The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1893, Image 2

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""TaffiW"" wpw-(
, iiwrn
Ting bad tenjw
One Dollar
In all Branches
Xlohe with Neatness and Despatch.
t "
Largest Circulation ol any Paper in the
Republican Valley, and is read by thous
ands weekly, therefore, as an
Advertising Medium
It cannot be excelled.
Most wonderful increase of circulation of any
country newspaper in the state.
Seven hundred in eight months.
In looking up your newspapers for '04, do not
forget The Chirk.
One year,
Six months,
Three months,
Per Year.
SI. 00
A.C. IIohmkii, Cilltnr.
IiAirnvTAir, At jtwa IMItnr.
.State of, Oily of Toledo. )
Lucnu County. )
Fmnk J. Cheney makos onth Hint lie In
tlio senior partner of the firm of l' J.
Cheney A. Co , doing business in the City
of Toledo, County nml State nformnhl,
nnd tlmt caiil firm will nay the sum of
ami overy caio of Cntnrrh thatcnanot bo
cured by tho uso of Hall's Calnrrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed in
my precne, tins Gth day of December,
A. D. 1880.
Notary l'ebilc
IIiiII'm Cntnrrh Curo ia taken iutcrnnlly
nnd acts directly on the blood nnd mucous
Hurfnces of the system. Send for testi
inoninl", freo.
F. J. Ciik.nkv & Co., Toledo, 0.
I2TSold by I)r7ggcBtn,7;;c.
liver) hotly.
....j-.j......... nr;lllfji1jjnlltl11
.'mmI for ? '"to ihiH ofili
p 1 : pay up what yc
owe, or subscribe
for Tiik Ciur.i'
ono your, ami this
coupon, to tho
lA.i..'.A.:j..t.A....K amount of Hie
will ho applied thereon, anylinio bo-
fnro Jnmmry 1st, 181)1. Not good af
ter January lnt, 18!)1.
T He ilvtn A it'll) !
Tho (Solilun Hnglo Clothing Ilouso
will, on January lut, lS'.M, givo tho fob
owing hnndHonio nrticlcH away: 1 New
Homo Sowing Mnchino, valuo $10; 1
eight day clock, valuo 812; and ."i in
c.ibIi, Kveryono should investigate this,
(iuesson tho number of toads in the
largo Kquash ut our store. Tho nearest
gues getB a handsome New Homo sow
ing machine; tho next nearest an eight
day clock; tho next So in cash. Tho
squash will bo cut open January 1st.
For Palming
you should ree Frank P. Hadluy. He
does house, sign and carriage painting,
glazing, Ac.
Taylor keeps the Iarecst and
selected stock of wall paper
brought to lied Cloud.
a. ii. :.
Anthiiia, llronehitix and Consumption
result from a neglected eoigh or cold.
Don't negtuut but curo promptly with
fow doses of Hoggs' Cherry Cough Syrup
Sold by l)iyo & (J rice.
When in Uiverton hosureund stop at
tho Hanks bouse. 91.00 per day. Liv
ery in connection. 15y fnrtlio'nfost pleas
nut place in Uiverton.
Keinomber that L. 1 Albright sells
moro Hour thnn nny other Btoro in Wob
Htor county. If you wnnt Hour bco him
for lie keeps thu best.
tlo nnd fteo Sherwood k Albright for
Xew ItcMuiiriiiit.
Mrs. J. A. 1'ratno hns purchased the
city bakery and rottuurant and solicits
your patronage. l'reah broad, pies and
unices ovory day.
Not leu to 'fl'vnelicrs.
Nntiro is hereby given that I will
exumino all persons who may desire
to offer theniKclvcs as candidates for
touchers oftlio public schools of thit
cnuuty, at lied Cloud on tho third
Sutuiduy of caeli niontli.
Special examination will bo held
on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat
urday of each inoitb.
Tho standing required for 2d and
:M grade certifioutcs is tho same no
grade bulow 70 per cent., average 80
per cent; for first grade certificate
no grade below 80 per cent., average
'JO per cent, in all branches required
by law.
1). M. IIiiNTKc. County Supt.
(Jo to Wrights for bcIiooMioubo heat
ing stovcB. Ik'Bt in Red Cloud.
The Demon ol' IIONpair
IiiBomonin, mid its twin brothor Dya
pepaia, aro tho otTBpriug of a disordered
Uomncli. A pooitivo curo in found in
Hogg's Dandelion Hitters. Sold by Doyo
Tor .Sale.
