The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1893, Image 8

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    -- 'Smmmimmm. ,
What is
Castorla Is Dr. gannel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Oblldren. It contains neither Opium, Morpblno nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorln destroys tf onus and allays
feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowols, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
''Ctttori I n excellent medicine for chit
ton. Mother hte repeatedly told mo of tu
good tSeot upon their children."
Da. O. O. Omood,
Lowell, Mm.
' Csstorl U tht be.t rental? for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day Is not
far dlitant when mother wilt consider the real
tnterrfft of their children, and urn Caatorla In
Std of the Tarioui quack nostrumswhlch are
dtttrojlnj their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing tyrup and other hurtful
i down their throats, thereby sec fling
i to prematura Braves."
Da. J. F. KncnsLos,
Conway, Ark.
"Castorla la 10 well adapted toculMrenthsJ
I recommend It as superior to any prcscriptloo
known to me."
H. A. AacHia.M. D.,
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
' "Our physicians in the children' depart
ment hare spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castorla,
and although we only hare among our
medical supplies what is known aa recular
products, yet we are free to confess that th
merits of Castoria ha won us to look with
faror upon It."
Unotd Uosprrii. axd Diskxusy,
Alum C. Surra, Ftt$.,
Th CsaUar Osmwaajn TT lforray Strt, Kaw York City.
Dealer ill Secoild-Fatd Goods
First door north of Moon Block,
If you want bargains you should not fail to
call and see me. for I have them.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. TOUT, Manager.
A&sti'uct of W
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Hating had ten year expcrlcnco In county record and one of the most complete set of At
stract books in tliu statu, wo Kimi-nntee imUifiictloii. Yonr favors solicited
AU ordo's (lllnl promptly, vifiw ilullnr boud Hied
I nd approved. Address or call on
L. II. TOUT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
p. fl. REED,
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
LBsssw3si?sMMslfcsMt!?r J"- ar i!mi V8
Red Cloud,
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
New Itcnl Estate Firm,
Real Estate,
Tionn and InBuroiico Agonls,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Onico with D. P. Tronkey, Moon Block
MIVIOTS cswnra,
Adjusts Itself to any
Horse's Neck,
Has two Bows of
Will hold Hemes
In plaoo bottor than
any ?thor Collar.
slave a Pew More or Those
Alio a large line or harness, Ac.
Cnll anil ice me ir you want
J. Ii.
The Veteran Harness'
Hpeclmrn of tho I'nir Hurrlvlnfr Huffs,
toe HIiImhI Acro.i tho Atlantic.
Fifty, or even hnlf thut number ol
years ago, tho possibility of tho "buf
llcr" of tho American prnlricn beconv
lnr cxtlst tvns not bo much undreamed
of. For ngcH thoy had wanderod In
counties herds t tho plains on the
eastern side of tho ItocUy mountains,
providing the lied Indian with nn up
parcntly Inexhaustible supply of moat.
Thousands wcru hilled for their
tongues and the steak cut out of tho
hump tho most del lento part The
bisons, from which the early "voyag
ers" and tho fur trndcrs obtained their
"pommlcan," did not suffer from the
demand made upon their numbers by
tho Indians; but the whlto hunter,
with his over improving II roar ins, did
tho work of destruction. Whero once
tho herds wero so numerous that it
was tho practice to drive them gradual
ly to tho edgo of n precipice and there
frighten them over, nono can bo found.
At last the United States government
awoke to the fact that America was
upon tho point of losing tho bison. The
ngcntsof tho Smithsonian-Institute hud
a difficulty In procuring somo sped,
mens which wero required. The result
was that a small herd of about forty h
now strictly preserved In tho Yellow
stone park. Hut ono or two wander
away almost ovcry year and aro soon
killed when onco outside tho protected
territory; tho security of tho herd Is
consequently by no moans assured.
The nows, therefore-, that a number of
Ncbruslca buffaloes havo been Imported
to this country, having been obtained
for the purposo of being turned loose
in somo of our parks, will bo welcomed
by our naturalists.
