The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1893, Image 2

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    ..A1 vTirfrrtaK .rrv ,mi S3
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BT D. M., 00. BUl'T.
tiapt. Qeo. M. Caster ably conduct
ed the recitations in algebra and ihj
tea at the First Grade clan meeting
at the High Bohonl room, Red Cloud,
Saturday , September 30th. The at
tendance was not ao largo as it should
are been. Those present showed
that thej had given the subjects con
siderable thought. To make a success
in the private study of these branehte,
it is almost a neectslty for all tho
embers of the class to meet tegether
at leaite onoo a month. Tho class
ltd to hold the next meeting at
Red Cloud. The date of next mist
leg is Satardaj, October 28th.
Many teachers have sent in their
monthly reports to the superintendent.
A statement of these reporle frill be
given in this column soon. vVe think
the new report blanks sent to teachers
lately are an improvement on the old
Tfci postponed educational trooting
to be held in distriot number 17 on
Thursday evening, October 5th, was
net held, partly on account of the in
element of the weather, and partly
on neeennt of the superintendent's
health not being such at the timo and
for a'few days since to enable him to
go to the meeting, Some time dur
ing tho school year a meeting ma be
held there. Tito failure to meet at
this timo was quite a diisapointment
to the suptcrintendsnt, and also to
We hfartily indorse tho "Library
Day" circular of Slate Supt. Goudy,
and hope that something may bo done
by the tuachersof this county in tho
way oi holpmg to estnblish libraries
in the school homes of tho county.
Bupt. Goudjf's circular is as follows:
The teachers examination on Fri
day, Ootober 20th, will not commence
till one o'clock p. in.
LinnARr hay.
To svpeiintendcnts and teachers of
Nebraska: In sccordancc with a re
eolation of tho NobranLn state teach
er'e aisociatlon pascd at its last an
nual meeting, a programme has boen
prepared by the committoe appointed
for that purpose looking to the obser
vance of the anniversary of tho dis
covery of America as Library day in
the schools of tho statu.
It will be remembered that October
21 was celebrated all over the country
last year as Columbus day; it is tho
thought of the promoters of Library
day that it would be well if Columbus
day)cnuld be perpetuated as an annual
festival for awakening intcrost in the
cohools, and especially for the build
ing up of sohool libraries in every dis
triot in Nebraska.
Itic well known that bouks of spe
cial interest and profit to children are
no less interesting and profitable to
adults, and that the books of the chil
dren aro read with avidilv bv the
teachers and by the parents of tho
Good books put into the hscool
library soon And their way into the
homes in the district; thay aro read
by both iho school children and the
home children; a habit of reading is
thereby cnoouraged or engendered and
the good reading takes the place of
no reading or of bad reading in the
The movement has received the
hearty endorsomint of Francis Ilellamy
of tho Youths Companion, of Dr. K.
0. Hewett, ex-president of the Illinois
state normal university and of others
of national repute as woll as tho ap
propriation of the oduoational worker?.
generally thtoughout tho state.
In accordance with tho recommen
dation of the committeo, it gives uie
pleasure to call tho attention of the
teachers and patrons of tho cohools
to this inaitoraud to recommend that
Friday, Ootober 20, or so much there
of aa may be deemed expedient, be
devoted to tho programme published
in the September lumber of the North
western Journal of Education, and to
efforts to aiouso an interest in tho sub
ject of school libraries among the
children and the patrons.
I especially recommended that an
effort bo mado in connection with
this celebration to create a fund, la
it ever so small, for tho purchase of
oooka lor tlto school that may sorvo as
a nucleus fur a (chool library.
Trusting in your well known custom
of heartily responding to every call of
this dopartmoot and recalling our
uniform io-operution with itu chief in
every oduoational wot If, 1 have no
hesitation in leaving this matter in
your hands. Local papers plcaie
copy, Respectfully,
A. K. Goody,
State Supt. Public Instruction,
Moderation In Knllng nntl Drinking
Conducive to Long I.lfc.
