The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1893, Image 3

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ATiijwjii?i VHUT.iwmiJfaj
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A.f. IIommkii, Dlltnr.
I.aiiov Tai r, AM I.immI I ilitm.
Eugvi'Mil en Ml vor.
"I said I Would .ay ono or Uo
words on puc!i vulgir things in gold
and tilvcr. I am sntUfitd, .it I am I live, that the few who control
tin debts ilio currency, lite money of
the world have combined, cither con
scientiously or uncoi scicntiously, to
tnako tlic debtor pay mors tliun tin
creditor lias a light to ask.
Tho tendency has ulwas bfen in
this woild lo put the burdens on those
least able (o bear them In barbarian
couutrif s .the women liavo to do the
work simply becausi they are the
weaker that is all. And tho others,
being the stronger, do not expend
their strength in working, but expend
their strei gth in making tho weaker
do their work.
This is precisely tho tamo in our
civihz.'d society to-dy. Hetwcen tht
rich and the poor, if the burden is to
bo borno in this country, it is borne
by the poor always.
Tlicy are the first to sufFer. Let the
"blast of war blow over this country,
who grs to the wai 7 Who goes lo
the front? Tho millionaires? Not
one. Who goes? Tho great presi
dents of corporations ? No The
Hankers? No. Tho mon who pre
side over great vaults of gold ? Not
much! Th" poor man goes becau-c
nine times out of ten tho poorer man
is the more patriotic. The poor bear
tho burdens of thin country and ol
this world.
Only u few years ago our money
was gold and silver uioncy that had
been the money of man for thousands
of yearn. Our silver was demonetized
and gold mado the standard.
There is no man in tho United
States with ingenuity enough to ac
count for the dcmonctiitioii of si vcr
in 187i). There is not one.
1 do not think t'i3 few should have
the right tc combine to increnso the
value of what people call money
against the debtor and in fuvor of (ill
the creditors. I want fret coinago of
nil the s.lvcr ou can inino from the
inincH of Amciica, and if there arc
Miosc who are not willing to tike sil-
Avcr we will not trade witli ihcm.',
All Free.
Tliote uliohato used Dr. King's Now
Discovery know its value, ami thoso who
liavo not, liavo now tho opportunity to trj
It free. Call on tho advertised DruffKisl
and get n Trial Uottie, Free. Send your
nitmu ami addruea to 11. K. lluckleiiitCo.,
Chicago, nnd not a sample box of Dr.
KIiik'u Now Lifo Tills Free, ns well as a
copy of fiuidu to Health and Household
Instructor, Froo. All of which is guaran
teed to do yon good nnd cost you nothing
C. Ij. Cutting's Drugstore.
From Missouri.
Wkst Plains, Mo , Dot. 23, '9:1
KiHTon ClilKF. I started from lied
Cloud September 27ih, 1S93, with my
family, which oou&iated of Mrs. C ,
littlo Nora aril mviclf. Wo started
with, jou might Bay, heavy hearts,
owing to tho condition of sick rela
tives and reports no had heard about
tho tcrriblo roads which ltd to this
country, also about this country in
general, but to our sui prise, the hard
est pull we had was from Red Cloud
to Jewell City. 1'coplo got mo lo be
licvo that when we struck the Mis
souri lino wo would have nothing but
mountains nnd rocks, but for seventy
Hva miles in Missouri wo never used
our wagon brake, unlil we got ton lit
tlo town by tin name of Greenfield.
There wo struck somo rocks and hills,
but nothing like wo expected.
Wo found plenty of t-prings of line
water, though afraid to leavo one
without filling our jug with frish wa
ter. Now, in regard to the enterprise of
this great country, it appears to mo
as though pcoplo have gono wild on
growing fruit. There is ono farm in
this faun ol twenty-seven hundred
ncrcs, and am safe in saving thousands
on top of ihouhands more are being
cleared for tho tamo purpose. Most
farmers that can raiBO money to buy
trees nro putting out more trees.
