iTivrtu i" THE RED CLOU) CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 180?. en raw The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the pick-pocket to net your watch. If voti would be proof against his skill, be iurc that the bow (or ring) is a This wonderful bow Is now fitted to the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark. None genuine without it. Sold only through watcli dealers. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send to the manufacturers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. SOME OOD TIIlXGS, Beauty in the heart will find it? way to tho faro. 'J lie ladder ol fame lias slippery rcunds at tin top. When nuncy glows timid it makes the rest of u shy. Aftrr all the best way to make money is to cam it. The "ro'ling stono" kind of a young man is frequently a brtck The coming man sometimes turn out to be going the other way. When r man has nothing better to do ho sets in to reviee his creed. Vacation signifies '"empty" but with Fomc it means full right along. In these days of bank stringency it takes an artist to draw money. I'jide is better than envy, but we may get along without cither. K;cry time a wise man makes a mis take it teaches hiiu souiothiug. It is better to have our paradise nt the end of life than at tho beginning. Many a woman who cannot drive a nail or a horse, can drive a bargain. WI1011 a speaker ha a whole train of thought it takes him to unload, The milk business is ono in which both men aud measures are essential The man v. ho has no business of his own to attend to, usually goes to bed tired. A nun always feels abused when he gets home and finds the house looked up. Give mo nsithcrpoTorty oor riches, but if I muit have one of them, give me riches. So far no one has made the blunder of painting a cupid to look as if it had nny sense. Ono nason why there nro not more good boys is becauso thero arc not more good fathers. It will not do you any good to pray for ten tilcnts if you ara not im proving tho ono talent given you. There is no place like homo to the man who has been pleasuring at the Bca sido with his wifo and her new gewns. Some men who arc only four fict eleven inches high in the ejes of the woild, arc eleven feet four inches high ii. thoir own estimation. ' RliciiniiitUin. U n nymntom of disease of tho kidnojH. It will ceitaitdy bo lolioved by Prk Hnro Cure. That hendnehe, backache nnil tired feeling come from tho m cruieo. Aik for Turks' Suro Cure for tho livor mid kidneys, irico 1.00. Sold by C. L. Cutting. X B'lnc Turin I'or Sale. A Crciil Rnrgain. If you want to buy u lino homo you should not rail to bco thin farm. It will uo for fcoOOO if Bold booh. Unit cash and half on tlinn. or will trado for valuulilo property. Tho Iioubo is 10x21 t! stones with L 14x20 with porches on each side. Hood water, lino otiiiious". ik ' ' "1x10 'J r.torlcBj cob and coal hoiibo 1 ixlt;. .gianury lUxll; corn crib BiiK; windmill (now). School hoiibo within 10 rode. 15 miles from county pout, two trading townB within 8 miles. If Bold Boon will Foil everything on tho farm including 11 cuttle, 11 boiHPH and mules, 17 h'Wi farm machinery, buggies, etc. 1(50 acres well fenced with galvanized wire. Ap .lvfittincoto tho Kr.o Cloud Ciiiei, Kurt Cloud, JsYbrasku. Among iho Inclrteiits of childhood that tnnd out in bold relief, iib onr memory rovcitH to tho days when we were young, noiio aio moro prominent than eevoro nickiiem. The-young mothor vividly re ......,i..ra unit it wan Chuiuberlulu'H Couch Kemerty cured her of croup, and in turn nrtmiuiRtorB to hor own offspring nnJ nlwan with tho bebt rosults. l-or eulo by Dojo &Grice. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Scenes In Till' Cherokee Strip, Ah Seen by nil 12)1) ltiuH. M. Ij. D. who has just re- tinned fnin the Cherokee atrip, told our reporter soinc interrsting facts concerning that country, its resource, &e. On the S h of September he in company with dnmmy Spiy, started forthc opening of the strip, and having two hotses besides the team which he drove, and being hitched to a light rig, tliej took their time, know'iig they would liavo no difficulty in reaching the strip in time to mnkc the race for land, They journeyed ncarlcy due south and after pas-dug farms rough and improvid, sterile prairies, sand hills, burnt districts, and variou other features of minor importance, they arrived in Caldwel Kan. two days before the race, and from this placo they with many thou lands made tho nui for tho precious government land. Mr. 0.rtman said that i.fter passing the two notlh tiers of counties in Kansas, tho effects of continued drouth were moro obviou, and an examination of tho corn in the Gelds of which there is a Urge acreage, 'lisckscd a dicidedly bad condition of the tame, the cars being shrivelled and soft, and probably unsalable, and with the deception of small fields in the low lands and valleys, there will be little corn of any kind. Farmers were sowing fall wheat, and said thai the average yield of wheat thcro this- year would not exceed 10 buthol pei icrt Ilttwng arriyed at Caldwell, whirh was onlv 2f milci from Pone creek, a place laid out for a counl scat in the strip, they stopped uno Were obliged to go through the pre liuiiiiarics required, of forming ink companies, and making registration Mr. O.itman said that notwithstanding tho thousands present, the best ol order was maintained,nnd every onr was good natured and striving to ex cl. Hundreds of families in desti tutc circumstances, and people of all nationalities wero there to secure a home. Now tho etiip is about 200 miles long and CO milci wido, and is so divided by the government that it ii cxaatly two counties in in width, and in each county w staked off and laid out a count; scat The strip was then divided in to thtci equal parts, known as the eastern, central and western, the eastern divi sion being tho most cxpcnsivo and the western tho cheapest. Finally the Kith came around which was the day to make the race, and the enitre north end of tho strip was a lino ol people 200 miles in length ready to start for land, but under penalty of death, could not go until the given signal at lugli noon on Saturday, Sep. lCih. Now was the timo for shrewd sehemcB which wcrr not neglected, and as near as can be learned, a combination of merchant? and bankers, bought up the swiftcsi broncho ponies, and secure d the light est riders who wero accustomed to such animals and formed them in (he procession, tubu nicy precccueu in sweeten the trainmen which they did to potfection, aid when tho train with threo engines and 35 box cars all loaded to the utmost with an average of 100 people on top, it was a 25 mile raco between the train and tho horses Tho couductor kept the train slowed down and the ponies belonging to the combination sped onward their riders alighted and stuck their pies on the choicest corner lots of the city of Pond Creek, while the wagons and slower horses, and tho thousands on tho train wero centent with land of in ferior quality, aud pooror looatiou. Mr. Oilman told of many ludicrous occurences. At one time another party of land seekers harnessed one of Mr. Oatman'u horses and drove a way in the night earning