The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1893, Image 1

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    A :
By A. C. Hosmer.
PuhlUhcd Weekly.
SiibNcrlptlnn, $1 I'cr Annum,
Iiituiiithly In Advnnce
If notpilil lii mtvnitco, aflcr till itole March
If, US'.!, tin- price will tie SI. s.
Uutereil nt the Toot (illicit In lied Ulntul, Net).,
us in all inutli r of tliositoml class
Vrot.caiiM, I Inilior lets pir jear SO 0o
nix iiiontlit KK)
lhreo inatitlu '.'mi
Per Inch one eir SIM
INr Inch Hlx months 3 00
IVrltich tin fit months S! (Hi
Special ml leu per lino or lino space, first
publication ft ccnta.
Transient spi rl ilj, pajablu Invariably In ail
ancc, per lino llittlili.
incuts or pnlft, 0 ci lit s pi r line.
l.CL'Ill llutlCI'S lit ll'L'.ll I.ltL-S. '
aii i cumin nontei in nip iiuurooi autcrmo
nt notices nt latei, W: forn square
(ten lines of Nnnpatt-ll or Its,) llrtt publication
Sl.oo; for each subiupie-ut publleallon, per
snii.iro. fin cents
Jo "profiuctl portion" contracts tnailo.
All matter to iniinn iniblliatlon must bo re
ceiHil nt tills nflko not Inter tlian Weilncsihiy.
Aihertls. mints i.mnot lie entered out for
the current wcilt Liter than Tliiirnlny,
II. X. M. It. It. Time Table.
InMiiKilTort An. 13.
Ti .iliisciur j lii iiasiL-HKf ri c lttl Cloud as
No. Ui l'.usctiKcr to HastltiK 3.00 p. m.
No. HI I'nssi'icerfrom II.istlnKS 11.05 a. in.
No. ic, Passenger to St. Joseph bt.
l.oulsalulClitiMue il.tllv
10:40 a. in,
noiNii wi:sr.
No. 15 Passoiwri for Denier, dully, 8;I9 p. in
uumxis cakhs.
J. s.
KM Kill,
Red Cloud, Nkmiamca
OnrTjlor'i Vurtiltara Store.
Extracts Uelli without p.iln.
Clown and tirulfe nork R sprcUltr.
a V'oicelaln Inl.ii, ami ull MuO of colli IIIIIiiks.
si. ltuls ueld ami inbber plates and combination
T platen.
All work ciurantril to bo flrst-cl.isi.
Homoeopathic Plirslclnn,
Red Cloud, Ncbrusun.
OMcooppoMta Vlrst National Bunk.
V. H.Kuiinlnli.,,' uri;euu.
Clmmlr iIip.iii4 tre ilnl br null .
Rkd Ci.oud, - Niuhiaska.
Will nttenJ s.itc at ii'iisontililo Humes, h.itls-
'" tl"i'mmr.ttititd.
I 11. SMITH,
Insurance Agent,
I do a strictly form insurance ami invite
and iuitnll to eoe int.
Moon Block, MKU CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly all muled to.
Moo.v Block, - RED CLOUD, NEB.
Colloctiono promptly nttonded to, nnd
correspondence boltuitoil.
Allarucv t Lmr.
Rcil Cloud, IWbriihUn.
Okfioe Up stairs, in Moon Block,
over Fair Storo.
Ileal Eslale, liiMiraueo
hiuI Colleeliut; Agent,
Moon Block, - Red Cloud, Nku
'otary Fublle.
Toiikorlal Arllnt,
Hh Avitior, - IU.u Cloud, Ndaba.
Firat'OlusBbntbarA nnd llrflt-olnsrt work
guaranteed Ghe men call
riiKnlonublo Itarber,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
I give my jiordonnl attention to my
patrons. Firnt-cl.i-i Hhaving nnd hair
cnttluK n Bptolalty.
K. 1'0NL,
Red Cloud, Xebrxinka.
Com ejaneer, Real IMatr, Loan
limuraiieuaiid E'ciinIoii A(;ent.
