The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1893, Image 5

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    lllHPiilSIP '" WwBIj
' yfcwrigj
mmjr ' ' ""
. 4-
ft j&
& We make
To clean out nil utideiirnblo t-tock twice n year with a Uiggcr Full 8tocl
tluui ever bought nt tin lout prljis ever known. Wo nro prepared 2
iuh"'""'itvv' iimtuir
ever before.
nought of uh tiro guaranteed Id give patipfnetory service. Von can
look a lone while befoic Uniting a better place to spend your monev
for FOOTWEAR than with us.
Blakeslee & Kaley.
71 mi miimmmmmi ... m
murr mkxtiox.
E B, Smith has painted his house.
Will Mcntgon lenves today for Bluo
J. II. Smith is on tho eick list this
John McCnllum of Illadcn was in tho
city Saturday.
A. II. Kuloy nml Grant Usher wore in
Doweeso this week.
I. 8. Bonl renewed his subscription to
this paper this week.
Miss Uodino guvo a pleasant pnrty at
C. W. Kaloy's Tuesday evening.
Sam Dyer's father and mother of Mis
sourl aro vieitmg him thiB week.
A iiloasant whist nartv was lmvoii at
rcu wuKeslco s Thursiluy night.
Dr. A. C. McQucstion and Dr. Uatt
went to Clyde, Kansas, Thursday.
Miss lono Albright was prevented
from attending school last week by sick
ness. C. B. Crono and wife wero visiting tho
family of Rev. Randall at Fnirlleld this
The board of county supervisors will
mcot at tho court houso in oxtru session
on the 20th inst.
Mrs. D. h. Frame is conducting her
restnurant in good order, and is getting
an excellent trade
Sam Miller, Horb Stone, Dell Abel and
(leo. Morhart were in Guido Bock Sun
duy to sco tho sights.
Several persons enjoyed n splendid
oyster BUpper at Mr. Uurney's north of
town last Thursday night.
W. E. Hull has moved his sowing ma
chine oftlco to tho room second door
south of The Chikk olllco.
A cross-wulk nt tho kindergarten has
been built recently, which adds much to
tho nppearanco of that locality.
Wright Thornburg is going to move n
houso north of the Methodist pursonugo
and his mother will come hero and live.
Married, by Judgo DulTy, on Tuesday,
tho 'Jlst, Chas. S. Meyers of Lebanon,
Kan., und Miss Loom Truman of Bed
Alt- nrwl Afro ntnlr flmv fTTa ani nrlnmX .A.f7. WIW. V.. ..V VII.. w. .
ing his mother and stepfather from
Boscmont. and Miss Del Vena LeBault
and little brother Willio of Campbell!
this week.
Win. McCallum living soven miles
south of Bludon was boverely hurt by a
barb wire cut on tho hand, and is now
at tho Gardner houso under treatment of
Dr. Daiucrell.
Miss Clara McMillian our popular post
mistress has decided on a snort rest und
vacation, and in company with her sis-
Ur Mablo will visit in tho eastern part
of tho state a fow days.
Geo. Lindsey has returned from Sheri
dan, Wyoming, whore ho has been to
look after somo business interests and
taku a hunt. Ho reports tho snow tliero
very deep when ho left.
J. A. Hosmer, traveling salesman for
E. Bemcnt and Sons, of Michigan, a
brother of tho editor hereof, was visiting
in Bed Cloud this week. He returned
to his homo in Des Moins on Thursday.
Thero wub a birthduy party nt Mr.
Bite's tho other night in honor of the
(Wth birthday of Mr. Biro. A pleasant
timo was had, and This Ciiikp, with
many frionds, wishcu him many moio
happy years of life. '
Tho ladies aid society's supper at tho
rcsidenco of Mrs. Garber tho other night
wub woll uttended, and in every way a
success. Tho supper was most excellent
and reflected much credit upon the so
ciety which prepared it.
Clark StevonB, living ninoinileBsouth
west of Bed Cloud, in Kansas, rinsed
150 bufchels of early Ohio potatoes, which
wero tho tlnest wo havo over 6oen in tho
west. Tlioy wero clour seed and a very
lino lot. Ho seoms to bo a ycry enter
prising fanner.
