The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1893, Image 1

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.u vow n .psawyr 1,
-- - r-rghi
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
All Home Print.
Red Cloud, Wkbster County, Neb., Friday, Novum her 3, 1893.
Vol.21. No. 15
PublUlicd Weekly.
Subscription, $1 I'cr Aiiiium,
limti-lutily In Aitvnnrn
If not paid In ndiiiii after tliN ilnto March
1, lf.v, Ilio price will liu SI.M.
Entered nt II o l'cst Olllrc In licit Cloud, Nul).,
us liiiill iniilternf tbcciud rl.m
lt.Tl" OK AllVI'lirlHIMI
Vrnf. cards, i tin li or Ins per ji-ar ?r oo
!lx llliilltlli 'I IK
llirco uioullis 'i u
I'cr Inch olio $1 on
IV r Imli six iiioiillii : "
I'trliii'li tlnee months '.' Ui
r'pcclal indicts per lino ur lino space, ill st
piililicuilini riu'iito,
Tiuusluit specials, inijulilo Invariably In ml
ance, rlliie in cents.
All itnithii: notices In the mtnrcof ndmllso
incuts or pulf", ftients per lino.
I OK nl lint liis nt li't-ul tutis, lrt lorn stiiiaro
(leu lines ot Nnnpaiu'Iiir less,) llrst pulillc.itloii
il.eo; for I'.icli siitisciiuciit publication, pel
Mltiiirc, Wi rt'iilt.
Nh "prefviioit position" contractf made
All iniitlei to uimiih publication must lir-ic-ceUul
m Mill nflku lint later tlmn Wednesday.
AilU'rtlsi incuts caiu.ot lie nldcrcd out lur
tlicitimirt wet I. Liter tliiui riiii-sday.
Ii. eV III. II. K. Time Table.
TaKlli.'tlTect All?. 13.
Triilnscniijlin; pas'iiHcrs Iciue Ked Cloud as
No. 112 r.iMviir,r to Hasting - 3.00 i. m.
No. Ill riiv.riiKorfiDin lliislliiKi U.05a.m.
No. IC. PaveliKcr to .St. .losepli St.
LouloamltliliMUF tt.illv,
(101NU wi:st.
No. 13 r.iscni;rs tot I)cner, ilnlly, l;10p. m
A Leading Query i
in Seels iii a M 1
Itt'lMirl of CoiiiutlMco on reu
nion to UTIli Millouut Cu-t-iiiiiiinie'iit
U. A. It.
I.MilANAI'OI.IH, Illd., Sept. 7, Mill.
Your voimii'tlcc nn pensions begs
Ionic to submit ilio following report
ii ml resolutions on t lie biibjoot of pen
sion?: 'To bind up tl.c Nation's wound;
to ccio for lii in who sluill have boruo
thu buttle, and for his widow and or
phnn." Thus ppoko Lincoln the
Gront, Lincoln ilio .Just, staiidinir rev
erently, willi uncovered head, in tliu
iminodinto preaonce ol a cruel and de
vastating wnr, tliat bad already lasted
four jjOam, the end of which, although
so tear, his prophetic vision was not
tho nut
etusii:HS t'ARUN.
1U.D Ci.oun, - Neuraska
Otr Tnjlor'n l'urtilture Slore.
I'.ktucti tittli wltliout imln.
e'lawi iind lirli!iii wink n speeUltr.
I'DK'tl.illi liit.o.mi'l nil kiidiof isold DlllnKi.
JUK '.'old inn! nililivi liliitcs mid cumbluutlou
All nolle cuair.iilced to bo flrst-rl.m.
To every purchaser of $5.00 worth of goods
of us, we will give one guess on the num-
' ,l:cr of seeds in a large squash at our store.
C!oitnvoin(tilc rtiyntrlnn,
Hcd 'loud, XebriUKii.
uniceiipiiiiilte Vlrst Nnllonnl lliink.
U. K.fA.iininln MHKfon.
I'hronln illx -en tleiitfd tiv mall.
lli.ii Ui.ouii. - Nr.nitABKA.
Will iittend sales nt icnsnualilo IlKHies. S.Uls-
tat lion Kim ntili'Cd.
Iiiiurniiee Agent,
1 do a strictly farm (nsornnco nud Invito
n::d inviti nil to boo mo.
fo the nearest ijuesscr we will Gfive a Fine
New Home Sewing Machine, value $40.
To the next nearest, an Eiht Day Clock,
' value 12.
Fo the next, 5 in Cash.
Squash will be opened Jan
uary 1st, 1894.
