The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 17, 1893, Image 5

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    .js- g ,
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' ')" P -I M'-f
if' .jiBrwj'i mww ,,
4 is
)V fc
,M a.
We make
To clcnn out nil undpslrnblo stock fwico n year with a Digger Full Stock
thnn ever bought nt JIih lowest prists ever known. We nro prepared
to givo (ho people of Webster comity more, for their money thnn
over before.
Hought of uh nro tniuruntced to
look u lone while boforo llnding u better plueo to spend your money m
; for FOOTWKAK than with ub.
Blakeslee & Kaley. 25
TftUUi auamaaumaaauuaui ... Hi K
T. II. Uailcy was in Hastings this week.
1'. V. Taylor is homo from Mannas
L. P.
Albright was in Lincoln this
Duffy was in Guide Hock on
Special bargain Halo in underwear at
Don't forget tho salu of Clias. Hoppe
November -.'Id.
Frank Montgeu was down from Uluo
Hill, Snturday.
11. K. Stono has been tho guest of SI.
1?. Hrntloy this week.
E. K. Conrad and 15. Crozier nro new
subscribers this week.
Tho SI. B. church has organized a
Junior Epworth league.
F. N. Ilichardson has rented his livery
barn to Allen Carpenter.
.1. L. Minor was in Kansas City this
week with a load of fat hogs.
A. II. Carpenter lias leased Friz Ilieh
iirdson'fl livery and feed barn.
Dr. Chntnberlain was in Hluden this
week doing professional work.
Sirs. A. Ameion camo in this week
and paid for tho (Jreat Family Weekly.
II. SI. llonecutter and sisters of Leb
anon, Kansas, were in the city Wednes
day. We omitted to mention tho ar
rival homo of Sirs. SI. It. licntley last
Tho Presbyterian church is being
torn down preparatory to its removal to
Wo uiiiflt havo money "and Hiobo who aro
in arrears for moro than n year must
come in and settle.
At tho I'ainleFB Dental olllcos opera
house- bbek Keil Cloud, you can get nil
kinds of dental work.
It so, buy your wedding suit of tho
Golden Eagle and draw tho Now Homo
hewing inuchino or tho clock. It will bo
a good startor for you.
Tho new safo for tho People's bank
has arrived and it !b a beauty. It was
one of tho prizo safes that was on exhi
bition at the world's fair.
A fow Thanksgiving turkeys will bo
taken at this otllce on subscription.
Don't all speak at on:., as our coop will
only hold 01) according to government
Wator Commissioner Wnrd cleaned
tho Btand-nipo out on Tuesday. It was
full of mud up to tho man-hole, which
goes to show the previous coudition of
tho city water.
A light enow on last Saturday made a
fellow feel winterish, but only n little
while afterwards tho Bun appeared and
veryone becaino as happy as if they had
always resided in Italy.
Tho new Catholic church which is
Boon to bo erected will bo one of tho
most Bubstantial improvements nnd an
ornament to the city. Hod Cloud ought
to havo nico church buildings.
The Thanksgiving supper to bo given
by thohtdiosof tho Christian church will
bo held in tho Knights of Pythias hull,
They will Borvo Turkey for dinner, and
Chicken-dio and oysters for supper.
Harding, tho chicken "swiper," litis
luwin trnnstiorted to Lincoln whero ho
will servo the state for a fow years. If
he had havo stolen threo hundred thous
and dollars he would havo escaped tho
pen, which, in his caso is mightier than
the sword,
Vic Fulton haB resigned tho position
of city clerk which he wnB electod to last
April. Owing to other duties thnt de
manded his uttontion ho wns unable to
attend to it. The city council appointed
T. J. Ward to till tho vucaucoy last Wed
nesday night.
.Ten" Ward Baid ho found soveral
"Pops" in tho stand-pipo when he
cleaned it out on Tuesday. Ho says he
can only aocount for their being tlioro
from tho fact that they supposed it was
Salt rivor. Capt. Houchin was saved
and tho country is all right.