Prompt action prevented what might
have resulted seriously tho othor night
with W. W. Wright. A lighted lamp
ho wub using commenced to ''act funny
and mnimgeU to sol tiro to somo com
bustiblo matter lying on tho floor. Ho
fired tho lump into tho street und extin
guished tho tiro in tho store.
K. P. Bolton, tho now proprietor of
tho B. & M. eating houso, has at hist ar
ranged tho interior or tho building to
his taste, and tho entire building shows
n decided improvement. Mr. Bolton
has spent much pains and money in
making it comfortablo, and he will un
doubtedly reap tho reward of a lucrative
patronage, which, uy mo way, is usny
on the incrca60.
Bobt. Potter lias undergone examina
tion in law, und has been admitted to
tho bar. "Put," as ho is familiarly
known, posbcbbcb, in u largo degree, tho
talent and natural ability required to
make a good lawyer, and is an indefati
gublo and fearless worker in anything ho
HttemptB to accomplish. His gonial na
ture, quick perception, and originality,
will wo prophesy, somo day place him
prominently in his profession, at any
rato wo bespeak for him a very prosper
ous future.
Hurry E. Pond has sturted in tho
livery busincBB with a vim, and has al
ready proved himself to bo un uccoiniuo
dntingand reliable livery-man. Since
ho bought tho business of F. M. Beed,
lm hun nut a threat amount of money in
tho repairs and much needod additions
nrouud his barn. Ho recently built u
neat hurness room, and niado geuoral
repairs, besides investing in many tools
und essontinl trinkets. Jlo is spending
much uionoy for his business thero and
1h determined to inuko it tho best bam
in tbo city, in which oll'ort, owing to his
extensive und populur acquaintance, he
will no doubt to successful.
it u Point 31
tuiimj more lor iiieir money than
For fresh fruit eo McNitt.
School supplies Doyo & Grice.
All kinds of hardware nt Wright's.
Go to Taylor's for Christmaa presents.
A. Morhart lias tho cheapest lamps in
Bed Cloud is enjoying a good, Btcady
Go to Cnlmes for bread, pies, cakes, ico
cream, rtc.
Buy your stoves of A. Morhart and
suvo money.
Tho famous Gom cooks and ranges at
Heath it Millii?nn'fl unlnt for sain bv
Doyo & Grico.
Tho finest lino of Stoves in tho vulloy
ut A. Morhurt's.
McNitt will toko eggs in exchange for
flour, feed and oil.
A. Mohart has the finest lino of lamps
that wo havo seen.
Frank Beed was doing business in
Lebanon this week.
F. V. Taylor, tho furnituro man, for
Christmns presents.
Mrs E. Brewer has been visiting her
mother, Mrs. Lightfoot.
Mrs. B. Kdleman or Lincoln, formerly
of this place, is in the city.
Wo nro paying 27c. for corn obs.
ybu. Chicago Clothing Co.
When you want a good cooking or
heating stove see W. W. Wright.
A exit load of rock salt for sulo ut L
P Albright's Hour and feed storo.
Ansil Scoles, who has been in Xnponeo
for somo time, is in tho city again.
F. P. Hudloy, Bed Cloud, Nebraska,
does bill posting ut reasonable rates.
A. Morhart tho hnrdwnro man can sell
you more goods for less money thun uny
Bnv. Hull preached nt Amboy last
Sunday, und several of our pcoplo wero
Undorvvcur for everybody. Tho great
est vnrioty within reach of all. Chue
Morhart believes in live and let
prices, Iiuy your Btoves of him and
buvo money.
Cotting bus un elegant lino of lamps
from u 25c, hand lamp to a fine banquet
or piano lump.
Tho Painless Dentists uro doing lots of
business, two operutora now Dra. Chum
borlain and Butt.
The Painless Dontal Purlors, opora
house block they havo had to increasthe
operating force.
Wright's is the place to got your hoat
ing or cooking Btoves. Don't fail to see
them for bargains.
If you want a good lamp cheap, see
Deyo & Grice. Thoy havo u now and
complete assortment,
At tho Painless Dcntnl ofllces opora
houso bhek Bed Cloud, you cun got nil
kinds of dental work.
