The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1893, Image 7

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"t, TiC".T3
- -5CSraasaLji , , ' a
no first or i New Hcili-Mif HermniH by .
tho i:ioiinriit Now Vir! lilt Ino llawn '
of tho lhiy of Western Iluuilnutltui In '
Amurlen. I
Nr.w Yomc, Nov. fi.-Ilov. Thomas'
Dixon, Jr., began n now nudes of ser
mons In Association hull this morning.
Tho subject of tho new series ho gives as
"Tho Prophecies of tho World's Fair."
Ho will discuss in tlis tho bearing of tho
Break exposition upon tho questions of
-ino Miipremncy ot tho West," "Tho
Religion of tho Future," "Tho Futuro
of tho Sabbath In America" and "Tho
Now Religion of Industry," among other
Ills thomo for this morning's discourse
was "Western Supremacy." IIo de
clared that tho location of tho fair at
Chicago and its triumphant management
by that city wa3 ono of tho most signifi
cant ovonts in our national history au
was prophotio of n now era in our na
tional Hfo. Tho reasons for this success,
he said, wero duo to tho youth, strength,
matchless enterprlso and exhimitloss re
sources of the great west. IIo predicted
that tho west in tho near futuio would
Buroly dominate American Hfo, political,
social and economic. IIo urged tho
broadest patriotism In meeting this situ
ation, In anticipating tho threatened
dangers of sectionalism, materialism and
atheism. Tho test chosen was from Rev
elation xxi, 1, "And I saw a new earth."
Tho location of tho great Columbian
exposition at Chicago and its triumphant
planning aud management by hor peoplo
is ono of the inrwt significant events in
tho history of America.
Three years ago I spent tho summer in
Chicago and smiled with incredulity as
I saw them fling across ono of tho great
thoroushfures u banner on which was in
scribed tho audacious words, "Headquar
ters World's Columbian KxpoMtiou, Chi
cago, 1602." I had just moved to Now
York. It seemed to mo preposterous that
nny sano man could believe for a minuto
that thl3 big, rudo western town could
get that fair, if New Yoik, with her
8,000,000 people, tho metropolis of Iho
new world and gateway of two worlds,
should but nod her majestic head and
indicate a willingness to tuko it uud
muungo it.
1 I did not know Now York as well then
ns I know it now. While poor old Father
Knickerbocker was rubbing his then
watio legs and powdering his wig and
adjusting his spectacles toseo what all
tho fuss was about, tho young giantess
of tho west gathered Washington in her
arms. Sho came, alio saw, sho conquered!
And old Knickerbocker is still rubbing
bis lego and wondering how it happened.
Tho plain truth is the location of tho ex
position at Chicago and its marvelous
success is Iho sure prophecy of a now
America whowcentor of power can only
bo tho west. And tho reasons which
mako this prophecy a practical certainty
ro tho samo reasons that made its loca
tion a foregono conclusion from tho day
tho lines of battlo wero llnt drawn.
First Youth. It is tho old story of
triumphant young manhood versus do
crepid traditions. America is a young
country, and yet, strange to say, tho At
lantic states aro actually today bedridden
with old world rheumatism. On all save
tho forms of government wo not only
xnako ourselves ridiculous in tho effort
to apo tho lifo of tho old world, but wo
do more. In tho effort to hitch on some
how, somowhero to tho past, wo mako
our Hfo tho junkshop of tho old world,
and treasuro as a priceless inheritance
ideas and traditions long ago cast off by
tho better part of tho old world us worto
than useless.
Tho young west carries no such bag
gage Hero is growing tho real spirit of tho
American nation. Hero wo find our
real weakness and real strength.
Tho west is peopled with young men.
It is managed by young men.
All her men aro young.
They nover grow old. They dio young.
Men with silvered hair movo with tho
boundless vitality of youth.
Traditions as traditions do not bind.
Men do not ask what tho fathers did.
They simply ask, Is tho thing a possiblo
humuu achievement?
tiiu BTiiKsaTii or YOUTH.
Thoy go at it. It's dono.
