The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1893, Image 6

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    'WjqjWKPP ' J
Editorial Correspondence.
Oiiicauo, III., Oot. 20, 1803.
A few days ago I left ltcd Cloud
for Omaha, Oliicago, and other points,
for tli ostensible purpo.o of taking
in the wonderful world's fair that has
been the theme of a might poeple's
conversation for more than six
months. After leaving lied Cloud I
landed in Omahn, where I attanded
the Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias,
and on Thursday following, I left for
Chicago, arriving on Friday morning,
and found myself edging my way
through tho vast concourso of people,
of all nationalities, countries and
and climes, rich, por mil otherwise,
who had invested Hi sir monsy to ilew
the most elaborate exhibition that tho
world has ever known, and that, too,
in tho new west, whsro less than a
century ago tho wild man held full
It would ho almost Impossible for
ono to describe the vnstness of the
world's faiin adequate- terms to unit
tho occasion, Tho gigantic buildings,
costing hundreds of thousands of
dollar, tho immense tract of land that
has bcon redeemed from worthless
marsh, and to-day looks na if it had
bocn a thoroughfare for ages, and a
city that had bcon constructed for
years, instead of tho Aladdir.-liko
city that almost grew in a night's
time. No wondor that it is tho com
mon exclamation, "wonderful," that
drops from (he lips of all who first
behold the magnitudo of tho gnat
work thai bad been accomplished in
such a flicrt timi1. that would ordinar
ily take years to do in any other city
than Chic.uo. Two years ago the
present site of tho fnir would have
been tho most uninviting place on the
foot-stool, but the indomitable perse
vcronco of tho Chicagoan takes no
step backward, and when he sots out
to do a thing, order quickly comet
from chaos, and that is tho result of
tho great work that was accomplished
in lean than two years. On arriving
in Chicago, I took a euburban train to
I'arksido, whero I found comfortable
quarters fur myself and family in the
Cottage hotel, a small hostelry, but a
very good place, within a half mile
of tho grounds, and by the way, wai
operated by Mr. Bonine, a former Red
Oleud citizen, who lived there in '78
and run a shoe store.
After broukfast, wo all started for
tho fair and, having passed into the
grounds, commenced tho exploration
of the sights, Grst taking in the
Transportation building, a veritable
fitoro houso of great inventions aa
woll as many minor ones, lloro I saw
tho primitive locomotive as well as
tho modern tvnc, Tho little "John
Lull train" with its old fashioned rn
gino looked liko a pigmy beside the
great monster "ODD" ongino that has
startled tho world by making 104
miles in an hour, and its handsome
retinue of magnificent parlor can. It
wnild seem nlmost incredib'c, at the
great advancement mado in rapid
transit since Fulton first discovered
tho power of steam. From one great
attraction to another was tho way 1
put in my time, and beheld many
things that probably would never be
obsoivcd again in a life-time The
contents of this building attracted my
attention tho most, and tho display ot
American ingenuity is certainly as
tonishing. Kicctrionl and steam in
ventions, old stylo vehicles, new stylos
of conveyances, from every nook and
comer of tho world, that would lunko
one fori at if ho had bcon sleeping
for a conlurj ind mldenlj had awak
ened into a now world. Our Fuber is
not equal to a description of the
Transportation building.
Tho mining building I visited next,
but hurriedly passed through it, but
not without observing many of its
most interesting features. Tho dis
plays of ores from thodifTcruit states
gives ono a better idea of the great
industries of the United Etatis than
ono could gain in n life-timo from
written descriptions. This building
Is quite extensively decorated and
qu'to largo, and embraeis many cur
ious things in connection with tho
richness of tho minerals of tho earth,
of which many are of tho most prec
ious kind, such us diamonds, gold,
on many inventions that I had never
dreamed of in my palmiest days. Horo
wcro all kinds of machines, from a
tooth-pick maker to a Corliss engine.
