The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 17, 1893, Image 7

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    ; iTTmMl'JWSmi"
'X- "T," i
" iitiitw i mil in it mmwtntoiT
A 0. HoiMKtt, l.illlor.
I.wiovTait. At r..lltir.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Red Ci.oud, Nebraska.
Farmers patronage cordially solicited. Oood rigs at rea
sonable rates night or day. Horses boarded by day or week.
f Ae woulcJ call 3
Your attention to the fact that wo have the
Largest and most complete stock of
8: In the City, 3
: rg
g: Alto Wnll Taper, Pnlnu anil Oils, Stationery, Pocket
P. Knives, IUi.othj nrnl Notion of ull kinds, 9
g" Our pricei ars the lowsst and we guarantee satisfaction,
State of ()'.:io, (!l'y of Toledo,
Lucas County.
1'rnnV J, (Jhsacy iiinkan onlh that tit It
tht lenisr partner of (lit firm of l' J.
Cheney t CV, dsing businent ia tht City
f Toledo, Cantity anil Stats tftrtn&id,
and thnt (Aid firm mil pay tht trim of
ami every cm of Catarrh that eaannt be
cured by the use of lltll't Cttlnrrk Cnre.
Frank il.CllDNKT.
Sworn to befort mt ami itibflcrlhed in
my presence, this rth tiny of December,
A. D. 188(5.
j SKA!, I
Come and see.
5.111 Hi Hi Hi Hi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiliiiiiUK
Vfl Ji rirm !?
Building Material, Etc.
Notury l'tbllt
H nil's Catarrh Cart is taken Internally
and note directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of tht tyBtern. Send for test!
mouials, free.
R J. Ciiinky .t Co., Toledo, 0.
t2f" Bold by Drsggestsjfio.
New Ilcatiiiirant.
Mrs. J. A. 1'rumo hns purchasod tht
oity bnkory and
your patronage
cakes oTery day.
restaurant anil solicits
Fresh bread, pics und
A. It. H.
Aniboy, Itcd Cloud and Hivorton,
make an good flour as is muds in the
state. Why buy foreign inndo Hour
when you can get just as good a make at
home, and thereby ninkon hotter market
for tho fanners wheat. You will tlndall
brands made ut tho abovo mills at Mc
Nitt's Produce oxchange.
For Sale,
A tlno young stallion, iron grey, high
grade, about 1200 pounds, gontlo and
will work in toam. Cash or good note.
See, Geo W Haiikku on II E Pond.
. .
, llourdliiff.
I will furnrish first clans board at my
houso ono block north of tho Holland
house, for 83.50 per week.
Mrs. Fkank Dickerso.v.
Deulcr In
Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry,
Optical Goods,
Eyes Properly Tested and Fitted vith Good Glasses.
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Red Cloud,
Tor Piilmlng
you should boo Frank P. Hadley. Ho
docs houso, sigu und carringo painting,
glazing, ilc.
Taylor keeps the largest and best
selected stock of wall paper ever
brought to Hod Cloud.
A. II. C.
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption
result from a neglected cough or cold.
Don't nogleat but euro promptly with a
few doses of Boggs' Cherry Cough Byrup
Sold by Deyo&Grico.
When in Rivcrtonbosurnaud stop at
tho UankB houso. 91.00 per day. Liv
ery in connection. By fur the most pleas
ant place in Riverton.
. .
Remember that L. 1'. Albright soils
more Hour than any other store in Web
ster county. If you want Hour boo him
for he keeps the boat.
A PiizJo
To mnny ladies is how to keep their
hair iu curl on rniny dnys. The solution
is ensj. Ask Doyo & Orico for Nonpar
eil Iinir cUrlor nud tho puzzlo will be
ii ii i '
TIioro Wonderful Cluiils In
If yon wish to see them cnll on Deyo k
Grice and ask for Beggs Little Giant
Pills. Every bottle guaranteed.
