobbers still ercrcise uu
utuul euro In extending uirdlt.
frogreii or tliu Tariff It III.
Vasiiinoton, Nov. viO. Tho ways nnd
menus commltteo hopes to complete tho
now tariff bill nnd give it out to the pub
lic nbout the closo of tho present week.
The only hitch In thu commltteo Is on the
income tax quuMion aud all tho essential
features of thu bill depend uu the adoption
or rejection nt this measure. Ouo memboi
of tho majority is known to he opposed to
tho iucoino tax Cockriiu but hu standi
nlouu except Chairman Wilson shall uUo
be In opposition. Ills position is not
known. Tho free llht will embrace wool,
lumber, iron ore, coal, suit, cotton haugiug,
binding twiuu 11111I many other articles.
Olllrlal r.ciuU lii lawn.
Dr.s Moinls, Nov. 18. Tho totnl count
ot election 1 etui us, now completed, shows,
Jnckbon.-07,15(); Holes, lTl.llMj.losephjl'op.,
Pro., 'AMI, and Mitchell, 1O.10T. The bouse
will stand Republican TU to 'Jl, und the
tcunlu Republican !H to 10.
TI10 Men to Hie Number or 1,800 I.eato
their Trains mill lllm k lluslne.t Coiii
inuiy to llulit Ilia Klillto I'ruspect oi a
ltcpetltlon of the lolctlo.
PlllLADLLl'iHA, Nov. 20. A general
ttrlko has been ordered on tho entire
system ot thu Lehigh Valley railroad nnd
tho road Is lied up. The cnuso is tho com
pany's refusnl to .recognlzo any commltteo
or body of men ns tho representative of
tho employes of tho road lu other words,
to recognlzo tho union. After repented
attempts made by tho grand officers of the
several railway organizations to gain
nudlouccs with the ofllctnls ot tho road,
nnd after rt sub-comnilttce from tho gen
eral committee, sitting nt tho Ulngham
house iu this city, composed of bonn'fhlo
employes of tho road, lind failed to secure
recognition from tha road's highest repre
sentative In this city Vlcu President
Voorhccs thu order to quit was tele
graphed to nil tho employes along the
lino of thu road.
The men my thoy will countennuco no
violence nnd that every train has been
taken to its destination and tho locomotives
duly ntteiidid to tho samo ns If there were
no strike. Hightcon hundred men nro in
volved in thu striko directly. Thero is no
Ibsuu ns to tho cnuso ot tho strlku, both
parties haviug issued statements that
ugreu substantially iu thnt respect. The Is siild.will net very dlsnd vantage
ously against tho nuthrnclto coal trade at
nil points between thu coal regions and the
lake mid seaports it It is protracted any
length of time, lly this it will probably
bo thu cause of shutting down tunny ot the
mines, and throwing thousands of men
aud boys out of work until thu trouble Is
Strike ou at Various TUcas.
Telegrams stnte thnt tho strlku Is on at
Knston, Wllkesbnrre, South Uethlobam,
UutTiilo (lu thu freight business), Rochester
(N. Y.), nnd other places. At ltochester,
F. W. Prentice, deputy grand chief of I ho
order ot itnllroad Telegraphers, is busy
sending out dispatches to operators asking
them to strike. Una ot theso dispatches
read: "Don't bo n scab; bo n man." At
Uulfnln, tho western terminus ot the
northern division, tho work of reorganiz
ing freight crews Is proceeding. With the
experience derived from thu strngglo In
August last year tho superintendent and
his aides hopo to overcome tho yard block
ado iu 11 few days. A gang of laborers Is
engaged In bringing down, from a store
room In tho upper doors of the Lehigh
Valley station several wngou loads of cots
nnd cooking utensils which were used in
lost cur's btrlko.
Lehigh llraily to lllro Men.
These were being takun out to the East
IlufTalo car shops to Improvise n lodging
house for recruits to the freight crews.
Tho Lehigh is ready to hire men to tnke
tho places of thu strikers. How many
men uru needed cannot be told exactly.