him to search a good share of the next day, and bj chance came across tho horse which was immediately turned over to itt. lie also saw rulers A TRAMP WHO How it TUMBLED. Itlln t'p Trlil: Muilu 111m wllli liiiliuniillnti. Uo had iv Newfoundland dog us big us a yearling calf, and for three years not n tramp succeeded In getting to the house, lie lived just outside of town, n ml but for tho dog would luivo lcen "struok" tbrco or four times n day. It was fun to seo u trump eoino along, tako n squnre look at tho house, and then reach over nnrt unbolt the gato. Tho click of tho bolt was the signal for "old Hose," who bail his iiuurturft un der the veranda, to rush out, and at sight of him the caller would make u skato down tho highway as If tired from n cannon. Ono night a thunderbolt btruck tho corner nf tho house nnd tho dog wus killed In Ills bed. When the sad dis covery was made, the owner deter mined to stuff tho body nnd sec If it wouldn't prove a se.iro-erow to tramps, lie got a taxidermist, and at the end of u week "Old Hose" was set up under a cherry tree at the corner of the ver anda. Ho was In thu .shadow and fttccd the gate. Ills false eyes glared iind his tooth wero all on exhibition, and to one standing nt the gato he looked like ii live dog ready to devour all comers. He bad been In position about an hour, when n weary pilgrim was seen coming over the hill nnd sizing up tho house. Everybody made a skip, and flvo min utes later tho tramp reached over and shot tho bolt. As he swung the gate back he saw tho dog, unit after ono brief glance he muttered: "Durn your buttons, Hill Wheeler, but you don't want notliln' here!" Ho shut the gate and started off In a hurry, but ho hadn't gone a hundred foot before he stopped and scratched his bead. Then he went on a few feet and stopped nnd scratched again and seemed puzled. He advanced ten feet fnrthor, and then turned square around and held u sort of counsel with himself. Tho result was that he roturued at a brisk walk, opened tho gate with a bang, and, walking straight up to the dog, lie lifted the "stuffed" in his arms and dumped it Into n bed of catnip thirty feet away. He then walked to the back door, In which the man nnd his wife wero standing In a paralyzed condition, aud said: "I'm a tramp and don't deny It, but though I'm ragged and dirty aud hard up, I've got feelings. When a man sets a live dog on me Mint's all right and tie cordln' to Hoyle, but when a fellow plays mo low down with a btuiTod ca nine he Injures my feel in s and hurts my solf-respect and I don't want no truck with him!" The man almost entreated him to come In nnd sit down to a square meal, and offered to fit him out with n suit of clothes on top of that, but tho tramp wiped a tear from his left eye and mado off with tho reply: "Can't do It, sir can't do It nohow. We've got to preserve our self-respect In this lino o' bi.ncss or It can't last! If It hart been n live dog I wouldn't hev nuthln' to say, but to go and ring In a cadaver on mo and jump mo off my dig nity Is playln' Hill Wheeler altogether too find You kcopyour old clothes and cold vlttles fur somo galoot who hain't got no fcolln'sand can't be Jnsultedl" Dotrolt Freo Press. AVER'S PILLS cure constipation, dyspepsia, jaundice, sick headache. THE BEST remedy for all disorders of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Every Dose Effective sammmmmmm m mm mm m m m& H (clool Supplies. 