For tho first tlmo in tho history of tho
world a great puoplo in a great country,
with laws incarnating their aspirations
and flexiblo to their expausion, huvo
Hung themselves into tho gigantic strug
gle of tho raco. Tho buttles of tho
world havo all been fought by Iho
streii'-'th of youth. Wo behold in this
rising power youth in all its audacity,
its enthusiasm, its faiths, its power,
plnugo with defiant spirit into tho thick
est of the world's battlo with nature. It
was this forco with which tho older sec
tions of tho nation collided iu tho strug
gle for tho exposition. Tho manner in
which it was taken nnd handled after
taken gives bomo idea ns to tho center of
gravity of national life. And tho fact is
of greater importanco for what it prom
ises than what it is now.
Second Bt length. Yonth implies
strength. It may bo In tho promise. It
may bo in tho actual attainment. In
this ciiho wo havo tho strength developed.
. Wo havo displayed hero a matchless
physical prowess. Chicago, with her
1,000,000 inhabitants, her wealth, power
uud resources, is scarcely CO years old, to
reckon from her earliest beginnings, to
say nothing of her baptism of firo and
her now birth into a cradlo of charred
timbers, with nshoj for her covering.
ThlH display sho has mado to tho world is
a miracle of strength. That thoro is
mingled with this n boundless "cheek"
goes without saying. But when said
wo simply add that it is another secret
of power. Call it cheek, call it assur
ance, call it confidence, call it hopo, call
it what you may, it is u power armies
" must reckon on.
Wo are told that a commonplace uctor
r'.iFtri..1 1'fj.vui'wyjtujij jk.vj u,..iv.TJmi'j,,L..lnj ya wx sj.ini:'rix?awixv.!' uumtuGac
in Franco won a nio' forcourn-rrntH
service by simple cht. k. It U mid that
tho medal bears a wreath of laurel and
tho Inscription i
"To Ch.itcau-Renaud, from L.unnr
tine. Courageous service In the cause
of order, iSAS."
Chateau-Kciiand's corvlco was this: In
February, IRIS, when tho French capi
tal was In tho thro.s of revolution, a
mob surrounded tho Hotel do Villo nnd
menaced tho deliberations of tho assem
bly, which was sitting within.
At tao Theater Histonquo, where '
Chateau-Renaud happened to be, ho ,
heard of tho turmoil, and a bright .
thought camo to him. IIo put on tho I
costumo of a representative of tho peo
plo in tho year 171W. Then ho hunted
up an old whlto horse, mounted It, nnd
with a small crowd nt his heels rodo
straight to tho Hotel do Villo and
through tho mob which was shouting
nbout lis doors.
Dismounting ho went into tho hall,
where Lanmrtino was presiding.
"Citizens," ho shouted, "deliberate in
pcaccl No ono shall como iu while I am
lie re I"
IIo went out and remounted his whlto
horse, nnd no ono did como in. Ono
fantastically attired man, with n terrible
countenance, had completely overawed
tho crowd, which probably would havo
defied successfully a regiment of soldiers.
When to a matchless assuranco thcro
is added tho strength to back it up to tho
last, wo havo a resistless combination of
Nor Is this strength in nny senso a
matter of tho imagination. It is a physi
ological fact.
Tho west is giving to tho world for tho
first time tho composite man.
Hero wo havo tho mingling of nil peo
ples", ruce3, kindred and tonguca from
tho uttermost limits of tho earth in tho
fortilo womb of Anglo-Saxon national
ity. Out of this mingling, with tho process
of tlmo nnd culture, must como tho im
perial mauhood of tho twentieth cen
tury. Tho west in tho breadth of its human
itarian spirit is already giving ovideuce
of tho world breathing into its nature.
When faraway frozen Russia was starv
ing, it was tho young west that lifted
first her keen oyo and strained it across
tho teas, nnd turning with tears of sym
pathy scut flour and grain nnd meat on
a mission of lovo ns high as God uud
as broad as humanity.
Third Exhaustless resources. Tho
vastness of tho fair is symbolic not so
much of tho nation as of tho we3t. It Is
tho inimitable incarnation of tho west
ern ideal "tho biggest thing on earth."
Conscious that thoy havo tho biggest and
richest country on tho globe, anything
that stands for it must bo tho biggest.
