The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1893, Image 3

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awaMawWTMBMITTr i i i ?Tffir..'i. . Ir-i-tV ' .' "-"'T'- - iwii jw w
ciiioago "Celebrates.""
An Knormoiis Multitude tliat Itenulrrd the
Wagon tlatc to 11a Openrd for It Ait- I
mlltnnco Dem-rlptlou ut the Night l'a
. leant A Stngnlllcent Spectacle,
WoitLD's FA1H OltOUXDS, Oot. 10,-Sixty
year old Chicago has been honored as
iiono In tho New World has ever been.
Chlcao Day closed upon tho World's fair
lnablnzoof glory and agrandlllumlna
tlou from tho electric power and pyro
technics. Hundreds of thousands of peo
ple from all parts of the earth, but mostly
from tho cities of the republic which
helped financially by contribution, food
aud clothing and other goods to rebuild
tho burned Chicago of twenty-two years
ago wcro drawn together by tho common
Impulse and ileslro to show their apprecia
tion and admiration of the genius which
mado the Columbian exposition.
Seven hundred thousand people doubt
Icua the greatest crowd that ever congre
gated visited Iho fair on Chicago day,
breaking tho greatest one day record at
Paris by an overwhelming majority com
pletely smothering the "lilg day" figures
of any other exposition ever held, and es
tablishing a mark which, it Is safo to pre
dict, the preieut generation will never
seo attained.
llic l'rucrmloii of Floats.
Tho crowning glory of tho anniversary
day was the pageantry which 700,000 thou
earn! peoplo viewed within the gates of
tho Columbian city last night miou after
tho sun went down, to bo replaced by tho
power of electricity when tho procession of
twenty-six magnificent floats with their
occupauts of both boxes entered tho fair
ground') through tho Sixty-second street
gate. The first represented Chicago in her
growth receiving all tho nations of the
earth; tho Chicago Hussars in their trap
pings of silver and black followed! as an
escort and tho Iowa state band made the
music. Then camo tho genius of music,
Mirrouuded by a select chorus of fifty
women. Tho next float represented Chi
cago and its typical motto "I Will,"
guided by liberty and surrounded by all
states of the Union and welcomed by all
peoplo of tho Union. At tho four corners
weio music, sculpture, science and litera
ture. Chicago In 1812, n trading post, was next
portrayed. Chicago iu war and peace fol
lowed In floats which called forth thunders
of applauso from tho multitudinous
throng. The 11 ro llcnd came next, repre
senting Chicago prostrate in 1871. This
float was manned by tho Chicago flro do
pnrtineut. Tha commerce of Chicago was
represented by an argosy with a single
Ball on which tho world, which is symbolic
of Chicago, was emblazoned. Tho most
magnificent float iu the procession was
illustrative of Columbus at the court of
Isabella. The characters of tho float were
assumed by the members of the Columbian
club of Chicago.
.Symbolic or the Old World.
Tho next section of tho procession con
tained floats supplied by tho foroigu-born
residents of Chicago, and illustrating for
eign characters and events, iu some cases
hhowlDg their relation to American insti
tutions, which was notably tho caio with
the Drltlsh float which led tho column of
foielgu floats. This contained figures of
Cabot, Italclgh and other eminent Drltlsh
discoverers, with a group of the Pilgrims,
including Miles Staudish. Following this
wcro tho others iu this order: Sweden,
the Vlklugs and Valkyries in Walhalla;
Germany In nrt, beleuco and Industry;
Gorman-Amerlcaus of tho United States
17,0 and IStil; Ireland, St. Urnndon, tho
llnt discoverer; Ireland, the genius of
Urln; Uohcmln, nrt, science and n;;rleul
turo paying homage to Uohcmln; France,
LaGrnnilo Ilermlue; France, Marquette
landing at Chicago, N'i73; Denmark, Duuia;
Norway 1,000 jears ago; Norway at pres
ent; Poland, Washington, Kobciusku aud
I'ulaski, etc.; Poland, Sobloska with tho
Polish duko before Vienna; adoption of
tho constitution of Poland, mi; Poland,
Copernicus, etc.
Tho closing float of the pageant was the
great float Elect ra, showing the genius of
electricity, represented by an enormous
dragon, the color of which changed at in
tervals from green to red; a flaming breath
offctcnnilng nostrils was mado realistic,
while dazzling lights extended along the
wings. Tho eutlro body of tho monster
was a flood of light. Two thousand in.
cnudescont lamps wero used In lighting it.
This brilliant pngeant marched all over
the grounds so that tbcro was room for
many tnousanus to boo it, ami us lino of
march was packed.
t'rocusslon of tlio States.
AUtho avenues surrounding the Court
of Jlonor, oud every point of vantage on
the great bulldlugs facing the court, even
the top of tho peristyle, were filled with
spectators of tho afternoon procession
which was called the re-uulon of states.