Do not forget that you can only got
i;vatnr'n wpntlier forecasts inTiu;CniEi
No other paper can publish them in this
section, us I'm: Ciiikk has tho exclusive
riiit. Thnv nro worth four times tho
subscription of tho paper to anyono who
desires to keop posted on tho weather.
Tho city of Red Cloud has completed
prospecting for water, and we havo boon
informed, they havo been duly rewarded
with an abundant supply of puro, un
ndultorated auua purn, at a depth of lb
fcot. This will bo good news to our poo
j)lo who havo boon canipelled to drink
mud for u year or two.
On tho night of November IM, tho Ep
worth League of tho SI. E. church, will
L'ivo u Boulablo ut tho residence of
Sirs. A. 11- Drown. An elegant sup.
..- will lm served. nnl all those liartak-
ing of tho san e, will bo entitled to hear
iino selection on a phonograph free. The
irtirnoJtrnph has u reportoirn or sixty
Young Hill Parkes went un to lnavolo
tho other day, and somo fellow refused
to feed him because lie thought he
was a tramp. Tim troiiblo was ho
got up tco early unci forgot to put on his
other clothes when going to tho city.
and Emory Allen sweats uini wiu mi
low tit Inavalo should have known bottor
for ho was along to take coro of him.
iVffl, Montgon Iibb sold his interest in
the C.iteatfo Photo Co., of this place, to
John Wcgmitnn of Hluo Hill, who will
continuo its oportition in tho soiuo build
ing. Sir. SIontRon will Join his brother
Frank at Hluo Hill, and for u short timo
,t least bo engaged in the photograph
butiiess at thut place. Will has made
(Luitiny friends here who regret his going
and witih him success.
it a Point
mvo satisfactory service. You win rS
For fresh fruit see SIcNitt.
School supplies Deyo & Grieo.
All kinds of hnrdwnre at Wright's.
J. SIcNeny wns in Omaha this week.
Tho best broad in tho city at Cnlmes
Window glass, putty. Ac, at Cotting's
Cactus Tar Soap only 5 cents a cake
at Cotting's.
Go to Cnlmes for bread, pies, cakes, ico
cream, (,tc
liny your stoves of A. Morhurt
Have money.
A..T. Henjnmin was down from
ton Tuesday.
Sirs. Hopkins of Kivorton was in
city Monday.
The fanioiiR Gem cooks and ranges
Heath & Slilligun's paint for bhIo by
Deyo A Grieo.
Tho finest lino of Stoves in tho valley
at A. Slorhurt's.
Sirs. Shepherdson of Uivcrten whb in
tho city Monday.
Mrs. Abel arrived homo this wook from
a visit to tho oust.
SIcNitt will take eggs in exchango for
Hour, feed and oil.
A. Slohart has the finest lino of lamps
thut wo linvo seon.
When you want n good cooking or
heating stovo boo W. W. Wright.
A oak load of rock salt for sale ut L
P Albright's Hour und food store.
F. P. Hndloy, Hed Cloud, Nebraska,
does bill posting at reasonable rates.
Go to Cahno's bakery for tobacco, ci
gars, candies, fruits, bread, lunch, Ac.
Sirs. Lew CInpp returned homo this
wook, utter it plousun. visit in Wymoro.
Underwear for ovcrybody. Tito great
est variety within reuch of all . Chas
Sliss Dollio Shepherdson of Kivorton
wos visiting her friend, Miss Cora Kal ey
this week.
Tho Painless Dental Parlors, oporn
house block they huvo had to incroas tho
operating force.
Wright's is tho place to got yonr heat
ing or cooking stoves. Don't fail to see
them for bargains.
C. L. Cotting htiB tho only stock or
lino lamim in the city. New goods are
expected this week.
