The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 17, 1893, Image 8

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    7T . wvj
What is
l . Wt BilF- i sss aV B a ! fcM Hh
Cator)a Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nd Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor
titer Narcotic substance. It Is n harmless substitute
fsr Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms aud allays
fsTsrlshneis. Castorla prevents Tomitlng Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
'Caetorla If an excellent medietas for ehll
4rea. Mothen hart, repeatedly told ma of IU
' food affect upon Ibelr children."
Da. O. 0. Omood,
Lowell, Main.
" Caatorla Is lliebeit remedy for chlldred of
which I am acquainted. I lwpo tho day la not
far dlitant when mother will coniider the real
tnterr at of their. children, and uso Castorla In
stead of the various quack noflnimi which are
tfettroylDg thrlr lofcd one, by forclns opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
feats down their throats, thereby sending
to premature grave.."
Da, J. V. Kmcntxos,
Conway, Ark,
Tk CsaUmr Company, Tl Murray Street, New York City.
MlFnlcm 11-1 QarrtiA-,T-f smr nirrirlc?
-VCllV.1 1A K-VJV.XUlA. ClUi muli
First door north of Moon Block,
f you want bargains you should not fail to
call and sec me. for I have them .
Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Manager.
famished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
( Tlnghsd ten yeara experience In county records nnd oho of the most complete set of At
j ; struct books In the suite, wo Kiuruitee B.Uhfuctlon. Ytir.r f nvnrs solicited
Ail orue's nui'u iirompuy. iu.ww uoiisr bona tiled
I nd aiinrmed. Aililiesa nr cull on
L. II. FOUT MANAQEit, Itcd Cloud, Neb.
Jos. C. 4olcon?b,
-PHOl'ltlETOll OF T11E-
Holland House
Has the best rigs in the city
lour orders solicited mid fulr
North of tlio IIoIIiiihI House.
f D. B. Spanogle,
leal Estate
and L.oan Agent
Red Cloud.
i ueiiaii " wuiiMiii
ttutynama uuarjMU,
Cannot Wg a Hoisft
Adjust Itsolf to any
Horse's Neck,
Has two Bows of
Will hold Homos
In place bettor than
any other Collar.
dh TC m Fuiv More of Tluiso
Iff r Cclcbriif nil
hfkf largo lino or liurncii, dec.
(ill and too nic If you want
The Veteran Harness mini.
' lHaviaM
( ir laHNaWaS
lit f ! mfem
n ' II learn
f t.W.'i IsMa
II Wi wmW
mv.m Mmr
11 Caitorla U to well adapted to children thai
I recommend It Miuperlortoany prescription
known to me.'
II. A. AaoniR, If. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment havo spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outaldo practice with Castorla,
and Although we only hate among our
medical supplies what Is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look with
favor upon It."
United Uosrrrib and Disrimar,
Doaton, Mass.
Alls C. 8ktto, I'm.,
f Title
Livery Stable,
and the moat reasonable prides.
treatment guaranteed. Hunt
New Ileal Estate Finn,
Real Estate,
Loan nnd Insurance- Agents.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Onico with D. l' Turnkey, Moon Dlook
Wo lmvo located in lied
Cloud and will be pleated to
have people who desire to soil
their farms to call and list
their lands with ub as we
have eastern buyers.
Call and see us.
TDlnn ..;L
FSf llMrPWP J1.'1.?"!? '.'""rthook wrlto t"
orawi bu c.u y, Li, :: wXAit."! .yu?
itrvitput :,k......n. 1 1 .!"l"i "."'"0"
",rrv"..pniM.v.."r if .rn n ai
I. .A
V -
vum yuuua Uj a uuuoe giTeu (ruo of cliurjo ta ihi
!- .-
i Solcntlflo American
m Agency for
UrMsiHriitaflnn AaH .!..
man should be without It, WeeilT ii-i aau ul
frvuluuuw. am UrgadwjTH.y Vwfc fitjv
florrlllo lleanlta of fioino of ttie T.ntcat
NiiRcot Tlmt Hotnetlilne Mimt llo Done.
