The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1893, Image 1

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JB ' ' . - - -
All Home Print.
PuhlUhed Weekly.
Subscription, - SI Per Annum,
IttVHi-lnbly In Advance
If not paid In advance, ntter tliN date March
1U, IH, tho price will bo si.jjo.
Kntered nt the Post OHlcc In Keel Cloud, Nub.,
ns mail inntlcraf the second dais
Vrof.cardi, I Inch or loss per year $C 00
Hlx IIIOIItllM a )
Tlirco months - no
Tor Inrh one) car (I M
Per Inch Hlx months :) "
lYriiK-h three iiioiitliM - l"
cpcclnl notices per lino or lino space, Hist
pilbllcnMon G cents.
Transient specials, payable Invariably In ad
vanre, pur line to rents.
All leatlltiK notice-, In tbo nature of advcrtlso
meiitH or pnitK, 6 cents per line.
Legal notices nt lej-ul lutes, lz: font square
(ten lines of Nntinaiell or less.) II rat nubllcatlon
91.00; for each subsequent publication, per
square, GO cents.
o "
'preferred position" contracts made.
All inuller to iiihiiio nubllcatlon must bore-
celu'il alibis oflleo not latertlian Wednesday.
AdvetllsfinciiH eannot bo oidered out tor
the current week later tban Thursday.
II. Y in. IK. 11. Time Tabic.
TtiklliK effect A us. 13.
Trnlnsciurjliu; passengers lca.o Itcd Cloud as
No. U2 rasseiiRcr to Hast Inn 3:00 p.m.
No. lit Passenger from Hasting 11:03 a.m.
No. 1C, Passenger to 8t. Joseph St.
Louis and tjhlcage dullv 10:,
No. 15 Passengers tor Denver, .Uiitly. 8;10p. tn
kll. J. S. EMIUH,
Ued Cloud,
Ovar Tuylor'a Furniture Store.
Extracts tc-eth without pain,
dawn and bridge work a specultr.
l'ercelalu Inlay, and ull kinds of cold fllllngi.
laks told and rubber plates nnd combination
ivk guaranteed to bo first-class.
Homccoputlilc l'hyklrlaii,
Itcd Cloud, XchrusKii.
onico opposite Vlrst National Hunk.
U. S.Kxumlnlug hiirgcon.
Chronic dlMa.its tlealed bv mall.
h. WINFltEY,
Bed Cloud,
Will attend sains nt reasonable tlgutes. Satis
faction minrhntecd.
IiiNiirunvo Agent,
I do n strictly fnrm insurance nnd invito
null invita nil to coo mo.
Moon Block, UED CLOUD, NEB.
Collection! promptly attended to.
Moon Block, - UED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly uttonded to, and
correspondence (solicited.
Attaiaay at
Office Up stairs, in Moon Blook,
over Fair Store.
IScul Evtulc, Insurance
ami Co I let ling AkciiI,
Moon Block, - Bed Cloud, Ned
Notary V"1'"'-
ToiiHorlnl ArllHl,
4th AvK-iiiK, - Itnu Cloud, Nkuuhka.
rirat-oluM burbtrs and llrst-cluss work
guariintaadCiiva tn a call
riiKiiIoualilc ISarlicr,
Red Cloud, AicbriiNka.
I giva my porsounl attoutiou to my
patrons, l''irnt-claB.s sliaving and hnir
outtiiik' HpiciiUty.
Red Cloud, NcliruNkn.
Conveyancer, Heal l?liilc, Loan
liikurani'caud reunion Audit.
I especially invite yoa to cull on me for
anything in my' line. Loans made on
farm property nt lowest rntes.
Insurance Aucney,
(lerinan IlHiirnueeiii, ri'-T n, ;
Prwpnrt, III-
lloyni iiitiii uueHi.ii , i.iyi.-i.m, i.ii...
IIjiiio Klre liiMiraneoo., of (iiiiali.i, .Nebr.
1'lKEiiU ASsiiniiu-o C. i.f London. Klin,
ilei man insurance To. nt Mlne. 111.
(iuaolliili Assuiaiice ( ()., ot I.'""!"". ,!n:,.
IlurlluiUiiii IihiiiiwoOo. of III illnctpn, Iowa,
llrltlsh Ainerlea.Assuriiii.'e Co. Imoiito.fau.
1 Oflleo ovor roBtolllco.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Eternal Vigilance is the
A Fair Exchange
Is no Bobbery !
We want
And arc prepared
value in
Winter Suits,
Dress Suits,
Heavy Underwear, Shoes,
Plush Caps,
Andslin fact, everything a man wears.
We are
House in
have always carried the largest and best se
lected slock, and made prices that have never
been met.
Make it
lo see us.
when vou
" i-- -" fpBjiP ll T"a
mi pwi I
Price of Liberty," and
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neil, Friday, Novemhkr
your Cash
to give you its full
and Mittens,
Felt Boots.
r Liili
the Oldest Established
Webster county, and
a Point
need anything in our
Chas. Wiener,
The Pioneer Clothier.
