The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 17, 1893, Image 1

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    VBEHtlbJv rT r k F llassafrwaftM'aWaaTn iw afl I Ifl HM-ilzjH ai v Lw LW V-2 jks. 'r ft yJsS "'VfaY " feJBttrv JHl
m 5iMMMBFWPwyiEif AJ '-wlT jjflAf mijJbHk'1J r) wfBftliTnBKBrrifSfc i - PMsagarrsies.B-.-tjpBa
All Home Print.
Published Weekly.
iub(crl)tlon, 1 Per Annum,
Invariably In Advance
It not paid In nihanrn, after this data March
18, tsw, tlio price will bo
Kutered nt the l'ont omee In ltert Cloud, Neb.,
an uiall imiltcrof the second class
Prof.cardi, 1 Inch or less ror year frt 00
Klx months 3 00
Tlireo inontln s oo
I'er Inch ono) ear ft 00
Tcr Inch Nix month :t oo
l'er inch three months 2 Wi notice a per lino or line space, first
pnlillcat Ion 5 cents,
Trunslent specials, pajablo Invariably In Ad
vance, per lino in cents.
All rearilnjf notices In the nature ot advertise
incuts or pirns, 6 cents per lino.
Legal notices ntlepal intes, vlrs for a square
(ten lines ot Nonpareil or less.) Ilrst publication
11.00; for each subsequent publication, per
square., &0 rents.
HO "11
"itreferred nosltlon" contracts mado.
All matter to insiiio mibllcatloii must be re
coil cd nt this ofllco not later than Wednesday.
Advertisements cannot bo ordered out lor
the. current week later than Thursday.
IS. V M. R, It. Time Table.
Taking effect Amr. 13.
Tralnsciirrjltii; passengers Icato iled Cloud as
, ltt Passenger to Hasting
3.00 p.m.
No. HI Passenger from Hastings 7:30 p. m.
No. tc, Tasseuger to St. Joseph bt.
Louis and thlcae dally 10:40 a.m.
No. 15 Passengers tor Denver, dally, I;15 p. m
rn. j. s. EMitirii,
Hid Cloud, Nebraska.
0r Taylor'a Vuratlnra Store.
Extracts tttth wllliaut pain.
crawn and bride work a ieclaltr.
Porcelain Inlay, ana all kinds ot jjold Olllnc.
Makes cold and rubber plates and combination
At'. w 's-mrauteed to be flrst-class.
1 ,rt-sJ
A lloruooopatiilc Ptayatclan.
Rfd Cloud, ftcbrusuu.
- Office opposite Vlrst National Ilank.
U. H.KxumlnlUK huigcon.
tilironlc diseases treated bv mall.
'ilED Cloud, Nebraska.
Wilt attend sates nt reasonable figures. Satis
, factlointnarmiteeil.
Insurance Agent,
I do a strictly farm insaranat and invito
nuir-invite all to see me.
Moon Block, IlED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to.
r C, CASE,
Moon IJlock, - IlED CLOUD, NEH.
CollectionH promptly nttended to, ond
correspondence Bolmltsd.
lvi Attorney at Law.
Red Cloud, .. Nebraska.
Office Up stairs, In Moon Block,
over Fair Store.
Seal Estate, Insurance
nnd Collucllng Agent,
Moon Block, - Bed Cloud, Ned
Notary InlIU
Toniorltil Artist,
tth Avtuur, - Hr.nCioun, Nkhsahka.
First-class linrbera and lirst-clues work
gnarantesd GiyemeacaU
rusulonublc Ilarlicr,
Red Cloud, Ncliraaku.
i uiva my porsonnl attention to my
patrons, First-clnss shaving and hair
cattinj? a sptclalty.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Conveyancer, Real INtatr, Loan
Insurance and Tension Agent.
I espcoiully invito you to call on ma for
anvthintr in mv Hue, Loans made on
farm property nt lowest rates.
liuurance Agency,
tlermau Insurance fo , I'reeport, 111.
Itoinl immune-Co., Liverpool. UiiKland.
Home Fire Insurant Co.. id oniali.i, NeUr.
I'liu-tilx Asmranro Co. .t London, hntf.
Herman Insurance To, ot Quluoy. III.
HuaidlnuAMiiiniicelid ,or I 1 1 rfoii . 1 " Ri . .
Jlmllnutoii liisnritm'Ml'o. or.Iliitlliiisloii, oiia.
Urlllsli Auiorlci Asjurutii'u id. Imonto, tan.
uutco over i-uaioiiiuij.
Rio Cloud, Nibbawca
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and
Fair Exchange
Is no Robbery !
We want
And are prepared
value in
Winter Suits,
Dress Suits,
Heavy Underwear, Shoes,
Plush Caps,
Gloves and Mittens,
Felt Boots.
And, in fact, everything- a man wears.
We are the " Oldest Established
Clothing House in Webster county, and
have always carried the largest and best se
lected stock, and made prices that have never
been met.