A Webetcr county fnnn, of 1(50 acres,
with well Mulshed frame house, Htablo,
100 acres fenced in to pasture, over .10
head of cattle, over 10 hogs, over !l(K)
IiuhIibU of corn; olTor all for uHhorttuuo
for tho biuall sum of f-,100. A good
prairie farm of 100 acres with no im
proveniontB, prico 81,0."0. 80 nerea in
Jewel county. Kansas, 81.100. 80 acres
in Jewel county Kansas, $l,!lot). Im
proved Wtbater county farm of 100 acres,
price J'J.000. ISfcoiiciK O., ngt,
hud Cloud, Neb.
In order to redtico htook, wu wilt Bull
all fanuy rocltorn for IS per cent discount
for !W dny. Now is tho timo if you want
a nice rocker. F.V.Iavlou.
IttieMcn'H Ai'iilt'it Salve.
Tho bent salvo in tho world for outs,
hruiec, Borea, Uleorn, Halt rheum, fover
coreH, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain,
coriiH, and all bkiu oriiplions, and post
tivjjy euros piles, or no pay required. It
in guurautoid to give perfect oatihfactlon
or monov refunded. 1'rieo -.' centH per
box. l'ornlo byCotting1 If
All fancy rockero 15 per cent diitcouu
of IK) dais. F. V. Tii.on.
A. Mojhart don't sell you goods below
coat nt first, and utter ho Iiuh got your
trade charge )ou big prices to make up.
Coll ml Ciliioinjr Siirrintnilincs "'"J
hennty l!lll or l'urc.
Wo reached tho Trnppist refectory. A
great cold room, with whitewashed
wnlls and livo loiig, narrow inuics, wiiu
benches on each Bide, stretching from
end to end, was tho place whero tho
monks took their very frugal meals.
Tho tables wero laid for tho first meal.
Theio wero no cloths, nnd It Is almost
needless to add that there wero no nap
kins, although theso aro considered so
csbential In Franco that even in tho most
wretched aubcrgo ono is usually laid be
fore tho guest. Trappists, however, lmvo
little need of them.
At each placo wero a wooden spoon
and fork, n plate, a jug of water, nnd
another jug n smaller one of beer, anu
a porringer for soup, which is tho chief
diet of tho Trnpplsta. Very thin soup It
is, tho Ingredients being water, chopped
vegetables, bread and a littlo oil or but
ter. Until a fow years ago no oily matter,
whether vegetable or auimal, was al
lowed in tho soup, nor was it permissi
ble, except in caso of sickness, to havo
more thnn ono meal n day, but tho ne
cessity of relaxing tho rulo n littlo was
realized. Now, during tho six summer
months of tho year, thero nro two meals
a day namely, nt 1 1 and 0, but in win
ter thero is still only ono that is called a
meal, and this is at -1. Thero i, how
ever, a gouter just Bomething to keep
the stomach from collapsing nt 10 in
tho morning. No fish, nor ilesh, nor nni
mal product, except checso and butter,
Is entcn by theso Trappists unless they
fall ill, and then they havo meat or any
thing cl.xo that they may need to inako
them well. Thero is, however, very lit
tle sickness among them.
Tho living of each Trappist probably
costs no moro thnn sixpeuco day to the
community. Assuming that tho money
brought into the common fundbythoso
who have n private fortune tho fathers,
ns a rule, aro men of Bomo independent
means covers the establishment ex
penses, and tho taxation imposed by the
state, thero must remain a considerable
profit on tho work of each individual,
whether ho labora in tho fields or in tho
dairy nnd cheescrooins, or concerns him
self with tho sales and tho accounts, or,
liko tho porter at tho gate, tests with an
instrument tho richness of tho milk that
is brought in by the peasants, lest they
who havo been befriended by tho monks
in sickness and penury should steal from
them in return.
To devoto this surplus obtained bv n
life of sacrifice, compared to which tho
mnterinl misery of tho beggars whom
they relievo is luxury, to tho lessening
of human suffering, to tho encourage
ment of the family, offering tho hand of
ciianty to tho worthy nnd tho unworthy,
expecting no honor from nil this, nnd
not even gratitude, is a life that makes
that of tho theoretical philanthropists
and humanitarian philosophers look ra
ther barren. Templo Bar.
Origin of the l'cucli.
