The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1893, Image 5

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gj w w mmmm mmmmmmm m m &:
We Iiiue a few
ej " " "
Boots and Shoes Ourselves !
UH Prill n-r.i-tl.1 .....1 ....!.!. ..I.
(IS.Coo worth)
2 Wo will enuritlco our untiro Block for cash at lower price a than over be- v""
foro tnnilo in Kcil Cloud, and will nnot uny nml nil competition. " i2J
TZ Heniember wo guiirnntro HKS'l' GOODS, I.OWKST S
!: pricks, c:iti:ATi:sT vahihiy.
Blakeslcn & Kalcy. 5s
jiii ia iimmmimmm m w K
Abstracts of Title
Farm Loans
Call on
J. H, Bailey,
Red Cloud, Neb. .
local m:us.
llert Wright was in Omnhn this week.
O. MeCall wiib in Guide Hock Mon
day. Tom Wilson und wife eamo home thin
Mre. Eagloburgor is .visiting friends in
Henry Scott litis bcon on the flick HhI
this wcok.
Mrs. A. M. Sapp is on
nick libt
this wcok.
John Polnioky is homo
from the
world's fuir.
Fred Bcardsleoof Ulooniington was in
tho city this wcok.
Harney Jones lias gono to Superior to
locnto permanently.
Mre. Frank Heid eaino down from
McCook Tueiday.
HufiiB M. Stark and wifo were down
from Hirerton Monday.
iMrs. Hiram Hicks hits decided to
move back to Hod Cloud.
Mr. A. Ciilmos nnd wifo started for
Missouri this week overland.
.Too Dandorino and floo. MeCall go to
tho world'B fair next Tucpday.
Tho 1'coplo'a bank will open for busi
t 33 next Monday, October 2d.
Miss Gurnor of Inavalo, Bpent two
days in Hod Cloud this week visiting
John Hurr of Alston, Neb., wnn in Hod
Cloud this week consulting Dr. Culli
more. Mr. and MrB. Lindsey nnd Miss Mabel
Suundors left Tuesday for Chicago t
visit to tho world'a fair.
Thoro was a surprise party on Hov. J.
A. Chapin at tho residence of I). Keller's
beforo ha left for his now Hold.
F. W. Hank, who hns been employed
in the McCook yards, switching, has re
sumed work in tho Hed Cloud jards.
Hon. W. A. McKoighan returned to
Washington, I). 0., on Tuesday. II
goes via Omaha, where ho will atop a
short time.
K.Howard of Cirand Rapids, Mich.,
wholu'iB been visiting his brothers. Hen
ry und Prod Howard of this place return
ed homo Tuesday.
A band of horso-thioveB hnvo been Io
cated in this vicinity and it poems that
much of tho horso stealing of lato can be
placed to that outfit.
Mr. Sohaffer has bogun pulling his
beets, and has n largo force nt work. Ho
has lfi acres and xpectB to hnvo ubout
-'70 tons or nbout 18 car loads.
Fred McKceby expects to leave the
Hrst of the week ftr Omaha whero ho
will finish his coureo in medicine, and
whon ho returns ho will bo u full Hedged
M. D.
Two Guide Hock mon wero arrested
this week ohargod with violating tho
law and was turned over to jailor Tom-
linson, but wero afterwards rolcasod on
giving bail.
A largo number of tents have been
put up just across tho rivor nnd it is
supposed by tho pooplo living over there
that they nro railroad Biirveyors. Wo
hope thoy aro and that they will build a
Anson Higby.of Doadwood, Dak., and
.r formerly of Hed Cloud, bus recently
been elected vice-president of a largo
corporation coal mining company of that
place, which has fluttering prospects of
making a great ontorprieo.
A man by tho nnino of Jones was nr-
roBted by John Tomliuson, doputy slier
Iff, charged with threatening to burn a
house In this city. Tho fellow will prob
ably wish ho had kept lib mouth closed
beforo ho gets out of his trouble.
Tho boyB aro talking about something
awful funny, and when iitfsod to explain
wild that onn fncotioua young gentlo-
man in our city asked a young Indy to
accompnny him to a party representing
it to be tlneo blocks, and when they had
walked two miloe, they worn for.
.".t'unato enough to catch a rido home
"uf tor tho ball was over."
ami nosithuK
Mil i SI) l.K, 01 M
For fresh fruit seo McNitt.
Now window curtains nt CottingB.
The best bread in the city at Calmes
Charley Gurnoy ia homo from Kansitayl
Wart Wright was in Hastings this
(Jo to Cidnies for bread, pies, enkes, ico
cream, i to.