Of tho most Interesting exhibit! te
me wero tho printing prrpsep, type
setting machines, etc, The first press
used in America was here, also the
latest improved Hoe-pcrfoeting press
that prints from thirty to forty thous
and per hour, folding, trimming and
pasting tho papers in tluir proper
places. Th!ro wore also chromatio
presses, lithograph presses, etc. In
thiB building all sorts of gigantic ma
chinery of various kinds was on ex
hibition, a description of which I lum1
not tho room to mention, hut suffice it
te say that there was a sufficient sup
ply to amuse and edify the most fas
tidious. Tho Electrical building was another
place of great intarcst, and hero it
was that ono could see all tho latest
inventions in olecttical goods. Dyna
mos of all patterns, and appliances
for operating railways nnd machinery
To ono who has not been accustomed
to seeing so much "lightning" con
trolled by n little button, naturally
feels insignificant nt tho immense
power that is produced from an un
known clement that is coming inte
general uso as a propelling power.
Othor great curiosities Wcro to bo scon
hero, but I can not tako the tituo to
enumerato them.
Tho Manufacturer's building was
also of great interest to all who visit
ed it, as it containod within its walls
exhibitions of, and elaborate designs
in all of tho various arts in manufac
turing drees goods, carpets, ready
made clothing, for ladies and gcnlle-
As rumlftltcd liy Our County
Potntoi'B don't turn out wo have todlg
thorn out. Corn Is gotog from 20 to CO
buehels per aero in thio section of Web-
Bter Co.
Alf Harris in building a new frame
Iiouro which adds greatly to tho IooUb
and viiluo ot his placo. Alt moans bus
iness. A dance at Francis' on Friday evening
was woll attended thorohoing'JO numbers
Gold, livery ono reporte n jolly time and
good musio wan furnlched.
llonry Emerton nhipped Mb broom
corn Thurnday and received 8IJO per ton
Tho lectures on Phrenology will bo
closed no.t Friday evening. All should
turn out nnd the subject: "How to Got
Marriod nnd Keep Married by Ono Who
lias Done Neither". A jolly good time
io predicted.
Wo nro aquiot, pooccablo neighborhood
undnover talk politics oxcopt on cortnln
occasions, nil wo will say is that thin
part of tho moral vineyard will vote for
tho men whom they know to bo quali
fied for tho position. I hoard a voter
say that ho would not brenk a colt while
he could work an old horso. Pat.
Fall wheat is looking eplcndid. Corn
husking has commenced; it will mako
about n half a crop.
Mrs. Kd Gouchy of Willow Creek Is
visiting frionds in this vicinity, of which
she hns mnny.
Mr. David Meamn io building a house
In Rosomont on hie lots.
It. T. White, Joo Haught and .7. K.
Crozier nro attending court at lied Cloud
as jurors this week.
Hugh Molntyre Jr. was up from Kan
sas last week. He said he did'nt know
whether ho llkod Kan&ao or Nebraska
the best.
Marriod, at Red Cloud on Oct. 10, 1803,
by Judge DufTy, Mr. Moiu Allen to Miss
Ida Newman both of Stillwater.
Chns. Molley, Sunford Crof ton, Allen
and Hod Vance and Jim Grconalgh ure
world's fair visitors this week.
Plcimtnt Prulrlc.
Tho weather Is lino.
Win. Crabill and John Bean ure pick
ing their corn.
Mies. Mina Nelson was in theso parts
lust Sunday.
Peter Hanson gavo u dinner lant Sun
day, and was enjoyed by every ono pres
Mr. Akers wob horo this week.
Guide Rock.
MrB. Kobinson is very low.
A number of our Guide Itook people
tiro attending tho world's fair this week, residonco of L. II. Luco last Wednesday
among them Mrs. Fletcher, Carrie Hill, 1 night, for tho benefit ot Kov. Lawson
Husking corn is tho ordor of tho doy
in theso purts,
Thcro was u ohiokon-nie social at the
man, of every kind, clocks, jewelry,
John Vandiver, Chns Rotund, John
Crary and wife, and Mrs. Dodnn.
MIhb. Alico Gnrber wub in Eabon lust
Wednesday, attending tho marriage of
CluiB. A Gnrber.
Mrs. Minnio Hathaway wub ou our
Streetu Tuesday.
MrB. Nettio Proudilt was in Superior
Tho weather la becoming dreary and
wo will soon havo buow.
silver, olo. The diamond washing
was n great source oi riijnviuent io
many who continually flocked around
thi.i exhibit and wutoucd the fo
fiiin'Oio of a genuino diamond washing
Fiom tho Milling buiUing I mean
dcxad to Machinery hall, where I bad
tho pleasure of feasting my vision up.
musical instruments, china ware, and
o on, from tho entire faeo of the
globe, Kvciy couutry was represented,
from the greatest and most powerful
on earth. Ono could have spent
wcoks hero feasting the imagination,
and yet not ho satisfied to stop.
