The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1893, Image 5

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5a m m mmmmmmrommmm m wk
Wc make it a Point 3
To clean ont nil utidcfdrnblo stock twice n year with a Hlgger Full Stock y
Ihnn over lioti)-?Ut at the locl prists over known. Wo nro prepared " 1
to trlvo tho nconlu of Webster county tnoto for their money tlmn m
over bofnre.
S lloiiKlit of uh nro guaranteed to givo satisfactory service. You enn "
look a long while before finding a butter plnco tuBiicnd your money m
- for FOOTWEAR than with uh. J
Blakesleo & Kaley. 53
mUii auuauaiaauummmm Hi ii. K
iiiiiee mention.
CITV news.
District court has adjournal.
Tho weather ntill rcuinina bonutitul.
Frank Taylor was in Kansas City, this
Mrs, Sapp was in Ouido Hock thin
Judo Sapp is tho happiest mau in
Ed Hilton was down from Bluo Hill
W. A. Colo of Bloomiiigton wis here
Chas. Gust Jr.huBgonoto WestPlamB,
G. W. Woolsoy of Superior was in this
city Monday.
Sam Temple, moved tho Wiener barn
to his placo this week.
J. F. King ono of Hod Cloud's former
citizens, is in tho city.
Dr. McQuostion mid Dr. Chamberlain
wero in Bladen Tuesday.
MisB Edith MeKeighun has rcturne
homo from Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Ilnum and children returned
home from Lincoln, Tuesday night.
F. 1 llndloy, Red Cloud, Nebraska,
does bill posting at reasonable rates.
M. 11. Bentloy has returned from an
oxtendod trip to tho east and tho world's
John SchalTor has raised nbout 210
tons of beets. I lo will clear about 3!00
after all expenses.
Slate Suporinttni'ont A. K. Cloudy,
accompanied by his wife, arrived in the
city Monday night.
Miss Grace Quigly camo down from
Hastings, Wednesday night for a few
days visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hogers of Lincoln,
tire visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
L. II. Fort of this city.
Henry C.Scott, who has beon taking
in the world's fair and visiting friends in
Illinois has returned home
Sherwood &. Albright wero tired of an
old rickoty sidewalk and had n now ons
mado in front or their storo.
OuroldfriondJ. W. Smith of Now
castlo, Wyoming, was in Hod Cloud, tho
other day visiting and on business.
Rev. J. J. Bristow of Superior will
preach in tho Haptist church Sunday
N .vombr, 10th. ISM. All aro cordially
Owing to lack of room, S. E. Cozad &
Co. have moved somo of tholr organs
nnd furniture to the 1st National bank
Mr. Norman Morrison, grandson of 1")
F. Scamnton of Rnvonnn;iH in Red Cloud
where lis will remain ror mo winter a
go to sehoo'.
Wo aro informed of tho death of Dean
Smith, son of F. L. Smith, living near
Judson, Kansas. He was a bright boy(
only 10 years old.
' Mrs. Blakloy of Iowa, aged 81 years,
mother of Mrs. C. D. Dicksrson of this
eeunty, and Mrs. Adams, who have been
visiting horo for a few weeks havo re
turned home.
Every two weeks Tiik Ciiikx will pub
lish Dr. Talmago's sermon, just as it is
preached in Urooklyn tho previous Sun
day. Ho is ths acknowledged pulpit
orator of tho world, and his sermons nro
tho most popular furnished by the press.
As tho passsnger train, No. Gl, camo
down ths road Monday morning, they
crashed into a team which waB crossing
the track west of Naponee, smashing tho
wagon nnd killing tho man, its sols oc
cupant. The team was also killed.
F. 11. Leonard, who formerly residsd
in this community, but who is now en
gaged in successful business in Court
land, Knnsns, was horo thiB week shak
ing hands with old frisnds. Whilo horo
Frank played tho violin nt tho Flro
mon'H ball, and had a good timo generally.
Mrs. Sapp, who keeps tho 1th avonuo
boarding house, is now doing un excel
lent business, having a great many regu
lar boarders, and is enjoying a lucrative
transient pntronoge. Besides sotting a
llrst-eluss table, sho is a very obliging
hostess, and is rapidly building up nn
ixcollont trado.
Elsction is now over nnd Tiik Cuter
drops into lino and proposes to turn its
undivided attention to making tho Great
Family Weekly tho best local pap r in
tho stato of Kcbraskn. Wo shall keep
making it bsttor nnd bstter oach wook.
