The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 06, 1893, Image 1

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7ZriJl I
""Wu. ..
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sggaat:-a. s.g3
All Home Print.
PiiMMicd Weekly.
Subscription, - 1 Per Annum,
luvurlutily In Advnncs
It not paid In advance, nflcr this date March
18, t6t, tliu I'rtcu will be St. US.
Entered at (It I'imt Oirce In Itcil Cloud, Noli.,
ns until tiuitlcrof thu second class
Prof, cards, I Imlior less cr year S(l on
Sl( IllOlltllS 'I oo
Ulireo mouths 2 oo
Per Inch one) car (I 00
Per Inch six months :i oo
IVrmcli tlneo mouths '1 im
Special tu-llcis per lino or lino space, llrst
publication f cents.
Transient soeclatB. imv.-ihlo Invnrl.iblv In nil
Vance, per lino in cents.
All traillnu' notices In the naturoof advertise
nientH nr piur, a cents per lino.
Lejjul notices nt lepal lates, vl: fora square
(ten lines of Nonpareil or less,) llrst publication
51.00; for each mil)eitient publication, per
sipi.irt'. Ttit rents.
"prcrericil position" contracts tniulo.
All mutter to liisuiu publication must bo re
ceived nt tills ofllco not Liter tlmli Wednesday.
Advertisements cannot to otdoied out lor
tlio cuiicnt vviek later than Thursday.
IE. Ac 1W. K, It. Time Table.
Taking rlTcctAii.'. IJ.
Tralnscttrijlinpai)3CtiKer.s Ieno lied Cloud as
No. II.' Passenger to Hasting 3.00 p. in.
No. Ill Passenger train Hastings 11.03 A. id.
No. 10, Passenger to St. Joseph St.
Louis and I'ldcauc dally lOMOa. in,
CIIINII vi:st.
No. 15 Passengers for Denver, dully. Bits p. m
It!lJSlXi:s CARDS.
Red Cloud, - - Nkiiraska.
Over Taylor's mllura Mara.
Extracts tt tth willieut pain.
Crown and lirulgt work fpccUHr.
Poivelalti Inlay, aim all Idi ds of cold fillings.
Makes gald and rubbar platea and combination
All work ciinrnntted to be first-class.
Ilomceopatlilc lh)U'lan,
Kcd C'luiul, . N'elMiUKii.
Oftlco opposlto Vlrst National Uiink.
U. H.KxiiiulntiiK MiiKeoir.
t:iiniiilo liars trraled t)T mall.
Red Uloud, - Neimaska.
Will attend sales nt rrasonnlilo riKtnes. Satis-
faction (.'imraiileed.
IiiMirnuce A Rent,
I do a strictly farm insurnnoa and inrito
and mvitanll to eoa ma.
Moon Block, HED CLOUD, NED.
Cullectiona promptly attondetl to.
r 0, (JASE,
Moon Bixkik, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collodions promptly attended to, mid
correspondence BoliciteiL
Atlaniar at Law.
lied Cluutl, Nebrntikii.
Office' Up Btairs, in Moon Block,
over Fata Store.
Reul Eatutc, Iniiirniico
uud C'oHccllnj,' ArciiI,
Moon Block, - Red Cloud, Neb
Notary Public.
Tonsorlul AvlUl,
Hf.u Cloud, Nkbbahu.
a.t-oluaa york
liiturniive Agency,
ticrumn Insurance, Co. I'rcepnrt, 111.
1 to I iiuuiiuic Co., Liverpool. Kjmhind.
lloino I'lro IiiHiiranco Co., of oiii.ilut, Ncbr.
Til "nix Assiiraiii- Co. f Loudon. Hiik.
I rlliiKton insurance Co. of UiiiIIiikIoii,
1 rlltsa AJiiti lea Awumiiop Co. 'lorotito,
.... . cwi jv jkjB van. afVBKI " -z-ic-tr jsc?-!!., " y,
' Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neil, Friday, Ocothkr
Everybody interested in
m Y lr ?lr
H&W l r f r " '.V'f aa. aV- t
s fTTTrf 1 1 U
Boots and Shoes,
And Fall and Winter Underwear
Are talking
v I.J-.1 .... . -
Aell Posted Men
Will tell you that you will find no diffi
culty in pleasing yourself at our store,
and that you will find many rich and
nobby patterns you will not find else
Overcoats and
We wish to especially call your attention to
Our Overcoats
And Underwear
Buy of us and
about us.
save money.
