THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1808. ll 14 r, SN BPILCHUH PfiCVEMia CHATJHS, Cannot Choke a Horse Adjust? Itself '.'any Korso'o iicck, Has two llowa of Wl'l hold dairies In place, hotter t'.ian any cthor Caller. IIuvo u Tew fllorc of Thoae Celebrated SPOONER COLLARS Also a large lino of harness, Ac. ,'all nnil ace mo ir you wont bargain. j. i,. MiM-m, The Veteran IlarneMlNnu. Farm Loaijs At Less Tharr, 7 Per ceiit. Blue L-lill Neb. Not lee to Teacher. Notico is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves us candidates for teachers ofllio publio Kchools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will ho held on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates i'h tliu Home no grade below 70 per cont., avcroge 80 per cent; for lirst grade certificate no grade below 80 por cent., average 00 per cent, in all branches required by law. 1. M. IIuntkh, County Supt. PENMAN has THEM A nice lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Chains, Rings, Bracelets, Scarf pins Ciilftnnd collar ImltoiiN, neeK elialiu, lave nlna, Mick plus, vliarniN, cte. I'lated and solid silverware, sonvenlr Fpoons, licii'l handled knives mid forks. carilm? m.i.s. ctlllnu card rases, uoti lion boxes mid other iiutriiio, a unit unu in iipmacies anil eve Klntwn with lntcrrhani,Mhlo lenses, steel, nickel silver and cold frame, Kpcelal and careful lit. tenilon imld lolltlhiKllin i-jo- My lino of '.'in! hand watches I unite law. I wllfiun tliviaolt at less limn ilielrai liml worth. Cr7"MruiK our watch, rlock and Jewelry in pair work, juiiromtiaviia; ai:d your old uold itud silver to w, Henry Cok'N IniK Store. B RIGHT'S DISEASE ' ANO OTHER DISORDERS OFTHt KIDNEYS CAN BE PERMANENTLV CURED BY USING OR, J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. It la a safe and unfailing remedy for all Kidney Troubles, Liver Disorders and Female Irrcgiiittiilles, . rrlee Ono Dollar Per Bottle. Iho Or. J. II. McLean Medicine Co., ST. LUU13, MO., OUC PROPRIETOR!. fflifl r Tv. ,ijL ! it m.x-ii J Jr ITM RIVERTON. AX i:TCIUMtlM0 MTTLR c1tv just over the mm:. Wltcro UurIiicm Men do l!u. iiCMt on Business Principles. As wo occupy the editorial satieluru and soliloquizo on tho apparent bin guino condition of one cotninuiiity, aud tho absoluto mendicity of others, especially duiiug tho present finan cial rftringonoy, which has materially affected the wholo nation, our chain of thoughts are led to a consideration of the various towns in tho west, re specting their founding, progress and their condition at tho present lime. Some have been charactized by a pho nominal prowth for some time, then a atand still, a gradual decline, and (in- all j unstayed by proper support tank hopUrsly into .'oblivion. Some have flourished like a big sun flower from the beginning, and with no apparent effort, gained a front rank in population and prosperity, while others attain a certain prominence, and remain at that stago a life time, enjoying a moderate patronage, and its citizens living a lifo of social en joyment and goppcl nrivilegs. Wo may assert with impunity that to tho latter class belongs tho peace ful town of llivcilon, Nob., from ilio faot that it has remained for several years at a certain size, is a clean healthy town in any sense and is de void to a great extent of tho licen tiousness which characterizes many places of that size. A compendious description of this beautiful city, a compatible portrayal ol its varied aud valuable resource?, would