Nearly ,W boys and girls accompanied
by bands marched in sections to present
tho history of commerce and resources of
tho American states. Tho staudards and
shields of tho states with their names aud
tho year of their entry in the Union wero
borne at tho head of ench procebslon. The
Columbian guards who forced tho way at
tho head of the Hue through the standing
mass of tha people, wero almost driven
back. Tho Iowa statu baud, which fol
lowed closo behind were not enabled to
May with artistic effect. As tho
parading army ot juveniles trom tuo pub
lic schools ot ChlrtAgo passed around the
court dressed in white customs, it appeared
from above like a vein of silver running
through n silver mine.
The diBplajfipt fireworks on thelakofront
adjoining tho Peristyle exceeded in mag
nttlceuco any heretofore given in tho
United States, if not in tho world. Tho
special pieces wero illustratlvo of Old
Ifprt Dearborn, the Old City Hall, Chi
cago Welcoming the World; "Old Glory,"
carried by Mr. Baldwin, tho furonaut, into
the heavens; Chicago triumphant, belnu
a reproduction of Niagara falls along tho
perlbtylc; the burning of Chicago, coyer.
lug an atea of 14,000 square feet, produced
iu four scenes, and tho picture ot Chi-
WKfl'" flrat Mayor. Tho wooded island
was abhwofrom fnlry lamps surrouudlng
It. Added Jo these the Hn-works display
juciiiueu luuuiiii'iuutt.- puiiiua n,m ruuncin
ot the largest slzo mndu aud a large num
ber ot beautiful pieces, such as fuuntalus
pf lire, wheels, etc.
1uub befpro tho lait bomb had been ex
ploded on the lake front thero was a
daugurous jamotpeoplp on tho high ways
loading to thu elevated railroad fetation
and the Sixty-fourth Btrect gutes. Several
employes ot Uiu exposition aud the rail,
xoud clambered ou top ot the ticket office,
nnd with frantic Kestures appealed to thn
homo seekers below them to po In some
other direction. As well might lmvo they
told tho tide to do their bidding, aud it
tho people around the platform bad
way their places would have becu taken by j
thousands who prested from behind, herd
less of danger, anxious only for transpor-.
tatlon to the city.
There wero but two fatalities on tho
grounds during the day. One of the men J
operating thu fireworks was killed by the
premature- explosion of a bomb and James '
Mnlcomb of .California dropped dead in
tho mining building. Thcro were numer
ous cases ot faiutlng womeu and lostchil
Most Notable UaUierlng .Since tho Close or
Mm llellglnus l'nrllalnrnt.
Chicago, Oct. 0. Not slnco tho Parlia
ment of llollglous adjourned has Colum
bus hall been so crowded as at tho opening
exercises of tho Evangelical Alliance In
Memorial Art Palace yesterday afternoon.
Onthostago wero representatives of this
and many foreign countries, among whom
were: William E. Dodge, ot New York,
president of tho Evangelical Alliance of
the United States; Joslah Strong, secre
tary of the alliance; He v. John Heury Har
rows; Itev. Dr. Elmeudorf; Uev. Dr. Dixie;
Dr. Prochst, of Italy; Colonel Nopven, of
tho Netherlands; Professor Drummond, of
Scotland; General O. O. Howard; Profes
sor Samuel Ives Curtis, D. D.; Mrs. Potter
Palmer, and Mrs. Charles Henrotln.
The session was opened by the con a re
Batton singing, after which ltev. Dr. HI
mondorf invoked tho tllvlno blessing. Pres
ident llonney mado n brief but expressive
address of welcome, which was liberal and
broad iu its sentiments. He was followed
by William E. Dodgo and Joslah Strong,
president and secretary of the alliance.
Professor Heury Drummond, the author
of "Natural Law In tho Spiritual World,"
presented greetings in behalf of Scotland.
He said the word evangelical was getting
a little tarnished; too long It had
been understood as meaning the meru pur
veyor of platitudes. Tho congress would
tend to show the world differently and
would emblazon tho word evangelical on
tho world's religious history.
Speeches ot welcome wero also delivered
by Mrs. Potter Palmer; Lord Klnnalrd, of
England; Colonel Itoosmalo Nepven, ot
Doom, Netherlands; Dr. Prochet, ot Italy;
Professor Curtis and General O. O. How
ard. After thu opening exercises ltev. Dr.
Dllko pronounced thu beudictlou nnd tho
meeting adjourned. President Dodgo ad
dressed tho allianco at the evening session.
Tliejr Talked About FatcnU.
Chicago, Oct. 9. The congress of
patents was In session at thu Art institute
during last week, and addresses wero
made by a number of gentlemen inter
ested In patents, looking to better protec
tion. At the closing session addresses
were made by Judge Ulodgett; W L. Wlbo,
of England: W. C Dodge, ot Washington,
and Uenjamin Uuttcrworth. Resolutions
favoring uniform international patent
laws wcro presented.
Young Women's Christian Association.
Chicago, Oct. . Tho Young Women's
Christian association Is in session In the
Memorial Art Palaco. Pitpcrs were read
by Miss It. F. Morse, of New York; Lord
Klnnalrd, ot England; J. U. Elliott, ot
Chicago; Miss E. 1C Pi Ice, ot Chicago;
Mrs. Joseph Cook, of Hoston.