It may accm hard for the man who in
youth lins Idiow'n tho pinch of poverty,
who remembers how the cut of mutton,
with n supply of potatoes nml ffrcenn,
scarcely nufllccd for a vigorous nppetlto,
nhoulrl find that in tho prosperity of
later Ufa nn ohrht-courso dinner of del
icacies falls to tempt him, and that,
nevertheless, his physician warns him
that the attack of gout from which ho
in suffering means that he la eating too
much, and that his diet must bo low
ered. Is life, then, never to give satis
faction? Must youth know hunger
and old ago satiety? Must tho
poor muscle-worker never have
enough food to give energy to his
frame, and must tho rich Idler have
so much to cat that disease is tho con
Rcuucncc? To find the happy mean, to
live nccording to sweet reasonableness
nnd knowledge, Is the aim of tho teach
ings of science. Christian communism,
the wealth of later life will not lead to
self-indulgence, bnt to tho mitigation
of tho sufferings of those who want the
moans of life. One of many splendid
examples Is that of a gentleman, now
in possession of a very large income,
who, in his youth, lived on a salary of
ten shillings a week. Ho early mado
tip his mind that to eat little and drink
less would bo his rule in life. To this
resolution ho hus adhered, though for
tune has come to him. Nearly an oc
togenarian, ho Is still a man of un
tiring vigor of body and mind.
Simple In life, ho dispenses
his great fortune as a custo
dian for his Master, while living
amid tho refinement and cultured sur
roundings of an English gentleman.
Hlr George Humphrey has investigated
the llfe-hlstorles of contcnarians in
England with the view of ascertaining
the causes and circumstances of
longevity. As ono reads of the habits
nnd life of those men and women who
attained to the age of one hundred
years and more, one Is struck by the
fact that they were almost invariably
lean people, of sparo habit, and of
great moderation in eating and .drink
ing. Of thirty-seven, threeo took no
animal food, four took very little,
twenty a llttle.ten a moderate amount,
nnd only one acknowledged taking
much meat. With regard to alcohol,
the rctu-ns nro much the same, and
abstemiousness in found to be the rule
of life of theso centenarians. London
Hospital, j
Nlavery In Slum.
Slavery has been abolished In namo,
but it can never be abolished in fact,
for the slaves havo no means of blip
porting themselves outsldn their mus
ters' houses. Every member of tho .Si
amese upper classes can fetter his nor v
nnts or throw them Into prison with
out any kind of trial or permission be
ing necessary. Ono morning I went to
call upon ono of the ablest and most
cnlightcnod of tho ministers, it mun
who has been to Europe, und who onco
actually got into serious trouble for
trying to inaugurate a bort of woman's
rights movement In Slam. I mado my
way by mistake Into a part of his
grounds where visitors were not ex
pected and I found a Muvu fastened
down to tho ground In an Ingenious
kind of pillory In which ho could not
movo hand or foot, whilo nnothcr slave
tortured hlin with bevcro htrokes of a
bamboo rod, at tho word of :i member
of the family In order to force him to
confess to somo uiltdccd. Contem
porary Kcvicw.
Live Decoy (loeic.
The manner of using llvo decoys may
prove of somo Interest, The geeso uro
genuine wild ones, taken when young,
or possibly hatched and raised by tho
owner. The birds have tho Hrst joint
of their wing taken oil, making it Im
possible for them to lly any great dis
tance; around tho leg just above tho
foot they wear a leather strap, mado
into a hllpnoosc; this is never taken
off; to thin Is tied, when using them, a
ropo eight or ten feet long, with u slnko
attached. When placlnir thebo decovs
we wade, uslug hip boots, of courtc, to
ubout two foot of wnter, pushing the
stake well into tho bottom und pluuiug
a tuft of soil near by about nix or seven
InuhcH from tho surfaeo, so that they
may stund on It and not become too
wearied from constantly floating or
swimming. It Is surprising how uccus
tonued these birds get to tho gun being
llretl over them. It is bomewhat sim
ilar to a hunting dog; they know what
tliey nro there for, do tholr duty, und
never flinch at tho report. Forcit and
St ream.
Bho Was Willing.
"And do you lovo mo so devotedly,
dear," ho said, "that you will glvo up
homo and friends nnd all that inukes
your young llfo bright and happy to
becomu my wife, and go with mo to the
uttermost cuds of the world if neces
sary?" "Yes, George," she whispered softly,
"when I'm your wlfo your thoughts
shall bo, my thoughts, your hopes my
hopes, your religion my religion,
and If you should want me to go to
tho ubtvrmost ends of tho world with
you 1 vlll go-oh, so gladly, George
fori 11 m so fond of travcllngl" Druko'a
Tho Old Coutcst.