In regard to tho city, every man ap
pears to woik for thf interest of tho
town. Any enterprise that is pic-
posed is pushed to the utmost. There
is at presont a large opera houso uc
iug put up, somo business houses and
quite a number of dwelling. Fann
ers nro also improving some. They
have some good horses and mules, but
oaltlo aro a very inferior grade, as
little Nora says, look what big horns
those little calves have. Tho hogs 1
don't know what to compare them to.
Well, I will tell you how 1 joked
mine. I could not get a fence tighi
enough to hold them, so I yoked (hem
and you would hive lauuhcd to sre
them trying, as the Missourians sa,
to fish tho feneo.
As to sheep, they have as Gnc sheep
a; in any country. Vegetables are
very fine and generally cheap. Irish
potatoes are worth 10 cents, sweet po
tatoes .'10 cents; other vegetables in
proportion. Corn is from 25 If 50cs.
There is no standard prico hero for
anything. I got my corn for 30 cents,
and hay by going in the country. II
you watch, you can get it at SGpci
ton all timothy and clover.
To make a long story slort, I am
not at all sorry I came to this country,
though there are somo things lacking
in mo to mako a good Miaiourian. I
am no fiddler, nor hunter, and abhor
the cries of tho fox hounds, When
I get those throe, I will be nil right
in Missouri. A. Cai.mes
I One It
To suffering humanity to te'l tho great
benefit my wife, has recioved from Parks'
Suro Cure, thn truly groit Liver nnd Kid
ney Cure. Sho hns boen constitutionally
wrrckod for sovoral years. Tried every
thing fruitlessly. After much persimmon
from my dmggcst backed by his guaran
tee I bought a bottle of Parks' Sure Cure
nnd the results nro more than wonderful.
W P. Hnves, 1M04 Jones St.,Omnhn,Neb.
Sold by 0. L. Cottid8.
A MOCK Pit AY Lit.
A nrniocrnlli' Convention In Colorado
CIonin Willi Ira)'r by Mii)or
Crolir Terrible Arraignment
ol Ilio Adinlnl-trutlon.
A recent copy of the Gunnison,
(Col.) Tribune has been sent to the
Chief office. Prayers to Cleveland
are very much in vogue now, but this
copy of the Tribune oontains the best
ono that has yet appeared. It is as
Previous to the close of tho demo
cratic county convention last Tuesday,
Kdwurd Croke, major of Irwin, arose
and all tho delegatei reverently bowed
their heads while he offered prayor to
Almighty Cleveland. Tho voice was
filled with emotion and the reporter
round it difficult to get cjery word.
Hut here it is:
Oh, almighty and all-powerful Cleve
land, who art in Washington, when
not fishing; thou who art tho father ol
lluth and Ruth's sister, and tho god
father of the democratic party, (its
father wouldn't own it if ho were here)
wo hail thy name as the great political
prophet of tho century. Wo bow
down before thee in huinblo political
obedience When thou sayest go, we
go, when thou sayest oouic, wo came.
We have no desire but to strvo theo.
If thou sayest black is white we will
sweir to it and lick tho cvorlastin'
itufliu' out ef tho man who disputes it
When thou takest snuff we will snooze;
when thou sayest free silver wo will
euho thy words; when thou sayest gold
then gold it is. Wo arc democrat
after the improved modern typo. Our
business ia to vote the ticket and vote
'cr straight. What is it to us whether
wo have frco silver or not? Wo are
but dogs that cat ot tho crumbs that
fall from our masters' tables. When
tho oiumbs all wo wng our tails;
when they full fast wo wag faster;
when thoy don't fall wo stand and wail
until they do. This is democracy.