If you want it Rood lump cheap, seo
Deyo A Grice. Thoy huvo ti now nnd
complete assortment,
Dave Helllcbower who has been in
Ohio, Slichigon. nnd tho world's fair, re
turned homo Wednesdny night.
Sir. Hoyd returned Tuesday night from
an extensive trip in tho interest of tho
Red Cloud niarblo nnd grnnito works.
Sliss SInud Slock, tin accomplished
school teacher south or tho river, is vis
iting Miss Hlanch Sherman this week.
A. A. Hadden, u member ortho Guard
Btair or Hiverton, was in tho city Tuesduy
und pnid thisnlllce u very pleasant cull.
T. F. Jones und Sir. Woods, two nour
ishing furmers of Walnut creek, were
doing business in Red Cloud Thurtduy.
Wanted: Tho people or Red Cloud
and vicinity to remember that tho Hur
vu rd Painless Dental Parlors are liore to
Call nnd seo J. II. Wegmann.tho now
peoprietor of tho Chicago Photograph
gallery. Ho is limiting photos III for
M no.
Subscribo for your newspapers, maga
zines, etc., through Doyo A CSrice.
They will savo you postage und remit
tance. Kill tho mites nnd other inscetn that
infect your chicken house by using Car
bolinoum. Sold only by Cotting, the
It you wan't anything in tho photo
graph line, call on Wegmunn at the
Chicago Photograph gallery. He guar
antees satisfaction,
You will still find tlio peoples favorite
dentist Dr. F. W. Chamberlain, assisted
by Dr. J W. Ilutt at tho Painless Don
tal Parlors, Red Cloud.
Go and see YVright'B. They havo the
finest lino of heating stoves that havo
ever been brought to Red Cloud boforo
Seo them boforo bnyiug,
The parties who have tied in tho vote
for township ofllces, will meet at the
county clerk's ofllco on November the
28th, to decido who bIiiiII bo tho elect.
Dr. Chtimberaln has nrranged to visit
Hlndon once a week, whoro ho has se
cured a lucrative patronngo. In his ub.
sonco Dr. J. W. Butt hos churgo of tho
ollico here.
Tho phenomenal growth ot Tiik Chikp
during "J. I has simply beon wonderful.
Wo have moro than doubled our sub
scription in that time, and we lmve over
n month and a half to go on, in which
time wo expect to got ut least two hun
dred moro subscribers, in milking ut
your list for ".)! it would not bo complete
without muling tiik uiur.i', because you
must huvn tho best county paper an well
us tho best metropolitan paper, nnd you
cannot got tho best county paper with
out you take Tun Ciiiki.
Sleotinga at the Congregational church
nro ntill being hold, nud unit, an interest
In shown in tho work. Rev. Smende, tho
evangelist who has boon conducting tho
son ices.' preached his farewell sormon on
Tuesday night and returned to his homo
in Chiciigo. Ho mado u favorable im
pression here, and while not eminontly
successful, has no doubt dono much good
in this community. Tho local Pastor,
Rev, Ely will continuo tho ineelirgg in
definitely, und being well known to be
an eurKwt und devout Christian, very
clliciont jn evungollc work, there will no
doubt bo u proutblo augmentation to
Uho church 'ore tho close of tho meetings,
onus am) i:xs.
A new docter husioefptl U C'owIop.
John Cruns was in Omithn this week
Sirs. W. SI. HotTinan is on tho sick
Red Cloud is enjoying n good, steady
A. Slorhart has the cheapest lamps in
Wall paper and window curtains ut
T. E. Until of Cowlen culled at this of
fice this week.
Elmer IColey linn secured a position in
tho State bank.
Nullum PItitl tetuiued homo from
Sliudeii, Friday.
Rev. Smith of fWlrsutm a pleasant
caller hit Wednesday.
Rernard SIcNony was doing business
in ltloomingtoti this week.
The trains on the H .t SI lino been
quite punctual tor somo tune.
A pleasant dance was had at Sirs. Sarah
Williamson's Inst Friday night.