involve more time and ability than tho writer assumes adequate to the occasion. Wo will endeavor howovcr to d cribo with brevity a few important features of this city, and trust tho reader will consider it a fair, impar tial, and perspicuous writcup. lliv crton was founded in (ho year 1870, the three first sutthrs being, B. Ash burn, W. (3. Thompson and Wm. Mc Brldo. It is located in tho southern part of Franklin Co., Neb., in the lux uriant valloy of tho liopubliean river, 120 miles from Bloomington, its couuty scat, 3G3 miles from Denver, Col., and 155 niilaa from Lincoln, tho capitol of the stato, Like other towns in this section it is surrounded by as prolific an agricultural district as was ever created and as a consequence, enjoys a gradual trade that threatens not dis aster to its busiucES men or citizens. Tho residents of this oity are a refined, well cultured class of people, haying several churches, good schools, and other features which tend to moral and t-pirilunl cloration. Thrae churohes largely predominate, the Methodist, Congregational, and Cath olic J. II. Blackburn holds the pas torate of tho Methodist church, and Mr. F. Lawson, tho Congregational. Tho publio Bcheol building is a beau tiful brick edifice nicely located on a protuberant clcyafon, and its inter ior is elaborately furnished with the modern appliances used in our public schools. Mr. L. B. Carnaban, prin cipal of the sohool at present, u a man of much erudition and nbilitj as a teacher and has tho confidence of the pooplc. His assistants aro Miss John son, who has charge of tho intermed iate department, and Miss Lawson toaohes tho primary, both ladles have much ability as teachers and com mand tho profound rcspcot of tho en tiro community. Au important fca turo which must not be ommitted is tho swift clear creek that runs through town, though shallow this lovely stream flows tho year around, and furnishes sufficient water power to propel any kind oi machinery, and although not utilized much for that purpose there, it could be so applied, and Ilivcrton is as proud of this re freshing rivulet as Washington of her r-tatc jjrouuds, or Brooklyn of its churches. Wo havo seldom met a more genial class of business men than thoso of Ilivcrton, all conducting business on sound business principles, and ad verso to tho somniculous, easy-go methods of eastern merchants. Tho late financiul depression has drowned an immenso nuinbor of country banks, but llio Stato bank of Ilivcrton mill flourishes and wc are informed by tho cashier that its prospects never wero better and thero is absolutely no dinger of a failure The biuk is now enjoying an excellent biis'ncsp, and the pcoplo havo tho most implicit confidence in its tuninlninoncc, K. 11. lilakc is its cashier, he is n gcntle nnn of pleasant demeanor, and pos sesses excellent business qualities and is thoroughly conversant with the banking business generally. Mr. Ku gono Hunter is proprietor of one of tho largest and most complete iitocks of agriculturo in tho county, and also buys tho most live stock especially hogs, that is marketed at that place. Mr. Hunter has been engaged in busi ness in Ilivcrton for i good many years and commands tho respect of all who know him. Fulton & Carnahan is tho natno of one of the most prosperous firms in the city. They havo recently moved to a spacious corner building where an im menso stock of goods can bo found. Both the gcntlctncu hare had a long and, varied experience in business, and now enjoy a very