"to this Is your heaviest and latest
Improved armor plate," observed tho
visitor at tho great iron nnd steel
works. "I presume it la nbsollucly In
vulnerable?" "No," said tho sunerlntondnnt nntml.
ly. "VYonre now bulldlug a. gim thut
will drive a projectile through It ui If
It wcro old chetso. Chicago Tribune.
"Mierlar," said Uncle fillan, "we
must flix l'cto. I gave him u rubber
stamp tui put tho dates on tho eggs ua
tho heus laid 'em, nn' when I got 'em
to marl:et this raorutn' I found ho'd
Btainpurt 'em ull IbOU." Harper's Uazar.
"YAss," nho sa itl, "tho wavps In u
storm Tcinlud me of our hired girl at
home." "Hired girls, madam?" "Yes,
tmy are awful breakers." Texas
BUttoga X
A llttlo knowledge is sometimes n
dangerous thing to tho party about
whom (Unknown. ICuto Fluid's Wash
ington. Wo nro naturnlly displeased with
an nnknown critic, as tho ladles nro
with a lampooner, because wo nro bit
ten In tho dark. Drydcn.
"What a superb face!" said one
girl to nnothcr, as they stood beforo a
innrblu head of Minerva. "Yes," said
tho other. "What a nose for bpocta
clcs!" Harper'H llaznr.
"1'lcase glvo mo n nickel to buy n
dinner with," sold tho tattered little
boy. "I nm so hungry." "Whatcan'you
got for five cents," asked tho old lady,
giving him tho money. "I'io, ma'am,"
said he, with a grateful smile.
Tho park policemen of San Fran
cisco use tho lariat to stop runaway
horses, nnd all nro experts with tho
rope. The captain of tho (Joldon Gate
I'nrk squad sayn his men "can atop a
horso within a distance of fifty yards,
without tho slightest danger to our
selves," and ho implies, though ho
doesn't distinctly say so, without dan
ger to tho runaway or ltn rider.
' On tho Wny to Santa Maria.
Christopher Columbus "Havo you
written up the log book, Don Alonzo?"
Don Alonzo l'enzon "How In thunder
can I write up any log book In weather
like this? Here's tho caravel been
standing on ltn hind legs slnco yester
day morning. Hot you drinks, Chrlsto
phor, you can't go down In tho cabin
nnd stand any hard boiled egg on end
to-day." Hrooklyn Life. m
At the corner of Gates and'Frank
ltn avenues, Hrooklyn, a mnn In kept at
work oiling tho street car rails. Thnt
is because the neighbors complained of
tho creaking of the earn an thoy went
around tho curve. Tho croaking re
sults from placing the rails a f rnctlon
of nn Inch too near together. Con
stant wear of tho wheals will widen
them so thnt oiling will not bo neces
sary after a time.
There Is a singular likeness be
tween fumy places In the northern
woods and nn average "bit" In Florida.
It In tho palm that spreads and feath
ers in tho warm lunds and tho fern nt
tho north. Tho effect of tho two Is
quite simllnr from a llttlo distance.
Tho fern not Infrequently nttalnH a
length of five foot In New Englnnd,
and in the northwest, where all vege
tntton Is more rank, It grows lnrgor
"The other day," snld a New York
cltlrcn, "I saw a colored newsboy; ho
jumped aboard a streetcar quite In tho
usual way. Thero may bo other col
ored newsboys In town, but this wns
tho first ono I had scon. On tho samo
day I saw another newsboy who at
tracted my uttention n white news
boy who wore spectacles. Thero may,
indeed, bo other newsboys in Now
York who wenr spectacles, but I havo
never seen them."
Richmond, Va., contains among Its
population IS Georgo Washington, It
Andrew Jncksons, 14 Thomas ("Stone
wall") .Tncksons, 4 Thomas Jeffersons,
4 Robert Lees, 0 John Randolphs, 1
Jefferson Dnvls, 7 John Marshnlls, 10
John Tylers, 4 Henry Clays, 1 Znehary
Taylor, 2 llcnjtimln Hnrrlsons, 2 W. 11.