Their boast is not mi idle one. It is n
solemn reality. It may bo a moro sol
emn one to us in tho future.
Let us turn just hero to Dr. Strong's
roview of this western empire to refresh
our minds upon tho subject:
Of tho 2! states ami territories west of the
Mhslssliil only tlireo aro uu small ns nil Now
Kiial.iml. Muutiinn, would stretch from Hus
ton on the enst to Cleveland on tho uebt, nnd
extend fiirenouuh south to I nc 1 ml o Ricliiunni).
Idaho, If laid down In tho cost, would touch
Toronto on tho north and liulrfirh on tho
bouth. while- Its pout hern boundary lino Ii lone
enough to stretch from WiishiiiKton city to
Columbus, O., nnd California, If on our Atlan
tis senbourd, would extend from tho southern
lino of Mnvnehusctts to tho lower part ot
South Carolina; or, in Europe, It would extend
from London ncrovi franco and well Into
paln. New Mexico Is larger thun tho United
Kingdom of Grout! and Ireland. Tho
greatest measurement of Texas In nearly
equal to tho dlstnnco from New Orleans to
Chlrnyo or f iuiii Chicago to Bo-iton. J,uy Tex
an on tho faco of Kuropo, and thin giant, with
lilihead testing on tho mountain of Norway,
directly east of tho Orkney Islands, with ono
palm coierltut Loudon, tho other WurMiw,
would Rttetch himself down across tho king
dom of Denmark, act 033 tho empires of Ger
many nnd Austria, aero-w northern Italy, und
lavo his feet In tho Mediterranean. Dakota
might bo caned Into a Half do.en hlivdonu of
(Jrecce.or. If It weru divided into LMefmal coun
ties, wo might lay down tho two hlngdomsof
Jud.ili and Israel in each.
1'liico tho IHMMyxw Inhabitants of tho United
States In lfctO all In Texas, und tho population
would not bo as deuso as that of Uci many.
Vat them in Dakotn, nnd tho population would
not bo iva deuso as that of England and Wales,
l'laeo them in Now Mexico and tho density of
population would not bo as great as that of
Ueljlutn. Those C0,iXW.tWJ might ull bo com
fortably Bttstained In Texas. After allowing,
say, Co.iioo bquuro mllcn for "desert," Texas
could havo produced all our food crops iu lfcT'J
grown, as we havo seen, on 1CI,31S square
milts of laud could lmo laUcd tho world's
supply of cotton, l-0UU,O) bales, at ono bale to
tho acre, on lO.lUO square miles, and then havo
had remaining for a cattlo range u territory
larger than tho stato of Now York.
Atcounllng allof .Minnesota and l-oulslana
west of tho Mississippi, for convenience, wo
have, according to tho census of IStO, IMIJ.W",
bquuro miles In the west and tul.BCJ In the east Is, for every aero east of thu Mississippi
wo have nearly 25 west of It.
Tho great deserts, fco called, of tho
west havo either proved u fiction or ura
being rapidly transformed by irrigation
Into some of the richest garden spots of
tho earth. Mr. Strong continues:
Nor have wo llulshca our Inventory of west
ern wealth. Its mineral icsources aro simply
Inrxhuustibl?. Tho precious mutuli have been
found In most of tho states and Urrltorlcjn.
our western omplie. from tho discovery of
gold lo.iuiiu 31, lwl, California has produced
Sl.KO.tiio.UJO of that metal. Tho annual prod
uct Is now from StS,JUv).UAI to S-VXAUO. l'rnm
Ifl.l to LWJ Idaho produced $Mi,imUjU of gold
uud bllier, nml Montana, from Itetjl to 1819, not
lefj than SIt.,,Mi),ui). In 91 ears Nevada pro.
dined S W.I3.tiiW of tho in colons metals. Tho
production uf (.'olouulo during thoSI J ears pro
ceiling IMll was SlD'.iKW.OUO. Her output for
ItM! iwu &.T,UM,ui).