First Class Hoarding
Mr S. Haylcs wishes to announce to
the public that he is prepared to takt
boarders at $3.50 per week, sleeping
included. Apply at 4th Avenue
Conl, Flour und Feed.
Don't ou forget that L. P. Al
brght sells more coal, flour or feed for
$1 than any one. See him.
A New Joke
On tho liver. When it is out of order
and you fool blue, try u few doses of
Beggs'Littlo Giant Pills. Your liver will
appreciate the joke. So will you. For
sals by Deyo Jc Grice.
When HWitt Atl Over tho Ktatlon
Agent Mended lltlitRH.
At a way station on tho Lonisvillonnd
Nashville one winter tho station keeper
had an exciting time. It was midnight,
and tho station being in n deserted part
of tho country had been left by tho loaf
era. It began to rain. Tho station keeper
was not sleepy and determined to sit up
n greater part of tho night, especially as
ho had an unusual sunt of money iu his
cash drnwor, and ho felt uneany about it.
Robberies of stations and farmhouses'
down tho lino hod been frequent. So ho
settled himself down to a vigil. As ho
felt hungry ho took a can of covooystorB
down from tho shelf and set it in tho
stove. A moment afterward there was
n knock at tho door, and he admitted n
cold, drenched tramp, whom liu allowed
to Ho down by tho fire. Just then a train
caiuo around tho bend, and tho station
agent stepped outsido to display tho go
nhcad signal. He felt distrustful of tho
tramp and feared that ho would fool
with tho money drawer. As tho train
passed ho hurried into tho room and had
scarcely ojiened tho door nud seen tho
tramp standing by tho stovo with some
thing glistoning in his hand, when there
was a report, and tho agent felt n sting
ing pensation over his eye.
Although blinded with blood from tho
wound, ho drew his pistol and fired five
times into the room. Ho thou dashod
round to tho rear of tho station nud hid
under tho platform. After au hour's
timo he crawled out, resigned to tho loss
of his money and thankful that ho had
escaped with his life. Tho room was
dark; tho fire was out. Tho tramp had
evidently escaped with his booty. Sor
rowfully tho agent lit a match, but
instantly dropped it when a startling
siKlit met his eyes, lie lit auotner one,
found a caudlo aud gazed about ut tho
sceuo of desolation.
Tho lamp had been shattered by n
bullet. A chceso had been perforated
with two bullets. Tho room was filled
with smoko from tho stovepipe which n
fourth bullot hud perforated. Strangest
of all, tho room was filled with cinders,
and oysters frescoed everything. Oys
ters, oysters, oysters, covo oysters. Tho
agent gasped and realized it all. Tho
can had remained in tho stovo too long,
and being scaled up had exploded from
tho steam when tho tramp poked tho
firo. Of course tho tramp skipped when
tho shooting commeucod. Tho cash
drawer was intact. A piece of tin was
found ueur tho door, whero it had re
coiled off tho agent's foco. Tho agent
spent tho remainder of tho night in
monding tho stovo door. Loulsvillo
It ia nppliod right to tho porta It cures oil disonaoa of women. Any
lady can uao it horsolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any
addrosa on rocoipt of $1.
Dr. J. A. McQlU & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Plaoe, OhloafO, IU.
iamrmmmmmtt m w wm mmmmt& 1
K Stop
S elit
at 3
the 3 !
g Cori16i1 Drdg, Store 3
ir iiiii ii'iuii
If you unit I
Go and see Sherwood
5c Albright for
- Pure Drugs,
S Bottom Prices,
Prompt Attention.
Deyo & Grice, Props.
mum ui at iii m UiiiUUiUUiutuukK
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice Ii hereby cUen, thnt nmtor and by
Virtue of si) ordrr of gitlo It.ued f tout the olllce
ot G. II. (.'rone, clerk of tbe district conn nt the
tenth tllntrlrt, ultlilnniiit for Webster
fount v. Ni'biitHhit, iimhi ailccii'o in an urlloii
I'CiKllim therein. ulicrrloM. S, MiiiKeiin I'luln
till, lul niMiiiiil Mr. A .lint C'rniby, Ullle 1'.
dvrliiL'. and K. .1. Oveinit;, lrln.luiils.