A mnjority of tho ho culled necidents
on our rnilronds In tho Inst threo or four
months lmvo not been cnuswl by tho fail
ure of rolling stock, bridges or roadbed
to stntid tho strain put upon them, but to
tno terrlljlo careleBBiiess of employees in
places of great responsibility. Tho col
lision in Michigan wascnuHed by tho
reckless msobedienco of plain orders ou
tho part of tho officers in chargo of ono
of tlio trnins. Apparently these officers
readily took tho risk of continuing be
yond tho point where they had been di
rected to stop, knowing that at any timo
they might meet another fast train ou
tho sanio truck. It will bo noted that
they wcro nblo to cscapo by jumping off
just beforo tho collision that killed 20
Tho collision in Illinois a fow hours
earlier between a limited express and a
train of coal cars could not have taken
placo if those in charge of the freight
train had exercised ordinary caro and
observed tho fundamental rules of tho
service, Thcso aro the latest additions
to an appalling list of bluudors and in
stances of reckless disobodienco which
havo caused great loss of lifo since tho
beginning of last summer, and this latest
collision, followed by a firo that left only
tho charred bodies of many victims who
could not bo identified, is tho worst of
It is truo that in tho last fow months
many railroad lines have been overtaxed
by n sudden and exceptional growth of
pnssonger traffic which has found thorn
pooriy equipped ootu as to tno safe
guards which aro needed and tho em
ployees required for tho work. It is prob
able nloo thut on some roads employees
who wero trustworthy under old condi
tions havo becoino untrustworthy and
oven reckless under tho strain of over
work. But, while tho people generally
may bo interested in discussion of the
underlvimr causes of audi n serfon of
dreadful events, they aro moro deeply
interested in suggestions as to tho action
which can bo taken to prevent such
carelessness and disregard for tho safoty
of passengers, as havo been shown this
Aro tho penalties which a company
may suffer heavy enough? Tho loss of
property in a collision is not an Impor
tant loss for n great corporation. The
conviction of a conductor, or an engineer,
or a train dispatcher on a charge of man
slaughter can cxerciso very littlo re
straining influeuco upon the company
that employed him. But if it wero pos
sible to collect through the courts largo
suniB in daruaecs for the lives that nrn
lost tho companies would bo much moro
carciui ooin in tno supervision of their
employees and in the establishment of
block signals and other safeguards.
For the 28 lives sacrificed in Michigan
the relatives of tho victims can recover
from the comnanv alinnat i1!UV(W). nr
5,000 for each lifo. If this limit, which
w imposca Dy mo laws m most or the
states, wero removal, mipli WrtMn
slaughter as this would bo so expensive
to a company mat tno establishment of
approved safeguards would not bo neg
lected, and every possible effort to insure
tho efficiency of train officers nnd the
preservation of passengers' lives would
bo made. Under present conditions a
railroad company commonly suffers a
much smaller loss in money when a pas
senger is killed than wlieu ono is crip
pled. -New York Times.
A Seaman With Good Record Could Not
Kndure a Ilenrlruaud.
John Nell, a seaman in tho United
States navy, serving on board tho re
ceiving ship Independence, Maro Island
navy yard, was reprimanded the other
morning for having overstald his leave
of absence, and for punishmont was or
dered restricted to tho ship for a period
of 60 days. As soon as Neil received his
decreo of punishmont he went below
into tho ship bagroom, whero ho was
found later with a bullet wound in his
right temple. Ho was a man of unusual
distinction, having received medal hon
ors from congress for bruvcry ami mer
itorious conduct.
Ho enlisted in tho navy In 1601, served
with Farragutat Mobile Bay nnd lashed
tho admiral in tho rigging of tho Hart
ford, whero ho stood by his sido through
out tho fight. Siuco tho war Neil has
served continuously in tho navy and
was ono of tlio survivors of the ill fated
Trenton, which went down in Apia har
bor. Ho received general mention for
bravery in rescuing shipmates from tho
Vundalia, which was also wrecked in
the samo gale. Ho was a nntivo of Ire
land, aged 02, and a mcmlier of tho
Grand Army of tho Republic and tho
Regular Army and Navy union. Tho re
mains wcio interred in tho navy oeino
tcrv nt Maro island under Um miRtiiwn
of tho Army and Navy uuiou. Now
xorit ouu.