Iu wealth pi educing pnwcrnslngloilchmluo
represents a great men of arable land. Tor In
stance, Iho Comstock lode In 1&7" produced
y7,(H..',iy, Those l:J Insignificant looking holts
In the s'de of the mountain jlehled moie
wealth that year than D.Kki.uo acres planted to
corn tho tamo ) ear-that Is, tho-o few tqmiio
rods on the surface In Nut win wore i large ns
all Ihueornlleldsof New Knghiml, Now York,
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and .Min
nesota collectively. Ilocky mountain wealth,
penetrating thousandsof fictlnto thoeailh,
coinpjnrates for large mens of barren surfuie.
Tho agilcultuial resources of n country do not
now, as formeily, determine Its jkmIMo iopu.
Today easy transportation makes regions
IKipulous uud wealthy which oniffwero unin
habitable, liven If a blade of grass could not
be iiiuilo to grow In all tho Kooky mountain
states that region could bit- lulu lu),UMl ouls,
provided It haksiilllilcut mineral wealth toex
i hungo lor Ihoprodueuof the Mltslsslppl valley.
(Juan minus have been known In thu ItocMcs
fur jcantwhlviicuiihl not le worked without
heavy uiaiMiivi. Tho inner ihnuibcia ot
(lod i r-iiti: mltf ft fi, whiro-llit'f'Ivrrn'il
gold ln tie ii ft ud forngH tiM'tiii U tin J
i;i iu r tlon, nru fastened with tlmo lock) sot
for tV' ndclit of the l illw.iy.
The projecllui of inllwny )trtns Into tho
mountains will rapidly ileU'lop llirso mines.
IV tho j our ending May III, Hi, thn United
Mnto produced M tons? 'I po'iiuliMnlriltlpnls
of gold nnd l.lwi tons !RH pound of tllcr,
"Tin-so lui'W llgure-i nmy lo lieller gtnpi'd.
perlinp", l iotildi'ilin: that thu gol'l repre
sents H vo ordinary rnrloniN, whllo n train of
IW f iclght cars of tho uunl capacity would ho
required to transport theslher.
What can limit tho future of thin
young nation, with its coming imperlnl
manhood, with Its exhaustless resourced
of mountain nnd plain?
Tho precious mc'.als aro but ono item
in tho ealaloi.iioof the mineral treasures
of it vast empire. Its agricultural power
is beyond competition. Who can set n
limit to its achievement?
Tho conclusion is simple Tho west is
to dominate this continent.
It is tlmo that wo recognised thto fact
nnd faced it Kquarely. It should bu rec
ognized with the broadest patriotism and
fraternal helpfulueyj,
It is God's country. It is our coun
try. It is our nation. Thoso nro our
people, our kindred nnd friends, our
brothers and slsteis. It is not a subject
for bickering and jealousy, It is a trum
pet call to Christian citizenship. It Is
tho trumpet call of Hod to his church to
possess tho laud and savo It iu his name.
It is time for tho Christian citizen to
slug with a now und broader meaning!
My country, 'tis of thee,
bwect land ot liberty,
Of thiol sing.
It Is an hour when wo must guard
against tho curso of sectionalism by tho
cultivation of tho broadest and most
helpful nationalism. Aud thcro is dan
ger just now of narrow jealousy und
petty hatreda based on sectional lines
obscuring our political horizon. Such
issues cannot live. Wo nro one. Wo
nro one, nnd tho union waa sealed with
tho blood of a half million heros. Tho
glories of tho west bhould bo tho pride
of tho east. And with western patriots
wo must join our hands nnd hearts and
money to stamp out all provincialism,
nil foreign traditionalism, that would
seek through foreign tongue or broad ex
panse to scparnto us. Wo aro one. It is
thodecicoof nature. It is thovoicoof
God. It is tho hopo of humanity.
Tin: DANonn of making.
Lit us pour our men nnd our money
into this looming western empire. Let
us build hero tho greatest institutions of
learning. Let us build here our strong
est churches. Wo must stem tho tide of
materialism that, through tho very chal
lenge of the abundance of nature's re
sources, would obscuro tho spirit of na
ture back of what wo see.
Thoro Is danger that tho peoplo of the
west shall go mad with money making.