Why is C. L. Cotting's trade liko nn
ant-hill? For tho nnswor look at the top
of tho display advertisement.
Tho Harvard Painless Dentist Parlors
aro Ettlll doing business nt the old stand,
opera houso block Bed Cloud.
Wo meet all competition on hardware,
etc., and boII you bottor goods Wright
the hardwaro man, Bed Cloud.
Mr. Frank Buckle, living near Xegun
da, was in tho city this week taking ex
amination for n teaeher'B certificate.
Wanted: Tho pcoplo of Bod Cloud
and vicinity to remember that tho Hur
vard Piiinloss Dontal Parlors nro hero t
Call and Bee J. II. Wegmonn.the now
pcopriotor of tho' Chicago Photograph
gallery. Ho is making photos 13 for
Subscribo for your newspapers, maga
zines, etc., through Doyo fc Grico.
They will savo you postago and remit
If vou wun't anything in tho photo
graph lino, call on Wegmann nt tho
Chicago Photograph gallery. Ho guar
antees satisfaction.
If so, buy your wedding Biiit of tho
Golden Eagle und draw tho Now Homo
sowing machine or tho clock. It will bo
u good sturter for you.
You will still find tho peoples favorito
dentist Dr. F. W. Chamberlain, assisted
by Dr. J. W. Butt at tho Painless Don
tal Parlors, Bed Cloud.
Go and sos Wright's. They have tho
llno&t lino of heating etoves that havo
ovor been brought to Bed Cloud boforo
Sco them beforo buyiug,
Bomember thut W. W. Wright, tho
hnrdwnro man, meets all competition
and sells goods cheapor than others
when jou tnkotho quality, into consid
eration. Next Saturday will bo doll day ut Cot
tings you will find somo spooiul bargains
for ttiat ttuy only, no wants every
child in Bod Cloud and vicinity to como
and bco thorn.
Wo nro informed of tho donth of Fred
erich Stnbonow, son nt Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Stnbonow of Bluo Hill. Little
Frodorich wan but two years und four
months old, 'J lie funeral serviced will
occur today ut tho Gormnn Luthornn
Tho now iron bridge ut Guido Bock is
neuring completion, and when dono, will
prove one of tho most substantial struc
tures of the kind in the country. Tho
workmen nro now laying tho floor, nnd
it will probably bo utilized in a fow
days. Its piers, instead of stone, are of
concrete It will bo n valunblo acquisi
tion to the thriving littlo town of Guido
osji.B v.sns.
Jap. Gilliam wan in Lincoln this week.
)r. Ilnyt of C'owlos una in towuTucH
day. Wright Thornbuig was in Lincoln this
Chas. Garber was in tho city this
Bov. Cieo. Veiser wna in Hustings this
O. C, Bell has returned from Creaton,
Theo. Ponsor returned WVdnemlnv
Bernard McXeny was in Kalamazoo
this week.
Fnrmciflnre praising their fall wheat
Mies Clara Rosa was visiting in River
(on this wee!:.
Miss Jeanetto Dilley of Haotinga was
in tho city this week.
Miss Viern of Guide Bock waa visiting
melius iicre nisi weoic.
Soward Garber and Mayor Wiener
wero in Denver tliis week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Blnir nro in Con
cordia, Kan., visiting their son.
Miss Lnurn McBrido was in Guide
Bock visiting tho schools this weok.
J. S. White of Bluo Bill, tho now
county treasurer, wub down this week.
Jub. ScoIob, wife ami littlo son, of
Walnut creek, wero in town Saturday.
G. A. Springer, an enterprising citizen
of Bladen, was on our streets Satutdny.
A.U.Davis and Geo. Bibbey of Inn
vulo wero in tho city ono day this weok.
Miss Delia. Leuvitt started to her fu
ture home in Oregon lastTueBday night.
A substantial nnd much needod plat
form Iiub bscn built in front of the do
pot. C. M. Culmes handles with his confec
tionery, a choico line of grocerioB and
Nightwatch Miller line been confined
to hia room for somo days, tho rcault of
a sovero cold.
Miss Myrtle nnd Gcrtio Kaley enter
tained special frionds ut their homo lust
Friday night.
James HartBon nnd family of Kiverton
wero tho guesta of Joo Dandurand and
family Friday.
