The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1893, Image 7

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TSsJiffisii iaKSi&DS
. IliaB-i1BW f
" ' M IT-sasawaaaai .-.. 1 . 4.1-
nflBCS55SBRtW!Wiji,iiuiii IMNMlB'JRSiXSMHPKBfe
Circulation, TerJVcfU, 1:130.
A.O. Uosmhh, IMllnr.
Ij.mioy I Air. ,st I aiimI IMitor.
it is c.i3y to steal or ring watclics from the
pocket. The thief pets the watch in one
hand, the chain in the other nnd gives a
short, quick jerk the rinjj sliH olT the
watch stem, nml nwny pocs the watch, leav
ing the victim only the chain.
This idea stopped
that little game:
The bow lias a eroove
on each end. A collar VV,tC3 . J
runs down inside the -W.OJ Ji
pendant (stem) and j?-f
tits Into the grooves, - Ot1-"n
firmly locking the s .
Iiiuii . lha " -.
no that it cannot be fTv
pulled or twisted off.
Sold hy all watch dealers, without
cost, on Jas. lloss Killed ami other
cases containing this trade mark-
Ask your jeweler for p.-imphlct,
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
soul was all broke up, an' said lo mo:
yes' l'cto, my poah boy, l's guinc tc
find yc back yo' brod.h, who lef dc
gcn'lcman I sole him to, nn' am now
somowhali olodc to Ottawa, Canada.
So lie jmllcd out a roll ob money an'
liati to nic sajin: lako dis freely on'
tfo an' sec jcttah btoduh. An now
licah I is an' hcah l's uuiu to toiuurii
tnkc mo ((iiick to yo' fatbab, boy,
less dis ole heart ob mine btibt all to
The boy proffered his services, and
away we till went with more speed
than graceful movement, and soon
found ourselves standing at the door
of a large and substantial looking
cottage. I ho boy rang the door bull,
until I fin' my own brodah, Thomas a pretty colond child opened the door
Written for The CiiU'.r.
Wliiil's III a Nunici
After Uncle Pete had bceti hustled
out to the dining hall by the irrc
prcssablo Dick, who went with him to
eco that ho should ba slighted in no
wise, and who sat at the table with
the good old fellow plying him with
questions so fast that the latter was
often compelled to sit with fork or
spoon poised half way between his
plate and mouth, we repaired to the
sitting room above and thero had a
long talk with our newly arrived
friend. Ho told us all about tlio old
home, tho neighbors, the hones, tho
dogs and with such hearty good will
that wc had little to do more than to
listen. Through him camo the tend-
ercst of messages fiom our mothers,
and a roll of bills from our fathers
this latter, however being unnecessary
as each of us had still tho greater
part of the money with which w had
been supplied while at Cincinnati.
But just as wo thought Uncle Pete
was ready to stop and broathc a while,
ho stnrtlcl us with tho following bit
of information:
'Well, Mars. Bill, T specs I bcttah
tako a littlo res' an' try to git a nap,
so as to feci fresh in de mo'nin' as I
has somo impo'tan' business to look
aftah." Now tho idea of Uncle Pete
having anything to attend to other
than visiting our two worthy selves
had not entered our minds, and the
reader may judge of our surprise whn,
in response to the question propound-'
ed -UyViL9itUUUsr.tously ae to what
that business could be, Miou fallow
leaned grandly back in his chair, cd
justed his shirt co'lar, brushed the
knees of his new Kentucky jeans
trousers, broke forth as follows.
"Well, Mars. Bill an' Mars. Dick,
did you ncbah hcah tall ob two little
boys 'way down in Gcorgy whoso mas
tali solo one to dem bad men down on
de Bed rivah an' lef do oddah poo'
little fellah a cryin' his eyes out be
oaso do man wouldn't buy 'cut boaf ?
