The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1893, Image 8

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    " " '
What is
tfetUti l Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
met Children. It contain! neither Opium, Morphine nor
4her Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
fsr Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH
II is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
If lllleas ef Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
farerlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
res Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
MA bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Cseaorls Inn nrrlrrnt mrllrlm for clilt-
Kothm hate rtpcaUilljr told me of iu
upon their children."
Ok. O. 0. Osgood,
Lowell, Mana.
OaatotU U the bcit remedy for children of
M I am acquainted. I hope Uio day is not
tm StotMt when mother will consider the real
t et their children, and urn Castorla In-
I of the rarlous quack nostrums m hlch o ro
i their lorcd ones, by forcing opium,
arpalas. soothing lyrup nnd other hurtful
down their throats, tnereiiy kduuis
1 1 eresaature graYes."
Ob, J. F. Kixcnttoi,
Conway, Ark.
Tke CeaUtr
Company, TT Marrjr Street, Haw Twk City.
Dealer hi SecoilIiaijd Goods
First door north of Moon Block,
If you want bargains you should not fail to
call and see me. for I have them.
Fort Abstract Co., Ked Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Manager.
tatvaets of Title
Famished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Baring had ten years experience In county record nnd one of the most complete set of AV
struct books In tha swtn. wo irutinintee BiUlstuctlon. Your fuvors solicited
11 orileB nlled promptly, dollar bond tiled
I nd approved. Address or call on
L. II. FOBT Manager, Red Cloud, Nob.
Jos. C. J
Holland House
Has the belt rigs ia tho city and Ibo most reasonable prides.
Your orders solicited nnd fair treatment guaranteed.
North of the Holland House.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Adjusts Itself to an
Horso's lieok,
Has two Rows of
Will hold Hainan
In place better than
ny other Collar.
HeTT few More or Those
lt large line or huriicis, dec.
Call and toe mo ir you wuut
TB Veteran Harness Matt.)
" Castorla If to well adapted to children thsl
I recommend It as aupcrlor to any prescripts
knowm to me."
II. A. Aacaaa,at D
111 Bo. Oxford 6t., llrooklya, K. T.
" Our physicians Iu tho chlldran'a dspart
tnrnt liato spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outalda practice with Coatoris,
and although we only hart among our
medical tuppllos what la known aa regular
products, yet we are free to confeta that the
inertia of Castorla has won ua to look with
favor upon It."
Umitid Hosrrrat, akd Dupcnubt,
Boston, 1
Alum C. Buna, Prt$.,
- lolcorrpb,
Livery Stable,
New Real Eslato Flrai,
Real Estate,
Loan and Insurance Agonts.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Offlco with D. P. Trnnley, Moon Bloek
Wo have located in Red
Cloud nnd will be plea fed to
have people who desire to sell
their farms to call and list
their lands with ub as we
have eastern buyers.
Call and see us.
Chattel atortiragc Sale.
Notlco l hereby Riven Hint on the 4tli day of
November, ltio, ut a o'clock i. in. In the rear of
the ImllilliiB known as the rink In tho city of
Ited ( ond, Nebraska, UBMllUallilm (olbiwlint
doierlbpil property to wit One
(nurliiiloshfllerniimber ISU, uml ono clulit
liors( power niiiiiufiictiire4 by tlio, Kojslone
MatiutciutiirliiirCo., uinler u chattel morlmiKo
eciilu;l by W, II. Hull to Iho Kttjstmia Mail-
!'J;ftur'."Jf',ci,v",!,',0y"1 ,,l,v " November,
tnw, nnd filed In tlio onieo of tho comity clerk
;f Wft'-fr county. Nebraska, 'flieie la now
tlu anilp4uhla on Mid chattel mortcmce thn
aiim ot tliieo liiimlreil sixty aatii dollars und
llftecu tH (JW7.H )
Dt- Jas. MuNxkv Its attorney. v
Scotland's National Continue 1'nrtlally
Derived from tlio Ancients.
In spite of claymores ami royal edict
the Scottish kilt nnd dim tartan hUII
remains, the costume of rmrtlculnr bcc
tldns of the Highland country. The
present form of tho kilt dates back no
farther tlmn John Lord, of Clavrr
house, who caused tlio Highlanders to
form the initfo plaids (which thoy
wound round their bodies In n
plcturesfiuo fnslilon, ns tho natives of
India do to this day) into tho most
commodious kilt, with plaid for chest,
hack nnd shoulders. It seems lieyond
doubt that tho orlfflnnl costumo of tho
Highlanders was of tho abovo prlml
tlvo description. Whoever Invented
tho kilt preserved the plcturcsquo
appearance, whllo gaining decidedly
In convenience. Tho fashion of
"kilting," I. c., forming n textile
fabric in rt number of close, llai
plaits, dates back in tho dim past,
for In many sculptures of the ancient
ncoplo of the cast nnd of Kgypt wo find
evidenco that the plaiting of linen and
woolen fabrics was recognized by tho
modistes nnd tailors of thousands of
years ago; but tho short, tnnny-plnttcd
kilt of Kcotlnnd was a spontaneous
modification of n really national cos
tume. For lnds nnd boys few costumes
nre at once so picturesque nnd yet so
manly as the short kilt, with jacket,
sporran, skein dhuo nnd feathered cap.
