kT rrm' p fit-Pi V f THE RfeD CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 24, 1893. 3jT K 4. - I J A t . ' Written for Tub CiitEr. What'a lit n Xmncf UY MLI. WIM.OC'lllIlY. UIAI'TKR XVI. Next morning I received a lcttci from homo, saying that all tho indict moot against the duellers and tlicit accessories had been by ordor of the court, nollo prosscd, and that the late victim of the Hon. Mr. Stewart had recovered of his injury. Tho letter further stated that, all this was brought about on account of tho high standing of all tho parties, but more especially through sjmpatby for tho mothers and wives and daugh ters of those engaged in theso viola tions of tho law; and that asido from this stato of general sympathy, there was such a strong spmpathy for Miss Stewart as to have brought about this happy termination or these unpleasant affairs. I left tho office of tho Old Dominion and hunted up Dick, and laid tho mat tcr before him, after which wo called on Mr. Stewart and apprised him of tho contents of the letter. Ho and Mary had just breakfasted, and Mary, dressed in a neat morning gown of gray, trimmed with whito fur, was standing near the window talking in a low musical voico to Dick's mock ing bird, and feeding him out of her hand, whon we entered their cheerful room. Sho camo forward, not without a coyness 1 had never beforo observed, yet with a smilo of welcome, and re lioved us of our furs. After wo wcro all seated, I mado known our errand, and was not slow in detcoting a look of disappointment rather than that of pleasure como over the countcnanco of tho girl, as she stood by her father's chair with one hand resting upon its back, whilo the other was placed tenderly upon Lib shoulder. Wo soon learned that tho girl's seeming disappointment was owing to her father's poor health, and the daughter's fear that in his hasto to roturn home, he should suffer a re lapse. Bnt it was soon arranged among us that no hasto should accompany our preparations for our return, but that wo should pass tho timo as pleasantly as possible until 6uch timo as tho sick man might bo able for the journey. Mr. Stewart, opparontly, gavo tho ir -bought of our cagerncsn to return to Vur homes but little weight. But Mary urged us to go in order to re lieve our parents from tho anxiety that had so long been oppressing them. And still I could sco that tho dear girl was making a great saorifico of her personal feelings in thus urging us to go. But Dick, the ever gallant Dick, put matters at rest by declaring that our mothers would bo heartily ashamed of us wcro wo to return beforo Mr. Stewart was ablo to return to nis home also. Now, if.thcrc is one thing above another for which I praiso tho name and fellowship of dear Dick, it is that ono kind aot of his life For, to carry out tho plan to return to tho soutb together, tho dear boy was sacrificing his own personal hopes and plant-, and delayimg the long hoped for hew when he would be free to visit the idol of his heart Naomi. So the days and weeks went slipping by until the cold winds and frosts and sleet and snow, incident to a long win ter in the Oanadas, began to subside. Ono bright morning while wo wero on a cull at the Stewart there appeared a robin rod-broat sitting on tho window-sill just outsido tho window noar which hung the cago in which perohed Dick's mocking b'rd, who, catching tho sound of tho robin, broko forth into an extacy of imitative song and s we kucw that spring had como. The sick man, although much im ' ;ovcd. was tho mere shadow of his iormcr self, and did not look as though ho would Boon bo able for tho journey. In about a week after tho advent of tho robin, wo wrapped Mr. Stewart up in furs and robes and carried him down and gavo him a drivo about the city. From that day his improvement went steadily on, until by tho end of April at which timo wo had hoped to leave for home ho had mado such rapid improvements as to bo ablo to go, in company with his daughter, about tho city, visiting Parliament, tho theater:), churohes, schools and other places of interest. During ull tho montliB I had been busy looking 'iter the interests of my employes: had visited difforent of tho province, and picked up quite a stock of information as to tho customs, poli tics ami resources of the Oanadas. 