A THE RED CLOUD CHIEF HED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 1893. Grand Winter ning of Cloaks I Tuesday and Wednesday Nov. 7th and 8th Ope Ml nBBEBBaHiiIHBHHiCiSRHWidVflBv'icnKflia x aaaaBBiaBiftBBBBB i 11llwiipiBlM 'I Jf ! I i MaaaaaaaaaaaasMaWl'' JIM q jlMl iJ,H7J WE WILL HAVE A m i m iaaaaaaaawMaai mi gii' ara .tvc ayg ,i::hv t B"BiMSglEaBMBfiBBmMffiMBBMMWff-'j fffcV -aKl S aaaaflMka,i,?ffxJ , : PRICES We cordially invite everybody, We are receiving New Goods every Examine our Underwear, come in and look over our line of Hosiery, Blankets, Bedquilts, and Overcoats and be convinced that we are selling goods CHEAPER than ANY other house in Webster county. NuntJituw ivr.ws An FtiriilftlKMl by Our Count) CorrcxpoiulvntN. i Tliontion Creole, Wo wero glad to eeo Mr. Tuppor bo far recovered from his recent ruvoro illness us to bo ut clnucli hint Sunday. Row Johnson who linn for koiiio 1 i mo been mulling iniiiovcmcutn on bio fiirm iiiul holding mcotingu nttlio Spring Vsil ley Bcliool house, eloped bin iiiputltiRS Inst Sunday night, mill is to lolnrn to hlfl homo in Grand IhIiiihI lhin week. Mr iiml Mm Walker of Fnrmor'd CJrcok nccompunied by Minn Geoigio I'ratbor, attended chnreli liial Sunday nt Spring Valley. llov. Johnson p'icnehod a good ilin course to a largo audience at Crystal Springn last Sunday. After tho preach in;; ho baptized one. Tho young pooph? of Spiing Valley, organized a lyccuiu laot Fiiilny night, which nliould piovu F.ucccsiful, aa there Boeins to bo hoioral good debaters in theflo parts. Wm. Hurnn and wifo aio visiting in Colorado at prti'ent. Mr. Frank IluniB lina removed to hia residence on J ho cicok uunr C'jBlid Springs Kchool houso. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Riley of Harlan county uro vinit itifj Ibis week with grand pa and mi Scheneh's. Mi. Uiley in Mrs. SeJionck's sister, and is well known to Jiiuny readers of Tim Cinr.r na "Auntio ltlloy." S, H. Polly and (i. T. Clark aio mak ing substantial iinpinvcniontB in tho foncodnround their feed lots; whilo como of tho candidates aro living up thofencos around their political corrals. DnilA Slulu 1. 1 no. Tho farmeni aro busy husking corn. Most corn is turning out about ' bush, els in bulk, but porno of it will not weigh that much. Austin Dtulanml family attended tho world's fair last week. Thoy-enjoyed it very much. II. J). Finhbuni, wiro and littlo girl Jinvo returned fiom Iowa. Ho reports corn good in tlint slalo. Miss Nollio l'ickrell, teacher in DM. 138, Jewell county, Kansas, visited her homo near Webber last Saturday and Sunday. Wm. VanDyko and son Clllbort visited Mr, VntiDyku'u niece, Mrs. Hcndorsoii, Sunday. Mrs. Jan. Watt is on tho sick list. Willurd Moon and family liuvo re turned from ilnstiugs, where thoy havo been visiting tho last week. Children 6ry for Pitches Caatorla. . Cou'lm. Quito a liumbor of our voiinc nconlo attended thu party at Uco. Latin's Fri day night and report a good time. Miss bavngo is back from tho world'a fair. A. L. Ilildrsth is putting up a now liouuo in tho south-west part of town, near I he M. H. paisonngo. TIio hour, was lllled to its fullest ca p.ioity hut Sunday to hear tho farewell sermon of Mr. Plait. Wo aro sorry to logf such u good, Influential man from our midnt. Tho llrst quarterly mooting will bo hold at the M. K. church no.xt Sunday. Charley Teal nnd family will move to Cowleo in tho near future. Graco Godwin returned Saturday from tho world's fair. Wo understand C. C. Horon and wife will uiiiUo mi extended visit to Iowa nnd Illinois this winter. W. Ilollingsworth lenvas today for Iowa. Wm. Huron and family, of York coun ty, havo, returned home, attor a short visit with his brother and