Make it
To see us when you
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, November
your Cash
to give you its full
a Point
need anything in our
Ciias. "Wiener,
The Pioneer Clothier.
One Dollar a year is
Our Choice ior '96.
For president
Governor of Ohio,
For Vico-l'rcsidcnt
Of NebtaHka.
rtiriiltilied I2xirCBly for The
Ciilvf for Webster County
CopjrlBlited by V. T. Foster.)
St. Jobeimi, Mo., November 18 My
last bulletin gave forecasts of the
storm nave to cross the continent from
lGth to 20th, and the next will reach
the Pacific coast about tlio 21st, cross
tho western mountains by close of the
22d, tho great central valleys from
23d to 25th, and tho eastern states
about tho 20th.
This will b a storm of wore than
usual force, and its center will prob
ably cross tho continent north of the
10th parallel. It will cause rains in
uioat of tin southern statci, and
snows in states bordering on Canada.
Extremes of heat and cold will aosoui
pany this disturbance; high tempera
ture on its front, and a cold wave fol
lowing it.
ThJast storm of November will
bo of very considerable force, and 1
advise all to prepare for its coming.
It will strike tho Pacific coast south
of the path of tho preceding disturb
ance about November 27th, cross tho
western mountains by close of tho
28th, tho great contral valleys from
29th to December 1st, and the eastern
states about Docembor 2d.
The oontral path of this storm will
probably lie near the -10th parallel,
west of the Alleghcnics, and the 45th
in tho eastern Btates. It will probab
ly inercare in foroe after crossing the
Mississippi valley, and the woist of
the itortn may be expected en tho
graat lakes, in tin Ohio valley and in
the nortli-oastorn statcp.
Warm waves will cross tho western
mountains about November 21st and
27th, the groat central valleys about
23d and 20th, and the eastern states
about tho 25th and December 1st.
Cool waves will cross tho western
mountains about Nevomber 21th and
30th, the great central valleys about
2Gth and December 2d, and the east
orn states about 28th nnd December
lth. A blizzard is probable along the
northern border from Nevembcr 30th
to Desembcr -lth.
Professers J. J. Thompson, Oliver
Lodge, H.llertze, E. Woidmann, Her
man Ebert, Frauk Bigelow and othor
who have studied the sun's energy
have mado numerous experiments
from which I tako the following re
sults; A globo made of material that will
readily conduot a current ef electrici
ty, is charged with oleotrioity while
in a vaouum, The electricity radiates
from tho globo at the littlo promi
nences on the glebe, causing light,
and appearing muoh liko the sun's
At the littlo indentations on the
globe, ue electricity radiates, and
therefore, by oontrast, dark rifts teach
own to tho globo between tho streaks
of light over tho promineacoB, This
is said to be a mrkod feature of the
sun's corona when viewed at a total
eclipse of tho sun, "Tbeeo eleotro
miHtio radiations meve at the veloci
ty of light 180,000 miles a second
and communioating their influence to
Burroun'ing objects. It ii calculated
that tbeso ckolrio wnven nproad out
I ovcr Uo ff!,0, surfttcoof tunin
the Price of The Chief.
17, 1893.
six and a half minutes, aid from tho
nun to tho earth in eight minutes.
Tkey do not alwajH go straight out
from tho ball, but often leave the ball
nt tho tnngont that is in tho direc
tion of the western horizoi.
This last fact, ascertained by the
experiments, illustrates my theory of
the oarth's rotation on its axis. The
elcctriu forocH enter tho earth near the
poles and leave it at the equator, going
off into space, not vertically, but
westward toward tho horizon, This
would oauso the earth to rotate toward
the cast.
This idea is further illustrated by
a mignctio wheel. Tlireo rods twslve
inches long with painted ouds, arc
crossed and about two inches of caoh
of the six ends turned at right aaglcs
so as to point baokward horizontally.
This wheel is placed horizontally on
an iron axlo, and when charged with
electricity, tho latter will ccopo from
tho nix pointed ends of the wheel.
This escapo of electricity against tho
atmosphere drives the wheel in the
opposite dirootioe, and thus we havo
a rapidly rovolving motor,
Wc know that the atmosphere near
tho earth's equator moves westward,
and this accerds with the idea that
theso currents, on emerging from the
earth, push tho atmosphere wostward
and tho surl'aoo of tho earth eastward.
In tho globe expciiincniH liist re
ferred to above, if another mutnl ball
suspended by a silk thread is brought
near the globe, the magnetic stroams
going out of tho globo from all sides,
will bend toward tho metal ball. This
is us.d to illustrato tho magnetic
streams or corona that go out from
the sun and bend toward the earth.