Moon Block, UKD CLOUD, NUB.
Collection! promptly nttendeu to.
Moon Block, - UI31 CLOUD, NEB.
CulUutlonu promptly nttondod to, nnd
corrcBpunilfncu eohcittd.
in TVlinci
VJ AMoinejral Lnw.
ICel Cloud, IMeluaskii.
OrncK Up 6tairs, in Moon Block,
over Fair Store.
pKO. O. VKISKlt,
lleul Estate, Insurance
aitd Collecting ArciiI,
Mcon Block, - Bed Cloud, Neii
Notary Public.
able lo see; speaking to, for and hy
tnority ol the American pcopli-
ning one of the supremo d it lief
of the hour nnd tho future, when
entering tho second time upon the
discharge of a trust committed to him
by llut people.
Within a few shoit wceLs that end
so lo'ig hoped for had come; but hip
dying ejes were not privileged to
sco tho full fruition of his labor.', uud
tho woik so will begun and carried on
by liiin fell into other hands, t barged
with all the trusts that tho condition
implied and required; and those who
hid "bornu the battle" after bo many
diys ''turned their happy icct towaid
their lung-dcscitcd homes."
A grateful nation met and received
them, and gladly showered upon them
Hie pi null's and the honors they IiaJ
o well and hardly rartiid.
l tine "Ucarcts ot the ualllo weu
then, in the main, in the piiino nud
vigor of oung manhood, with all the
honots and possibilities of lifo befotc
them, with all the hopes born of loft)
couitiL'o and patriotic and ?ucccshful
achieve incut bsuting high in their
bosoms and they little needed and
s'ill loss cared for material aid from
tho country they had preserved ni d
Hindu Ircc, savo where loss of life or
limb, or impaired health nnd biokm
cJiistitulions were pusBtly vuibh;
nnd fir Rich, m the main, ample ni.d
5 rompt provision wjs made by thut
But as tho )oirs passed by, middle
vivors of tho wnr, believed that tho
t;uie luil fully come when the nninoof
every honorably dischnrged survivor
should bo placed upon tho pcniion
roll. Others, denying tho right that
they fhould receive aught from their
country through tho pcniion roll,
s'outly resisted thedemiud,
It was under auch circutiMtaiicis
and dealing with tliefo ootitliu'ing
opinions, that congress enacted tho
ilisi'ulitj pcniion lnw of June, 18!0.
This net was nccep'ed bv tho turviv
iug holditrs and by the pplc in gon
crnl an a hcttltuiQit of the question.
Under tho numinialrntion or that law,
the ponr-housc gave up its joleran
he wlio had boruo thu (utile was entail
foi; mid thus the stored trust accept
d nnd left s a legacy to the nation
wai faithfully administered.
Within n few months we hoar with
profound sorrow and tigret that all
must lo chuugtil; that (ho con due
tiou of the Inw has b on eh ingcd, and
the regulations and uiles in regard to
proof and ratinge, under which more
thau thrco hundred thousand claims hetn allowed and paid, hive been
revoked, and another construction of
the law h been tsttblished, nud new
regulations foi Vtoof and rntiugn, leiH
f.iTornblo to chrtwants, luvo been
idoptcd; thrtt n LuaiJ tf revision has
been organized in the pnsion office,
charged with the duty of refining all
thcie ndjudtcnted claims in accoid
nucc witli this new onstruct'.on, nud
iuch eliuugr.d icgttlnttotis us to piool
nnd ratings; ilmt uairtliec"eln.ngcR,
tliouunds ol psurinus linvo been suh-
pcuded without notice and thousands
t pensioners have been dropped fiom
ho tolls. It is claimed llnl an ad
judication Ol' II peilHIOII SLttlci)
noiliiiif; that the Secretin y of tin
lutir.oi and Cummiiisioiiei of I'cu
sious nttt invested by law with abso
lute power over the pension roll, uud
that it is within their Ugnl nuthniit)
io icopcti and revise pen.-ions nllowiu
by their picdvc.ssori under icgula
tions udop eJ li) them, whcuevirthty
cc hi to cliai f,e the rules of cviuetice
ind the scale ut lattnus under whiuli
tho ullo.vnnco was made: nud this in
i country ot law, where, iioiii the
very infancy of the goTurnin-nt, the
k. ir o i
A crentn of (attar baking powder.
High st of all in leavening strongth
latest United States Government
Food lleport.
ICoynl lialiliii; INnvder Co.
10U Wall HI., N. X.