One Dollar a year is
auditorial CoiTCMiMKMlt'iM-o.
Flint, Mioh., Nov. I.
For a nuinbtr of Jays vrhil risiting
in the cast, I devoted my attention to
tho state of Michigan, my headquart
ers being in tho pretty little town of
Flint, a city of tnoro than 12,000 in
habitants, with its paved streets, and
other modern improvements, which
go n long way towards making life
pleasant. It was liorc that I managed
to cat three square meals per day with
my Michigan brother-in-law, Dr. H. S.
Clark, and for that reason I wai better
prepared to expand uiy views on the
conditio! of the farming elans, ia that
section. What loeks "tho queerest"
as the old lady would snj, was ''those
pesky lotto truck patches, hemmed in
with rail fences" none of which looked
large enough for a good sized cow
yard, that is to a fellow that had lived
on tho broad acrc9 of Nebraska, where
every man owns 1G0 aerer, and thirsts
after more. But ttpen more mature
investigation I found that many, if
not all of the farmers owned from 00
to 1G0 acres and wcro doing well, but
that farming was not ns easy ia the
Wolvcrino stato as in Nebraska.
Stumps, stumps, stumps, stumps every
where, slumps in tho fields, stumps on
fire, stumps in piles, slumps suspended
between heaven and tho top of a stump
extracter, and mo thinks I can sco a
sign poised high on some old tree,
similar to a dentist's sign "stumps
pulled without paiu," or it gives ono
a paiu to seo them pull stumps, or
something like that, in faot the
stump qucjtion is moro pcrplcxint!
than tho election (mention, in Nc
braska, for they enter into all prob
lems social and otherwise, and in fact
you will find them used in fences for
miles and miles, with thoir diversified
spirals pointing liko so many crooked
digits toward tho silver dome of
heaven, from ono day's end to the
other, until a fellow begins to imagine
that he is making stump speeches or
has Enakcs in his boots, or something
worse; still with all ot the hard work
of a Michigan farmer ho manages to
ir,row a good crop and eat hearty.
Funning however is dono an a differ
ent soalo than in our own fair slate.
ncro in iuienigan, me lurincr raises
eight er ten acres of corn, and thinks
he has an immonsc field; Uich ho rais
es a few potatoes, a few beans, a few
acres of wheat and so on, aud manages
to always havo a crop of something,
if it is only children; whilo out in
Nebraska tho other is the rulo, more
crops and fowcr ohildron, nnd a man
thinks if he has net more than fifty
aeres of cern that ho ii not doing much
and often has from 100 aorcs to many
times that much. Thus it is between
tho two states which nro so differently
situated as far as agricultural pursuits
are concerned.
In matter of olimato, Michigan does
not equal Nebraska, I do not think,
as Michigan has a cold damp atmos
phere, and very cold winter weather,
from sixty to ninety days sleighing,
much rain and mud, etc, whilo our
own climate is higher and dryer, more
open winters, with good hard roads,
and much more healthful, whilo farm
ing is much easier, but Michigan holds
its owj by boing closer to niarkot, and
alwajs having a good demand for her
products. All in all, however I
prefer to livo in Nobraska, whero the
climate is uoro salubrious, and not so
vigorous, yet tlicro is much beauty
and pleasure in tho pino clad forests
of Michigan and its methods of farm
ing, the beautiful littlo lakes, hand
soiiio oitics, and many other pleasures,
that aro to bo found wlthiu her bor
ders. Sho oity of Flint is a city made up
principally of retired farmers, and in
iJ liP' '"1
the Price of The Chief.
10, 1893.
the main has been built up by them,
and hundreds of beautiful residences
are to bo seen on every hand. Tho
city has two railroads, tho Grand
Trunk, and Flint nnd Peru Marquette
railways. Tlicro aro thrco or four
ily papers and several wcoklics to
aid In keeping tho interests of tho
city before the people. In all it is
among ono of tho most handsome
cities in tho state.
After two wooks visit in Flint and
Otter Lake, I started on my return
journey, and as I could not get "first
class passage In a stock car" I took
the next best thing, a passenger coach
on the Grand Trunk which was a little
worse than a palaco stock oar.
Smoky, dingy and decidedly very
dirty, nnd not much like the handsome
vestibule trains that are run over our
"Burlington route" with nil of the
modern conveniences. Fow railroads
can equal tho Burlinglon in equip
ment, and in goiug Tun Chief would
always adviso its friends to tnko .the
B. & M. if they want to go in the best
manner posriblo aud on time.
After reaching Chicago I roamed
around the oity taking in the sights
of that modem, as well as wonderful
oity and at 12:-l"i took the Burlington
ilyor for the west pleased to know
that I was ngain heading for the land
of sunshine and beauty .Hif) days in
the year, and arrived homo on Wednes
day following better pleased (ban over
to know that I reside in Nebraska and
on Nebraska aoil.