This is the kind of democracy which
olected jour groat and Almighty Cleve
land. Oh, most adored master, wc
lovo theo for what thou hast not done
for us. Wc lovo theo becauso thou
art Cleveland. Wo humbly surrender
ourselves to tluc. Do with us as thou
wilt. Though wheat is but forty
cents per bushel wo lovo theo; though
cotton is low wo lovo time; though
business is dull we lovo theo; though
thousands, millions, arc out of employ
ment wo lovo thee; though our child
ren are olothed in raus we lovo theo; our wife, tho dour companion
of our bosom, is scantily dressed and
looks o r-habby that sho can't go to
church, wo love thee; though wo are
sinking deeper in debt and poverty is
knock ng at the door and hunger is
staring us in tho faco, wo lovo tho still,
This feliows our great faith and lovo
for theo. Our wives nnd childrcd wo
will sacrifice, even ns the Hindoo
.1 15 1 IT..
mqtiitr mcr ucun i uu-piiiig ny
throwing it under tho crushing wheels
of the juggernaut. Oh, mighty Cleve
land, woids cannot express our lovo
fur thee. Wo lovo our parly, too
What eare wo about the many promises
it mad
o. Ne know it promised free
and wo kuow it won't give it to
ZIn S. A. Morrow
Doud's, Iowa.
Llko All Other Blood Dlcennoo, Aro
Curocl by Hood's Snronpnrllla.
" I liavo been a sulTircr for several yean with
hive-, and have tiled rrrrrtMna I could
hear of , from frlciuU.or ordered by physicians,
but nothing ctued. In fact, I
Soomcd to bo Cottlng Worso
Finally I read nbout hive bclns cured li)
Hood'' Bnnannrllla, and derided to try thh
medicine. llcforc halt a liottlo was roiio I ua"
almost cured, Unci now, uoIuk on tho sccocd bof
tie, I on ratlrclf cured and tiikoKre.1t pleas
ure) la recommending Hood's Snrsnpaillln to all
who Mirier from Dili dlsticsslim iiffllrllon.
Hood's Knmpurllln has also helped mo In
many other ways. It Is n i;ood medicine."
Miss. S. A. Mouuow, Doud's, Iowa.
Hood's Pills euro nil Mvcr Ills, Hlllous
ness, Jaundice, Indlgostlon, Sick Ilcadacho.
ui, but we will stick to tho party.
Wo know wo said if it did not do the
things it promised to do wo would
leave it, but wo lied when wo said it.
Wo thought then we had some man
hood about us, but wo ain't. We
liavo no independence. Thou, oh
mighty Cleveland, has all the manhood
and independence in the party. We
nro fools, liars, lick-spittles, mudsills.
We have no business to want any
thing or to say anything. Last year
wo favored free silver, and now we
have to opposo it. Wc favored it then
becauso wo thought it was right. We
oppose it now, most adored roaster,
because thou tcllcst us to. Ain't wc
a honoy of tho first water? Did ever
dog serve his master moro faithfully?
Did ever a dog get less for it? Oh
mighty master, wo are ever ready to
serve thee nnd party. All tho pay wc
ask is to be patted on the back by
somo local politician and called a good
democrat. We aiu't got any sense.
Wo don't want any, only enough to
vote tho ticket. It don't take any
sense to bo a good democrat. What
a joyful thought 1 VVe don't have to
think. We don't havo to worry. Our
work is all mapped out for us. All
i lint is expected is to do what wo are
told to do. We thank theo, oh Cleve
land, that wo are democrats. Wc
thank theo for tho panio, We thank
theo for the hungry and idle men and
women in the country. We thank
theo for tho low prices. Wc thank
thoo for the banks that have busted
mid the thousand of business failure
since thou hast coino into power. Wr
thank theo for tho hard time. Wi
hank thee for tho rags our children
wear. Wo thank thee for the clothes
our wives need and can't get. Wr
thank theo for what thou has dono for
the banker and what thou hast .not
done for the people. Wo thank thee
for all theso things because it is our
duty as a good democrat to do so. It
may be " against tho grain," but wc
will tako our medicine. Wo will
work our wives to death, starve our
children, sacrifico our homes, crucify
liberty and kill prosperity, but will
never go back on our dear old party
and on thee, our most adored Clove
land. Thou art more aooount tliun all
of us put together. Thou kuowest
more than the south and west. Call
us fools; spit in our faces; wipe your
feet on us; we will lovo tho all the
more. And now our great political,
falhor, wo leave us in thy oaro, Do
with us as thou wilt, lviok silver in
to tho middlo of thn next contury;
giro moro piivilegrs to the
national bankf-; issue moro bonds;
prcscrvo the McKiuicy bill; establish
siato bank?; foster trusts; bribe con
gressmen with patronago; fish when
ever thou wilt, nod hunt snipo when
ever thou enrest to, and wo will en
dorse everything thou docst, carry
Cleveland roosters, campaign torches
and forevcrmoro sing thy praise.