Jlarrisons, and 1 Daniel Webster. Thoy
uro all colored except 0 John Marshalls,
1 Henry Clay, 8 John Tylers, 2 Ilenja
niln Hnrrlsons, Znchnry Taylor, Robert
Leu und Jefferson Davis.
It may not bo known to many that
tho points of the compass moy bo de
termined with the aid of un ordinary
watch. It Is simply necessary to bring
tho watch in such n position thnt tho
hour hand is directed toward tho sun.
The south then lies midway between
whatever hour It may happen to be nnd
the numeral XII. on the dial. Lutus
suppose, for Inst nncc, that It Is 4 o'clock,
nnd that tho timepiece Is held In tho
position indicated. Tho direction of
tho number It. will then be tho exact
south. If it be 8 o'clock tho numeral
X. will indicate tho exact southerly
About the la'.t thing done to silver
ware In tho factories is to cleanse tho
surface of all grease and other material
used In tho polishing, a process that
usually involves u deal of hand labor.
A mechanic who had noted tho cxpeu
i.lve character of this work Invented a
bath in which tho foreign substances
that cling to tho tnrfaco of sllverwnro
are rnUy and quickly removed. From
this bath tho sllverwnro comes elenn
and brilliant. Tho employers of tho
Inventor havo patented tho process
with bin consent, und tho patent Is re
garded ns a valuable property.
"Watch stopped, has It?" asked
ono trnveler of nnothcr. "Now, I sup
pose you'll pay a dollar to clean It
But let mo glvo you a tip. Open both
of the back cases r-o, hold it with open
aldo down and tap it with your linger
nail it times. Don't bo afraid.
Snap it again. Now move tho second
Laud. Is It ull right? 1 thought so.
A drummer put mo up to that trick.
1'iobably thero were only a few specks
bt dust In thu works und you've rnppcd
them out. Very UUoly It will run now
for a year and you've saved your dol
lar. If It doesn't run after the little
jar that you gnvo It thun It In time to
taku it to tho jeweler."
It Is ono of tho anomalies of mod
ern hotel life thnt tho mora you pay
tho less you expect in return. In tho
hugo caravansaries of tho largo Ameri
can cities, where n man pays seventy
live dollars a week for a room, without
board, ho never thinks of asking any
pnrvlco of tho employes without paying
liberally for it; ho is charged for a Arc,
for light after midnight, for tho use of
tho telephone, for sending out a mos
6ago by nn ofllco boy, for taking lunch
in his room, for corkage on his own
wines, nnd must tip tho waiters. In a
country hotel, where ho pays $0 a week,
with board, ho can have a fire in his
room whon ho wants it, ho can trust
tho landlord to scud letters nnd incs
Nigcn, ho cuu smoke all over tho house,
ho can borrow anything from a gun to
ii pair of trousers, he can gut tho land
lady to mend his torn coat, he can call
for breakfast at 5 o'clock In tho morn
ing und gut it, ho can get the landlord's
boy to dig bait for him, and ho has to
tip nobody.
"-. sA,4dai,
Garment Should lie Mado for Comfort
lUther Than Show.
As timo goes on and peoplo grow
moro intelligent and, as a natural
consequence, moro Intolerant of ovlls
that stand merely from tho forco of
truditlon, tho subject of dress reform
for men and women will como moro
decidedly to tho fore, and better cos
tumes will unquestionably bo dovlscd
und adopted. Tho reform Idea is as
yet in Its most incipient condition,
but having common sen so nnd impera
tive necessity on Its sldo, is bound to
win In duo course of time.
Tho most serious objection to Imme
diate and radical reform seems to bo
Uio dread of rldiculo; tho idea appears
to bo fully rooted and grounded in tho
human mind that a certain amount of
elaborateness is necessary to what Is
called becomingness In dress. It
might bo well to stop a moment and
nsk If this is so, and If so, why It Is?