The Groat Storm on the Gulf Has 8,008
Known Victims.
New OiiLKANg, Oct. V. Making the
necessary corrections and additions tho
mortality from tho storm is now put at
2,008. It is not likely to vary 11 fty either
way from the Uguro, as nearly all tho ves
sels have been heard from. Dr. Story
says tho swamps are filled with dead
bodies which it Is almost impossible to
reach. There can bo no doubt, said the
doctor, that this Is conducive to nn epi
demic of fever, or oven of cholera. It a
case ot oholera should develop it would
spread through thu country like a prairie
flro. Dr, Story believes that tho damage
to the oraugo crop will approach half a
million. Thu other crops have suffered in
proportion, and the destruction to proper
ty Is almost beyond estimation.
Coroner Ilerry, of I'laquenilne parish,
says it is Impossible to picture the situa
tion in his parish, whore thu death list is
long. Men, women and children are starv
ing, nnd hundreds of corpses still lie on
the river bauks. Siuco the storm occurred
the doctor has been doing nothing but
viewing corpses. Ho sickened at the fear
ful sight of decomposing bodies which ho
was compelled to viow, and camo to the
city for a rest. Help ot all kinds money,
food and clothing lu wauted immedi
ately. Massachusetts Republicans.
BostoS, Oct. 0. Frederick Greenhalge
for governor, Roger Wolcotts for lieuten
ant governor, William Olin for becretary
of state, John W. Kimball for auditor, II.
M. Phillips for trcasurer.and H. M.KnowI
ton for nttorney general Is tho ticket nom
inated by the Massachusetts Hepubllcon
state convention. ,The platform is a stand
ard Republican declaration and com
mends tho courso ot the Republican mem
bers of congress as to a large majority of
them on ttto Shormau law repeal bill,
Illg JTIra In an Iowa Town.
ACKLEV, Oct, 10. Tho business portion
ot Parkorsburg, sixteen miles cast of here,
is burned. It Is a town ot about 800 In
habitants with uo lire department. The
Waterloo lire department was called on
and subdued the flames after a hard light.
Tho entire business portion is in ruins.
The loss Is estimated at $100,000, with
small insurnnco.
Nominated a Municipal Ticket.
Dethoit, Oct. 10. The Democratic city
.convention nominated tho following tick
et! For mayor, Marshall H. Godfrey; as
sociate recorder, Charles T. Wllklns; city
attorney, Edwin Henderson; city clerk.
I Frank A. Altcnbrnudl;; city treasurer.
Paul Weldnor; pollco Justice. P. J, Shea
linn; justlco of tho nonce, William M.
lllamnrck Arrives at Home.
Hamuuho, Oct. 0, i'rinco lllsmnrck'tj
special train has reached Frledrlchsruhe.
Bismarck had hardly felt tho fatigue of
tho Journey and as ho stopped on the plat.
' form was apparently in hotter spirits than
. m, nny previous time siuco wiu ueginning
pf his lluess,
Hla journey was n contltii
uous ovation,
&tK Robber Get HU.IOO,
HALLl.sui:n, Tex., Oct. 10. Two high
wnymeu robbed the Ualllnger nnd Robert
Leo stage near tho latter place in Coko
county aud got Hi, 100 out of thu mall bags.
Then they told thu driver to drive east and
remember Lot's wife,
I'lT r I Mi n "IJTTThli'il
Two or thn llripcradoes Killed and
Third Putnlly sVountltul A Smooth
Former Who Operated In St. I'mil and
Minneapolis Cnpturrd In Detroit.
St. Paul, Oct. 7.-Tho first authentic
Information In refcrcuco to the killing of
two Northern Pacific train robbers, the
fatal wounding of tho third nnd tho cap
ture ot tho other two was brought hero by
pnssongers on tho Great. Northern railway.
Tho battle Instisl several days. During
tho slego two robberx, John Shlpman nnd
Charles Joiid, alias Klncald, wero killed;
Ren Hall, alias Ren Mattocks, was shot
through tho thlith and Is not ex
pected to live, and Charles Rrown and nn
unknown man wero captured uninjured.
It Is believed that tho four men weio Im
plicated In thu Northern Pacific rubbery,
nnd that tho unknown man Joined them
afterwards. Thu men were caught near
Two Medicine creek, on tho east Mope of
tho Rockies, aud somo distance from
Knllspell. They wcro encamped near thu
Great Northern railroad tracks, and It Is
believed contemplated holding up a Great
Northern train.
The forgeries or Do Franco In St. I'mil
and Minneapolis.
ST. PAUL, Oct. 7. Tho forgeries here
and at .Minneapolis by Stonewall J. Do
France wero a credit to his cutencss. Ho
secured over f'10,000 from the Flour City
bank of Minneapolis, aud then turned his
attention to St. Paul. Ho wcut to tho St.
Paul National bank and placed a draft for
5,000. This purported to ho drawn on
tho Rank of Commerco of Indianapolis,
payable to tho order of Cameron Elliott.
