The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1893, Image 8

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niwufaiLuimi m; d muiinni t
7i'-il .riviTJ4'5-M So
'-. jii-4-i-.i.iinta
owwtwvvMMwtvxMmw 'tViltVK MEssMXTVCsy:vxwvi fy
Ctutorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorio destroys "Worms and allays
favsrlshncss. Oastorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Costorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Costorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cob
Urla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
'CsstorUli an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers Iitb repeatedly told mo of It
good tfftct upon tbclr children."
Da. Q, C. Omood,
Lowell, Mans.
" CsstorU Is tho best remedy for children of
which I nm acquainted. 1 hopo tho day la not
fur distant n hen mother will consider tho real
liiterrit of their children, nnd uso Costorla In
iVul of tlieMirloiiiiquack nostrums which nro
deitroylns their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing sjrnip nnd other hurtful
tfenU down their throats, thereby sending
km to premftture craves."
Da. J. F. KmcniLOte,
Conway, Ark.
Th Centaar Company. TT
Dealer Secoild-I-farid Gods
First door north of Moon Block,
If you want bargains you should not fail tt
call and sec me. for I have them.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. n. FOHT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
on shout no new.
ntvliu: had ten yrarexH?rloiM In (-(nutty records nnd ono of tho mint cniittitcto set of At
struct hook? In the Mttte, uo Hiiuniiiteo usitlsfiu't Ion. oi.r f .ivitrs solicited
JLll ordo -h tilled in-niniilly. IIM ilnllur lioml Mud
Mid approved. Adilri-ss r call on . , , ., ,
L. II. tfOUT Manager., Kcd Cloud, Neb.
Jos. C. j4olcon?b,
Holland House
Has the best rigs in tho oily and tho most reasonable prides.
l'qur order Mllcllel hihI fnlr treatment Kiinrnntcctl.
North of lite Holland Home.
D. B. Spanoge,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
AvTN. stta vacua uttAii
ittjM Adjtsslo Itaolf to any
&$ 'llivs livo Rows ol
fe$ Stltolilnsr.
V&&jfiK'y In nlr.etn hntt.- Ihnn
i:j-iiny o'Jjo Collar.
ITitvo n Fetv More or
Alio a liiruo lino or IiarnesM, fcc.
Call aim! ice me It you wuiit
jr. i.. imxM'it,
Tito Veteran IIiu'iicmMiui.
i , .
" Costorla l so well adapted to children tha.
I recommend It m superior to oy prescription
knowutomc." .... ..
II. A. Arcmr, If. 0..
Ill So. Oxford St., Drookljrn, N. T.
" Our physician in the children's depart
ment liaro spoken highly of tbclr experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only bare among our
medical supplies what la known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castor! has won us to look with
favor upon It."
United Hospital and DisrsKMir,
Uoston, :
Allsm C. Burnt, I'm., ,
Murray Street, New York City.
Livery Stable,
I turn
Svw Kent IMulu r.'rin.
Heal Estate,
Loan nuil Iiiounmco Aleuts.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Ofllce with D. F. Tronkuy, Moon Illook
Wo have located in Red
Cloud and will be plowed to
have people who desire to sell
their farms to call and ltet
their lands with us as wo
havo oastorn buyers.
Call aud seo us.
.1. II. IUVIN & M
TRADE Hinit.
COPVniOHTS, etc,
v von ir.
I Auii.rlM-
UiemWlo hynuotleoBivch rroooii ciZisa uuh.
i..rt....,.j .".vrrr
Ijinrest clrnilMInn of wit sclent flo rspcr In tfca
iu.iii shoulil bowltliuut II. Wccklr. KLIfii m
Jmri I
f.vurix luniitiis. AililrtM IWNN A'BoI
LlMlimis. Mil I llrt-ailirar. Nnr V Vk ilv''
autus, U01 Hi louirsr, Ktn Vw utjT
1 SolcntMo American
fijL Agcnoy forg .
n i wm swsb
A Vnge to Queen lies.
Queen Elizabeth, wlio is known in his
tory n tho virgin or uniuarrlcd queen of
England, wnu very fond of display, nnd
introduced ninny custom in her court
which wcro not only iicculinr mid showy,
but pretty in well. For ono thing, bIio
wnu very fond of having it number of
boy lmgcs ulwnys nround her, nnd bIio
wished them nt nil times to bo dressed
with tho greatest elegance Thcro wns
no special work for tlicso pages to do
except to carry tho queen's train nntl
run errands for her, but tlioy wcro bo
ornamental in their beautiful suits of
silk nnd fur Hint nho wanted to lmvo nt
least six of them always in her presence.