This is tho tendency. As they go, the
nation of tho futuro goes. It is the
trumpet call for tho fcccoud man, whom
Curly lu said ho called great:
A second man I honor, nnd still more highly
idm w ho Is teen toiling for tho fplrltunlly It,.
dlpenahle, not for dully bread, but Iho breed
of life. Is not he, too, In his duty endeavoring
tow aid inward hut mnny, revealing this by act
or bv word thioughall his outward cndeaNors,
bo they high or low highest of all, when his
outward and his inward endeavor aro one,
when wo can mi mo him artist, not earthly
craftmen only, hut iuplred thinker, who with
heaven made Implement conquers hca en for
us? If the poor mul humble toll that wo havo
food, must not the high and glot Ions toll for
him In return that ho hne light, have guld.
ance, freedom, Immortality? These two in all
their degrees I honor. All clto Is chair nnd
dust, which let thu wind blow whither It list
eth. Shall wo not strivo with thosolemnest
senso of responsibility to answer this
Eluo wo in turn must bo crushed by
tho vastness of tho empire wo hnvo al
lowed to grow without sympathy aud
help nnd guidance.
In India they used to havo n curious
form of execution, especially used for
those who had committed tho crime of
treason. Tho condemned was executed
by an elephant. Ono of theso ponderous
beasts wus trained to plnco his giant foot
upon tho head of tho victim, and spring
ing forward crush his skull like an egg
shell. Wo can tako our choice. With giant de
velopment grow giant vices. Wo must
develop giant forces for good or bo
crushed iu tho end.
Dr. Stiong's prophecy of western su
premacy iu 18S3 EGcmcd to us then rath
er farfetched. IIo said:
Iiejonda. perndveututo the west Is to domi
nate the east. When Texas Is as densely peo
pled as New England, It Is hardly to bo sup
posed her millions will bo content Iosco tho
U,',0tO bquuro miles cast of tho Hudson bend it!
benators to the seat of government, while her
territory of dU.UU sends only two. Tho west
will dliect the policy of tho government, ami
by virtue of her preponderating population and
inlluencu will dclcrmlnoour national charac
ter and, therefore, destiny,
Tho world's scepter passed from Persia to
Greece, from Oieeco to Italy, from Italy to
Ureal Hritnin, und from 11 rent Diltuln thu
rccpter Is today departing. It is passing on to
"(lieater Ilrituln," to our mighty west, thcro
. to remain, for thoro Is no further west; beyond
ts tho orient. Like the star In tho east which
guided tho three kings with their lieasurcs
i westward until at length It stood still over the
' cifulloof tho young Christ, bo tho star of cm
I plre, rising lu tho cast, has ever licckoned tho
1 winllh n:nl power of the nutlons westward
until today it stands still over tho cradlo of
tho joungemplro of tho west, to whloh tho
uatloin nro bringing their ottering.
The west today Is an Infant, but shall one
day he n glaut, lu each of whose UmUi shall
unlto tho tticugth of many nutlons.
I Theso Eeemcd very strong words In-
' deed then.
I But, standing beforo tho triumphant
1 arch of tho great exposition nt Chicago,
wo must rccognlzo tho fact that wo aro
actually entering upon tho dominion of
that now kingdom.
Murder Will Out.
Jocph Cvuns, n sailor, was arraigned
iu Liverpool last week on his own con
fession that ho had murdered a bhlpmato
of tho niuno of Charles Doyle in Now Or
leans five years ago. According to his
ttory ho and IJoylo had a quarrel on
board tho ship Discovery at Now Orlo
aus, and ho throw IJoylo overboard. Tho
body wus subsequently found iu tho Mis
fcissjppi river, but there was no suspicion
at tho timo that ho had met his death by
foul menus, and tho affair was forgotten
until Evans confessed that it was ho who
had caused Uoylo's death. Evans wu3
remunded for trial. London Dispatch.
'St of Olio, City of l'ol
i Lucn County.
1'ratik J. Chsnrj makes oath (lint lie In
tht t sniur jmrtuf r of Hit tlrm of V. ,1,
Clmtiey .t Co , ilIng business lu ilia City
o. loUdo, loiiutr ami bUtr ufrald,
mul that inhl tlrm will pay (ho mm of
ONIJHl'N'MtKU DOLLAIiy for .noli
and Hvery eai of Catarrh thai onanot br
eurid by the me of Hull's Catarrh (1ro.