3 Harvest IIxciu-nIoiis. It is with satisfaction that the Ihtr lington ltouto makes tho following announcement regarding this year's Harvest Kxcursions. Tho dates which have been fixed for these excursions are August 22, Sept. 12, and October 10. On them, all railroad agents west of St. Louis and Chicago will sell round-trip tickets to Uurlinuton Houto stations in Ne braska, Kansas, Colorado, South Da kota and Wyoming, at extremely low ratce. Tickets will be good for 20 days and will admit of stop-over on ho going trip at any point west of the Missouri Itivcr. Thent fcts brought te the notice ol the residents ef the different stalls reached by the llurlington Houto in order that they may inform their friends in the Hast that, during the next few months, three unequalled nppurtunitiiS of coni'iig West will present themseljcs. The Passenger Department of the Burlington lloutc will gladly nid the pioplo of the towns along its lines in their efforts to induco J-Listcrn peo pie to avail themselves of the advan tages of these hoiiicsc"kers' excursions. The undersigned on request, will not only mail t any ucmicu auilrcps supply of advertising matter, but he will also bo pleased to put interested parties in tho way of obtaining the most favorablo rates of fare. I, Fkancih. Ocn'l Pass'r Agent litirliugton Route Omaha Neb. Our line of the above goods is corn ed plelc and prices the lowest. s Dcyo & Grice. mam m m iu m uiiumuiuiUiuuuR 222 K 3 1 m ITAne $ ihe condition of your$f 1$ your Mir. 4rif,hw$hl brittle? Dot$ U pUt at the tnd9 Xttt$ U a Uft$$t mppfnt Doc$ it fait out tehtn tombed or orueAett? X$ U Mil 9f trnfrtngt Doti your cafj itcht I it dryorinah9ateenttUnt ! nro ioiiio o tour $ymptom$ be warned in time er veil trill iNim baU. , C SKOOKUH BOOT HAIR GROWER! I what you cnrcli. Know toircniinrm noert. in production ! not an aecldtnt, but the remit of eelnUfla i nliMicaor tho illicMrsof tlio titlr nd icalp lad w bj dUooTtrrof how i. "'Sltoolcum"coiitln nellbtr mlnorkli oor olll. It II net BPf. but k upiiRiiiriiiir cooiiwr ami rerriininit Tonio. ur wmuiauBg in louwiia, m nuf altlnu linlr,ciiretiliinilrujfandfirinc$hatronbatdhtaai. ... tar-Krcn (ho raticl-n. healtlijrand frc from lrrlUtlngniBttomi,fef IheOM of f,kooi.Min Skin hmv. U doiirori paraiuio initctt, vMA fu& on mni 4ttm thehnir. TNOCMr1H JlllUrrd If your druMttil cannot ennply Too, nd dlriet tow, and we wtMfjfWMj Jriorur.'.w. THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., 87 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. STRAWBERRY SUN PRESERVES. nroDr owner, thrown from thfir hones, wagons vrrecked, people injured on tho train, &-j. At one time when tho cleiks had bename very tired, a collection was taken up which secured 20 which was givon the clerks to rocced nnd rilievo tno many jicojuo nu wtrc tired out witini? for their papers. Sotno good horses wcra sold before tho race or 90 a noou so mat 110 ownors could make the race by train, aud not be bothered by horses with no ferd, as tho strip hnd been burned How They Aro Mado In the Old Virginia Mouir and How Thojr Tuxtc. It Is a curious fact, but well known U aolentirlc folks and to experienced house-wives, that tho direct action of tho aun is at once surer nnd moro satis factory than that of any other known heat So when you learn It is n tradition of old Virginia cookery to preserve straw berries in tho bun in place of over tho stovo there Is llttlo occasion for sur prise, but only an opportunity to roal izo how much thoso famous cooks can teach. The berries treated after tho follow ing; roolpo nro both richer and moro perfect than thoso prepared in any other wuy. The object of tho glass is of courso only thnt of concentrating the neat, and the effect is not dissimilar to that known to every child who has