It is, unfortunately, very question
able If tho experiment of keeping and
breeding the grand beasts in our En
glish parks will be attendod with any
success. Tho bison on its nutivo plains
is accustomed to great heat in summer
and extreme cold in winter, liut, for
ull that, the climate Is a constant one,
and the change to the variability, the
fog and tho damp of this country will
bo great Indeed when we look ut the
condition of the bison's European (re
lation, tho blhon will long remain an
inhabitant of the earth. It may bo
many years before wo quite loso it, for
representatives will probably linger
for a comparative long period preserved
in parks, just us the ancient whlto
llritlsh cattle linger now. liut, as In
tho case of the latter, the want of fresh
blood and tho consequent closo inter
breeding will tell in time and result In
constantly diminishing fertility, until
In the course of years tho last represent
ative of tho race will die and tho world
know them no more. Wo may safely
say that tho extinction will not happen
in our time, or even In that of the next
few generations; but it is to lo feared
that come it surely wllL St James
'cause of tornadoes.
Th Meeting of Head Winds from North
raid Mouth.
From tho gulf of Mexico to tho
north pole, and from tho lakes to tho
ItocUy mountains is a vast extent of
country crossed by no mountain chains
to intercept or retard tho velocity of
air currents. Tho extent of this coun
try Is equaled by nono on earth. Cold
air being heavier to tho square inch
than warm air, tho cold nir, when com
ing in contact with n warm current
from the south, always predominates,
forcing tho warm air into tho upper
The cause of cyclones Is tho meeting
of u head wind from the north with a
head wind, from the south. Thoy
meet like two vast armies of mon. Tho
pressure at tho point of meeting is so
great that the air, by compression, bo-
comes heavier to the square Inch than
wood or tho human body, henco either
one will lloat in tho samo manner that
wood will float in water It floats bo
causo it is lighter to tho square Inch
than water, l'laco water In an ordin
ary wash bowl and retnovo tho plug
and it will bo observed that in passing
out tho water forms a circular reaction.
Air being a liquid does tho sumo in
passing either upwards or downwards;
henco tho funnel-shaped spout of tho
cyclone center. When two Immense
bodies of air coming from opposite di
rections meet, the only egress Is up
wards and sideways, and in passing
upwards it forms tho funnel tho same
as water1 out of a wash-bowl down
wards. The theory that a cyclone
forms a vacuum Is absurd. Withdraw
air from a glass jar with an air pump
and a feather within tho vacuum
formed will drop with tho sumo velo
city us lead, or, on tho other hand, you
can compress nir until it is heavier to
the square Inch than wood, in which
case wood will lloat In tho air. Tho
ttftlng power of a cyclone Is caused (1)
by tho compression or density of the
air, and (.) by its velocity. Combining
tho jiowcr of density with thut of
velocity, which occurs at the center or
funnel, no power can resist it Tho
feeling of su (locution or difficulty in
breathing when near tho track of a cy
clone Is caused from tho compression
of nir. Minneapolis Tribune.
ffr'l tVM
IHNjl1 HflfsBBBK
Wo have located in Red
Cloud nud will be pleased to
1 1 live people who desire to tfftl)
their farms to call and list
their lands with uh as we
have eastern buyers.
Gall and see us.
Nolloc for Publication.
Lniiil ptllec at Itliiomliv'lnn, Ni'1i...mii:. 21. 1M.
.Nnllrn l liprtiliy Kivrti tint llin following
iiuiurii ariiirr mil INCH llWIl'e Ul I1IS UllCUIlOII
t;i iniikp iliiiil piimr In KiiiMiort ot hii claim, and
that MM tirmif will lis -wide listora the cltrk of
the Dlstrli't uoiirt. Welwter Co.. ut Itevl Claud.
Nc.. on Monthly, OcUiterS. 1811 li Itlclmnl
T. I'm no, Mil, Apt'. Nn, mil, Mr ths s( ueU
uii'ju'i MeU.seu.Htp 3 ii, uiswcih p.m.