Well, dat littlo boy dat git sole
growed up to be a man, an' shortly bo
fo' de wah made a break fo' liberty,
followed dc norf star till he dun foun
hissclf over hcah in Cannaduh, sah
under do queen's protection. During
fifteen long ycals I neber hcah ono
brcsscd wohd from dat boy, and not
until a fow days ago did I know dat
ho was still dis side of do ribcr Jor
ding, 1 had took a lot of cattle fo'
olo Mars. Willoughby an Mars Nailor
down to Now Orleans to sell, an while
dull a gon'lcman say to me: Is you do
boy Mistah Willoughby bought from
mo in Nashville, ease ho was a cryin
his eyes out sinco his littlo brodah
gon' away?
I j is busted out an' cried liko a boy,
I did, an' do man ho don stood dah an
puled out his handcrchicf an' wipo do
big tealis from his eyes. By an by I
brush do tenhs out my ayes, an' said
to do gcn'lcman; O, Mars. Littlo am
dis you or am'it yo' ghos' dat look mo
in do fane? Ho den wid do tears rol
lin down his cheeks, frowed bof his
atnhs aroun' mo nu' say: yes Pete my
boy, I is yo' olo Mars. Little, on'
can jo forgib mo. Pete, as I hope tie
Lawd hab don' dis ten yvahs ago?
But I felt wicked an' said to do man:
yes sah, I will if yo' will f. jb mo back
my brodah, Bah.
Dan do gon'Uman cried as if his
Jefferson Morgan."
This being itttlcd, wo now retired
for the night and, altera good night's
rest, awoko in the morning to find the
rain pouring down, which continued
the whole day long and far into the
following night. To better reconcile
Uncle Pete, I told him that 1 would
ndverliso in tho Old Dominion, the
paper I was on, and that it would not
be long until wo should find his b:o It
er. But Uncle Pete was not the man
to sit down and wait for others to
bung his brother in, and so set about
finding him for himself. But as days
and days came and went with no tid
ings troni 1 nomas JclUrsoii, I'nclc
Pete became restless, and sometimes
almost out of spirit. To keep hint
from yielding to his feelings, I would
ask him to accompany mo both day
and night as I went the rounds gath
ering news for the paper. I told tho
dear old fellow that I got on so much
better to have him along to point out
this and that inoident that otherwise
might escape my notice. Occasional
ly I would have him tako an opposite
direction and meat me at a half way-
place around the stiuarc. On all of
theso little excursions I would pro
vide him with note book and penoil
so that he might make a memorandum
of such things that would go to fill up
thcncws columns in my paper. Some
times Uncle Pcto would walk by my
side with head erect, shoulders well
thrown back, and with steady meas
ured step look tho very picture of
some noble statesman except that he
had a skin as black as 'night.
Then of evenings Dick would bc-
guilo the good old man into long and
interesting discussions of tho olden
days, and finally gave him to under
stand that one day not very remote
there was going to be a wedding party
leave a little town down in Ohio that
and wc entered, ilnrc wc sat await
ing the coining of Mr. Thomas Jcf
fulfil Morgan. Sr.
Wo kept talking to Uncle Peto and
in that wuy ptctcUcd 1 i tit from malt
iig a bold dash through the door
lending iu'.o another rioiu, po eager
was ho to inert the gMiliiMiiaii of the
house, and ilaiiti him fur his long lest
Wc had not waited more than a
couple of minutes (and yet those min
utes eccuicd hours to our excited
mind.-) until the lad returned nciotn
panicd by his father. To attempt a
liscription of this mooting would bo n
vain attempt indeed; for no sooner
did these two middle aged men meet
and stand faco to faco than the recog
nition seemed to be mutually enjoyed
by them They folded each other in
their strong arms and wept like wo
men. Finally their feelings subdued to
that degree that enabled them to com
mand their voices and, Uncle Pete do
siring to apply a test of their brother
hood, called out in earnest tones:
"Tako off yo' boot Jefferson, an if
yo' be dc littlo Jeff what was, den
dahs a scar cu dc bottom ob yo' left
foot clah acroES."
Mr. Thoman Jefferson Morgan to
put the tiucstion forever at rest, horc
complied with Unclo Pete's request
and soon displayed the scar as perfect
in its outlines as when first the
wounded member had been healed.
This settling the question of broth
erhood of these gentlemen of color,
Dick and I took our lcavo in order
that they might be unrestrained in
their new found joy.