Miss Corn Ivnloy wns visiting in Frank
lin this week.
Huyjoini linopojkot knifo nt Cot
tings drug store.
Mrs. K. M. I'erkinH, of Denver, is vis
ititig Mrs. Jo. Warren.
Mon's lino clothing nindo to order at
Wiener's Tailoring House.
Mrs. D. C. Gillespie, of Hopublicnn
City, was in the city this week.
Keopnn eyo on prices. I lend nnd
othe ra follow. JnmeB Peterson.
Whon you want n good cooking or
healing stove eeo W. W. Wright.
.Miss Nellie Kaley leuvos this woek for
Peru, whero bIio will attend school.
Al Frame has a soro foot from trying
to split it instead of a stick of wood.
Go to Caliun'ii bakery for tobacco, ci
gars, candies, fruits, bread, lunch, &c.
Tho low pricea for flour nnd feed at tho
i!cd Cloud Produce Co's. makes business
Well made and serviceable clothing for
men, bojs and childron nt reasonable
prices, at Wiener's.
Hoy Hutchison wno cutting hair in
Hiwrton tho other day. Ho says he had
n hair-breadth oscnpo.
h. I). Oatmnn is home from tho Chero
kee strip. Ho in now known as "Big
man afiaiduf-his-land."
Mrs. Win. H. Reynolds started to New
York state last Saturday to spend sover
al weeks visiting nuiong friends.
Mr. Morhart ruturned Wednesday from
n long stay in Hot Springs, S. D. He
appears much improved in health.
In ordir to cloho out orgnns nnd sew
ing mnchincs, I will uivo you a bargain.
Come, and seo me. James Peterson.
J vMiss Grnco Trobeo, formerly of this
Pnlflcn. ifl in In, irndilml In "V. . Ttvinfnrll
of Eustice, Nob., at that plnco soon.
Wo are indebted to Hobt. flicks for
two iiloo wntor melons, and our dovil i'b
now nnxlous for others to do likowise.
T. J. Chnflln of Cowlos, nnd J. Chnplin
of liluo Hill, were pleasant callers this
week whilo in Hud Cloud on business.
Tho Ited Cloud l'roduco Co. is pre
pared to advanco monoy on broom corn
bills of lading, consigned to Chicngo.
J. 11. Smith of North Hrnnch, Kansas,
was doing business in Hed Cloud this
wcok and msilo this ofllco it pleasant
John Winters io homo from his trip to
about two weuks to bo cone until Christ
Tho Indies hid society of tho Congro
gationnl church will givo n tea at D. F.
McFnrlnnd'ti Thursday oyening, October
nth, 1803, from 0:80 to 10 p. m.
Clins. Huachow, ex-county treasurer
of Webster county, nnd now of Colby,
Knnsas, was in Hed Cloud Hub week en
route for the world's fair.
In making montion of the M. E.
church choir last week, our typo inadvor
tantly omitted the nnmo of Miss Lydla
Itifo from among tho sopranos.
The "denizons" of Lino township have
been troubled with a catamount or a
lynx of Into. Tho animal has been
whipping tho dogs and stealing chick
niio. Our reporter thinks it must huvo
been a two-legged lynx.
Mr. Geo. Spoir and father, of Iowa,
wero visiting at tho rosldonco of A. P.
Hagan, nenr Cowlos, during tho last fow
dnjs. Mr. Spelre, while horo, pnrohased
tho Clnronco Guy farm and will move
here in tho spring. Mr. Bpoirs will be
welcomod to Wobster county.
W. H. Framo of Iowa, a brothor of Al
Frnmo und of the late J. L, Frame, was
Visaing uicnuM in huh vif iiiiu weeit,
accompained by his wife. Whilo here
ho paid this ofllco u ploutunt call. Mr.
Framo is a very pleasant gentleman and
a very succesiful business man. Ho
will return homo tomorrow.
Tho following nre nowciibscriborsBinco
our hut Issue: Emery Ilean, A. 1'.
Hi'gnn, G. W. Hpoir?, Ramuol Heatou, J.
B. Smith, Millie Sluby, W. II. Frame,
Georgo Hutchinson, Wm. Uritton, A, M.
Anltz, J. I. nltnor, J. I1. bnow, lBanc
... . t..i... Tn.ii...., ii r l.' -.nt i it I
SorBon, W.A. Hawthorn, Hill u'rosil" ' ltur'i?to" loCa nK0,,t nJ
B. W. RUcr, T.J. Chnflln, F. L. nines. t ask him for full information,
itiimr nevnox.