family. Horn, to S. L. Fuller last week, a boy of umial weight. Died, Henry Hlankey, nged t years. Tho child lias always baon a cripple and is now relieved of his RiilToringa. lluiln. Al Murker called on tho Hrotthauor bojs Sunday. Mrs. Altera and Mrs. Wisecarver woro callorn of C. F. Kelley Friday. Con Wilaon of Otto called on F. Uean last Saturday and Sunday. W. Akors sholltd corn ono "day Inat week. Mrs SorgoiiBon has returned from her visit in the east. Mr. and Mrs. J. Andorson aio homo from a three weeks' visit in tho east. Messia. Hoan and Wisecnrverand fam ilies wero the guostfi of K. Hcan Sunday. Win. Flick was on tho crook one day last weok. J. Uunchey was scon driving through this neiithborhood ono day last week. Mrs. Altera und Mis. Kelley hove gone to Illinois on a Ueit. Kvtatt Heaii'jind wifo wero callers of Mr. Mii'linol's Sunday. J. Raed has moved to Kansas. 1. Lookhnrt and family started for the strip Sunday, where Joe ouccreded in getting a claim. Dan Tcckt.ii. When Habr was i Iclt, wo caro her fcatotl. When nho was a ChllJ, ho w led for Caslorld. Whcu 8ho IxH-aino Stls.s, slio clung to Caitorl. Vl'tu kUo IjoU CUiUreu, khe fcaro them CastorlA OXJX R M. Martin & Son, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Outliorloii. T limiltR to tho editor, his world's fair letter. FlaunclB aro being brought into ser vice once more. Thcso are awful hard times for tho days aro getting shorter. Mr. A. X. Wilson is enclosing his old homestead with a wiro fenco. Tho busiest men to bo seen now-a-days, uro tho candidate. Miss. Mary Minnlx of Holstein, who has been visiting relatives horo for somo timoroturncd homo last Sunday. Tho last roso of summer has faded and gone, but autumn Howors will soon bo with us in profusion. Mr. Joseph Lockhnrt packed his goods and started lust Sunday for bis homestead in tho strip, whero ho will m ilto his future home. Hev. Kepler will cominonco to hold jfc.otingB next Monday evening at Catherton. ICIvvricii. Tho death of Mrs CO. Gooding oc curred' Oct. 20th, and tho funeral was largely attended. Slio had many friends who mourn her lots. Candidates aro around (limiting hands with our people L. A. Siegel for coun. ty clerk, and Miss Lillio McClelland, for county miperintindent wero in town Fiiday. Mibs McClelland is thoroughly qualified for that olllce.and will bo elect ed without doubt. Mr. Hurton who has been sick at tho Hanks hmito for J woeks, is now nearly recovered, J. II. Smith tho agent of tho Homo Ins. Co. of Now Vork, is in tho city. Mr. Hnnka will add "21 foot to Ids hotel in tho near futuio to nccoino date his many guests. What io tho matter with tho young niiiii who visits tho hotel so much? Thero must bo somo attraction. Mis3 Xottio Uobinsjii had one of hor limbs broken whilo at play on the ecliool grounds. Mr. Her.ii or Red Cloud, was doing business here last week, Dr. Heck of Rod Cloud was horo on a professional call last week. Try TliU Sow. It will cost you nothing nml Mill surely do you goo J, if yoiihnMi a Cough, Cold, or any troublu with Thrtml, Chost or Lung. Dr. Klug'rt New Discovery for Cuinsump. tion, Coughs nml Colds is guaranteed to give rrllef, or money will ho paid back, Sufferers from Li Grippo found it just tho thing nnd umlar iU mo had a Riiecily nml perfect recovery. Try a samp'o hot- tie atour txpouso aud leiiru for jonrstlf jul how gooil a thing it in. Trill hollies Iroo nt C. L, Ceiling's Drug Store. Inrgn jbasa.'