A Tarlatan Non simper Novelty.
A farthing nowupuiivr is tho latest
novelty in Paris. It is called La Vie,
aud is edited llV Pnl Afm-Hnof o i.,..
archist, who has spent no inconsiderublo
pari or ins mo in prison for his violeut
writiugs. As a farthing, or, to speak
moro precisely, a 21 centlmo pieco, is un
known to tho French currency, tho new
vouturo is faced at tho outhct by a se
rious practical difficulty, but tho pro
jector gets over it in a rather ingenious
fashion. Tho paper is to bo priutod in
two ditfeicut colors, each color being
lu-cd on iiltcrunto days. Purchasers of a
paier of ono color will bo charged a
hnlficnny, but they willgetin exchange
for it ou tho following day, without
fuitlur pliarge, tho pajier of tho other
color. London Dujjy News.
JHemry In Honey.
Soniflbf tho beekeepers in Skagit coun
ty, Wash., will take 100 pounds from
each of quite a number of their colonies
tliis season, This means i20 per swarm,
a'robs, which is regarded ns better than
iou per cent interest on the tuvestmcut,
iacoma flows,
Need of rtn International Agreement For
Tlii'le- .Mnrklnc 01 Itemoml.
A Washington dispatch anont tho res
olution of Congressman Cuminings pro
viding for an international agreement
for tho reporting, marking and removnl
of derelicts in tho north Atluutic ocean
Secretary Carlisle, in a letter to the
committcoon tho subicct. k.ivh flm
necessity for such an agreement nmong
tho governments concerned was empha
sized by tho international marino con
ference held in Washington in 1889. llo
believes tho resolution a proper ono nnd
recommends its passage. Accompany
ing his letter aro oxtracts from tho re
port of tho commissioner of navigation
on tho subject.
Commissioner O'Brien In his report
especially invites attention to tho sub
ject or ueroucts ana other obstructions
to navigation. Ho refers to it as a mat
tor of international concernment and
ono of great importance. President Mink
of the American Steamship association!
In a letter to Mr. O'Brien, says that ho
is informed that tho commissioner is
making heroic efforts to get rid of dore
llcts off tho Atlantic coast. Ho is re
joiced at this, as tho members of tho as
sociation aro complaining bitterly at
theso unlighted and nnmarked obstruc
tions. They havo beon so frequent of
lato that no captain feels easy in going
up or uown tno coast.
Mr. Mallorv savs that nrivlrma par
goes and still moro precious lives are
greatly threatened overy tlmo a vessel
passes between tho United States and
Europe nnd along tho North Amorican
coast, and they aro not Infrequently de
stroyed. Charts have dono much for tho
safety of commerce by showing tho posi
tions of 032 vessels abandoned on the high
seas and by marking tho drift tracks of
100 of them. But they havo utterly
failed, and this 1b an alarming fact, to
show tho tracks of 025 derelicts which
have been reported. It is another alarm
ing fact that they havo tracks and do
drift. Thoy are hero today, yonder to
morrow. They are a roving fleet that
always hover upon tho pathway of com
merce. They are moro dangerous than
a fleet of pirates, because thoy aro vast
ly more numerous, because they strlko
even moro by night than by day and be
cause they aro moro merciless when they
do strike. To destroy them is tho only
effectivo way of dealing with them.
Many of the Features or the Chicago Show
to lie Exhibited at the Midwinter Fair.
Tho managers of tho midwinter inter
national exposition, to bo held in San
Francisco, aro showing much enterprise
in thoir engagements of special attrac
tions. Besides tho many exhibitors at
Chicago who will remove their displays
to San Francisco, arrangements havo
been mado to show tho customs and
manners of other parts of tho world,
either not so civilized or boasting of an
older civilization.