II names tit tii'ltwlwt iiUiishh tu prove
lilsi'ontliiumu mldt-iivc mum mill cultivation
unl.l lun.l 1,1.1 fl..1.i ft 'M,... Ill . .
in UH llli, if, J tll'illl l 1MIM.K1, AlUCri t
wiwm, fjmiv.irn ji, wiiion. James A. Wilson.
I ..I .,.!.. fcj. I.
j, u, iiaii.l, t, newsier,
lie W' In the llnriicrmtnd.
"This map of tho proposed now rail
road Is imperfect," said the judge
"Imperfect, your honor?"
"Yds; hero's your station, there's your
water tank, yondcr's your coal shutc,
now whero In thunder's your receiv
er?" Atlanta Constitution.
Slodern Hoclatjr.
Downton Any nows up your way?
Upton Well, yes. Miss Cntchem li
going to retire from the stage and gel
married, nnd Mrs. Chcatom is going to
retire from inurriago and go on the
stage. N. V, Weekly.
"You'll bo soiry for this some dayl"
howled tho son uuil heir, ai the father
relaxed him from tho position ho had
occupied across the paternal knee. "I'll
bo fcorry, when?" "When I got to be a
muni" "You will tuko revenge by
whipping your father when you are
big and strong nud I am old and feeble,
will you, Tommy?" "No, Blr," blub
bered Tommy, rubbing hlinscLf, "but
I'll Rpunk your graudclifldrtB till they
I can't sit down."
Methods by Which tho nanus Have DIs.
tanccd Alt Competitor.
A recontly published report on dairy
farming In Denmark gives a full ac
count of tho working of tho system
under which th Danish butter-makers
aro gradually driving nil thoir com
petitors from tho Kngltsh market It
is only during tho last fow years that
Denmark Is becoming a buttcr-mnking
country. Up to 180U it exported on an
avcrngo only 10,837,000 pounds', while
In 18HI It scut to England alouo 08,305,
000 pounds; and In 1892 considerably
more. Tho rapid development of tho
butter trade in Denmark is due, in u
great measure, to tho fact thut tho
farmers have adopted the co-opcratlvo
system of production, lly working col
leetlvoly thoy arc ablo to turn out but
ter of u better quality, and at less cos't,
thun would bo posslblo if they worked
At tho present time there are in Don
mnrk more than ono thousand co-oper-utivc
dairy societies. Somo of these
havo only perhaps half u dozen mem
bers; others havo as many as ono hun
dred. Thoy are all worked on tho samo
lines. In nny district where tho farm
ers wish to establish one of these dairies
they form themselves into an associa
tion and appoint un exeeutlvo commit
tee to organize tho nndortuklng. Tho
monoy for tho Initial expenses of tho
dairy is then borrowed pn the joint so
ourity ot tho members of the associa
tion; tho necessary buildings are erect
ed or rented and a general manager is
engaged. When tho society is onco con
stituted no member is allowed to leave
until it is free of debt, unless he gives
up his farm; nor may a new member bo
admitted without tho eonsont of two
thirds of tho original members.
Tho full responsibility for the work
ing of the dairy rests on the executive
committee, which consists of a chair
man, a treasurer, a secretary, an audit
or and an Indefinite number of direct
ors. They aro elected at tho annual
meeting of tho society, the members of
which have us many votes ns they have
cows. The executive commlttco visit
tho dairy constantly, kcfip tho manager
up to his work, tost the quality and
quantity of butter, and seo that It is
mado according to tho most economical
method. They must nlso be on tho
alert to keep down the working expen
ses of the dairy, to discover tho best
nnd cheapest kinds of fodder, and to
find out new markets for their produce.
They receive no salaries, but they are
paid their expenses when engaged on
tho work of tho society. Tho manager
Is their representative, and is responsi
ble to them for all that takes place at
tho dairy.
Upon tho manager's fitness for his
work depends tho success ot the dairy.