Tho night-cap sociul given at tho
Wagoner school-houeo tho othor night
waa n grand bucccbb.
Lester Koontz, n former resident of
this place, is shaking hands with old ac
quaintances hero again.
Herb Harbor, fermorly of this place,
who has been gono for some time, re
turned Tuesday evening.
Miss Nellio McBrido left Tuesday for
a fow weeks' visit with relatives in Casey
and other points in Iowa.
Emery Allen lost u lino nuilo tho other
night, und it is strange enough to say
the mulo was kicked to death.
Judgo Portor Jr. has jimt secured, in
six montlm, n pension for Mrs. Sarah S.
Chapin, widow of Jas. B. Chapin.
Clarcnco Frame, who has been work
in tho vicinity of Bladen, has returned
homo, intending to attend high school
Morris Stern, M. S. Marsh and Hurry
Miller wero up to Hastings to hear Clara
Morris Tuesday night. Thoy report an
excellent ontcrtainmont.
Ono of Tiik Cmnr's forcoinndvertant
ly lost a mileago book this week, und
tliunks to nn honest man, it wub found
nnd promptly returned by Win. Short.
Ben Ludlow went to HaBtings Tuesday
night to hear Clara Morris, and from
thero he will go to Omaha nnd spend
Thanksgiving with his wife, who is visit
ing hor purenta there.
Tin. theatrical company which waa to
appear nt tho opcru Iioubo Friday night
could not nrrnngo for the opora Iioufb
satisfactorily with tho manager, and
henco refused to show.
Tho "kids'' in this town hnvo taken
another mania for hoop rolling. Thoy
keep ' 'hooping" it up nnd down street
from early till Into, nnd it bsciub to fur
nish thorn sulllciont amusement.
Chns. Petrol, n prosperous vounc
fanner of Upland, und Mite Sadie
Kcevin, nn accomplished young lady of
that place, wore married nt tho Congre
gational pursonago, by Bov. E. L. Ely, in
this city Wednesday.
Miss Gborey, Miss Nolho West nnd
Prof. Castsr attended tho South-west
Nebrasku Educational Association lust
weok nt Orleans, and report a very in
structive und interesting meeting.
A young man in tho Junior Loaguo nt
ono of our churches Inst Sunday, arose
boforo tho congregation to quota tho
possago of scripture whoroin it euye
"Tho Lord is m shephurd; Ho maketh
mo to lio down in greon pastures, etc "
Hut ho slightly misquoted tho good book
by saying, "Tho Lord makes mo lay
down in tho green graBB." It is needless
to Bay thut tho uudionco was convulsed.
Tho Ladies Aid Socioty ot tho M. E
church has olocted the following officers,
President Mrs. E. J. Duckor,
First Vice-Mrs. F. V. Taylor.
2d " Mrs. F. S. Shorwood.
8d " Mrs. E. Bife.
Secretary Mra. E. E. Strohm.
Tronsuror Mrs. E. II. Albright.
During the last yoar tho. society has
raised euiH.ou oy socials, etc.
Mr. Ernest C. Bolton nnd sistor, Miss
Dolln, invited a fow friends to their
plneo for a fow hours socinl intercourse
Saturday night, and those who hud tho
pleasuro ot being in attendance, enjoyed
themselves imnionsoly. Tho occasion
was mado pleasant by tho excellent ren
dition ot choico musical selections, and
u majority or tho young pcoplo present
morrily tripped tho light fantastic to
their hearts content. Tho kind und
scrupulous hospitality shown tho guests
on this ovent havo mndo tho Bolton fam
ily many warm frionds, and proved them
to bo most royal entertaiuors.