At IlufTalo thero nro uhout 600 employes
of tho Lehigh nnd perhaps onu-thlrd of
that number nro out. Most of these aro
trainmen. At Sayro tho olUclals ot the
road admit thnt fully half of their men
nro out. They include brnkemeu and
llremen principally nnd a few engineers
and conductors. In liuffalo tho freight
conductors hnvo uot refused to take out
trains bccuiiso they hnvo not been asked,
and thcru will be no chance to know how
many of them will join tho striko until
they nro supplied with full crows and or
deied tomove trsius. No passenger men
bo fur hnvo refused to work.
Vnroiiiplliueutury Couiptlmeuti.
Tho lenders In tho fight hnvo began to
loso their tempers. Vico President Voor
hccs, when told that Chief Wilklus
charged that the company had omitted a
number of tho provisions ngrecd upon last
summer, said: "Toll Mr. Wilklus, with
my compliments, that lie lies, nnd I have
tho documents to prove It." Wilklus,
when told of this, said ho returned the
compliments nnd also had documents.
What tho strikers understand "violence"
to mean Is nut known, but reports from
various points tell of tialus bciug forcibly
stopped, nnd in ouo caso tho train's crow
was stoned.
May lli'hiR tip Another Toledo Case.
Members of thu brotherhood wero asked
If the? trnublu would extend to othoi- roads.
"Yus, If they movo Lehigh freight that wJf
hnvo refused to move," was thu reply. It
is understood here thnt thu Lehigh will bo
met with refusals If they request parallel
lines to movu their freight from every road
except thii New Yotk Central. It was
this refusal to tnke 'Veal)" freight thnt
brought ou the celebrated Toledo case In
which Judge Kicks decided that trainmen
hud no right to striko under such clrcuni;
stauccs. Thu Lehigh will fight the strlku
nud its olllcinls claim to bo ublu to get
plenty of men lu 11 short time.
Mliieh It rxpected to Raise tho
Sum or 830,000,000.
WASlllNoioN, Nov. 10. A revenue of
JJO.OOi',000 Is expected by thu Democrats of
tho ways nnd means committee from the
Income tax which they proposo to Incor
pornto lu the now rcvenuo bill. Tho ex
emption will bo high enough to exclude
the greut mass of laboring men nud peo
ple on smnll salaries. Tho limit now un
der discussion is from (3,500 to 14,000. If
tho increase In the rovenuo should provo
Insufilclent nfter n year or two lo meet
the demands ot tho treasury tho rate
might bo slightly Increased or the limit of
exemntlon lowered. If the income tax is
adopted In the form now under consider
ation other changes lu the lnterual rove
uuo laws will not be necessary.
There will be no Increase in tha beer
tax, the whisky tnx, the tax on manu
factured tobacco, or the tax ou cigars.
The question of tho duty on sugar is still
an open ono, but it Is not unllkoly that a
duty will ho Imposed of about 1 cent n
pound 011 both rnw and refined sugars,
ihls will enable-the commltteo to aban
don tho bounty now paid to American
growers without leaving them absolutely
without protection ngnlust forclgu com
petition. It is also desired to strike a
blow al tho sugar trust by making the
duty ou refined sugar substantially tho
lame ns on raw sugar. The treatment of
bituminous coal Is another open question
with tho Democrats of tho committee,
sonio of whom nro weakening aud may
voto to retain a small duty.
the Hands
Tha Novelty of His situation Wearing Off
What Uls Jailer Says.
Chicago, Nov. 18. Prcndorgast, tho
murderer of Carter II. Harrison, Is having
a dreary time of it In Jail these days. The
novelty of being a conspicuous prisoner
has worn off, and be seldom ventures from
bis dark cell. When he does come out It
is to talk with hie lawyers or to submit to
an examination ot physicians. Thero is
not the slightest doubt but that exports
are now prepared to tako tbo witness box
and declare Prcndorgast rcponslblo for bis
acts. Ho Is developing a wonderful nmount
of cunning, aud when ho thinks be can say
or do something that will work up a reel
ing of pity for hi in ho loses no time, but
uses about and does it. Jtiller Morris aud
all tho turnkeys, who sco him constantly
day and night, say that he is afllictod with
Uutidlsunuss and nothing else.
