trr&masx& X' "um'mwtm VwEr-1 !.ff'..? "t -" V'r'1 IS., THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FIDAY, OCT. (I, 1803. H eh Mi r M I I Wf it- for. H i 'K.I UTs What is CMtoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms nudallays feverlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'CrtorU li an excellent mnllclno for chil dren. Mother have repeatedly told mo of ltd good ffct upou their children." Dh. a. C. Onaoon, Lowell, Mat. " CMtorlft li llio bent remedy for children of which I km nrqiialnUM. I Iiojk) tho day li not far dUUnt when mother will consider tho InWrrit of their children, nnd uso Castoria in teadof the T.-irloun quack ncwtmmn which oro fotroylng tht-lr lorcd one, by forcing opium, morphine, Mothlng (ijrnip and other hurtful gtnU down their throats, thereby svedtus i to prematura erares." Du. J, F. KiNcniLos, Conway, Ark. The Coataar Company, TX Murray Street, Now York City. sis: G. V. MATKINS, Dealer ii-j Secoild-tfaiid Goods First door north of Moon Block, If you want bargains you should not fail to call and see me. for I have them . Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud, L. II. FORT, Manager. Abstract of Title FumiBhed to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHOUT NOI'IOE. UtIdr had ten ycnr experience In rmmty record mid ono nf the most complete set of Al tract books In III .itite, mi Kii;ir.intee tuthfiictlon. Ym.rf mini solicited All onto 'H tilled inmi)tly. 10.000 dollar lioud Illt-U t nd approved. Addie.ts or call on L. il. FOItT Manage"., lied Cloud, Neb. p. p. HEED, ruoiMtiiysou City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rkd Ci.oud, D. B. Sparioge, Real Estate AND L.OAN Agent Red Cloud. snwiNT.couni IEVENTS CJIA7IN0, .Caonct Choke a Horse Adjusts Itaolf to any llorco'o flock, rins two Rova ol Stltcltlnir, Will hotel HsiTiea n placo botlor than t chr ftoUnr, Have n Few More of Those Celebrated SPOONER COLLARS Also n large line or liarnemi, Are. Cnll and ice mc ir you want bargain. J. li. MILLER, Tho Veteran llurucwMHii. m wk m ii iratf kse&y tiSS civ. Castoria. " Castoria Is bo well odapteil to cldtdrcn the: I recornmenil It as superior to any prescripts ft known to mc." It. A. Ancnirt, M. D 111 Bo. Oiford 8t., Urooklyn, N. Y. " Otir phynlelarui In tho chlldren'H depart ment havo RK)Len highly of their expert. rnco In their mitsldo practlco with Castoria, , and although wo only haro anions our medical supplies what In knonn as regular lirixluctH, yet wo aro frco to confess that tho merits of Castoria lias won us to look with favor ujxin It." United Hospital and DisrixRAnr, Uoston, Moss. Allcm C. Burrii, I'm., i Ne 11KASKA. New Ileal Entitle I'rin, J. H. DAVIS & SON, Heal Estate, Loan ntiilliiHiirnnco Agents. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Offlcowlth D.l-M'iuulspj-, Moon IJlock Wo liavo located in Red Cloud and will bo pleased to havo people who dosiro to soli their farms to call and list their lands with us as we havo eastern buyers. Call and boo ti3. J. II. DAVIS &, SO.V, .Vol lee For Iniilli-iiti... I.niul lofilce t Itliiuiiilnuion, N'il.,Atiir. -'. 11.93 Juitlee It hereby kIwii that tlui fuliiiHiim iiniiifd sutler Huh filed n" tu-" r UN it. m I mt jild timnf will h in i't the "li ik of tho District omit t. Wrlntrr Co.. it IM iud. No .. km MoiuLiy, Oct.jl.n i. mil l7.f It U-lij r r. iMiiie. id, Aim. No. ism. thi "; 1 "ii llll.l', kr4.oajli3li.HI3w6t 111. lUli.iims tin fn'loiiiiiK nitiii4 to prove lilnooiitliiuoii rwli iMii-o up.. 11 nu.t c-ulilratlou or.Kald l.iiut. i JM,ii L'.'wiImiii, All.i-rt .N ,1 I SVii "vT "' W'"0II. Jaillw'A. WllMO, U.I VI UMU 4itl' O.U.lJAILBV.ICfBlster, ANTIQUE BEAUTIES. Tho Marvolous Mountain Tributary of tho Colorado Rlvor. ClltT nnd Itovrldnm Vlilrli Itrnr the I'rlnt of ArtUtla UamU of n M)i. tcrlous Ituco-Ilomci of 1'ro- llUtnrlc