A pa;o to Queen Bess was dressed inn
suit of light bluo satin, witii kneo
breeches and bloueo waUt, all of a piece.
Around his shoulders ho woro n coat or
cloak of deep royal purplo with n band
of royal crmino around it, and on his
head thero hat very aauntlly n cap or
white feathers. Theso pages wcro of
very good family, and when tho quoen
wished to specially honor a lady sho did
so by choosing her boy to bo ft page.
Tho costumo of a page to Queen Bess
was M) pretty that tho boys nnd jrirls
who aro going to littlu fancy dress par
ties may want to copy it for themselves
to wear. They can use cheaper material
than satin and velvet if they waut to
get tho suit up hastily and for only ono
wearing. Silesia and silkoliuo and tho
cheap cotton prints make very good cos
tumes for pages of tho court of Queen
Bess. New York Ledger.
lire n II ml VI uy Toy.
Tommy Ileiney, a lU-ycar-old boy of
this city, was until last night ambitious
to chino in tho ranks of tho grand army
of fakirs and had his heart fcet on bo
coming a "flroking." Last night Tommy
wiih entertaining n number of compan
ions by "rating fire." Ho dipped u
a bunch of cotton into gasoline, and by
holding it mutch two feet away ho prc
scntcd tho appearance of breathing
tlames, Tho fact that ho was achieving
glory mado him careless, and in respond
ing to an encoro tho cotton untight liro
ami burned tho parages in his head.
Tho injuries aro very paluful, but not
fatal. Allentown (Pa.) Dispatch.
A C'lillil's l'rcscuco unwind.
During tho inventions exhibition 1
happened to bo htnudiug next to tho
tecoiid in command f tho Loudon fire
brigade, and ho pointed out to mo that
presence of niiud was icimirediu ubing
all theso inventions, and that it was
rarely met with at fires, "Ono of tho
few cases of presenco of mind that 1
lmvo met with," said my informant,
"and the most extraordinary, was at a
big liro in a girls' school. A number
jumped aud wero lost, but ono little
girl of 10 took oil her shoes nnd stock
ings ho as to get a firm foothold, and
stood on tho window bill till wo rescued
her."-lill Mall Gazette.
Little Idadgo was in trouble. Sho
camo crying into tho house, her little
apron gathered up in ono hand, as if to
preservo somo most precious relic.
"1'vo b'nko my smollin lrottle!" sho
sobbed, lifting tear wet, imploring eyes
to my face.
"Your smelling bottle!" 1 repented,
"I didn't know you had one. Whero aro
the pieces?'
Sho held open her apron, and what do
you think lay there? Tho fccattered pet
aid of it rose I This was her too aged
"smelling bottle," and while hho was
,iny it it had fallen npnrt. Youth's
'lliollcly Ilujr.
Uottiiclnc LSciiny lured to light.
Ami tciisllii; was liU cliluf ilrllk'ht.
Ho ci'iutchctl tlm lojs, uiul tu for clrls
Hu lu liI tu lmll tliulr jintty ciuls.
At lu-t tlio boys all ran away,
Ami nil the ulrls wont off to play,
T.lion llouiirlnu llonny in illiyrace,
rork'uttiiis, elapin'il Ills own fat facol
Minuter llarrlncs In Ilornro.
lu n paper read before tho Roynl Qec
gtaphieal society, Loudon, on the high
lands of Borneo, in tho Italian archl
lielago, Charles Hofo gave n account
of how tho uativo inotliera stuck lingo
rings through their daughters' ears at
tho ago of 8 mouths only, eventually
increasing them to the weight of two
pounds cadi. By tho time that a girl lias
touio to her maturity her ears, thus
weighed down, reach almost to her el
tows. Jowclers' Review.
The Kxtsnslvn ArrniiRiunciits I'ur l'liyslcsl
Train lug In Ono ufTlii'lr Clubhouses.
Among tho innovation nt t ho Berkloy
Ladies' Athletic club h. Iiurdlo jumping
under tho direction of I.T'aD. M. Klliott,
ono of tho regular instir.etora. In order
to becomo proliclent in Ihh branch iMi?s
Elliott has spent tho past summer at
Chautauqua, taking n eourso of study
nnd training, and becoming familiar
with other new exercises and idens as
well, which fcho intends to introdueo
into tho class work.
Tho Dclsarto system is not generally
employed, the training being of u heavier
character, though individual work of all
degrees is undertaken where tho pupil
requires special discipline to meet pecul
iar phyfcical needs. Each member is
entitled to n physical examination nnd a
scries of measurements, and is expected
beforo entering upon her work to con
sult with tho medical director, Dr. Mary
Taylor Blssoll, who will ndviso as to tho
proper kind and nniount of exorciso tnk
en in every ense. Privato lessons may
also bo nrranged for. Games aro being
introduced tills year for tho young peo
ple. Physical culturo is becoming continu
ally moro popular among woman, nnd
tho Ladies club ofTers amplest facilities
for instruction nnd prnctico in every
branch, including cycling, swimming,
fencing, bowling, nrchory, tennis nnd
badminton. Mnny Indies learn to mount
nnd uso tho bicyclo in tho gymnasium as
they would not nnd could not elsewhere.