It gives mora nnd will continuo to give
moro news than nny othor county paper
for 81.00 a yenr. All who subscribe now
Seed buckwheat ut McNilt's.
For fresh fruit sco McNitt.
School supplies Doyo & Grice.
All kinds of hnrdwnro nt Wright's.
Tho best broad in tho city at Calmes
Window glass, putty, A-c, at Cotling's
Cspt. Uluiiie of Cowlss was in town
(lo and see Sherwood & Albright for
do to Cnlmea for bread, pies, enkes, ico
cream, etc.
Wall paper and window curtaliiB at
Cactus Tar Soap only 5 conts u enko
at Cotting's.
Iluy your stoves of A. Morhart nnd
snvo money.
Tho famous Gem cooks nnd ranges at
Heath & Milligan's paint for sale by
Ilsyo & Grico.
Tho finest lino of Stoves in tho valley
at A. Morhnrt's.
McNitt will tako eggs in exchange for
Hour, feed and oil.
A. Mohart has the finest lino of lamps
that wo havo soon.
When you want n good cooking or
lieatiug stovo boo W. W. Wright.
A l'ai: load of rock salt for salo at L
1 Albright's flour and feed storo.
Miss Gorby lms boon elected county
superintendent of Nuckolls county.
Harding, who wns Hontcnced to state
prison, will bo taken thoroon Sunday.
Go to Calmo's bakery for tobacco, ci
gars, candies, fruits, bread, lunch, Ac.
Underwear for everybody. Tho great
est variety within reach of all. Chas
A. Morhart has just received his assort
ments! luinpi for this season, and they
urtliio ones.
A very pleasant whist party wns held
at tho resident's of Dr. G. E. McKeeby'e
last Friday night.
Wright's is tho plnco to get your heat
ing or cooking stoves. Don't fnil to seo
them for bargains.
C. L. Cotting has tho only stock of
lino lamps in tho city. New goods nro
expected this week.
It you want a good lamp chonp, seo
Deyo A Grico, They havo u now nnd
completo assortment,
Tho ladies aid society of tho M. E
church, will be held nt tho residonco of
Mrs. A. C. IloHmer this afternoon.
Wanted: Tho neoplo of Red Cloud
vicinity to remember that tho Hat'
vurd Painless Dental Parlors aro horo to
Subscribo for your nowspapors, maga
zines, otc, through Deyo it Grice.
Thoy will save you postage and remit
tance. Kill tho mites and other insects that
infect your chicken houso by using Car
bolineum. Sold only by Cotting, tho
Go nnd boo Wright's. They have the
finest lino of heating stows thnt have
over beon brought to Rod Cloud boforo
Seo them beforo buyiug,
If so, buy your wedding suit of tho
Golden Eaglo and draw tho Now Homo
sow ing machino or tho clock. It will bo
a good starter for you.
Jake Kindscher, enme in this weok
nnd renewed for tho Great Family Week
ly. Jnko just recently returned from the
world's party whoro as ho remarked ho
saw a "hcep".
Tho road at tho narrows west of Red
Cloud should bo cut down so that people
could havo a clear view of tho track thoie
beforo some ono is killed by tho car. It
is a bad place.
During tho last soven days threo old
people havo driven on tho 1) fc M right
of way and havo been run down by np-
proaoliing truins. ii scorns Mint old peo
ple as if oil as others used to exerciso
moro enro in driving on to railroads when
trains nro approaching.
Deputo Sheriff Toinlinson reports an
attempted jail dolivory this week, whore
by Borne partieB tried to free John Clark
who was in for horsestealing Tho at
tempt was frustrated. However whoever
they wero would huvo received u warm
reception, for M rs. Toinlinson, had heard
and had a rovolvor in waiting for their
coming, but just thon Mr. T. nrrivod nnd
tho would bo jail breakers Hod.
oiis AM) exits.
Allio Albright is on tho sick libt. r
Thanksgiving will soon bo horo.
New goods at R M Martin k. Sons
Now dress goods nt Martin it Son's.
Seo thoFo bargains at Martin A Son's.
Fred Grimm of Blue Hill was down
Thero is a prospective wedding In the
city shortly.
Full lino of blankets and quilts at H
M. Martin A Son's.
Mips Illnnch Sellnrs wno visiting in
tho country Saturday.
C. Lamp and Mr. McCrnry have- gone
back to Iown for tho winter.
R. M. Martin A Son's for cloal;s;spec.
Inl salo Tuoday and Wednesday.