t'liio Dweller. Wciitcrn newnpnper cnrrcspomlonts liuvu for yours, ut Irregular intcrvnls, tllscotir.'it'd ut Mitno lunfrtli upon tho wondurn of tho Ulo San .Itian, tun! In tho category f tho tnarvoloiia this mountain tributary of tho fjreat 'CoU orado has talcuti Its placo by tho Mdo of the far-famud and iiiyhtt-rlous Gila. Tho cllll ruins of tho San Juan valley havo been tho center of attraction, havo been viewed from all sides, and their wonders havo been told nnd retold to tho world, time and time again. .Scientific men havo visited this region, havo penetrated southeastern Utah, and havo considered thlsvnlley a placo of especial interest, becauso theso cliffs and cave dwellings nro probably the oldest in this strnngo country, be ing tho llrst built is that mysterious journey southward of a great and un known people. l'or twenty years the prospector hai followed this bold llttlo river and gazed with careless unconcern on tho rough and broken walls, so full of in terest to the nrchtcologlstj but tho mind of tho prospector has no room for curios, nnd ho has no time for archteologleal Investigation, says a Pluonlx correspondent of tho Cincin nati Tribune, lie seesonly tho glitter of tho gold in the sand, and thinks only of tho time when ho shall havo made his "stake." In November of 18SJ hundreds of gold hunters rushed madly Into tho canyon north of tho Nav ajo mountain, traveled three hundred mllesovcr bleak, desert tablelands, suf fered terribly from cold, hunger, and the long, wearisome journey; in a few days staked off all tho available land for fifty miles up and down tho river, and then returned homo without having obtained so much as color of gold, and to-day have nothing to bhoiv for it but the stakes. Whether this is a region that will ever show rich pay dirt tho writer knows not, but ho can bay, without houltatlon, that It is ono of tho most wildly picturesque and beautiful re gions in tho world. Tho bleak old Navajo mountain rises abruptly and towers like a grim sentinel over tho surrounding mesa, while In a canyon gorge, more than n,000 feet below its base, tho llio Sail Juan appears like a slher thread. Tho canyon is several miles wide, nnd a descent can be mado to tho river by a precipitous trail, but as the river approaches the great Col orado tho canyon becomes more nar row nnd the walls more perpendicular, and when it merges into tho grand canyon it is scarcely more than a deep, dark channel. Tho Navajo mountain, tho jutting buttesthat lino tho ennyon's verge, tho huge bowlders that nro lodged on tho canyon's side, nnd the straight walls of tho canyon proper are all points of wonderful Interest, for they arc tho canvas upon which are depicted somo of tho most strange and beuutlful pic tograplm that havo ever been discov ered in this country. Nearly every bowlder is a picture gallery, nnd near ly every smooth surfaco is covered with weird and fantastic figures. On the mountain theso contlnuo to tho very summit, and, as tho crowning piece, a lingo block of sandstone stands on tho top, the four sides presenting smooth surfaces. These faces aro more than ono hundred feet square, and on each face is n picture of tho sun, with the figures of suven warriors bowed, as to the earth, in prayer. Henenth tho warriors tiro many hieroglyphic charac ters, probably a prayer to tho sun god. On a bowlder, by the verge of the can yon, is the picture of a woman kuocl lug in prayer to the sun. On one of tho canyon walls, inoro than one hundred feet from anything that could have furnished the barbaric artist a foot or handhold, there is u weird panoramic view In three scenes. Under a tree n child is sleeping. Ono little hand lies across Its breast, while tho other has fallen carelessly by its side. A few feet from tho sleeping babe, a large snake, evidently a rattle