1 hid, too, become greatly attached to tho proprietors, and employes in and about tho great house, of tho Old Dominion and folt sad to think that tho day was near at hand when our pleasant rotations must cease, Then, too, there were the Gibsous for whom I had a strong sooial attach ment, And, too, there woro tho judge and a host of acquaintances for whom 1 had a spcoial warm feeling, among whom was Untie Pete's brother, all of whom I must say "good bye" to, per hap?, forever. But as timo waits for no ono, and the day being very near for our de parture, wo began to arrange our af fairs generally for that very important occasion. Dick and I talked matters over and determined that we would go by way of Sidney, and stop thcro for a timo in order to enjoy tho friondly greet ing that wo felt euro awaited our prcsanco. Then, too, I io muoh desired that Naomi and Mary should meet, that 1 was the more resolute in my intentions. Mr. and Miss Stewart wero pleased with our program, andjso on the morn ing of May 5, 18 , we left tho city of Ottawa for our old Kentucky home via tho litllo Ohio town among tho bluffs, wherd lived the Bloomers, our best of friends, whero wo arrived in duo course of time, and wcro escorted to the hotel by tho same old gentle men ef color, who, months beforo had so lavishly prepared a breakfast for Dick on tho morning of his arrival from Sandusky. The faithful old fellow was now in his feather owing, as I afterwards learned, to Dick's having telegraphed him whilo enroute, that we would be there on tho 6:30 p. m. train. If I had been astonished at the breakfast proparcd for Dick, what was my ajiazoment on entering tho Bamc dining room to find a spread so elabor ate as simply to defy description. There, too, was tho same black girl with tho tho samo whito apron or enc exactly liko unto tho ono she woro that morning and thero wcro tho samo pictures adorning the walls; tho samo bright carpet, and tho samo dish teeming with smoking quails "don to do queen's taste" as Undo Zaek expressed it. And indeed tho appropriateness of Undo Zaok's remark bcoama themoro apparent to me, when I beheld tho rel ish with whioh our littlo band of travelers were soon partaking; and more especially so when I rested my eyes upon tho queenly form of the young lady, who sat opposito mo, and who was full of vivacious wit and hu mor such ai I had not thought it pos sible for her to indulge Mr. Stewart, too, seemed to enjoy the meal, and the conversation as well. Diok was in a happy vein, and, with an occasional order given Unole Zaok in an undor tone, kept that worthy gentleman on tho fly for more of this and that and the other for our little party, all to the supreme delight ot Unole Zuck, who was showing off to an advantage, but seldom equaled and never surpassed. Unole Zick, of courso had not heard tho story of our nom de plumes under which we tailed when at Sidney before and to our amusement called us as.tie had then doue Mars. Archie and Mars, Joseph. This wo explained to Mr. Stewart and Mary after we had left tho dining teom and retired to the parlor, where we spent tho evening moat enjuyably. During tho evening, and whilo we were listening to Mary's swoet voico as she sang a popular Bong with an ao ceinpanimcnton tho piano, and while I was deeply absorbed, tho door oponed all of a sudden, and who should my ojes behold, but tho llev. Doctor Somorvillo, as ho camo partly into the room, hesitated, and aotod as though alternating between doubt and fear? And was it very remarkable that the dear, good man should bo in a state of doubt and fear, remembering as ho did the choking I gavo him at tho depot in Cincinnati, and the way I had turned him ovor to tho polieo pi a dangerous lunatic? I sprang to my feet and rushod into the Doctor s armp, ana with all my heart asked his forgiveness. I told him Jiow I had to tin ploy the de ceptive exploit in order to kcop out of state's prison, The good loul forgave me without nlmJt .'V.. ..lil. tho least lcscrvr, and went fo far as to rcliito his own experience and the trouble ho had in proving his sanity bifoto the board tho fallowing day. Tho dear, forgiyiug old Dootor went so far as trf chuckle to himself as he narrated his experience in that behalf. After this bit ot pleasantry, and on his becoming conscious of tho prcsenco of Mr, Stewart nnd Mary, and after I had introduced them to the Doctor, ho turned to mo and laid: ''Where is that boy with whom I found jou play ing marbles tho morning of my call at your father's houso, William? I do believe the good man would havo gono to the full extent of my string of Christian names had I not startled him by exclaiming: "Whero has Diok gono to? When. did he leave tho room? But, remembering all at once that Dick had other ties than those of our little party, and that he had no doubt gone to call on Naomi, I felt no alarm at his absence. So the Doctor and Mr. Stewart wcro soon conversing pleasantlj, while Mary and 1, talking in a rather con fidential tone, passed away tho hours until the great old elookon the mantle tolled out the hour of midnight. Tho landlady now showed Mary to her room for tho night, and Uncle Zaek performed a like service for Mr. Stewart. The Doctor and I sat for more than an heur still talking over the every day happenings of life. I gave him a history of tho trials which I had had all on account of the duel, He lis tened intently gazing at tho