Sletropoliliin fashion sheets freo ut
Docker's cash dry goods house.
P. Reachy was visiting friends in
Hustings and Fuiriield tliiH week.
People tiro now looking up their rend
ng matter for the long win tor nights.
We are glad to notn that Judge Me
Keighau is much improed in health.
A. Slorhart tho hardwaro man can sell
von moro goodo Tor less money than any
Oto Pope wns carrving his oyo in n
sling thin week, the olfcct of a thump by
a base ball.
Huttencks Patterns forNoemberund
December nro till in Duckor's cash dry
goods house.
A. Slorhart believes in live and lot
live prices. Huy your stoves of him and
save money.
N. W. Kingsland was out west again
this week, nftor returning from u flying
trip to Wymoro.
The Painless Dentists tire doing lots of
business, two oporutors now Dts. Cham
berlain nnd Ilutt.
Sirs. Holland came homo last week
from Omaha, and isgradually recoering
from her sevoro illness.
Louis Otmar fell on tho steps one day
this week, and in somo way received a
btid bruise under tho eye.
Tho Hnrvnrd Painless Dentist Parlors
are still doing business nt the old stand,
opera house block Rod Cloud.
"Orntico lilosoni", the common notiso
Female Itomedy. draws eat pain aud sore
ness Hold by C. L. Cotting.
John Shirey n former resident of this
city, was visiting friends hero u few days
lust week returning home Monday.
Sliss P. D. Yeiser returned homo this
week, utter u protracted visit to the
world's fuir and other eastern points.
L. A. Haskins who has been Beverly
stricken with rheumatism. Is able to
walkaround again with thoaidof u cane.
Win. Hall who is in tho employ of 11.
E. Pond's livery and feed-stable mode u
drive this week of !I7." miles in -I'lj dayB.
A. Morhurt don't sell you goods below
cost nt first, nnd after ho bus got your
trade charge you big prices to make up.
The livery business in Red Cloud seems
to flourish nt nil times. Evory liery
stnblo in tho city scorns to bo doing lots
ot business.
Tho Rod Cloud Slurblo und Granite
works made a largo shipment to Slinden
andllartwcll this week. Their business
is flourishing.
Tho sidewalk from W. A. SIcKcighnn's
hoUHo to the corner, has added greatly
to tho appoaranco and conTcnionco in
that section.
Rev. O. II. Truman left last week for
Coon Rapids, Iowa, whoro ho has charge
of a pastorate, und is doing much evan
gelical work.
It is said that constablo elect, Sapp,
has uMovely littlo poodle dog which ho
carries in his overcoat pocket for aid in
tracing criminals.
Tho Hryants delighted our people four
nights. .Toplin, Slo., llullotin. Will bo
at tho opera house in Red Cloud, Friday
Saturday, und Monday.
J. Porter Jr., tho expert pension uttor
noy, lias jitBt secured it pension for Sirs.
Julia A. Knox. Ho got the claim
through in less than nine months.
Whnt's tho difference between n trood
boy mid nn elephant? Why, good boys
nlwajH tuku Hnllet'rt Hiiro Cnro "otigh
Syrup nnd elephants dont. For ealo by
Devo A (irtcc.
J. Nusteiu our enterprising cigar
maker, was in liluu Hill this week,
where he inndo somo good sales in his
line. He sells more cigars in Hluo Hill
than in Rod Cloud.
Gits King living north of Riverton,
who sii tiered a broken leg some days
since, nnd has been at the Gardner house
under tho care of Dr. SIcKeeby, returned
homo Sunday night.
How would you like to bo n Unngnroo
or bo nble to jump llko one, but you'vo
got piles so bnd you enn't. Uso Hnller's
Austrnlinn Snlvo you'll get thero. For
side by Doyo A Grice.