snake, i-i coiled to strike. Down tho canyon, toward tho west, is scene two. Tho snake is crawling away, and tho limbs of tliu child are drawn as though in the l;u,t convulsions of death. Tho snake has done its deadly work. Still further down tho canon Is scene threo. A warrior, evidently tho father of llio ehild, with ono arm clasps his dead babe; with the other hand ho holds a club. Upon his faco tho rudo artist has depicted n look of mortal anguish and hate. A snake lies dead at hit feet. Thin Is probably llio most beau tiful picture ever executed by savujjo hands. On ono of tho canyon V. walls a war rior and a maiden aro represented, gnyly tripping along, hand in hand, while two doves are circling tinmnA their heads. 1'lctographs of tho bear In ono placo a bear followed by two cubs tho dog, tho mountain Hon and tho catamount are all to bo found. Many of these arc evidently of recent date, and havo probably been executed by the Navajos, but. hero and there one meets with ndimpletograph thatbeara evidence of great age. i:iii.rror William nail 1IU Run. The (Icnnan emperor frequently ha3 a week's retirement from tho bustling world, and hides within tho depths of tho forest of I'rockelwitz, whero n small cottage Is his abode, nestled bo ncalh a splendid oak, with forest around him for miles. There, while tho dew is on tho forest, ho starts forth gun In hand, with a brace of dogs and a sturdy forester, and at four o'clock ho Is at tho best snot for snort. Then his majesty bangs away till cloven, when ho wends hh way homownrd to . his cot, eata and sleeps uwhtlc, nftcr which ho puts hlsblgnaturo to nil tho documents which require It, und have I been duly forwarded to his lonely re- ' treat from IJcrlin, AN UGLY CItEAUKE. , Tho Venomous Glln InBtor of Arizona. Altlmilirli .Mm.y I'llhlltonn SlniArn Tntd I About tl.n Strnt.rro Itrptllt In In Jtcitllty Very Klerco il Deadly. Tho glln monster Is a rtllo co. corning which much has be, said and ' lots of llttlo stories havo be written, , but Its habits, ncverthclc( nro not , well known, even whero Ittnost fre quently found. It wan no icommon i bight In former years, bal tho San ! l'raiiclhco Chronicle, to scMexIcan and Indian boys trailing tl hideous things at tho ends of strlngsjong tho streets of towns and setthents of Arizona, taking enro nlwal to keep their bare feet out of tho ty of tho uncanny-looking lizard. Sactlmcs, too, glla monsters, strapped a board llko planked shad, would b offered for sale ut prices rnnglnir from medio to a toston (fifty cents), wlj few or no buyers. In tho event tin nobody wanted to Increase his tnennwie with ono of tho wicked-lookingfasts, It was generally stoned to deili by Us owners as a protcbt against ifgcncrnl usclcssncss. Several years ago glla moitcrs be camo somewhat in demand U eastern collectors, and stuffed or inJiollesli they command better prices nw, largo specimens, presumably wntcd for zoological gardens, being pat for at good figures. Strangely enouh, blnco tho interest in tho reptllo hns.rown It lias become boniewhathcarco. In fact, the capture of ono nnd its tinsition to n wire rat trap in the shop f a taxi dermist in an Arizona town ilconsld orcd worthy of an item by thot.cnl ro- porter. No sooner has tho nev of tho distinguished arrival been frnldod thnn it is gravely inspected tenderfoot In town, who pc every !rs its owner with so many "darn fod ' ques hls tic- lions that ho is glad to hid qulsltlon in tho backyard. Most of tho fabulous storM clrcu- latcd about tho glla monster lJvo had their origin in tho minds of tit curio sellers, who were thus bored death by tho seeker after lnformaion who was not willing to buy bometfing nnd thus recoup tho business man for his loss of tnno and tho cnnuljthat an swering greenhorns produced Whatever may have been sd about the looks of