)Wiifi j$tainm$ f i l& &sw iWiSK -Jafl.:.- r ifiriiT-isfc. rwi ( 4 "- j illi i ' i inn ii 4 . -i A - I .WJlH gBg.w.HtrSqamavn r.. "kite:jiiWHiBaiis5!53 W. safgEBgE3feSEffSi . Hm-g3sHWaWiHTallferiaaam VaHHhaa.. . --jfeia 5gggfc?.fcsaW JHHe a KBalraapSsSf'yHHBlS -.sr.H MliiBSLsB':f.PifiiitS?. iisj.5sfaS88 ti HBBHKSIllsncBVB a saaWlfeSB;HB;f t M U'&mfMHMiriM&jmS n?gJvt, Bi JKfnH ifl flnHHflBrinHu BtABBBBTC' aaBE?TMiitn'WBJyA3XBBV'4aaEftaa-u"tf-t3uaV H H H n,Bl I aavKn aa BWBa-iBW aa bbbbbi IjEr.'fwu ft .,atalBat iaaafliV!M BIHKBHflDHvS!SIHw''1i ?iaaviMaaaaatiaaaBaaaaaaaaa pfavtTij Aw .3Lliil-Mg 1 vBIBPillVHHHIHP9WBuIDlWfir'vrr!'! 531IIESPWIHHatMHS lliliiss 'Y ftf i "i' , All Home Print. THE CHIEF rultlUlicd Weekly. Subscription, - fil Per Annum, Invariably In Adranc II not paid In mlvnnrc, after till date March 18, tsw, tho price will ho Si.'js, Entered nt tt'e Tost Olllce In licit Cloud, Hob., as mall mnttcrof the second class ItATKS OK ADVKHTIMfvn Frof. cards, 1 lm-li or k-ss per year to 00 Nix month 3 oo Tbreo months 2 00 HTAKD1NO AUVKKTIHHMKNTS. Per Inch ono year $1 00 1'er Inch six mouths 3 o l'criiR-li three months 'i On Special ni'licis per lino or lino space, first (tutillcailon 5 cetita. ... .... Transient sprcliils, payable Invariably In ad vance, per lino in cunts. All reading notice!. In tin nature of advertise ments or puhN, c cents pur lino. I-egal notices nt Iriini lutes, Ir.t for a sqtiaro (ten lines of Nonpareil or less,) first publication 91.00; (or each subsequent publication, per aiiiiare, 50 cents. So "preferred position" contracts made. All matter to insure publication must be re ceived nt tills office not later than Wednesday. Advertisements cannot bo ordered out lor tho current week later than Thursday. II. & in. 11. It. Time Tabic. Taking effect Auk. 13. Tralnscnrrjlm; passengers leave- lted Cloud as follows: EASl' VIA HASTINGS. No, 112 Passenger to Hasting 3:00 p. in. Aitiuvc. No. lit Passenger from Hastings 11:05. m. HAST VIA WYMOltE No. 1C, 1'asse nger to Ht. .loieph at. luls and Clileag dally 11:40 a. m, OIN( WKST. No. IS Passenger:) lor Denver, dally, i;19 p. m BUSINESS CAItDS. D It. J. S. EMHHI. Dentlit, Bud Cloud, - - Nebraska. Tr Taylor's FuraliarMtrc. Ki tract l.ath wllliaut n.'iln. .Crwn and lindfte nnrk a specialty. v "trceUlD Inlay, and all kluil-t ot gold nillngs. is cm aim ruuuar piau-t aim combination ,it. All wrk euarantet d to bo first-class. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. llomcaopattilc rhyklclan, Rl CldUil, . NcliriMKa. Otnce opposite Vlrst National Uunk. 11. S.Kxauilnliig Mligeon. Cliriuiln iraes treatrd bv mall. o.h WINFltEY, Aucllouctr, Red Cloud, Nehbasha. Will attend sales at reasonable flguies Hatls- lacuiiiiU'mrviiceii. I H. SMITH, IiiMirnnco Agent, RED CLOUD, NEUUARKA. I do a strictly fnrm insarnnca and invito and invite all to net mo. R ANDOLPII MoNITT, ATTORNEY. Moon Block, ItED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to. o 0, CASE, ATTORNEY A T LA W. Moon Block, - KED CLOUD, NEB. Collactiono promptly nttonded to, nnd correspondence soliuiUd. D. F. TltUNKBST, Attarnor at Law. Nebruakn. lted Cluiitl, Office Up stairs, in Moon Blook, over Fair Store. pEO. O. YEISElt, Heal Elulc, Insurniico mid Collecting Agent, Moon Block, - Hid Cloud, Ned Notary Public. R P. HUTCHISON, Touvorlul Arllst, 4th Avknuk, - Red Cloud, Neujuska. First-olaxs barbers and llret-olusa work ouaranteed O iye mo n call D. BTOFFEll, nil Fuvntunuble rber, lted Cloud, IMcurttHku. I givs my personal attention to my patrons. Firat-clnBa shr.ving nnd hair oattlntr ft BiolHty. H E. FOND, Red Cloud, Ncbriuka. Conveyancer, Rent Ettatr, Loan Inaiiriuice uud I'ennlon Agent. I especially Invite yon to call on me for anything In my line. Loans made on f vrm property a loweit rates. ( -MI AS. SGHAFFNIT, J lnairunce Akciic', 1 apresonts i J.. ..mi in.nt'nnpii I'n . KrcoDort. 