Tho Agricultural building and ad
juncts wcro interesting to a largo de
gree, for here you could see the pro
ducts of the United States displayed
to advantage, and I was much pleased
to sec tho Nebraska exhibit was not
behind the other states. Her interests
were well looked after, but as my ed
ucation ou farming has been limited
to that oxtcnt that I only toll "what I
know about farming" (iu the Great
Family Weekly,) I leave it for another
artiole. Tho art of waifare is well
rtprosontcd, and many different styles
of armour and monitors of war arc to
bo scon by exhibits trom foroign as
woll as domestio inventors, but as fur
as 1 eould sco this country wis ahead
of all other, and yet tho most peace
ful on earth.
Tho Horticultural department and
thu art gallery, the children's building
and tho womanu' buildings, were prin
cipal features of interest, to all and
especially to the ludicv, as caoh build
ing contained special points for them.
Tho art gallery was thronged with
crowds at all timos mado up of all
classes and especially loveiB of art,
Paiutings to suit all from tho most
costly to the cheapest. Tho womans'
buildiog was an interesting placo and
of niuoh benefit to all who wont
through it. Thoro were many othor
buildings that contained many valu
able as well as amazing exhibits but
I havo not time to dcBcribo them, as
this letter is quito leng now, still it
would not bo complete without men
tioning the much talked of "Midway
I'laisanco" where tho nations of the
world cougregate aud jibber away in
their various touguos, some of whioh
sounds liko talk, and much of which
sounds like a conglomeration of grcso
aud duck quacking to t'ne unaccus
tomed car in common parlanoe, it
makes a fellow tired to hear them, and
jet I presume they say as much of our
language. This very interesting pluco
will have to meet with but brief men
tion still there is enough to fill
colunns. Tho Fcnis Wheel, thu
Streets of Cairo, the glass blowers,
tho Dahoiny village, tho Irish village,
and tho dozens of other villages all go
to ercato a vast fund of sport for thoso
who tako them in, and aie in turn
'taken in" but usually tho sport is
well worth the money that you spend
on the Midway entertainment.
Tho fair, as a wh do, hat be on a
great success anil its history will go
thundering down tho ages as tho great
est success of anything evor known of
its kind, and right hero I shall down
thu curtain, aud raiso it iu another
letter at somo future timo.
A. 0. Hosmer.
See Myers
Mr. Ayore has moved to Red Cloud.
Art Davis and wifo nnd Mr. Hurtwoll
returned from tho whlto city Monday.
Mr. Irons got in a cur loud of coul
Mr. Olmsted and family expect to
start for California Oct. 27th, to make
that place their future homo. Their
many friends will bo Borry to Ioro them.
AritoN Stiunoh.
immmmmmmmmmn w m m m m m
Dry Goods, Groceries
And Clothing.
We are in it! Our store is full
of Bargains.
We lead in prices. We follow none, but un
dersell all. Our stock is complete and we
carry the finest line of
Cloaks, --
And Children's wraps
in the city,
All the latest novelties in Dress
We have 150 Overcoats to be
cleaned out at cost.
J tuition.
Kansas seems to bo booming, judging
from tho now houses that nro boing
built this fall. Mr. Loroy Myora built u
very nice now houso, whioh improvea the
looks of his placo very much.
Air. a. (J. Johnson built n line, new
house and did tho work himself. Ho nl-
ho bought two nuwBtovcH, the (Jem cook
stove and a tine heating stove.
Mr. William Hooper is building a now
houQc; it will bo n dandy when finished.
Mr. J. M. Brown in building u very
largo barn on his place.
Tom McCartney is building n largo
brrn also.
The danco at Mr. SpurrorB last Friday
was a nuccesB.
Furmors coiumcncod cribbiug corn
this week. Almost ovory body ia busy
in tho cornfield. Corn is turning out
about 20 bushels per acre.
Mr. Holiday of McCook was at Mr.
Sluby'a last week to see his sisters-in-law,
Lizzie and Millie. He rcportd them but
ter. Mr. Albert SlabyisBick again. Dr. Darn
er ell 1b in attendance.