It was drawn on thu United Stnto Na
tional bank of New York. Tho draft was
accopted aud $10,000 paid upon It before
tho protest camo In. Requisition papers
from Governor Nelson wero presented at
Iinslng, Mich., and honored by Governor
Rich. Thu olllcer proceeded to Detroit,
where habeas corpus proceedings began in
Do France's interest. The forger owns a
flue residonco ou Trumbull avenue, De
troit, which has been attached by tho
Flour City bank.
Alleged Fraud at the Strip Opunlug.
Oklahoma Citv, O. T., Oct. 7. Petitions
nro being circulated throughout Oklahoma
and the Cherokeo strip calling on Dele
gate Flyun to demand n thorough Investi
gation ot thu charges ot gross fraud in
connection with tho opening of tho strip.
It is openly charged that registration
officials accepted bribes and that soldiers
on the lino received money. It is also
charged that government ofllclals and
deputy marshals secured two blocks of
ground in Perry by thu greatest frnud and
that Purry deputy marshals mado thou
sands of dollars by receiving pay for ad
vancing filers on claims over less fortuuato
Emma Uoldiuan on Trial.
New York, Oct. 7. Tho trial of Emma
.Goldman for alleged Incendiary express
ions, was continued iu tho court ot general
sessions before Judge Martin. Emma
Goldman, tho defendant, was again placed
ou the stand and resumed her testimony.
She denied having used tho violent ex
pressions attributed to her by tho detec
tives nnd upheld the anarchist doctrines,
saying among other things, at the Hay
market riots iu Chicago she believed that
the pollco themselves tbruw tho bombs,
and that the anarchists wero justified lu
killing the pollco.
Incendiary Fires ut Fresno.
Fl'LSNo, Cal., Oct. 7. Four fires oc
curred here. O. W. Mcunette's feed and
snlo stables wcro destroyed at 1-:M0 o'clock
and Kutner & Co.'s hay sheds at 1:30. At
2 o'clock tho packing houso ot Porter
Rros. was found lu flames. The build
ings, six tons of raisins, machinery, etc.,
valued at $11,000, are all a totnl loss.
Subsequent to this a burning parcel was
found placed under tlio edge of upright
boards ot tho kitchen iu tho Kohler house.
All are supposed to be the work of incen
diaries. Throats Carried Into Execution,
Selmamaka, Oct. 7. Threats' made by
whitecaps to burn gin houses ot farmors
who sell cotton for less than 10 cents nro
being carried Into execution. George
Moron's gin house was burned, together
with llfteen bales of cotton. Insurance
agents are cancelling all cotton ware
house risks in tho threatened section,
Ileputed Millionaire Arrested.
PltoviDUXCK, It. I.,Oct. 7. Joliu Wulker,
of Cleveland, O., a reputed millionaire and
prominent member ot tho Sous ot St.
George, has been arrested here at tho in
stance of Dr. H, It. Surles, of Worcester,
Mass., also prominent in tho order for al
leged libel to tho extent of f-'O.COO. He has
not yet secured ball.
Scores or Houses Demolished anil Many
Llvrs Iloportcd Lost.
Camden, Ark., Oct. 0. A death dealiug
cyclone struck South Union county. Scores
of houses wero destroyed and many lives,
principally those of negroes, were lost,
Owing to tho lack of telegraph facilities
no details can bo learned,
Only Two Men Lost.
AU TitAl.v, Mich., Oct. 10. The derelict
fishing boit that whs picked up in Lake
Superior had but a ciew ot two on board,
WHlard A. Carpenter and his brother Ed
ward. Willard Carpenter leaves a widow
and four children hero in destitute circum
stances. Hat Factories Itesutuo Work.
UEAUINO, l'a., uct. 10. tor many
mouths past the half dozen hat factories
at Mohnsvllle, this county, have been
working only a few days a week. They
have now resumed ou full lino and. full
Iiauded, They employ ;0 hands.
Fine. Illver Htoiuner Homed.
Pomk'hoy, O., Oct. 0. Tho Pomeroy and
Huntington propeller, Pilgrim, one ot the
fastest and finest boats of tho kind op tho
Ohio river, burned to the water's edge at
Hardlord. Loss, IU.000. Hho was owned
by Captain Urowu,.
Btruclc Azalimt ltedurtlon,
BrniN(U'iKLi), III., Oct. u. A htrlkn was
Inaugurated utthoSprlngllehl Rolling mill
against a reduction of tt) per cent, iu
wages. Over ilOO men aro involved.
Count do Lesteps Dying,
Paws, Oct. 0. Count Ferdinand do
Losseps has lost strength steadily In the
last teu day nud Is uow moribund.
I'rnreodliiKS of the Nt'iiatn nml Home at
Washington, Oct, 7. In n speech Mack
burn intimated that ho would prepare
O i
and oiler au amendment to thu silvor
chaso repeal bill
.... i , . i i . i i I
which would embody his I
views or u rair cumpromlso measure,
presented hiioIi amendment nnd it
ordered to Ihj printed. It adopts the hill
as It pasted the house, strikes out tho
Voorhees declaration favoring bimetal
lism, and adds to tho houso bill a provi
sion for tho freo coinage of silver ot
American production tho difference be
tween the metal prlco of tho silver nnd Its
money value when coined to bo retained
by tho treasury as selgnorage, and this
sclgnoragu to bu sold for gold, cither at
homo or abroad, the gold rectlvcd for it
to be kept iu tho treasury for tho purposo
of maintaining tho parity between tho
two metals. Tho debate on tho silver
purchase repeal bill was then resuateR.