Bui when the accustomed hour tor
our social gathering at our hotel camo
round again wo found uncle Pete set
tling his bill with the clerk. '-What
now, Unole Pete?" enquired Dick.
lessen thy care to look well to her in
terests. I do not mean by this that
we, her guardians, shall feci relieved
from tho duties incumbent upon u,
but that theo and thy wife must feel
that thy prosperity ami contentment
dopend upon thy well-directed efforts
to make the married estate just what
it ought to be, and just what it will
bo if tho husband and wife I've ac
cording to God's holy ordinances
Write us ofton.
Your friend,
Hutu "
Mv own Hear HiciiAtiti: I now
write thco to say to theo that I am,
of all women, tho most happy. If
thec could only know what a darling
thy mother is, and how she has com
pletely turned tho scales In our favor
by her honest exposition of what bIio
calls thy good and bid traits, thee
would love her even more dearly than
thee docs, if that were possible.
Now everything has been made so
clear to uncle and aunt thpt they, 1
presume, have removed their objoi
lions to thco freely corresponding
with mo. I am moro than glad that
thco has had thy rough experiences
of the past few months, for by and
through such experiences thco has be
come more deeply impressed with the
thought of tho importance of correct
living. 1 do not upbrail thec for the
part thec acted in that bloodless af
fair near your old home, but I do pray
that thco may never again feel called
upon to violato the laws of thy coun
try fcimply to gratify thy feelings of
manly eouragc. Now, my dear Dick,
(Heaven forgive mo if I have sinned
through calling thec Dick) there can
be no reason why I should ever fear
to trust thec in the future; and that 1
can and do even now trust thee in 'he
fullest sense of the term, thco must
feci assured. But as I am busy to-day
doing up a bonnet for dear old aunty
Whitfield, nho is too poor to hire such
work done, I cannot woll devote more
time at present to the very delightful
task of writing to my own darling
Dick, (there, God forgivo mo again)
and will therefore say good bye my
best beloved. Kvcr yours,
What is
Cnstorla is Dr. Sntmicl Pltcher'tt prescription for Infants
mid Children. It containa neither Opium, Morpliino nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless tmuBtituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Southing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
fovcrlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla nsslmilatcs tho food, regulates tho stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend '
'Castorla Is nn excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mother hate repeatedly told mo of tin
good effect upon their children."
Du. 11. C. Osooon,
Lowell, Mow).
" Cistorla 11 the best remedy for children of
which t nm Acquainted. I Iiok tho day I not
far distant hen mothers will conttitor tho rent
Interest of their children, nnd uso Castorla In
stead of thcTarlousquack nostrums which nro
destroying their loved ones, hy forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
spent down their throat, thereby nei'dlnc
them to premature crave."
Du. J, K. Kinciikloc,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company,
" Castorla Is so welt adapted tochlldren that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
knowu to me."
II. A. Ascitis, M. P.,
111 Bo. Oiford Bt., Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment linvn spoken highly of their siperl
euce in their outside practice with Castoria,
and Although wa only bars among our supplies what is known u regular
products, yet wo ore free to confess that ths
merlin of Castorla lias won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and DisriMiaT,
lloston, ;
Allen C. Surru, lr$..
TX Murray Strt, Mew Terk City.
would put in an appearance at the
farm in Kentucky, where Uucle
was to take tho oversight of all
driving excursions into the surro
ding country in order thatcvery tl
might bo ''done to the queen's tnst1
This was great news for Undo P
and lie at onco became so cngros
with tho thought as to almost for
tho oft repealed ejaculation, wl
about to retire for tho night,
"Well, Mars. Bill an Dick, I spec
fin' Thoxias Jefferson in dc next (Jay
or two sho' as yo livin."