a stanunru has been set for a perfect
figure, nnd tho close-fitting garment
is becoming or ugly, nccording to the
snnpo oi ii)o individual who wears
It. As nine-tenths of tho peoplo who
dross for effect are anything but
models of perfection In figure, It
stands to reason that thoy should cant
about for trimmings, fixings, draperies
and fripperies to modify to somo de
gree or entirely conceal tholr innrtlstlo
outlines. Tho only other alternative Is
to pad and puff, to uso quantities of
micuram, whalebones and other acces
sories with which to make up their de
ficiencies or constrict their too solid
It Is a rather interesting study to
note tho difference In tho shape of the
stout man and woman who have for
any number of yearn drdssed after tho
strictest rules of fashion. Tho flesh
must go somewhere No lacing or
drawing In can make wny with it, nnd
misshapen and distorted bodies are In
many eases tho legitimate result of
this slavery custom. If fashion and
art could go hand in hand and make
casy-llttlng clothes the arbitrary cos
tume of the day, health, happiness and
grace would be moro general, and com
ing generations would have less to re
gret and fewer sins to expiate. One of
the first points In tho dress of womon
Is to rnlso tho waist line. Instead of
drawing In tho flguro below tho ribs
the belt should be put higher up. Tho
empire dress Is much the more health
ful and comfortnblo. The slender
waist Is ono of tho most deadly posses
sions with which n foolish and fashion
ridden peoplo ever found themselves
handicapped. The breath Is tho Hie,
and as ono Is deprived of it, bo vitality
becomes weak, tho resisting power de
creases und difceaso and deuth find
reudynud sometimes willing victims.
Tho blouse is an unmixed blessing
cither for men or women. There is no
reason why a man should not wear a
really hnndsomo blouse of good ma
terial us a dressy garment. Take for
example a blouse of black silk with
dainty nlcevo and neck ruiHcsof fine
linen, rather wide turned-back cults, a
prim conservative collar nnd lapels, If
one chose, nnd a few plaits or folds
nrtlstlcally disposed. Why should not
this inako a very doslruble morning
dress for a gentleman? This with fine
gossamer underwear would bo admira
ble in mid-summer nnd would do away
with the burdensnmeness of the coat,
vest and thickly-starched dress-shirt
front that can by no stretch of imagin
ation bo other than uncomfortable.
Every garment bhould bo made suffi
ciently loose to glvo ubsoluto freedom
of movement and this may be done
without, in any sense, sacrificing sym
metry, beauty or grace indeed these
elements appear to come in for the very
least consideration in thu gcnernl
make-up of thu toilet. To produce
urttelcs so tight that thoy wear out
almost immediately is nirt to the ad
vantage of those who make u business
of designing such tilings. To this clans
of peoplo we havo bowed our necks In
tho most abject servitude, nnd It would
seem quite timo thnt wo read to our
selves and tho world a ripeclallv em
phatic and comprchcnslvo riot-act nnd
followed It up with a far-reaching nnd
unmistakable proclamation of emanci
pation. N. Y. Ledger.
Julian Ralph' Narrow Ktonpe From
Diingerou Hltuatlon.
Once, when I was investigating tho
horrible and (even yet) mysterious
murder of a young girl In a New Jer
sey village, I was takon far the mur
derer by her relatives whom I could
not blame, for they wcro Ignorant,
wrought up to an ugly pitch, nnd sus
picious of every stranger who camo
upon tho scene. Tho girl had been
buxom and pretty, and yet it must
havo been a stranger who slow hor,
they thought, for none who knew hor
could And It In their hearts or in her
nature to attempt to wrong her. In
the course of a search of the neighbor
hood I visited tho home of the afflicted
family moro than once, nnd on tho labt
occasion was invited to seo tho body.
As I could not judge what manner of
girl sho had been without seeing hor, I
wont In. Jler three grown-up brothers
wcro there, and as I stood beside tho
coflln ono returned to thu door of the
room, closed It nnd put his back
ngalnst It. Tho others then attempted
to carry out a project thoy had cher
ished but conceulod, which was to
have mj touch tho body In order that
they might bee whothor blood flowed
from the wounds, according ns an old
supcrttltlon holds that such dumb
mouths will accuse a murderer. At tho
momeut I would not havo douo as they
wished for a fortune.
"Put you hand on hor," said one.
"Touch her with your hand. You
rausi, I tell you," said another,
"you cannot got away. Touch her."
They woro terribly in earnest
"1 will do nothing of tho sort," I
Bale, nnd then I mude a very short but
very curnost speech, lu wlucii i ex
plained who I was and how easily they
could satisfy thomnelves about ine.
"2nd now," said 1, udvanclng to tho
door, "stand, aside und end this folly
qidckl" ' , ,
Ho obeyed, and In an Instant tho uir
oj out doors tautexl utmost us sweet as
anytning tnai i ever axew aown my
laxoat. Kcrlbner.