I sb.ill oiler tor salut 1'iilillc. M-uilne. to tin
htelifnt hlihler tor -ash in, ut Ihn 'ul
iliturut the coiirMiiiuie, at Itni riimil, in nalil
Wtbitr enmity, Nuliriitka. (tlint bt'lng tlie
Itiiilitiui; ttliorclh tun lnt term nt s.tiil court
vrus liol(Un) on Hie IGtli. day of Drtcinbor, A.
1). 18'JJ, Rt 11 o'clock A. SI., ot HiiUt (Ihv, the fol
low 1HK nescrineii iiropi-ny, io-in inn spvcii
("). elulit (8) una nine (U) in block thirteen (13),
IttMl Clnud, Nebiimkn.
(iiven under my hahd this Cth, day ot No
eiuberA. p.,ira. n . ,
I'i'o. K. CooN.MierllT.
A. .1. Ti)Ml.l.N80N. Dtiuily.
Oko.W. IIaiikrii, l'lalntlir Attorney.
SlierlirN hale.
Notice Is lierety kIvcii, that under and by
Nlrlueol au older or Mile iHtuml from iho olllce
of (.'. It t'rone i It-ik of Iho dlslilri i-onrt of Iho
IimiiIi jinlii' dinlili I, wllliln iinil for Wclisii-r
lonnly, NrlT.iHk:i, uiioii an ni-tlmi iiiiilln;,
lli.'ifin, wlirrt'ln t'h.iili'H .1 I'lrl.fonl il.intilT,
iiinl ii'nliiAt John A. hilictl, Mnr K. siliii,
lliirnli,iliriulr)s t'o. I.).inv'rr W, TiiIIi'h,
iiinl t iirenco K. Itesstt, Trustee und bjuelbijo
lrunu-e iiricniiania.
I slill offer fer ita'ent public veiuluo, to the
liluhist I'litder for fiisli In hand, at tlie e.itt
door of Hie court-lions.', at Ited Cloud, In mild
Webster county. KebiHsKa, (that helm; the
billldlim NNheri-ln I lie term of 8Hld court
was liohlen) on the Kith day of I'ecember A. I).
18'jJ ut It o'clock A. M., ot Mid ilrtv, the follow.
Im; described proneriy to wit: Thu ttnutln-att
(inarterof seciion thlrty-tlvn (:) tuvrntblii one
(I) norih of runae twebe (12) next of tho Gt It
r. M., I'outHlnliiK uccordiiiK to ro eminent
hitrvey ino iicrcs.
(Uvea under my hand this 10th Uny of Novem
ber A. U.. 1893.
Obo. J!, t'oox, Sliorlir,
by A. J.Tomi.inhoh, Dopiil),
Oe?. W. Darker, I'lalatlU's Atluimy.
Life of Yoiiiir Mnn Saved by the
l'ctttcoat of n Fair Texan.
Arthur Kauff man, n, young Mcraphian
who was in tho wreck on tho Wabash
road, arrived homo with his head bound
up in a bloody white bandage, which ho
regards as his moEt precious possession.
He says gold and jowcls couldn't buy
that strip of cloth. Kauffmnn soys that
when tho collision camo something hit
him. and he lost consciousness. When
ho regained his senses, ho was lying bo
side tho wreck of tho car, bleeding copi
ously from n deep cut on tho head and
unable to help himself. Just as ho was
about to faint again from weakness, an
nwfully pretty girl camo up and spied
him. Sho was Miss Tuylor of Jeffer
son, Tex., who had cecaped injury in
tho wreck.
Bho realized at onco that tho young
man would bleed to death if not attend
ed to. Without a moment's hesitation
sho whipped off hor petticoat and tear
ing out a strip bound it tightly on K.aun
man's head. Tho bleeding was checked
and his life saved. To say that ho feels
deeply grateful to tho fair Texan would
bo drawing it very mildly, and ho vows
ho will keep tho tmndngo as long as ho
lives. Memphis Cor. St. Louis ltepublic.