Thero nro two swimming tanks. Tho
smaller ono, with mnrblo floor nnd walls
nnd ceiling of whito nnd bluo tiles, is con
Btuntly in use, whilo bowling forms nn
amusing ns well as beneficial exercise.
A padded running track encircles tho
largo gymnasium liko n gallery, eight
turns on it equaling n mile. When not
occupied by classes, this largo room af
fords spaco for tennis, nnd tho small
gymnasium may bo marked off for two
badminton courts.
Both tho rooms nro enulnned with all
desirnblo apparatus nnd appliances for
gymnnsticB nud calisthenics, mnnufac
tured under tho direction of Dr. D. A.
Snrgcnt of tho Ilemenway gymnasium
at Harvard university. Sets of light
chest weights, rowing weights, Indian
clubs, dumbbclla nnd French barbells
nro provided for class instruction. A
dry swimming machino has lately been
invented, and tho club authorities nro
contemplating its introduction na part of
tho apparatus. Harper's Bazar.
Woman's Work In Now South Wnlcs.
Thero has been n littlo rift in tho Into
of tho hitherto harmonious Womanhood
SuiTrago leaguo of New South Wales.
Tho progressive party urees tho nlen
that stagnation has como upon tho leaguo
owing to its neglect to encourago tho
formation nnd growtli of locnl branches
all over tho colony. It remains to bo
seen whether tho present nssociation is
capablo of expauding to moot tho re
quirements of a political party or wheth
er it will gradually dwindlo away and
givo placo to an organization moro fitted
to copo with tho question of tho best
means of obtaining women's franchise.
Meanwhllo tho School of Arts Donating
club, which lias for nearly two years ad
mitted women members on nn equal
footing, serves ns an ndmirablo training
school for thoso who nro ambitious to
fulfill tho duties of citizenship nnd to
nssist in promoting tho welfnro of hu
manity in general and of womanhood in
particular. London Queen.
Titled Women Writers.
Every day seems to ndd afresh namo
to tho list of titled ladies who work for
tho press. Four duchesses thoso of
Cleveland, Rutland, Sutherland nnd
Bedford lmvo at ono timo or nnothcr
contributed nrticles to magazines. Lady
Grovillo is in receipt of a steady incomo
from quito a number of papers to which
sho is it regular contributor, and so is
Lady Colin Campbell, whilo Lady Con
stanco Howard, a sister of tho Earl of
Wiuchclsea, is almost equally well
known. Tho Countess of Cork, too, is
generally engaged upon some journal
istic work, and thero aro hosts of others,
Hon. Emily Lawless, tho well known
Irish novelist, nnd Hon. Miss Eden
among them. London Letter.
A Suiting Mistress.
Tho first yachting commission over
granted to a woman by tho United
States government will probably bo
given to tho Countess Festetics do Tolna,
who, as an American citizen, is ablo to
qualify as bailing master of tho yacht
Tolna in lieu of her husband, who has
not yet taken out his naturalization pa
per. Tho countess is a California!! by
birth nnd knows enough of navigation
to uso its terms intelligently. Her com
mission will put tho Tolna on about tho
snmo footing in foreign ports as an Amer
ican man-of-war and will nid her to ills
penso witii certain troublcsomo require
ments of such ports. Harper's.
A Woman Doctor of Divinity.
Tho Rov. Augusta I. Chupin, tho first
woman doctor of divinity, marched in
tho oponing procession of tho parliament
of rcligionu, which was headed by Car
dinal Qibbons in ills scarlot robes. Closo.
ly following tho cardinal camo Mrs. Pot?
tor Palmer and Mrs. Charles Howstln of
Chicago, n city whero Catholic women
now enjoy tho greatest publicity in work
Bticli as Protestant women have for soino
years boon free to choose. Philadelphia
White Lttco Trimming.
Whito laco promises to bo a great fea
ttiro in tills winter's trimmings, nud
though ono would imagine that it is moro
nppropriato for summer costumes it doe's
not look out of placo when combined
with heavy materials in tho deft manner
known only to Parisian modistes. Ex
change. What's tho Mutter With .losltih?
"Wimmen's sufirageV" said Mrs. Hob
lersnagj "notany fur mo, ef you please."
"Why not?"