It is the Midway plaisanco which
will bo drawn upon for theso exhibitions,
and tho street in Cairo and other orien
tal scenes will be reproduced in Golden
Gate park. A German village, a Spanish
village, practical representations of
quartz mines and a lako filled with
ocean fish aro also among tho features
of the scheme. The Chlneso display will
bo especially flue. It will bo contained
in a building of appropriate design,
within which will bo a garden of raro
Chinese plants. In the center of tho
garden tho grave of Confucius will bo
reproduced. There will boa theater for
Chineso plays by nativo actors, and
booths in which various handicraftsmen
will be at work.
Tho crowning glory of this depart
ment will be a pagoda 79 feet high, fash
ioned after tho celobrated domes at Nan
kin, with tiled roof decorated with fan
tostio carvings and figures of tho fabled
dragon projecting from tho angles and
dragon flags of bluo, red and yellow flut
tering from tho staffs of decorativo de
signs. To Deport ConiumptUes.
Since tho great majority of the medical
fraternity of Massachusetts havo recent
ly subscribed to the bolief that consump
tion is a contagious diseaso, it has been
borne in upon many besides thoso direct
ly interested iu consumptive persous
through family or other ties that tho
proposed work of the new Invalid Aid
society, one of tho latest of Boston's
benovolcut institutions, is business as
well as beuovolcnco. A momont's reflec
tion conviuces overy ono that If a diseaso
whoso annual harvest iu this country,
aud especially in this district, dwarfs all
tho other diseases, Including oven tho
epidemics wherever there aro such, is
communicable, as now appears, then it
everybody's busiucss, in common self de
fense, to nromoto tho migration of con-
eumptives and a fund for tho doporta
tion or consumptives too ioor to travel
Is a publio hygienic precaution. Boston
Llchtntng- Strikes Through Feathers.
A family residing in Washington, Gn..
was considerably shocked during an
electrical storm a short timo ago by tho
llghtulng striking tho telegraph and
elcctrlo light wires which pass thehouso.
After tho storm had subsided it was as
certained that a largo fig bush in tho
garden had been struck and a lien and
threo chickens which had sought shelter
under tho broad leaves killed. Tho
chickens wero found under tho lien,
which was sitting In u natural position
with not a feather ruffled. Atlanta Con
stitution, Why Mr. Aitor la l'roud.
Mr. William Waldorf Astor la tho
proud possessor of tho black pug dog
Man Friday, having just purchased that
distinguished animal from Mr. It. Morti-
vals of Takeley, Essex, at a bin: price
Man Friday is described by connois
seurs as very handsome, with a most
perfect jot black coat. Black pugs aro
very raro and extremely quaint, aud Mr,
Astor believes he is the only American
who possesses s specimen of the breed.
ttonaon better.
Wright is the Man.
He has the largest line of Stoves in Red
You citii not ntroril lo mint cclnj: IiU nf oi-lt before Imi inir
tih 3011 will loic money.
Wa W, Wright, the Hardware Man.
I'rtoimiUTorts or
Orders promptly Ailed. "Sour patronage solicited
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Doctor Henderson
102 ft 104
.... ..
tSttrmatorrhtrA Mtit TmAj,ttmrv ef,oiA VwAtift.ri.1 AniHM..K.i - . .
nMiJinun. im..iT;-;"w"i.""
rnnfV.n, T, AV.V""?.'; '"K."Y. ' i.u.l?..,"!?5?.?i P100u . "p nca , pains In the back.
SvDhilJA thattcrriblodlseaso.lnall
.01 ...u. caii mop
v - -- iiaiunua unit Hiagcs cured
for lifo. Blood Poisoning, Skin Diseases,
Ulcers, Swellings, Sores, Gonorrhoea and
Uleot. and nil rnrma f Prlvntn TUuinand
positively cured or money refunded .
BOOK for both soxes, 8J pages, 27 pic-
w...wuu. .wig luavusutt. ino cnOCIS UUU
Bead this littlo book and answer questions.