Nut even the earnest manner of turn
mlugs of New York could awaken tho
houso from tho lothnrgy Into which it
seems to have fallen. Thcro was no In
crease In tho ntteudnuco nnd tho various
speakers on tho federal election repeal bill
received very little attention, although
somo of the arguments ndvauccd were
worthy of grave consideration.
Wasiiinoton', Oct. 0. Tho open legisla
tive session of the senato lasted only fifteen
minutes, and then the setmte, in accordance
with a previous agreement, proceeded to
the consideration of executive business.
Tho only thing dono lu open session wns a
notice given by Hill that ho would movo
nn amendment to tho rules so that when
on n vote by yeas and nays, a senator an
nounces his pair and does not vote fair
shall bu entered onjlic Journal and the
Hcautor shall bo counted ns presout for th
purpose of making a quorum. At 5:15
tho doors were reopened and the senate
Tho attendance of members in tho houso
docs not lucreaso ami thcro wero barely
fifty repiesuutntlvca present when tho
gavel fell. Tho speaker laid beforo tho
houso a communication from tlio secre
tary of tho treasury lu response to a reso
lution calling for Information ns to why
the Sherman act was not enforced during
July and August. Reform!. Thu houso
then resumed consideration of tho fedoral
election bill, and Murray of South Caro
lina concliulcd hU speech iu favor ot tho
retention oT tho laws upon tho statute
WA6IUNOTOK, Oct. 0. Wolcott offered
in tho senato n resolution directing tho
finance committee to report n bill iu ac
cordance with thu policy ot silver aud gold
coluago set forth lu tho declaratory section
of thu Sherman law repeal bill. Voorhees
gave notice tliHt ou Wednesday bo would
nsk tho souato to coutlnuo In session until
a vote on the repeal bill wns reached, thus
Htartlng tho "wearing out" process.
Roach (Dem.) of North Dakota favored re
peal if coufiled with free silver legislation.
Allen (Pop.) of Nebraska spoke against re
peal but had not concluded at adjourn
ment. Thu house bad a slim attendance.
Speeches wero mado for the repeal of the
election laws by Everett of Massachusetts.
who said he wanted all laws growing out
of tho war repealed; Ontcs, Swauson of
Virginia, Weadockof Michigan, Hunter of
Illinois, Grady of North Carolina, aud oth
ers, and against repeal by Grosveuor, Can
non, Hepburn, Hull, nnd others.
Washington, Oct. 10. Harris of Ten
nessee, lu tho senate, mado a personal
speech relative to criticisms ot the Mem
phis Cotton nnd Merchants' exchanges on
his courso with reference to silver and said
he would do as his conscience, dictated
and believed the people of Tennessee wero
with him. Wolcott spoko in favor of tho
resolution directing tho lluanco commit
mlttco to put into a bill tho bimetallic
declaration in tho repeal bill. Voorhees,
Teller, Morgan, Uutler, Cockrell aud oth
ers discussed tho bill.
Tho houso did nothing except debate tho
election law repeal bill. Aldrlch, Dolllvcr,
Uoutclle aud othors spoke against repeal
and Fitch of New York for repeal, closing
tho debate.
Insurgents Threaten a Ilenewral or Horn
lmrdmont Unless l'luzoto Withdraws.
Montevideo, Oct. 0. Information has
reached hero that Admiral Mcllo, com
manding tho insurgent squadron in tho
bay of Rio do Janeiro, has ordered Peixoto
to abandon tho city within forty-eight
hours or tho fleet will resume its bom
bardment of the city again. Tho diplo
matic corps is in favor ot Peixoto with
drawing from Rio, as It believes such a
courso on his part would terminate the
war. A report is current In Rio Jauelro
that tho diplomatic body has warned
Prcsldcut Peixoto that it his forces be not
withdrawn from the capital by Sunday
next the foreign powers will recognize the
insurgents ns belligerents.
Peixoto, however, refuses to yiold and is
making fresh preparations to carry on op
erations with greater vigor than he has yet
shown. Tho diplomatic corps in Rio Jan
eiro Ima notified Admiral Mollo that he
must abstain from throwing shot and
shell into tho undefended parts ot town,
otherwise tho foreign ships in tho harbor
will be ordered to prevent him from bom
barding tho towu,
An Insane Rancher Kills Hit 'Wife and
Daughter mid Hulcldes.
Helena, Mout., Oct. 10. John Rrandt,
a rancher living iu tho eastern part ot the
state, in a fit of insanity almost severed
his daughter's head from her body while
she was sleeping. Ho then beat his wife
to denth with a hammer, and shot himself
through the head. Another daughter,
aged 17, uwoko while her sister was being
killed ind managed to escape.