CHICAGO, Nov. 20. Prendergast, the
slayer of Mayor Harrison, whose trial is
set for a Week from today, is, not
pleased with tho defense his attorneys
hnvo decided upon. "They propose to
enter a plea ot Insanity," anld he. "I
shall object to that. I want to acknowl
edge tho commission of the crime and
plead and provo Justification," said justi
fication being tho plea that Mayor Harri
son broke his promise to appoint this
second Gulteau to office. He declares he
Is uot Insane.
tho Gosh'
William A. Hk.vni:, editor of
en Democrat, nt Goshen, lud.
AliciiiiiALD Giiahau, early settler ol
Dubuque, la.
Hkiivky old resident ol
Dowaghic, Mich.
William H. Hli:i;s, ex-presldent of the
New York Life Iusuiaucu comp.iuy, at
New York,
Mrs. Llonojia Hovni:, nn early settler
ot ChicaKo.
SUler Mahv VimoNlCA Kwinq, uleco of
General Sheimnii, nt Plttsburu.
JuilN PALMKit, inventor nt the baggage
check, nt Ualtlu Creek, Mich.
llev. William Hlackwoop, ono of tho
oldest PicHbyterlau ministers iu tho conn
W, ut llaltlmoic.
Th'jmab Macki.v, mlllloualro contractor
of Chicago.
Mrs. Uaiiuaua lluniiAUl). mother of ex-
Attorney General G.uland, ut Washing
tou. CiiAitLi:s W. Tiiomah, well known the
utrical man, nt Tuscuu, A. T,
Dr, John M. Kijatisc, u mcdlrnl nu
thor of national leputiitlon, ut Colorado
Springs, Colo.
A. P. Fonda, a well kuown cltUea of
JLanxas dry, Mo.
I'retldvnt Nuiiiiz Take l'osou.
New Yokk, Nov. 17. A Panama special
snys: It is said that General It. Nunez,
president ot tho United States of Colom
bia, recently swullowed poison. It Is al
leged by ids friends that tho poison was
tnkui liy mistake, but in other circles It
Is thought that tho president acted with
deliberation, Tho assertion is made that
tho net was duo to Ill-health nud Increas
ing political troubles.
Two Cunt lets Itontted to Doatli.
St. Louis, Nov. lb. Tho couvlcts at
slope No. 2, Piatt mines, snys alllrmlng
ham Ala., ipcclnl dUpatch, saturated the
bathhouse with oil nud set lire to It with
I ho view "of tbcapiug iu tho confusion,
Three convicts wcu sleeping lu tho bath
house. Ono was rescued, but Joseph
Mills nnd Isaac Monday Were burned to
death, Tho conspiracy to escupe was
lteeelpts Not Up to Kxpevtatlons.
Washington, Nov. 17. Tho receipts of
thu government for this month are uot us
heavy us wns hoped nud tho deficit lu the
government's accounts show already n loss
ot nearly $.000,000. Thu receipts have
been f 14,510 ,f.OO nud tho expenditures tllV
805,(100, This makes tho totnl deficit so far
this fiscal year c',11,000,000.
A l'i'ii;rtnsUe "ft I lip" City,
I'OSUA, O. r., Nov. 17. -This city that Is
just a mouth old hns celebrated tho open
ing ot tho flist school luuuu iu thu "Strip."
Tho event had been well advertised, mid
10,000 penjilo wero piesout. At night
there wus a banquet nud hall.
Arittlnl fur J'lilni; Church.
MKMi'lils, Nov. 17, Giaco Episcopal
chinch burned. S. J. Gllbeit, thu organ
ist, discharged fordiuukeuues in church,
is under uriest, charged with settiug lire
lo tho building.
At LoHit 300 Lives Lost on the Coasts
Giea lUritaln.
London, Nov. SO. Tho storm that bos
swept this coast has caused great loss of
life. Thero are wrecks everywhere and a
number of persons have been killed ashore
by accidents caused by the storm. Hun
dreds ot fishing boats are missing. Such
vessels ns the Lucania bad a bard tussle
with the elements.
