ys?.. Stf""'1 Vwi -,-U THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 189tt. i f '. BOLD TRAIN1 ROBBERY. Lake Shore Express Held at Kcndallvilic, Ind. Up TWENTY MEN IN THE GANG. Dynamite and Winchesters Used by the DesiMM-adoes. QUARTER OF A MILLION SECURED. Engineer Jump Knnpp Shot nnd Seriously Wounded by the Itobbcrs Detail of Ono of the Most During Job on Itccortl. Chicaoo, Sept. 12. Tho Lako Shoro nml Michigan Southern cxpross trniti for Now York, which loft this city nt 7:45 p. in,, consisting of 10 coaches, two ex press enrs nnd n baggago cur, xvns slopped nml robbed by n gang of 20 rob bers near Kcndalivillp, Ind. Tlio town is nbont 40 miles from Klkhart, Ind., nnd MO miles from Chicago. A switch light was turned nt n siding near Kcn dallvillo, but not tho switch for tho track, nnd thb drovo tho engineer into stopping tho train. When tho train stopped a gang of men, about 20 in nmnbor, poured Into tho baggago car nnd on tho engine, whilo almost at tho same instant tho forward express car was lifted from tho track nnd shattered by nn explosion of dynamite. Tho mes sengers in tho car escaped injury and de serted their posts, whilo tho outlaws took iossession. It was tho work of n few minutes to break open tho safes and tho booty was Eocured boforo tho train crow nnd passengers could como to tho rcscuo of tho express messengers. The engineer of tho train was slrot nnd fatally wounded. So rapidly was tho work dono that tho robbers seized their booty nnd escaped in tho darkness. Tho mat ter was reported to tho sheriff of tho county at Kendallville who immediately notified tho polioo nt Chicago, believing that they could assist in tho captnro of tho robbers. It is not known how much the robbers got for their pains, but n man who scorned to know what ho wns talking about said tho safo contained $230,000 in gold bullion, shipped cast by a Chicago bank. Superintendent Wygant of tho United States Express company ad mits that theio was at least $10,000 in tho car. Tho Chicago police department wns asked to send n posso to tho scene, but declined, nnd Sheriff (Jilbort was called upon and at the request of Super intendent Wygant ngieod to send as many of bis deputies as could bo got to gether. Superintendent wygant left on a special train at 4:30 a. in. for thu nceno of tho robbery with a dozon Cen tral fetation detectives and some deputy bheiiffs. Kxprei Mcatcngcr Wel' Mory, ClJ;vr.i,ANi, Sept. 12. Concerning tho Luko Shore hold up Milton M. Weiss, tho express messenger who was in chargo of tho car at tho liino of tho attack, said: "Tho first I know of tho nttnek was after tho train had stopped when I heard two shots on tho outsido tired in rnpld succession. My helper, B. B. Ilainlin, then yelled to mo that ono of the shots camo through tho door. It camo near hitting him. A moment later tho car was almost lifted from the track by n terrific explosion and at tho samo timo both Hamlin and myself wero knocked violently to tho floor on our bncks. I was stunned for tho mo ment and could scarcely renlizo what had happened. When I had regained my senses I found myself under a largo lienp of baggago nnd shattered wood work, and two men wearing masks stood closo by, one having a Winchester riflo aimed at my heud, and the other follow covering my helper in a simi lar manner. Ono of tho men spoko, telling ns not to movo or they would blow the" brains out of us, This is about nil I can remember of what was said, Thero was not much talking dono. Ono of tho robbors nt onco proceeded to drill the safo. It took him over half nn hour to do tho job. During tho time that tho fellow was working nt tho safe, thero wero several other pals outsido nt tho door of tho car also armed with Win chesters. Somo of thorn kopt their guns pointed at us whilo 'others kopt shooting occasionally. Whon tho safo was finally burstcd open ono of tho robbers at onco began rilling it of its contonts, nnd carrying tho packages of monoy to tho iloor whero ho handed it out to bis pals, JHo help arrived on tho sceno until tho robber had mado their escape Tho robbers used dynamite in forcing tho door. They fastened it in 601110 way on a board unci nailing tho board to tho door, exploded it." WcibS declined to givo any informa tion us to tho amount taken by the robbcrt. A Fomo In Hot l'urstilt. AlJUOK, Ind., Sept. 12. Tho bandits who dynamited nnd robbed tho Lake Shoro express succeeded in gotting about $30,000 of a consignment that was being shipped from Chicago, At 4 o'clock u telegram was tent to Sheriff Syauck nt tll& place requesting him to roport iiu inWJately with an armed posso and cap luro tho roblors. Ho is in hot pursuit at tho llilovo. Tho men who did Hio work aro members of n well organized .gang and lmvo confederates throughout this soction. a Tilt) Wounded Unghiecr. 