111. 1 oval iiwumJiCH "o.. Liverpool, iSimtand I hienlx Aa:" t jrinau In' I .MttM VlW. suraiico Co,, oiiumahu. Nebr, ram-o Co, id l)ipii. l-.ng. iii.v.llan iW aneoLOjOi wuuiuy, in. Urti .. !""- .',..' - iIhlh fnw. uraiice '. or iiimoii, kii). 1 JlllnHUUII llSlinuiW'". hmiiihhw'u, un. Lrltish Ai'(A. pi'.- ,"UIU'U,' -". ,IUItWWWl, nico over I'oeioilioe. m r.Vie nilXAJKA Eternal Vigilance is the A Leading Query ? HOI Mif toils in a M To every purchaser of $5.00 worth of goods of us, we will give one guess on the num ber 'of seeds in a large squash at our store. To the nearest guesser New Home Sewing To the next nearest, value $12. an To the next, $5 in Cash. Squash will be opened Jan uary 1st, 1894. Keep in 0fj WE ARE SUITS, OVERCOATS Hats, Caps and Shoes Cheaper than any house in the country. Buyjyour winter outfit yciu a few dollars. Chas. Wiener, Originator of Price of Liberty," and Red Cloud, Webster County, ? we will give a Fine Machine, value $40. Eight Day Clock, Mind S SELLING of us, We can save r -j . , Low Prices One Dollar a year is Neb., Friday, October WilttcnforTiiKCiitRf. tVlint'N In u Nnnict II V DILI, WII.OtMlltllV. CHAI'TKn XIV. Six weeks had coma and gono eitico tho cxporiencca of Dick as narrated in my ,i8t chapter, and hero tvo tvoro in the initUt of one of tho coldest nnd tnest rigorous winters that had for many years visited the American con tinent, I ehall not attempt to hero place upon record tho tabu'atcd statis tics of tho weather bureau of thoso times, but content myself, by saying that at diiTorcnt times tho mercury was o congealed as to lose its power to indicate the truo condition of tho t;mpiru(ure. Dut, with but fow ex ceptions, the mails were kept in oper ation and wo had boon all these weeks in almost daily receipt of lottcrn, pa love and gocd will from friends and kin pcrs, magazine and other tokens of drod back in tho States. My ilcar mother had written mo regularly once a week, while Dick's mother was to him equally attentive. Thon, too, wo had in some way linked our lives and fortunes with the Gibsons, whoso re union had been brought about under Buch peculiar ireumstanccs as to ren der tho history of that rc-unton al most fictitious. It would seem froti what wo had learnud of tho history of the Gibsons, while spending the winter, that they came of an aristocrat io stock ia England, and that tho brother was connected with tho fur trado in Can adi and was a man of liberal educa tion, a bachelor und quito wealthy, Tho sister, as my readers may imagine was soon placed in charge of her brothci's liouso in tho elty, and was already becoming an attraction in the society of the better class, by whom sno was approximately surrounded, I shall always thank God for her hap py escape from her villainous captors, and ascribe to Dick tho instrumental ity of that dclivcranco. About tho time of which I am now writing, I received a letter from my mother which I hero transcribe to tho end that my readers may judge of the whole matter thotoin dimly outlined, but which proved to bo prophctio of ono of tho most stirring episodes. Hero is tho letter; "Dear Dill. I have had anothor strango experience, or drcuiiJ, uh father calls it, and so deeply impressed am J that something uusual will occur wherein my boy must play a part, that I shull bo held in su&pcnso uutil after tho mysteries therein portended shull have bcon de veloped. In my droam(?) I beheld two men standing upon an elevated picco of ground near tho cdge'of a for est, with revolvers in their hands aim ing straight at each other. They re mained in this