tho glla monst.;, It Is a fact that It is a repulsive, era Hug, un canny reptile, perhaps not m ugly as many another lizard tho iyiana, for Instance but instinctively ibhorrcd because it is so slow. Flightlbeing a matter of impossibility with tho glln monster, and as it lacks tho cuinlng to feign deatli, It must necessarily ns buino a bold front when threatened with capture or Injury. Tho length of tho monsters usually captured vnrles from ono foot to two feet nnd a few inches, but specimens a foot nnd a half in length nro those most generally brought in. Of this tho big, conical tall forms one-third. Tho weight will average from threo to five pounds. The head Is moro lanec shaped than that of any other lizard found In Arizona, the consequence be ing that tho narrow neck is very pro nounced and imparts to tho head while It moves something very much like tho rattlesnake's performance. When attacked tho glla monster re treats about half his length and crouches close to the ground, but rear ing head nnd neck in a fierce manner, while fi black, forked tonguo over an inch in length, darts swiftly out of a mouth abnormally wide and cavernous. At tho same time it emits a hiss, joint ly with a creaking noise, which is mado by scraping either its claws, which nro pointed and sharp, or tho rough scales of its body upon tho stones or gravel beneath it. If this demonstration falls to repulse tho ag gressor tho glla monster will not hesi tate, when thoroughly angered, to make a snap ut tho foe, bo It man or beast. Hut It will never attack any thing that it does not require for food unless first interfered with. If escape bo near In tho shape of a burro In tho ground or a hole in tho rocks large enough for its accommodation, tho monster will discreetly retiro from view and remain hidden uutil tho enemy has retired. If tho reptile manages to get a grip with Its horny mouth, as hard and cut ting as that of a snapping turtle and filled with sharp needle-liko teeth, upon tho yielding flesh of an aggressor, tho vice-like Jaws can only bo pried apart by great muscular action with somo instrument. Tito wounds show all tho indication of blood poisoning by means of venom, tho limbs bwell, failure of tho nervous sj'stcm becomes apparent, and death may ensue, unless prompt niedleal assistance brings re lief. Tho story that tho blto of tho glla monster Is incurable Is not true, but help must be obtained quickly, assov cral well-authenticated cases huvo proved. Cutlously enough, in the cuso of men who havo been bitten, it was found that thoso who wero strictly temperate recovered fur moro quickly than thoso who wcro in tho habit of taking stimulants. It turned out also that, unlike many cases hi which bites had been tnlllctcd by venomous snakes of tho North American bpccles, whisky did not act as an autidoto at all, rather aggravating the bymptouis. A taxidermist of Tucson who has dissected many of theso lizards, says ho has been unable to discover where tho venom which they undoubtedly Inject into tho wounds they produce comes from. In .poisonous snakes it exudes from sacs ubovo tho fangs, but in tho glln monster tho closest investigation has failed to bhow any such glands con nected with tho tcetli. Undoubtedly It is the Etilivn of tho monster, lubri cating its sharp Incisors, that produces tho chemical change In tho blood, l'or that reason it is believed that in the salivary glands tho venom will bo found, but that is tho extent of what is known of tho glla monster's danger ous power. SMITH rnoi'METous OK- 1 awn n&F W T5BTP tw y 't ? l. Mi KJOitt-XA &, 6a,wdulM X.4 U 1ET Ordoro promptly flllod. E. B. GOBLK, ti:M:st in Fresh and lied Cloud, Your trade is solicited. 