One S.iuly Kii)N
I havo bom troubled for years with n
hacking cnugh. Huvo hnd ninny doctors
nnd tried fifty con'h euros. I grew woreo
n'l tho time. I Wled Parks' Cough Syrup
nnd found immediate relief. It begins at
fie bottom of tho dlseaso nnd I know it
I i tliu beet cough remedy on thn inarkot,
Re(ur nny gu(Torpr to Mrft w j,
Le Roy, N. Y. Sold by C.L. Cotting
I'ollco Women.
Governor Lowolllng of Kansas lias ap
pointed it woman to tho polico force of
Topokii. Tho usurpation of no lnnscu
lino occupation from that of tlriiin ma
jor to chimney sweep by women cnucs
surprise now, but, nil tho sanio, when
tho worldla n littlo older and wiser, it
may cuuso surprise. Most reforms otico
started go with u rush tlmt carries them
beyond tho point of common sense, ntul
it Is not until there havo been successive.
reactions nnd advance that they quiet
down, like uu oscillating compass neo
die, to point in tho tight direction.
A pollcemnn'fl duties nro very promis
cuous, and npt nt times to bo exceeding
ly disagreeable nnd to require brute
utrciiRtli and n cold hentt. Since thero
nro plenty of men to do thlssortof work
tho world Is not richer, but jHioror, If
women can do it too. Let tho women
go in for scholarship, for nit that is high
est nnd noblest and most refined in men,
but let them not change their work nt
all rather than change to something less
refined, less Christian, less womanly in
tho new nnd broad bciibo of tho term.
Let them indeed direct tho policcmon
If they can do so widely, siucopollcoinen
nro necessary, but lot men execute tho
orders. Uochcstcr Post-Express.
Thn rilrnhctlinn Hun.
Tho full ruff is again upon us, nnd
superseding tho feather boa Is that otio
mado of very rich grongrnin ribbon
which ties quito closely nbout tho throat
nnd may bo worn with nny costume, ns
it is invariably blnck. In making such
it ruff two stiips of 4 iurliwido ribbon
nro lnid in double box plaits, tho length
to fit tho throat. After they nro plaited
they may look u littlo stiff, but do not bo
induced to catch tho plaits down, ns
after ono or two wenrings they will fall
of their own accord. Long ends of rib
bon nro tho finish, nnd tho ends nro tied
in loops that almost reach tho waist nnd
ends that fall below it.
Abovo nil things this ruclio or ruff
must lit tho neck closely, tho effect given
in wearing it being just like that in thoso
old pictures of ladies of tho timo of
Queen Eliznboth thoso ladies who
would havo given nny money to havo
learned how to keep their rulis stiff. Laco
ruffs nro liked for evening wear nnd nro
developed not only in tho bluck and
white, but in tho coffeo colored lnces.
Thobo, however, aro only for evening
wear nnd full dross occasions. Ladles'
Homo Journal.
Old Law About Women.
Renowcd nctlvity on tho part of tho
"women's rights" folks recalls what aro
described ns "two very remarkable en
nctiucntB illustrative of tho helplessness
of men" ono English, the other n colo
nial act for New Jersey people. Tho
English ono reads us follows, "Any per
fcon who shall by means of rouge, or of
blanc, of perfumes, of essences, of arti
ficial teeth, of fulso hair, of cotton cspag
nol, of steel stnya or hoops, of high heel
ed shoes or of fulso hips, ontlco nny of
bis majesty u initio subjects into mnr
riago shall bo prosecuted for Borcery,
and tho marriage shull bo declared
void" this was only in 1770.