position for a moment or two, when I behold a young ludy coming as swiftly as tho wind from a point south of where tho gentlemen stood, and at tho came moment my own dear boy doting in from tho north. I could not distinguish tho sound of a void, but could seo tho lips of tho g'rl moving us if she wero remonstrating with tho two enemies who stood firm and, scomingly waiting for the signal to firo, Just then their weapons wero di charged h multaucous, and as a result ono of them fell to tho ground. Hero I oanie out of tho re verie, enly to find mvsolf sitting ut tho desk, with pou in hand, whoro I had been writing to a coubin in New York, Dut my dear boy, I feel cer tain that sometimes out 01 tho com mon coui-80 ot events wus thereby per tundod, and thut you will be in somo wrtyjas&ociated with thu matter. Do, L tntroat you, bo oaroful not to ex pose yourself to any danger. 1 will write you eguin in a day or two, and the Price of The Chief. 27, 1893. hopo at that time to bo able to write you a good, long letter giving you all tho nows." I must confess that I be gan to feel n sort of superstition tak ing possession of my mind snoh as I had thought impossiblo to over find a lodgment therein. Dut after canvassing tho ground with Dick, I attributed the dream as resultant from tho duel which, months age, had caused tho flight sf tho two Kontuoky boys from their sunny hoaics to this land of snow and frost and icr, About tho time of which I am now writing. Dick conceived tho idea of going on a flying trip to Ohio to tco his betrothed, and go ho would, and go ho did, dcsplto my most earnest pro testations. Ono evening hu excused himsolf fur a littlo while, saying that ho must mcot a friend at ono of tho hotoli,Qbut thnt.ha would return is a very short time Ho had been gono perhaps for somo twenty minutes, when I hoard a rap on tho door, I opened tho door, and as I did so was confronted by a till, lino appearing gentleman, with tho collar of his coat turned up, a fur cap jauntily covoting a head of flowing black hair, whilo his full board seemed to harmouizo with furs and huir. The stringer's en quired after Mr. Nailor, raying that ho had had an appointment with him, but it being past tho hour for their mcot ing he had taken tho liberty to call at our room. seated the stranger, and wo wero soon chatting pleasantly as strangers would, wlioso mutuality centered on their nbiJtit friend. I began to grow impatient at Diek's dolay, whon to my supriso tho stranger remarked that Mr. Mailer had taken him into his confidence with relation to his in tended journey to Ohio. I felt almost indignant over this discovory and ex pressed my dipapprobation of such an advcnluro, when to my surprise tho stranger advocated Mr, Nailer's in tentions in tho warmest tonus. I felt the blood crawling up into my tem ples, and was just on the point ot re monstrating, fthen, all of a suddon, the cap, and hair, and beard were, with a slight inovementof tho hand, displaced and there sat Dick in all his manly beauty. "Yes, Dick old fellow" said I, "You aro a star of tho lirdt magni tude, aud bavo my consent to go up on yeur journey." Early next morning Dick took his leave, aud was booh speeding awa) towards the borne of the good quakers, while I busied injnelf with thoroutiuo duties of iny office; I. prior to thu time having beon placod'n ohirgo of the circulation, list of tho "Old Do m'niou" for both uppur and lower Otnada. Diok was absent for somo ten days; and the tra'n that brought him back broight also a loiter from my mother stating that the Hon. Mr. Stewart, wlie was tho causo of our flight from home, had fought anothor duel, had mortally wounded his adver sary; and that public sentiment had turned to decidedly