Tin; Ciiiki' has no desire to quarrel
with tho Signal, but its reflection on
County Clerk Banney. la certainly as un
just ub it is untrue. Mr. Garber's peti
tion read "Indopondent ot all political
jobs." Tho law only ullowa four words
to bo upcd, henco "Independent by pe
tition'1 was sulilcont nnd in keoping with
tho tenor of It, nnd did not, or ut
least should not havo mifilod nnyono who
cared to vote intelligently, besides if the
tlckot was not what wub wanted thoro
waa plenty of tltno to corroct it, if com
plaint bait been mudo properly, boforo
election took plnco, Tho election is ovor
and thoro is no uso of harping over tho
roault und wo should not do so, only
thut the accusation was so manifestly
unjust to Mr, Rnnney,
Wilt. 'IYmxys Pautv. On last Frl
day. William W. Tulleys issued several
i'iinl In noiiif of It h most intimate
fri rili, inviting them to nttrnd ipd
ciable iriven nt his fathcr'H house Satur
day i.i;ht. Tho nature of the cent
was not disclosed, however, and not un
til seven coutilo ot hoys und girls assem
bled ut the lulloy residence on Saturday
night ild they discover the fact that it
was Will's 22d birthday. This wim ex
actly as Will had desired it should be,
and the guests wero most royally enter
tained. Tho evening was spent most
pleasiiiitlv by all in games, social enjoy
ment, and an abundance of choico music.
At an opportune- time, the giie-ds sur
lounded tho table ladened with tho
things to eat, and all present doclaro the
supper most elegant. John Dickeruon,
at a lato hour, thanked tho host in bo
half of the company most heartily for
tho courtesies shown them, to which
Will responded In a pleas
ing and highly satisfactory iiiaiiner.
After all had enjoyed tho evening's en
terlainnient to their uutlsfuction, the
happy company dispersed, profuse in
tlieir UiiitiK ror tho courtesies shown
them, and heartily wishing Mr.Tulleys
many returua of tho event.
Api'Iikciatiu). The following letter
waa received tho other day bv us from
an esteemed friend which will explain
Ok-.viti'in:, O.T., Nov. III. 18!M.
Eimon Ciiiki' Dear Sir: Enclosed
please find 61, which amount pleaso
credit on my subscription to your val
unblo paper. Wo cannot possibly do
without the old Cinnr. It would be
liko trying to keep house without bread.
Hurrah for tho republicans 1 They uro
in it this fall, ain't thoy ? even if every
thing did go democratic last fall, oven to
tho banks. I wish vou could see our
last week's Ciiiki. Tliero 1b scarcely a
rag of it left. Tho people hero weio so
onthiisiastio over tho mock prayer that
I read it and re-read it until I nearly
vvoro tho paper out. Ono man took your
addresa und said ho must havo a copy of
your pupor. us ho never saw a prayer
moro suitable to tho democrats than
that was. Ho eaid ho had always voted
the democratic ticket, but never would
again. If you havo some extras of that
issuu pleaso forward somo to mo at your
earliest convenience.
Yours respectfully,
Mits. M. C. Ht'MMi.i.i..
Mistaken Ipiiniitv. Two punctilious
young gontlonien of our city who, liko
all fastidious youths of tho male gender,
aro the proud possessors of "solid" girls,
attended diviun service at ono of tho
churclios tho othor night, und uftor the
ceremonies, proceeded dilatorily edging
their way through tho uudionco to tho
exit where- they would join their fair
company, and enjoy a fow blocks' walk
in the illumination of tho ollvcry moon
with tho possibility ot a longer vliit on
arriving at their respective homes. Great
was their porplexity, however, to tlnd
their company gono, and after hastily
scrutinizing tho remaining feminine fac
tion to assure themselves of tlieir girl'a
absence, they imido egress rnpidly, nnd
both hastened down tho street in tho
direction tho young ladies weresupposed
to go. Thoy Anally discerned in tho
caliganous distance two forms attired in
female costume, und with tho distortivo
ideas and perverted imaginations pre
valent upon such occasions, decided tho
exigency demanded vigilance, nnd catch
ing up, began to tnlk and familiarly pro
ceeded to "hook on." It required only
u slight rebuko to convince tho boys
that they had found tho wrong "people,"
and then apologies were profuse indeed.
Ono stammered, "cxcupo mo," and tho
other managed to audibly articulate
with a tremulous voice "beg pardon, wo
thought it was tho MIbbcb .
They wero excused, uud each ono sor
rowfully wended his way homeward, so
liloqmzing upon tho uncertainty of the
"durn" girls.