Toiuorial Arlll,
4th Avknui:, - llr.n Cloud, Nebbabki
Firut-clufH barbers and first class work
Kunrnutoed Ulymon'cnll
rnMilontililc Itarber,
Ked Cloud, - Nebraska.
1 five my personal uttaiitlon to my
jiilruns. First, clnss shaving nnd hair
cnttlnt,' nptulnlty.
lied Cloud, rVcbrntikn.
Cunvej auoer, ISeul i:lutt, Loan
IiiMiiraiieuaiid I'ciulou Accut.
I especially invite jou to call on me for
nnylhing In my line. Lonns mado on
farm pronerty nt lowest rates.
liinuranee Agency,
lie'nrim Iiimiiiuico Co . I'recnort. Ill,
lloji.l nun nm-iM.. I. uriyi'il. iiitiintl.
I .me Kim limiiriineo Co.. of O mill, i, NeUr.
rliii'iiW A8iiriiii-u C . it limlon I nj.
iii'riiiunlnsiiiaiicoCo.ot )u nuy. III.
11 r lii'at oirinsiuan ui ... i.r.lliirll-uitnn, Iowa,
lirliisli Ainrilea AsHnni'ii'i; Co. 'loninto, Can.
Olllco oer l'oBiotiice.
Red Cloud,
Nebraska I
Hats, Caps and Shoes
Cheaper than any house in the country.
Buy your winter outfit of us. We can save
you a few dollars,
Chas, Wiener,
Onmnalnr ot Low Prices;.
life developed into premature old age,
nud youth passed into riper years with
galloping feet; and alas I too 100:1 the
exultant and hearty soldier found that
in tho race of lifo there were weights
upon hit i'ect nnd burdens upon hir
shoulders, ns tho result of pieumttire
and over-heavy draughts upon his vi
tality, that sadly interfered with suc
cessful competition in the crowd nud
jiitlo of tho fieico sttugglo Lr ad.
vauccmeut. And still tl.c nation
sought to keep abreast of the necessi
ties of thoso who "had borne the
A quarter of a cctilur had elapsed.
The joung had become old, tho mid
dle aged Ind become feeble, nnd the
old had cmsscd tho river. Time, with
its ruthless figeiv, had joined hands
with tho ravages of war, ad tho two
eombiaed had proved u burden upon
1 ho aging soldier greater than ho
could bt,ar; and tho cry went abrard
that in 10 j many instances for tho
credit, honor or good naioo of tho na-
t on, many who had followed the Hag
and f,iced the firry furnnco of battle,
hid in want fallen by tho wayside,
and tho pool-houses wert looking long
ingly with rcliif and eomfort to tho
Their Miupithiziug comrades and a
polrivtio people, with 0110 accord,
voiced tho rcntitiieut that such was
not n hiimiu administering of the sa-
Unitid States, by ita organic liw, is
m terms denied the light In deprive
any person ol property without due
process of law, notioc and an oppor
tunity to be heard, uud where ia every
relation uud coiidi ion in l.fe fiaud is
never presumed, but unlit be clcarl
proved, and every person ahull Irivo a
right to face h s accuser, To empln
iz? tho vicionsicss of tho situation
uni nccuHation, we team thut it is said
aa though by authority, that "it i3 ex
pected Unit many nf the pensioners so
1 ! ...I .1 ....I ...I ...II
lUUimariiy suspcliuru r uruppuu nm
bo able to piove that they ate entitled
10 the p'tision ol winch they have
uceu depnved;" thus saying in no tin
a rt.iin yuico that the buidcu is not
upon thu patty alleging tlm fruiidybui
thai the Loveiuinont whiuli thuy hud
preserved slull fust brand withinfani
by the charge, then sentence, and ut
ter the t;gina lini bcin ellcctive, then
conccdo to tin ui, who.tu harriers and
-lUppurt of diameter have been thus
nn ciiuiiiod, the i.iful piivilegi ol
moving for a new trial upon the giotind
nt iictvlv-discovtrcd evidence: and
thW is not upon strangois, al.ens er
but upon our
our coinr.iutf
own ilcsli ad
the saviours of
tho nation thoso wn, in the I ui
Kdsgooi Lincoln, the Iiimortal, have
? .. .1... 1 i "
"cunt viiu uinnu.