burning faggots in the great fire place during my recital, and when 1 was done, turned to mo and said: "Now William I must give you a leaf out of tho book of my life. Once I was as young and light hearted as you were the morning I turned away from your lather's gato feeling keenly the effects of your playfelfow's rudo speech, and might Lavo gone through life light hearted and free had it not been that I, when about eighteen years of age, adopted tho doctorincs of tho calvinists and soon became an advocate of tint faith, I, of course, was honest in my convictions, and, feeling young and zealous, soon became rather famous as an expounder of that doctrine. I tried hard to believe that what God had ordained, musttako phco no matter how hard poor mortals fought against tho calamity whatever that might bo. I believed that some were predestined to co to Heaven, whilo others were just as suro of perdition. I used tcr look at littlo children and w under whs among their number were intonded for the kingdom of gbry and who of their number sealed with the Bcal of God's great condemnation. And, will you believe me? I held on to this doctrine up to the moment when you praoticed thodoception up on mo at Cincinnati. But as I was being tried next day as to my sanity, I began to doubt whother or not I was really sane. I said to myself: "Can a man bo sano who holds to such a dog ma as tho ono I hayo been teaching? I sat quietly as though a mere specta tor whilo tho examination proceed ed little eating as to tho result. But, after a short .consultation by tho board I was set at liberty ai bho being sane. But from that day until now I havo had no faith in suoh a blasphemous dootrino, and do bless, the day when you, to save yourself from going be hind prison bare, shut off my respira tion and thereby set mo to thinking. I am now no lougor in tho servioo of the church, but traveling as an independent preacher and evangelist And what ii moro I havo learned to love littlo children, all of them alike, and to enjoy their innoeent sports. At Christmas times I distribute among tho poor children in whatever town or oity I may chanco to bo suoh toys and other things as so muoh delight the hourti of boys aud girls. Why, Dill, only yesterday I joined some little fel lows in a gatno of marbles. But it is growing late, and ou need rest; so good night, Dill, and may God's free graco and love ever abide with you," Tho good man then arose, shojk mo warmly by tho hand, and passed out of tha room. X sat for an another hour gaging at tho djing ombcrs on the hearth, filled with feelings such as I cannot des cribe, Just then Diok camo in all aglow with lovo's sweetest impulse throbbing in his every pulse. Wo soon retired, and as 1 fell asleep I was whispering words of prayer and praiso to Hi in who wills that all men every where may be saved, (To be continued,) jiL ,1 W vP UK lurawl Mrs. 8. A. Morrow Doud's, Iowa. Hives Like All Other Hood Diseases, Are Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " I havo been a sufferer (or several years w 1th hives, and havo tried rrrrrihlnfj cauld hear f , trom f rlendi, or onlerod by physicians, but nothing cured. In fact, I Seemed to bo Getting Worse Finally I read about hlvci being cured b) Hood') BariAtiarlUa, nnd decided to try thin medicine, llcioro halt nboitlowas uono I wM almost cured, bud now, bolug on tho second bof Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures tie, a tatlrclr cured and Uiko groat pleas ure In recommendlnc Hood' Sarraparllln to nil who miter Irom till ilHtrojiliiK uflllelloiL Hood's Karsaparllla liai nho helped mo In many other wayi. It U n good medicine." Mrs. S. a. Moiikow, Doud'n, Iowa. Hood's Pills euro nil I.lvcr Ills, ltlllous nou, Jaundice, IndlgciUou, Kick Headache. OUR EDUCATIONAL. COLUMN'. BY D. M. HUNTEtl, CO. 8UPT. On Tuesday evening of last week an educational meeting was held at tho school houso in Dist. No. 8.1 Thcro was a fair attendance A few questions wcro found in the query-box and discussed. There arc now eighty school d'st ricts in this county. A new ono wan formed a short timo ago cast of Hose moot. Tho number of tho new dist. net is &i. mo omcers ot the new district aro Director, l A. Fnwcctt; Modorator, Win, J. Wright; Treasure! Jos. Wcnzingcr. TEAClIEll'8 MEETlNO. On Saturday December 2, 1893 at 11 o'clock a. m., a teachers' mcclini; will bo held at Inavalc, The pro- gram is as follows: Opening excrsises. 1. Lifo of Frederick tho Great, H.Maudo Orchard. Discussion Emily L. Robinson and Genio Kershncr. MUSIC. 2. Glass Drill in Primary Read ing Lulu C. Harbor. Discussion Maggie Granoy and M. Katie Noble. MUSIO 3. How To Teach Spelling Jas. M. Scoles. Discussion J, 13. Burns' and Edith Davis, MUSIC. 4, What Should tho Publio School de for the Children? N. L. D. Smith. Discussion Sarah L. Fisher and Mamio Noblo. MUSIC. 