Mrs. Weaver's nunt is visiting horo for
a few days, then she is going to Illinois
ou a visit. Sn.
Willow Creek.
Ernest Torril is working for
Littlo Henry Hlnnkoy died at fi: n. m.
Monday nnd wob buried that evening
in tho grovo near his homo.
Mrs. H. Drubaker ia elowly regaining
her normal health.
CIibh. Adamson has rot ti mod from
Wood River where he has been Belling a
load ot enions at n good prico.
Mrs. lion gave u dinner on tho 17th in
honor of her mother's COth birthday
Mrs. Henry Wuller or Grandma Waller
as sho familiarly known.
Will Fruser traded his horses to Fred
IJIunk for a span of mules.
Charley Jackson hud a husking bee
Mr. Martin had u run-uwuy Monday
in A. C. Uon'B corntleld.
Tho many young frionds ot Miss Em-
muMoushang will bo pleased to learn
that sho is well pleased with her school
ut Peru. Manitoiiia.
Call in and see us, You can save money,
Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs,
R. M. Martin & Son.
iii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiii iii iii iii iii
Composition by Pupil or the
South Ward School.
Stuto Creek Item.
Sowing wheat is tho order of the
Hill RosoncruiiB sold 18 hogs in
vale at iWU pur hundred.
Mr. Guthrie has bought u new spring
wagon; consideration 880.00.
Our day school 1b ably taught byJMiss
Edith Scrivner ut Pleasant Dale, nnd
Sabbath school every Sunday ut 3 p.m.
Mr. Wm. RosoncrntiB' brother who
Iiub been visiting hero for n couple of
weeks has returned to his home in
Kuv. Goo. Hummel luiB60wed over (50
ucrcH ot wheut; Mr. Mountford 10, und
Mr. Sorivuor about .'13.
Corn averages from ir to 2o bushels
per acre.
Mr. Louse is teaching the Mt. Hope
school this full aud gives gonoral satis
fneton. Mr.Dolling has been trading againand
got a pair of donkoys.
Al Scrivner hns traded oil bis inuleB
for horses and is farming now.
Preaching last Sunday ut Mt. Hope
by Rev, Horton.
Miss. Slaby over cast ia very' sick.
Mr. Anderson h littlo boy wub badly
hurt by u horBo lust week.
Mr. Shannon's littlo boy who was
kicked by ti Jioreo boiuo timo ago, is
slowly improving.
Preaching last Sunday night by Row
Geo. Uuniniol, ut Pleasant Dale.
Chirk Stevens raised .'117 bushels of
Early Ohio potatoes that aro the llnest I
havo seen this year, they grow on about
2jj'ucres of land. Occasional.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Eleotrlo
Hlttere hits gained rapidly In popular favor
until now It in clearly iu tliu lead rmong
pure uudlciiud tonics, and iilWrntives
containing nothing which permits its us
as a beverage or intoxicant, it ia recog
nized as tho bent iiuil purent-iuodlnlno for
all allmi-nWot Stomach, Liver or Kidneys.
It will euro olok HunJiiohc, Indigentiou,
Constipation, and drive Malaria from the
dyrtlera. tiMiNfuctiim guaranteed with
each bottle or thu money will be rofuudeil.
Price only COo. per bottle. Sold by 0. L.
( Printed without corrections.)
I should say that tho boy that was not
to bo found on tho streets ovory night,
and who never touched tobacco nor
liquor, und who novor touched ono of
thoso vile dime novels us they are called
would mako tho' best bull player also tho
most rellned gentleman in society or in
business duties. Giiaur Fokt.
For Farm Loans
llookH aro very important. Good
books help us, while Uiobb booka that
givo ub bud thoughts harm us.
I don't see how tho people used to get
ulong without lots ot good books to
Tho Uible is tho best of nil books, and
if ono would spend but ono hnlf hour
each day in reading, it would do u great
deal ot good.
If some of thoso young mon of this
town would stay at homo evenings and
reud good books instead ot loafing about
tho streets it would bo bettor for thorn.
I liko to road adventurous stories bet
tcr than any others.
Elmeii SuiiArrMTT.
RcmlliiK Uoom Pointer.
