The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1893, Image 8

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' t. K
What is
Cutorla to .Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants
and Children. It contalni neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
. ?It is rieasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
ftverlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea nud "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
CaRtorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
Urla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. '
'CutorUMniMwllcnt medicine for chll
rn. Mothers here repeatedly told mo of lu
good efftct upon their children."
Da. 0. 0. Osaoon,
Lowell, Ma.sK.
" Cwtorla U tho best remedy for children of
which 1 nin acquainted. I hopo tho day U not
f r distant when mothers will const Jer tho real
Interest of their children, nod ui;o Castoria In
vsd of the varlousquack nostrums which oro
tntroylng their loved ones, by forclnsoplriii,
morphine, mothlng synip and other hurtful
ftnU down their throats, thoruuy kdiUds
Sstm to prematura ersves."
Da. J, V. KiKcnuos,
Conway, Ark.
Tho Contour Company, TI
" Castoria (1 so well adapted to children thsi
I recommend Usui superior toany prcscrlptloe
kuown to me." .... ..
If. A, AncosR, M. D.,
111 Bo. Oxford St., lirooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment havo spoken MrM of their eiperl
eiico In their outsido practice with Castorls,
and although we only liato among our
medical supplies wliat Is known as
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon It."
Umitku Hospital and PisrixsAnr,
lloston, Mass.
Allen C. Sunn, JYrt.,
Murray Street, New York City.
Dealer i Secoiltfarid Goods
First door north of Moon Block,
If you want bargains you should not fail to
call and sec me. for I have them.
A Woman Defend Itio l'lr.t Mutt I'rom
CIihtkch of (,'imnnlli
And Uio Lord Mild, "Ihiist tliott eaten
of tho tree whereof 1 cotiiiuniidctl llteo
thou nhunltlnt not cut?" Tho ninti fiiIJ,
"Tito woman whom thon gavest to bo
with inosho guvo tno of tho (rco nnu I
tllil cat." Thin, It has been lieM forcen
tttrlcH, was AiIuiii'h great Bin, for which
ho was driven out of tho garden and
hi ilcHCondnutH, cvrti to tho present gen
eration, compelled to work for living.
In audition to bearing tho conueiiitencca
of hia etror Adam has been denoutieed
through all miccecding centurierf for hia
cowardice and lack of gallantry in try
ing to throw tho blninotinontho woman
wlio had been given to bo with him
'Ood'a firrtt, best gift to man."
Wo aro glad, therefore, thatcven after
0,000 year of nnmerittd condemnation
which tho memory of our great pro
genitor has had to bear tlicro has arisen
one person who dares to hnenk for him.
And it is nil tho more fortnuato that
that person la a woman a member of
tho sex whom Adam's words, by a
wrong interpretation, wcro held to havo
maligned. This person is Mrs. Caroliuo
F. Corbin, n distinguished authoress. In
her latest book olio says of Adam's plea:
"Tliis is not tho expression of cow
ardice, but of tlto innocent nnd native
belief that anything which Hits lovely
being, fresli from God's linml, proposed
must bo right, nnd right or wrong
must bo douo. It is n trait which has
com down in unbroken continuity of
inherittuico to tho latest born of Adam's
The thought is n new one, but thcrd is
not timan nlivonnd capable of appreci
ating Mrs. Corbin's argument who will
not indoreo it. Whero is thoro a man to
day, barring n few crusty old bachelors,
who would not have dono tho samo thing
under liko circumstances? Tho woman
was beautiful, tho applo was good, nnd
Adam was an unsophisticated, ingenious
young man unaccustomed to tho littlo
social arts and deceptions that tho
daughters of Mother Evo havo learned
from her example.
Wo insist that Adam is vindicated,
and that Mark Twain's tears over his
grave wero a deserved tribute. Now,
let tho building of his monument pro
ceed. And let it bo recorded thereon
that "ho was a kind, loving and obedient
husband." Troy Times.
"Always set your chair hack when you nro
Don't h-nvo It In Ilia mlddlo of t ho room or
This I wlmt Krniidmothcr Mild, nt often, when
n lxy,
I Jumped up nnd ran out of doorj a reckless
"Alwajs set jour chair back v.Iicn )ou nro
(join nwnyj
Don't leno It in tlio mlddlo of tho room or
MnnditiR carelessly."