5, Goncral'Discussion of Questions from tho Query Box. Adjournment. Let us havo a good meeting by bo ing present and taking part in tho discussion of every subject. Wednesday preceding Thanksgiving Day, if no school is held on Novotn ber 30th, every school should hare some epcoial exoroiscs suitable for tho occasion. Dr. Riao "tho expert", tho profess ional weaknois of tho Amorioan tcaoher ia the greatest soro spot in tho American schools. Pros. David Starr Jordon, Stanford University: Tho wholo of a man's lilc is spent in his own company, and no one but an educated man can bo good company to himsolf. New England Journal of Education: Think of yourself in your pupils placo, and say to yourself honestly how you would liko to bo there, A good janitor is next to a good teacher, from November to April. Tho haid times havo not kept as. piring students out of college. There aro not only as many as last year, but tho increase is beyond tho national ratio, Education is in tho air. I.ii jric. During tho provnlonoo ot tho Grippe tho past doanon it wnn a notloonblo fact that those who depended npen Dr. Kln'n Now Dleoovery, not only had n spoedy re. covery, but CBoapod all of tho troublaome after effects of tho iralady, This remedy 6661118 to havo a peculiar power in effect ing rapid oures not only in caiea of La Grippe, but in ell DIaeaiei ot Throat, C lic.it nnd I.uuge, und has curod caaci of Aithma nnd Eny Fovor of long standing. Try it mid bo convinced. It won't dis appoint. Frto Trial Uuttlea at 0. h, (Jot ting's fJrtrgitora, C. L. COTTING, " Because it is AiiMvcr to OUR DOLL TRADE. Will be immense this year for we have a lot of them and we bought them right and can sell them Cheaper than ever before. LOOK AT THESE FIGURES. A 26 inch doll with hair and glass eyes, for 50 cents. A 17 inch doll, hair stuffed, stockings and shoes, bisc head, hair, and glass eyes for 50c A fine dressed doll 18 inch long for 60c Fine kid body dolls with bisc head, lass eyes and human hair for 25c Beautiful china dolls, dressed, for 5cts. These are only a few of the Doll Bargains. Next week wc will tell you something about our books and other goods. C. L. COTTING. TAYLOR, Furniture This may look tunny to you, but then Xmas is coming, Taylor has the goods, and what would be nicer for a present than a FINE SUITE OF FUBNITURE ! J. L. Minimi, President. Huun MlNKlt, Aast. Ciushiur. People's BariK of red CloUd, Red Cloud, Nebraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections. Banking Oflioo in NU1IURBAN NEWS Ah Furnlilicd by Our County Correspondents. Ctitlicrton. Now is tho timo that stewed rabbits aro ripo. Tho farmers aro about winding up picking corn, with fair crops for a dry eason. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot dined with Mr. D. II, Larrick's last Sunday. Nebraska can grow a crop of corn with less rain than any state in tho union. Mr. D. II, Larriok is putting down a cistern. Tho protracted mooting at Gather ton is still in progress with consider ablo interest. Mr. Wm. Mathcny has completed his new dwelling. The now schooMioueo in District 38 is nearly complctod, and will bo tho most substantial houso in the country. Old Boors. Ntrcnulliaiitl Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Eleotrio Uitters, If, "La Grippe" has loft you weak aud weary, uro Eleotrio lilt tora. This remedy acts dlreotlyouLlver, Stomach and Kidntyp, gently aiding thoao organs to perform their funotlona. If you aro alllloted with Biok Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by takoing Eleotrio Bittern. One trial will conviuoo you that this is the remedy you nied. Largo bottles only COo, at 0. L. Ootting'd Drugstore. II Mill. Too Frcezo is on tho sik list. C. Kelly was on the erock Sunday. J. B. Wisooarver and W. A. Akers, are hauling hay to Blue Hill, Ilobort Rounds and family wcro among us Monday, Miss L'ly Holmes was visiting-with friends hero Sunday, Born To Mr, and Mil. Otto Gen- Constantly Growing." conundrum. TAYLOR, - Furniture W. A. Sherwood, Cashier Miner Bros Store. en on Friday last, a boy of the ami weight. U. F. Cather baa ereotad otw pair of scales on his farm. T. Anderson was shelling corn for Ely Sorgcnson Tueseay. Henry Lambrieoht has built t acw fence. S. S. Lindsey and family wero tall-, ing in Itiverton Sunday. Soveral of tho young people attend cd tho revival mooting at CathertM last Sunday night. Junbo, Little Lord FaiMtlorof Was a beau'.ifal child but he bad on draw back, h's fact was aovered with pimptti. Mis grandfather booght a bottle of Hal lur'a Sarsaparllla and waa ao pleased at its results that he took 4 bottles himself and cured his rheumatism. For sale by Doyo & Grice. . Our Shoo Stock Iflinoro complete than ever. Buy your bIiocb ot ub and got your money's worth Chun. Wienor. BESniNE) n 'TO DENVER AND jwaer CALIEO iver been tr; Mwj4t'.niiidi1 i K . i 'k r;