Wo deny that ilio Sccrt'ary of the
Taterior and Comuiitioner of Ben
htotis have nuy euolf power. We ii.-
hist that tho adjudicating div sn ns uf
the pens on office, acting under die
direction nnd mpsrvisinn of thu C m:
inUhionor of I'entions aid Seerotnry
of tlm Interior, nro t ibunals cstub
lished bv nuthority of la-v for ilio sot-
tlemcnt of peiision c'aiins and that
their decisions nro on itlcd to full
faith nd crcdl,!, and cnunot boUgallf
Impciolieu when a oiiangooi iiumiu's
crod (rust recognized and announced ,raii(, CC(.urs, except for fraud, uj on
by Lincoln. Aa to what tho remedy ' charges preferred and ovideuco ad
should be. men's minds differed, duecd in support theieof. Wo iiieist
I Many, rotsibly a majority of. the Eui-'.lhut where charges are mndo in tbo,
eoustiuctiou of the law, rules ut evi
Jeuco aid schcdulj of ratings, unfuv-
liable to elaituiiuts, they must and
should bo limittd in tneir opcratioa
to thu future work of tho oilioo, and
nut tho pst. An ex post facto- regu
lation is unrepugnant to our aei'.ss of
j'ut co as an ix post facto law, ami wo
protest against the adoption and en
forcement of any such rcguhit ons in
tho matter uf pcusion cluiuis.
TiiKtti:rotti:, Tho Grand Army of
the Kopublic, in National Encamp
ment assembled, speaking tor that
,;rct army ol beloved comrades, many
ol them too poor, too bruised, too
broken, l withstand the strong arm
ot the government when uduiiuUtcred
wi.ii an utiirkuiiuly hand, proud ol ilio
gojd uatnu and lair of the
American Volunteer Soldier, intciem,
oil tjr havuiid uttv other pcisiui or or-
yauization that the pension 10II shall
111 truth and 111 lact 00 nnai is 111
thuoiy a-'4ie!l of honor," and over
mitidliiUf its caidiual prinoiple, ''To
pronorvo honor and punty in public
all'iirs," scouts and domes those nidis
ori uiuato cha'gcj ol universal fraud
and logouts t.10 unulition that bo
cauiu some utiwoitby t-urvivoni may
be fuunJ, ill it disoi-idlt ahull lie cast
upon llit enliio lull, and this great
body of bnvo una patriotic- citizens
jlull bland disgraced beforo tho coun
try. Wu dim Hid that there shall bo
11 1 I 'I ,
no uucKwaiu step 111 pension i.-fcioi-tion
or aduiiuistiaiionj that no pin
sionor shall bu deprived of his proper
ty without duo process of law; that
tho presumption shall Lo in favor of
honesty and fair dealiiif; that thu
poor and lowly shall net bu put lo un
necessary, expensive or opprtsme pro
cebsto iirosjte their mtagru iLtaucctj
tltut tiiuaacrnd irust in i'vor of thoso
,vho "have borne tho battle" shall bo
sacredly observed and sicrodly adaiin-
istend; and wo do now soiemuiy mm
Br.hOi.VE; Thut tho Orand Army of
.lie Bopublic looks with solicitude,
not to siy alarm, upon tho proposition
Hut, utter sulHuieut tribuuuls liavu
been sttibUhod by law beforo which
quohtioui havo been proseuttd and ad
judicated, upon evidence submitted
and I'Xutuiueu, uuu mpoii which
"latcful uatiuii has aocoidcd peaiious
mi this, their hour of nicd, to thoso
who, in us hour of uecd, stood b.
twoen it and death, the officers of that
uulion, udministeiing a publ 0 liut,
hive aibitniiily deprivod, without nt
ttco or an opportunity to bo heard, our
uc.dy and distressed comrades of the
rights thus solemnly adjudged and
onfmed to thcxi.
We Dlclaiie, every preauuip-
fi u should bu made in favor 1 f such
reenids so made; that o prrsumptioti
uf tVuid slull ba iudulji d in-against
them, ar.d that 110 ohange be mado in
.he potisious Hi aocoidcd until after
cluigrs have boiii undo and oriilenco
in tuj'poit thererii tins ojtn pnunceu,
o!" wluth citato euuh pjiisioiii-r Ii a
hid full notice and a lull and com
p'ete opjortunity to bo hca-d in sup
poit ot tho pension so aoco el d him;
and it is further
Bf.sii.vED, That ns tho Commission
er uf I'cnsiens, by his recent with
drawal of tho obnoxious rulings
wlijh hd bocn so generally oou
I'cmucd, has t'ii u-lly acknowledged
tn i 1 0 ro'nrsi of such rulings, we
deemii his ri.rthor duty to restoro to
the rolls tlio ihousauds of pehsloners
now slnnding Woolly suspendtd.
I N. Walkeu, "
A. M. Wauner, I Committee
J W, Buubt, on
A H. Gueene, Pensions.
II. 13. Tainxob, J
1 .