against him this time as to necessitate his flight from tho scene of ) is crime; that tho tuthoriticH had declared their inten t'toa to pursuo, evertako, and bring him to condign punishment, and he had doubtless gone boyond tho con fines of tho United Slates; that it was believed by his most intimate friends that ' he had .traveled incognito to New Orleans, and there taken a vessel for tho Isle of Cuba, We now began to sao tho day star of our dclivcranco rising, We felt that tho same pubiio sentiment that had exiled us would now condone our office, and that wo should toon bo bid den to return to our homes. Dick at least tried to take this view of tho case, hopefully believing ibat thereby Vol. 21. No. 14 L. RiwteF Absolutely Pure A oroam of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Haklngr Powder Ce. 100 Wall Ht., N. Y. ho should tho sooner lead to the altar his loving-hearted, swoct tempered Nnomi. I, too, no doubt allowed tho desiro to become father to the thought. But we did entertain tho hope, not that wo were outcasts, but becauso of our paronts, our homes, our neighbors and reputations. Fresh as ever oomee now boforo our visions the old plantations, our horses, and dogs, the shady lanes, the fish pondi and the hunting grounds. Wo had by this timo become quite intimato with tho Gibsons, spending an evening with them as often as onoo a week. We found both tho brother and Bis'or to be possoised of raro in telligence, and with cultured minds such ns quiliflod them for the higher walks of nooicty, I shall always bolievo that Dick had an uncxpretscd hope that Miss Gib- ion, and 1 might uecotno more to each other than tko mere friends wo were, but at suoh was nat to be, lei me dismiss that branch of the subject. One extremely oold night, whilo wo sat near tho b!a.'ng wood firo on tho hearth, and while wo wero discussing tho probabilities of our return to our homes, wo were somowhat startled by hearing loud successive raps upoa our door; not as i omothing unpreci dentcd, but becauso of the sharp, rap id manner in which they fell. Diok sprang to his feet, crossed the room and openad the door. There stood our landlord in com pany with a littlo Frenchman, who looked like a bundlo of fur about to bo rolled into our apartment, but who, on being invited to enter, came io, aud, after removing his fur cap and rolliag back thu ilecoy collar of bis fur overcoat, drew from an inner pock et a sealed nolo bearing tho inscrip tion: "To Gcitleincn Willeughby and Nailor, Ml St. Marks Hotel, City of Ottawa, Canud ," handed the Bitue to mo. Deforo breaking tho seal, I asked tho little Freiiuhtuna if an an swer was expectod, to whioh ho re plied: "Ycz, Monsieur, so gentle man's daughter, she say: 'Soo dat zo gentlemen como wiz jou in one great haste; or, if zo gontlcmen can't come, zon zn zo gontlcmon write io ze lady.' " 1 opened and read, while Dhik stood lofcking on over my shoul der, tho following brief nolo: "Gen tlemen Willoughby and Nailor: Will you havo the kindness to sail at roon 112, Grand I'alaeo Hotel, this city, with nil possible speed ? I haye in structed tho bearer of this not to di rcot you to the number above indicat ed, Come, and for heaven' sake. como quiomy. i wiin-noiu my sane lest you might spurn the same, owing to some of its unpleasant associations, Hut, knowing you both te be geatle men in tho fullest sense of the tera I await your coming." Wo stood not upon tho ceremony of further expla nation, but were soon faeiig rapidly . driven along the froxea treU ii a cab that had bees standing aer the. , (Continued o page 2.) 3 ,1' U ijL itOjUfff iiyytllviMtMi Ww- ' M MawilnjaWi ii A4teaMUrt&rh , . 4 Wvi. 4 4k. M& I . . rf-. - ' m M,,. ;m UwtS. .-., ksfcva, n-ayn