played at tho old trick of burning the bkin by catching one of old Sol's rays upon u bit of broken glass. Tho peculiar purity of tho sweetness combined with tho succulent redness In this sun-cooked prchcrvo gives a sug L'cstlon of sotno oriental conscrvoj and wero it posslblo to consider such an anomaly, tho fruit might bo described by the term "liquid crystalteation." Tho borrlcs seem to bo purmuntud with tho sun's sweetness in nddltion to their own, and tho sirup becomes rich, puro and clear as sirup can be. Tho berry rotalns Its sliapo and comes unbroken from tho jar, which alonu is cause sufficient for recommending this especial preserve. Tho Vimlnla rulo requires tnrec- quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of strawberries. Tho sugar Is mixed with just enough water to wot it and put it on to boll. It is to bo taken oft boforo it thickens much, nnd poured over tho strawber ries. Then tho uerrtcs aro set in tno sun two days, covered with a p.ino of glass. They aro occasionally stirred. On tho third day pour off tho sirup nnd boll it ugaln it will bo found much thinned by the julco of tho fruit. While boiling drop In a lump of alum tho slzo of tho top of your llttlo liuger. Pour tho hot sirup over tho berries and set In tho sun again under glass. Tho next day pour all Into tho pre serving kottlo nnd boll until the berries nlumn up. Thon sot in tho sun ugaln for a day. Tho next morning seal tlio preserve in small jars with branded pa per on top. Strawberries preserved in this mnn- ner nover mold nor ferment. They aro delicious for roll puddings, for illllng The Lowest Worhl'M I'nlr IIiiIck liver OlTcrcil ly the Uuriingtou Route will hi in effect September loth nnd 11th, when agents in Nebraskn nnd Kenias will Roll round trip tickotn to Chicago ut the one wny rate. No iuch favorable opportunity as this of seoing tho Groat Fair will over again prrsont itself. Do not, therefore, allow it to clip by unimproved. Ask the local agent of the llurlington Tlouto for full information nhotit tho specially re duced World's Fair rates of (September 10th nnd 11th. They're tlio lowest over offerod. Persons troubled wilh chronic diar rheal should try Chiiniborlnln'd Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrliu Henudy. Many caflfB lmvu been cured by it nftur nil else had failed nnd skilled physicians were powei Ices. PorsalobyDej o &. tl rice. When in llivertonbomirnsinil stop at tho Hanks house. S1.0O per day. iiv ory In connection. By far tho moat pleas ant placo in Hiverton. The Army Hill Is not tho ono that worrioa us but the doctor's bill. Keep a supply of Hoggs' Fnmily Medicines on lirnd and reduce jour doctor's bills 'J5 per cent. Hold by Deyo .fc Orlco. Wright keeps the best gacolino stove in tho markot. Goto Sherwood nnd Albright for your groceries. They keop ti'o best in town. Wamt.ii:-Men to sell our hardy vari eties of Nursery Stock, our own growing. Salary or commission. Answer with rofercnccH, L. G. Bragg & Co.. Kalama zoo, Mich. Those WoimIciTiiI UIiiiiIn In Town'.! If j on wish to seo thoni call mi I)oo fc Gncouudiisk for Hoggs Little Uiant I'llli. Kvury bottle guaranteed. rirst CIiihn lloardlUK Mr S. Bajlcs wiches to nnnouncoto tho public that he is prepared to tako boarders at $11.50 per week, sleeping included. Apyly at -1th Avenue Hotel. Coal, flour and reed. Don't you forgot that L. V. Al .5 ght sells moro coal, flour or feed for rl than any one. bee him IIAN. SLTIATFNIT. Aueucy Tire, lMulitiiiiiK and Tor undo Insurance. Written in tho best nnd oldest com panies, nt lowest rates. Call and sen mo Olllco over post olllce, lied Cloud, Nob A ew .Bone On tho livor. When it is out of order and you foel bluo, try u few dopes of Hoggo Little Oitmt Pills. Your livor will apprtciuto the joke. So will jou. For sido by Dojo xtirifo. a. 11. ;. Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption result from 11 neglected co.tgh or cold. Don't neglect but cnr promptly with a fow doses of llegirs' Chorry Cough Syrup Sold by Di-yo AGrico. or Course Us a llnrgain. 1 paid $1,70(1.00 cash fot tho Shlrey property and now oUnr tho snmo for 81, 800.00. $1,700 00 cnih , nnd S'.M.OO (mar gin) on or boforo li! months, nt 7 per cent This pionerty would b cheap at "2.500. in good times. John M. Cini'i'i.v. A I'lr..le To many lndios is how to keop their hair in curl on rainy dajs. Tho solution is easy. Ask Dojo A Grico for Nonpar. ril lluir curler and the pur.lo will bo Rolvod. CTIUKCIII.H. MlitHTIAN C'lmrcli-Horvlces Sunday at 10:30 J a in ntid 7:30 1 m: Hiiii.luy school Rtianeon Y 1 s 0 K at omo p in and V V o K Juniors at -tp in. (iON(lltK(IATIONAr. fllnirch-ScrvlCM at lOt .i n 111, nnil 7:ao p in: Similar ncliool ntiltM 11 m, Yl'HU K at C::w p 111 nnd V 1" 8 O K Jun lorw at 4 p in. AfKTIIOMHT 'liurrli-5ervlco at 10 JO a. m. "L and 7 Kiiworlli league at CUM p. m. H11 iiilnv Hcliool at II JO p. in. ll'l.scorAl, Clmrcli-Hcrvlces every two lJ weoks. Iiy appointment. I UIHKItAN Church-livery third Hunday tJ inoniliitf at in o'clock. JA I IIUI.SO Clmrcli-Hcrvlces Iiy apiMtlutment. iAI"HST(:iiiircli-No ri'Riilar services. Him " (l.iyHcliool(ri'Kulttr)iituoou. 11 Y f U at ii:an p in. 4'llAt'll,-nuii(tuvsclioolutsp in ororr bun-I'-' day. SOCTETIKS. o u w- ICaeli atltrnato Tuosiluy ever' BI'.N Adhom ldKe So 180; I O O Fert d.i nluht. (iAI.ANTIHSl)ili;eNol,KnlKlite of li"day cvfiillut. I - It'll I Mnilil I ...Iifa Vn T-Ml rk.l -.. Iliuirfnifl. " of Aiiierlnk. ultcrimlo Wedni'sday evonlne ek VAM.I.V MxtKo No r., KrateniKt Order of Pro ti)ctor, llrsl and llilrd Monday ot each IllOlltll. ( 1IIA1IITV lidiju No 63 A K and A M each Krhliiy uvriiliit; on or In-fore the full moon. UC1) Cloud Chapter No 10, HAM alternate 'I liursdiiy evening. CiYRUKI. Coiiiiiiandery No 14 alteruateThurs ' diy ovcnlni;. MIAltlTY Chaptfr KnMorn Star No 47 alter - natu Idcnduy evenliiK. MoNitt will oxchango Hour and feed at cash prices, for corn.oalii or potatoes at nun hot prices Tayi.oii keeps the largest and hcht selected stock of wall paper ever brought to Hod Cloud. Am. fanoy rockera 15 per cent discount of :i0 dm e. V. V. TAYi.on. See W. V. Wright's for the unant gopo- line atoveain the city of ltd Cloud. New hay can bo had by leaving orders with MoNitt. for hale. A Woboter county fnrm, of KX) acres, with well finished fruino houco, ntabh', 1(H) acietj funced in to p-isturo, over .10 head of cattlo, over 10 hogs, over aOO biiKhsIn of corn; olfcr all for nshoittuno fur tho email mini of W.100. A good nralrio farm of 1C0 acres with 110 im provements, prico 81,050. 80 uores in Jewel county. Kansan, 81, 1C0. 80 ucies in Jewel county Kiuu'.ih, 8I,.'500. Im. pmvrd V bHtercounty rat 111 ot ltiUncri'H, prico i!,0Ci). (ii.oi;i: O. Vi:iHhit, ugt, Ued Cloud, Neb. GjAl!l'li:i.D Post No sod A H Monday even ' tint on or before tlio full moon. fj Alt l-I i:i,l W K 0 No 14 meets alternate 8at v nnl:iv Afternoon. MAUY Si:i:itS McllKNltYTentNollUaught ei of Veli'riiiK Monduyevfiilnif. Nrt K AI.l'.Y Camp No as, 8 or V Tuesday eve-lllllLT. IK Ulli:itMAN(:ircloNo3. ladles of the O J lint ami third .Satin day evening. IJ i:ii Cl.Otll) Council No is LnyalMyatlo reg v Ion ot America first and ttilrU I'rlday eve- 11I11K. lliielilcn'H