The Fetor at Brunswick, Ga.
Washington, Oct. 0. Surgeon General
Wyniun, of the Marino Hospital service,
has leceived a telegram from Surgeon
Murray, at Rrunswlck, Gn., announcing
thirty-one nuw cases of yellow fever there,
twenty five of which nro colored and six
white persons. At Jeup cue new case
has been dccNrcd. The commissary situa
tion at Rrunswlck Is bad and food is the
thing most nooded.
Vilas Hays No Compromise,
Madison, Wis., Oct. 10. Senator Vilas
Is hero aud referring to the Sherman law
repeal bill, says: "Thero will bo no com-
1 promise. All thu talk In that dircctiou
.... ...i .........i it
Guinea Hum niiLi-iL-ii;(ii muii.
Made un Assignnieut.
New Yokic, Oct. U.-Canda & Kano,
dealers iu builders materials, made au as
signment. It Is believed that the llablll-
' ties will amouut to 1100,000; auets, about
i 1500,000.
OCT. Ill, 180tf.
Wriliiitidny, Del. 4.
Secretary Carllslo has derided thnt tho
new mtblla Inilldliius nt Omaha. Neb..
shall bo constructed cu granite.
. .. .- . ". . ' '
I !..... ... lit. . ..!.... . II.. I
.- i.iu.i iimuii'i fit i iiihiiiirKt J ' l WUU3U
.,.,.,,',' ilmi mteA hi,,,. v7,a r ,Ul,t h,
tho act of lighting aud burning I'M notes.
! Ho had destroyed most of his savings ot
Eloveu well-known citizens ot Rartholo
mow county, lnd., including Mrs, Maltha
Snyder aud Mrs. Anna Vonstroe, have
been Indicted for whttecnpplng Mrs. Au
drew Scrmlcr a month ngo,
E. A. McDonald, Canada's apostlo of an
nexation, swora out a warrant against W.
F. Mclican, mcmlier of parliament, of tho
Toronto World, for criminal libel In the
publication of au editorial headed, "A
Mad Man at. Largo."
Stephen Pwrry, who has been soiling
farm Implements for Chicago concerns, J
is in jau ai v incuoster, inn,, inr stealing
a whole herd ot cattle, nnd A. L. Daugh
erty, who was In jail at Munclo for assist
ing In the snmo job, has been relensod ou
a,000 ball.
Thursday, Oct. 0,
ElTortsnro being made to enable tho
Wisconsin Marino and Flro Insurnnco
Company bank (tho Mitchell bank) nt Mil
waukeo to resume business.
Tho Iowa supremo court has decided
that the Dos Moines park board is limited
as to indebtedness, thus Invalidating bonds
to a largu amount aud preventing many
public Improvements contemplated.
Cook county Jail, Chicago, at present
holds thirty-eight murderers, among them
being Dan Coughlln, charged with tho
murder ot Dr. Crouln.
Charles O. Ralnl, of Princeton, N. J.,
has offered aggregating In amount
10,000 to bo given to thnso students excel
ling lu thu oratorical exorcises of tho sen
ior class.
Tho McGarrahan bill, which has been
beforo congress lu some form for tho pnst
thirty years, has again been favorably re
ported to tho house.
Mrs. Lucy Stono Rlnckwell, thu world
famed worker for woman's sufTrnge, Is
dead, at tho ago; ot 75, at her homo in
Steps hnvo been taken In tho Michigan
supremo court to test the constitutional
ity ut the law passed by tho last legisla
ture conferring school nud. municipal suff
rage upon women.
Friday, Ort. 6.
Anna L. Rurson has begun suit In the
circuit court against James P. Gage, the
Clinton, la., banker, who is accused of
drugging and assaulting Miss Rurson.
Tho suit Is for (100,000 damages.
Experts who havu been figuring on tho
value ot property of tho late Senator Stan
ford vary In their estimates from flO.uCO.-
ooo to
Edgar Rhoadus, who went from Phila
delphia to Chicago ostensibly tu build a
hotel iu tlio World's fair district, is waut
ed by tho police. Rhoades buncoed a
bosom friend, Amos Ellis, a young mnn
worth 1500,000, out of WS.000 iu cash.
Mrs. Ebcnczer Christie was found in nn
unconscious condition from gas in her
room nt W South canal street. Mrs.
Christio came tu Chicago from Rrlce,
Crawford county, O., to sec the World's
fair. She uvldeutly was unaccustomed to
tho use of gas nnd blew out the light.
blio wns takou to tho county hospital.
Gottfried Gruutze, a wealthy Gormau
farmer living near Golfs, Nemaha county,
Kaa., had bis head completely severed
from his body in a runaway accident two
tulles west of his home.
Saturday, Oct 7.
Boston has u union ot health depart
ment employes.
The Anti-Trust association will meet in
Chicago Oct. 10.
Ellen Terry, while studying to piny Cor
delia in "King Lear," went through over
800 books on kindred subjects.
Henry Gautscho, claiming to represent
a Swiss musical firm nt the World's fair,
was before Commissioner Hoyne, Ho was
charged with removing thirteen kegs of
musical boxes from a bonded warehouse.