Cttpt. Sluneell und wife returned homo
Friday from tho east, after u long visit to
the world's tuir. Tho Capt. said ho ex-
pressod some fears for Nebraska boforo
ho loft the east , but on his return homo
was highly elated to llnd his own state
had dono hersolf proud.
Tho Christian church choir mot nt L.
11, Fort's lust Friday night and formed
u permanent organization to meet each
week on Wednesday night for practice.
The choir now contains as many singers
us uny choir in tho city. It is also us
siBted byu variety or instrumental uiuslo.
Hon. C. W. Ktiloy is to bo congratulat
ed on hw election tisono of tho regents
of the Btuto univcrblt)', iy n ypry prut
majority or u.u. mr. Kaley ib peculiar
ly titled forthat position, and while there
are no emoluments attached to tho ollico
it is an honorable one, and his knowledge
of pflncational work, will place him there
to falny.
Tho importance of keeping the liver
nud kidneys in gonu condition cannot he
ovorustlnmteu, noon's, Hrui;rlU( ts n
gtoat remedy for regulating nud invhjot.
nttng tnoflO orgnns
Heod's I'tllB act easily, yet promptly
and elTeatlvely, on the liver nnd bowel),
liye iintl I'tir.
Dr. Ctillimnro consultant oculist to
Slo. I'ac. railroad at Omaha, will bo at
tho ollico or Dr. SIcKeeby in Red Cloud,
November 21st, Tuesduy for consultation
nnd treatment of diseases of tho eye nnd
oar, end scientific lltiug of spectacles,
A Rtoiiv or $.'W-In these days of
great financial distress, when great men
illtler materially as to the best method
of relieving, the present stringency in
the money market, and while others dis
cuss pro and con the much mooted
question of the Intrinsic value of tho
two precious metals- gout ami silver,
and while the poor man strives to earn
enough to keep the gaunt wolf from the
door, isn't it wonderful how eareleHS
some people get over their hat d earned
wealth ? This story in about u Red
Cloud lady whoso husband is u hard
worker, and by dn.vs' work succeeds, by
close application to business und strict
economy, to save a good portion of what
he earns, with the assistance of his good
wife. Well, to cut u long story short,
the h. w. went over into Kunsns n few
weeks ago. and did u job of work from
which he gleaned 810. .'tS of this he
brought home and deposite'd with bin
wife, as nil good husbands ought to do.
and thereby hangs n tale. Tho good
wire took the money and carefully hid it
away in a piece or new carpet that she
hud" recently had made for the purpose
or selling. Here tho precious stutr re.
uiained, und, in fact, its whereabouts
had even been forgotten by the wire,
having had no occasion to use it. Ry
and by sho round pale for the carpet and
cmefitlly did Iter husband, unsuspicious
of its valuable contents, carry it down
to Frank Taylor's furniture Btore, where
he delivered it according to bar
itnin. The next day was Sunday, and
the good lady had also been in the habit
of keeping her gloves in the pniuo place.
When siio wns ready for church she went
after her gloves, "and for the tlrst time
piiieo she deposited the money did she
think of it, and with u troubled look,
confided her loss to hor husband, who.
on Monday morning, made a forced
march to Taylor's Btore, and nt once
commenced u post mortem ex
amination of the roll of carpet, where
ho found the 6,'iS safe and sound, und.
fortunntely for him. Mr. Taylor had not
sold the carpet. Hereafter, the money
will bo kept in u different plnee. where
even moths, thieves, rust, oru posp'ibilitv
of tho depository being sold, can assail
the precious stufT and destroy tho peace
of mind of tho owner of tho hard-earned
A Cftr. Uov -The other day "which
wus Sunday," as Petroleum V. Nusby
would say, the good children nud a num
ber of older ones, gathered together in n
certain meeting house ill the south end
of tho city, for the pur peso of holding
Sabbath school. Everything passed oir
quietly, us all Sunday schools ought to,
until iino or tho teachers, or wo believe,
u certain minister, thought of pomoqucs
tion that would bo easy Tor the uvcrnuo
youth to answer, and piopotinded it. Ho
paid "Does any scholar here know what
is meant in the passage or scripture
vvheto itsavs: "Christ was mado poor
that we might be made rich? "One little
bright eyed fellow raised his hand its itu
indication that he knew.