Thcso wot da, repented Ionic ago, como ecr
f rcOi to mind,
When littlo duties nro o'crlookcd or left to lug
In tho dally wnlks of buiy life, when wo think
wo Imvcn't tlmo
To bo orderly nnd nlmost look uj.on polltcniss
at a crime.
Wo nro qulto too npt, from cnrclcssncss, to
think, If not to say.
That It matters not If wo forgot to set our
chairs nway.
Hut It will Ik found that dally II fo will bo
inoro wolth tho living
If v,o blend, In linrmony, tho precepts of ro-
cclvlnic nud of giving;
If wo heed tho tender chldlngs dealt out in
childhood's dny,
And always 'Vet our chair back when wo aro
colnc away."
Clark W.llryan in Good Houtckecplnc
Wright is the Man.
He has llic largest I in.- of Stoves in Red
Yon tn n nni ntt'ord ft; uilks
art you will l c zitoney,
i-cclcf; hsN itccli before istiyiit,-;
W. W.'Wrinht, the llirdwaiv Man.
-I'llOl'tllCTOilS 01'
Orders promptly flllod.
&L JMv4J1
7 our patronage sollcltod
A 'Wonderful Timekeeping Autnnintqn.
Ono of tlto most wonderful timekcen
crs known to tho horologist was mado
in London about 100 years ago nnd sent
by tho president of tho East India com
pany as a gift to tho emperor of China.
Tho enso was made in tho form of a
chariot, in which was Boated tho figure
of n woman. This figura was of puro
ivory nnd gold nnd sat with her right
hnnd resting upon iv tiny clock fastened
to tho side of tho vehicle. A part of tho
wheels which kept track of tho flight of
timo wcro hidden in tlto body of ft tiny
bird, which had seemingly just nlighted
upon tlto lady's finger.
Abovo was n canopy so arranged ns to
conceal ft silver bell. This bell wns fit
ted wit It n miniaturo hammer of tho
Sitino metal, nud although it appeared to
havo no connection with tho clock regu
larly struck tho hours nnd could bo
mado to repent by touching it diamond
button on tlto lady's bodice. In tho char
iot nt tho ivory lady's foot tliero was a
golden figuro of n dog, nnd nbovo and in
front wcro two birds apparently flying
beforo tho chariot. This beautiful ornn-
tnent was mado almost entirely of gold
nnd wns elaborately decorated with pre
cious stones. St. Louis Republic,
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. n. FOIIT, Malinger.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
UmIiisIisuMoii yean oxpoilu'ieo In emiiily lecoiitinml onoot lh inuit ojiiihleto set of At
tract books In tliV- sWe.wo piiar.inlee witlsfiu-limi. Yoi.r f.iturs solicited
All uiuVftllmil I'tniniilly ID.ihhi ilolliu lioiul tlieil
inJl'IMn lived. AililiesHoi'i'iillmi ,
Ji. II. FOIIT AIanaiikr, lied Cloud, Nub.
Jos. G. Hlcon?k
-l'ltOl'MHTOlt OV TIIM-
Holland House Livery Stable,
Has tho bcil rig.-j in the city and tho most reasonable prides.
Your orders olliiti'd ititd lulr troaliucnt Kuuranlccd.
Kurtli of flic llulliuut Howie.
D. B. Spanoe,
Real Estate
and L.oan Agent
Red Cloud.
New Ileal Estate F.'rin.
m elm
mi lw
asr iy
Adjusts Itoolf to nj
noraos mbck,
Has two Rows o
Will hold Homed
In placn botter thqi
a'.nwr nimr.
Ilitvc n
Few Aloro or
Alio m large Hue of names, A.
i;nu nun sco me ir you want
J. tu IMLI.KK,
Real Estate,
Loan ntulIuBtirnnco Agentf
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
OAlco with D. V. Truukay, Moon Block
Buiull Fortune tlctuvcn tlic Cruolii.
A cigar dealer was recently compelled
to tnovo from hi down town stand,
which ho had occupied for I).1) years, he
cause of tho demolition of tho old build
ing. Ho packed his belonging with many
a Biglt of regret. When ho had got hia
things all out, ho turned to tho work
men, who wero waiting to begin tearing
down tho building, uud remarked iu a
rather sarcastic tone:
"Well, boys, you may havo nil you
(hid in this old trap."