W. M. Richardson and Mrs. Julia Knox
wero united in innniagothis week.
Tho beautiful Nebraska weathor
makes n follow feel liko living always.
Largest nnd best stock of underwear
in Red Cloud at R. M. Mnrtin A Son's.
Moro clonks nt R. M. Martin and Sons
than anywhere in Webster county.
Whcro do you got thoso nice fresh
groceries? Whynt R.M.MartinA Son's.
Mr. Archibald, general maBtor mechan
ic of tho B A M, was in Red Cloud Tuts
Mrs. S, R. Mcllrido lino moved her
millinery goods into L. M. Vnnco's store
Fred McKcoby is nt homo for n short
visit nnd rest from his medical study in
Gso. Garnor, John Hoppp, Win. Squire
nnd Harry Hontly nro now subscribe rs
this wopk.
Mr. W. W. Cook, brother of Mrs. M.
R. Hentley wns In Red Cloud this week
and returned Sunday.
"Ormifto nioisom", ths common ssnse
Female Remedy, draws cut pain asd sere
nes. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
Mrs. diss Adams of SnUni, Kansas,
was visiting with Mrs. M. W. Dickerson
last week and roturned homo Saturday.
Harry Pond makes nn excellent livery
stablo proprietor and is doing n nice
business. Tub Chut wishes him sue-
Wo will mnke a speciality of cloaks
nnd jackets this season. Don't fail to
call in and got our prices. R.M. Mnrtin
A Son.
Mr. Ed Harrolt and Mr. Higbyaro in
this city renovnting feathers: anyone
wishing such work would do well tocnll
on them.
M. W. Dickerson hitches up ovory
morning nnd goes out to his plnco and is
improving much in health. We are
glad to hear of it.
Ono of our business men says that
peaches fn Chicago at n dollnr per bns
kot is very high, especially if thoy are
packed with paper.
A. L. Hurkholdsr living nenr Cowles
had an nccidentnl encounter with n largo
sunflower this weok, which nsnrly re-
suited in tho loss of his right eye.
There should bo an effort put forth at
nnco to look after tho suffering and
poor this winter. Our chnntably in
clined people should look aftor this ut
Den Lindcey has rotnrned home from
nn exteiuicu trip to rsew lork, Illiaois
and other states imbued with the idea
that noothor stnto has the inducement
to live in that lias tho great state of
Nebrasku. '
W M Squire nnd son Homer of Jewel
county, Kansas, aro in tho city visiting
A Co.NTUAfT. Thoro is a remarkable
contrast in tho primitiu) and modern
style of religious worship. Not so very
many years ago, wo nro told that in city
and country the worshiper and spectator
wended their way to tho sanctuary, and
upon entering, the male portion would
casually toss their hats into a corner,
and with an air of death-like solemnity,
watch tho minister from the beginning
to the close of his discourse. After tho
minister, in whom they had implicit con
fidence, had dispensed with tho sacred
rites, a geuernl hand-slinking wan in
dulged in, and thoprencher was stormed
with profuse compliments, felicitating
him on his eloquence, wisdom, oto ; then
all repaired to their respective homes.
For fear some punctilious person might
tako offense, we will not present tho con
trnst as vividly as might be, but'no ono
doubts that tho religious services aro
conducted differently now. When you
go to church iiow-aduys, you aro met by
ulTnblo ushers, decorated with ribbons
indicating their relation to the position
they aro so gallnntiy serving, nnd you
nro escorted to a comfortable seatj then
most probably, ths choir does tho sing
ing, whilo tho girls in tho most fashion
able dress "guy" the ladies coming in
who nre less fortuuato in their posses
sion of wearing apparal. Wo regret to
say that there is a decided lack of rov
orenco, and the majority of the young
folks seem to forget that tho houso of
God is not tho place for social enjoy
ment. The minister now-ndays is most
probably an sducatcd theologian, and
his sermons aro altogether dilTcrent from
thoso of primitive times. Thnt the
number of church members is rapidly
increasing thoru can bo no doubt.