Wiltten forTin:CiiiKP.
Wlint'a III it Kuitiet
ItV IIII.I. Wll.l.OfdllllV.
c'ii.M'ii:ii Mil.
A month had lldi'd liy aince tlio tiiito
of wliiuli I wrotu in my lunt clmptor,
Undo Polo liud roturuailti) thaold plan
tation, Dick had kept up a waaldy av-
ulimiKn of lotti'is with Naomi, and 1 had
nuido Homo advancement in my lino of
Tin wintor-kiuK had como t rule la
all hla ritfor, and wo want a limit the
iitrcotHin hua fur over coaU ouch an wu
had never tiBi'd in our dear, old Ken
tucky home.
Dick was making headway in his com
mercial 1'ourne, and waa becoming Homo
tiling of a writer au woll. In fact, Dick
waa h) ftdl of life that nothing last) than
tha steady amplnymenl of hlri faculticH
could keep him within bounda; for, ho
agor waa ha for actio purHiiitn that ha
often went out and gathortd newt) for
tha paper, which iteumalwajH found a
conductions place in "Tha Old Dom
inion." I temamber ono ciictuuHlance con
nected with Dick'n nowuKathcting wor
thy of a placu in my narrutive.
One nij-ht, while down on tha wharf,
while the veaneln lay ice-bound, urn!
whata they wete dt'Htined to lie until
the coming ef the Hptingtime, tha atill
fnmly air wnn ront with tha cry of:
"Murder! help! O, help! murder! mur
der!"' Being but a few blockn away, and
hearing the cry, 1 ntnrtcd on n full run
in tho direction from whence canto the
Bignal for help. I reached the wharf in
company with two of the mittioiiB of tho
law jitHt in time to meet a woman lling
from tho direction of one of tho boata
and screaming at the top of her voice:
"O, murder! murder! murder! they nro
murdering it reporter!" 1 gtiiHped the
thought that tho "roportcr"' wtm nunc
other than tlio intrepid Dick, and with
that thought uppcrmoHt, outHtripjicd
tho policemen in my ollerta to Have my
friend. My mirmiflo was of short dtint
tion, however, for 1 Hoon reached ono of
tho boats, and mounting tho atops that
led from tho frozen river to tho gun
wale, I pushed my way recklessly on tin
til I came, to the cabin door. 1 struck
tho door with my clenched hand, gave it
u roaring kick with tho too of my heavy
shoe, but received no response fiom
within savo tho command of a rough
voice to lcnvo the boat without delay or
take the conneiiuoncoH of my interfcr
ance. Just then tho two policemen
joined me, and, with a well direutod and
concerted movement wo throw our com
bined weight against tho door uud car
riod it away locks, bolts and all, and
so gained admittance. 1 shall novor for
get the scene as it was thoro presented.
There stood Dick in tho corner of tno
room, rovolvor in hand, keeping at bay
threo as desperate looking Tillians as my
oyes had over behold. Just boforo we
carried away tha door in our mad rush,
I heard Dick saying "come on you cow
ardly vidians; como at mo ono at a time,
and I will citlior yeild to you or you will
lick tho dust! O, you great cowards to
thus attempt to murder a poacablo cit
izon!" But no sooner did these thugs
see tho bluo coats enter tho cabin than
they made a break for liborty toward tho
now open doorway, but only to bo cap
tured by tho policemen and Dick. Ex
cited, though I was, I could not help
feeling proud of Dick as ho collared his
man and boro him away toward tho
station house. This trio of toughs had
for bomo time been under tho surveil
lance of tho police, and now were in for
it. On examination, had before tho
magistrate next morning, they wero dis
covered to bo threo of tho most notor
ious gamblers, thieves and thugs in tho
country. It also came to light that tho
woman who had t-o nobly risked her lifo
in giving tho n'arm, was a young woman
whom then villains had induced
through fnlso representations to entor
their borvieo as general house-keeper in
their den, but who had (as she testified
in court) prchcrved hor honor through
the merest atratagy on hor part, hoping
meanwhile to mako her escape, I hud
never witucssod such a scone au the ono
of which I am now about to write,
Thi'io nut tlio magistrate with a coun
taoco indicative of mental stiotigth and
honesty. I cannot but wonder why it is
that all magistrates should not he choo
en for their lltiieiw, instead of Hitch
the Price of The Chief.