Tho workmen began on tlto old floor,
which had ben worn into hollowB by
itgc. It had not been replaced biuco it
was originally laid.
Ono of tlto men ripped up n board with
hia crowbar, raising n cloud of dust.
When ho got it out of hia uvea, ho saw
Botnelliing ninny in tho crack.
Ho picked it up, and it proved to bo a
dime. Further invodligatlou revealed
tho fact that tho ctaek wan lined with
This was an incentive to tho workmen.
They plied their crowbara with remark
able energy for men poorly paid. In this
instance they wero amply rewarded.
In every crack of tho lloor nilver dimes
wcro found. Somo of thorn boro dates
of nearly half n century ago. The men
gathered tho coin in haudfuls.
Tho cigar dealer, in Bpeaking of tho oc
currence, said that ho hadn't tho fllight
cst idea Hint go much money could bo
lost through carelessness and a poor
lloor cvcit'in 35 years.
"But it won't happen again," ho said.
"When I heard of it, I immediately gavo
orders lt havo my now btoro refloorcd
with hai'd wood, and no cracks, at my
own rspenso." Now York Herald.
A StrlMnt; I'rcocntlinont.
It is curious how fuluio jprents nre oc
casionally prefigured by homo anticipa
tory token which, unliko presentiments
und premonitory dreams, makes perhaps
no impression at tho time on those whom
thoy concert).
Iloro is n ntrilcing example. Ono of
Charles DickensVons, from Bomo childish
oddity of expression in his largo, won
dering vyc9, was given by his father tho
very uniiiuo sobriquet of tho "Ocean
Specter," by which ho was always called.
Tho grent novelist never know of tho
weird Bignilfeanco his playfully bestowed
appellation was to bear, for ho himself
hnd been nearly two yeara in his grave
at tho timo his littlo "Ocean Specter,"
then u lieutenant in tho roynl navy, died
and was buried at tea. London Tit-Bits.
IIIrIi Kxplmlvr.
Tlicro nro certain explosives of high
power which, when heated, burn quietly
if freely exposed, or if confined explode
only at tho spot whoro heat is applied
without tho wholo mass taking part in
tho explosion. Nitroglyccrol, dynamite,
gun cotton, picric acid nud tho now
German military powder aro example?
This in paid to bo because they aro bat
conductors of their own oxplosivo wave.
If, however, tho samo substances aro
subjected to n violent shock by tho ex
plosion iu their midst of initial charges
of mercury fulminate, tho shock seems
to nllect all tho molecules of tho explo
sive tit once, and tho wholo umts of tho
latter explodes witlionoimous viobnee.
New York .Sun.
Wo liavo located in lied
Cloud nud will bo ploased to
lmvo i)co plo avUo desire to sell
thoir farniii to call nud list
their lands with us ns wo
havo eastern buyers.
Call and seo us.
jr. ii. oavis &. son.
The Trarl Ojitor.
Very fow pcoplo nio awaro thnt tho
pearl oyster is not iu any way liko tlto
oysters which wo eat. It is of an entiie
ly diirerent species, and an a matter of
fact tho shells of tlio so called pearl oys
ters aro of far more valui to thoto en
gaged in pearl lkhing than tho pearls.
There aro extensive pearl liblicries in tho
gulf of California, and somo of tho finest
pearls havo been taken from thoso wa
ters. In lyyi ono pearl a black one
was Fold for 10,W0, and every year
sinco that timo many pearls havo been
taken front tho beds in tho California
gulf valued at over $7,500 each. Chica
go Herald.
fcho I.nrcil Him.
Single Man (to himself) I am suro
that darling littlo angel loves me. Slio
takes mo into her couiidcuco nud tolls
mo nil her troubles.
Samo Jinn (somo yenra later) Con
sarn it all I From morning till night,
nud night till morning, when I'm homo,
I henr nothing but tales nbout tho serv
ants, thobutcner, tlio butler, tho baker,
tho candlestick maker and all tho rest
of 'cm. Now Yotk Weekly.
Chattel IWorltfHgc Sale.