Sworn (o before in ami subsctlbtit lu
my proiotict, this Ot Ii day of Dieeiubor,
A. I. lHSti.
j hfai.
A. W.Gt.tusoN,
Notnty I'ubllo
Hall's Cntiurh Ciiro fs taken iiitvrnnlly
and acts directly on tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho sj stem. Send for testl
mounds, free.
l- J. Cnr.NKV t Co,, Toll do, O.
:3TSold by I)rggistn,7r.o.
i.i. -.
Xcu- Iti'ftluuriiiit.
Mre. J. A. l'rnnio hits purchased the
eily bakery and
your patronngo.
cakes every day.
restaurant and Bolicits
Fresh bread, pies ami
A. It. 1C.
Ainboy, Wed Cloud and Illverton,
mako its good Hour as in mado iu the
stnle. Why buy foreign mndo (lour
when you can got just as good u mako at
home, und thereby umkoa better market
for tho fanners wheat. Von will llndall
hwindfl miiilo at the above mills at Mo
Nitt's 1'iodtico exchange.
For Snlc,
A lino young stallion, iron grey, high
grade, about liiOO pounds, gentle and
will work in team. Cash or good note.
See, (.Ico W Hkki:h on II E Pond.
I will furnrish llrst clats bonrd at my
hotiFO ono block north of tho Holland
house, for S.'l.fiO per week.
AIkh. DiountsoN.
A liiy.y.!u
To ninny Imlios in how to hoop their
hair in curl on rainy da) p. The solution
isonnj. Ask Deyo ,t (Irico for Nonpar
iil Ilnir curler and the puzlo will be
'S'lio-c WoiMtvrTiil (.'Inula In
If yon wish to pco them cnll on Deyo A
Gricouud ask for Hoggs Litttu (Jiiinl
I'lllf. Every boltlo guaranteed.
I'lrMt 'liiH ItoanliiiK
Mr S. Uajles wihltcs to nnuouncoti
tho public that he is prepared to tnk'
hoarder at $.' per wcrk, sloepinp
Deluded. Apply at '1th Avenue
Coal, I'loiir uud E'ccri.
Don't jou forget that L. I Al
brplil sills mere coal, flour or feed fot
t than nny one.- Sec him
A vw .lokv
On tholivdr. When It is out ot order
and you foci blue, try a fow down ol
Ueggn'Iiittlo Oiantl'illH. Your liver will
apprtuinto the joke. So will you. For
milo by Dejo Jt Cirleo.
"Wright keeps tho beat
in tho niarkot.
Kneolino Btore
Qo to Sherwood nnd Albright for your
Ijrou'erieB. Thoy lteop tl o bent in town.
Tho Army Hill
In not tho ono Hint worrii'i ub but the
iloctor'fi bill. Keep n tnipply of Horns'
Wninily ModlelnrH on IipiuI nml reduce
your doolor'u bills 'J5 ier cont. Kold bj
Deyo &G rice.
MoNrrr will oxchango Hour nnd feed
nt cnsli prlcett, for corn, oats or potutocs
nt market priccH.
DCny! BlnySEBny!
Hiily will bo received nt thu Hod Cloud
Mnrblo Workn for Td) tonti of llrHt i'nst
prnirio liny, to bo delivered tit Hod Cloud
nil iiroporly ntnckcd nnd weighted. Hny
to fltnud in tho ntnck IIo dnH beforo It Ih
tncc&urod. 8 cubio feet to contitituto n
First clans coodu und reasonable priorB
can ul wnys bo found nt W. W. WriBlit'n
linrdwaro store.
TIioeo nccomodntiiiB storokceporp,
Sherwood & Albright the grocers, Btudy
to please Ihoir customers. Call nnd too
thorn when in wiintofRrocerioH.