Ainlfit Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, I...HU. con.H. Tllcurrt. Salt rhouni. fever BoreB, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd ull skm oruptions, and posi tivjly uuros piles, or no piy required. It iH ('UnriinlW'll W gIVO puritiub imiinmuuuii or inonov refunded. JMIco i!f conta por box. Forsule by Cotting" tf Hay! Hay! Hay! Ilids will bo received nt tho lted Cloud Mnrblo Works for 50 tons of lhflt class prairio hay, to bo delivered ut lted uiouii all properly utackod and weighted, liny to Bt-ind in tho staolt no dnjs bororo it is moasured. 8 cubio feet to constitute n ton. Sewing - Machines AND ORGANS. off, and hay sold ut bO coutn and j tnrtS 0P iuyer cake und to servo with per hundred. glass custards, but most toothsome of ull with urn uoimnton "ucatcn umuuu. Uostou Globe. Literary Aunt "Aro you fond of Crabbc's Tules, EdnaV" Ildna "Don't know, aunty, I've nover cnten them, but I lovo the meat lu lobster's legs." Demorest's Mugazlno, ISatlier Sleep. Than tako in uiiy other form In what many pcoplo think and Parks' Tea is mado for Juct theso folks. It euros con Btipntion nnd though not n cathnitlo moves tho bowels ovory day. Sold by C. L. Cotting. When Uaby was stclr, a e-ito her CMtorla. When bho was a Clill.1, oho cried for Castoria. When iho Itccnnie lls, bho clung taCuktot la. W Uca the had Clilldrcu, U.0 gavo tluia C'ottorl ,Voiirelleiil Xollec. r.. v..ii,,.., I' iinii.rislilint defendaiit. von 1110 lien-l'V iiollllid 011 tho lS!h "lay, of m-111". he . IKW.tho rolunuit plaint III tiled lu Hie tllil rh't court nf WVljiteryiniily. Nehr.iH. lell'IOII H til SU IMI. Ill" '."JV-T l (U.M iiiaii"i of which aiolo pronuio trrm Mm a iln crce of iiinoluio dUorce, and (.hiuijso her 11.11110 (Mill Hum Ii to Howl. You aro llicri'tmii rnpilrcd mainwernild lie. tlllou nil o. lii"l'1."'''"V.tlin!"iiliiliy.l llilll'i, lu, or jiiiii -ii.i... ..... "'"', '" II i.UII lite.l u 'l .lll.'.w ivminnt mv- l'Ollf("lV curdliiKly l!itiu:iri (loncu, byC'IIAM'.V&CllAiriN, lieratUirncji, S. E. COZAD lifts it fine Hue of Sewing. Ma chines and Organs from $25 upwards. Also keeps nil klndi or Machine ninppllei. Doc repairing promptly, Call and tee no. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. t'rolMtto .Notice. HTAIK !' i:illtBKA j. Wthiicrroii'itv l In thu in.UIti ol the citato of I). C, hmiUcr, To iiu'i'ei'vin luleii'?teil la tho tot.lto of I), C. Siuelsoi.diH'i.wd. VciuiM luuieiiy nmiiii-ii ui.iiuii ur u ".. of Auuut. iK'i. Aiuwi I. MiioHer lulmliilstrii-. tiixot said tiled Hit M'lltle.1 I'tl J oil hi iho I'oiintv euiiit of our sttii county of WnhMi r aslilniT fni 11 dual Mttleiiii'iit, tor tlio nllinwiney of iho lici'ouuinied In sild county eourl 011 the aitn d .y ol Aiimiit. l'. and fur u dltvliargo as Uiltiitulstl.llllx 01 Kai eMitie. no grade below 80 per cent., arerage '" vr.u mftfiiithcriiotiilHi thnt tho iiomlnu on qq T,cr 00nt, in all branches required .1.1 ..miii, ,n uiil Im liinl In t ho eoiints' I'ourt -.1 T room n( Mild enmity on the ."Jtli day ot m-pU'ia by law. Lcr, ik. at s owjc. v$.vv V( Lvuul. Ju(li& d. m. Hunibb. Oouatj Supt. Notice to Teaclien. Notico is hereby givon that I will oxuuiino all porsons who may desire to offer themselves as candidate! for teachers oftho public schools of this couuty, at Rod Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will be held on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of each month. The sLanding'Yoquircd for 2d and lid grado certificates is the same no rado below 70 per cent., average 80 por eetit; tor lirst grado ccrttnoate 4 4 i l. f v m j tei tmm TJ3SSSSST!iVB1''v9mUSSVi