But as nil things must have an end
sooner or later, so was it in this case,
Ui.e Teau.l'' L.Utun,u morning whilo
naturo KCCIUcd to linvn nnmn r-.t.nk to
:.. it. ..i.s. t .
luvivu iiiu nun muno oi uuno lor a
scaEon, and whilo Dick and Uncle
Peto and I were walking along the
street together, Dick going to tho
collcgo and i to my daily woik on the
paper, wo were brought to n sud
den stop by Uncle Pete turning right
about faco and calling out to a cogro
lad of some twelve years to "stop dah
jib a minit, honey till I ax you a tiucs
tion." Tho boy politely oboyed, but looked
at the samo time as though astouished
at so sudden an iutcruption,
Unclo Pcto broke in with: "well
my boy I is Pot ah Morgan of olo Ken
tuck, an' jo' looks jis liko Thomas
Jefferson Morgan my brodah, who was
solo way down on Bed Bibah yea's an'
yea's ago, now is not yo' Thomas Jef
ferson Morgan?"
Tho boy was now most thouroughly
confused and for tho moment stood
spccchlets. But Unclo Pete being
equally confused m bin idoas as to
how the boy should show tio changes,
such as time and worry produco upon
tho human body, and yet intent on
claiming the lad for his lost brother,
held tho lad firmly yet lovingly in his
groat hand and repeated now slowly
as if wandering in a dream: "yes dis
am little Jeff as sho' as two nn' two
am loali,"
Tho hoy now seemed to grasp the
situation and remarked that perhaps
it was his father the gentleman was
rn . -
Jo una Uncle l'oto replied, "sho as
do lub ob Clod dat's do idea, brcss do
T.n.n.1 f.. .! !.!!. 1
..,u i, uo uiuich goou senso: yes,
sonny yo's right, yo' is do odder boyo
littlo boy, an' as cxaoly like do odder
as two peas in do pod. TaltH mo. 0,
J I To which Uncle Pete replied;
rH-ldinn' he tendt'd i'lara meir inn i tnn
J I ,
all loimoT TrtrTrTWfWRWWTFTrsrnrvc
their white brethren.
A bte mail that evening brought
us a bundle of matter mostly composed
of letters from our friends at home.
But I could not fail to detect in
i''J swasulJiLMisvt.t'P 'aaJT"lt"rli
itUk.H i.m... . ilfcw
ncosjis he opened a letter bearing the
i.uai, mnrK oiuncy, Ohio, and rather
man place him under restraint
walked over to anothor tablo and be
gan perusing my own letters.
But all this was useless; for Dirk
soon threw himself back in hi chair
and gavo vent to his feeling in man
ner nnd form as follows: "0, Bill,
my own true friond Bill, I am tl e
happiest boy in all tlio land! Here
just read what they all say!" I look
tho letters (for thero were thrco of
them) and read as follows,
Friend Richard: Thco may be
surprised to hear no say that thco
now has my pcrmAsion to address
thy letters, until farther prohibited,
directly to my nijco Naomi. Thco
has no doubt leaned from thy par
ents that thoy andoursolvos have had
quito a corrcjpQndenco, and that jour
standing as a mat of honor is so per
fectly satisfactory to mother and I
that wo shall glully entrust to thy
care our beloved Naomi,
liver thy friend,
Dear Fiukkd Biciiard: Father
having already covered tho most es
sential point? concerning which I
would myBolf have written, had ho
not anticipate mo, I shall content
myself with few hints as to tko
futuro course to bo pursued by theo
and thy intcjded wife. I wish now
to impress tleo with tho thought that
theo alono rust hold thyself rospon
Mblo lor the weal or woo of both thy-
iclf and rir dearly bolovcd Naomi.
For, to dtfjdo tho responsibility of
making th wife happy and contontod
in life, wit' others, would bo but to
Ouitruiitvcd Cure.
Wo ntithonzo our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. Kings Now Diseovory for con
sumption, coughtJ nnd colds, upon this
condition. If you nro ttlllioted with a
coagli, cold or any lung, throat or chest
trouble, and will use this remedy as ili
roctoil, Riving it a fair trial, and exper
ience no benefit, you may return tho hot
tlo and havo your money refunded. Wo
coultl not make this offer did wo not
know that Dr. King's Now Discovery
oiiild bo reliod on. It novcr disappoints.
Trial bottles free nt C. L. CottiiK's drug
store Largo bottles M)c nnd 61.00.
umLI) u t o b c r
IlurvvNt Excursion.
It is with satisfaction that the Bur
lington Routo niikcsthc following
announcement regarding this year's
Harvest Excursions.