Well, what is it? asked the divine.
Johnnie, hemmed and hawed nlittlound
finally stammered out that tho reason hn
was poor, ho guessed was "because ho
didn t get enough to eat."
Tho preacher had gotten n now expla
nation tlial was not quoted in the new
version, und Jonnie was allowed to oc
cupy his seat without being further
questioned on tho subject.
What's -I in: Mattki: Wiiii Uh? -Some
days fiincu while perusing a .Missouri pa
per, wo saw a frivoloun articto regarding
towns of this section of Nebraska, ns of
very littlo importance, ami attempting
to oxtoll the old fifty years behind coun
try of Slissouri in which that paper was
published. Thoyspokonf our agricul
tural districts us worthless, and referred
to grasshoppers, hot winds, etc, which
aro well known to bo udvorsitits of tho
past tense. Will it be blowing to pre
sent mildly souioof tho valuable resources
or this country? What is tho matter
witn this part or tho country, including
Webster county? Verily It is one of the
finest on earth, and it is on tho incroaso
nnd not tho decline. Hoe the vast lands
under cultivation, und tho thousands oI
acres yet unfilled. Noto fho growing
orchards, tho beautiful meadowc, the
spacious pastures und tho gtoat herds or
stock. Notulo the sparkling brooks, the
clear pure water, tho snluherlous and
lie.ilth-giviving cliinuto. Think or tho
invigorating air, the truthful, law.ubid
ing citizens, the Uournhlng publiu schools
the prosperous ohurohes, and tho edify
society wo enjoy. Oltf no old Missouri
with your und und rain, your otones and
stumps, your moss-hackx nud haze
brush, your illiterate back-woodsinen
ignorant pedagogues and idoiotic dem
ocrats; jott nro not our superior, and
ncvor can lm,
"Ain't That Fun.nv!'' During the
ten years of our ownership or tho Great
Family Weekly, wo huvo been called up.
on to do a great many things that
"seemeth queer" to tho untutored mind or
those who have not bad n clianco to dis
cover tho inner working or u greut jour
nal. For instnnco. putupkjna, potatoes,
squashes, benns, old scrap Iron, hitching
postB, election bets, old clothes, dried
apples, and it hundred und one other
tilings hnvo been offered in lieu o! tho
vnluublo information that is weekly oon
tuiued in tho great dissominator of truth
nnd wisdom, but tho btraw thnt broke
the cuinul's buck was offered Tuesday
whon n gontloiunn or tho city camo
"toting" a two-weeks' old ouir down the
stairs into tho prosonooof tho Iiig Injun
und his mighty braves, and asked to
havo it credited on his paper. Tho
book-keopor fainted, the roporter quick
ly vuultetl into the vault, the dovil
jumped for the shooting-stick, while tho
calf played the d 1 with the compos-
iters, and the editor came in just ns the
boys wore having u "bully" tinio getting
that cult out of tho front door.
Mfttft itee
; .i.4.i; iJrinjjthlscotipon
; f f.'oOil Tor Into this office,
; ff I !'"' " wll,ut J
: 3L I iW. v X owe, or subscribe
: ftfJJ T ono)e-ur,iinilthiB
; X " X coupon, to the
; 4x....i..j..t...j.T amount of 25c.