The coast guard and lite savers bnvo
saved scores ot llv-s. Up to this wrltlug
the totnl number of deaths from drown
ing is 131, and counting the vessels kuown
to hnvo foundered off shore they will
reach 200. The Standard says that it is
reported that hundreds of lives bavo been
lost during tho storm in the northern
part ot Frauce.
tier Natal Supremacy In the Mediterran
ean llai Vanished.
London, Nov. 10. The Daily Graphic
publishes the first of sensational articles
which aro Intended to provo that Eng
land's naval supremacy iu tho Mediter
ranean hns vanished. It declares that
France has quietly organized a fleet in
that sea powerful enough to expel tho
English aud says that Hussla has also
commenced upon a similar policy whllo
KuKland has been at n standstill doing
nothing moro than to replace obsolete or
lost vessels. Tho paper warns buglnnd to
profit by the example of Rpuiu, whose
dreadful decny followed her loss of naval
supremacy in tho Mediterranean.
Iu Memory of Mayor Harrison.
Chicago, Nov. 17. In the council cham
ber was held a memorial meeting of the
late Carter H. Harrison, mayor of tho
city of Chicago. City officials, judges
ot nil courts la the city, BhorlO Gilbert,
Corouer McIIale, and other county offi
cials und cx-clty officials and ex-mayors
wcro present. Following was the pro
gramme: Short address by Mayor Swift;
music by Imperial quartette; rcadlug of
resolutions from othur cities nud orglinl
zatluus: music: readinu of report ot coun
cil committee ou resolutions; short speech
es by aldermen.
Three Firemen Caught Under a Wall,
Kansas Citv, Nov. 20. The Western
Warehouse aud Storage company's large
four-story warehouse, at the corner ot
Uufon nveuue nud Santa Fe street, was
burued. Firemen Mat Clarke, Johu liurko
aud Waltur Eylor wero buried under a
fallliiK wall, liurke had both legs broken,
Clarice bis back badly sprained and Eyler
suffered slight injuries. They will nil
probably recover. Loss about 1400,000,
partially insured. HM
ahe Columbian Exposition to
of Destroyers.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Half a month has
gone by since tho World's fnlr closed, nnd
within the two weeks wreckers have done
more work than wns done by builders last
spring In thrice the time.
The next two or three weeks ought to
how a heavy demand for day laborers,
especially among the state buildings, for
all ot these have been dismantled of their
fine furniture, some bare been sold for
wreckage, nud tho owners of others are
lying awake nights worrying over bow
thev are to net rid of them. The bugo Il
linois state building Is to be sold at pub
lic auction, as required by law, Dec. 28,
and Its purchaser must get it out of tho
park at once, either wholo or in scraps.
Ohio Building Brings t300.
It cost tUO.OOO, but it will sell for less.
The Wisconsin building, which .will make
a pretty and durable home for some one,
Is to bo sold to seal bidders Nov. 28. On
the tame dny He furniture and fittings will
be put up at auction. The little Ohio
building has been sold to a Cincinnati
man for 1300 nnd bo will begin to tear it
down Dec. 10. The heroic monument to
Ohio sons, which stood lu front of tho
building, has fallen before the vandal. The
bronze statues of Grant, Sheridan, bber
man, Garfield, Cbasu and Stanton, which
with tho symbolic figure ot Ohio made up
tho group, wero all taken dowu. Theso
figures aro worth tl'.OOO, belong to tho
state, nnd will bo set up in tho capitol
grounds at Columbus. Tho furniture In
Michigan's building will bo sold to the
state's institutions. There aro no plans
yet for the dlspocnl ot tho building. In
diana's furniture is to bo distributed
among tho state's institutions, and tho
commissioners met to doclde how they
hall dispose of the building.
Dltposed of for 73.