Ulil tho Queen It now?
Nowspaiicrs hero recently announced
with u great display or typo that tho
queen hud been graciously pleased to
present many bottles or wlno to vanotiB
London hospitals for tho uso of poor pa
tients. The samo papers havo carofully
refrained from giving currency to there
port published in reputable provincial
journals to tho effect that most of tho
wlno in question was tho refuse of the
royal cellars and unfit for uso iu hospi
tals. It was in very bad condition,
Many of tho bottles wero half empty,
nnd others wero so badly corked that tho
contents lind turned flour. It is charita
bly suggested that her frugal majesty
was ignorant of theso defects. New
York Suit's Loudon Letter.
Wright keeps tht best
in tho market.
gasoline stort
Go to Sherwood and Albright for your
groceries. They keep tbe best in town.
Tlic Army Hill
Ib not the ono that worries as but tho
doctor's bill. Keep a supply of Reggs'
Family Medicines on hrnd and reduce
your doator's bills 1)5 per cent. Hold by
Deyo k. Grico.
McNirr will exchange flour and feed
at cash prices, for corn, oats or potatoes
at murkot prices.
First class rooUs and reasonable prices
can always bt found at W. V. Wright's
bardwara stort.
Thoss accomodating storekeepers,
Sherwood fc Albright tits grocers, study
to plena their customers. Cull an,dseo
them when in want of groceries.
The Demon of Dcspulr
InsomoniR. aud its twin brother Dys
pepsia, are tho effspring of a disordered
Uouinch. A positiTS curs is found in
Begg's Dandelion Bitters. Sold by Doyo
Fer Stile.
A Webcter county farm, of 100 acres,
with well finished frame house, stable,
100 acres fenced in to pasture, over .10
head of cattle, over 40 hogs, over 00
Imshsls ot corn; offer ull for u short tune
for tho small sum of $2,100. A good
prairio farm of 1G0 arras witli no iin-
irovemeiits, price n,uu. u acres in
TVIieat Production.
. A visitor in Washington nt present is
Ivan Ottlik of Budu-Pesth, councilor in
the royal Hungarian ministry of agri
culture. His journey to America is for
tho purposo of investigating American
agricultural economics. Ho hus trav
eled largely in the weet and belioves
that our farmers aro overproducing
wheat and that this courso is also ex
hausting tho boII. Washington Dis-iwtoli.
Jewel county. Knnpas, $1,100, 80
in Jewel county KansaH. Sl-'IOO,
proved Wbstor county farm of 100 acres,
price $2,000. CiEoitoe O. Ykihkii, agt,
Red Cloud, Neb.
In order to rcduco stock, we will sell
all fnnoy rookeru for IS per cunt discount
for 30 days. Now is tho time if you want
a nice roekor. P. V. 1 ailob.
ltncklcn's Arnica Kalvc,
Tho best salve in the world for mils,
bruise. Bores. Ulcers, Salt rheum, fovor
sores, tetter, chapped hnnds, chilblains,
corns, nnd all skin eruptions, and iiosi
livoly cures piles, or no pay rcquirod. It
is guaranteed tn givo perfect sariftftiotion
or in ono v rofunded. Price 20 cents por
box. Porsulo byCottlng tt
A li, fancy rockers 15 per cent discoun
Of 30 dOJB. l' V. TAYI.OB.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla,
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Uetter Than rntth Cure.
"Yes," said n tall stranger in n dark
suit of clothes as ho lighted a fresh cigar
in theoffico of tho Pacific hotel. "Yes, it
was tho most extraordinary caso I over
knew. I had rheumatism for 10 years.
Both arms nud shoulders. Had to bo
fed like a baby. My arms hung help
loss for two years. No uso of thorn whatever."
"And yon mean to Bay that you wero
cured without a doso of medicine?" nsked
Landlord King.