Tho New Jersey colonial act, wldch
was earlier than this, differs but littlo
from tho English enactment. It provides
"that nil women of whntover ago, pro
fession or rank, maid or widow, who
shall iniposo upon or botrny into matri
mony nny of his majesty's subjects by
virtuo of 8oent8, cosmetics, washes,
paint, artificial teeth, falso hair or high
heeled shoes shall incur tho penalty now
in forco against witchcraft." Now-castlo-on-Tyno
School Director! In Kuuiu.
Tho following from tho Lincoln Bea
con answers tho doubt ns to women vot
ing ut school elections:
In ono district thero was but ono man
present. Tho director, n man, forgot
the date. Tho other two members wero
women, nnd both wero present. With
dclicnto gallantry tho man was mado
chairman, and tho women proceeded to
do tho business of tho meeting, not for
getting a singlo thing. They voted nn
amplo tax, nnd to repair tho uchoolhouse,
nnd unanimously for county uniformity
of textbooks, re-elected tho treasurer,
who is serving her fourth term, and tho
clerk duly prepared and sent in her re
turns. If tho urgumont, "Women don't
want tho ballot, for they do not voto nt
school elections," applies, what can bo
said of tho men, who rarely ever como out
in greater numbers than just enough to
transact tho business?
Agaltut Bliss Davidson.
Miss Davidson, nn enterprising young
woman of Memphis, was elected notary
publio by tho Shelby county court and
entered upon tho duties of hor office.
Sho was capablo and was given so much
business that somo other notnrics becamo
jealous of her success. They brought
suit against tho fair youugnotnry, claim
ing that u woman was not ellgiblo to tho
ofllco. Tho caso was first tried beforo
Judgo L. II. Estcs of Memphis. Ho de
cided promptly in fuvor of tho defendant.
Tho plaintiffs then appealed to tho su
premo court, who havo just banded
down their opinion, Their decision is
against Miss Davidson. They say it is
unconstitutional for n woman to hold
this office in Tennessee. Memphis Cor
respondent. Not 1'rejinred for n fcnnii filiot.
A chnracteristio littlo Btoiy comes
from tho scenes of tho recent land rush.
Quo of tho heroines of tho occusion was
Miss Mabel Gentry of Neosho county,
Kan. Sho was tho soventh to seizo a
claim, riding on n spirited pony. Sho
was armed with a revolver and a lunch
basket and was prepared to guurd hor
claim ns lung as it was necessary. But
when nn enterprising nowspaiter corre
spondent asked Jcuvo to tako her photo
graph sho promptly demurred on tho
ground that sho whs "looking like a
They I'ltmud tho lliiniu t.
At a recent woman's club meeting,
fnnds being needed for f-oino important
scheme, in default of tho traditional hat,
u bonnet was passed around, securing a
rich bar
' "
harvest. New x ork Correspondent.
wiMTiir.u rom:i'ATN
riiriiMiuri liXpressly for The
'liler lor WuliNtur otinl)'
Cop lighted liy W. T. Koster.)
Sr JosKt'li, Mo., November 1 1. My
last bulletin gavo forecasts of the
storm wave to cross the continent
from 11th to lfith, and the next will
reach tho Pacific coast nbout th Kith,
cross the western mountains bv close
of the Kith, the great ecntral valleys
from 17th to l!Hh, and tho casto n
slates about the 120th.
This storm will bo of very consid
erable fotce, nnd will increase as it
moves eastward, developing its gtoatest
force enst of tho Mississippi liver.
This disturbaneo will innugurato one
of our most sovtro storm periods, and
will appear to have inaugurated winter
before the winter solstice has arrived.
The tcmp'jratuio will run to extremes,
very wnrm and very cold for the timo
of j ear. The temperature of tho sec
ond nnd third weeks of November will
go below the general average.
The warm wavo will eross tho west
orn mountains nbout the loth, the
great contral vnlloys about tho 17th,
and tho eastern states about tho liHh.