munificent patron ogo. Their stock consists oT general merchandise. There are two harness iheps in Iliv crton and both enjoy a very liberal patronage. Ono is owned and opera ted by J. II. Gaskill, who handles a nice lino ot harness, Gxturcs, &c, and docs neat repairing. The other goes under tho name of V). Burner & Son. They havo ono of the most complete stocks of harness, saddles, whips, robes, &c, to befouod in tho county and do repairing neatly and promptly. They aro pleasant business men and aro fast establishing a heavy trade. J. I). Full in, real estate and insur ance agent is an old resident of tho placo aud enjoys a good business in his line. He also insures collections promptly and the parties who place a collection in his hands may rest as sured John will "go after 'em" about right. A. Holderidgn, proprietor of the city livery and feed stablo seems to get his share of that business and is doing as much livery 'work as any stable in that part of the country. S, J. Wilson is tunning tho city dray lino in that place and is making it pay well. Ho is tho only ono m town engaged exclusively in that busi ness, and as a cooicquoncc, with faith fulness to his patrons, he bos estab lished a good solid trade. Ilivcrton is not without good hotel accommodations, having tho "Frank lin House," n rcspectahlo 2-a-day Iiouec, and tho "Banks House" of half that rato. They aro located side by side, tho former being controlled by (Jcorgo Knos, and Ilobirt Hanks being proprietor of tho latter. At present, the Banks House, is filled In ccssantly with regular and transient patronage, and tho accommodations are as good as any in tho country. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bunko aro pleasant and courteous and tho stranger who dines tiicro is suro to call agaiu, A. J. Benjamin handles tho only lumber yard in Ilivcrton and carries a heavy stock of choice lumber, lath, Miingles, limo, coal, cement, etc Mr. Benjamin is a conservative business man and sells a largo amount of his stock every year. Ho informs us that his business remains about tho same dining the drtnocratic depression, and that the proi-pects for a fall trade are very flattering indeed. The largest and .nost flourishing hardwaro storo in tho city is that of Cummings & Hobart, on tho north sido of Main street. 'Ihese gentle men carry a stupendous stock of hardware, furniture, windmills, pump, farm implements, &c. TlioyjJ.iro lo cated in a capaoious building and wo aro informed that thoy sell enormous amounts of goods each year. The gentlemen comprising this firm arc pleasant and sociable and havo estab lished an excellent business Bert G. Lindloy is proprietor of tho City Drug Storo and enjoys an excel lent patronage at all times. His stock consists of a full lino of drugs, paints, oils, school books, stationery, fanny toilet articles, cigars, &o, llufus M. Stark is one of Hivcrton's most substantial business men, own ing and operating a largo stock of queensware, glassware, groceries and provisions. Ho has been in business somo time in Ilivcrton and his fair business dealings has merited tho good will of tho poople whioh he do. sorvos. Charlio Smclscr io proprietor of tho City Meat Market and a ohoioo lino of fresh moats arc always to bo found at his place. Charlio is a rustler aud will no doubt Bonio day make himself arioh man. Hubert Banks runs in connection with his hotel a first clan's livery barn. Bob is a jovial fellow and the emolu ments ho reaps fiom both cut ci prises arc