Nebraska's building went low. Selvers
&Tcarnley of Cincinnati bought it for
75, and will tnke it to Cincinnati. Tbo
same Arm has purchased tbo clambaku
restaurant building. The governor of
Weit Virginia will get the furniture from
the state's building, and tho house itself
Is still on tho market. The governor of
New Jcrsty though is luckier than his
brother of West Virginia. He is going to
bavo his state's building to loll around in
of summers. New Jersey's house is a
quaint colonial oue, au exact reproduction
of Waihtngton'a hcadquHrtors at Morris-
town. It will be carefully tnken down
and rebuilt somewhere in tho rural por
tion of the stnto as a summer home for
that lucky governor. That other histori
cal building, Mount Vernon, hns been sold
by tho Virginia commission to Jobn Mc-
Gulre of Chicago for MOO. Mr. McGuire
is going to movo it to Seventieth street.
The New York Building.
G. R. McGnnn, executive commissioner
for Maryland, is in Baltimore trying to
decldo what will be dono with bis build
ing, but Commissioner Foley ot New
York is right here in town fretting be
cause some one does not come along and
offer htm some part of the 1110,000 the
Empire state lavished Ion ber big, square,
white palace. New York had this white
elephant comfortably given to the wom
an's board once and accepted, too, but
when Potter Palmer made his big gift for
a permanent memorial building tho
women said they guessed thoy would not
tax New York's generosity, nnd now Air.
Foley Is worrying again. The most oi
New York's furniture has been disposed of
at private sale. The California builuing
has been sold to the World's Fair Wreck
ing and Salvngo company, which pro
poses to use it as a storehouse for mate
rial torn from other buildings for the de
molition ot which the company is negotiating.
Otic Lndy Snjra
I hnvo bein troubled for years with a
hacking cough. Hnvo had many doctors
and tried fifty congh euros. I grow worse
nil tho time. I tried Parks' Cough Syrup
and found immediate relief. It begins nt
tho bottom of the disonso and I know it
is tho best cough remedy on the market,
Refer any sufferer to Mrs. W. J. Fnhey.
Le Roy, N. Y. Sold by C. It. Colting
South Ward. -
Those interested in tho Sundaj '
school at tho Chapel aro going to
liavo a fair and paionko social on Doe.
12, no preventing providence, to
which every ono 1b invited. Tho
girls hnvo already done some solioit
ing,nd have met with great suoocbb
among tho generous people of the
city, Tho fair is to consist of nil
kinds of fanoy work, which will bo
sold very cheap, and ' will make nice
Xmas presents. Tho supper will con
sist of nioo hot pan-cakes and cilee,
plenty of good butter and syrup for
tho enkes, and cream nnd sugar for
tho codec. Tho proceeds aro to buy
coal and supplies for thi Sundiy
school. If tho different ch.irr would
liko to confer a great favor upon tho
Chapel school, they will conio down
and sing with us. Wo make this an
nouncement early, and hopo it will
not conflict with tho arrangomonts of
any of tho churohes. Coino down
to the Chapel, and enjoy a good so
cial evening and see tho fair.
Louis Mattix was setting up tho
cigars to the rail-road boys, all bo
oause it is a line boy of tho usual
Kugincer Frank Rood has a fine
buggy maro.
Mr. Montany is on tho sick litt.
A family has moved into tho houso
with Billio Pavy.
John Saladen was seen on the strode
with some kitchen furniture; Iwonder
if John is going to house-keeping?
Frank Rolfe has bought a niee
two year old colt.
Humors of a new timo card next
The painters and plumbers bavo
finished their work at tho eating-houso
and returned to Lincoln.
Geo. HolliaUr has moved his barn
from the hill to tho lotB joining his
Cnpt. Ilouchln'a 1 anient.
Hack ard, turn hack ward, oil time lu your flight
Let me get back ta the party that Is right.
I aia homesick and lonely, and life is all wrong.
I'm apoplthat strayed from tho t'.spubllcarV
I wljU i had not wandered away lroni the fold
Hut still there Is II mo for repentance, I'm toM
And when the line forms to pile up the votes
I ct the backslider come from the rank ot the
(JtUtj. H.K.
Fnriucia' llutuat Vita Insurance.
DiisMoiNKS,Ia.,Nov.l7. The Iown Farm
ers' Mutual Fire Insurance association,
comprising nearly 150 organizations iu tho
state, has closed Its annual convention In
this city. Reports show over (100,000,000
in ilsks current at the average ot (1,83 per
(1,000. The old o Ulcers wero re-elected.