Seed buckwheat at McNitt's.
All kinds of hardwnro nt Wright's
la and ico Sherwood & Albright for
Have j on seen thoso nobby suits at
!(... I A Ml !..!.-. i.c l. .
j ..v.. u. ii.viiiuu un ,-uiiu io ourpnso
nuiuuiro homo.
Do you want the best shoo on earth?
Wiener has them.
Mrs. Mollio Hubnrl has returned to
her homo in Hiverlon.
Seeral of tho Guide Hock people
were in Hed Cloud this week.
A f'Ait load of rock salt for sale at L
'Albright's Hour and feed store.
A goodly quantity of rnin folloiiTliurc
dny which gladdened tho luartB of our
The M. K. church soslal nt Mrs.Tny-
lor's last Friday evening was n grand
The Presbyterian minister that wns to
prenchat the M. did not ar
rive Inst Sunday.
Tho Catholic poe pie of Hed Cloud are
trying to buy tho Presbyterian church,
so wo understand.
Wright's la tho place to got your heat
ing or eookiag etoves. Don't fail to see
them for bargains.
Col. Hoover, A.M. Walters, I. O. Mnr
tin, J. W. Norris of Hluo Hill were in
Ited Cloud this week.
For windmills, steel nnd wood, pumps,
pipes, tanks, and llttiug of all kinds, go
to Jns. Peterson the pump mnn.
Tho Hov. Hull of tho M. E, church has
nrrived in tho city and will probably oc
cupy the M. E. clausli pulpit on Sunday.
The republican campaign is now opon
and republicans should dolT their coats
and go to work for tho success of tho
Mrs. Loavitt and daughtor Delia, of
California, aro in Hed Cloud visiting
with Mre. Isaac Ludlow. They have
been absent about Bcven yoars.
Dr. Grant Cullimore, consultant ocu
list to Mo. Pacilic Hy. at Omaha, has ar
ranged to meet eye anil ear patients in
Hed Cloud, with Dr. MoKeoby, Septem
ber 'itith.
Tho Grand Island Sugar Co., aay tlint
tho bcols raised by Mr. HchafTer of this
city, are tho finest raised in tho stnte
this year. His beets will make him
about ?1 ,000.
Go and see Wright's. They hnvo the
finest lino of hinting stoves tlint have
ovor boon brought to Hod Cloud before.
Hco them Leforo buyiug,
Thos. Long, who wns nrrosted the
othor dny for opening mail mottor bo
longing to othor peoplu, wii3 tnkeu to
Omaha to-dny by U. S. Marshall Care
well. Young man do yon contemplate get
ting married? Wiener tho ciothcr will lit
you out in style, nnd lenvo you with
money enough to tnko your wifo to the
Columbinn Exposition
Will closo out what Hour Mr. Spokes
Hold had on hand at $1 per sack for tho
best and 7oc for Whito Hroad. Other
tilings in proportion. Cheap for cash
at SpokcHliolds old stand.
Tho report that enmo in last week's
correspondence that MrB. Sluby was
dead, was discovered to bo erroneous.
She is improving rapidly and hopes are
entortainod for her immediate recovery.
It is a flmmo that tho boardof educa
tion does not build n sidownlk in front of
tho kindergarten school. This morning
the mud nnd water is deep enough to
swim tho childron in. If tho board has
410 monoy acolleotion should bo taken
$ l,mt I"'rP030
When Stanley wuh exploring in Africa
lie found an obelisk with these lettors
engraved II. 8. C. C. S. No ono was able
to decipher them, but since, eminent
professors hnvo ascertained that it
nionnB Hallor'n Sure Cough Cure Syrup.
For sale by Deyo & Grico.
J. Nnstein and family nro homo from
a visit in Pennsylvania and tho world's
fair. Whilo in Chicago, thoy woro tho
guests of L. Haum, whom, we nro in
formed, is nicely located and doing woll.
Mr. Haum will, in tho spring, common cc
tho erection of a six story business block.
To-dny tho democratic party, or what
Is left of it In Wcbstor county, will hold n
convention at Liluo Hill and proceeded to
put tip n ticket this fall. Colo. Hennrd
McNony und T. J. Ward, and a number
of our othor loading democrats will bo
present from Hed Cloud nnd wo presume
the boys will see to it that a first-clues
ticket is put into Mi Hold.