Nntlfo la liorHiy !ln Hint on Uio till ilnv of
Not mi; )ir, IHJ-J, ut -j c'oIim-Is p. in. in tliu mir of
tliHmlldliii: Known ns tho link In tlio tlivot
licit oiiil, Vliin0;a, ulllM'li ilm follonlim
ilwerlliQii iiioperiy lnlt- unit Keyuonu
fnitr linlo sln-Uri- uuniiirr istn. mm imo ellit
liors I'owi'r mmiiriictnri'il liv llio Krsstoni)
MiiuitiicluilimlNi,, miller a ilmttel iiiiiiiiiimu
expctt'o I hv W. II. Hall In llm KrjhtiiiiM M.ui-
tlUct n Ina l' i lln Till il-iv ii Nnu'liilvr,
IS J.', nil I tiki) In thu onieunt llm eotmlv eleik
ot WnSt-ri'iiiiuly, NelintsUn. Tlicio Is hum
illiu mill iiisatiluiinaiii(liiitti'l liinrlL'.'iKO tin
niiiiiui iiiivn ininiuiMi bixiy suten noli, irs ami
lllto in cvlit.(Sli7.l1)
Tile Veteran lliirmH. m., . ., . ,. km "''"' .v'-WAcruuixu Co.
m nv vivrnii iiariiVHf iriui,. ji y)M. ;ic.m,..i v Its aUvniey,
ft'Ut I'urclinsc.
Two eminent J'rench gentlemen, who
wero (jreat friends, mod to relato an
ninubing etory of thoir itnpecunioua
days. Neither fatno nor fortuno hud
como to them, but thoy wero ulwnya
hopeful. Tlio years had weighed heavi
ly enough upon Jules, however, for him
to havo become entirely bald. Ono day
Alphoiiho met him with a beaming couu
toanco and cried gayly: "What do you
link, Jules! I havo been buying a
Uroug boxl" "Then. Alphonco," re
plUd Jules lirmly, "I shall buy a hair
brush." Argonaut.
tiuru I'.llnt.
(leorgo Eliot huffered from mclanchol
io moods, and fiont her thirtieth year
hnd bovero Attacks of headache. As n
child oho was poor in health nnd ox
trumely rensitivo to (error lu tho night.
Slio remained a quivering fear through
out her wholo life. New York Times.
Not to Tla Cnmlderrd.
Mrs. Clmgwator (aftor an unusually
spirited engagement) Joslnh, if wo can't
get along in pcaco, we'd better sopavato.
Mr. Clmgwater (shaking his head
mournfully) It wouldn't help matters
any, Snmantba. I can tell you right
now you'd never get nnotlier man that
would enduro your cooking as meekly aa
I do. Chicago Tribuuo,
Why Nlm Llht-illlirMi.
Boston Woman Oh, I do bo lovo tho'
Colds of our Now Jhtgland farms.
Now YoikOirl-Why?
IWIon Woman Bccnuso thoy nro so
yritivatod, you know. Boston Courier.
Switzerland's numerous watorfalla
havo proved a means for tho generation
und supply of nn abundant amount of
power for n comparatively small expen
diture of capital. At tho end of Inst year
tlicro wcro in that country 553 elcctrlo
light installations and 53 plants for tho
electrical transmission of power.
Hoots of nil trees draw hngo quanti
ties of moifaturo from thohoil, which ia
dli-charged into tho nir through tho
leaves. It is estimated that nn oak treo
with 700,000 leaves would give off some
thing liko "JOO tons of water during tho
live mouths it carries its foliage,
(02 & 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS GiTV, MO.
77ie Old Ktliailt Dccter. ARtpilarGtatlualiiniftdUiut, Oldtst itt
Agcantl Lcntil IjkuKJ.
Authorized by tho Stata to treat CHRONIC. HCPV0U3 nr.d SrECIAL
DISEASES. CtircnrunrnnlFMt or money refunded. All mrdtr.lues
furnished ready for uh No mercury or injurious mi Olclncn uid.