I osncolnlly IiitHo you to cull on me for
nnythinu In nty line. Loans uuulo on
farm property nt lowest rnttw.
Insurance Akciicj-,
llcprt wnli . .
li rin in Insurance Co. rrei'pnrt.III.
Koial iiiHiiuiiioi'i'o , Liverpool, rncliiml.
Home (Ire liiKiir.nci'Un . of oiniili.i. ebr.
VlKi'iilx Ac.iir.inre Co. iT I onilon. IJiik.
(lern'iiii lnsiiiani'C Uiilnoy, III.
r.iijiilimi AMiiiimie o ,or iimioii,
liiiTilnutou lnui itco I'o. or lliiilliut'ni, lotva
lliltiih AHicilo AsjuirtUi-p (o.ini onto, fun,
Oillco oor 1'oBtoUlco.
Ttun Cloud, Nkrasi,
Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
Are Your
Boys Going
io bcnooi !
Do you want them to look well dressed ?
Do you know WIENER has just
received all his fall stock of
Boys and Children's
Clothes, Hats fi Caps.
Arc you aware that you can buy suits there
Very Cheap for your kids ?
We liavc been eunbled t buy much better (jriulo or kooiIh,
whielt wovan .ell at niiiiic prlecN of inferior crude or hut
l'iinoii. WHY Uccatin while In market we round
every manufacturer iiuxIoiih to get hold of ready ciihIi.
' w r n i
A rn&,
WTVJK J& sun)
ififg51 M
1 i J
iaH2N. tLjx&urw
Headquarters for
Men and Boys Shoes
Chas. Wiener,
:..! iii iii iu Ui in ai tmmmmmum
Red Cloud, Webster County,
You Avill Find
our stock complete in
every line, and we will
be pleased to serve you
in such a manner as to
hold your trade in the
Neb., Friday, September 29, 1898.
wi:athi:h ioi:castj
I'liiiiUlieil I'.xiirc.tNly Tor The
Chief for U'ebKlei County
CopjrlBlitul D T.T. 1'ostei.
St. Joski'II, Mo., Sept. 21) My
last bulletin gavo forecasts ol tlic
slot tn wave to cross the continent
f loin October 1st to 5tli and tht next
will reach tho Bnciflo coast about
October Utli, cross tho western moun
tains by closo of tho Tth, tho rcnt
entral valleys from Stii to 10th and
the eastern .states about tho 11th.
This Blorm will dcvelopJtH urcatcst
force in the Mhaouri and Mississippi
valleys on tho Sih to IHh, and tho
cool wave following it will brinj; kill
ing frosts to laigo portions of the cot
ton country.
The warn wave will cross tlio west
ern mountains about the (Jth, the
great central allcys about the Sih,
and tho eastern states about tho 10th.
The cool wavo will oross tho western
mount litis about the Dth, tho great valleys about the 11th and the
eastern states about the Hit ti.
Octobcr'wcathcr will not bo ex
treme, and winter will not como early.
Indian summer will be the rule, and
the greatest rainfall will occur
Trom Dth to 21st, The most severe
storm will bn about tho -Uih in the
Mississippi valley. Tho lust third ol
tho month will average warmer than
(he middle third.
Tho weather conditions for the first
half of 1891 will bo full or energy,
and tho cropscason will bo almost a
total change from that of lS9!t
Tho discussion of sun spots in
volves a bafcic principle underlying
weather changes, and in laying down
these principles I must antagonize
our gicat teachers. Progressive
mindi aro seldom found among that
c1rs whom tho world calls great
bcholtrs. Blasting, ruinous, tuon
stioui errors, because of the products
of our universities, continuo to usurp
positions that should belong only to
the truth.
Egregious errors could not long
continue to rule wcro it not for the
boolw-wonus, tha fino scholars, that
have no indepondent being, but arc
mtro machines, grinding out tho false
teachings they liar imbibed. That
is the powerful class, backed by tho
more powerful prejudices of custom,
which truth must ever meet and slow
ly overthrow.