Ho was held iu (1,000 bonds.
Tho coronor's investigation of the blow
ing up ot a non-union sailors' boarding
house lu San Francisco failed to connect
the arrested union men with tho crime.
Erastus G. Morgan, one of the pioneers
of Fort Dodge, la., died at the Sherman
house, Chicago.
The Centrni Labor Union, of Boston, Is
to make an effort to secure one day's rest
In seven for the llremeu of that city.
It is reported that Mrs. Leland Stnnford
has decided to loavo Washington and re
side permanently in California.
Monday, Oct. 9.
ThoCunarder Lucanla has the record
now both going nud coming across
the Atl antic, having lowered tho record
of the Paris thirty-nlno mluutes.
ThereXvns an Increaso ot$U,3KJ,e83 in tho
volume ot national paper money circula
tion during September.
Several Sepoys who rebelled In the Af
ghan army have been blown from tha
mouths at cannon.
In tho iiKlsiou of a caio under tha In
terstate commerce law, Judge Taft, ot the
United States circuit court, has declared
that free cartage of goods by a railroad Is
Chnrlos Clark, a farm hand at Oakland,
Ills., has Just died with rabies, the result
of the bite ot a Guinea pig.
Ex-Postmaster Rpburtson, of Green Bay
Wis., tripped and fell while returning from
a hunt, and his guu wns dlschnrgad, both
load, going Into his nlidomen. He will die.
It is estimated now that the lato Senator
Stanford's estate is worth all of 155,000,000.
Tuesday, Oct. 10.
Near Potter, Neb., Andrew Anderson at
tempted to reason with a man who made
a practice of whipping his wife and was
shot dead. The murderer, whose name la
Miklund, Is iu Jail.
A British secret scrvlco officer has in
formed the government that the Clan-nn
Gael has reorganized under Patrick Egau
(late United States minister to Chili), as a
result ot the rejection of the homo rule
bill by tho lords.
Tho employo a of tho Chesapeake, Ohio
and Southwestern railway have accepted
the 10 per cent, reduction in wages, and
tho men who went out whon the reduc
tion went Into effect Oct. 1 have returned
to work.
Postmaster General Blssell, family and
party aru en route for Chicago and the
World's fair.
Tho Northwestern Miller reports the
stock ot wheat iu private elevators of
Minneapolis i.t 1177,000 bushels, a gain over
Out. 'Jot 100,000 bushels.
When William Hammer, ot Peru, Ind..
( was assaulted by footpads at Galena, Ills.,
nti; his guu waa taken front bUu aai M
I WM HiioiMly shot.
ne urow a revolver, out taiieu iu quicav
was MiioiMly shot.
Street Hallway limplojc Trying to Coil
solldatn Their Organisations.
Cleveland, Uct. 11. Tho Amalga
mated Association ot Blroot Railway
Employes nnd tho Brotherhood of Stir-,
fnco Railway Engineers lmvo boguo
their nntuml convention in this city. "At
tho session of tho formor but llttld has
been done Tho Brothorbood ot Stafnc
Railway Englnourd nppointod n commit
tee to consult with tho Amalgamated as
sociation with n vlow of consolidating
tho two organizations. Thoyllndoreo thn
trolley system nnd ndvocnto Its uso in
dHes whoro thoro Is no opposition.
Tho Amalgamated association was nd
dressed by President Lnw of Detrlot,
whoso remarks wcro in tho nnturo of nn
appeal for tlio continuation of the har
monious relations existing between om
ptoyors nnd omployos. Spoochos wero
also mndo by Rosin Orr, trusteo of Fort
Wayne; W. A. Mnhono, of vcatlbulo
fame, nnd Hnmtiol Mnnsoy of Br,. Paul,
Tho sentiment of nil was to nvold strikes.
Tlio Brotherhood of Stirfuco Rullwny
Engineers reports n inonibcrship of 25,
000 and tharr meeting nt this time is
moroly for tho purposo of forming n con
lolldatlon with tho Amalgamated oaso
In Hesslon at Los Angi.loi, Cal., With 8v.
eral Hundred Delegates.
Los ANaiti.tu, Oct. 11. Tho interna
tional irrigation congress juHsoinblodnttho
Grand opurn houso in this city. Sovoral
hundred dologntos nro pvosont. Franco,
Russia, Moxlco, Auslrln-Hungnry utul
Ecuador, besides tho United States, nro
among tlio countries represented. Judge
Gregory of Kansas nssumed tho cunir,
and nftor n brief nddress introduced
Govornor Mnrkhnm, who formally wel
comed tho dologatcs, Hon. Joroiniah
Millny of Arizona wns chosen tempo
rary cliuirinnn nnd Fred Alios of Los
Angolos was elected temporary uocrc
tary. A coinmittoo on credentials, con
sisting of oiio mombor from each state
and territory roprcsontcd.wns appointed.
North Dukatans OItb a Itceepllon.