The Demon of Despair
IiiHomonin, and its twin brother Dyn
popxin, aro tho ofTHpriiijr of n dlnordurcd
itomnch. A pobitlvo euro in found in
Ik'tfu'b Dntidulion UitterB. Sold by Doyo
Vov fjnle.
A Webetrr county farm, of ICO norm,
r.lth well llnlBhctl framo Iioubo, Htnblo,
100 acres fenced in to panturo, over IIO
head of cattle, over -10 ho'fl, over 800
huoliHlfi of corn; olTer all for it short tuuo
for tho email flUin of (L',100. A (ood
prnirio farm of ICO ncrus uith no im
provonipntii, prico 1 1,050. 80 ncres iu
Jewfl county. KnnpaH, $1,100. 80 norm
in Jewel county KaiiBas, fllOO. Im.
proved Webotor county farm of KiOucrt's,
price t'-'.OOo.-Ohouui: O. Yi:isi:is, at'l,
tied Cloud, Neli.
In order to redtico stock, wo will h1I
all fnnoy rookem for 1i pur cent discount
for !!0 duy.i. Now in the tlmo if you want
n nice rocker. F. V. 'I aylou.
Itui'hlciiV Ariilfn ftitlvo.
Tho best Biilvo in tho world for cuts,
liriiiBOi', forw, UlccrB, Salt rheum, fovor
corts, thttur, chnpped hnnds, chilblaiiiH,
corns, nnd Ml akin eruptions, nml poiii
livjly cures piko, ornopny required. It
o Kunrnntoid to tfivo jierfoot siitisfnction
or inonev rcfandod. I'rlco -5 cents pci
box. I'orsalo by Cottlnx' It
Am. fnncy rockoro 15 per rent didconn
ofllOdnjs. 1" V. Tavlou.
Pitcher's Caoto?2&e
Children Oryfo;
Pitcher's Castoria.
rnr mF-n.
flnl elite, Wt
i mfSmwK2f9t'HAmmWTkmrS
It la nppliod right to tho parta It ouron till dlaonaoa of women. Any
lntly can uoo It horaolf. Bold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mallod to any
addroso on rooolpt of $1.
Dr. J. A. MoQiU & Oa, O and 4 Panorama Ptaoe, Ohlo8fO, HI
mmmmmmm m
Stop ! C
at jV y J&
Corner Drijg Store
IT )ou want
Pure Drugs,
Bottom Prices,
Prompt Attention.
Dcyo & Gricc, Props.
7mm iu ai ;u m
.rnii m in. cvnninon
t-fk Mm St. .uJ..ffu
brittle? Doit it ipllt at the tnd$f XTcj it a UftUea cpptmemmtl
3ot it fall out when tombeit or truih1 73 it nil 4n4rff
2)oc your icalp Uthf I it dry oi'im a hnttl9nllHmt Xfthmt
arc fomo of your ymptom$ be uarntil in thn or yu HW toMMf
bald. (
Ii what yoa need. Iti
aearch. Krnmlrdeeor
to front them. "Bkookum
A rtflliihtfullr pnnllnir am
falling hnlr.eurtt dandruff
'Keep ttis icalpcUaDjliPitltbxanil fn fronUnwUBjn
of fjcookum Skin Snap,
If your drureut eannot
DrciiiKi. on raceivt vi price,
4. I v wr 4iv.
87 South Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y.
nil? m w w w w mwmmm mmtm
VU& vioiald oall
Yonr nitniiiion to tlin
Largest and most compluto Btock of J
In the
AIno Wall I'npcr, PiiIiiIn ami oIIn, Sliitlonory, Pocket
KulveN, llit'.or1; am! rVotlomt ul' ull klndi,
Our prices are the
mi m m m m iuuiiUiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiuuiK i
Notice to Tcnclicra.
Notlco la hereby Riven that I will
oxumino all persons who may desire
to offer themselves un candidates for
tcnclicra oft ho public schools of this
couuty, ut lied Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examination will bo hold
on the Friday proceeding tho id Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d nnd
Hil urado certificates is tho name no
grade bolow 70 per cent., average 80
per cent; for first grado certificate
no grado below 80 por cent., avcrago
1)0 per cont. in all branches required
by law.
1). M. llu.viin, County S tpt.