Umaa MiaMA..M a A .u X.
" """" www. Muanbt UUVO.IVUO!
lnrioivcr.eni!iri?nnni1nirrninhinir!iirnawnn.iK...i,-..rr7i 2f-l' "
I ' ETC-1 '-mi 4- nSl aTSTIaranr " --ea .Vlit;.U TYilU"5lon.w,tno.ut wrl3. .. B.l havttbOQdtpoHttiln Via bank, which I
urn i larimtz tof aaauA aiimammm thnf i ,tm
aaaHaaaaHFfglBrVVRSff-IHHml "fi5affi'UrVVf1
Vfc'' ""ii, .BBBBW. , kfiMI&,mmi9kkwkkkm!3k3kkwMkamkkMtsiS
" ' 'K&WWHWVBWX&MfUS'fUbr'
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man. Red Cloud.
Is now prepared to inBure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Walt for lilm; lie will cull on you In Tow tlnys. You can savo
sstncy- und get Mr saturat'tory Iniurnnvo thnnfYomuny
Ihcr innn. lins exrluMv control of four rnuntlos.
Sewing - Machines
lias n lino lino of Sowing Ma
chines nnd Organs from $25
Also keeps nil Klnl of Itliivliiue
tfupiilies. loc. rvpnirliif
promptly. Cull titul sou me.
Parui Loais
Less '
Tliaij ;
Per cei'it
Bias L-im Neb.
W. 9th St.. K1NS1S CITY, viv
iMUiaMiiaiujJKicr. i Ktnlar Graduatt in MtJitint. Oldnt in
. - "-.- inwa
n5ri??tlzcI)ytU0Sta,0totrcat CHR0NI0, NERVOUS and SPECIAL
?n.e43!s Cures Ruarantord or money reunUed. All meUlclnes
furnished ready for uso. No mercury or Injurious mcdlclnci 1 Sard
SMSES!?1 'tfW- 1,nt"ta n dJtnnco treated by m
and express. Medicines sent everywhere, freo from Raze or brt&
ngo. Charges low. Over 30,000 cases cured. AcoDa cxnorlMMani
V?rlSLntcai1 ,' "1 b?olc' then Btato your mso. Scnffot 'aiSrira
.-M'min.'ii woninnco a. iini.:i:x.
on mgni tosses, rcBioro lost sexual power, re
o in-line
tltfmnnnritlw atnewuf m.I..
Cv.Hiuttblttl V(Aai;4 Willi
tit dniiulU Ai.itlMM . ..
Blosorsound. No expoiure. Pt,
tlcntcan uso tho treatment at borne.
Rheumatism SoS&"o1o?h
ASUItECUltE. .Tho greatest discovery In
the annals of tnedlclno. Onodoso Rlvcsre-
r. n fnta 4 noma &.. ...-. m .
rZ?ZZF"?" P" w
of case, with stamp for circular
tSnm M Anlu nntttniH .fat.
v. VU3U I 1
A nice Hue of
Scari pins
Cuir. uiul collar buttons, neck
chains, lace plus, slick plus,
clianiM, etc.
I'lMeit nniHnliii HlUvmurn, somrnlr spoons.
tu-ii-l liaiullet knlws mill forki. ciuvIiik i
crililiiKcaid i.isoi, lion bun Iioxm uihI T other
uotflilet. A I no lliiui.t spwUicIm mid Tjb
islnssi-i w Hi liittTPli.iii(,'.ililolt iHvi.Mei'l, nickel
Hver ami I'onirr.imtK. hpeoUl and em fniju.
tenllon limit 10 tU'ljiK tho u)P. My m, f ,
lianil n.tU'liMlaiiilU)lnri;i. vMlfiun lliom olt
nl Ic' llitli acliiil anilli.
KV-lliniKjuiiru ilcli, rim I; ami Jonelry te.
iMirw.irMoiirciiKUUiii; nud jour old yuld
aud alitor tiue. b
Henry C'cok's Drue Store.