highly satisfactory. J. L. Wilson, tho city barber, is lo cated between the Franklin house and tho Banks house. Ho is an excellent tonporial artist and is remunerated by a good patronage. There aro two blacksmith shops in Ilivcrton, ono belonging to Arthur Knox, and tho other to J. P. Oulson. Both seem to bo buy all the time Ono of tho largest dry goods stores in tho county is owned and controlled by A. L. Gray. It is known as the "Now York Cash Store." Mr. Gray carries a monstrous stock of every thing in tho line of dry goods, boots, shoes, &o. It is said ho has a heavy trade and his prices aro so low, one can do no better anywhere. There is ono lunch counter and gen eral confectionery Btoro In town, where the hungry may feed at any time. Its owner and manager ia James Wood, who says business is as good as cv:r and slightly on tho incroasc. Kd. Fuller is citymarsballc and finds a place for any disorderly character who may como to town, Ho has proved to bo a very efficient officer. The abovo list of firms concludes a description of tho most important business enterprises in the city with possibly the omission of some features of minor importance. Ilivcrton has many pcoplo who are rich and ofllucnt, and most all have established palatial homes where they will probably reside as long as thoy live. Wo noticed the residenco of Mr, Heck in tho south part ot town aud unhesitatingly pro nounce it one of the nicest in the country. luvcrton has a weekly newspaper called the Franklin County Guard, edited and published by Mr. Daggett. While there we called on Bio. Daggett and his assistant and found them to be very affable and courteous gentlemen. Some of tho most opulent citizens in the state live in and around Ilivcrton among them arc Gus l'omcry, K.ija Katun, Hugh Criller, A. T. Walker, S. J.Taylor, Andrew Leonard, Joseph Elliott, Andrew Haokctt, C. C. Good in-, 1). M. Waint, Gus Klli', 1) Beams, Ilob't. Cummings, Isaac Ship ardson, II. Hinkins, James Blown and D. Fuller. Ilivcrton has every indica tion of a continuenco of tho success that has characterized it for the few years past, and The Ciiikv shakes a friendly hand with her sister city wish ing her health, wealth, and prosperity. i i I. A Leader. Sinco its fitnt introduction, Eloctrio Bitters has j-nincd rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in tho lend among pure medicinal tonics und alter- utivefl containing nothing which per mits ita uso oo n boverago or intoxicant. It Is recognized nn tho best nud purest medicino for all ailments of stomach, livor, or kidney. It will cure eiok heud aoho, iudigoation, constipation, and tlrivo mularin from the systom. Satisfaction guaranteed with ouch bottlo or tho money will lie refunded. 1'rico only GOo per bottle. Hold by C. L. Cotting. Lumber cheap Tor Cimli. liOOK at int'so prices una compare thniii with prices other denlers noil for. No. 1 '2x1 'JMi 2.3 810 1"0 per 1000 ft. No. 1 Ship lap 17.50 " " " No. 1 Grooved UoolInglS.OO " ' No. 1 Fencing 18.00 " ' " Hi'st Bod Cedar Shingles i!.7.r) Sash iloora at about ono halt tho prico charged by boiiio dealers. A liberal discount uuulo on largo bills. Wo will Bavo you money if you will got our prices before buying. Our stool: is all No. 1. Thadkus' LujuiKit Co. ii i If the. hnir Ihib fallen out, louving tho head bald, if tho Bcalp is not shiny, thero is n chnnco of regaining tho huir by us ing Hullo Hair llenewer. Hay! Hay! liny! Bids will bo rocoived nt thu Hod Cloud Murblo Works for fio tons of flrot cIush prairie huy, to bo delivered at Itod Cloud nil properly stacked and weighted. Hay to stand in the stack Ito doH before it io uninsured. 