Ko detention from work. IV.tlcnts nt n dUtauco treated by mall
und cxiirtss. litdlcinun pent everywhero, t reo from enzo or break
bro. Charges low. Over 30,000 c.ivcs cured. Acoaud czncrluuronro
iuinortnnt. Head littlo book, then ntata vour lt.s j. Rcml fnr nnlnlnn
nnuteri;3.Coasunatloiifreoaudcoulldeuual,i)trfiOcallycr by letter
Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility,
IStermatcrrhtr&and wAvr-ioO causcaiiYYOUtlirulioillf nnndexcc33:i.nroduc!ii;r nervous
ness, Iosbcs, iilmple.iandblotcheson tho face rushes of blood to tbo heaci, pains in the bock, I
confusedlil(;asnndforcettulni's".l)ashfulneafi.nvr,r.slontoboclotv. lcs-lofLcxuiilDi)77cr. IohmI
of manhood, &c, cured for life. lean ntop nil nl;ht loso rcstoro loat ucxual power, re-1
Cfnin'fiii'a vertnanentlv cured with-
otl s-" out caustic, cuttlDjr, bm-l
ricauruouriu no v:'i".no exposure. X'a
1 lent can uso tho treat mentnt homo.
Rheumatism u0!
A aunU CUKE. Tho trrcatest dtscoverv In
tlioiumalsof medicine Onodoso ulvea ro
ller latovr doles removo fover nnd nain In
Joints acuroinr.fovdajrs. Bendwtntctccjt
ui cku, iu uiamp or circular.
Free Museum of Anatomy MfetSSn
llfo-llUo models and wax flKurcsdecply lmpresi tho mind ; a tchool of lnstruc- K
lion nnermon wiinouiworuq. n. u. i naecviuuacposiisuin ir.t eanH, tunica i
uiiljorjiitjoraoov$ autaies v:ct I cure.
Cvnh 1 1 S c thattcrrlblo discai, in nil
J'KI1S1,3 its formsandfitaccs cured
ror mo. ii looa I'oisontng, KUin Diseases.
Ulcers, Swelllnps, Sores, Conorrho'a nr.d
Gleet, and bll lortn.t of Private Diseases
positively cured or money refunded.
Rrtnfr lor both sexes, 60 pares. W pic
UUU1 tures,truotolifa,vlth full des
cription of abovo diseases, tlio effects and
curo.sealcd in nlaln wrannsrforflalnstamns.
Head thla littlo book uud answer questions
rK-?E9Mi9PI3C' tkff' i Vr- w Sk.VSi vffvV4 U c wt?S m 'i.IflL.t 3jBftfctpiBBPy
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Unit for lilin; lie will cull on yon In n Tew tiny. Von tan iuvo
money nml cut more MitlhJ'ncJory Insuitnuc than from any
other man. Iloltittt excltiNlve eonlrol ol' four eoiintici.
Sewing - Machines
Has a fine lino of Sewing Ma
chines and Organs from $25
Also Keeps nil Kind or Machine
tftinnlle. l)ot- repairing
lit'omplly. 'nll nntl ncu mo.
In British India tho number of persons
nilhcring to tho sects of tho nnoiont
Prnhinitnio religions belief in eutimnteil
at 211,000,000. Thero nro 7,000,000 HttiM
lildts, 00,000 Pnrseea, 57,000,000 Mohnm
tncdatiB iiiul 0,000,000 of tho ancient na
gana or tutttiro worehlperM,
Tliero wns recently given in Denmark
n concert Unit miiy ho regiinleil ns abso
lutely unhmo as regards tho instruments
tified. Tlto instruments included two
Jiorim from tho hronzo ago, which nro
believed to bo nt least ",000 years old.
Tho drinking of najt y'ior s eaid to
ho it jwrfect euro for Bea-iiehness, though
it uiiikca tho patient very mlsorahlo for a
fow uituuteu after ho, takes tho euro,
Partii Loais
Pgr QQtt.
A Sinipsoi,
Blag Hill Neb.
Closing out Sale
I desire to close out the cntiro
slock of
Dry Coods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Formerly owned by S. F.
Spolceslield during the next
SODays. jf
You cm buy everjlliin,' w huv
CUKAI', and kouk things it your
own jirlur. iMonj buy, anil wt
musk liavu tlio C-ub bufurs th
jrooiJs leave tliv utort.
Call nl kipoucMlcklV Old Slum!
uml nee what no can do Tor
Also all ledger accounts due
S. F. Snokesiicld can be set- '
tied with us if paid this
A. O. BHlltt,
Agents for
C. M. Wetherald,