Co.Noiii:ss.iAN MoKkkhian'h Bii.i, A
great amount of conflab has been had
ovor u hotel bill which is alleged to havo
been contracted in Lincoln by Congress
man MoKcighun during his senatorial
tight thoro hiBt winter. Last Monday
night tho tolcphono ut tho Holland houre
vvns called repoatcdly, asking tho cause
of McKclghan'a nrrest. No ono under
stood the naturoof ntTairs, nnd oven af
ter tho matter had been explained, many
wero incredulous. Tin: Ciiiki, wliilo
politically untngonistio to Congressman
Mcttoighan, believes in justice to all, und
especially to one of our townsmen.
Henco wo will ndliero to well authenti
cated facts. On Tuesday, Duputy Shor
ilT Trimble ot Lincoln camo ovor und
found McKcighnn ut his farm north of
town. Ho explained to McKeighan that
ho had boon sent by HoovorA Son of tho
Lindell hotel to bring him to Lincoln to
nnswor tho chnrgo ft "jumping" a board
bill. McKeighan vvns slightly surprised,
but readily complied, and asked Officer
Trimble it ho should bo taken into cus
tody. Mr. Trimblo replied in tho nega
tive, nnd tho two, with Attorney Gilliam,
boarded tho train for Lincoln. Mi. Mc
Keighan wus entirely unprepared for
uny trial, but immediately went boforo
Judgo Lansing, who is a bitter opponent
of McKoighuii, and attempted to settlo
tho matter by law. It was thon tho
plaintiirs appeared nnd uskod for a
chnnco to dismiss tho cast, to which Mc
Keighan nnd his uttornoy would not
consent. Tho plniiitifiH finally filed ulll
davit for a cotinuunce of the trial, und
Judgo Lansing rolloved McKeighan on
his word. The trial is to come up tho
28th inst. Congressman McKoighun
wus nt the Lindell hotel just 17 days last
wintor und paid tho proprietor 8100, for
which ho has n receipt in his desk ut
Wushington, D. O. Tho ufiuir cauBod
quito it ripple of oxciloment in Lincoln
nnd ued uiouu, '
Mr. Frnnk Bodwell, littlo duughtor
Puru, and littlo son Frnnkio have Loon
in town this weok nt the Holland house,
where Littlo Sura has ropeatedly enter
tained our peoplo with dancing, Hing
ing, und recitations. Sho is only 12
years old, yot sho is as intelligent uud
graceful as many girls twico her aue.
Sho is a pleasant littlo girl, und a di ncc
ing prodigy.
Cloyd Cum iningo lost a valuublo dog
thin week, which wus evidently poisoned
by somo malicious person. Tho dog wus
well known us "Lil," uud was an utmost
iudosponsublo domestic nt their house.
It Cloyd could tlnd tho remon that did
tho poironiug it would certaluly go hard
with them, an lio hud repeatedly refusod
$100. for tho dog.
SI 0.00 Ytouimt
Tor the mail who etolo a bottle of Hiillr'a
llarb Wiro Liniujjnt frcrn mr barn last
Friday, I can't got along without it, Fur
iideby Dejot Grice.
This Week
Wc have received our second shipment of
Men and Boys' Suits and Overcoats.
Wo will undersoil till dealers in theso goodB From Now Until
January 1st, bocaupo this bill of clothing was bought at a
great discount from all othor purchases. We Realize that
our prices aro suiting tho public, by ortr increasing trade.
AVo have bought very liburnjly, taking advantage of the
close money market. AVo Havo been ablo to buy extremely
low, and by closing out largo quantities, secured uuhenrd
of prices.
We feel no embarassment in talking about
Overcoats 1
We believe we have the best styles in town
and at lower prices,
We are more than pleased with our sales of Coats so far this
svason. Trade shows that the people are with us
when prices are correct.
We are selling large bills
Kvery day that o into other towns. They say they are mak
nig money by coming here to do business with us.
We want to show every buyer
Our stock because good goods at lower prices than our coni
petitors catches close, careful, cash buyers.
The Chicago Clothing Store.
a was mom:.
John Tomlinttou wub in Lincoln thlu
Uuy trunks nnd vuHhch ot tho Chicago
Clothing Co.
I). M. Piatt him built it mco addition
to his now elevator,
Charley Patterson a hnlMirothorot J.