8 cubiu feot to conotitulo a tou. City Cab Line. B. B. Hurt proprietor, Bun to all trains and to all parts of city. Terms very reasonable. I !! I . . For Kale. A Woboter couuty farm, of 100 acres, with well llnlelieil frame house, stablo. 100 acres fenced in to pasture, over .'10 lionil or-cattle, over W hogs, over :i(JO IiusIibIh of corn; olfer nil for a short tune for tho small hii iu of 6'J,10O. A good pruiriu farm of ICO acroa with no im provements, prico 81,050. 80 acres in Jewel county. Kansas, 81,100. 80 acres In Jewel county Kansas, i?l..'!()0. lm. proved Webster county farm of lOOucrcH, prico srU.OOO. Ukohui; O. Vi:isi.ii. nut. Bed Cloud, Neb. M Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla,, In Memory ot Ilaby Leon. Died September 8th, 189.'!. nged eight months, nnil nlno iIiijb; Loon, adopted fhllil of Patrick nnil Lizzlo Ollroy. IIo wan u sweet, lovablo baby, unil leaver un itching void in tho hctirtn of his foster parents which tinionlouo can flit. Little Leon wnn deserted by those who had tho nearest and best right to lovo nnil cher ish him. God pity tho hiird heart of tho mother that can desert her own child. But thero wns ono woman whoso urmii wore empty but whose heart was filled with tho sacred motherly lovo, willing to luko tho helpless baby to her homo anil givo him nil thu euro and motheiB love that babies need and well bnu she ful filled her trust. Little Leon is gono but bIio will havo tho blessed memory of tho Bwrct baby fueo und tho clinging baby urniB und her lifo will bo broader and better for it. Her icward will bo gieat for did not Christ say "In im much as jo did it unto the least of these yo havo dono it unto me." Mr. and Mrs, Gilroy have thoBympathyof their many friende. So much to lose, (ii niv.cli to nils, So much to (.'Hoc runlay hv il.iv. 'ili(cllKlriK'iuiii, thoKoodtiiftht Kits, 'I he tojs to imtauay. Tim gladioinu IIkIH from baby e)es. Ihu lionyliead with silken hair. jiio eauer nsienim; ror ills erics, The 1Mb) uriels to share. The dainty cpiineiits wrought with ThroiiRli li;iipy hours, fi.r lovo's a Are lalil nsliln for nun mure f.ilr sweeWsiUc, rule. Thau mother's li.uuls can iiiako. How could we bear this heavy cross, Thu loneliness, the cruel pain, Did no not know our earthly loss Is his eternal Rain. Kurc're the touch of sin could Unlit Or sorrou'.s shadow ilnud his way In! kindly took lilmfioni earth's night To Heaven's eternal day, -A KltlBND. i i Suffers from dyspepsia have only them selves to blnmo if thoy fail to lest tho wonderful eurntivo iiunlitlcs of Ayor'a Sarsaparilla. In purifying tho blood, tbig medicino strengthens every organ of tho body, nnd oven tho most nbusod atomnch is soon restored to healthy no tion. Persons troubled with chronio iliar rhiea should try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nud Dinrrhto Keracily. Many cases hnvo been cured bv it aftir nil oleo had failed nnd akillul physician wtro powerless, por Baio uy ueyo & Urico. When in Ilivcrton bo suro nnd Btop nt tuo nanus iiotieo. fi.uu per nay. .Liv ery in connection, By far tho most picas unt place in Ilivcrton. The Army Hill Is not tho one that worries u9 but tho doctor b bill. Keep a supply of Beggs' Fnmily MedicineB on hnid und your doctor b lulls Vo per cent. Bold by Duyo & Grico. Don't forgot it, that Morhart wants all of tho old rags ho can buy, from