The cool wave will cross the western
mountains about tho ISth. the great
central valloys nbout the '20th, nnd
the eastern itntcs about the "lid,
Moro eovero weather than usual will
occur from Novembej '2 1th to Decem
ber Oth, and immediately following
this period a severe cold wavo may be
oxpeoted. Winter storm waves will
cross the country about November U5th
and December 1st and 7th.
lars next week.
For twenty-two years Prof. Clove
land Abbe has been tho autocrat oi
tho national weather bureau. Hit.
ability is not questioned, but having
ability does not prove the correctness
of oncB theories. Discussions through
tho public press ns to whether heat oi
clcetticity is the original moving force
of weather changes ia making rapid
inroads on tho rigid orthodoxy of
I'rof. Abbo'fl,thcorien.
Ia this annual report, Prof. Harring
ton, chief of tho national weather bu
reau, referring to the recent work of
Prof. Digelow, and a bulletin of which
tho latter is tho author, says: "In
this bulletin a general account of the
relations thought to exist between
terrestrial and cosmical magnctUui
and certain mctcrological phenomena
is given.
The result is that tho radiant field
of sunlight is to bo regarded as a mag
netic field in which a spherical con
ducting magnet is rotating in the
known astronomical conditions; thai
tho earth is thus acted upon by a
couplo tending to pull the north mag
netic hemisphere toward, and to push
tho south magnetic hemisphere away,
from tho sun; that the piano of sym
metry, pissing through the center of
tho earth and thus not affecting its
axial rotation, is itself turned west
ward, by nbout twcnty-thrco degrees
in tho northern hemisphere and about
eight dcgrccB in the southern from
the meridian of the sun, that tho Unci
of forco are absorbed by tho earth as
4 hotter conductor of magnetic waves
than tho surrounding medium and in
dicate by their peculiar curvature
that magnctio refraction is tho simple
law of tho complex resultant formula;
that tho polar fields pass into tho mid
latitude through a belt which is, lo
a certain extent, discontinuous, and
which is tho region occupied general
ly by auroral manifestations, which
muht therefore bo the result of a com
bination ot magnetic wavo vibrations
increased sufficiently iu frcquonoy to
bccouio jubt visible as light; that
anions tho many important conclasions
in physics to bo drawn from these
tircmiscu is the confirmation of Max
will's clcotro-maguolio theory ol
Tho nbovo quotation establishes
every claim mndo bv planetary meter
ologists nnd uttcily annihilates the
heat theory of sloiuis. Prof. KinlojV
testimony bcloio tho coutts while in
tho employ and pay of the government,
and which testimony saved tho light
ning insurance companies irom paying
large losses, falls to the ground. Out
of their own mouths, thoy are con
demned, nnd tho forco in tho tornado
is proven to bo electric.
Hut I sincerely regret that $800,000
a year is not enough to induco Prof.
Ilarringlou to condescend, nt least to
tho language of our 1 est magazines, if
hols too stiff to uao newspaper Ian-guegoi
Tho people who pay tho taxis in
li.!. I... .1 11- J. I'l
mis couuirjTt uu li ui uiicrany uucr-,iv
stand tho rxclusivo laoguago used bj . J
orthodox scientists, and whon paid (If
for it by tho people, official rcpirtu Mf
should be made in that plain English
which is of every day use.
The quotations aeovo aro valuable,
and tnv tii1am aro rnnnntnd In nr
eorve this bulletin for future use, for Pi
it .t F '
in me nisoussion oi woainer enantjea
I will have occasion to use Prof, liar
rington's admissions.
The woathr r bureau will probably :
discontinue these investigations; there
is no harmony existing between the
theories of Prof. Cleveland Abbe and
Prof. Digelow, and ho who has been
twenty-two years at tho helm has suf
ficient ability, right or wrong, lo keep
him there.
Prof, Uigolow has forced important
admissions from tho bead of the
weather bureau, and both will prob
ably lose their heads. The question
remains: "Is tho sun a burning body,
or is it similar to the earth, with
groat clootro-magnetio ioflusnccH over
the members of the eolar system?