1 would extend this idea to all the
heavenly bodies, and especially to il
lustrate the mcterologioal effects of
sun, moon and planetH on tho earth,
In all high barometers tho magnet
ic forcos oome to tho earth, and in all
lows go from tho earth. These highs
and lows are the immediate causes of
all woathtr disturbances, and as the
former are cause by niagnotio influ
ences, it is concluded that the latter
are effoots of tho electro-magnetic
foreis, and that heat and cold are re
sults, not causos, of weather changes.
Organio matter is that wkieh results
from animal or vegetable life, and
when used as a fertilizer in oRon
ureatly improved y adding lime.
When a disturbance is on ono bide
of the sun's equator solely, its effcet
readies the earth only while the lat
ter is opposite tho corresponding hem
isphere Dr. Vcedcr,
In general It lias boon found that
auroras and their attendant magnetic
storms ocour when spots, or faouku or
both aro at tho suii'h eastern limb,
and near the plaue of tho earth's orbit.
Dr. Vcedcr.
Tlio retation of tho planets on their
axis is certainly caused by the electri
cal force which makes them magnets,
and the revolution, of the planets
around the sun by the rotation of the
sun on its axie. The latter because
the ether surrounding the sun revolves
with tho latter. Strange that this
common seuso idea nevor penetrated
tho minds of astronomers.
Now that tho world's fair is so
more, congress is ndjeurncd and the
full elections havo dono their work
mwspapers will be soiuowual at a Iobs
to interest their readors. This is the
opportunity for the weather bulletins,
Thoy havo kopt aloft all through the
iotig months in which publie in
terest has centered in tho great publio
attractions montionod have como
through the calamitous financiul panic
in good shape, and a boom for them is
inevitable. Tho nowspaper that does
Vol.21. No. 17
aW IfellMrfklJr
A oroara of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Qovornmont
Food lteport.
Royal Unking Powder Co.
106 Wall Bt., N. Y.
not publish thefts bulletins is not
mooting tho demands of its patrons.
In our grcon houses tho samo kind
of soil is used fer all kinds of plants
but tho florist uses tho amount ef
water required by caoh plant, This
should teach agriculturists that good
crops de not dopond upon tho kind of
soil, but tho amount of moisturo. One
kind of land, though it bo totally
worn out, or supposed to be, will pro
duce juBt as good crops as the richest
soile, if the agriculturist knows how
to oullivato it and ean givi it tho right
amount of water at tho right time.
For theso reasons tho arid portions of
the Uuitcd States will yet produoo our
best and surest crops. By irrigation,
tho prcper amount of water oan ba
given to each crop at tho right time.
Are your children subject to oroup?
If bo, you should novor be without a bot
tie ot Chamberlain's Cough Itomcdy. It
is a cortnin euro for croup, and hits never
boon known to fail. If itivun freoljr M
soon na tho eroupy cough appears it will
prevent tho attnek. It is tho sole reliance
with thoDHaudi) of mothers who have
eroupy children, nnd never dioappointe
them. There ia no danger in ftivfaK this
Remedy in large nnd frequent doses, as it
contains nothing iujurions. CO cent bot
tles forsalo by Deyo fc Grico,
Tho following pootio appeal won for
its author, the editor of the Ricky
Mountain Celt, tho prize of $1,000
offered for ti o best appeal poem to
nowspapor men to pay up their sub
scription: "Lives of poor men often
remind us honest men won't aland no
chance; the more wo work there grows
behind us bigger patches on our pants.
On our pants, once new and glossy,
now aio stripes of different hue, all
bcoauso Bubseribors linger and don't
pay us what is duo. Then lot us bo
up and doing; send in your mite, how
over smtll, or when the snow of winter
atiikcs, we shall havo no pants stall."
I II ! M
The Hert Flahtku. Dampen a peico
of llaunel with Chamberlain's Pnln ltalm
and bind it ou over tho seat of pain, it is
better than any plaster. When the luugs
are two suoh an application ou the chiat
and another on the back, between the
Hlioulder blades, will of ton prevont pnea
moniii. There In nothing so good for s
Inme back or a pain in the aide. A sore
throat can nearly nlwnys be cared in on
night by nppliiug a flannel bandage
dampened with Pain Halm. CO cent bot
tles for sale by Deyo & Orioe.
To Bo Given Away!
Tlio Goldon Euglo Clothing Houso
will, on Junuary let, 18&1, glvo tho fol
owing liandFomo articles away: 1 New
Nnmo Sowing Mnchino, vnluo HO; 1
eight day clock, vnluo 912; and $T in
c(r1i, Ever) ono should investigato this.
Gueofl on tlio number of seeds in the
largo flqunsh at our etoro. Tho nearest
guess geta a handeomo Now Homo sow
ing machine; tho noxt nearest an eight
ilayclnclt; tho noxt 95 in cash, Tho
squash will be cut opon January lot.
When Baby was sick, we gave bar CastorU.
When she was a CUM, the cried for Caatorla.
When iho became BUM, aha clung to CastorU.
Wban she bad Children, she sjave than Caatorla.
SaSaV aT aa.aVaTWSBLSmejVam AW I
'J -J