, 4 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1893.. K H Hi $ - Ut.r . v i What is . - - - ii l nm ill imMl ' TIA CMtorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ml Children. It contains noithor Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gnarantco is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and allays farrl8hncs3. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, Diarrhoea and Wind cone, uaaron uc. troubles, cures constipation anu uaiuicucy. assimilates the food, regulates the stomach civinrr healthy and natural sieep. vob cir RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENT. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. CHITS ttothlng Castorla and bowels, tarla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. ' CMtorla Un excellent medietas for chll inn. Mother have repeatedly told mo of JU good tftet upon Uiclr children." Do. 0. 0. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. ' CMtorla to Hie beat remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day Is not far distant when mothers will conisldcr tho real Interest of their children, and two Castorla In gfadoftheynrlousquacknW.rumswhlcharo 4citrojing their loved ones, by forclngoplum, morphine, soothing syrup nnd other hurtful (enU down their throats, thereby sending tksm to prematuro graves." VR. J. r. iviNcnnnii, " Castorla to so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any preserlptloii known to me." . A. Akh, k. D, 111 So. Oxford 8t., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in tho children's depart ment liavo spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castorla, nnd although we only have among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet wonro free to confess that the merits of Castorla has won us to look wlt favor upon It." Unitxd Ilosrrrab and Diifimmst( Boston, AiAxrt C. Sirrrn, I'm., Conway, Ark Tka, Oeatanr Company, TJ Murray Street, New York City, P -si G. V. MATKINS, Dealer hi Secotld-tfaiid Goods First door north of Moon Block, If you want bargains you should not fail call and see me. for I have them. to Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FORT, Manager. 01 tfSfisi Cdk vmwwem& Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHOUT JSUriUJi. Hatlne had ten year expcrlcMCO In pounly rccordi mid 0110 of the mnit complete set or Al stwet boy" In tin Uliyn BiiiiMiitee sAtlslitclloii. Your fstMirs solicited .ir.isi ""',Alj lor(,0 . aliiA 1)ro,iiy, hi.ikki dollar bond tiled I nd aiipiovnd. Addrnsfior will on ,,,, , , It. 11. 1'OIIT Manaqer, Ucd Cloud, Neb. limn riiltesoplilral lllaconrse Was Horn nf tho Timidity of a llnckwoods Couple. It did nut take u closo observer to hco Hint they were from tlio country. His tall nnd lean flifttro wns tulornul with nn ill fitting suit of clothes, mid his InrRC, cluiriHj boots wcro Htill covered with tho diiflt nf country roads n Eight bo kconly npprccintcd by tho courteous bunko fltecrcr. Bho had rosy checks nnd wns plump of figutc. Ilnd Bho worn other thnn n red dress nnd not nn old fashioned bonnet with green ribbons, Bho might htivo been termed renl pretty. They stood in front of tho AstorlloiiBO looking about them in n dnzed sort of wny. Evidently their desiro wnn to cross tho street, but tho long lino of trucks nnd wngons, tho cnblo enra with their incessnut clanging nnd tho noisto gen erally caused them to hesitate. Presently Mio clutched him by tho nrm und nnxlously, oven nervously, looked into his face. "Mercy, John, lct'fl go back ter hum. This noiso is too much." "Ycr right," replied John. "Can't stand it myself." Bho clutched his nrm, and with hur ried steps they proceeded down Barcln street. A party of gentlemen on tho stops of tho Astor IIouro had been watching tho couplo and overheard tho remarks passed between them. "Thnt shows you what effect environ ment has upon