His position is a most difficult one. Not
only must he superintend tho making
of the butter, but ho must keep a close
watch on the proceedings of the mem
bers of the society. Ho must inspect
thoir farms; cxamlno thoir cows to see
they arc in a healthy condition, and in
sist upon tho cow houses and tho ves
sels in which the milk Is transported
being kept perfectly clean. All who
Join thy society agree to observe cer
tain noes w'lth regard to tho feed
ing of ihelr cows. Thov undertake,
for instance, to glvo to each cow
ut least ono pound of rape cako
per day during tho winter; also nover
to uso cabbages or turnip tops as fod
der, and to give notico at tho dairy
when they aro using potntocs, vetches,
beans, etc. It Is tho duty of the man
ager to see that these rules aro rigidly
observed. Any farmer who infringes
them is in the first instance, warned;
nnd, if ho repeat his offense, ho is lined.
Under certain circumstances ho may bo
expelled from tho society. Tho man
ager is provided with a house and gar
den, and is paid a small salary and a
commission on every one hundred
pounds of butter sold at a satisfactory
Tho dairy officials collect the milk
from tho various farms, weigh it tho
Dunes havo no fulth In measuring
test it and hand it over to tho buttor
mukcrs, who have been specially
trained for their work. Tho place is
flttod uptwith centrifugal separators,
and all tho best butter-making ap
pliances, many of which aro too costly
to bo bought by any ono small pro
ducer. Thus tho work is carried on
there under much more favorable con
ditions than in any ordinary form
house dairy, with tho result that tho
butter mado is uniformly of a better
quality. It is produced, too, at a less
cost; for, In a co-operative dairy, owing
to the extensive sculo of the operations,
many economics aro mndo which would
bo impossible in a small one.
The farmers aro paid monthly, at a
rate fixed by the exeeutlvo committee, J
for tho mint thoy send to tho dairy.
And thev aro required to buy back
from the dairy, also at a fixed rate, a
certain quantity of separated milk or
churn-milk cheese. Every February
tho accounts of the dairy are carefully
balanced, nnd a statement of tho re
ceipts and expenditures is druwn up by
tho exeeutlvo and presented at general
meeting. What monoy remains after
defraying current cxpensoa goes to
paying off tho debt for tho Initial oostj
of tho buildings, etc. As soon as the
dairy has cleared itself, an Inventory of
tho bocloty's assets Is made, and their
valuo is divided into shares, which are
allotted to tho members in proportion
to tho quantity of milk they havo sup
plied since the opening ot tho dairy.
Trom that time tho annual profits ot
tho society are dovotcd to paying inter
est at five por cent, on tho shares; and
if any balanco remains when this is
done, It I divided among tho members,
each of whom receives u bonus propor
tlonato to tho quantity of his milk dur
ing tho previous year. Tho members
are responsible, ench in proportion to
the numberof his cows, for any losses
tho society may sustain. N. Y. Bun.
I'uoi'iuETons or
Orders promptly flllod. "Sour pcitronciHo solicited
E. B.
Fresh and salt Meats
lied Cloud, JKcbrashii
Your trade is solicited. 1 kill nothing but
the best of beeves, Sic.
market One Door North of IIc:ry Cook.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Opttlng Kvcd.
Artist Miss Urawnlo-Brown-Brown,
who is to marry a prluce, won't lot us
have her photograph for publication.
Editor Sho won't eh? Tell tho
foreman to uso ono of those cuts
labeled "He fore Taking." N. Y.
IVwkljr. -. nil.
Doctor Hencjerson
102 ft 104 W. 9th S.t KANSAS CITY, MO.
TA Old RitialU Dteltr. A Ktpilar Gradual i Mtdicim. Olditt in
Agt a ndLongiit Locattd.
n.5?5lzi'?bythoStoto,0.trcat CH.10NIC. HCPV0U3 nnJ SPECIAL
DISEASES. Cures Kuarnnterd or money refunded. All medicine
.iHuiDuvuiuuu lurunu. iyiuicrcuryorinjunouumcdlclnes used.