All Ilia Thai IMII
Aro good for nro treated more enooesi.
fully by Parks' Ten. Is not a enrthartiot
no griping or pain, yet moves the bowels
erery day. Sold by O. Tj. Cotting,
To Ho Given Awavl
Tho Cioldon Eaglo Clothing House- '
will, on January 1st, 1801, glvo tho fol )
owing hatidsoino articles awny: 1 New I
Homo Sowing Machine, valuo 940; 1 ,
eight day clock, value 812; nnd $5 in I
ensh, Everyono should investigate this.
CIuobb on tho number of seeds in the J
largo nqiiush ut ourntoro. Tho noareet $
guefl gets uhundsomo Now Homo now k
ing mnchlno, tho next nonrcst an eight
day clock; tho next 95 in cash. Tho
Bquash will bo cut open January 1st,
Nt'liool Report.
Ifrport of district No. 7, for the month
muling November 3.
Number enrolled 8. Avorago attend
ance 7. Thoso not absent during tho
month wero: Emma Harris, Julia Mar
tin, Gortlo Martin, Hoy Martin, Vale
Fox nnd I.eyd Strntin. Thoeo not tardy
were Emma Harris, Julia Martin, Roy
Martin and Gortio Martin. Thoso whose
deportment was 100 wero Julia and Roy
Martin. Thoso abovo 00 wore Emms
Harris nnd Eva Holingrain. Daihv
Ciiakt, Teacher.
Glvo Ilia Boys
A chance to bo strong and healthy, feed
thorn witn good plain food and keep their
blood in goed order with Halter's Barer.-
parllla and linrdook nnd who knows bat
they will bo President or Alderman. For
snlo by Deyo &Grloo.
Hold lip t
Do you know that Wionoi selling
his calf and kip boots at less tuan manu
facturer's cost prico ? Well, ho is, and
only has a fow pair loft. Got a pair be
fore they uro all gono. Wioner, the
Tiik Best Plastics. Dampen a peiee
of flannel with Chamberlain's Fain Balm
and bind it on over tho eeatsf pain. Itie
hotter than any plaster. When the lungs
are sore suoh nn application on the cheat
and anothor on the back, between the
shoulder blades, will often prevent pnen
monin. Thero is nothing bo good for a
lame baok or a pain in the elue. A sore
throat enn nearly always be oured in one
nlftht by nppling n flannel bandage
dampened with Pain Halm. 60 cent bot
tles for sale by Deyo & Grioe.
For PulMlng
you should boo Frunk P. Hadloy, Ho
does house, sign nnd carriugo painting,
glazing, Ac.
Are yonr children subject to eroupf
If so, yon should never be without a bot
tie of Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy. It
is a cortaln euro for croup, and has never
been known to fail. If given freely ns
boob ns the oroupy cough appears it will
prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance
with thousands of mothers who have
croupy children, nnd never disappoints
them. There is no danger in giving thla
Remedy in large nnd frequent doees, as it
contains nothing injurious. CO cent bot
tles forsalo by Deyo &. Grice,
Tatlou keeps the largest and belt
selected stock of wall paper fter
brought to Red Cloud.
-- i .
A. II. C.
Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption
result from a neglected cough or oold.
Don't uogleot but euro promptly with a
fow dosoH of Degas' Cherry Cough Byrup
Sold by Deyo & Grico
When in Hivertonlo suro and stop at
tlio I)anlH iiouso. 91.00 nor dny. Llv-
y in connection. Dy far tho moat pleas
ant place iu Uivcrton.
Remember that L. V. Albright sells
more Hour than nny other store in Web
Bter county. If you want Hour see him
fur ho keeps tho best.
Wantmi: Moii to soil our hardy vari
eties ot Nursery Stock, our own growing.
Salary or commission. Answer with
ofcronccH, L. G, llrugg &, Co,. Kalu' ma
r00' Miuh'
Havo you soon thoso all wool hose at
R. M. Martin & Son's?
Pitcher' Castorla.