people," said ono philo sophically. " "Thoy were brought up In tho country, whero probably no mur mnr of tho business nnd commercial world over found its wny. To them tho lazy wind sighing nmong tho branches of tho trees, tho singing of tho birds nnd tho running waters of tho brook form an important part of their daily lifo. Thoy would bo unhappy, oven in tho grandest palaco, without this simplo yet beauti ful music of nature. "Yet how different it is with me, add undoubtedly with you nil! I tiro of tho country in n few days. To mo tho scene before us now is us inspiring nnd beauti ful ns any I over saw elsewhere. Tho rumbling of tho vehicles over tho pave ment, tho clanging of tho bells, tho hiss ing of steam, tho hurrying feet nnd tho unceasing noiso of bustle und business nil combine to muko one grand sympho ny thnt my cars never tiro of hearing. I can work nnd think tho better for it, but wero I banished to somo rustic Fceno work would ceuso, inspiration would leave me, nnd I would even bo unhappy, longing for tho busy environments of a city liko Now York. "As it is with individuals, so it is with nations, with kingdoms, empires nud re publics. Their characters, their traits and their nationalities can all be traced to their surroundings, nndlbeliovothero is nothing in what wo call human na ture that is not n result of environment. Chango tho universe, tho customs nnd manner of living, and, mark my word, you chango human nature." Tho philosophical gentleman looked proudly nt his listeners, nnd with tho bow of nn orator retiring from tho plat form ho hauntercd into tho lobby of tho Astor House. New York Herald. s Jos. G. j4lcon?k -1'llOl'llIBTOtt 01? TI1K- Holland House Livery Stable, . Has tin lett rigs in the city and tho most reasonable prides. Your orders solicited and lair treatment Biiaiantced. North of the Holland Home. liarn D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. New Real Estate Flrsm, SPQ0HEBPAT.COLUR1 mm ii im Imi mm wKv.Klr PHEVINTS CHATIHQ, sij Mare t Adjusts Itoolf to any Horoo'B nook, Has two Bows of Stitching; Will hold Harries in nlnco b otter than any ohoi-Collar. J. H. DAVIS & SON, Real Estate, Loan nudlusurnnco Agents. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office with D. P. Trankey, Moon Blook Wo have located iu lied Cloud and will be pleafed to have people who dosiro to sell their farniH to call and list their landH with ub aa we havo eastern buyors. Call and see us. J. II. DAVIS St SON. A Cinmlno Fhllnulliroplst. Ono of New York's philanthropic mer chants spends thousands of dollars each year in nidiug tho poor, but uono of his beneficiaries over gets u cent iu cash. His hlen is that nionoy giving demoral izes tho recipient. Ho will buy groceries and pay rent for u distressed family nud sccuro employment for tho wngo earn ers. Onco they tiro at work ho tells them that ho considers it moral obli gation for them to refund, nt nny con venient Benson, tho sum ho haflcxpeudod. If thoy do, ho regards tho caso ns n tri umph of self respect. If they don't, ho iinds somo excuse for them in his own mind nnd keeps right on at his self ap pointed task. Last winter ho hired n hall in tho Hebrew district down town, en gaged a competent teaclior and provided a number of Jewish girls with free in structions. No proselyting wns nt tempt ed. Iudecd not n word was said about religion. Tho girls becamo greatly in terested, nnd their brothers begged for and obtained adnilttnnco. Similar classes aro to bo established this winter. The merchant allows hiniuolf an income of f 3, 000 per year. All tho rest of tho money ho makes is devoted to tho uid of others. Now York Sun. The Bftfety of tho Mirny llouclit by the Death of tho l'cw. All crafts depend upon kuowlcdgo nud acquired skill knowledge of tho nut-. terial to bo handled, acquired skill in tho handling of tho material. Pioneers of mountaineering