Up to Tueid.iy evening, Oct 21th
tho amount pledged per mon to was
$21,25. Statements of receipts and
expenditures will bo published caoh
week, in all tho city papirs. No
debts will bo contracted.. It is im
possible for us to tako any more time
aijprcsonijtocirculato the pledge paper,
but if you aro willing to help us nut
with tho running expenses to tho
amount of 50cts per month, no more
no less,plcas5 givo your name to a
member of tho board of directors.
Wo hope to have the rooms ready
for work heforo Nov 1st. Quite a
number of different at tides of
furniture, beoks, mugazincs, and pap
ers havo already boon offered. Iu
behalf of thoso who nied help, wo
thank you; and we earnestly urge
all those who havo not yet
contributed anything, and who feel
like doing some thing for tho cause of
humanity, to look over tho list of
needs published last week, and if
you ca help, ploase do it.
Great Worn n and Men aro not those
thut are wealthy and have evory thing
for it is those thut uro always striving to
do wright.
It ia hurdor for Rich people to bo noble
than poor people for rich people can af
ford to waste moro than poor people nnd
no oue that is wasteful is noble.
Washington when ho hud plenty did
net waste any thing,
A noblo man or woman is not always
trying to get some high pluco, but if
there is any hard work to do in loading
people to tho wright thoy will tako thut
Those who strive for honor novor got
it but those who take what they can do
und are satisfied aro tho ones who get
the credit. Vance Foe.
Go to WrightB for school-house heat
ing stoves. Best in Red Cloud.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Cat toria.
i I
7 -eSXi-CiSSQf
Wo lilt tho 'dl ou the Blead
When we udded fo our stock this fall,
Dnits for tho tall and elitii, tho short nnd
nfmit. und tho extra lurgo.-Chns.
If 4 boye and 2 girls coughing 10 timosa
mluutn can bo cored with ons iiouie oi
Hallor'a Buro Cure Cough Sjrnp, how
many bottles will it tBko to ouro 4 girls
and -' hoys coughlug 0 times e.ieli a mlnuto?
A "Tommy Truppcr" hoou for tacit huih
tion. Hnllor Prop. Co., Blair, Kel.r
I'or sale by Doyo & Orlce.
To Tho Public.
Owing to the present unavoidable
circumstancos it hick confront the Dcbi-
ocratio candidate for tho ofiico ofjjr
perintendent of publio instruction, tho
rumor has been sent afloat that ho
would withold his namo from ap
pearing beforo the people for election.
He was put on tho tiokct which
was put in the field by tho Dem
ocratic convention at Blue Hill, and
will remain on r.lic ticket till after tho j
November election. Having been ac
quainted with the young man for years,
and knowing his character, we believe
that ho will come forth from tho
charges preferred against him with
his good name untarnished. Ho has
tho back bono noocssary to bo courag
eous, when his oliaractcr is assailed.
Wo iced more yaung men of tho same
quality in our county.
Mark's frionds and political antag
Wliut iUatsy Ami linn to Hay.
Says Bin : "That air gal of Dekln Po
gram, she don't know why mIio just don't
know patty, so fho don't. There's that
air gnl, sho burned her hand awful, bo he
did, and Instead of a puttin' on Holler's
Australian Salve which ud tuck nil tho
Ore right out nail jiat made itgitwell rito
off, no it would, mIiv, she just put on n
whole lot of siuir and and you jes' bet
she'll know bottei- next time. Por sale
by Deyo & Grioo.
Over Post Office
When Baby was stele, ve ewe lor Cwtotla.
When lie wns a CulM, ho crlivl for Castorla.
Wlitn fbe became Mli, eho clu to t'juitorta.
Wbtn Uo Ua4 Children, she vo tUcin Castorl
' ' "' '
' Y V A
Hold Up !
Do you know that Wieuei soiling
his cult nnd kip boots nt less manu
facturer cost prico ? Woll, ho is, and
only hns u few pair left. Get u pair bo
foro thoy nro till gone. -Wiener, the
M ...- ! !
A I'li'.y.lo
To many Indie i how to koop their
hair iu curl on rainy days. The solution
IsonBj. Ask Doyo &, Grico for Nonpar
eil Hnir curler and tho puzzle will bo
Children Cry fot
Pitcher' Csitorla.
v'- -
ifi?i &.w