.'fcii , iBpMjkMk Wt ii
.,.. ft.ylfr.w
It la applied right to the parte. It euros all dlsoaaoa of womon. Any
lady can uso it horaol Bold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any
address on receipt of $1.
Sr. J. A. McGlll Ss Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Plaoo, Chicago, Hi
AI& would call 22
g: Your attention to the fact that wo have tho ;2
J; Largest and most complete btock of 53
In the
Also Wnll Pnprr, Paluls and Oils, Stationery Pocket
KiiIvcm, Ilaxom; and Notion ol' all khiili,
Our prices arc the lowest and wo guarantee satisfaction.
Come and ecc.
73iU M iii Ui iU auiiuiiu mmimm
It Should Bo In Every House.
J. B. Wilson, nil Clay St., Sharp-dung
Ph., soys he will not bo without Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and ColdR, thnt itourod bin wife who wns
threatened with 1'nonmoniu titer an at
tack of "La Orippi,'1 when various othor
remedies und Rtwcrnl physicians had douo
hor no good, llobort linrber, of Cooks,
port, Va., clalmH Dr. King's Now DiFcov
ry ban douo him moro good than any
thing he over usc.l for Lung Trontila.
Nothinc lilco it. Try It. l'reo Trial Hot
tleantC. L. Cotting's Drug Store. Largo
bottles, r,()o. nnd $1.00.
A nigh B.lver.
Usually hns abiul lirar. IF in bilioui
constipated, has indigestion and dysprp
ida. If thero Is no organic trouble fw
dosos of Parks' Sure Ctiro will tone him
up. Tarks' Snro Cure is the only littr
nd kidney our w sell on n positito
guarantee, Pnco $1,500. Sold by C. L,
A Flue Farm For Sale. A Circa!
If you want to buy a lino homo you
should not fail to pco this farm. It will
go for $.'000 if pold noon. Half cash and
nail on time, or will traito ror vniuuiuo
property. Tho house is 1(5x21 " stories
with L llx'-'O with porches on each Hide.
flood water, lino outhouse Big barn
24x40 2 stories; cob and coal Iioubo 1 1x1(1;
granary 12x11; corn crib 8xlt2; windmill
(new). School House within w rnin. i.
milts from county Boat, two trading
towns within 8 miles. If sold hooti will
eall everything on the farm including 11
cattle, 11 horses and mules, 17 hogs,
farm machinery, buggies, etc. KiO acres
wall fencad with galvanized wirt. Ap
ply at one to tha Rmi Cr.ouo Ciiii'.r,
lied Cloud, Nabraska.
To Our Subscriber.
TnF.CuiRvhasn larga amount of mou-
y standing out on subscription which wo
need badly at this Urn, Bomo of it lmu
tin outatandlng for two or mora yara.
Now wenaad ituud hope our subscribers
will remit promptly. At this tlma when
mency isolorath payment of u dallar or
two from tltoa who ou o would be of lnnch
advantage to tha publisher.
Ilaap'eatfully, A. C. llos.Mcn.
Fr Sale.
A Woboter county farm, of 1C0 ncres,
with well lluiHhfld fraino houte, Ktable.
100 acres fenced in to puwtuio, over .10
head of cattlo, over 10 hogs, over l'.(K)
bueliHln of corn; offer all for u ohorttuno
far the amall sum of (?2,100. A gone
pralrio farm of 1C0 uorn with no iny
nrovemonts, prico 81,050. 80 acres ip
Jewel county. Knnmui, ?1,100. 80 ucif
In Jewel county Kuubi'.p, $l,:ioO. lip
nrovad Wbntor county farm of KiOacriH,
price $2,000. (Irounr. O. Yj.jsk.ii, njt,
Keel Cloud, Neb. '
U a oymptom of diusnnu of tho ltidiitj.fl
It will certainly bo rolioved by Pnii
Snro Cure. Thnt heudnchc-, backncho Hid
tired feellnir como from tlio snmo caulo
Aik for Parks1 Snro Cure for
tho II':
and l:idnec, price $1.00.
Sold by C.(U
A Tree Oiler.