The plnld, with which both men nnd
women of the Highlands clothed them
aolrcs, was from time immemorial
woven with nntivc-dyed wool into curi
ous patterns of colored lines, forming
various squares, so that the tartan
ia a genuine outcome of tho primitive
instincts of tribal pride, which dates
to tho dimmest past. No doubt
tho difference of elan tartans
was originally due to geographic
al and local circumstances; for
tho women who spun the wool
from the native flocks dyed it
with natural dye stuffs of tho neigh
borhoodthe berries nnd bnrk of trees
growing wild on the mountain sides'.
And to tills fact, no doubt, was due the
peculiarity that n Cumplcll should ap
pear in green and black with a yellow
line, nnd a Trazcr in bright rd with
green, gray and white lines.
The advantages of this outward dif
ference in the tribal nppearuncc must
have onrly becomo npj)arent,nndinaus
would naturally have been adopted to
enhnneo the peculiar differences of
clan tnrtans, so ns to give a manifestly
dissimilar nppearuncc to men of ench
clan. This design, thanks to the deft !
fingers nnd clever brains of the women j
folk, was so successfully nehluved that i
soon each clansman wns transformed
inlo a walking emblem of discord
should ho vcntuie beyond tho borders j
of his own tribal domain. Hence
fairs and other functions, whore
mn of different localities met
and mingled, soon became more t
or less gory battlefields, for each man
regarded an opposing tartan in tho
same light no a savage bull looks upon
a red rag. The wearer of tho green
and red striped turtnn was seized with
a wild desire to make a holo through
the blue and yellow striped plaid, to
the manifest discomfort of Its wearer.
It became bo popular a pastime this
Blashlng of opposing tartaus with clay
mores and bkcin dhucs that at last a
paternal government, sending fortli Its
edlots from St. .lumes palace, made it
u penal olTcnso to wear tartans in
tho Highlands of Scotland.
It was not long obeyed. And re
sumption of the eustom brought more
pronounced coloring and more numer
ous variations. Some of tho tartans
seem to have been specially designed
to bet tho heather on Are. Such is that
all the MacduiTo (to which clan the
Princess Victoria of Wales has been
united by marriugo with the duko of
Flfo), which is red with far apart bars
of black and green. Tho Mnelles' tur
tan is ulso bright red, with broad,
very far apart bands of green and
bmall lines of white, tho Mncgregors
having another nlarming combination
of the kind. The Maclcod tartan is a
most trying arrangement of bright yel
low with broad tight black thread
band, forming black spots where they
cross, and thin red lines; while quite
as bad is tho light yellow nnd bright
red of the Mncmillans, und tho eccen
tric complication of white, blue, bluek
nnd red of the Ogllvles.
Some of the tartans are reserved for
tho chief of the elan and his heir, or,
at all events, hs family ulono. Chiefs
of the Highland clans sport twoeagles'
feathers in their caps and their sons a
single eagle's feuther. Tho armorial
or crested brooch on the shoulders wus
not only used to fasten tho plnld, but
to hold tho elan badgo, a sprig of some
natlvo shrub, such na tho wild thyina
and holly of tho Drummonds, the broom
of the Forbes nnd MacKuys, the wild
myrtle nnd club moss of the Campbells,
ivy of tho Gordons and juniper of tha
Maclcods. London Queen.
Diamond Cutting.
It was iu 1454 that the cuttinr of dia
monds into rcgnlar forms first began to
be practieod. The buslnoss is nojv moat
extensively carried on in Amsterdam,
although in this country at the presaut
thnenro many excellent diamond cut
ters whoso services are highly valued.
Of mero than thirty thousand Jena
now living in Amsterdam it U estimated
that ut least trrelvo thousand are
directly or indirectly dependent upon
the trade of diamond, mining.
In that city such lubeVU (worly eaid.
although theigreatest skill and severest
heataty are requisite. DlaiaeeAa are
n three forma, namely, the teVle, Hie
tee nnd the brillhtnt,
i Th Uft J'M tuaperieded thaflrittwe
except for htferUn frhmes. Thehrll-'
lutat la a deuble pyramid qraquti, gift
sftattho top to a large plain taMe.
and at the bottom to a entail esf,
oailffl tho collet-rhlladclphhi Times.