"Because I hov ter wait on Josiah
enough oz it is without goln ter townun
doin his votln fur 'im." Washington
Wright is
He has the
You inn not nH'ortl (o if.Ni .sciiny l;Ni-5oU tu-rceu utiyiti;;
us yon v.'lll ioo uiotii).
W. W. Wright, the M.-.rclwniv Man.
I'nopiitKTons ok
fl DBAY X,
Orders promptly filled.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Limc3 Coal and Cement.
Doctor Henderson
Bess, losses, pimples and blotches on tho faco,
confuscdldcasnnd forRctfuInc&s.b.nhfulncss, aversion to boclcty.lossotuuxual power, loas
of manhood, &c, cured for life. lean stop all night losses, restoro lost sexual power, re
8toroncrvnnndbralnpovvcr.cnlarKoand8trcnBthenweakpart3aiidmaltoyouUtformarrlaRo. SvDhiH;. thaltcrrlblolIjicaso,lnall fstrirf 1 1ff permanently cured with
JVll"l Its forma and stages cured lllliure out caustic, cutting, bou-
ti 11ft TllMA.l tlnt.nntnrt tt.ln lltaMi.i.fl
ulcers, Swellings, Sores, Oonorrbora anil
Qtcot, ana all forms of Privato Diseases
positively cured or money refunded.
Knnlf for both scxch, eo paces, S7 plo
uuuiv turcs, truo to life, with full Jes.
crlptlonof nbovo diseases, the effects and
Bcaatblaltttlo book and answer questions.
Free Museum of Anatomy WffurSSriS
Ufo-llko modelsand war flRurcadccply impress tho mind; a school of Instruc
tion n Rormon without Words. N. B.l haoe (500 depot Ittii In th$ bank, which I
will forftlt for abov$ dlittuu that I cannot curt.
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Unit fur liini; liq will cnll on you In a lew Iijn. Yon can tavo
money huI get mors NiilWI'actory Imurancc t linn from any
otlior man. He luu cxcIunIvo control of four counllfii.
Sewing - Machines
Has a fine lino of Sowing Ma
chines ami Organs from $25
Also keeps nil kinds or Machino
fuppllri. Does repairing
prompt ly. Cull nnd neo mo.
Par hi Loais
e. A Simpson,
Blue Hill Neb.
the Man.
lint- of Stoves
"Sour patronngo Bolloltod
102 & 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, MO.
Tfif Old Kitiallt Dxter. AKtpilarGradutittittMtJicint. Olitit in
)?!!?Izc, ,,y th0 sut0 10 trcat CLONIC, NERVOUS and SrECIAL
DISEASES. Cures Kuarantcnl or money refuniieil. All meillclnes
(urnlHbca rcaily for use. Iso mercury or injurious mcillclni's used.
No detention Jrnm work. I'nticnts ntndlstunco treated uy mall
and express. Medicines cent everywhere, t rco from iiazo or break
tine Cbarces low, Over 80,000 cases cured. AKoaud cxnerloneenro
Important. lJcad llttla book, tbon utnto your case. Gcnd foroplnlon
nud terms. Consultation f rco and conlldcuuul, personally or by letter
Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debilitv.
rushes of blood to tho head, nalns in thnlmek.
pies or sound. No pain, no exposure. IV
iont can uso tho treatment nt homf.
Rheumatism SSSSS11
A SUIIBCUUK. Tho RTcatcst discovery In
tlieunnalaof ineulclnc. Onodoso gives ro
llcfiufowiloscsrcmovo fover and pain in
juiuia uturuiiuuuwiuiyH. ncnu Rtni
of cose, with utamp for circular.
P A' MA if
A nice line or
Scarl pins
Cuds anil collar Imlloun, neck
clialns, lace pins, Nllek ping,
cliarniN, clc.
I'latrd uiul colli slheiwurc, souvenir spoony
I'fH Iliumlli'ilhiiluM mid nuKs. cnnlnij sets
iMl'liiKi'.uil ciis.'s, hon lion uw iinifollier
imrlilc(. a ilno llnouf siivcIiikU's mil ejo
Kln'.M' Willi IlitHirlMiicubluliMiMii sppaniktl
jlivr anil mill fr.inn s .Sp,-clul mid cm vfnl m.
tfiitliiiipiildlolll ln-illio ..n. Mj-IIimi f ymi
li.uid w-iiclifH Is iiuitit liirw. I will nm lliem olt
Uth' IlliUI tllfcll U'lll.'ll Willtll,
r-IIiiHB mr vv.ileli, t-luirk uikI Jowelry in.
pan Tk, join-ciim.inB uiul your nld gold
mid .sliver t'Miitf. '
Henry Ccok'i Drug Store.
i '
'" I