', will he applied thereon, anytimo bo
; fore January 1st, 1801. Not good at
; tor January 1st, 1801,
Helen ol'Troy
Was a famoiif' beauty; coming down to
His present timu wo find it cluar complex-
inn, an crtflcntful to uorruat huanty. 1(a)
lur'tiSaraparilluand iiurdock (Jotu pound
will produce a lioautifnl clpar skin, For
enle by Deyo & Grice.
sum m mmmmmmmmmmm w m &
! The Chicago Clothing Store. 5
TT .1
Zz Having recently moved into the rooms
: formerly occupied by S. F. Spokesfield, i ,1 1
we wish to. call the
Zz close buyer in Webster county to thiss I
2 That vou are
111 the dark
posting yourself as to whatS
honest prices mean. 5 ;
gg No use of taking any merchant's 3
word for anything any more. Simply r '
iconic and see who is doing the business t
in Red Cloud, who has the most stock,-
g&c. We will sell you your 3
g This Season if Good Goods, 3
Nice Fitting Clothing arid 3
Extremely Low Prices are I
g any object tc you. ,
g We want your money and will get ifi
you give us half a chance, .and will;; t
Ez in return give you More and Betters? j
vjoous man any orner mercnant in-.t
the city. Come and see us.
i A. GALCTSHA, Mgr.:$
Tiiii lii iUUiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiliiiii iiilliM &&;.-
"ZZZZ. -3
.1. L. JMlNKIt,
I 'resident
I Icon IiNi:it,
Asst. Cashier.
People's Bai
RiD Cloud,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collection,;
Banking Oflico in
Dr. (J. Schmidt of Kivorton wiim in tho
city thin week.
C!. A.Wulkorof Fiiirmont, wiih in tho
city this week.
S.Moiidlohniim of Hluo IIIUwiiu in tho
city tliia week.
L. ( 1, (iraham of Guidu ltock wnaju thu
city this ut'hIc.
( I l-'roat of Suporior wuh in tlio
city thin wuuk.
V. It. Morris of Lebanon, KaiiHitB wuh
hero thin wrok.
itov. (1. Dulituontof Long Ialund was
in this placo thia week.
Henry Harris ia homo from tho world'a
fair and Indianu. Ho Hitytt givo him
It is said thnt Mrs. Rich of Cluido
Hock,, will cBtahlishcd u millinery etoro
in thin city noon.
A very ploiiBitnt whtat party wiih iield
at tlio rcHidenco ot l)t. It. Damoroll'fl on
larit Tliursdny nigltt.
K. H.dolilohas enjoined tho collection
of IriH tnxoi, alleKinR uh u reason thut tho
levy wuh un illegal one,
Dr, Luton, nn itfTablo and proRperoua
yoimi; dentist ot Hluo Hill, mado thin
ofllco it pleaennt call this wcelC.
Mr. Francis McNoal and MIrh Clara
Rhoop, woro married by Jude Dtifry at
IiIh ollico Wedneflday. lioth livo nour
Lebanon, Kansas.
Tho renowned Clnru Morris will bo at
Hustings next Tuesday night, and many
of our citizen will try and no, if tlio ru
morot a Hpocial train proven true,
Mrs. MaKinuis lost a tun dollar hill tlio
other niL'ht near tho Christian church.
Tho Under would do a kind act hy loav
ing it with her au che i.i a widow.
'Ilia iiu of Hall's Hiiir llent wir tiro-
motrs tii ( growth of tliu hnir, and restureu
its natural color utulbunuty, freotlioncalp
of dandruff, tuttur, and all impurities.
J. 10. Ilutlor will loatttro to tho mom
hers ortho A. (). U V. at their hall
Friday next tor thoiiuriioBoof iiiHtltutlnL'
a lodge ot; tho lifgro. of Honor. This !b
a liidy'u uigitnizatiou for tlioso whoso
father, lirothora and IttiHbandH tiro
muniliert of tho A. t). U. W.