V IX TUB ALKH. TlierO IS jllflt 1)110
decidedly obnoxious feature to tho city
of Red Cloud, and thnt is its detestablu
sidowulks. Did you over seo a man com
ing up tho street and suddenly stop, grab
his shin with both hands, and utter
most forcibly, in deep gutteral tones,
something he never learned at Sunday
school ? Again, did you over visit a city
where tho sidewalks wero rotten, full of
holes, and you wero constantly stepping
through or stumbling on tho upturned
boards r No doubt you have, and your
impression of that wholo city or town
was formed principally from its bad
sidewalks. Hence, when strangers leave
lliis placo thoy do not hesitate to say
that Red Cloud in tho "darndest" holo
on earth, for they haven't a decent side
walk in town. Wo would suggest that
some steps bo taken to repair the walks,
or else they bo removed entirely, and tho
busy pedestrian bo given the advantage
of sound terra tlrma,
am w j mmmmmwmmflmm m mg
S The Chicago Clothing Store. 3
Having recently moved into the room:
S formerly occupied by S. F. Spokesfleld,
5we wish to call the attention of every;
SEE close buvcr in Webster county to this:
That yon arc buying goods 3
fin the dark without first
s posting yourself as to what 3
Siioiiest prices menu. s j
: No use of taking any merchant's
Sword for anything any more. Simply
S come and see who is doing the business
tin Red Cloud, who has the most stock, sg
fc fO IV 1 1 1 1
:xc. vve win sen you your 3 t
This Season if Good Goods,
Nice Fitting Clothing and
s Extremely Low Prices are 3
E any object to you. 3
g We want your money and will get if 3
S you give us hnlf a chance, and willzss
C in return t'ive vou More and Betters
gg Goods than any other merchant in 3 If
HE the city. Come and see us. 2'il
?iiii Hi UUUiiiiUUiUUUiiUUiU tii m UiK i
Quito a good story is told of two of
our young men on Hallowe'en. They
had started out to do their sharo of dev
ilment, and their first broak was to move
a heavy sign trunk in front of one of
our merchant's Btorcs, and carry it up
tho street n few blocks. It was very
heavy, and when thoy hnd got iiito a
distance, thoy heard somo shots fired
nnd saw n night-watch running toward
thorn. Hoth stood panting for breath,
and paralyzed with fright, when tho
watchman said, in a stentorian voice,
"Come with mo, boys ! " Hoth looked
serious, nnd one of them very penitently
asked, "Can't wo tako it back to the
storo J" To this tho good-hearted po
liceman assented, nnd tho boys ro
turned tho heavy sign to its proper placo
wlicro it remained unmolested through
the night.
,. L. Ml.VKK,
lllJdll MlN'Elt,
Asst. Cashier.
"W. A. Sherwood,
ENrKitPitiHiMi Hakku. C. M. Calmes,
our popular and reliable baker and res-
tatirnntor, is rapidly increasing his bus!-
with bis ilniuOiUr. Mr. VrnnU RmiM..1 "VBO ",,u uv u,u """'" l"" -'J"'K "
i : 1 cm
People's Baift of Ed Cloud,
Rkd Cloud, Nebraska,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collections.
Hanking Office in Miner Bros Store.
Mr. S. is u yery onthuastic republicnn
nnd elated over tho success of the repub
lican party last Tuesday.
Mrs. Lida Calmes reports having se
cured two pensions this week under tho
old law; ono for Alex Riloy of Lawrence
nnd tho other for J. II. Marsh of Indiana.
Sho secured theso pensions insido of
twelve months, which is something un
usual in tho lino of pensions.
Another pleasant danco was had at
tho Firemen's hnll Saturday night,
which was well attended and much on
joyed by all presont. Ceo. McCall and
Henry Diederich wero managers nnd
proprietors, nnd presided in their usunl
pleasant and gentlemanly manner.
Don't forgot that Chas. Hnppo living
seven miles south of Red Cloud and one
cast, has n salo on tho 2.1. at which time
and place ho will sell 1 1 head of stock,
Hi) shocks of corn fodder, 2 sots of
double harness, and many other articles.
Terms six months with interest. Free
lunch nt noon. Col. C. L. Winfrey will
cry tho sale. Sco small bills.
Rev. Smead a Congregational Evan
gelist who is attending the mooting of
tho Republican Valloy association at tho
Congregational church at this place,
preached an excollent dieconrE ut tho
Congregational church Sunday night.
He preached from, Romans 3-9 and Acts
riS-M. His illustrations, wore excellent
and estreating manner, that nil present
felt much rof roshed by hia sermon. Tho
church was entirely tilled.
iablo reputation as an obliging and
pleasant busincfB man. His restaurant
is open at nearly all hours, and the hun
gry may flnd,nt a nominal price,tho most
substantial victuals seasonably prepared
nt nil times, nnd served in u most satis
factory manner. Chnrloy'o complaisant
troatment of his customers, together
with his palatable food, from a ham
sandwich to a frosted chocolato cake,
have already won him the best patron
age from tho people, and tho chances for
nn increase aro vory flattering indeed.
ii 1.1 S) . . I.- .