. sal 91.00. Special sale J. F. McGce of Chicago, Special salesman, will be here. OF day and have the most l'cuiiey Creek. Mr. Anderson's littlo boy that got his leg broken is getting along vory nicoly undor tho caro of Dr. Dameroll. Mrs. Weaver, or Red Willow county, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. VanDyko. Mr. Galbraith had a boo last Monday, laying up his new sod houso. Thoy guvo tho young folks an oystor supper in tho evening. Thero was u danco ut Will Kuohn's last Tuesday night. Mr. Dickarson is building fonco on his placo near the river. Thero was preaching at Toncy Crook Sunday, by Rev. Lumb of North Branch Part of tho young folks spent Sundny oveningnt Mr. Aubushons'and tho rest wont to Mr. Dickorsons. M. Hutchison's family of Walnut Creek, wero visiting Mr. Galbrioths folks tho last if tho week. Mrs. Dickerson's mother and sister of Iowa if visiting hor now. Aro your children unbjeot to croup)1 irco, you should norer bo withont a hot llaof Clmmborlalii's Cogh Remedy. It la a corlnlu euro for croup, nnd has navor been known to full. If ijiven fraoly ns Hooa r.s the eroupy cough appenrs it will prevent tho nttnek. It is (he sole rullanea willi thouHniiils of mothers who lmve eroupy children, and uevar diflappolnts Uiein. There U no danger in giving this Romeily in large nnd frequeat iIohuh, nn it contains nothlcir Injurious. SO cent bot tles for snlo by l)j a Jt Grice, South tihlo Kelioei. Tho woathor continues line, nnd tho farmers aro putting it to good ubo husking corn. Somo fields yiold well while others show a poor crop. Row Horton preachod at Pleasant Dale last Sunday night in tho absonca of llov, Hummel, who is visiting tho world's fair. Misj Maud Rudd of Red Cloud is visiting Miss Kditli Kcnglo this weok. Mrs. Weaver of Danbury, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm VanDyko McBsrs. Green and Codon of Walnut Creek, aro putting in tho Brown placo to winter wheat, The campaign nsoir.B quiet in our midst, it bolug a sure fuct that Lino will retain her title as banner township for republicanism in Webster county. Tim entiio tlckot will receive hearty biipport In thcso parts, and tho nomiuoo for sheriff, will not only got tho cupport of tho republicans, but will get a largo populist vote in this section. Quito a number of our citlzons woro In Red Cloud Tuesday ovo, attending tho Andrews speech. Frank Slreot is ablo to b.o iiround again idler u seveio ilncfcs. I). A. Huskins is laid up with rlicuiuw. lib-ii), Reader. , Of Cloaks SXGHT complete stock in this ! imvalo. I.e.vsnre fa'lInK from thelites, The Kcese nro going south, 'Tin Jint such cruesomo HiIiiks as this lliht iimkts me dawn the tnoulh. tint winter with Its chilling bUst, BiIiirs this Ihought to my heiul, The cold cunuot forum List, I'll be warmer wbaa I'm tlo:id. Tho world's fair and its momory will soon bo gono. Let it go; perhaps tho tiino will como when tho lucky ono who b.iw it, will not bo naked "did you boo tho Forris wheel? At tho chickon pio social nt L. Jl. Luco's last week, 815 wbb cleared and given to Row Lawson. Last wook several of tho shoutf rs of tho populist party enmo up from Red Cloud to braco up thoir brethren, with n big meeting; but unfortunately thoy mot Mr. John Hardwick on tho streot, and in a fair square argumont ho done 'em all up. Crpt. Houchin and Stephen Bayless, woro the principal pop speakers Miss Graco Thornton of Chicago, granddaughter of It. R. Pitney, who bus boon visiting horo for sovernl weeks, will return homo this weok. All who havo formed hor acquaintonco will bo sorry to havo her depart. llov. Hancock is tho now minister for this parish. Ho is an ablo mail, und will no doubt bo the causo ot much good horo during tho your. Next Sun day at ton o.'clock he will epeak ut tho Inavalo Bohool-houso, como and hoar him. Mr. L C. OlniBloud nnd family depar ted for thoir now homo which will probably bo In or near Santa Anna California. Thoy havo many well wisheis uere, mil I Blial on