"Entirely without medicine. In ono
moment, ns if by miracle."
"I've heard of such things," remarked
tho man in his shirt sleoves. "It was
under circumstances of strong mental
excitement, wasn't it?"
"I thought bo. You wero induced to
boliovo that you could bo cured if you
only mndo tho effort, weren't you?"
"I supposo so, Something of that
"Then there's nothing strnngo nbout
it. The history of medical practico is
full of such cases. It was only an in
stanco of what they call faith cure."
"No," said tho man in tho dark clothes
reflectively, "you could hardly call it
that. Tho euro was effected by n man
who met mo on a lonely road with a gun
in each hund and said, 'Hold up your
hands.' And I held thorn up." Pomona
Indian Namei.
Sometimes names havo boon mado to
appear unnecessarily grotcsquo in their
writing in somo instances as much so
as tho rudo savago himself appears per
sonally tho fact illustrated in tho writ
ing Youghlogheny for simply Yti-og-ha-
na aud iu Esquemeaux for Es-ka-mo.
Many purely pootio garbs of tho old
words havo become incorporated into
our permanent geographical literature
Tho names Mississippi and Tennesseo
aro examples of tho fanciful versions of
tho old nboriginal titles tho former is
supposed to have beeu iu sounds repre
sented by tho English writing Mcs-sis-a-pa,
whllo tho oldest historic records ex
tant showing tho latter glvo tho writing
as Tcn-as-sa. What is evidently ono an
cestral word appears in tho modern ver
sions of Showanco, Sowaneo, Suwaneo,
Swanun and Chowan. Tho French writ
ing Cheyenno is tho samo word in tho
remote ancestry, as is now believed,
Popular Science Monthly.
What it tht tondttton of your$? X$ your hair ttry, ArA,
(Hi tie? Does it tplit at (Ae tndtt Hat U a HftUti mpptmrmnett
Dots U fall out tchtn tombed or bruihtdt Xt it full ofdmntrugt
Does your tcatp itchf 1$ it 4ry or in mhHttit erudition t Xfth$0
re some of your ymptom$ bo warned in timo or you trill OH$mo
bald. . -ii
It what you DMit, !tt produeUon t not an aecldent, but the remit of tattaUlan-,
falltny lmir, cm re$ dandruff and prow natron bald h$ad$ A fl
ir tqup dnifftlil cannot inoDlr too. M&d dirMt to wl and wtiMH ffpriMitVd
irepaitt, on recorp. ot pilot, Urowtr, $U pat twulaj ifor 0.00, Ma m9m: i
etrcb. KnonlsilrtoftuodieMiortbebalrandMalpledtptbduwOTae(hlafi
drllRhtrully coollou and refreibloe.Tonle. Br ttunnlattBg the CoUllHl,ISe,
ramno iinir,curt$aanarmranagrmc&naironoaia ntaai. .. a
. ir-Kcep the tctlp clean, bralthy and frae fromlrrlUtlBerooUoa,lf Mte'
or AooUni Skin Ooap. U dotlrort paraiufe imcu, icAlee fid en tMi iftue
57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
Transfer Line,
I will haul anything from Trunk to a Thresh j
Machine to any
cheap as an
part of the city as
man on
Any order left at Conover & Abhight's feed store will
colvo prompt attoutiou. Youra for business,
John Barkley.
Who He Wat.
Dr. Meredith, u popular and well
known clergyman of Brooklyn, in a re
cent address to his Sunday (school, urged
tho children to speak to him wheuover
they met him.
"I may not always recognize you," ho
said, "but you all know mo, and I want
you to speak tome." Not long afterward
a small boy accosted him on tho street
"How do you do, Dr. Meredith?"
Tho doctor stopped ut onco und replied
cordially and then asked:
"And who uro you, sii?''
"Oh, I'm ono of your littlo lambs,"
was the unexpected and offhand remark
as tho youngster sauutered on. Brook
lyn Eaglo.
A ITollUo Spot.