" ' ' "-
Go to Wrights for school-houso bent
inj,' stoves. Ucst in Hod Cloud.
wm hm mmin
It Is n eafo and urifalllnif remedy for nil
lUdaey Troubles, Liver Disorders
and Femalo Irregularities.
I'rlco One Dollar 1'or Bottlo.
Ilio I)v. J. If. Hclcan Zlcaii'lno Co.,
ST, J.OUI3, 2tO.,
,, . ' 1.VI.ANTIIK Indite No 89, KnlKhli otnthlM
?JP5 E3& B lO H-Ji f" $ ' Tlmrsiliiy evmilmt. A '
W-rf Ji ot Aim rlc;. iiltcrniue Wednesday evenly 3"
'$f" minrnMF ' VAI-'-UV Itito NoB, I'r.iteriml Order of 'r. S
$p BiSEASS .L.!1"1""' u"l""J "llfJ Mt"iJiotwa jf
1 fM' B HUO HGLlfil V if. I
mmm mmmm
M .....U.A V. U.UM &f .
vj wjhtst 7 cocr nmvr mrpf i
rrodnetlon u nm an Meldnat. ti tha rtnU riliaMfift
tlio 'llioiftof tbalialraDdiialDliltakalaeoTBWBaB
' coutalni bettlitr mlneriU uar oil. It M oBl,MB
I ntfrohln Tnnln. n tlmulnliBM Mia frifiuJEl Mmm
andaroteahattnh'iLt hands.
it uctirua varaniio himci, wnwnfi
inpplr rem. aaad cllnet to tmi
urowir, tiM per botuei f(oe m
fni'f. tlmt, vr linvn tli
and wo guauntco itatisfiictioD,
and hcc
a in hiiiI 7:30ii iii:KuiiiliiyRClioilutt2aaW
Y I' 8 O K nt C:3U i m mid VI'HC K Juoloriftl
p in.
CiONUItr.llATIONA.:. Cliurcli-aerYlees at m
i m ii in, iiinUiso p m: Huiuliivfcliool at n :
n in. V I'SO Hut 0:30 p m and Vl'bO X Jua
lrs ul 4 i m. .
l lIIIUMbl' i liurcli .seivlet) al lu:su a. A
n mul 7::i0 ii.iii., Kiiworlh League at :.
in, funnily neiiuui m 1 1 :.i
Mt. m.
Lliurcli-Hui vices
tTery tw
iu ekn, liy .-ipinliitiiient.
I lllllf.ltAH Chtireli-I'.very Uilrd
innriilni; at hi ii'clnck.
'A I liui.iut'liurcli Mcrvlcea by tippolaunvnt.
H.vlrn.Tf miiri'li No rt'KUlar aervlcei, Muo
iluy achoul (rcKular) at noon. II Y f U M
i' in.
C"illAI'i:i,-MinduYscliuolaia u ui every flSV
' day.
A O U W lCucli aJlttnmte Tuesday oveuluf.
Hi:N Atlliem IxhIro .so 180; I O () Keven Mt
ililVlllk'llt. '
UIAIHTY liilitu No 63 A P and A H
v- Krulity ovenliiK "r lietoro the full moon.
!'.! Cloud Cluiit'r No 13. K A M alUrna
1 'Ihursiliiyuveiiltig.
CiYltl'.NK Cnmiimiiacry So 14 alternate
iliy ovenlni?.
riwnter Ka&lorn Btar Ma tit mlk
niitii Tuesiluv cvenlin;.
GMtl'II'i.l) l'oHtNo&Ml A H Mouday aTets
Im; on or before the lull moon,
GTurU'XTPkTIt (J bo U meet alternate Safc
cih of Vnteriiiis Monday evunlng. C'.
HH KAl.lSY t'iimi Noss, H of V XiiMilay r
UTll'.KMAN Clrcln No 3, ladles ot Ilia Oil
J tli at nml llilnl riatunlay evenlinc.
Ul',1) CI.OIUI rmiiifil No is Ixiyal Mystic Ut
lou ot America ilrst mid third tfrWtay vw-
i i
li il
tl i?1
, j
o5 i
, .J'!
fl ft