A. C. IIosmur.
Tlio earlier sy mptons of dyspepsia, such
as distress nfter anting, honrtburn, aud
oecnHionnl hendnches, should not be no
Klccted. Take Hood's Sarsaparilln and
bo cured.
Hood's I'llls nro thobeftt family entliar
tic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable,
Kcncnl ol'llie Silver Hill.
With tho aid of twenty-three repub
licans and twenty democrats President
Cleveland has succeeded in having the
Sherman silver law of 1800 repealed.
Opposed to repeal wcro eight repub
licans, twenty-two democrats, and two
populists. Without the aid of tho re
publican senators President Cleveland
would have been defeated by his own
party, for twe more democrats voted
against repeal than voted for it. This
puts an end to the purchase of silver
by tho government for the present,
and it may build up a strong party in
favor of the free coinago of silver.
President Clovcland staked everything
upon tho repealing measure and won
by tho aid of his political opponents.
Time will tell whether tho republicans
acted with good political judgment in
raking the chestnuts out of tho fire
for President Cleveland to crack,
Under republican administration tho
purchaso of -1,500,000 ounces of silver
every month by the government did
not .porceptibly effect tho credit f
currency. The coinage of that silver
into round dollars did not amount to
ono dollar a yoar for each inhabitant
of this country; and it was not until
tho coinago of silver for India was
stopped was there any flurry in the
silvor market. President Cleveland
is owned by Wall Street, and Wall
Street demanded tho purchase of sil
ver should stop.
When tho democratic administration
took . poscssion of Washington and
later political revolutions 'had shown
that tho democrats had not only con
trol of tho government but alio of
both homes of congress, tho manufac
turers became alarmed that tho' demo
crats threat of free trado would bo
carried out, so thoy began to close
down their mills aud workshops grad
ually till hundreds of thousands of
workmen were walking I he streets in
ii .v'.'
Vol. 21. No. 16
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Govornmont
Food Report.
Koyal Unking Powder Co.
100 Wall 8t., N. Y.
idleness. Then President Cleveland
began to cast about for a reason for
nil this ruin to tho industries of tho
country, and shutting his eyes to- tho
real causa he began luBtily to yell
that it was too much silver that was
hurting tho country, and at once he
called congress together to repoal the)
terriblo Sliorman law.
Tho deed is done. The country
will now seo if the repoal or tho silver
bill wil) restore confidence and set the
wheels of industry running as they did
under President Harrison's administra
tion. Positive uutl NcaTtttlvc.
Tho Unoo Question Is nnsettled. But it
is sottlid that Hood's Saraoporilla leads
all romodios.
Disenso marches through all lands, Bat
good hoalth blesses all who take Hood's
Dyspopsla is a great foe of the hnman
rneo. But Hood's Sarsaparilln pots it to
Scrofula is ono of tho most torrlblo of
diseases. Hut Hood's Sarsaparilln expels
it from th system.
Tho people of this day, liko Job, suffer
from boils. Hut Hood's Sarsaparilln is a
soveroigu remedy for them,
Catarrh is one of tho most disagreeable
disorders, Dot Hood's Harsopnrilla is
tiro to relioyo nnd care it.
KtitumattHin racks the system like a
thnmb-scrow. Bat it retreats before the
power of Hood's Harsaparilla.
Loss of appetite lends to melsnoholis.
lint llood'o Snrinparilla makes the plain
est repast tickle tho palato.
Llfo is short nnd time is fleeting, bat
Hood's Sarsaparilla will bless humanity
ns thongos roll on.
Dislocated Ills Shoulder!
Friday niqht last as Wm. DoIIart,
Sr. was driving along tho highway
northeast of tho city, ho mot a man
in a wagon. Tito fellow it nnpears,
was rather near sighted and it being
quilo dark, did not start to pull his
horses to one sido of tho road soan
enough, and Mr, Bo Hart's buggy col
lided with the hind wheels of tho
wagon, snapping off tho shafts. Mr.
Do Hart held on to the lines and was
drawn over tho dash-board and fell to
the ground in such a manner as to dis
locate his shoulder. Sooa after the
accident ho received tho necessary
surgical attention and is getting along
nicely. Carthage, III., Gazette.
"" ' ! I
.See the World' Fair lor Fifteen
Upon receipt of your address and fifteen
oontH in postngo stamps, we will mnilyou
prepaid onr Souvenir Portfolio of the
World's Columbian Exposition, the regu
lar prico Is Fifty cents, but ns wo want
you to havo one, we make the prlee nom
inal. You will And it n work of art and a
thing to be prized. It contains fall page
vlows of tho gient buildings, with de-
soriptions.of same, and is exoonted is
highest stylo of art, If not satisfied with
it, after you got it. we will refund tho
stamps and lot you keep the book. Ad
drees II. E. Uoolilen it. Co., Chicago, III,
When rjaby was sick, we g&vo her Ceetorla.,
When the woe a Child, the cried for Cutorla. . -When
sho became Mill, she clung to Caatortev
Whan she had Children, she gave then Castorl
bbbv m mjTwmMM-.m. m i