Tin: Uiiikp taken pleasure in nnuoihc
inn thnt it will icna Tun uiunr ono tmr
to ovory couplo Unit gotn murrif d in Wb
ator county from tho that of Sfpturfjcr
1803, to the llrtt of September IH'.M, re
of cliurgo, provided that they will (end
in their nnmos to this oilier. It nillsot
no !i(Terenco uhother they mo rick or
poor, white or black, or what, nil lli;r in
roipjirod Is to Hcml tho nnmtn in to tliiH
ofllco with pout olllctt uddrcMj iiik) be
married in Wo'jntcr county.
for throa;
the best remedy b
Cherry Pectoral
In colds,
bronchitis, la grijpe,
and croup, it is I
Prompt to -Act
sure to cure.
..ffss'i. j.,. .feriUii , .--ii ,-t
A nice Hue or
Jewel rv,
Scari pins
Cuil'Nuud collar buttou, cek
ctialuft, luce pins, atlcK phii,
clmniK, etc.
pci lli.iiiiil(ilkiilten nml forks. w.rvhiK sots
JinvL,ilt"',,i cii:M,..,,on .b"" 1,0XI"1 "ml "llior
iinvHtiP. A flue llnu (it Mu.ft.iulM nml ryo
Kin-net 111 lntiri liimt;:illo whm. Merl, itlckol
f,5C.lVl"UJf,.,urw,l,(,,',,o,,s ""! Jawrlrj in.
inaMlVr'S'i!r?,,iaaV,l,K UliU J'"ur "M KoId
Henry Cuoli'N lrtit Slorc.
It Is a safo nud nnfalllnc remedy for dl
Kiducy Troubles, Liver Disorders
and Female Irregularities.
Trico Ono Dollar I'cr Uottle.
Iho Dr. J. H. JRLcan Hcdlcino Co.,
NotlroM lidfhy jtlrrn, .T.inifs I.. Miner.
MiKti Mirri. ti.amt Uiiltir a. .shrinum! li.n II . u. I ;--
..,-.... ". . ii iu.i.ri in ii i-nr iijr.uioii, minx.,
li.imt h th IVaptrn UniiK nt Keel nowl. fir tli
i i-nr. ui i,rn JOII'I, Kir i
ti.uihjr-iliiiiai.' IhhMii;.' Imi;
ill 'iiiiil. .N!mi9''n. n, nlII,,
rtfrn'llinuiiiiii li.llau (fi.ilmii.Gi
I'll. in,
lies ill llril I
itnci: of I'irti
all of wlileli li.ts Utii i... iii ,i null.
Ill ililiiiiiatlnii K In nili.i lillMI'."
Jiirt ihrani'r "" ",,nl"!l,u l"f"-lHe (:)
111 h illitsiliicR r K-l.l eortiornllnii. at rmr
f".,yI,i!,.l!",Jl.x"ulM,c,!a 'l 'I'liousaiiil l).i.
Ml h y$ If.CVi (hi)
'IJit.iflrflis(1liroipnrntlo'i'irr n Ik (nn
.lirinl h .i nnniil l tlirc(:i)uirectori, una
olllJirs uiipolntuil by said tllreciois.
I. Ii. MlNKll,
laoii .Mi.vkuJk.
S. A. Hlll'IIWOOD.
Noii.rctJriciil Notice.
Tit Ni'llinn (loiirli. linn.rrtlilrnl 'Wftiilanl
jronni lien ljr imtlllril that on tha IMIi ,
Mtiucmiifi. 1W,i. tlio iiniierHKiiMi ilniiiilir tiled
In llw illiiili'KiMirttif WwliHier in.)ty. .lnu.
Itu, Imr pel I Inn iii:-tt!isl on. tlio nliji'i t aail
niOeii"v.lii.-h iitu in inocuit) Iroiii i,n a nt-.
ciec nt nlHulntr dhnrce, ami tliuiiKo "tier luinii
(inmCaodila IIumI. ""
Yiiarlliuiinia rcqulrcil ioaiHvni-mi ii0.
tllion ou ur lietoia MniiiUy, lliuaoili drv nt Oe.
tolier, H.i.i, or sulci puUlon will lie til:eo as
conlessiMl ami ilecrru uf divorce lelHlua'il tie.
, I'.ltllEI'l'A (toocti.
her uttorney.
.- VMTfil(
"If3 Ihi W IVi