this on. Don't forget it and sell tlum to him. Uueklen's Arnien Salve. iho best snlvo in tlin world for cuts, bruises, eorcs, Ulcers, Salt rhotim, fovor Bores, tetter, chapped hnndfl, chilblains, corns, nnu an BKin eruptions, nnil posi tivjly cores pileB, or no pay required. It is guarnntoed to givo perfoct satisfaction or monev roiumiou. Prico zo centa per oox. j;orsnio uyuoiung ti -. ... ... Those Wonderful GIuiiIm In Town!! If yon wish to Bee thorn call on Doyo & unoounuasK ror Jiegs Iiittlo Giant Pills, iuvory bottlo guninntoiu. First ChiHN Itoardlii Mr. S. Baylcs wishes to announce to the public that he is prepared to tako boarders at IJ.50 per week, sleeping inciuucu. Apply at 4tli Avenue Hotel. Coal, Flour and Teed. Don't you forget that L. P. Al Ja ght sells more coal, flour or feed for $1 than any one. Sco him. CHAS. SUIIAFl'MT. Aitciiey ! Ire, Llhtiiliie and Tor nado IiiNiiranee. Written in tho bcHt and oldest com panics, nt lowest rates. Cullundscomo Olllco over post olllce, Red Cloud, Neb A Xcw .folic On the livor. Whon it iB out of order nnd you fool blue, try a few doses of Beggn'Littlo Glnut Pills. Your livor will appreciate tho joleo. So will vou. For snlo by Doyo & Grico. A. II. . Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption result from a neglected co igli or cold. Don't neglect but euro promptly with n fow doses of BegBB' Cherry Cough Byruri Sold by Ueyo & Grico. ' V orCourneltM a Itargam. I paid 81,700.00 cash foi tho Shircy property and now ofTer tho fiuuo for 61, 800.00. 1,700.00 cnh , and $01.00 (mar gin) on or bororoll! months, nt 7 per cent This pjoporty would bo cheap nt Si'.fiOO. iu good times. John M. Cuaitin. A To many Indies !h how to keop their hnir in curl on rainy ilaj b. Tho solution nj eiiHj. Ask Doyo & (irico for Nonpar eil Hair curler and the xnuzlo will bo roIvou. When Ilaby was slclr, wo earo her CostorlR. When aho was a CTilld, alio cried for Castorla. When the became Miss, alio clung to Castorla. When alie bad Children, aho favo them Castorla. Children Cry for P.toh(?r, Castorla. M Children Cry fof Pitcher's Cattorla. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Keeps the scalp clean, cool, healthy. The Best Dressing Restores hair which has become thin, faded, or gray. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. ciiritcmx. JMIIIISTt AN Church- Sen Ires SuiuliivntlOMO V . a ni and 7:ao p in : miii.I.iv iclioot Ht 1 1 noon 1' 8 0 i: at 0:M i in and Y 1' 8 0 V. Juniors at Ip in. (ONllli:IATIONAt. Church-Hen lees at ID: an kiii, and liWipintNimdiiyiclinoliitilt'Sf) a in, I' H 0 i: nt 0:'M p in and V V b 0 K Jim- Mirs .u 4 p in. MirrilODlsr Cliurcli !i-ilrt at 10:30 a. m, ittiil7:.i0p, in., lipwnrth LeaKueat 0:30 u. in. Sunday School at 1 1:30 p.m. LM'ISCOl'AI. Cluirch-Scnlccs every two 1J weeks, by appointment. I UIHKItAN C'hiircli-Ku'ry thlid Sunday 1J moriilin; at in h cluck. i A 1 HOI.lOCliuicli nerv tees by appointment. IVaI ' r 1 STTiiti riTi Non Kii la r "Se rTees, Sun; ' day school (HKUlar) at noon. 11 Y P U at 0:30 p "i. I'llAl'Klr y- any. -auiid.iy school m 3 p ui every sun- SOL'ILTILS. A O U W l!:icli alternate. Tuesday evening. Bi:N Adhem IxhIko .No ISO; 10 O PuvcryMon davnluht. ' I lAI.ANTIIi: LoiIkc Novo, Kliluhls of P)thlas Thursilay evenliu;. I'll Cloud Lodge No Wit, Modern Woodmen x ot America, alternato Wednesilay cvonl n K VAI.I.i: Uiilco Nor., Kralernal Order of Pro- tuctorsi, Mist and third Monday ot each month. fWAltlTY IiIko Nod A K and A M each lfrlilny evening on or befoio tho full moon. RI'.ll Cloud Chapter No IU. 