v snnnk nf two V m i ii ii "i' i iwo. ; - .... .... , . ""uli;o'' wno wears a race, Binco thoir doparture, as long as tho polo in front' of tho Wash, ington Btato building ut tho fair, nnd mournfully slugs in a weak vni,. i.n tho slightly changed words ot tho song:. "uuriiiig uo, uarnng Uo, 1 shall miss you this I know" Tho other party is Mint Garner. Ho tukes hia loss quite philosophically, only occasional Baying "ho thinks hq will havo to got u now hat". ProtCramor gavo a magic lantorc Bhow at tho school houso Saturday eve, which was well attended, and thnv mi v quito good. Boforo closing ho kindly allowed thoso presont to voto nn Mm homeliest iniin nnd tho most popular young ludy in tho room. Something liko Hot) votes woro cast, at flvo cents each, of which flitss nnrltor received u majority, tho Prof, presented hor with a nica nl. bum. About aa muny votes woro cast for tho homolieat man, of which Mr. Arthur Wolcott reclotod a bnnilnmn pluriility,iindwaBpresented with nboau- iiewBiiurp. xnoro is no aoubt but that county. See them. tho awards woro mado to tho right ones. About 120 of tho elito young peoplo of tho neighborhood onjoyod a nico danco at tho residence of Mr. A. C. Hulo, lust Friday evening, tho occasion being tho birthday colebrution of thoir daughtor Emma. Wour.n's F.uu Poktiiv. If of mud you aro afraid Just roll up your pants, For you'll wi'bIi you'd longer stayed In tho Midwny plaisanca. Em. Spccliuan Chm. S. II. Clifford, New Casel. Wia.. n troubled with Nonrnlgin and Rheumatisni, his Stomach was disordered, his Tiv.r nil nfteeted t an alnrming degroe, nppotite fell away, and ho wna terribly reduced In flesh and strength. Throe bottles of Eleo trio Hittors crfred him. Edwnrd Shepparn, Harrisbnrg, III., had a running eore on his leg of eight yenrs stnnding. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters nnd soren boxes of Buoklen'a Ar nica Salve, and his log is sound and well. John Speaker, Catnwnba, O., had five largo Fover sorea on his leg, doctors said liowns incurable. One bottle Eleotrio Hitters nnd one box llnrklmi'. Arntnn Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by O. L. rotting, Uruggest. i Our denizens WGro Uirronnlilvniirnrlniiil. IlbOUt 7 OClock Snturdnv nvnninir. In limir in tho distance tho awent dtrnlnn tn n cornotband. Then pooplo bognn to osk each other, what docB thnt monn? And seoing'thw Jargo procession coming up the street headed by a band. Many in- nuiicu, wno uro uioyr Tlio mysterious quireu, wno nro thoy? unu imposing procession marched to tho front ot tho onora Iioubo. nml h nil ml whero thoir bund (consiBting of bojB) plnjcd ono Beloction most beautifully, whereupon at its conclusion, one of their nutnbor ndvancod und comniaudod them to form In lino, mnrch to tho train and go back ns far as Bluo Hill, whoro thero would bo speaking that nirrht by Hon. Mr. Riigan of Hastings. This thoy pro cpedod to do, whilo tno largo and api.io oiativo crowd of spootators lookod af tar thorn nquiringly and wondord what tl o c.onpIpntary serenndo meant. ItBcon s that thoy woro mistakon in tbo appoint ment, and landod In Hod Cloud Instead ot Bluo Hill, Thk Hr.HT Pi.AHTEa. Dampen npeli-o of llaunal with Chamberlaiu'a Pain Balm nud bind it on over tho seat ef pain.- It is better than any plaster. When the lunge are sore each an application on the chst and another ou tlie baok, between th) elioulder blades, will often prevent pneu monia. Thero Is nothing eo good for n mine baok or n pam in tho aide. A aore throat can nharlv iImii ! nn,n.i in . night by applying n Annuel baudauo U'tropenud with Pulu Bulm. CO cent bot tUs for sale by Deyo & Griee. fl;o 4 14 T-''' '''r 90V !3i?5Zz:,iiiErr v """tTtirr" ?tt3l")MPi H