V. Mclntyro, m vimtlng in tho city.
' The family of John Chnppin living
near Cowled, loat nn infant child thia
J. A. Uauni'a baby aa rocovored from
the nieiifiolH, but ia affected with u gath
ering in the head.
Thero ia a nice sidewalk built south ot
tho court-house. David Keelor and Joe
Curr wero tho artiste.
"Oraugo HloBBOin" is nnfo and harmless
as a Flnx Seed Poult'ce. Auy Indy can
uso it horaelf. Sold by 0. L. Cotting.
J. W. Corbett, J. M. McCartney It. II.
Mclntyro renewed their subscriptions to
tho Croat family Weekly this week.
W. W. Hector und family of Soven
Milo Ford, Virginia; uro visiting his
brother-in-law, John Iieuuchnmp south
of the river.
You nro showing n decided luck ot
judgment in buying your men nnd
boys' clothing outsido ot the Chicugo
Clothing Co.
Stewart Albright n former resident of
this pluco is in tho city this week, und
contomplutes locating hero and going
in business soon.
Now subHcrlbers oinco our last Ibsuo:
M. M. Miller, John Uoauchamn, Thos.
Muther, J. M. Tublor, K. L. Iluruproy
und W. M. Million.
0. W. Iloldrodgo, general maniigor of
tho IJ. und M., nnd C. E. Perkins, prcBJ.
dtnt of tho Uurlington system, uro hero
with other parties in special cars for u
few days hunt in this locality.
In our reforonco last week to the elec
tion ot lion. O. W. Knloy us one of the
regents to tho Stnto University, wo said
ho had a majority of 'i0, which was
corroct, it we Iiho stated that this was
tor Webstor county only. Ills majority
in tho stato was Komotliing liko l,r000.
A Cry For Pure Pood.
Alum and Ammonia Baking Powders Jlust Retire.
Honest Legislation to Protect the Consumer
Against Hurtful and Impure
The Price Baking Powder Co. ,f
intends keeping up the agitation against the use of Alum and
Ammonia in Baking Powders,
Labeling Ammonia and Alum powders "Absolutely Pure"
no longer deceives the people,
Neither will the use of purchased certificates by so.called
Government chemists avail.
There is no such official as Government chemist.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
is a pure cream of tartar powder. Its purity has ntver been
Dun Conover ii in the city.
W. Ii. Cramer was in town Saturday,
T. E. Culrert was in Red Cloud, Thun
day. Dwight Jones of Guide Rock is in
tho city.
Iiuy your overcoats of tho ChicMO
Clothing Co.
Wo retail corn nt 25o. per buehol. Red
Cloud Produco Co.
Tho best line salt nt 81.35 per barrel
Hod Cloud Produco Co.
Iiuy your boys and children'! suit of
tho Chicago Clothing Co.
J. 11. Wright has purchased the second
hand storo ot Geo. Mntkin.
Wo have some very mco old oats for
sale. Itod Cloud Produce Co.
CubIi paid for all kinds of poultry and
game, nt tho ltod Cloud produco Co.
C.W. Kaley and wifo attended the
ratillcation at Lincoln, Monday night.
Hran, shorts, corn and oat chop, com
chop nnd llax seed at tho Rod Cloud Pro
duce Co.
Mrs. A. D. Ranney of Bluo Hill, it via.
ititiff tho family of Ii. D. Ranney in this
city tills weok,
A young man of Red Cloud waa alleged
to have forgod his sistor'a name to
Postal not in tbo sum of 81Q,
Rov. E. L. Ely is to preach at McCook
noxt Sunday. Thero will be no preach
ing at tho Congregational church.
A brothor of Mra. P. W. Shea, who
was recently married and about to visit
hero, was dotainod at hia home in St
Jonoph, Missouri, by the sudden doathof
u brothor.
Undo Jerry Rusk, the well known
stutesraun who has been governor of Wis
cousin several times and secretary ot
agriculture died at hia homo in Wiaoon
sin this week.
Tho bourd of education have elected
Miss At water of FuirHold principal of
tho high school vice Miss Corby resigned.
Miss Gorby wus elected on the 7th aa
superintendent ot public instruction of
Nuckolls county, a very deserved honor
to that lady's ability as an educator.
Food is Cominr. 'i
m i
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