Fortuno has favored mankind in
that Edison never saw the iusido of a
university, for there he would have
been taught that his vnguc ideas
were wholly impractablo. This samo
remark is often applied to Ben Frank
lin. R llebcr Nwlon says: "The
scholars of Italy wcic intolerant of tho
demonstrations of Gallilco, and the
professor of philosophy in l'adua ie
fuicd to look into the telescope, lest
ho bo convinced that Gullilco was
right. When Harvey discovered tht
circulation of tho blood ho had to fact
the reasonless intolerance of tho
lccuicd brothers of his profession, and
during his dy tho Collcgo of l'hjsi
oians ef Loudon ignored his discorery,
Almost half u ccttury after his great
discovery, the Royal society of Med
kino of Paris listened attentively to
t long scholastic argument which at
tempted to provo the theory of the
uiicuhition of blood an impossibility.
Shouts of derisive laughtor aro
snid to greeted Benjamin Frank
lin's report before tho Kojal Society
of Ureal Britain in which he shoned
the identity between lightning and
other electrical phenomena. G.ihuni,
.1... .!, .!..1 tl.! rt...l .....I &1..n
I MIU UIIUIIIUI nullum iiu tiiif v'u
Urieian, complained that ho was as.
the Price of The Chief.
sailed by two classes, tho scientists
and tho know-nothings. Both alike
ridioulcd him.
Napoleon referred the subject of
steam navigation to the Academy of
Science, and the idea was pronounatd
a lidiculous notion. The British
houso of commons refused to listen to
a plan for railroad travel.
l'rof. Young, the author of our uni
versity text books oa astronomy, and
president of tho College of Now
Jersey, declares that Jupiter has no
inllucnco on sun spots, and on tho
saiao page gives po.sitivo proofs that
it docs. lie sees through tho blind
ing glasses given him in the univer
sities, and therefore cannot see that
which is as plainly tho noon
day sun.
Thoic is no mystery about tho sun
spots, and if wo can como down to
common sense ideas, we can readily
sco that they result from a universal
law. Our astronomers have emd in
rejecting planetary influences becauso
the perihelia of Jupiter do not agree
with sun spot maxima. They started
out with the idea that tho sun is in an
unnatural condition when it is covered
with spots, and therefore the spats
arc caused by some particular position
of the plunotn. Tho reverse of thii is
true, Spottcdncss in tho natural con
dition of tho sun, and tho obliteration
of tho spot is a result of certain posi
tion of the planets.
This idea has never entered the
mind of ono of our university-taught
astronomers, has never beforo been
presented to the public. It is a most
important pom', and l want to mu
press it on the mind of my readers.
If (here were no planets moving
aiound tho tun, it would always be
covered with spots, because its atmos
phere would be much less expanded
than it is now. Whon our union is
near, rr moving towards perigee, we
have the least nniounl of rain, bcoauso
tho atmosphere is then absorbing
moUturc. This principle can bo il
lustrated by tho laws governing elec
trified bodies.
Electricity evaporates all sub
stances, A light charge evaporatcj
water, currents decompose and carry
away metals and minorals. Static
electricity remains on tho outiide of
ephcrcs, and when two ephcres ap
proach each other, tho electric chirge
of each recede to the opposite sido
of each, and thore becomes more duusc,
deeper, of greater tension, and there
fore of greater effect io evaporating
By this law we seo that the sun's
atmosphere expands, its cloud belts
incrcaso by evaporation, thereby en
veloping tho mr. spotrf, holding from
view tho dark body of tho sun, when
tho planets approach tho sun at peri
helion. During October Jupiter will rise in
tho northeast not fur from 1) p. m.
He is near heliocentric longitude 52
and will bo in opposition November
17th, then rising at tho same time the
sun sets, He is netting the piano of
tho nun's ccjuator and will pass
through tlut plane over tho sun's
equator April !id, 181) 1. He was at
perihelion in 1802, and will bo at ap
helion in 1808. Jupiter has more in
llucBoe in obliterating sua spots than
do any other two planets. His ditm
etor is about 11 times that of tho
earth, Ho has had much to do with
the drouths of tho lust thrro jcurs.