Tho liltlo cold snap of tho Inst few
dnto romiuds a fellow that winter isclnso
nt hnnd, and that the all nbsorbingtbome
will bo "Johnny hoap soino more coal on
tho lire," nnd ns it vanlshos into thin air
you can imngine tho smile on tho coal
dculors phiz, ni his mind wanders back
to his monoy drawer whilo ho ponders
musingly over tho harvest that is com
ing. Ho seems to scent it afar,
WoihlN E'lilr ItulVH.
Will never he lower than those iiiot
od by tho Uuvlington llouto for "Chi
cago Day," Out- Oih. Hound tr'p tick
ots it If sh than half rates! Tiokots aro
good to return until! Oct. 18th, and
will ho on salo Uot. bin, 7th, and 8th.
Itulll'OIUl IlllUlllllllli.
Trainmaster Kenyon wns in tho city
this week.
Jim Swoaringcu has moved mto the
Slvnior propel ly nt tho foot of the hill.
Sam Foo is agniu home nnd erery one
wnnts to know "whoro ho got that hat.''
II. N. Slarkey has moved into tho
properly lately vacated by John Mil
honey. Tim Foley is now running a pseeonger
train out of McCook and Frank Qnigloy
hns taken hie place, running ouowcek to
Hastings ami tho net to Oxford,
0 inductor Cromwell and Green run the
Oberlin pasuougors.
About ten fnmilici hnve moved bnok
to Hed Cloud during tho Innt few weoks.
This hns been occasioned by tho I). & M.
folks making a change in running their
trains recently, by which crews lay ovor
hcru. Soeu thero will be moro as the
boys ay that tho color of tho card looks
like u stayer.
Frank Martin lias reiignod Ills pnnl
ion as ya rd matter in tho H.AM,
yards to tako it position with the U. P.
railway at Grand Inland, with a raise of
salary. H. N. Slnrkoy tnkeo Mr. Mar
tin's plaee. Tho new ynrd men will bo
Btnrkoy, Hank and Stonier. Tlla Cmr.v
is Borry to loau Frank from Hod Cloud
but congratuhitos him on his better job.
Mr. Martin has worked for tho H. &. M.
oight yenrs and hns never been laid oil a
day in Unit tiino.
A NooTuttN.u. visit A few fun loving
young poople chnrtored the band wagon
Monday night, and under tho lucid glare
of the silvery moon, drove to Dan Nor
ris' south of tho riTor, for a nocturnal
ramblo in tranquil rusticity, and assist
In tiie consumption of some deliceoiiB
watermelons which "Jack frost" had
failed to destroy. Having arrived nt Mr.
Norrin' they aroused that worthy fain
ily from their peaceful repose, by their
obstreperous hilarity and proceeded to
investigate tho welcome patch. After a
pleasant social visit, and tho rendition
of some choice musical Bclections, tho
young people Hushed the few hours of
Innocent amusement, returned to thoir
riHpective homes in Hed Cloud, unan
imously voting tho occasion u pleasant
one, and tho family they visited royal
Too LoxtJ Thos. Long scotns to
have had too long fingers to suit Un
cle Sam. It seems that Long had
been working for Uncle Tommy Leigh
for the last few days, autt without
warrant of authority, came to tho
city and called for Mr. Leigh's mail,
opened the snmo and sifted the con
tents, for what purposo wo do not
know, except ho expected to i,et mon
ey. He was discovered this week in
tho act, nnd Sheriff Tomlinson was
detailed to lay for him. lie did so.
and, catching htm in tho set, arrested
him. Ho was taken beforo Judge
Dully nnd bound oror in the sum of
32000,and on failuro to givo bond,was
remanded to jail to await the arrival
of a U. S. ofilccr, who will tako him
to Omaha for trial.
StrccKHSi'ui. KitortsA. V, Hart
well, managor and proprietor of
the lnavale cheese factory, ib
still enjoying the conGdcnoe
of tht people, and tho lib
eral patronage, that lias always char
acterized that institution ninoo Mr.
Ilarlwcll's assumption of its manage
ment. In a privato letter from S. C.
HasBctt, sccrotary and treasurer, of
the Nebraska Datrytnans' Association,
lie said: Your exhibit took grand
sweepstakes for tho best cheese.