Nothing is now moro universally ac
cepted than tho fact that tho peach is an
improved variety of tho almond. Tho
almond has a thin shell around tho
Btouo, which splits open nnd shows the
fitoue when mature. This outer skin
has simply becomo fleshy in tho peach,
so that it is all that gives it its specific
character. It seems now clear from in
vestigation in tho history of ancient
Babylon that iu their gardens, nenrly
4,000 years ngo. tho pencil was cultivated
then an it now is.
It must havo been many years before
this that tho peach was improved from
the almond, nnd this fact goes to show
tho great nntiqulty of tho fruit. Possibly
gardening iu somo respects, at least so
far as it relates to tunny of our cultivated
fruits, was ns far advanced 0,000 or 8,000
or perhaps 10,000 years back us it is to
day. Phoenicians, many thousands of yenrs
ngo, as is proved by tho records, had in
their gardens almonds, npricots, bananas,
citrons, figs, grapes, olives, peaches,
pomegranates; and oven sugar cane was
in extensive cultivation. Certainly this
shows how far advanced theso nations
wero iu garden culturo many yenrs ago.
Detroit Freo Press.
Muilcal Tunei.
A Btringed instrument suspended in ft
fnvorablo position near n pianoforte will
sound when tones corresponding to the
open strings nro produced on tho piano
forte. Tho volume of tho nnswering
tono will depend upon atmospheric con
ditions, tho quality and color of tho per
suading tone and tho sensitiveness of the
responding material. Thero is a famil
iar anecdote told of a famous tenor, who
by singing tho tono that was consonant
with that of a wineglass, could mako tho
glabs shiver so violently thnt it would
fall to pieces. It is becauso of tills tonal
sympathy that tho causo of a harsh, rat
tling tono that may suddenly appear in a
pianoforte is detected with difficulty.
Though it may appear to bo in tho in
strument, it is often far nwny iuid may
come from a loose globo or pendant on a
chandelier. Even n key In a door has
been known to bo tho guilty cause, St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
1Mb Ouiis Don't Lust Long.
An English authority, in spenking of
henvy guns, pays thnt tho 110 ton gun,
101 Inch bore, will firo 03 ordinary
rounds, after which tho gun is unfit for
further Borvico. Tho 07 ton gun, 13J inch
bore, will firo 127 rounds, and tho 45
ton gun, 13 inch bore, will firo 100
rounds before becoming useless. Thu
cost of tho British 110 ton gun is $8?,
000. That of tho 07 ton gun is $ 1,500,
and that of tho 45 ton guu (iil.COO. Ja
lapa Journal,
Collar Mud.
llonorn Oh, missis, Mr. Vnnilcrwn
let has hung himself to tho chindeloor,
in hh eyes do bo tlekiii out like taycup.
Cholly Vanderwater (after being cut
down by u committee of boarders)
What means this wudo intwusion? I am
pwopawlng my neck fob a hlgliah cullah,
ind I do tiot wish to bo interwuptetl,
Qo 'wayl-New Vork Recorder.
It la applied right to tho parts. It cures all diseases of womon. Any
lady can uso It horsol Sold by ALL DRUGrCHSTS. Mailed to any
addrcBS on recoipt of $1.
Dr. J. A. McGlll is Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, I1L
For sale 6 L toftint.
Stop ! C (lt
QoriQr DriJg Sotrg 55
If you wnnt CZ
Pure Drugs, 3
Bottom Prices, 3
ProMpt Attention. 3
Deyo & Grice, Props. r3
TUimu m m m m
Transfer Line,
I will haul anything from Trunk to a Thresh
ing Machine to any part of the city as
cheap as an) man on earth.
Any order left at Conovcr & Ablright's feed store will ie
ceivo prompt attention. Youth for business,
4. E.
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Red Ci.oud, Nebraska.
Farmers patronage cordially solicited. O'cod rigs tit rea
sonable rates night or day. Horses boarded by day or week.
Building Material, Etc.
Dealer In
batches, Clocks,
Eyes Properly Tested and Fitted vith Good Glasses.
"Watch Repairing a Specialty. .
Red Cloud,
Al nil HiiiCNiit the
ilO.Itel? LIVERY
Hiii'U of Bn.ollU, Itcri t'loiid,
U reasonable rates,
horses by
' '
Stop !
the z
John Bakklky.
amd (BOA!
Fine Jewelry,
1 also feed
1 also feed and
day or week.
AWMfMUk t-
"f -t.