had ilrct to learn what mountains actually aro liko, tho dctuih ' of their structure, nnd tho forces in nc-1 tion upon them. Rock structure, which has ono meaning for n geologist, has others for a mountaineer. Ono kind of mountain masonry forms ridges nud gullies, nnothcr forms ledges and preci pices. Ono tcxturo nnd dip makesstair cascs that can bo rushed, another makc3 slabs that can scarcely bo adhered to. Ono kind of fiubetanco is firm nud trust worthy, nnothcr is friable and treacher ous to hand nnd foot. If thero was so much to bo learned nbout rocks, snow and ico wero nt first fur moro unknown. The anatomy of glaciers had to bo dis covered, tho secrets of crevasso forma tion to bo learned. Thero wcro tho varied phenomena implied iu tho phrase, "stato of tho snow," to bo understood. Both foot and eyo had to bo trained to rccognizo by feel nnd glanco what tho "stato of tho snow" at nny timo might bo. Avalanches had to bo investigated avalanches of snow, ico and rock when thoy might bo expected to fall, whoro they wero to le looked for, how far they would go. Climbers had to learn to distinguish afar off between snow and Ico slopes. Moreover, tho tools of moun taineering had to bo invented. Many wero tried nnd discarded; a fow wcro re tained nnd improved. Tho form of tho ax was slowly evolved and its uses learned. Tho wny to employ tho rope was a yet moro difficult discovery. Even now tho proper form for climbing irons is only being arrived at. Accidents, usually fatal, wero tho lessons whorefrom these facts wero de rived. Tho great Mattcrhorn nccident finally demonstrated how the ropo should bo used and proved that largo parties wcro a sourcoof danger. Tho Lyskainm accident showed tho peril of cornices. Unroped climbers met their death on many mountains. From al most every uccident something was learned. Tho Biifety of tho many has been bought by tho death of tho few. Wo enn now plunge into tho world of snow without nnduo jieril. "Wo know its dangers and can guard against them; wo know also when wo uro safo and whero wo can freely go. Our forerun ners went aloft as neolithic navigators put to sea badly equipped and into a misunderstood region. Wonro now on tho footing of the modem snilor. Snow, as bucIi, hns no moro terrors for us than sea for them. Ill luck may overtake ns, und wo may fall, an thoy may bo drowned, but with good equipment and experienco tho climber and seafarer nro about ns wife ns tho townsman at home. Fortnightly Review. lluw to J.ciirn Mimic. Do not fail to tako advantago of the library. Begin n course of good road ing. Music is notorious for narrowing one's mind, uo rcsolvo to counterbalance your practico with library work as well. As to your practice, I would givo you this maxim, "Tho essential thing iu practico is to seo exactly what is to bo dono in all its details, and then do it again and again with tho greatest clear ness, precision and energy." When you tako up u now piece, notice tho key, tho harmonies, chords, ncales, fingering and general effects. Ono of tho first necessaries is "concentration." Develop hclf criticism. "Tho thing you cannot do is tho very thing yon should mako yourself do." In practico begin whero you left off tho day before. Connect your day's work. Apply nil your knowledge. Dq not try to do moro than ono thing nt a time. Spend a good dcnl of timo every day thinking about what you nro doing and what you will do. Edward D. Halo. WRIGHT ! WRIGHT! WRIGHT ! Wright is the Man. He has the largest line of Cloud. Stoves 1:1 Red Yon can not ad'orcl to mix M'clitg I1I1 nlm Si ltcTorc IiayntK as you will Ion) money. W. W. Vn.rht, the H.irdware Man. SMITH & CO.. -PnoriiiEToiis or Orders promptly filled. 2our patronage aollcitod mmrw mmAw . PLAIT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard UKD CLOUD, NEU. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. rtnv JJforo or Celebrated Those SF001TER COLLARS ' Also n larfje lino of liiirncM, Av. nlt ami nee mo If you lviuit lidrgMlni. J, Ii. JMIiMGH, Tho Tctct-HH llurncuMnn. lmtlel MortKHKO Sale Notlro Is lirreby Klvm tlml on tho 4tli iluy or Novellllior. IH'I.I. lit "ri'clock n. in. In thn imirnl tliolitillillii Kiinwii nstliorlnk In tlu cltvot JlciH'i'iiiil, NrlirsK:t,v(i will sell Hip fotloulnu ilMcrltioU inoiiiiiiy IiiavH Ono )c.iioni (our Hole sue ur niuiiix-r istr. ami otic cluht limsn iarir imuuititctiired liv tlio Koyilnnu ManutrtctiirliiK' C.. tiinler 11, rlmttcl iiiiiiIlmko cxeciiicl by W, II. Hull totltu Jiuiptoim Mmi. :iiirin'! t;n mi mo Tin hhv ut Knvcininr, 'White Willi n VctiBoancc. Hero is n Btnlo of things which probably not tho wealth of tho Astora could buy in America. Lord nud Lruly Alington liavo n placo iu Dorset known as tho Whlto farm. Everything is accordingly white. All tho farm buildings, tho house itself, nud oven all tho animals on tho placo nro whito. Rabbits, cnta, guinea pigs, hens, horses, cows, donkoys and till tho creatures uro spotless. Put this is not tho most remarkable feature Tlio f reo and independent Brit ish men and maids who till tho soil nnd chum the butter nro compelled to uttiro themselves in wlillo Binockannd whito frocks to bear out tho general impression of whiteness. Now York Kocoruer, uiHctumi'! ;.. mi tno Tin iiiiv IM.'. Hint IlleJ In tlio olllru of (ho nt NtfVt'T enmity, AcumiKn. tluu ami iui;ililo (in iwlil I'lmlU'l nuiriL'tiKO sum nl tbtt'o luimlioil sixty eututt Uollais iiii'-en cuiiKivwi.ri i IlKtf coimtv I'lrrk Tlit'io fa now tlm und KIOKK IAKU7A(nilIIlKn Co. Or JA9. McNB.t V Hi aUurncy, Appropriate. Ono day whilo his apparatus for deep soa Houudiugs, by means of steel plano forto wire, wan being constructed, Lord Kelvin entered Mr. White's shop in Glas gow nlong with tho great Dr. Joule, celo bratcd for his delciinination of tho me chanical equivalent of hent. Joule's attention was called to a bundlo of tho plnnoforto wire lying in tho nhop, nnd Thomson explained that ho intouded it for "Boundiug puritofea," "What note'e'' innocently Inquired Joulo unt) was promptly answered, "Tho deep 0," Ar gonaut. An Kxplnnntlon. Tcachcr'Tor mon must work, nnd women must weep." What Is tho mean iug of that lino, Tommy Flgg? Tommy It menus that men lias to work to cot money, and then tho women has to cry bpforo tho men will dtvido your uaud. with em, Induiiuipolis Journal. J Dealer. Tlio IJiirebono Funilly. Tho celebrated unmo of Praise-God Barcbono was borno by a member of tho Cromwell parliunicnt called together after tho dissolution of tho Long parlia ment in 105:1. Tho royalists called tho assembly "Bnrobono's parliament." At tho timo when General Monk was in Loudon Barcbonc headed tho mob who prebented a petition to parliament against tho recall of Charles II. Of tho Barcbono family thero wero threo broth ers, each of whom had n nentonco for a namo TraUo-God Barebone, Chribt-camo-into -thc-world-to-wivo Barobone and If-ChriHt-had-not-dicd-thou-hadut-becn-damncd Barcboue. Now York Evening Bun. Hlnglo nnd Slurried. A nativo of Ireland lundiig at Green ock wanted to tako tho train to Glas gow. Novcr having lieeu iu nrnilwiiy station beforo, ho did not know how to get his ticket. Beeing a lady, however, going in, Pat thought ho would follow hor, and ho would soon know how to get aboard. Tho lady, going to the tlckot box und putting down her money, said, "Maryhlll, single." Her tiokot wns duly handed to her, nnd sho walked plf. Pat, thinking it all right, planked down his money and shouted, "Patrick Murphy, narried."