1 kill nothing hut the hest of heeves, &c. Market One Door Xortli or He:rj- L'ooU. PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard ItKD CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Limcj Qoctor Henderson PlSf 5r(irrAyinrf'(j'ri'causelbvrouthfulfollIc!innJcxcesseg.tiroduclnr'riervous.P --...: , . , . ii.i.... .!..;. uem,iu'sar-t, iuui;iu;:iuiiuiiiuiuui3iiu uiuiuiu.iunuiaui uiuim iu luu uuuti, iuiu in wiuuucu, eonfuscdldcua uuilforKCttulness.lKisUfulncs.'', aversion to boclcty, losdot&exual power, loss oirnaniioou, ixe., cured lorjuc. icanstopauninaD iosc, nsioro iosi ccxtiai storoncrvnnndbralapower.cnlargoandstrenijthiawralcrartsauJinaltoyoullttormarrlaTO Wvrrtl'iilfc iiiaiicrriui'juiteu30,innii 4-VF1I,,3 ltHformsamlntcpt'scureU for lifo. Wood 1'olsonlng;, KUtn Diseases, Ulcers, Swelllnps, Sores, Oonorrha'a anil Gleet, nnd nil forms of Privato DUeabctl positively Book positively cured or tnonc7 refunded. ror ootn poxes, ru rarfcs, i rio turcs, truo to life, with full rks crlptlonof nbovo diseases, tho effects nnd curo.scaled In plain wrapper forflo in Btamps. Head this llttlo book nnd answer questions. Ppop Mitcpittn ef Anintv PorMcnOnly. Ilcplctowltu , w a twv.w.7 llfo-llltomodelsnnd wax flRurcsdccplylmprccs tho mind; ribchoolof instruc tion a wrmoii without words, ft. D.l havefSOOiicposlttctlii tilt banti, uhkh I Uiiiijorjeii jor aoovt antases mat I cannot cure. PM'f "i I A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Wnll for lilm; lie will cull on you In a Tew ltiy. Yon can mvo money ami ucl more Hullfiftttiory Inxiirnnco than IVoui any other num. lie Iiiin c.cIi;k1vc control or Tour counllc. Sewing - Machines -AND ORGANS. 8. JE7. COZAD Has a fine lino of Sewing Ma chines and Organs from 25 upwards. Also kern all Kliulw or Itlaclilne Supplies. Does i-opali-liitf promptly. Call and see mu. Fanii Loai-js A Less Ttjai - 7 Per ceqt E, A Siiilpsoi'1, Bias Hill Neb. & CO.. A IT TT,SrTOi M A 'rt "P -. t- w- - a. . - Vour pnlronnKO Holloltid salt Xcbmtilia Coal and Cement. eSBKSSSEMXKZEBSSa Meats 102 ft 104 W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, MO. Tit Old KtliaUt Dixtcr. AKtpilnr Cmduatein Midtcini. Olditt iit Agtand Lonstit L.uiJ. OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorize! by tho fMato to treat CHRONIC. HCnV0U3 nnd SPECIAL DI3ASCS. Curen cuarantoc il or money refunded. All medicine furnished ready for use. No mercury or injurious medicines used. No detention Irorn work. Patients ntnriiytiiiica treated by mall nnd express. Medicines sent every hero, t reo from pazo or brcal; lice. Chan-OS low. Over 30.000 rases cured. Airnnuil rxticrlnnnnnrn Important. Head llttla IjooU, then Btato your case. Send foroplnlon H and terms. Cou3ultatlonfrcgnuaconllUeiitial,personully or by letter Seminal Weakness & Sexual Debility, ....i -., , ... .1.-1 . ., .."....-.: u ZAvxcxtwr permanently cured wlth JH I1IU1V OJt cuustlp. rnltltur. linn. clesorsoun-l. No tialn.uo exposure. Pa tient can uso tho treatment r.t home. PhpumnHcm ThoOreatTurltlsU KnCUIIiaClbm mjcumntloCurc ASUIUlCUItH. Tho greatest Clacovcry in t'.ioasnalsof medicine. Onodoso gives re lief ;a few ilosaareraovo fever nnd pain in jouiis iieuroinniuwuayE. jscnurtntrment of case, with stamp for Urcular. circular. xt&: thousands el eurlosl ties Tho rxsssssmar.m-MKJKV Closing out Sale I dosiro to close out the entire stock of Dry Coods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Formerly owned by S. F. Spokesliuld during the ne$t 30 Days. Yuti can buy everything wt hurt CIUOAI', Mid koiiu tilings at ytur own price. Monj buy?, anil w must have 111 (Jmli befcrt th goods luavt tin store. Call al Spolii'Hlkld'H Old Miund can do for tllMl vce what we you. 'wm- Also nil ledger accounts duo .S. F. Sjiolceslield can be set tled with us if paid this month. A. 0. HERG, GRANT USHER, " Agents for C. M. Welherald, Mortgagee. n ;l w aV l yKmiimmmnviMaimv i iriMi MmiimmmMH&mi&''' wwfWjki - Wvy.' :ai4iil4...