Plcnso cncloso your score card. An
extract from an other letter from
Omaha to Mr. Ilartwell lays; Your
chcefio at the Omaha fair and races,
took first premium and rccoivod the
first compliments of the fair and vis
itors, This means simply that in
spite of competing with New York
and other states, Mr. Ilartwell so
cured tho first premium, and shows
Wobster county to lead Nebraska and
other states in tho manufacture of
Grst .lacs cheese,
Decamped--John Clark ran a res
taurant in Itcd Cloud, and when tho
linsneiil troublo devolopcd in the
country, John's troubles caino to tho
suifacc. He was in debt and oould
not pay, ko Constable Winfrey polito
ly asked him to let him drive his
horbo and bugyy ovor to tho livery
stable, whero iu duo course of time, it
would go to satisfy a debt that Clark,
owod Charley Calmes. Tho bugjry
and horso was taken into custody, but
somctimo during the uight, Clark got
into the blublo and took the animal
und bufgy out without permission
and immediately had important busi
ncsu in our sister siato of Kansas
where he is now hiding from a war
rant for his arrest for horso-stcaling.
The property was in tho hands of the
oourt, and if Clark is apprehended,
he will hnvo to explain his conduct in
I mitigation of tho crime of stealing
' his own horso and buguy.
T his
We receive
gg That will
Elegant Stock,
H Alibis
;- We want to show
j Chicago Clothing Store.
gS Opposite Postoffice.
7i Hi Hi UuiUuiiUUiUiiUiiiUUi iii iii Ui K
A Head-Kni) Com.ihion: On last
Friday night the street car and cab
came near having a collision that
might of been moio serious. It seems
that the cab tried to cross the track
ahead of tho car, but before it could
get acrops tho car had got ho cIoko
upon it that tho driver could not stop
it and it ran into the cab. Tho oar
was thrown irom tho track nnd tho
cab twisted around protty swiftly. It
wnB no oocb fault ns tho cab man
thought ho had time enough to cross.
It was only nn error of judgment.
HoitrtETiiiEF Taken In S. Hard
ing, who is ohargod with so forget
ting himself as to walk away with
another man's halter, with a gray
gelding attached to it, has been ap
prehonded and now languishes behind
tho bars in tho county jail. It scorns
that Harding belonged to an organ
ized band of thieves, and a few nights
ago, ho stolo John E. Jones' horso of
Guide Rock, and run it off to Adams
county, whero he turnod it into a
man's field, taking a better ono, und
and thon came back to Guido Hock
whero ho stayed for a fow days, but fi
nally got to pilfering and was arrested
at Superior, and will now pay the for
feit of loirning a trado besides steal
ing horBtB.
After to-day tho pohtioal war will
havo commenced in reality. Thoro
will then bo Hire tickets in the field,
viz: Republican, Dcmocratio and In
dependents, but wo have much Io be
thankful for that it will bo of short du
ration; there being but a little over
four weeks in which to mako or break
great political parties.
All tho lato novelties in lints und caps
for men, boys and childron uro now on
Bulo tit tho Golden Kuglo Clothing Storo.
B SL g Szl
so rrr I
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
W e e 132
the stock of
catch you. '
you our stock. 23
Muh. Haii,ev Diaii: Mrs. Sada
J. Hniloy, of Red Cloud, and woll
known here or the sister of 1. B., J,
1). nnd M. C. Fulton died on Saturday
morning at Hiverlon, after an illness
of about two weeks. Tho body was
burned in tho Red Cloud cemetery on
Monday. Mrs. Railoy came to Red
Cloud porno several years ago and lias
resided'here ovor since During tbo
years t-ho lived in Red Cloud alio
made many friends who will bo sorry
to hear of her death. Shu had been
ill for several weeks prcoeding her de
mise, but was thought to be improving
until about two wecksjagq, when she
was taken worss and never rccoTerod.
IMcusiuit Prnlrlo.
Wo notico that Tub CiiibVh corres
pondents wrote him quite. largely last
Our Sunday-school has had a good at
tendance up to last Sunday. They must
havo forgotten it was Sunday.
Wu loam tho north-west section 2-2-12
hns been sold to a gontleman from tho
John Coploy and men, who have boon
improving roads in this sootion, have now
finished their work.
Some fnrmors think corn will soon be
ready to husk. Wo prefer to lot it dry a
llttlo longer.
Harvey l)ros. nro making np oane.
They are tho only two firms that mako it
Wo understand that Prof. Cramer is
to bo around tho last of the woek with a
now exhibition.
We aro huving a beautiful rain. No
braskii Ie not forgotton.
Mr. Itifo is threshing his flax this week.
Thoro is lots of winter wheat going in
Tho rain hue cheered pooplo up.
Uriu Tabor Is putting up a windmill.
Other improvomouts aro likely to follow.
Tho writer htm como to tho conclusion
that Nebraska is tho best country to live
iu, for eyorybody has more that ho dan
do. D. S.
? m
a f
i' r.va1