The Woman Turns.
JProud Voting Woman If ol I wouldn't
worry you if yH wero the last man in
tfie world.
Fond Youth (rojeoted but net crushed!
You can but your swettt lite jrtn
wouldu'tl J'd have too good an assort-1
meat to bttlcctfroia. Calcage Tribune, '
Fnvr In Numbers, but I)iniRrrou, Desper
ate, Determined Men.
1 have In my possession n detailed no
count of tho temper of parties In Kn
gland, drawn up In tho year 1B85, threw
years before the Armada came. Tho
writer was n distinguished Jesuit. Tho
account itself wns prepared for tlio uso
of tho popo and Philip, with n special
view to the reception which an invnd
Ing forco would meet with, and It goes
Into great detail. The pcoplo of tho
towns London, ISrlstol, etc. were, ho
says, generally heretics. The peers,
the gentry, their tenants, and peas
nntry, who formed tho Immeso minori
ty of tho population, were almost uni
versally Catholics. Hut tho writer dis
tinguishes properly among Catholics.
Thero were tho ardent, impassioned
Catholics, ready to bo confessors and
martyrs, ready to robel at tha
first opportunity, who had re
nounced their nlleglencc, who de
sired to overthrow Elizabeth nnd put
the queen of Scot In her place. Tho
number of those, ho says, was dully in
ereaslng, owing to tho exertions of tho
seminary priests; and plots, he boasts,
were being continually formed by
them to murder tho queen. There
wcro Catholics of another sort, who
were papal at heart, but went with the
times to save their property; who
looked forward to n change In tho
untural order of things, but would not
stir of themselves till an invading army
actually appeared. But all alike, ho
insists, were eager for a revolution.
Let the prince of Parma oonao, nnd
they would all join him; and togother
theso two classes of Catholics made
thrco-fourths of the nation.
"The only party," ho says (and this
is reolly noticeable), "tho only party
that would fight to death for the
queen, tho only real frlonda she had
wore the Puritans (It Is tho first men
tion of the name which I have found),
tho Puritans of London, tho Puritans
of the sea towns." Those, ho admits,
wcro dangerous, desperate, determined
men. The numbers of them, however,
were providentially small.
'The date of this document is, as I
said, lfi8:, nnd I beliovc it generally
accurate. Tho 'only mistake is that
among tho Anglican Catholics there
wcro n few to whom their country was
1 as dear as their creed a few who wcro
I beginning to seo that under tho net of
uniformity Catholic doctrine might be
taught and Catholic ritual practiced;
who adhered to tho old forms of ro
Hgion, but did not believe that obe
dience to tho popo was a necessary
part of them. One of these was Lord
Howard of Efllngham, whom tho
queen placed in his high command to
securo tho wavering fidelity of the
peers nnd country gentlemen. Hut the
force, tho fire, the enthusiasm came
(as tho Jesuit saw) from the Puritans,
from men of the same convictions as
the Calvinlstsof Holland and Rocholle;
men who, driven from tho land, took
to the ocean as their natural home,
and nursed tho reformation in an
ocean cradle. J. A. Froude, in Long
man's Magazine.
Tho" Ilagna.
Did you ever stop to ask yourself or
your knowing friend tho meaning of
"The" In tho plnco named Tho'Haguo?
If you are looking for something that
will knock the above-mentioned know
ing friend olf his feet just ask him the
signification of tho three letters quoted
In the headline. When ho falls to an
swer tho question tell him that the
"The" as It occurs In the instance cited
is simply tho anglicized form of the
Hutch word "a Oravcnhaaz" or "S,
uruvuiiuuEc, eiuicr oi wmcn in mo
Dutch languago moans "tho count's
hedge." or l"tho count's grovo" or
"woods." Originally the location now
occupied by the city of The Hague was
the hunting grounds of the counts of
Holland. About tho year 1240 a palace
was 'built In tho grove. Presently a
village sprung up around the palace
still it was called "the count's hedge,"
and finally and lastly a largo city,
which in tho Dutch language has its
original signification, but which in
modern parlanco has been cvolutcd Into
"The Hague." St LouU Republic.
Tit for Tat.
Collector I really can't understand
why you don't pay me my little bill.
You have novcr given mo a single cent
Hostctter McQinnts If time wae not
money I'd explain it to you.
"Now you aro giving mo impudence."
"Well, you were complaining just
now that I hadn't given you anything.
You are always grumbling about noth
ing." "You promised to pay me three
months ago, and I relied as yoe."
"That's so."