'I Inn slay evenlni;. It A M alternato C'YIllINr. Commniulery No H alternuto Thurs ; iliy evcnlui;. 1I1A1HTY Clnpter Kastera Star No 47 alter n.ilo Tucsditv evening. GAItlTi:i.l) Tost No 80(1 A It Monday even tin; on or Lefore the full moon. f' W 't 0 No 14 meets alternato Sat v iiiilayatlernoon. AfAltY Si:i:itS McHKNItYTentNollDaUBht-"- er of Velerans Moiulavevenhiu. HS KA1.KY Camp No'Jo, S of V Tuesday eve-iiini-. iiIuk Clli:il.MAN Circle No n, ladles of the U A It - llrstnnd third Saturday evening. RT.I) CI.OUII Council No IS LoynlMjstlc Un ion ot Atactica and third Friday eve- "lug. i Sewing - Maciiin3 AND ORGANS. 8. JE. CQZAD J Has u fine line of Sowing Ma chines and Organs from $25 upwards. AUo Keeps all KIiuIh of Itluehlne EiiIipiliM. Uoea repairing promptly. Call and ace mo. OAVCAT9. TOAtlB MARK. DE8IQN PATEUTS. Vnr lnfnm.(l --J .. " ..""" " " enovDinuTD ii 1 1 5f 1; , .', i" I5.".".'.rco ianniiooir wr to to ftlUrtN c LO.. IKjI llltOAlu.AV Npw Vnnir OWcut Imrcnu for icciirimr patent. mAiScrTca. UepuOUo l)yuuoticojlvcu troool cUwxoUjUiS Larepst clrrulntlnn of any sclcntiflo nanor In tha worJO. , Bnlpqdldlr lllu.tratea. No In? Jiiib Jn? inan nnuiu LO witliout It. Weekly, ,'l.0 t JP": V.MHX ranntlin. AildreM MfiNN Wii? i-umjauius. uui uroauirar, New York i ' A CO- i viir. Kotlee. ClinrleiH. Iloppe, Hnnpe, I.. W. Till- n.i. i mi. . iiiki niiriiiiiim iuiicvsri;o., ( e Uudants, (sill ink iioti e that onllio Ifith Var llevs&Co., ile- J iA."i?."iM' 8i. .rtiiiia N. liinvrn. Trustee, plalatlll In-rriii. tlltd lilt prtltlou In tile UlBtrlct i-nmt of Webster roiuily. Nrbmskn. iitalnst tha nliov immril ill ri'ml.-uiN, Hie object and piajtl of vvhlill Is to iiileiluson .ert.ln nv.rt. c;mo xectited by Lewis : Hummel nnd llcllu Hiiininel, his vvlfo. io the Mild L. W.Tulleys, .1..,!.l.,".l,; "'""J .Vi'! "atli-east ijiuirtor of aecllon twenij-roiir C.'l) Iu inwimhlp ono (I) north, Iu raiuo tivelvn ll.') imilli of Iho aiztli i. m It ,,,ut'i iiiiiiiii, .Ai'iirnsu , inseiiiru tne tiav nii'iitnf aceitiilii pinmlssiiiy unt dated Juno Int. iM,,ir.i-th(Muuwif lifio.nud liitcro-tcnii-imps ll.e'eln iituelnd.duo.itid pavablo In Uvo jeaisfiiiiiiilatistheieot. ' " iimv"if,r.'tdiiV"t0 '"'" l'0UI,1" n"11 ""TtBago ro ,'illi'.'"-,l1,"',,"'ljV.,cciiroiivrcit to the Jt&. 1 "i",' ".",(M ' '. ,:""l"'. ho mummed arid f'L1.'.' '"'V ".'''"'"Kaite. I'l.dntlfl liraya for n (Ih.-u ii nr i,n fl.isiirn and ilmt snldiiretn Im'j may to .sul.l to sutlsfv the iimniiat due. Viii niiii-qiilrii to answer said petition on oi befuru Moiiitav iho 8.1'u.iy of Otlobcr, IP93. iu- a ,1,,Ai?V.'f,,'l,"(nJ'Str"'t'Mlahillir. Dy A, I), ilLC.VMit.tss hit altoiiiey. Probate Notice. svATi:t)FM:mtvsii.i Wt'hsiertiniiiiv f ibi'iM '.V1'1'1'0' "io estate of I). C. Bmeliej, TSiiHls,rSd"a1HedC','?a '" ll' C6,n, ' lh a' nf,i,.,,ir.V'l',,wAr,b 110,lll,p'l Oiat on tlm 2-,th day M,f '," ',Ai,"M, '" ""Mcr Hiltnlnlstra !l.'? . ,J ,a,'illicdlit'rvcrmed petition in thiieouiilv colli t of our s.i kl count v of Wobster jit Sclcntiflo American & Agenoy for TAX SBK JJP mw ji ng tin a I imlK' lb iiient, fur tho allowance C f lie iicioiint llleil Iu h U, Coty rmirt on Iho t.,Mil,,.,i,Hf!ll,liVir5l0,l.",!'.,lll"t ,,ie hearing pi A sa i pitltlnn will bij bad in tho county courcLr I rOOIIl 0( llhl COUtltV Oil llm eltl, ilnu nl idnl.r,. l bfr, i'jj, nta o'chfit, p. m. ' ' ' JAMKN bUFl'Y, Quality Judgo. k XW rf a3C9aT!aiaKir-.,w;- -ft T-, rssr: ZTMmTr- -iXKHaaunmujir auiMUji8KX