Orator Where elso will you find in
one spot such products as marblo, iron,
clay, chalk, copper, lead, slato, glucoso,
fruits of all kinds, hemp, flax and all
manner of grains?
Han In the AuaUnco-In. my boy's
WOW. TTitf. '-.,-. .
Notice to Teitclivrs.
Notice ib hereby g.ivon that 1 will
oxamino all persons who may desire
to offer themselves us candidates for
tcaohors oftho publio schools of this
couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examination) will bo hold
on tho Friday proceeding sjio 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
IM grade certificates is the same no
grndo below 70 por cent., average 80
per cent; for first grade certificate
no grade below 80 por cent., average
90 per oent. iu all branches rccjuirod
by law.
v. w, liUNTin, t-ounty Dupi.
Go to Wrights for school-houso heat
Ing Btoves. Best in ltcd Cloud.
J'lllllillANt'lmrcli-Henlcei Suinla
a in mill 7::i(l i in: Hun.lavnclioolM
1'HCK nl CtfO p in ana V V H O K Junlort
IV 12
mill 7::i(l it in: Huii.IiivhcIiooIhI
i I
(iUNtlti:(lATI()NAL. Cliurch-Uervtees at
' 30 a in, anil 7::xm in: Sunday fclioolatll
n in, VI'K V. at 0:30 p in and Vl'BOK J,
mis in l III.
AlK'lilonirti' clmrrli
i't- nml 7 -.'10 it. in.. I'nwnrl
in. Hiinilny Kclioot nt llinop. m
-AurvlpM ut u
Kjiworlh League at :S
J weeks, liv
f1illrillK,!rvlr mvrv
iiv Hinminiiiieiii-.
r.UIIIKIt.xN thiirili I'.vcry third
J iiiornliiK at in otiim'k.
i 'A I HOI.iOCIiuieli rtervlcesliy atoiuiin'
HAITI!' I'liiireli No n-milar servleeH, I
' day clioul(ret;ulur)atiioou, II V I' I
o :u p in.
C" 'IIAriil, ftiiiiu.ivscliiMjiuiap ui every
' lny.
It la a eafo and unfailing remedy for all
Kidney Troubles, Liver Disorder
and Female Irregularities
Prlco Ono Dollar 1'er llottle,
Tho Dr. J. II. BIctcan McdlclRO Co.,
8r. LOU18, sto.,
AUU W-lCucli mteruate TuesUay eveuli
BKN Adliem Uxlge .No ISO; 10 O KsvsrvJ
(IllVlllKllt. .
fiAI.ANTIIK UmIk. No 29, KiiIrUIs ot t
Tliiirml.iv evenlinr.
If I'UCiiiiiil iahIku Mj ixw, Modern We
ot America, internal) we
Vednexlay eyj
VAI.I.KV lnlite No s, fraternnl Order of
lectors, II ml nnd ililrd Mondaotl
xluii Nii .VI A I' anil A Ml
1'inliiy eveiiiiii; on or Ix'furo the full ti, I
' I'mlnyi
i;i)CI.iiiK'li!i.ler No IU, 11 A M Mite
'HiurMliiy fvi'iilni;. ',
i iVIir.NI'. Coniniaiulery No 14 alU-rnutelt ntJQ
' iliy (ivenlna. Jty f
t HIAItlTY Chapter Kantc
v inte 'luusduyevenlnir.
Eastern Htar Mo 47
CjMttai:i.l 1'ouKnsoUA K Monday
lin: on or before the full moon.
f Altl'liJI.l) W it O No u meets attentat
v" inday afternoon. . ,
MAItY HKKUU McllKNltYTentNollDil
eig of Vi'iernnit Momliiy evenlmr. . 'J
jl rt KAI.EV Camp No 83, 8 of V Tuesday
uur.UNAn i.ireiu nna, maiee or me gij
J llrnl and Ililrd rtattirdav evanliiK. ill
U" I'.l) 01.0111) c ifil No IS IxyalMysl'5
lull ot Alnci lea Urt aud third frldt1
aWV f7 tvr "