Lust Saturday night u travelling man
going west, missed ono ot his grips, and
u sonroh wuh tmido but without tivnil,
Fivo seedy looking tramps wero discov
ered becreted in 1111 old building, hut tho
missing article could not ho found in
their posesslon. Tlio eufest way to
guard Hiiclt ttrtivloa whou travelling, !h
to sit down on them,
Ills het'oiul Wire
Told him the sucrutof Uwgood htHlth,
Bhb nsod "parks' Ten" every night. Hold
by C. Xt. Co-ttlug.
t . . 1 " V i
attention of every
buvine sroods 3
without firsts ,
n.r . o, ,fiSS'f
v . . jMtKi'ivnnii ". 1
of ied Clone ji'l
Miner llros Store.
l-roiii tlio Iloadintc Room. 1
Homo wasn'Ht builtliiadnvneithor v) 1
tlio Hoading Itoom. Wo'ro doing I1
best we can nnd wish to again thank j?
all who havo helped ub bo kindly in fit .,
work. You urn laying up treusuros" '
lienvon by such uctH it you do them
tliu rigltt spirit. No ono seems to lit
any carpets to givo us, bo wo determit
to muko one. Tho credit for this idcil
duo to u high school boy. and ho has t
gratitude. If you huvo any rngB tV .
will do for tho carpet please lot ua km
Wo'er going to Bond around col I oc tort
you'll understand whut it means it y
aro solicited for Htich iiiatorials. 1
There uro 52 nsines on tho dImIoiw
per and all but i! huvo puid for OctobJjJ
Wo need moro chairs. If you )kibb1U2iiq.
can spare ono or more pleaso send th'UDlon
down. The rooms aro open reguln;
eaclt week duy evening from 7 untiKfitii
excepting whon in tho judgment at io K J
Hoard of Directors it In deemed iidvlwt '
tocloso. lu: b,-
. .. i at 6:3
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been in I
drug business at Elkton, Ky,, for the Wery
twelve years, says: "Chamberlain's Coi j i
Hetnody gives better satisfaction than r "'
othor rough medioine I have ever Bo;Ml.,n'
Thuroisgood reason for this. No ot?
will cure a cold so (jaickly; no other isviros.'t
curtain a preventive and cure for crq'V 1' I
no other afTordsso much relief in ease', i
whooping cough. For sale by Dey(over,r
.Tolinny Hclionck Bryant eupportei
iiih who unit mtio girl, gavo ontortb
inentH in Donahue's Hull on Tuos7
Widlnnaflll V unil 'I'linra.luu nuithLArt-
tliis week to large and appreciative af ot !
i.iiv.i.11. uwuiuijr xjryuui, is luo WO!,.. vVu
Heuowiied liuhtninir chunin nrMt Lt.v
the (lulok changea und inpurBonaterof
.....v ...w 'mvu UUIIU) Ul CVUUIUyD ( Ul I
luiiuiiui-u Duuiun UlUlUbt lUBgloaj, . r
Sohonck llayunt, his wife, ig'u lirlliTT
iiutrcBHandelocutlonistand heroxcelf0 'uiLi'j
delivery of "Master .Tnhr uii3
"Ostler .Too" and several other m.iiwi I
won nor mo merited compliments f.rimtolri
all. Tito littlo girl, "The child wont? " 4
io ii ninoiiuiu aiuKurauuuuvu oniirosir No T rPI,i, n i.,..ll .
...w..w... .iiu ,D .vijii Lra?t
while In.JIuijjIer am gavo t,Uo. peoriionday
lLHitttri tiiiVIivliwinm fjiil...I . 1 "
Iwttor porformunco for, tb'eir money ft.
huvo cutupunicB of a lurger number. fl
W ..'
sltould they over uirain return tnliu'if . i
they will bo given the same cordial iNolll
cotno tliov recolvod this tlmo, Huiflntr
Now s. Will boat tho opora houao Hm
Cloud Frlduy, Suturduy and Mo!
November 17th, 18th, and 20th.
lot the d
:7 men wanted at Doyo A QrioeVv
store next Monday morning, to buy
tie ot Uallsr's Barb wire Linimtot,
I absolutsly guiiMtiMdi ' '
r .
lIU T..V
f )
. M