Wontn's Faiii Ghounds, Ciiioaoo,
Oct. 11. An invitation reception was
held in tho North Dakota building in
honor of Governor Shortridgo nnd tho
official party who nccompnnlod him t
celobrnto tho stnto day. Ex-Govorno
Miller and Burk wero miiong tho gticstt'
Severn! of tlio foreign commissioner.
nnd journnlists who wore mmnbors of
tho excursion party to North Dakota
whont fields tho latter part of August
cnllod to ronow old acquaintances and
pity thoir respects to tho govornor nnd
othor North Dnkotnns who had con
tributed to thoir onjoymont.
Uo Not Want Free Coinage.
Des Moines, Oct. 11. Tho stnto con
tention of tho Farmors' Alllnuco adopted
resolutions fuvoring tho nntioption and
Conger land bill. A resolution favoring
tho freo coinngo of silver nnd nnother
favoring tho froo coinngo of Aruorlcan
silver woro voted down by decisive ma
jorities. Tho monoy resolution adopted
favors n sonnd nnd ntnblo curroncy of
sufficient vohuno for tho business ot tho
country. ProMdont J. II. Bandors of
Owassn and jdocrotary August Post of
Moulton, woro ro-oleclod. About 1C0
alliances woro roprosentod,
Havo Iloon Appol i ted Ileoelrer. "
New York, Oct. 11. Word was re
ceived hero by William Nolson Cronv
woll, counsol for tho Northern Pacific
railroad, that Henry Ilowlnnd of this
city, Warner Vnn Nordon, president of
tho Bank ot North Amorica of this city,
and Richard F. Morgnn of Dwight; Ills,,
hnd boon appointed rocoivers for the
Chicago and Northern Pacific railroad.
Will Ilanqaet aovornor Croans.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Commissioner
Gonornl Gnmoan has received a letter
from tho Commercial club of Omaha
proposing a banquot to Govornor
Crounso and staff as part of tho proposed
Omaha day colobration and asking if
Oct. 25 will bo a prncticablo date. Tho
matter is being considered,
Wilson Sentenced to Hang.
St. Louis, Oct, 11. Jndgo Edmunds,
of tho criminal court, sentoncod Charloa
Wilson to hnng on Nov. 16, On Nov.
18, 1802, Wilson murderod Moses
Hodges, who was his rival for the affec
tions of a woman, All parties or
colorod. v
Over a Million In Two Days.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Paid admissions at
tho World'sf air, Chicago day, was 714,046.
Total admissions, 7Gl,03t:. Tho admis
sions Tuosday wcro 308,018. Total at
tendance for Oct. 0 and 10, 1,023,259. '
Chicago drain aud Provisions.
CniCAOO, Oct. 10. Tho wheat market
opened Ho to a lower at 07o for December,
shortly af forwards advancing toBTHK&OTHo,
hut later declining to 0&o and reacting near
tho close to asyiWlc, a not lost of Wc for tho
day. Corn active nnd Arm all through tha
session. May closed o higher at 43Ko, after
touch Im; Vio. Oats wero Ann. The closo
for May was l-10o blither at a.')4032$.c. Pro
visions were dull and steady,
.closinu ruiCKs.
WHRAT-October, 01c; December, Wc;
May, "0c. .
CURN-October, 39tfc; December, C9ic;
May, c.
OAT8-October, 27Jc; December, 380?
l'OUK-Octobor. J10.25: January, 114.62)6.
"LAHD-Octobor, 10.05; January, 13.45.
Ill US-October, HA'i January. $".5Ti.
Chicago Live Stock.
Union Stock Yards, I
Ciiioaoo, Oct. 10. f
O.vrn.K-necelptH, 8,000 hood. Common
to extra steers, S3.U5&5.B0-. stoekers and feed
ers, t-'.aa').75; cows and bulls, $l.W3.90t
calves. $-.'.5'JW.75.
HOUS-Recelpts, 10,0X1 head. Heavy; '$.
Q0.60; common to choice mixed, afl.10Ae.t6;
choice assorted, IO.lSOafl.7U; llsht, toJOat.60.
H1IKKI-Rccelpts, 11.U00 head. Inferior to
choice, il.iiii&l.U); uesterns, tUSft&U; Iambi.
$.:&tt5.ou. . , ,
South Osnaba Uve Btoek.
South Omaha, Oct-R-OATTLK-Reculpt.
Il.tKlj head; 1S to IMU lbs., U!W.3;' llOO to
i:uQlbH.,H'-UQ(-H.-unto nuo lbs., fj.ooai.4o;
chok-u V)va, $.'.00&3.10; common cows,, flJiM)
UO; cool feeders, saOCKVtfU common feeders.
i:MM,W. Murket actlvo aud stronger. ' A
IfOU-lleceiuts, .WWliewJ; light i3.lftati.ij0;
mixed, tmtttfttutt, heavy,, Mark
ivu tunun
HUKEl'-HcceiDts. 700 head:' lauttasvaifla.
BV178! lamlia. SAnKHM. If lka t4T ".
V ' 1 wmmmwwf "" wv
t 1
' u
; i
l :M
u wrw. n w,i;:
V fcJKfc-