6, 1893.
choice being the results of tho ward or
pricluct caucus. I think, too, that it
might be n lesson to some of our judges
and magistrates falsely so called -if
they could condecend, in their imagined
greatness, to visit some such court
rooms iiH the ono of which I am writing,
and imbibe como of tho real groatueHS
of their fellow judges nnd magistrates.
1 do not think that the Hon. .loptha
I.ivormoro in whoso court I sat thut
cold morning could have found it in his
heart to do an unclean thing; that ho
could possibly have been induced to bo
como a partisan in the chip, or render a
judgment such as would not stand tho
scrutiny of tho tlreat Judge of us all in
that great and notablo day when all nieu
shall bo summoned to stand before tho
Judge, fiom whom judgement there
shall be no appeal.
Dick took the stand hh tho leading
witness for tho prosecution ami gave his
testimony in a clear voice, and without
the leaat indication of a desire to make
tho case strong ugulust tho accused, and
rotated how ho had gone to the boat for
tlio two fold purpose of gallieiing items
for tlio paper, and that also of seeing
how the interior of tho boat looked dur
ing its stay in tho ice until tlio opening
of tlio liver; how that, In response to
tlueo light tups on thu door it had been,
opened by tho girl, uud he had entered;
how that soon after hin entrance ho was
met with a acowl from tho threo male
occupants, and was asked to explain his
motive in entering tho privacy of their
cabin; how theso worthies had locked
the door, and then with great knives in
their hands, requested him to tako nti
oath that when allowed to depart lie
would never brcatho to a living soul the
fact of his having entered their place;
how that ho luul rufusod to take tho
oath, but assured them that, so long as
ho had not detected thetn in any crime,
he would bring no accusations againat
them; how that ono of tho villians then
made n pass at him with a knife which
would huvo entered his heart but foi
tho timely intervention of the girl, who
had seized a chair and thrust it between
tho would-bo astiiBBiau and his intended
victim; how the girl had then, by a
quick motion knocked tho villian down
with a billet of wood which sho caught
up from near tho stove; how sho then
sprang out of tho room and raised the
alarm; how lie had then sought to ou
capo only to Uud tho door had closed
behind tho girl and seemingly locked it
self; how ho then, as a lust resort, had
backed up into a corner and hold tho
villians at buy at the muslo of his revol
ver. Then the counsel for tho accused
placed the witness under tho most gall
ing croes tire, and did his utmost to
nmko him contradict himself, but to no
purpose. Counsel for thu prosecution at
intervals intorposcd objections to ques
tions asked by tho opposing counsel, but
was sustained in his objections by tho
court only when it was apparont thnt
tho (luestions wero clearly improper;
that is to say, tho judge seomod intent
upon giving tho accused tho full benefit
of a rigid crose examination of tho wit
ness and did not seem inclined to pre
judge tho caso as bo many of the Dog
berrv'Bof these western states bcciu over
anxious to do. But, ns there was no
reason why Dick should bo shaken in
his testimony, ho having testified to
nothing but tho truth, ho left tho stand
with a calm dignity, such as is but sel
dom observed in oung men amid a mur
mur of applause from the densely
packed court room. The young woman
was called to tho vvitnoea stoud, und
gavo hor testimony, not without great
fear being depicted upon her countance,
howovor, bho being in mortal dread of
tlto threo villiauo who were being tried.