Cornell Inttruetor duppoiad to be Drowned
Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 80, Dr. LucIub
Merriam, instructor of political economy
at Cornell university, aud Miss Mary L.
Veurlug, of Laurens, d, C, are supposed
to liavu been drowned iu Caruua lake.
Their boat wus found by a searching
Mello Does Homo Mora Proclaiming, ,
Paiiis. Nov. 16. A telegram from Mad
rid says that thu Spanish foreign office has
received news that the iusurgeut Admiral
Mello had pioclalmed tho sou ot the
Comtu d'Uu president of Dr.izll.
No Women Naod Apply. .
CLEVKUNH, Nov. 18. Tho electrical
workeu dotldcd tlmt they would not ad
ult te Ifphoue girls or any other women to
BSMtf UIUS. ...-
Tork Financial.
New Yoiik, Nov. 18.
Money on call easy. OlTorcd at lvs per
cent, l'rlmo mercantile paper i(&0 per
cent. Stoarllng exchange easlor with actual
business in bankers' bills at 431UU for
demand and iii)i 3 4S.1 for sixty days;
posted rates 491HU1& Commercial bills
Silver certificates, CO'dUTOJii no aalos; bar
silver, 70; Mexican dollars, C04 nominal.
Government bonds, Vs regular, 1U'J4: do 4's
coupons, 1U.'4; do S's, UIK: Pucillo fl'uof '03, 104.
Chicago Grain and l'roduce.
Ciiioaoo, Nor. 13.
Following woro tho quotations on the
Board of Trado today: Wheat Novembor,
opened 69ic, closed 6Vf4c; December, opened
COHc, closed 60ej May, opened 07'Hc, closed
Guc. Corn Novembor, opened lVJ-J4e, closod
0!?ic; December, oponod 8O0, closed 3.pc
May, oponed 40V4c closed iWJc. Oats No
vember, opened i.7c, closed -7c; Decombor,
opened 7Kc, closed U7J4c; May, oponod 8uc,
closod OOJto. 1 Pork No voniber, opened ( ,
closed j January, epenod 812.00, closed
(13 '). Lard-January, opened 7.ttt, closed
Produce. Butter Fancy separator, 273?7Ho
per lb; fancy dairy, "iVil&c; packing stock.
lOttlOo. Eggs Fresh, SOa per doz; cold
storage, 17Ji18c, l.lvo Poultry Chickens,
HKfiHo por lb; turkeys, 8ViK10c; ducks, Rxtflcj
geese, J8.6iv3T.fiO per do. Potatoes Bur.
bunks. ftiitSOc per bu; llubrons, AlgtMc; Rose,
4&Ke. Sweet Potatoes-Illinois, (2.50&2.75
per bbl. Apples (1.7Sii A0 por bbl. Cran
lorries Wisconsin Hell und cherry, (3.7M14.60
per bbl.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Nor. 18.
Llva Stock; The prleos at tho Union
Stock Yarks today ranged as follows;
Cuttlc-Kstlmated rrcoipts for tho day, 22.000.
Including about 1, Toxaus; shipments, OUO;
market dull and steady; good to prime ox
port, J0.0Oa0.10; good to choice strors, (l.'Jbg
4.05; fair to good, $adu3i.&0; cliolco to light
stocrs, 91.invftl.85; common to fair, ia3J.T5;
feeders, $2 tXVi W; Blockers, (3 0OS3.75; cows,
91.004t3.S5; bulls, 81.fiUa3.50; Tcxans, S2.S033.2J;
beit Htoers, 92,7a an iu.
Hogs Estimated receipts for tbo day,
14,U0U; shipinuntb, 5,000; heavy. 5o higher; light
weak; prime heavy, (5.3.35.fJ5; butchers'
weights, $5 3535.55; packers, ;5.15ft5.30; light,
95.25&5.5Q; rough und common, $1.7535.10.,
Hheep Estimated receipts (or tho day
1,5U0; shipmonts, 20ty stoady; uutlve lambs,
926033.00; westerns, (2.8033.50; lambs, &2W3
St. Louis Grain,
Br. I.ouis, Nor. 18.