Mr. W. M. Torry, who Imp beon In tho
dreg business at Elkton, Ky., for tho past
twelve years, nays: "Clinmborlain's Cough
Remedy given better satisfaction thnn any
othor cough medicines I hnvo over fluid."
Thero is good renson for this. No other
will euro a coUlHOijuiokly; no other is o
etrtnin a preventive and euro for croup;
110 other nfTordsHO much relief in chhoh of
whooping cough. For sale by Deyo .V
On Wednesday morning, Mrs. John
Clark of tho west Dcnnisou street res
taurnnt quietly departed to join her hus
band who was taken to Red Cloud by a
deputy sheriff lost week, Sho left u
number of creditors behind her in tho
lurch in various HtiniH. The resturant
chattels remain, and may mollify her
creditors in a mosBiiro. McCook Tri-buno.
Geo. Mohart was in Ouido Rock this
M. L. Kingsland went to Wymoro,
8. Snyder of Hastings was in tho city
this weok.
W. II. Fuller has been Buttering with
rheumatism ,
John Clark is safely behind tho burs
in the state prison.
Mac. Fulton of Walnut Creek hus in.
tho city this weok.
Miss Mabel Crans has returned from
a long visit to tho cast.
Miss Mabol Truman of Rod Cloud,
was visiting in Franklin tho lust of tho
week. Franklin Press.
J, II. Vunco, the Adams exprosamnn,
and W. P. Foroman tho 11. and M., nudi
tor, wore checking up ut this railroad
olllco Thursday.
John Mahoney now sits erect on the
Boat of his olognnt nuw hack, and looks
moro dignified than over. John is on
joying a lucrative IjubIiiobb.
Profs. Hurt and Taylor, Mr. Fay und
Misa Mamio Austin attondod tho Repub
lican Valley Association of Congregii;
tionalista at Red Cloud Tuosduy.
Franklin Press.
15y a ehnnho in tho IJ A: M timo table,
train No 15 from Kansas city, arrives at
7:55 p. m., and the Hastings accommoda
tion arrives at 7:110 p. in. nearly six
houra later than boforo. Going north,
tho timo is unchanged. No. 1(5 from Don
nor arrives at 10:!I0 a. m.
Mrs. O. II. Truman is home from Alma.
John Aultz is homo from the world's
Thanksgiving will bo on Thursday,
November .'10th.
Mis Minnie Uayless went to Oxford,
Thursday night where showill visit for
some timo. ,
J. S. White camo down from Blue Hill
Thursday night, nnd calmly surveyed
the result's of tho election. ',
Jacob Brumbaugh went to Bine Hill
Tuosday to takochafgoof rteoctibn there.
His place on tho Franklin section-will be
filled by a man from Red Cloud. Mr. B'a
family will niovo to Bluo Hill next week.
We congratulate Mr. Brumbaugh on hie1
promotion. Franklin Press.
Liver Hiitl Kidney Cure).
Park's Hare Care Is the only guaranteed,
remedy. Its notion is qulok and positive,,
Will stop that bael aihe and slok-hsadache
A postive specific for all diseases of wo
men. Who suffer when It will cure you?
Focsaje by C. L. Cotting.
Wc lilt tho Null on tho Head
When wo added to our stock this fall
suits for tho tull und elini, tho short and
stout, und the extra lurgo. Chat.
A Wedding In nigh Society,
Or, any other socioty, is not a success
unless you buy your wedding suit at
Wiener. He mukes u specialty of them
Our .Shoe Ntocli
Is moro comploto than over. Buy your
shoes of ub and got your money's worth
will receive tho paper for U months for Chas. Wlenor.
Eye und Eur.
Dr. Cullimoro consultant oculist to
Mo. Pnc. railroad at Omaha, will be nt
tho olllco of Dr. McKcoby in Rod Cloud,
November 21st, Tuesday for consultation
and treatment of diseases of tho oyo and
car, and scientific flting of spectacles,
Mips Alice Downs daughter of O. R.
Downs formorly of this placo but now of
Oregon, sent to this offlco byhercousin,
Mrs. Foglo who had boon visiting her,
an enormus pear of tho socond growth,
measuring about twelve inclios in cir
cumference at the largest place, and
about live and ono half Inches in lengtht
It is cortninly tho largest spocimen of
that fruit wo havo ever scon.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Aluai.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard