The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1893, Image 6

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An Alltsrd Crnuk Who Ilnd llcen Disap
pointed limn Aliiunt l'olltlrnl Ainlilllon
the Rlnycr Tho Deed Committed With
out it Moment' Warning to tlio Victim.
Chicago, Oct. . Mayor Harrison
was shot tlircn times whllo standing in
tlie hallway of his homo at Ell Ashland
lioulcvarrt Saturday evening at 7:'J3 o'clock
by a man giving lili tinmo as Kugono Pat
rick Preinlcrgnst. He died at 7:40 o'clock,
fifteen minutes Inter. Prendergast after
firing tlio shots, tlio Inst of which wns
fatal, went to tlio Hesplnlnes street sta
tion, whoro ho gave himself up.
Mayor Harrison had boon at the World'
fair nil tiny and wns lingering over tils
dlnntr at 7sS!5 p. in. when the door boll
rang nnd n moment Inter the pnrlo'.' maid
' otme In mid bald a young man who said
.He wns n city ofllcliil desired to see Mr.
Harrison. Tlio mayor was n man who
eevsr refused to sen unyliody nnd ho Im
lutrtlately left the tnblo nnd went into tho
hall, which was brightly lighted. Ho ad
vanced to within u few feet of tlio assassin,
when tho hitter pulled out a pistol and bo
gnu firing without a word. Tl ree shots
were fired as rapidly as he could pull the
trigger nnd two of tho bullets took effect
iu tho vlctlm'.i body.
The llutlct Jlad Dnnv Its Work.
Within a few minutes after tho shots
were fired Dr. Foster, who had been sum
moned, arrived, and almost simultaneous
ly enmo Drs. I.ynmii, Washburn nnd
Thomas. Thero was nothing to bo done.
The assassin' bullet had accomplished Us
purpose. Death wns doing its work. The
dying man spoke very few words nfter the
doctors arrived. To Dr. Foster ho ex
claimed Just beforo ho died: "Where is
Annie his Intended wife, Miss Howard;
why don't somebody fetch her." Then a
moment later he, nsked for water and
epoko no more. Dr. Foster says Hint the
bullet that killed Mr. Ilnrrlion wns one
that entered just ubovo the navel, it hav
ing caused internal hemorrhage.. The
other body wound was in tho right side
Just under thunrui. Ono shot took effect
in the left hand.
It Is not too much to nny that "politics
did it." For tho assassin shot becnuso he
wasns hoclnlms, disappointed in getting
nclty office, nnd tho mayor's presence in
the city nt tho tlmo was caused by tho
coming election, for which ho hnd post-
iioned his marriage. Had ho carried out
da original Intention ho would hnvo lieon
nt New Orleans nt this time and but
who knows what might hnvo been? Ills
flnnco Miss Howard, of tho Crescent City,
was hero and arrived at the mayor's resi
dence soon nfter his death. Sbo had been T"e Affair lixpccled To lie it Urund Doui-
notllled of tho shooting immediately by onelrntloii of Iteepect.
telephone, and did not know It was fatal Chicago, Oct. 31. Tho funeral of Mayor
until sho arrived at tho sccno of the Harrlsou will undoubtedly be one of the
tragedy, whcio on being told tho awful Krcftttst demonstrations of respect lo the
or Mr. rimhl ?" 1"U"" '"l tU """' " ver seen In this city. Today the ro-
mains of tho Into mayor wcro taken to the
. . ., . ' , :,,s," city hall which has been draped In inourn-
And the man who shot, who wns hor A for tho occasion. At 10 o'clock this mom-
ffiiir A'sirvs z s v?,sra5 . ? ",,or
has vlcloustuv,s printed nil over It Is tho faiUo there to remain until 10 a.
way ho is described by tho city press. At '"' '"W. The casket was escorted to
his ago ho had found nothing suited to his tho city hall by i committee of the city
talents higher tuau carrier of newspapers, l!eials, eight captains of police ncting ns
nnd he did that so poorly that ono paper lHboarers, whllo others woro stationed
dUchnrgod him. Ho was tiot worth to About tho building. A deputation of file-
tho community or to mankind ns much in Ulcn '8 on BU(U(l nt tue catafalque,
a mouth as .Mayor Harrison was iu a As soon ns tho doors of tho city bnll
minute. Ho went to tho Desplaluea Street w-ero opened n stream of men nnd women
station nnd told tho policemen ho had shot began pouring through tho building, eu-
Mayor Harrison, and thoy took him to terlug from the Chirk street entrance and
headquarters where for nn hour ho was passing out nt La Salle street. Up to the
questioned and cross-examlnod apparently piescnt thero has been a stoady stream,
with n view to ascertaining whether ho aud beforo 10 o'clock tomorrow thopcoplo
was iusaue or not. who have looked the last ou tho face of the
For, as tho mayor's son says, "The man dead will number tens of thousands. Tho
who killed my father must huvolceu In- grief of tho city Is universal. All the pa-
sane." Thero nro a good many people iu I'crs spenk Iu loving terms of the Into
Chicago, however, who bellevo that this mnynr, even those who fought hitu tho
particular kind of Insanity should always fiercest during his political carter, and
insure its possessor a quick and certain the gcueuil public Is no less kind iu its
denth Instead of a term at Kankakee, to feeling for tho victim of the assassin,
bo followed by releahu nnd freedom to kill rrncrniume for the I'unvinl, To the questions propound- At 10 o'clock n. in. tomoriow the body
cd tho assassin said his nnmo was Kugone will ho placed In ajiearseandnccompauled
Patrick Pionilorgnst; that he shot tho '' procession taken to tho Church of the
mayor becauso tho mayor had betrayed F.plphnuy, where Rev. Mr. Mori isou will
his confidence (mild betrayal consisting ns perform tho funeral rites of tho Episcopal
near as It could bo made "out in refusing church. From there It will bo taken to
to appoint Priudergnst to the position of Ciracelaud cemetery and placed in tho re-
corpornt Ion counsel); that ho expected to cclvlng vault. Tho honorary pallbearers
bu acquitted, bjeuuso hu was justified iu will In Thomas W. Palmer, Harlow N.
shnotiug. lllgliibothnni, Major General relson A.
Cotoner Mcllalo held nn inquest at tho Miller, ex-Governor Hlchard Oglesby,
Harrlsou icsldeiico nnd Prindorgast was Fenllnuud W. Peck, Judgo I.yman Trum-
held to tho grand jury. Ho was hurriedly bull, Frederick 11. Winston, General
taken to (ho uouuty j.ill, wheio ho now cc- Charles Fit. Simmons, II, J. Jones, C. K.
cupief cell No. it, in which Anarchist O. Hillings, Adolph Krauts, Philip D. Ar-
Liiiu committed buieldo. inour, Frank Weuter, ex-Mayor John A.
Curtr II. llurrUon' Cutter. Hoche, ex-Mayor Joseph Medill, ex-Mayor
From young manhood to tho hour when Wnshhurne, Judge Francis Adams, Judge
tho assassin's bullot put an end to a life " " MHgruder, Judge S. P. McCouuell
filled- with years mid with honors the "d It. A. Waller.
eaieer of Carter Henry Harrison hits been ,u ,,, procession that follows tho ro
closely Interwoven with tho history of Chi- ""I" will " Chicago Commander
cago. Horn In Fayotto county, Ky., sprung Knight Tempmis, Aldluo lodge Knights
of u stock repiesented nt tho signing of of I'y I bias and a large number of oilier
the Declaration of Independence, Carter organist ion. Tho military guard of
II. Han hoit led till his V.'0th year tho fluo honor will bj tho Chicago Huwais, and
lifu ol u sou of ono of tho geiillonieu plant- c.lll uf Pull"' Ureunaii will bo tho mar
cm of tho old commonwealth. Audnolllo s ml of tho day. The band for tho occa
could bo more pleasant. The dato of his m will bu tha ouo thuluto mayor last
birth was Feb. 15, IfcCS. After completing "'l,rd at Iho oild's fair, and theio will
his common school mid academic cduca-i u. pl'r baml binding tho military and
tinuhu studied under Dr. -Marshall, of
JieXiiigteii, brother of Chief Jus
(ball and father of tho celebrated
id wit Tom
orflinll, preparing himself for his uul
frilly cuui'iu,
' Ills political career began lu 1E71. nnd
tbo wbu havo only kuown "Cuter" liar
lUcu .is ho was universally known heio
h'it tint tlmo will find some dllllculty
is it'JiirJtt.g that ho was ever timid about
4f)!flrrr, F6i n Uiau moro read to Bhcuk
nt nil times and on any subject ha; never
shown himself "within tho city walls" of
Chicago, nnd lio wns nu entertaining
speaker, too. He always wns perfeotly
frank. Ho knew what ho wnntcd nnd
whnt ho thought ho could do nnd ho said
It "right out." Thero was no deception
about Cnrtcr Harrison.
In tlio'ycnr mentioned he wns elected a
county commissioner on what was called,
In rercrcncH to I lis tiieu nut recently past
conflagration, tlio "fireproof" or citizens'
ticket. Ho served with honor In that ca
pacity through those trying days, nnd in
lb7i! was prevailed upon to innKo mo incc
for congress against John 1). Ward. In
Oils contest Mr. Hnrrjson wns defeated by
plurality of 7(0 votes. In 1874 ho ran
SKalu, Ids opponent on this ocraslon being
Ucorgi It. Wivls (the present director gn
srul of tl.o World's fair). The contest was
3tio of tlio closest over recorded. Both
candidates claimed election, nnd n recouut
of tlio ballots wns found necessary to de
ride between them. Tlio second counting
proved Mr. Harrison tlio victor by tlio
slender majority of eight votes.
It was while he wns In congress, in Sep.
Icmbcr, 160, In fact, that Mr. Harrison's
llrst wife, the mother of his children, died,
alio wns in Gera, (Jermsuy, nt the time,
anil tlio older children wcro nt school In
Hint country. Sho was Interred in Gem
mil Mr. Harrison crossed tlio ocean to
bring his motherless children home. Later
ho returned again and brought the ro
inniiis of his wife back to Chicago. With
the memory of his great grief fresh upon
him .Mr. Hnrrl.iou refused renomlnatlon
or congroH nt tho hands of tho Democ
racy in IbTS and (ioorgo It. Davis, whom
ho had defeated befoic, wns elected.
Hlii first rnco for mayor was run In 1870,
slid ho wns elected, n ro-ckctlon following
In the next three terms. During his sec
ond term as mayor ho married Miss Mar
garet Slerne, daughter of Marcus 0.
Sterne, of this city. Ho hold no office from
1887 until 1691, during which period ho
twico declined tho Democratic nomina
tion, nnd onco In 1687 was nominated
finyhow'ntid accepted iu the convention on
tho condition that every mnu present
plcdgn himself to work for success. This
wns done and Harrison accepted, but Ids
second wlfo died that yenr and he re
signed tho nomination and went ou his
trip around tho world.
The Campaign of IBM.
In I6U1 ho ran as an Independent Dem
ocratic candidate ou tho claim of ninny of
his friends that ho hnd been "counted
out" in (ha primaries, nnd that campaign
wns n memorablo one. From the begin
ning to tho end of the campalgu he spoke
from one to four times every night, not ex
cepting Sundays, nlways to large and en
thusinstiu uudlenccs, and he polled when
tho votes wuro dropped in nearly ns large
a vote ns any other candidate. The llepub-
llcnn was elected, liotli regular party can
didates being handicapped with an "inde
Ho ran again this year nnd was elected
by tho greatest majority a mayor over got
here. This was douo as was his fourth
election against tho uultcd efforts of near
ly tho whole city press. Thero was but
ono influential paper for Harrison last
spring tho Times and ho owned that.
Tho power of tho press got two very black
eych In the lifetime of Mayor Harrison.
Mr. Harrison wrote but ono book nnd
that was an uecount of his voyage around
the world, In which he wns accompanied
by two boys hit own son aged 1H, and tho
son of Mr. Ambcrg, a trusted frfbud,nged
17. Tho book was called "A Race with tlio
Sun," and was a graphic and character
istic description of his Journey, in which
characteristically ho kept out of the usual
routes traveled and went over routes rare
ly or never travelod.
Mayor Harrison wnsnkiud-henrtud, out
spoken mnu, who never put on nny "frills"
mid was always nppronchnblo. It was to
this fact that he owos his death. It ho had
been "hedged about" a llttlu tho assassin
could not havo been so suro of his aim.
Carter Harrison wanted his Mlowinon to
think well of him mid ho has his wish,
C1V1 ues. ut courso tho wholo city
government will attend tho cbnjulcs, and
" i"u win uu mauyoi mo mayoiswno
visiiciiiuo mir ou city uoumou uay.
Uvety organization iu tho city that has
I (.Id a mcctlug so far has passed eulogistic
resolution! in iiiviuoiy of tho lato mayor,
mncrs uavo cmicu meetings nnd thero
Mil be a Inrgu volume of memorials be-
ore they huvo all recorded themselves,
iuo respect iu wutcu nv, uarruou nu.ti,
held was ra.l nnd hearty, and tho whole
city feels iiorenvcd. Tho probability Is
that Alderman Madden will bo cho-en by
tho council as mayor pro tcm. until an
election enu 1 held.
Homctlilnjr Abont Jilts Howard.
Miss Annie Howard, the brldc-olcct of
Mr. Harrison, so terribly bereaved, Is In a
condition of prostration that her friends
think will permanently affect her health,
never very robust. Her brothers from
New Orleans have arrived and will take
her home ns soon as she Is well enough to
travel. Her acquaintance with Mayor
Harrison began when she visited ono of
her friends who had become Mrs. Carter
If. Harrison, Jr. Hero she mot tho mayor
who was fascinated at once. His wooing
was vigorous nnd crowned with speedy
success, and curly lnsi summer they were
engaged. Miss Howard Is noted In New
Orleans for her benefactions. Sho founded
tfie Howard Memorial library In that city
and has given large sums to other good
He Occupies tho flame Cell In Jail That
I.oul Lines "hi.
ClllCAOo, Oct. Ul. Prendergast Is brood
ing over hfs "wrongs" In tho cell in the
county Jail whero Louis l.tugg, tho
Anarchist, cheated tho gallows by blowing
his bend off with a high explosive cart
ridge. He, scowls on reporters and has
nothing to say but that he was justified.
The grand jury has promptly Indicted hltn
and tho sentiment Is that his alleged in
sanity should not save him from stretch
ing hemp. He is held ns n crank of the
Utilteau shapo nnd not as a lunatic.
It turns out tlint he lins been writing
letters to senators about tho Sherman law
repeal bill urging tho sllvcritcs to stand
out against cloture, which ho said would
result Iu bloodshed. Ills principal victim
lu tho letter writing matter was Senator
Dubois, who got numerous letters, all
urging tho silver men to stand to their
guns, and declaring that President Clove
land was only binning. He was only one
of many, however, of tho snmo kind, for
the sliver senators have beeudelugcd with
such ellusloas from similar cranks.
Prendergast was born in County Gal
way, Ireland, April t, 1808, but was
brought to Chicago whllo yet n babe. Ho
was educated ut n Homan Catholio school
hero nnd was nlways careful About his de
votions. According to his mother's state
ment some of his father's relatives wero
insane enough to bo confined In nsylums
in Ireland, but ho never showed signs of
Insanity here. He wns morose, however,
nnd did not get along with his compan
ions. He wns at ono time a newsboy At
uniaun, nnd had tho sntao reputation
there, but no one thought Mm Insane. Ills
hobby for the last two yet,rs has been the
single tax theory.
A Shook to l'resldent Clovulnnd Views of
I'romluent Men.
CillCAao, Oct. 31. Tho shock to all
classes of men nt tho nows of Carter Hnr
risou's sudden taking off was great. Pres
ident Cleveland would not bellevo tho
nows uutll it was confirmed and was
greatly shocked. He said the event would
leave regret and palu nil over tho world.
Secretary Grusham said the less was Irre
parable. Vlco President Stevenson said
that Mr. Harrison was one of tho ablest
men he ever mot. Senator Voorhces de
clared that Illinois hnd lost ono of her
greatest men, aud Senator Hill agreed
with that view. Senator Palmer snld he
hnd lost a near friend who would hnvo
probably been a senator from Illinois. All
Illinois men were shocked nnd grieved.
At New York Chatincoy M, Dopuw snld
Mayor Harrlton had n sploudld grasp of
the reins that drove men into political
prominence. Xuwspnpers everywhere are
full of eulogies of tho dead mayor. The
New York Times, Tribune, Morning Ad
vertiser aud other papers hnvo long arti
cles expressing regret at tho terrible occur
rence. West It Is the same. Many papers
notice tho parallel between this nssasslua
tlon and tho ono in which Garfield was the
victim nnd Prendergast is recognized as a
second Gultcau.
All the papers claim that the net, how
ever, was that of n cra.y man. Tho St.
Paul Globe calls It tho darkest crime that
has stulued our history sinco President
Garlleld wns Blnin. New Orleans papers
nro filled with tho sad event, that city be
ing especially interested from tho fact that
the miiyor was about to espouse ono of its
fairest ami most popular daughters. In
spite of tho fact that Carter 11. Harrison's
career was chiefly bound up iu the history
of Chicago, ho was n national character
nnd his loss i the subject of voluminous
notices In every part of tho country.
Gen. Harrison Interview ml,
INUIAKAPUMS, Oct. 80. Kx-Prcsldont
Harrison, when seen ut his homo here aud
nsked for an expression ou tho assassina
tion of Mayor Harrison, said it wns a
trngic nnd distressing affair, cowardly nnd
unprovoked. He had telegraphed his con
dolence to Mrs. Owsley. He did not know
what the telatiouship between himself
nnd tho lato mayor wa"; tho Carters and
Harrisons intermarried iu Virginia in old
times. Referring to a question that is
being asked now how to guard against
the anamination of ofllcials tho ex
president suid it wns n difficult one. A
public o Ulcer cnunot bo cooped up nnd
there nro cranks who ore ever ready for
such mischief as this nssasslnntion. Ho
would uot give nn opinion of Prcudcrgnst's
infinity, but said Prondorgast was sane
enough to know ho had committed a
crime, as he had given himself up.
Culcldeof Cinrlaud's Daughter,
Washington, Oct. 28. Daisy Garlaud,
!H yeurs old, daughter of ex-Attorney
General Garland, shot herself dead in her
room, having roturncd thero after break
fast, Mlhs Daisy gave her father aud
f rleuds couslderabla uneasiness about two
months ago by leaving homo without say
ing anything u! her Intentions, nnd going
to Haltlmoro with a. announcing her ar
rival there. Tlio u. co wcro put ou the
case, when tho young woman made known
her whereabouts. She had shown no
ilgns of aberration since, and her suicide
h a great shock to her friends.
In lto ol Chenp Kates.
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 31. Statement of earn
ings for the month ended Sept. IJ, lb03,
compared with tho coriespnudlng time
Inst year, oft ho Chicago, llurllngton and
Qtiincv inllwny, including tho Hurling
ton nnd Missouri Hlver railway in Nu-
biaska and the controlled rond, bIiows
dccreaio of $o4!,335.M lu tho uet earn-
Vo Tumbled unit Lamplighter Iloaten.
Ciucauo, Oct. 31. Thu race nt Haw-
thorno for n special hwvepstukes of $8,000
was won uy cuiioni, vo Tamtileo ten
leuglhs behind nnd Lamplighter twenty
lengths still further lu the rear. Time,
Dropped Over the Wlilto City by the Das
tard Assassin Only :!08,000 (lo to See
the Glories of ths Fair Ileforu They lie
(In to Fade Tutal Attendance.
ClltcAoo, Oct. St. With the expression
cf a city's grief and bereavement visible on
every flag and banner staff of tho hundreds
in the White City the lmlf-mnsted flags
nnd still more mournful reminders of the
great crime psrpetrated Saturday night
wreathing Festival hall In sombro black,
the great Columbian exposition came to an
end yesterday. Inaugurated with a blaze
of color, amid the plaudits of a multitude,
with every evldcnco of Joy nnd festivity
six months ago, It closed with tho pall of
death overliSBglng, checking tho rising
laugh, dampening tho spirits of tho vis
itors and emphasized by the abandonment
of everything of a Joyous chnractor that
had been prepared for tho lost day.
The Meeting at Festival Hall.
All tho buildings wcro open as usual, of
course, and the throngs which filled thorn
showed that the interest in the exhibition
wns kept up to the last. Hut that was all,
Karly iu tho afternoon tho men who had
mado tho fair tho natlonnl commission,
directory, and chiefs of departments with
a throng of other citizens of Chicago nnd
elsowhcre weuded their way to Festival
hall for n purpose very wide of festivity.
The hall wns crowded. Tho speeches woro
many, but brief. All boro testimony to
the sorrow that filled tho hearts of the
speakers, whose uttornnce wns choked
with the depth of their feeling. Tho sad
resolutions which told tho purpose of tho
gathering wcro adopted in silence and
the meeting closed.
Honio Statistics of tho Fair.
Tho great show has been n success. Al
though it has not reached the attendance
figures of tho Paris exposition by about
11,000,01)0 Its receipts have been larger by
several millions. Tho stockholders will
get something out of their stock, but not
k great percentage Tho total attendanco
up to last night was 21,177,212. Iu October
there wero 0,813,435 puld admissions. Yes
terday tho turnstiles reported 20,t73. The
greatest week was the week of Chicago
Day, in which 2,114,053 admissions were
Upon comparing tho attendanco day by
day with the Paris exposition It Is found
that tho Parisian Sunday, which Is always
a fete day, was what saved tho record for
total attendanco to tho French capital.
Ou other days from beginning to end the
attendance hero kept well uu to that of
Paris, lu spite of the much larger popula
tion in n given radius that Paris had to
draw from.
The Chicago fair takes the cake for
greatest attendance on a special day.
Tho great days In that respect at tho
Centennial, Paris (lbSO) nnd tho White
City of Jackson park showed the fol
lowing: Ccntoinila! SiT.IBo
Paris :W7,15H
CohimMnii 71U,b81
For each month of tho fair the totals
were us shown below:
May. 1.0V),037
Juno 2,0,11:1
July 2,7i)),S83
Auguftt ;),rii:),iai
HoiiiciuIkt 4,o;o,b;i
October 0,810.111
Grand total UI.4.T.2U!
Following shows tho attendance on those
dnys denominated "rod letter," but leav
ing out nil below 121,000 and nllmot con
nected with state, national, municipal and
patriotic motive, e.xcopt two or three
Opening day
liS,tlrt.'.01ilfi day 1!H.7;0
nullum nay.,
ilorman day
Mats. diiy.,..
Fourth July..
Swedish lny
Holionilun Un;
Austrian day
llritlsli day.
Illinois ilnv. .
. i.i)..fiveinioni (iay....i.'i,...i,
.lifi.uii.ToMn nutl N.',:i;ii
.UtUUM lonii (lay Hr, 2
..1KJ, 7 K. of 11. day .Sl.MMI
13i,.;i Odd hollows ,;,Slil
.IM.tiTI Indiana Uny llil.Vil
it. 1. dny IW.4HI
o sliilny 2K.17H
Uhlcasodny . . 7IH.IHI
Itumnn Citliollc.ll".'iy
.N. Dakota (iay..wr.i,'.-.ii
.'nun. dny n.'i7"
.tr Hun day LTH.STa
Miun. day SSil.tOT
unliHttnu day..J.W,at"
i. Wash. day....-'l3,lT8
Vmer. .Mnyom..."i,T:t.'
Now York !nv..lii.".u
Wiseoimlu day. IT5.4U
I'onusylvania ...2m,4i$
Maryland day
Michl,-Hii day. ...loi,. 2.
-loMiitc uny au,iTU
A knothy matter for speculation Is how
many Individuals attended tho fair. From
the facts that nro kuown it is believed that
the number is less, t linn 4,(OO,0O0. The
people from nbroad all hnd tickets giving
thorn from six to ten days to come, sco the
fair and go. Thousands came for a mouth.
Thousands of Chicago people spent many
weeks iu all nt tho White City,
"l'ho Midway, the Mldwayl They do
such things on tho Midway,"ruus tho song
aud tho estimate is that one thing tho
Midway has douo is to tako in about (15,
000,000. Tho fair will get about es.OOO.lOO
from concessions, and the estimated
amount spent nt tho grounds by visitors is
about 35,WJ,f00.
The receipts of the fair will doubtless be
Increased by thoso who will go to see the
demolition between now and Jan. 1, lbl)4.
Thu (Elites nic opeu today and will bo open
for nn indellnlto tlmo to nny ono who
wnnts to go iu 50 cents worth.
Tho F.iucrgoucy hospital at tho fair cared
for over 18,(00 persona during the six
Marshall Fiold tins offered $1,000,000 for
tlioestnblNhmcittof n Columbian muse
um In tho Fine Art palaco nt tho park on
condition that ?500,000 be raised outside,
and that .',(00,000 stock of the exposition
bo assigned to tho museum trustees.
J. A. Dm.viiKK, founder of tho Knights
of Honor, at lmlsville, Ky.
Judgu Huuii L. Bond, a jurist of na
tlonnl reputation, nt Haltlmore.
Marquis Maiiiu UitAOALUi, famous Ital
ian artist, in New York.
Hev. F.iii..,i Caulsos, pioneer Swedish
minister of Chicago.
Mrs. O. 11 McCuismick, wife of tho pas
senger agent of thu Uig Four roud, at Cin
cinnati. Kx-Jndgo William T. McKcnkan, at
Pi:tkii Notman, president of tho Niag
ara Itisurnucu company, at New York,
Julius II. Kkvks, formerly n well
known uewspaper publlsher,at Kail Claire,
Ciiaiills Sciiwautz, wealthy board ol
tradu operator, at Chicago.
Dr. C. Guoiiuu Jo.Nts, at Jacksonville,
Fit.vxii It. Smilev, prominent G. A. It.
Imm, nt Kockford, Ills.
Maiik Amkst, well-known music man,
ut Peoria, Ills.
J. G. Wait, leading citizen of Sturgls,
Judge Coiixtsa S. Dbufoiiu. at Now
John Cautjui, well-known citizen ol
Clinton, la.
Wudimftday, Oct. .'.".
The body of Wllllnm J. Murphy, n
farmer living near Jacksonville, Ilhji., was
found in tho woods. Cause of death un
known. The Berlin Official Gazette chronicles
the appointment of Ernest von Hesse
Wartcgg, one of the World's fair commis
sioners from Germnnr, to tho knighthood
of tho Hohonzoltern house.
A baby two or three months old, wrapped
(n a newspaper, was thrown from a New
York Central train at Hullalo. It was
dead when found.
F. 0. Logan, of Chlcngo, has given Ilclolt
:ollego his sploudld nrebrcoleglcul exhibit,
which is ono of the attractions In the
srchtoologlcal collection at the World's
Hostqn is contemplating the plans of a
new 13,000,000 city hall on Deacon Hill.
Tho schooner Riverside undoubtedly
foundored, llor masts aro projecting from
tho water- thirty miles off Cleveland and
two dead sailors were found lashed to tho
Thursday, Oct. 20.
Fire at San Frnnslsco destroyed tho
block bounded by Spear, Stewart, Folsom
and Howard streets. Tho principal losers
are McDonald & Son. Total loss about
Tho old home of Stephen A. Douglas at
Washington has been purchased for Mgr.
Batolll.'tho papal ablegate.
A negro woman has just died at Little
Rock at the ago of 120 years.
Becauso Fred Carhart, foreman of Far
ley & Co.'s candy factory, Chicago, dis
discharged a popular girl tho other girls
tried to mob tho foreman, who had to be
escorted home Ly tho police.
Of tho issuo of 3,000,000,000 Columbian
postage stamps 1,200,000,000 remain un
sold. A Harvard student kissed a housemaid
ngalnst her will nnd sho complained to
the dean, who bos revoked a scholarship
that was coming to tlie student, and
worth 1300,
Indiana Foresters hnve withdrawn from
the Jurisdiction of tho Illinois high court
and established an independent high
court, with F. P. Jones, of Valparaiso, ns
high chief ranger.
Friday, Oct. 37.
Dick Tate, tho defaulting cx-stnto
treasurer of Kentucky, is again reported
to have been captured, this tlmo In Ari
zona. The fact that Joe Mulbatton is in
Arizona leads soino persons to doubt the
Some of the larger creditors of the
a movement for tho reorganization of the
'Ij'he Russian sailors have left France
nfter warm and very anti-German wel
comes at Paris, Lyons nnd Marseilles.
Daniel II. Fearing, ono of Now York's
Four Hundred, has been elected mayor of
Newport, R. I.
W. L. Shaw, ex-deputy collector, was
found guilty m the United States court at
Louisville of nsscssiug government em
ployes for campaign purposes.
Nelson Bradley, for fourteen years cash
ier of the Ceutral Michigan Savings bank
nt Lansing, which failed last April, has
been arrested on a criminal warrant for
misappropriating funds and fatso Bwear
Ing. Saturday, Oct 28.
Six masked men tied. Poter Painter and
nnd his wife to bedposts at llolmcsvllle,
u anu tooic miu in ami,
John nnd Jack Henry, horse
who wero captured Inst week nt Brazil.
Ind pleaded guilty and wero sentenced
eaoh to ten years In prison.
Tho jury nt Little Rock In the embez
zlement ense of the stnlo ngalnst ox
Treasurer Woodruff, who wus "short"
soino $100,000, contained two men whoso
consciences would not permit them to
render n verdict of guilty.
It has been discovered that t form found
In the ruins of tho Grand Trunk disaster
nt Buttle Creek, aud all along supposed to
be tho remains of a baby, is only u lingo
Herr Most declnrcs vaccination of no uso
and offers to occupy tho miiiio bed withn
smallpox patient for a wceK to provo that
he is right.
The Roman Catholic church has placed
tho Order of Good Templars under the ban
ngalnst secrot societies.
Thu remains of Gounod tho composer,
wero burled with military and clvio hon
ors at Paris. All tho musical societies in
Franco wero represented at tho obse
quies. Mondny, Oct, 30.
The cruiser Now York has been ordered
to Rio Jauelro to protect Amorlcnu inter
In the raco nt Hawthorne park, Chi
cago, between Yo Tambien nnd Lamp
lighter Yo Tambien won. Time, 2:01.
There nro 2,000 coal miners on a strlka
in Colorado becauso tho operators do not
pay promptly or in cash.
A Kansas paper mill has developed the
fact that sunflower sthlks maku .good
paper better than straw paper.
While at work lun sawmill at Keosauqua,
la., George Barker was drown against tho
saw and cut in two.
The W. C. T. U. of Osceola, wcro some
women treated two young girls a la white
cap, repudiates the act and says that only
ouo of tho participants was a member.
A locomottvo on tho Chicago nnd North
western wns derailed nt Reua, 111., and
William Stuart, engineer, so badly scald
ed that ho died u few hours later.
The London Field, a sporting paper,
says that two Englishmen will challenge
for thu America cup next yenr,
Tuesday, Oct. 31.
Pickpockets at Krle, Pa., rclioved J. M.
Beckwlth, a traveling salesman for a New
York jewelry house, of a roll of diamonds
nnd pearls valued at between $5,000 and
f 10,000.
The Brazilian government Is reported to
hnvo purchased Kiicssou's submarine tor
pedo boat, tho Destroyer,
Dan Murphy, Jr., wanted for tho murder
of Henry Stevensou nt Morris, III,, has
been arrested at Peoria.
Tho steamer City of Concord and her
consort, thuDuuford, which wcro given up
for loat iu Georglau bay, havo arrived At
East Tawas.
Peoria has a s-jnsatlon in tho discovery
that n supposed female vagrnnt.conllued In
thn house of correction, is a man in wom
an's clothes. Ho has been travellug under
the unmo of Elite Smith aud says ho never
woro men's attire.
Tho death is announced at Springfield,
Ills., cf Mrs. Harriot Van Deibcrg, col
ored, nt tho age of 110 years.
Judging by the yearly amount cxnorted
i It is estimated that no fowerjhau 2,1)00,000
women auuunliy procure false hair from
MorMillM. ,
End of the "Conn Slrtiggln In the SensU
C'nncretsloiiat Urlcf.
Washington, Oct. 27. In ths senats
Dolph advocated giving authority to the
secretary of the treasury to Untie bonds to
maintain the gold reserve, at not more
than 4 per cent, interest. Teller aud Stew
art continued their serlsls ou tho silver
question; and neither of them concluded.
Another recess wns taken. '.
Tho acting chaplain of the house re
ferred In his prayer to the death of Chap
lain Hnddttwny, and tho houso passed reso
lutions of regret. Tho resolutions Ac
knowledging tho participation of foreign
governments lu tho World's fair woro
Agreed to. A resolution wns ndoptcd to
stop engrossing bills by baud aud have
them printed Instead. This will mnko
a great saving nnd throw snmo ex
pert penmen out of jobs. The bankruptcy
bill was then resumed and adjournment
reached without action.
Washington, Oct. 28. Cullom offered a
resolution In tho ncnato to transfer the
naval exhibit at Jackson Park, Chicago,
(the model of battleship) to Illinois ns a
navnl militia armory. Tho bill wss passed
toglvo gold nnd slver producing states 25
per cent, of proceeds of sales of mineral
lauds for n fund to support schools of
mines. Stewart gave nnother section of
his spcerh, aud Teller aud Jones also
mado additional remarks, but Ulklng
flmily stopped and under nu ngroement
that if tho Voorhces bill Is substituted tor
tho Wilson bill It shall be subject to
amendment, voting begnu. I'eflcr's frco
coinago amendmont was defeated 2 to
30. Voorhecs' bill was substituted for
Wilson's 5.S to 9 uot a test vote, bow
ever. Perkins then offered nu amendment
to coin tho American product and spoke
thereon. Stewart explained hU voto on
the Voorhecs bill and Allen took tho floor
aud kept it until recess nt fi:40 p. ru.
The houso put in tho dny lu a warm dis
cussion over a resolution telutivo to statu
banks, which tho friends of those banks
looked upon with suspicion. A report
that covered tho question was produced
but Springer said it had been prepared by
tho Republicans for n campaign document.
The vote resulted lu no quorum 05 to 53
which Is considered a good test of the feeling
of the housu on the question of stnlo banks,
and is ndversu thereto.
Washington, Oct. 30. Tlio senate pro
gressed nearly to thu final vote on the
Voorhecs bill, besides passing the urgency
deficiency bill and tho bill to transfer thu
World's fair battleship to tho state of Illi
nois for a navnl Armory. Upon tho repeal
bill coming up Stewart offered a substi
tute for Perkins' amendment which was
practically Identical in purpose nnd it was
rejected 30 to 20. Perkins' nmendmont
was also rejected 11 to 28. An offer of
tho Bland law as a substitute was also re
jected 33 to 87 tho closest vote of tho
day. Then amendments woro offered by
Stewart Squire (Including tho issuo of
liouds), Peffer nnd Allen all of n moro or
less free silver teuor, nnd all were rejected
by about the same average vote. Sherman
said the bill would not do the work ex
pected and urged thu Democrats to puss
a bond bill, and Voorhces snld ha hoped to
have a flual vote by not later than 4 p. m.
to-day and that the senate would continue
in session until a final vote wns reached.