Tho dates which have been fixed
excursions are August -2.
10. On them.
Sept. 12, - i ami, f,r St. Uui
all railroad agents wesrsjaw . ,
and Ufiicaco will sell round-trip licit
to Burliu'-ton Route stations in Ne
braska, Kansas, Colorado, South Da
kota and Wyoming, at extremely low
ritei. Tickets will bo good fur 20
days nnd will admit of stop-over on
ho going trip nt any point west of
the iMibbouri llivcr.
Thuso fcts broug1 1 to the notice of
tho residenti of tho diffcront stalls
reached by tho Burlington Route in
order that they may inform their
friends in the Kast t hat, during the
next fow months, three unequalled
oppurtunitibs of coming West will
present themselves.
The Passenger Department of the
Burlington Route will gladly aid the
pcoplo of the towns ulong Uh lines in
thoir efforts to induce Kostcrn peo
plo to avail themselves of tho advan
tages of theso homcscckcrs' excursions.
Tho undersigned on request, will not
only mail t.i any. dcsiicd address n
supply of advertising matter, but ho
will also bo p'.cascd to put interested
parties in llio way of obtaining the
most favorable rates of fare.
J, Francis.
Grn'l Pass'r Agent Burlington Route
Omaha Neb.
. -. . i. ,..
A littlo boy of Mrs. MoDonnlil's, living
ncarliiro, fell ngnimt n red hot qtoveaml
wns fearfully burned. Thopninwna tor
riblo, and it was thought tho burn wno
po Hevero as to sear tho child for lifu. I
sold tho lady u bottlo of ChnniborlainV
Pain Haltn, which, nfter greiuing tho
pori','filio applied. It hoon removed nil
tho tiro iiiiil onsod tho puin, nnd in ton
days tho boy wiro woll, no trnco of tho
senr remaining. J. D. MoLaren, Keys
port, Clinton Co., 111. For snlo by D.'jo
fc Orion.
. .
In order to reduce Btock. wo will Bell
nil fanoy roskersfor 1C per cent discount
inr ijo unya. mow is tlio tlmo fr you want
a nico rocker. F. V. Tatlob.
gjmmmmmmmtt vm vm m ro rog
School Supplies.
; Our line of the above goods is com- rS
plete and prices the lowest. 25
Deyo & Grice. 2
fmmi m m m m niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHK
What i$ the condition of youn? St yrj 1 ft'ljt ar 't.a
brittle? Doa it MDllt at the endM? r ZJti hair iru.ltartlT
Dot it fall out when combed J , . ' ft a ttfctcit appearance f
Voce your scalp itch? r ''. Jrlruehetlt Xe it fult of dandruff
are seme of io " eitdryorinahcatcdeonditlont Ifthetm
bald. -u'Citr eumptome be warned in time or you wilt becomm
'?:..nJ .Production Is not on accident, but the result or scl ntlrla rs
rdca of tlio diseases of tbe lisle and scalp led to tea dUcoVtrr of how
SHfJSf'i? i contain nettbsr mineral nor oUs. Itl nitatSebu
coollns and refreshing Tonlo. Br stimulating tha foliifll.. i,JiI
Is what you need.
carcn. iinowira
i rf.TrV.7.ii .."". "" ueuair mmersi nor oils. It not a Dre. but
ft-Jlr"1""" eoollnit and refreshing Tonlo. Br stimulating ths (omelesrVf ru
falling .nir. curtt dandruff anA groin hair on bail hta wuwws, w iwpe
fr .""Po'.1)0 eculP clean, healthy and frea from Irriutlng ths cm
? A Ari1" S"n " M Mtroys'iHirMiKo inuct" inttfrlWTMMfSS
... ." ,3!our d repels t etnnot supply yon. send Olreet to n. and wa win rarwani
87 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
iitoiitiirroiK ,
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stabie
Rkd Cloud,
H rWBi lifV..i:;
Bfl IZ2
& &Af2&& ft i vlff Ukll
2S zs- for 25?
Absolutely Pure JuTlkY
tiMiaaiajggvw'-iii;tnff7.-g,tOTytV ,tirmt ;;
r-iv VtZf:i&-