"And you lied,"
"Precisely so. I lied on you and you
relied on roe, so we are evea. Oeod
by." Texas Slf tings.
Bwaet Charity.
Mother What in the werld are you
ao busy at?
Small Son Us boys is gettln' up a
ohnrity crcus, and 1 guess we'll make
a lot o' money too. AH the children li
interested in tho causo.
Mother That's noble. Andyeu la
tend to give it all to the peor?
Small Son Yea'na. Our teacher is
going to marry a real nice man, and
we nil feel so sorry for him we wants
to raise money so ho can buy a ticket
for somewhere and run away. Geod
No Pleasing Ilsr.
"What colored eyes do you love best,
Jack?" asked Maude.
"H'm well, whut is the color oi
"Then I like blue eyes best."
"You mean thing! Mino"
Lost to Ills Friends.
"Popplt wns to propose last night
Wonder if ho did?"
"Yes, poor fellow."
"Rejected, ehl"
"Ob, no. Accepted." Broeklyn Life.
l'noi'Rtr.TOits ok
Ordora promptly flllod. Your patrons-fro aollclfd
E. B.
i)2;ali:u i.
Fresh and salt Meats
lied Cloud, jX'iOravfca,
Your trade is solicited. 1 kill nothing but
the best of beeves, &c.
Market Ono Door Noilli of Hcury Cook.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Limc3 Coal and Cement.
Doctor Henderson
102 ft 104
STtY1Hat0tt'U9A Atfyr TtmAttttmi ntiaArltwMt4ltW...lif .-. - . . . e "
of manhood, &c, cured for life. lean Rton
for Ufa.
UlCCrS. Rwr-lllnra Hnroa hnnnnl.mi, --.I
uiuuu jroisomnff, tjuin Diseases,
Gleet, and all forma of Privato Diseases
posmvciy cured or money refunded.
BOOK JorboM !. W paces. W tIc-
ni.iu. ., : " 'ir '"""i , mil des
cription of abovo diseases, the effects and
I CUrO.BGalOdlnnltllnWr&rin.lfnvftn1natnM.Ma
I n.. i.iii..,'.r.."ri s" -r .r."'"'?'"-
Free Museum of Anatomv
v- u imw uuuk uuu answer questions,
lllfin...., ., . .7
I...u-unuu,uucianiiunusuturcsuccpiyiniprchnTnQrnina; ar.choolof lnstruc
mil forftlt for about dlttuu that I cannot curt.
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Walt for him; ho will call on yon In a few tlnyn. You run ittvo
money unii get more smmnciory insurance than from uny
other mun. Ho litis
Sewing - Machines
Has a fine lino of Sewing Ma
chines and Organs from $25
Also keepi all kinds of Mnt'lilno
iupplles. Docs repairing
promptly. Cull and sco inc.
Partri Loarjs
Percent- ' '
A Sittipsoii,
Blue frfill Neb.
W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, MO.
4 m uta AiNMsf etvwwr. Ktguiar Graduate in httdkint. jw
anA- m a wngwti uocaita
nr?,M,.b7thoS,at.oto.trcat CHRONIC. NERVOUt v,i tnCIAL
DISEASES. Cures Guaranteed or money refunded. Ill iasaiclios
t"nlshed ready for uso. No mercury or Injur ousracdlclnaaeAd
?Alc.,5in 'i?"1,.,0'1" 1,!ta & a, distance treated bf mM
Important, ltcadmtlo book, thoa otato your cuso. SenTOronlnlon
Seminal Weakness &Sevi ml rvrtiut.
all nloht in, qKm i? ...Vi'Srir' '?
out causllc, eutllns. bcu.L
piesorBouna exposure. Pa-
itui,.uu uuu iuu ircmiaonin nom.
Rheumatism K;?""tyfti
A SUmi CURE. .The t&ttESrft.
tliaannalaofmodlclno. One dose etrtsre-
of caso, wltu Btamp for circular.
RtA'""!' ncpietowim
f . '"""auii'mujcunosiucs. Ba
viciuinu vuniroi oi tour countica.
Closing out Sale
I desire to close out tlio entire
stock of
Dry Coods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Formerly owned by S. F.
Spokesiiold during the next
30 Days,
You cin buy everything wo
uiiAAt , una soma things at your
own price. Money buys, and wo
must have Hie Cimh before the
yooflfl leavo tho Btore.
Cull at SpnlusllchPa
nntl ncu wliiit we
1 Slan.l
citn uo for
Also all ledger accounts duo
S. F. Snokusflcld can be set
tled with us if paid this
a. o. mniG,
Agents for
C. M. Wclherald,
. Mortgagdjn
,-.. ..iia.iM.M..