Recess to 11 p. m. to dny.
Wasiiinoton, Oct. M. Tho galleries of
the senate were crowded to hear the last Jl"
words beforo tho Sherman law repeal bill
wns passed. As soon ns business was re
sumed Hunton, Cameron of Pennsyl
vania, Morgan, Vest, Carey, Dubois.Joues
of Nevada, KITer and Harris all spoko re
garding tho bill, most of them against it.
Stewart aud Pasco offered amendments
which wcio defeated, ami Voorhess in re
ply to n proposition to postpone tho vote
to today insisted on going nlicad. The
voto was finally taken nud thu bill agreed
to at 7:30 p. m. yeas, '43; nays, 32. Ad
journed. Thu house ndoptcd a icsolutlon of sor
row at heiiiing of thu violent death of
Mayor Harrison, of Chicago. Weadock
of Michigan presented his memorial
about thu American Protective Associa
tion, which ho said had terrorized the
voters of tho Eighth Wisconsin district so
that they hud elected n Republican instead
of a Democrat. Tlio memorial was re
ferred and Linton, the man ngalnst whom
it wnsdlrccted, challenged tho fullest(invfes
tigatlon. Flthlan's bill granting to foreign
built ships owned by Americans tho right
to American reglsttr wns reported favor
ably. Tho rest of the session was dovotcd
to the bankruptcy bill without action.
Shut Down for Lack ol nunlnoii.
Lowkll, Mass., Oct. 81. The Phillips
& ICuuart mill has jhut down for a week
owing to lack of business.
New York Flnnurlal.
Nr.w Yonif, Ojt.30.
Money on call cany. Ottortd at 2 por coat.
Prlino mercantile jinpor fr&i'HjJ'er i cnt. Ster
ling delimit; i dull with net uul utuluess in
bankers' Mils at IHllMft.lS.SH for domsnd aud
480HKtUHli for shty days; posted intos,
ISMVit MH- Commercial bills 4704 47UK.
Silver (.ertlllcnteii, l-HJio Idd; no sal.-; bat
silver, UMe; Mexican dollars nominal.
Government bonds, 4's miliar, Hi; do 4's
coupons, 111)1; do 2's, U7 b.d; 1'atlilc 0s of '00,
Now York Grain nud Produrr.
Nkw Yoiik, Oot. 30.
Wheat-May, uMfiL'tHHc; December, 713
72c. Ilyo Western boot loads, 63U&5C.
Corn-May, WiKlW'Ac; November, 09c;
December, 47iVuM7,t','. O.its December, 'li-!
tl'.U-Kk'; Btntunnd western, 37at.'c. Pork
Now raosi, $W.M&iiM; fumlly, S30.0O3SO.60;
slant clear, tlt.iU'Jl.7.'i. I.nid-Dnll; prims
wtstoru steam, llU.&Uiioniliiul.
Chicago 1'i'oduce.
Ciiicaoo, Oat, 30,
Produce: Hatter Fancy separator, 2do psi
lb; fancy dairy, 21Pic; pocking stock, Itfr)
17c. Erus I'rosli stock, ".iu por do. Poultry
Itons, iWiJ&i Pr lb; roosters, lie; turkeys,
VWd-l'l ducks, &3c; Keoso. 3.UU7.U) por
doz. l'otatot-s llurlianks, &V!i5o per but
Hobron-s lU&fiilc; mixed slock, GUSMc; sncal
potatoes, Illinois, $1.7,V'.'.U.) pur bbl. Applos
Fniicy, tW.'.Vi'JI.M pur bbl. Uranliorrlcs -Wisconsin
bell and cherry, $1. Ma 1. 75 per bbl.
Honey White clovor, l-lli scctious, 14315ci
broken comb, loau'c; dm k comb, uood coudl
tlon, lo&U'c; extracted, IISo per lb. f
Chicago Llvu Slock.
Ciiicaoo, Oct, "JO,
Live Stock: Tha prion at the Union
Stock Yards today ranged ns follow-,;
Cattle Ksihr.-tted receipts for tho day, 18,'WO,
li:clinlliu -,M Tuxaus nud 0,000 westerners;
nntlvcs tenrco anil hlcher, in some ouscs 'Jia
liUber; top tales of stoars, S0.U5; others, $l.W
Hous Intimated receipts for the day,
S7.WW; market opened octivo and higher;
ruiiKh, $.1, mixed, Su.lu71il.l0; hoivy
weights,; lluhi, fiM.iau.uU.
Ehiep ICntiuiutcd reielpts for tlm day,
1D,UJ0; niitrket nctltonud btrou,", top i-hcop,
f-.I.UU3'J.73; top lambs, Sl.uiQt.uO.
Tolvdo Clruln.
Tot.t.uo. Oct. CO. und October, illjie; Dccomtier,
lie; May, 7;'Ju. Corn-Cash, UJIJc. Outn ,
Cash, Wtc. l()e Cash, 4l)v. (Jloter seed
I'tUuo uuli, to. 10; Juuusry, f.C.'H
""- ' " -11' ' ""