'JOLr.no, O,, Sept. 12 Engineer Jumoi Knapp, wlio wns shot by tho Lake Shoro robbers, was tnkon to his losldonco on Collingwood uvoiuio in this city upon tho orrivul of the train and physicians wero called. It was found that tho Jml let penetrated his right tide noartho boulder. Tho physicians any that Knnpp is in no danger. ON A COMMON GROUND. THE CONGRESS OF RELIGION MEETS AT CHIGAGO. CliiUtlmi, Jew, llrnliuitn, lliidtlhWI, With Other Simile of ThcntoKy (liilhir In it Mot Notable tmifrriwn Kopri'MMiln" the Mum from All (Hit the Wovlil. Chicago, Sept. 12. A processional In which the u-llglons of tho world were rep resented signalized tho opening of tliu World's Parliament of Bellglons at the Art institute. It wns a processional that line! n world of mennlni! in it: one that would lmvo been impossible not many I years ago, Jew marched with Gentile and Roman Catholic wjth Protestant. The religious beliefs of India, of China, and of Japan were represented, ns well ns those of tho English-speaking nations. All attired in their priestly robes and wearing tho insignia of their ofllco marched in peace nnd fellowship to tho platform, whilo the nudlcnco roso nnd j cheered nt tho sight. First camo Cardinal Gibbons escorted by President Bonnoy. Then camo Mrs. Potter Palmer and Mrs. Charles Hcnrotin, representing tho board of lady manngcrs. Homo lMciuoiit of the l'niccailnn. Thero wero following In tho procession an archbishop of Zaute, Greece; a Metho dist minister from Chlcnco; a Roman Catholic archbishop of Chicago; several Lutherans from Germanv and Sweden; two or threo East Indian lirahmlus and Buddhists; a Chicago Presbyterian clergy man; a Chinese Buddhist; s Chicago Israel ite; a couple of Bombay theologians, and, In fact, the most heterodox line of religion ists ever seen slnco the world begun. As this remarkable parado reached tho hall the nudlcnco rose and joined In singing "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow," a hymn that, as it acknowledges tho Chrlstnln doctrines of the Trinity, was hardly appropriate In such n gathering. The I'rayerof All Who Uollcve In Clol. The next thing on tho programme was more universal than tho hymn. Cardinal Gibbous led tho heterodox gathering In prayer and tho petition he put up wns tho "lord's Prayer," and theru was not one of those pieseut who could not, whether ho did or no, join in tho prayer. For the Mohammedan, tho Buddhist, tho Brah min, all of whom wero present, bcllovo In a supreme being. Tho scene was a novel one, for many of tho visitors from tho Ori ent were clad in their native costumes, the prelates in some instances in their robes of ofllce. There was not a vacant scat in tho hall nnd many were standing ngaiust tho walls nnd in other plnces whero a view of the platform could be had. The Vcrintllo I'resldent llonney. Thero is one man connected with these World's fair congresses who has hardly had the credit that ho deserves, and thnt It President Bouncy. Being tho head of these gatherings to this gentleman has fallen the duty of welcoming tho various bodies which have met under the auspices of tho World's Auxiliary. Ho has had to speak to woman suffragists, spirit ualists, civil engineers, social reformers of all kinds, nnd in fact to thu believers In or ngitntors of everything that Is current in tho world of progress. And lio has shown a versatility of speech tuat has enabled him to gpctiK to them nil in such a manner as to tell them "what they wero thero for" without mnklng n singlo mis take. Every one, of his brief addresses has been felicitous and just what tho occasion called for. How Ho Tnlkcil to Heterodoxy. And In addressing this congress prob ably tho ono in addressing which it was tho easiest to say something thnt would rankle ho was especially happy. He said in brief that they should all give thanks for being nolo to take part in so grand a congress, ono that so lully exemplified peace and progress, and which would have so great nn intlucnce on the world. After reviewing the programme of tho congress, ho welcomed all In tho name of tho brotherhood of religion. Rev. John Henry Burrows, chairman of tho committee on organization, then ad dressed tho congress. He said that never before had such a congress been under taken, nnd not long ago it would lmvo been deemed impossible to carry It to suc cessful completion. ROMAN CATHOLIC WELCOME. Fcchan and Gibbons Greet the lU'llgion 1st of All tho World. Archbishop Fcehan folloxvcd, welcoming tho delegates on behalf of tho Romnn Catholic church. Ho said that tho as sembly xvas cno unliiuo in the history of tho xvorld. Learned men had como from all countries to speak and to tell us of those things that xvero of the greatest in terest to nil of God, of his truth and justice, of his worship, of peace, nnd of mercy. No matter how wo might differ in religion there xvas one thing that xvas common to us all, and that xvas our com mon humanity. The archbishop wel comed the delegntes in his oxvn name and iu all that ho represented. Cardinal Gibbous had to lenx'o early, so his response to tho addresses of xvelconie was called for out of its order. He suld that though all did not Hgree on matters of faith, thero xvas ono platform on which nil were united, that xvas charity, human ity and benevolence. He spoke of tho Good Samaritan who bound up thuxvounds of n man xvho xvas his enemy in religion and in social life, and said that that xvas the example we ought to follow. Hesald that ho could not Impress too strongly ou cx-ory one that each xvas his brother's keep er. That xvas the xvliolo theory ot human ity. It Christ had cried xvith Cain, "Am 1 my brother's keeper!" we xvould still bu xvalkiug in darkness. Rex. Augusta J. Chapin welcomed the congress on behalf of xvonian. Tho par liament of religious, she said, xvas the grandest and most significant Gathering that had ever been assembled on this earth. President Hlgiubotliaiii, ot tho Columbian exposition, next xvelcomed the delegates ou behalf ot the World's fair. Ho said it was a source of great satisfac tion that a now city in n far part of tho xvorld should be accorded tho honor of these congresses. They were the greatest honor of tho World's fair year. Rex', Alexander McKenzle, tho next speaker, said that he supposed that every one xvho spoko stood for sumething and he. stood for tho old settlers, tho Puritans. Thero xvas one. thing that xve could show the foreigners that could bo seen nowhreo else In the world, ami that xvas a repub lic that xvas in the proccss-of making by Christian forces. Thero xvas a religious motive in thu founding or it, ana it xvas that, to thought, that made it proper to upeuk of It at this time. The parliament of nliglous, ho said, xvas really begun on Plymouth rock and had been growing in Importance ever since until now every re ligion on earth was rcpicsctited in tho oo tin try. The speaker on tho programmn was greeted with such npplniiso as was Pung Qtiaug Yu, secretary of thu Chinese lega tion at Washington. In Introducing him Mr. Bouncy spoko of the treatment that some of his countrymen hud r eel veil In this country, but in spite of whtrh the emperor of China had sent nilelegato In a Christian spirit to this congress. Near ly half of the proplo In the hall roe and cheered and waxed their handkeichlefs as the delegnto advanced to tho front of the platform. Prince Wollioitsky. of llussla. folloxvcd xvith n trlhulu to the congresses. Ho HIinlfM llf It 11 iIiimii ntlifi1t. tirulnl.t nil. ' dressing tho Jews and said that it xvas n tuugulltccut scene thin could be seen only In tills age. Other addresses were made during the day by Ht. Hev. Keucho Shlbata, of Japan; Hcx Pr. Buriows, of this city; Archbishop Redwood, of New Zealand: 11. Dharinu pala, of India; V. A. Shamll, of Bombay, a "Jatilst;" Minus Scherc.. an Amenlan editor; Professor Cli.ikrnv.utl.Tlicosophlst, of India; Miss Jc.tuuoSnrnlbl, ot Bombay, nnd Bishop Arnctt. All tho addresses xvero of tho samo tenor ns those tho point or xvnicii lias been given. CLOSE OF THE ENCAMPMENT. Action of tho Veteran on tho Tension iJiiom Ion Oilier Mntters. IKMAN'.W'OMS, Sept. 8. With a threo times three and a tiger for tho old ling and tho restoration of tho suspended veterans to tho pension roll, tho txvouty-soven'fc national encampment of the Grand Army has adjourned sluu die. Tho incoming commander-in-chief announced tho ap pointment of James M, Mecch, of Boston, as adjutant general, and Iouls Wagner, of Philadelphia, as fjunrtcrninstor general. Some of thu members of tho council of ad ministration for tho ensuing year aro ns follows: Wisconsin, Geo. 1.. Thomns; Michigan, Geo. II. Hopkins; Iowa, John Limit: Illinois, II. S. Dietrich; Indiana, C. J. Murphy. Tho pension committee's report arraluus tho present administration for "pernicious activity" inthollnuof cuttingotl pension; tho action of .Secretary of the Interior Smith on the net of IblKJ Is condemned ns unjust, and Commissioner Katun's ruling on that law declared to bo fair and proper, and Secretary Smith Is asked to ri Instate, that ruling. Thero xx'as considerable dis cussion of technical and vetbal points, but on tho Una I vote tho encampment xvas unanimous in adopting tho report. Whilo the discussion xvas going on a telegram from Washington xas read which stated that the pension bureau had refused to renew thu suspended pensions, but promised to settle all suspended claims in txvoxveeks. Tho telegram made no impression on thu meeting. A resolu tion asking that tho discount on green backs during tho war bo made up to tho soldiers xvas laid on thu table, and ono de manding preference to veterans lit ap pointments toollleo was adopted. A lot of miscellaneous busiuess xvas attended to mid then the new oillcers xvero installed, the new commander-in-chief being re ceived with tremendous enthusiasm. Tho Woman's Relief Corpselecled Sarah C, Mink, of Now York, president, and Ar nilllii A. Chancy, of Detroit, treasurer. Tho Indies of tho Graud Army elected Mrs. Amanda J. Withern, of Minnesota, president, nnd Mrs. Gordon, of Kansas, treasurer. VERY DISTINGUISHED BABY. Tim First Ono Horn to a I'resldent In tho Kxecutlvo Mansion, WasiiinotoS, Sept. 11. Tho birth of a child to tho president of tho United States is a matter ot no more moment to the peo ple of this republic, except to "the friends of tho family," than the birth of any other baby. But there is ono difference to bo noted in such n matter, nnd that is that the president has moro friends than any other man in tho country. So In that way moro people aro interested in his joys and sorrows. Consequently xvhen ou Satur day morning n littlu girl came to put Miss Ruth's nose out of joint about till tho men at least, iu the country wero just a little sorry in sympathy xvith thu probable feel ings of tho president, that it xvasn't a boy. But It xvasn't and Mr. Cleveland is happy enough anyhoxv.for mothernud child are both d mg well nnd the little xvoman Is healthy and sound. But this samo little worn in has been honored xvith a distinc tion that up to her appearance no child ever possessed. She is tho first child of n president born iu tho White House,. Others lmvo drawn their first breath in that historic mansion, but they xvero not children of the president. Since the event letters and telegrams of congratulation have been pouring in upon the prrsldcut, while residents of tho capital have left their cards by hundreds, and the White House Is full of lloral token ot regain ami felici tation. Heath of Ilunillton l'lih. N'uxv Yuiik, Sept. 8. Hon. Hamilton Fish, President Grant's secretary of state, died nt 5 o'clock yesterday morning nt his country houso ou tho Hudson river nt Garrison, His death xvas very sudden, and xvas a great shock t.i every ono xvho knexv him, ns the night before ho xvas in good health and the best of spirits. Ho xvas, however, 85 years old, ami the physicians givo tho causa ot tho dlscaso as "heart fail ure," Ho leaves six children Hamilton Fish, laxvyer; Nicholas Fish, of tho linn of Harrlman & company, bankers; Mr. Stuy vesaut Fish, president ot tho Illinois Cen tral railroad; Mrs. A. J. Benjamin, Mrs. I, L. Rogers aud Mrs. Sydney Webster. Confessed to Murder. BliAlNEUD, Minn., Sept. 11. Henry Jack son a xvealthy farmer lying iu thu jail here awaiting trial on Sept. 18, has confessed over his oxvn signature that ho murdered I'M win Peck, ono of his faun hands. Ho said: Peck told me I owned him t-W and I got mad. Ho also let my calves out. and they frluhtcncd my team so it rati away. At supper timo I put -4-I..1. I.... I.. l ...- I II. .-I. ... ' niriviiinuu in iiiu mijjcir iiiiu iixn mu siiiuu ou his mush. Ills dog also atu somo of tho much aud both died. Confederate liny nt Chlcngo. Ni:w Oiilkans, Sept. U. Tho general commanding the United Confederate vet erans has issued a general order xvhlch fixes tho date of uiixelliug thu Confederate monument at Chicago for Saturday, Oct. 7. This Is final. Hon. W. C. P. Breckin ridge, ot Kentucky, will bu the orator of tho day. MarkTwnluonllli Katlve llunth, Nkw Yoiik, Sept. 8. Mr. Samuel Clem- meus (Mar): Twain) has arrived ou tho Vnrtli llAMTiin t.lnvil filAntiiktilti Rtip.A I from Bremen, . THE SILVER DE0ATE. It Mill Orrnpb the Timo or the Culled I Milton Neimte. Washington, Sept. o Workers offered a resolution in the senate that beginning Thursday the senate shall inert nt 11a. m. He will spiak ou It today. Morgan offered a resolution for tho appointment of a commission of seven senators and seven representatixes to tako Into consid eration the xvholo subject of national tluauecs and suggest legislation, lie, will speak thereon later. PclTcr concluded his free sliver speech and Stewart took tho I Iloor to talk, ngaiust time, lie reiterated ' thu chargo that the silver dollar xvas do , inunetlicd by stealth aud charged thnt Sherman xoted against it to conceal the fact thnt tho dollar xvas demonetized. Ho refused to bu interrupted, and spoko to a slim house. At U:I5 p, m. he wanted nn adjournment, hut no ono helped him out and ho proceeded until Morgan moved an executive session, which xvas carried, and xvhen the doors reopened the senate ad journed. WA,lllXuroN, Sept. 7. Cullom Intro duced iu tho senate n bill to repeat all sinking fund acts. Voorhees had his res olution for early sessions laid over for the present. Morgan made a long speech on his bill for a financial commission, aud at Its conclusion Voorhees moved to tako up tho regular ordor tho repeal bill. It xvould have been taken up ntiyhoxv in sex-en minutes, but tho vote xvas a pointer nnd resulted in favor of tho motion !I7 to 21 tho free silver men voting no, Stewart thru continued his speech to a small houso until 5 o'clock, xvhen a motion for an oxecutivo session by Voorhees xvas car ried and fifteen minutes later tho senate adjourned, Tho silver men aro growling a good deal bcrauso they lmvo to speak to empty benches. In the houso the rules committee aban doned the proposition thnt 100 shall be a quorum In the couimlttco of thu xv hole not becauso tho rulo was wrong, but bo ciivso so many Democrats opposed It. The rule xvas stricken out and thu rules adopt ted. Tho houso then adjourned to Satur day. Tho vote on Morgan's resolution in tho senate sends it to thu calendar aud It will require a majority vote to tako It up. Washington, Sept. 8. In tho senato Wolcott offered a resolution for the Imme diate tepeiil of thu McKlnley bill signed by all tho citi.ensof a town iu Colorado. Ho also offered a resolution calling for tho amount paid as bounties ou maple sugars. When Galllnger proposed to Include all sugar Wolcott said ho could write bis oxvn resolutions. Walthall spoko ou the repeal bill. Ho xv. uted a declaration of policy In tho bill, aud spoko for bimetallism. Stew art then took the lloornud spoko until 4:15, xvhen Daniel of Virginia whispered to him, and to everybody's surprlsu ho declared his speech ended. Au executive session xvas held. Washington, Sept. It. Faulkner mid Turpio spoko iu tho senato ngalnst tho re peal bill unless it were coupled xvith a free sliver provision. Jones took tho samo Kround. A paiiso ensued, during which Voorhees proposed a vote on tho bill, nnd Hale suggesting that Voorhees hurry matters a little, that Senator got angry and intimated that ho did not xvnut any advice from Hale, Teller announced that ho xvould occupy nil of today for free sil ver aud au executive session xvas held. Washington, Sept. ll. Thy senate Sat urday spent the morning hour without action on Poller's resolution to inquire why eastern imnks do not cash their de positors' checks ami then went on xvith the ropeal bill debate, Teller speaking nil afternoon nnd still having the Iloor at ad journment. Tho feature of h's speech was au attuck on thu press, which ho declared xvas run for tho money thero xvas in it nnd wns mendacious aud Impudent. Tho houso did nothing but grant leave lo Belknap to fllo notice of contest of the seat for the Fifth Michigan district, now occupied by Richardson. Washington, Sept. 12. Stewart offered a resolution In the senate ns a set-off to tho intimation that the silver men are actuated by personal interest in silver mines inquiring xvhitt senators xvere in terested iu national Uiiuks. Hill objected, saying that It xvas unnecessary, unprece dented and a reflection ou the senant. It xvcut over. Tho repeal bill then came up aud Pugh spoke 150 minutes ngaiust It, aud declared that its opponents xvould light it as long ns they xvero able to stand. This shows thnt thu bill cannot get through xvlthout cloture Teller occupied thu balance, of tho session nud quit, but aid he xvould begin again somo other day. Iu tho house a joint resolution xv.is in troduced by Murray ot South Csrollna ap propriating ?200,C0O for the dcstltuto ou the coast ot that state as tho result of the great storm. Kilgoro objected, and it xvas referred. There was no other business of importance. lloo-IIoos ICIect New OnTeeri. Chicago, Sopt. 11. Tho Hoo-Hoos are pcoplo xvho havo a black cat for an em blem, xvho meet annually to elect officers on tho 0th day ot the 0th month at 0 min utes after 0 o'clock. They are nlso exclu sively lumbermen or connected with the lumber trade In some close capacity. They met hero Saturday aim elected the follow ing oillcers: Grand snark, B. A. Johnson, Chlcngoseiilor hlghhoo-hoo.W. E. Brown; St. Iouis; junior htth hoo-hoo, J. E. Defebaugli, Chicago; scrivenator, George K. Smith, St. Louis; b.-iudersnatchur, G, F. Drake, Austin, Tex.; holy bojiiu, G. W. Schwartz, St. Louis; custocatlHii, D, D. Dickinson, Beaver Dam, Wis.; gurdou, A. A. White, Kansas City; nrcauoper, W. R. McKce, New Orleaus, After xvhlch they proceeded to havo somo fun and had it. Mlehlcun llond Insolxeiit, DCTltOlT, Sept. II. Ill tho United States court here Monday a receiver xvas ap plied for for Iho Detroit, Bay City and Al pena railroad, on tho chargo thnt thu road is insolvent. Tho court took tho case un der advisement. THE DEATH RECORD. Colonel Jr.itoiiB Napolkon Bonaparte, nt Beverly, Mass. ALi'iiui'SDi: Havi:n, oldest Odd Fellow iu tho United States, at Monroe, Wis. Mid. LAVINA FlLl.iioitK, relative of President Fillmore, nt Buffalo, N. Y. Captain IlviiON Wilson, United States army, retired, at Philadelphia. Prince WlI.UAM, brother ot tho King of Denmark, nt Copenhagen, John T. It. MlKav, xvell known railway man, at Cleveland, Dr. Juki. H. Coopkii, father of Congress man Cooper, at Burlington, Wis( RlUIAllU M, HooLKV, tho veteran the ntrical manager, at Chicago. Dr. Josm'il KlNU, one ot tho cniliust physicians of central Illinois, nt Decatur. TiioMAH tliLKS, a pioneer resident 61 Peoria, BU- 'HiSfoR.'OI? A WEEK.' Weilneailny, flepl. . C. M. C. Anderson, of Chicago, xvcut to his stable at night and took out his horso and buggy for a drive. Ills xvlfo found tho , rig missing later and Informed a police man. The latter procured a rig ami start ed ou tho trail of the supposed thief. Upou being overtaken Anderson refused to stop ud xvhipped up his horse, when tho policeman shot him, fatally wounding him. Tho son of tho Karl of DufTcrln will early Iu October marry Miss Flora Davis, of New York. Tho groom's tltlo Is Lord Torrouco Blackwood. George Grosmlth, xvho recently loft tho English comic opera stage to become a so ciety entertainer, Is earning (4,000 a month iu that capacity. St. John Mix-art's essay, "Happiness In Hell," which appeared recently in the Nineteenth Century, has been placed by tho Vatican In thu Index uxpiirgntorlus. Mlvart is a member of thu Roman Catho lic communion. Salt spray xx-as carried ten miles inland from Wrlglitsvllle, N. C, by thu great storm last week, giving tho trees tho ap pearance ot having been out in a heavy snow storm. Thumdny, nit. 7. The Oriental Ten company at Clncin- natl has assigned. Asxets, $10,000; liabill ties, ?l!t,(HK). j Nobraska Iuilepemlents have nonilnatoa ; Judge Silas R. llolcomli, of Broken How, for associate justice of tho supiemu court. Rnbbl Solomon Schludlcr, of Boston, it Is reported, Is to retiro from his profession to outer upon a business enreer. Tho fund which Henry Labouehoro has set aside for many years from tho profits il amount to mm" " ',lU", ,M " on " flro- Tll ro has bnrned Hartholdl, the French sculptor, proposes I wlt,,, throe ,n"e" of, thl clty- A Tw4 tho establishment of an American Pan- Bears mino nnd Garden pcoplo nro fight theou on Bcdloo's Island, Nexv York liar-ling tho flames. ! bor, xvheru his statuo of "Liberty En lightening the World" rears itselt aloft. Iutcrvloxrs xvith a number of Chicago bankers show that generally they do not endorse thu proposed revival of statu banks. Tho conspiracy caso of tho Westliighouso I "-'-'""" " .. .........-. v. w.u ueiiuriii ixmo cuiiip.iuj.iii mucii It Is charged that the bitter has stolen a largo number of thu Westliighouso "blue prints," delineating new things iu elec tricity, is nuxv m progress at Pittsburg, l'rlduy, Kept. 8. The prohibition statu convention at Worcester, Mass., nominated u full statu ticket, headed by Rox Louis Albert Banks, of Boston. Mrs. Mary Virginia Proctor is editor, proprietor nnd business manager of the Democratic organ of Warren county, O. The Alabama state board of health bo lug satlsllud that there is no further fear ot yellow fever, restrictions havn been re moved aud 100 quarantine officials dis charged, The national convention of brewers' em- ploycs nt Milwaukee has passed a resolu- tlon barring members of national guards from membership Iu brewers' unions. Whltccnps Iu Franklin county, Miss., I burned thu gin of u farmer xvho sold his cottou at less prico than tho combluo ot farmers had fixed upon. I Levi N. Hall, a banker xvho recently failed at Osxvego, UN,, attempted to com mit suicide. Hlsaffairs aru badly tangled, nud so far his creditors have been unable to llud any assets H-turday, Sept. U. Joslah (julucy, of Massachusetts, has resigned tho otlicu ot assistant secretary of state. Prlncu Nicholas, of Montenegro, Is a money-lender m xvell us a royal sovereign. If.. I. l,n n., n.nltflll.1 nf nnu Mn.n'. qucuco lii his country, and hu charges J which it says thnt tho question of mond from 18 to 'M per cent, for tho money he ' ing or ending the houso of lords may dis tends, place for n xvhllo in tho houso of com J. M. Fisher, cashier of tho First Na- mons nil othor subjocts of reform. tlonal bank of Geneva, Neb., and 114,400 of the bank's money aro missing. Ex-King Milan of Sernln has been s trick' en xvith apoplexy. The Campania, xvhllo nho seems unablo to beat tho record on runs from cast to Lcsseps, xvho xvns sontonced toflveyearB' west across tho Atlantic, has twice beaten ' imprisonment for complicity in tho Pan the west to east record, from xvhlch sho ania cani 8Cnndal, xvas roloasod from has knocked off over eight hours and ' pHn brought It doxvn to 6 days, 14 hours, 15 ' minutes. Kidnaped by Ilandlts. Tho Bra-Ulan army Is still loyal to Pelx- Havana, Hapt. lU.-Tho son of Sonor otto, nnd It is stated thnt tho rebellion of Mneoiras, n plantor, has been kidnapod tho navy will be short-lived. Thu reported by bandits near tho Angostura pluuta- declaration ot himself as dictator by l'elx- otto is not couuniicu. Monday, Sept. 11. Train robbers xvero foiled near Llllle, Ark., by the engineer, who put on steam instead of brakes xvhen signaled to stop. Hu had received a pointer. Lewis Going, a clerk Inn Portsmouth)., commission house, xvas murdered by foot pads ixhilu on his xuy homo and robbed of his week's wages. Admiral I.'ot, tho dwarf, who is at Chi cago aud only 48 inches lilgh, has a xvifu who is only ouo Inch taller, aud xvho has just presented him xvith a daughter. Weight six pounds. Tho president has appointed N. W, Mc Ivor, of Iowa, consul gvuural at Kauaga xx n, Japan, and Arthur M, Clark, of Mich igan, consul nt Port Manila, Out. Colonel Hughes, the Kansas militia ofll ce r who refused nt Governor Lewolliug's bidding to nttnek thu Republican house during the legislative dendlock, demanded a court-martial for some time before ho got one. Tho court, purposed of Populist oillcers ot tho state, has been held and Hughes condemned, nud sentenced to dls houorablu discharge. Tuemluy, Sept. IU. TIia Wllliiim I Srnuatitfili rmnlinnv wlinln. snlo grocers at Milwaukee, xxcro burned I out, causing n loss of 110,000. j Theatrical Manager George, P.ilgo has paid f!5 and made a public apology as tho price of a "gag" perpetrated by his come-1 man at mu expuiihu ui u i-uri uouu, in., society man, Samuel Clayton, son ot Judge Clayton, of Media, Pa,, xvho xvas recoutly divorced from Miss Pardrldge, of Chicago, aud moro recently xvas sued for breach of promise of marriago by Miss Allco Good ley, has eloped with aud married a Ches ter, Pa,, girl. Thu toothpick factory nt Dsorlug, Me., has closed Its doors xvith several carloads awaiting orders. Tho Milwaukee National b mk, which suspended July '), will reopen Sept. 'io, xvitii increased capital, Governor Markli.im has written to Sec retary Gresham that if thu Geary laxv is not enforced an outbreak against Chinese may bo expected in California, Prince Ulsmar.'k's condition Is again re ported to be scrh ns. He is suffering from sciatica, Induced by exposure while receiv ing deputations, FOREST FIRES IN WISCONSIN. tmiiiiMlhlfl to IMInmto the Lou They Cover n l.nrgo Territory. Cimi'IT.xva Fai.i.m, Sept. 1!). Forest fires mo running at nn nlnriuing rnto in this county. Tho xvholo country around Long lako has boon burned over nnd grave fears aro felt for tho cottagos thoio. Tho flro Marlod on O'Ncil creek, near Chippewa City, nnd burned south, destroying much pluo nnd hard wood. Fires aro nlso reported as raging around Estolln, At Ashland forest fires aro still raging nnd reports nro received qulto often from northorn Wisconsin villages Whero 11 res press them closely. s At Grand Rapids fires in that vicinity aro destroying a groat amount of tim ber nnd cord wood and hay marshes nro nearly nil burned. Fires nro still run ning in tho cranberry marshes. Smoko is so denso ono can scarcely soo n block.. Several small farm buildings nro ro ported burned. All nvailablo mon nro out fighting flro. -. Fire Raging In the lllaek mil. ' Dkadxvood, H. D., Sept. 111. Innnonso timber fires, covering many miles in ox- tont, aro raging in various portions of tho Black Hills, Tho damngo to grow- Jng timber is very groat, whilo tho lass j Cordxvood nlono will amount to 50,- Ooo. Several ndiacent minlnir towns nro threatened nnd tho inhabitants nro using evory effort to check tho flames. Threatened With Destruction. Cr.NTKAi, City, S. D., Sept. 18. Lead , City, Central City and other toxvns k.nMt1 n ItJtew (ton tlitXMf iXdml ttfftl tin. MUST HE BADLY MUDDLED. That Is What William Lyman Hays Abonl Cannon of the Irlh League. NkwYohk, Sept. in. William Ly man, treasurer of tho Irish National uuhhuii ol iiuuriuii, iniiiiu mo iuuuiiif 8tatoment in regard to Prosldont Gnn , , " , M. ,,m ,. ..mi, non's repudiation of tho homo rulo bill: I am absolutely astonlshod at tho state ment nttributod to Mr. Gannon. Ho must be in a badly muddled condition to lmvo so far forgotten himself. Sir. Gannon, whon a former address was Issued by tho executive officers on tho samo homo rulo question, repudiated it. When brought to task nbout his repudi ation ho admitted ho had made tho nd- I dross nnd promised to lie moro careful i In l,A fi.ti.m ITa Minn trilil tun llA would nlxvnys bo with ino in whatever action I might take. This letter I roceived from Mr. Gan nnn. nml whlnh in Knlf.nxiilnnatnrv. maxr ,,,, recnU to Wm Bothing of ,,' ,.,.. . Astoii Housk, March 18. Dkau Mu. Lyman Having heard your outline nud recognizing tho greatdlstance which prevents immediate communica tion, and above all, convinced of your sin cerity, honesty and sterling patriotism, I herewith authorl.e you to use my name iu all future public communications on Irish National Leaguo n (la Irs xvhlch re quire speedy and determinate action. Your friend aud brother, M. V. GANNON. M . A Question of Mending or Ending. London, Sopt. 13. Tho Natlonil Liberal Federation has issuod a circular in connection with tho rejection of tho llOlHO HllO bill llV til llOUSO Of lOTllS, in , Tho nnostion. tho circular adds, need unflinching treatment. Charles Do Leiiep Released. Pawb, Sopt. 13. Mr. Charles do tlon, in the district of Yegus. .Supposed to He a Kaoisa. Chicago, Sept. 18. A man, who, from papers found on his person, is sup posed to be Thomas Aloxandor of Mel von, Kan,, was found dead in bod at the Alvion houso. -B Tuesday' National League dame. At Clovoland Clovoland, 4; Now York. 1, Clarkson and O'Connor; Husie and Milligau. At St. Louis St. Louis, 1; Brooklyn, n. Haxvloy, McCnuley and Twlnchauii Kennedy and Dailoy. At Baltimoro Baltimore, 2; Pitts burg, ID. Mullano, Broxvn and Robin son; Killon nnd Earlo. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. ! . Chicago Grain and Provision. Chicaoo, Sept. 12,-WhcKt was weak. Cables woro hl.her but did not seom to hax-a any effect on prices. Corn was easlor and closed at a Kid a of 4o to o for the day. Outs closed at a net ealn of a to He Pro visions were dull nnd Inactive. CI.O.SI.NO I'llll.'KS. WilBAT--iitiiiber. WMO09to: Decem ber, WJtaWMc; May. aiMc. t COKN-Buptember, 44o bid; October, 42?i V'Hc: My. DXL4iUc. OATH-Oetobcr. 271.fi May. MWVBHc I'OllK-Bepteinber, flU.:w bid; October, fl.tbM; January, SH.UOMd. LAUM-Soptember. W-ii bldj October, R.4ri; January, $.sl$. ' ltm.S-3e)ioiuber, 110.OJ; January, 110.89 asked. Chicago Llvo Stock. Union Stock Yahds. t. Ciiicauo, Sept. IS. I CATTIjB-kVccIihs,, 8.0U1. Common to ex. Ira steers, I.SX&VIJ. blockers nud feeder. $.Wit:i.iX: i oh?, heifers uud bulls, II.WAlii; calves. 8S W. ll()US-ltt'celits, lfl.OX). Common to choice mixed, fJMan.15: choice assorted, 4.1JQt).'JJ; littht, SUOaiMO; heavy, S-X.IJUWI.I. BIlKKl'-Kco'lpts, 10.010. Inferior to choice. I1.IMWI.W; westerns, .Wa:.'3; lambs, $-.74 OV.'J. South Omaha Live Stock. '' South Omni, Kopt, L'.-UAITLK-Ite-rellitu, ?," head; i:l to l.vu Ibi., Ji MKiM.SJ; UiMtolUlllu.. t.UWll.M; lk)J to IllM lin., JJ.'O IM.(i); choice coH-, SJ.txa,').'1"; common cows, U.ia.'.If: good fenders, SiiSiWJ; common feeders $ '.OiO-'.K), Market strong. 110(1S -Receipts, iflxi huutlj llht, l.Uu It).'.; mixed. jr..7,tM.i; heavy, 5.euAM. aUr let Hi6 sue lilcher... . u MIIKKlVMuttonl.z3w3.fti la-bs, flO M. Market iiuotably sUouk ' . . H " I