-Tit-Blt8, Hallway Hrariacbci. ' Thoso who suffer from headache and fcol tho fatiguo of ft railway journey dis agreeably should tako with thorn two leather or silk covered cushlous ono for the small of tho back, another to rest tho neck nnd head. An eminent doctor onco stated that this was a capital nntidoto to tho evils arising from tho jolting of tho train, linblo to'canso slight congest ion of tlio head in very long journoys. Ho f ttr lliermoro nd vised no reading in tho train to thoso subjected to headaches. Now York Times. , . Tlio NuoiT W'a Mutual. Blccpy Citizen What do you wont in my house? Pttrglnr (presenting gun) I want money. Bleepy Citizeu Good Lord Givo us bo uo j. tijoyejanu rjajn Doctor Henderson 102 & 104 W. 9th St., KAHSAS CITY, MO. Tin Old RttiixbU Drtor. ARtntUrGriiluattibUdicint, Olditt in AgtandLtmgtttLocattd, OVER 37 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by tho Stato to treat CHftOfllO, NERVOUS and SPECIAL DI3EASES. Cures cunrantccd or lnoucy refunded. All medicines furnished ready for use. JJo mercury or injurious medicines used. No detention from work. Iatlcnt3 ntadbtnuco treated by mall nnd express. Medicines ncnt everywhere, f reo Xrom Kaie or break ni?o. Charged low. Oyer 30,000 cases cured. Agound csperUnccnro important. Kcad llttlo book, thua stato your enso. Send foroplnton and terms. Consultation trco and confldcntial,per3onally or by letter Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility, ISttrmaterrhttaand wAiy)cau3ClbTyoutlifulfoUloHtiml excesses, nroduclntr nervous- ticas, losses, plmplci nnd blotches on tho face, rushes ot blood to tho head, pains in tho back, contuscdlilcas and forqetf ulness, bashf ulnesi, aversion to society, loss otsoxual power, loss ot manhood, Ac, cured for llfo. I can stop nil eight losses, rcntoro lost ncxual power, ro storoncrvoundbralnpowcr.cnInrRonndstrcnfftbi'nwcnkpartsnndmalioyouflttorxnarriago, SvnhiH thattcrrlblodlscaso.lnoll ZfrirTlirf Permanently cured with JJ'H111I,a its forms nnd stapes cured Uiun out caustic, cutting, bou- Ulcers, Swclllnps, Sores, Gonorrhea and Gleet, nnd nil forma ot Private Diseases positively cured or money rcfunaea. Knnlr fr both sexes, 80 pages, 27 plc 1JUUIV turcs, tmo to life, with full des cription of nbovo diseases, iha effects nnd curo.Bcnlcdlnplalnwrapperforto In stamps. Bead this llttlo book nnd answer questions. ! clcs or sound. No pain, no exposure, t lent can uso tho treatment nthoine. Phpltrmti:tn VhoOrcatTnrhlsh IlICUIIIdLlblll KhcumfttloCnrc. ASURUCURE. Tho grcntCEt discovery in tho onnala of mcdlclno. Ono doso gives re lief ;n fow dosoarcmovo fover und pain In juiuin ui-uruiiiuiuwuays. oenu Hiaic 01 caso, wuu stump lor circular. Free Museum of Anatomy M3ennd?curies0 llfo-llko modelsnnd wax flcurcsdecnl v imnresn tho mind : n school of Instruc tion c. sermon without words. N.B.I haiefCQOdcposlttdln tht tank, which I uiujorjtujor aoov aitcaiu mat 1 cannot cur. A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, la now prepared to iusure you in tliat well-known company, The Home of New York. Wnlt Tor Iiim; lie will call on you in n few days. You can mvo money und cut more sutlnttu'tory insurance limit from nny other man. Ho litis exclusive control or Tour counties. Sewing - Machines AND- ORGANS. 8. J57. COZA1P Has a fine line of Sewing Ma chines anil Organs from 25 upwards. AIno Keeps nil kinds or IHucliino tjupplles. Does repairing promptly. Cull und see me. Pant Loarjs At Less A Sitilpsoij, Blue tfill Neb, Closing; out Sale I desire to close out the entire stock of Dry Coods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Formerly owned hy Spokeslield during the S. F. next 30 Days, You enn buy everything wo huvs 0I1EA1', anil snm tiling" t your own jirict Monay buys, and wo 111 11 si havo (he Cuslt bufcr th goods leave the storo. Cull nt SpoliCKlleld'.i nud see what .we you. Old Stand etui do lor Also all- ledger accounts due S. F. Spokeslield can he set tied with us if paid this month. A. O. BERG, GRANT USHEfy Agents for C. M. Wetherald, Mortgagee. e "A m i H V w Ay --4T A IXK Wif &A&V,f l ia(4 -if !, TUw-wiito 1 -fi,.,:.!.,, n i v Ut' nW W ..