No detention from worl:. I'ntlont3 at a clatnnco treated by mall
and express. Medicines iBcnt everywhere, freo from enzo or break
ope Cbarces low. Oyer 30,000 cases cured. Aro ana cxucrloncoaro
important. Kond II ttlo book, thoa stato your case. Send foropinlon
nndterms. ConsultatlontrcoondcoaUdcnUal.personally or by letter
Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debilitv.
(Sitrmatorrhaaand mWwO') C3U3edbvvouthfulfnll!pflnni1rTrrii.nrn,ii!Mn,. ,,,.-,.,,..
nesH, losses, pimples nnd blotches oa tho face, rushes ot blood to tho head, pains In tho back,
conf uscdidoas and forcctfulneas. bashf ulncss, aversion to society, lossof sexunl power. Iobsj
of manhood, &c., cured for liro. Icau atop oil night losses, restore lost sexual power, re-
SVDhlllS. JhajterrJblonlseasc.lnoU StHcTlire Permanently cured with-
wr taiULUiauiivinLuiii;jijUiLU I
i or mo. uiooa Poisoning-, Skin Diseases,
Ulccra, Swclllnps, Sores. Gonorrhoea, and
Qleet, ana all forms of Privato Diseased
posmvciy curca or money rcrunaca .
for both sexes, 60 pages, 27 pto-
. .uiuugtuiuv. m,uiuil UC3"
cnptlonof nbovo diseases, tho effects nnd
Bead this II ttlo book ana answer Questions.
t-ifaa Meaiim nf AMnsiM For Men Univ. Ren
ww !iuav,uniui i-iiiuiAiujr thousandsoTcurlosIUcs. Tho
llfo-llko models nnd wax flrrurcsdccply impress tho mind ; a school ot instruc
tion a sermon without words. . B.l havfSOOdepozlttiln the bank, which I
will f or f tit for about dlitttu that I cannot curt.
nllt rn.ttltfn. r,if,fnrr li.
Pies or sound. No pain, no exposure. X'u
tlcntcan uso tho treatment nt homo.
Rheumatism Kffij
ASUIU2GUKE. Tho greatest discovery ia
thoannalaof mcdlclno. Onndoso gives tq
llcftafowdosoarotnova Tov(f nml nnln in
joints a curolnnfcnv days, ScndBtr.temcnt
ui case, wia e lamp lor circular.
JsfisWtsssMsssPyissEZfllsfcfffi pw
IvssHssssbsssssssIbssIsVV' M m stsSMHsVssssssBsslsSliBisssEB
j-.' fersMrlr-S'fc:tsQAX V - EVrsssHisssssssssB?sT
'2TJT r -j CsTlt .-fTrsssE!1-jsR JtMKj
A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud,
Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company,
The Home of New York.
Walt for Iilm; Ito will call on you In n Tew litf. You can mvo
money ami get more Huturncfory Insurance than IVom any
other man. Ho lias cxclunlrc control oi' four counties.
Sewing - Machines
S. Et COZAi)
Has a fine lino of Sewing Ma
chines and Organs from $25
AIho Keeps all kliulu or IWucliino
Supplies. Docs repairing
promptly. Cull untl see uie.
PartT Loarjs
Tat .;
E, A Siiripsori,
BUie Hill Nb.
Closing out Sale
I desire to close out the entire
stock of
Dry Coods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Formerly owned by S. F.
Spokesfield during the next
30 Days.
You can buy evorjtliitiR w hurt
Gllti AC, RHtl soma things at your
own price. Mousy buys, ana
must hiivs the Cask befors ths
goods lcavs ths btoro.
Call at SpokcKflchl'it
sue what wo
Old Stand
can do for
Aiso all ledger accounts due
S. K. Spokesfiohl can be set
tled with us if paid this
Agents for
C. M. WcLherald,
I ,lVf,;UVV. '. .JtomJliL:
' v . , .j.
' S&k! Jj,jfftWWlip.
RWJ 1 1 IMS iiiiili smzsiSMr
ijh -vwwtoi
K '..ijisD&ii.