From March 1st to September 21th
tho exoess of rainfall at Charlehton,
South Carolina was 1 ; . inches: at
Savannah, Georgia, 7 80 inches; at
Jacksonville, Florida, 7.78 inches; at
Cairo, III., 7 28; St. Louis, Mo. 5.07;
Oljmpia, Wa&hii gton, 0 HO; Los An'
poles, California, ILGlj SptingQeld,
Vol. 21. No. 10
. MTiMWWlMISK- m .
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
Royal linking Powder Co.
IOO Wall St., N. Y.
HI., .'l.OO. For tho week ending Sep
tember 21th, nearly ten iichoiof rail
fell at Mobile.
Tho coming winter is ozpeetcd to
bo an average, not extremely cold nor
open. There will bo enough cold
hosvever to make geod loo.
From March 1st to Septembor 24th
tho deficiency of rainfall ai Eastnort,
Maine has been 11.2 indies; at Balti
more, Maryland, 10.91 inohes; at
Raleigh. N. C. 10.C3; Key Weet, 10.37;
New Orleans, 12 80; Corpus Chriati,
Texas, 11.7-1; Indianapolis, Ind., 7.25;
Toledo,Ohio. 7.85; Chicago, C.58;
Duluth, Minn., G.30; Dodge City,
Kansas, 8.72; Abilene, Texas, 5,59;
llapid City, South Dakota, 8.26.
Sec the World' Fair tor Fifteen
Upon receipt of jour uddresa and 10
cents in poeteo Btamps, wo will nail
you prepaid our eouvonir portfolio of
tho world'o Columbian oxposltion, the
regular price in fifty cents, but aa wo
want ou to have one, we make the price
nominal. You will II ml it a work of art
and n thing to bo prized. It contains
full prifo viowaof tho grent buildings,
with description of Biune, and is oxocut
od u highest etjlo of art. If not satis
lied with it, nftor ou got it, wo will ro
tund tho titampH und lot you koep the
book. Address, II. E. Buuklkm it Co.,
Chicago, HI.
School licnort orOUt. 91.
Report of Diet. 21 for the month
ending September 22d, 1893.
Number enrolled 18.
Those not absent, Flora and Jesie
Godwin, Arthur and Dora Lacy, Data
and Nellie Norris.
Those not tardy, Flora and Josia
Godwin, Georgia and Adda Adamaon,
Edith Edson, Bcssio Wilder, Arthur
and Dora Lacy.
Thoso who did not whisper, Adda
and Georgia Adamson, Flora and Jotie
Godwin, Edith Edson, Besslo Wilder,
Ethel Brubaker, Nellie Norris.
Avoruge Attendance 14.
Mns. C. C. Borkn,
A Good
Thing to
Keep ut
(From tho Troy (Kanaus) Chief)
Some years ago we were very mnoh
sahjoct to bovoio spells of cholora mor
bus; nnd now when we feel any of the
symptomH that usually priceed ,hat ail
ment, such as sickness at the etomach
dlnrrhwa, etc., we become scary. We
linvo found Ohamborlain's oolic, eholera
nnd dlarrlnrn remedy tho very thing to
otrnighten one out in such cases, and al
w a) a keep it about. We are not writing
thin for n pay testitaealal, but to 1st eur
renderB know what is a good tnlng to
keep in tho houso. For lale by Deyo St
I.. . . '
There can be no such thing as the
right use of a wrong thing.
There aro always some rare bargains
at tho moat market.
I'oll thing a ra oal's head never
malca bis heart any whiter.
In an ngo of fraud und adulteration, it
!a cortuinly gratifying to know that such
an ox toiiflh oly-uscd preparation as Ayer's
Sarsapurilla may bo implicitly relied up
on. It novor varies either' in quality
iippeuraueo, or effect, but is ul ways up to
' tho Btandarel,