Sho coriobetatad Dick and also gavo a
history of how sho caino to bo found in
tho employ of tho prisoners at tho bar;
how sho hud visited tho city for tlio
hopes of (hiding her only brother, from
whom Bho had been separated years bo
fore, through tho sudden death of their
widowed mother, sho having heard,
through tho authorities at Castle (iard
ono, Now York, that her brother, when
ho landed there when ho camo from
England, had gono to Ottawa, and that
sho had como to tho city hoping to find
him, but on hor arrival had boon lead
by theso villiaim to visit their boat with
tho assurance that her brother was cap
tain oi mo vt'thoi, ami mat no uiui often
told them that lie had u sister back in
the oltl country; now tout, no sooner
Vol.21. No. 11
A cream of tartar bakine Dowder.
Il!..l....t .f -II 1- I ! . L v
IUKIU-8I.UI an in iotcuiok airengtn
Latest United States Government
Ii'nnil ttnnrt 1'
Itoynl linking Powder .
106 Wall St., N. V.
had she entered tho boat than sho had
been made u prisoner. Here tho poor
girl's nerves gavo way, and (die swooned,
and hud to bo restored by tho applica
tion of cold water to hor temples and
wrists. But before hor entire reatora
tion to conciousncBB, a gentloman camo
rushing down tlto aisle and enquired of
tho clerk an to tho natuo of tho witness,
nnd was informed by that functionary
that her name wan "Annio Gibson."
Then tho econo that transpired waa
simply such as tho rcuder may imagine
but beyond Mio power of, tha writer to
portray. But, uf tor a solemn pause, tha
judge kindly but llrnily commanded the
gentlomen who proved to be tho poor
girl's brother to bo seated until the
witness had given all her testimony in
tlio ease. This she did, although I hare
wonJered a thousand times how she
managed to do bo under thecircumstan
ces. But tho trial wont stoadly on, and
at its conclusion it waa ascertained that
theso rogues wore three escaped fel
ons who had been serving nentonocs of
lifo imprisonment for murdor in the
second degree, in tho Southern prison of
Indiana, and who wero shortly after
wardB returned on a requisition from the
Ciovernor of thut state. Otcoarso Dick
became tho hero of tho day, and was in
vitcd by the judgo to call upon him at
his homo, and to bring with him hie
friend Wilioughby, who, the judge said,
was indirectly entitled to recognition
owing to his having dotailod Mr. Nailor
to go out on tho hunt of items for the
prcsK Then tho girl's brother, Mr.
Ceo. Gibson, was introduced to the
judge, and was pressed to accompany
Dick and I to tho judges residence the
following eveniDg, and of course, to
bring tho young lady along. Tho nozt
evening wo all mot according to
uppnintmont, and tho occasion of that
meeting will furnish matter for a part of
chapter xiv which will appear in next
week's issuo of this paper.
(To be Continuod.)
Harvest Excursions.
It ia with satisfaction that the Bur
lington Routo makes the following
announstment regarding this year's
flarvcot Excursions.
The dates which hare been fixed
for these excursions are August 22,
Sept. 12, and October 10. On thetn,
all railroad agents west of St. Louis
and Chicago will sell round-trip tiokets
to Burlinuton Route stations in Ne
braska, Kansas, Colorado, South Da
kota and Wyoming, at extremely low
rites. Tiakets will be good for 20
days and will admit of stop-over on
he going trip at any point west of
the Missouri Hirer.
Theia facts brought te the notice of
the residents ef the different Btates
reached by the Burlington Route in
order that they may inform their
friends in the East that, during the
nrxt few months, three unequalled
oppurtunitibs of earning West will
present themselves.
The Passenger Department of the
Burlington Route will gladly aid the
ptoplo of the towns along its lines in
thoir efforts to induce Eastern peo
ple to avail thomselres of the adran
luges of these hoincsoekera' excunions.
The undersigned on request, .will not
only mail tv any desired address a
supply of adrertising matter, but he
will also be pleased to put interested
parties in the way of obtaining the
ttiobt furorablo ratts of fare.
f'x J, Francis.
Gcn'l IWr Agent Burlington Rout
sW JtMrwir
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