Wheat Lowor; cash, Kv November, filjc;
December, MJ6 &ttc; January, c; May,
(fftic. Corn lonur; rash. Sic, November,
81'4c; December, U2c; year, U2)4c. January,
B2tc; May, a-Jto. Oats Lower; rash, 20Hc;
options lower; Novemlier, 20),c: December,
Kc; .May iWc. Pork-Iowor; Job lots, (15.50,
lard-Nomiually tower; (8.12$ WhUky
Steady at (1.15.
Mew York Grain and Froduco,
NKW Yoiik, Nov. 18.
Wheat-Moy, 72c;Docembor, 054c.llye-Dull;
western, 65357o for boat loads. Corn Janua
ry, 44U Muy, 4i;bc; Decombor, 4Cfto. Oats-
Track stato white, 05c; do western, 85c; Do
comber, 35c. Pork Dull; now mess, (17.003,
18.60; family, (ll).0(V310.tiO; short cloar, 910.00
(320.00. Lard Dull; prime western suuiu,
(0,15 nominal.
Toledo, Nov. 18.
Wheat No. S cash and Novembor, ttu4e; De
cember, 6OJ40; May. OIKc. Coin No. 2 cash,
BSIHcOuts-Caah. 20K;c. Hvo-Casb. i'JVic
uioverstea-i'rimecasu and Jioveiauw, ifceoi uiiiofin yon buv vour woildinrr Rl) t i.f
December, (8,70; January, (c,T. Wiener, He makes a specialty of them,
If you hnvo made up your mind to boy
Hood's Sarssparilla, do not be porsuaded
to tnko nny other. Ilo sore to got Hood's
Sarsapnrilla, which possosscs peculiar
curative power.
Hood's Pills euro nil liver 111?, biliousness,
jnundico, indigestion, sick hoadaohe.
Lily Itcu'dliig Kooms.
Tho following porsoiiB tako charge ot
tho rooms on tho evenings namod: K.
M. Martin, Jr., Mon., Supt. O. M. Caster,
Tuo IUndolph McNitt, Wed , E.J. Over
ing, Jr. Tiiurs., L. II. Fort, Fri., und II.
C. Probusco, Sat.
Tho Boo and St. Joseph Iforuld
aro Bent to us free and Bsverul other
dailies aro promised by dilToront persons
after they road thorn. All tho city and
country papers nro on fllo togothor with
qulto a number of pupors, religious and
otherwise, ot nutionul scope Wo wish
tooxtond this list indefinitely ubuIbo our
liflt of magazines which at present in
cludes tho "Uoviow of Roviows," "New
England Magizino," "Cosmopolitan,"
and "Contury." Wo huvo over thirty
books and this is tho part ot tho equip
ment that wo wish to seo growing rapid-
Wo aro getting up a spcc'ul fund fo. a
carpot, und beforo this goes to press wo
hopo it will all bu mined, Up to Tuesday
evonidg, 811.50 hud boon socurod entiroly
outside of tho regulnr subscriptions.! 0 '
way tho idea, started was as follows.
Sunday 1 M. tho rooms wcro open and , '
nn engineer who was stopping over Sun
day stopped in n fow minutes. Wlion ho
roeo to leave, without nny solicitation,
without a word being said to hira ubout
giving, ho took a silvor dollar from ha
pocket nnd laid it upon tho table saying
ho would help us out that much. This
is moro treasures iu hoavenif it wasdono
from tho right motivo as it certainly ap
peared to bo. "It is moro blessed to gi 0
tbun to received."
I Owe It
To suffering humanity to teM tho gront
benoflt my wifo has reoieved from Parki'
Hnro Cure, the truly great Liver and Kid
noy Cure, Sho hns been constitutionally
wrecked for several yearn. Tried every
thiug fruitlessly. After much persuasion
from my drnggest bnoked br his guaran
tee I bought a bottle of Parks' Burn Cure
nnd tho results nro more than wonderful,
W- P. Ilayi's, 'J404 Junes St., Omalm, Neb
Sold by O. L. CottidB. '
A WciltlliiK in lllirii Society,
ur, uny otlicr nocioty, is not a buccci
., V-il
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