w B' "Wsrttet rW .tauliBwtui. . -iWi - lanfmrn By A. C. Hosmer. THE CHIEF I'lihllHlicri Weekly. fciibNcrlptlon, gl I'cr Annum, InvurlaMy In Advnnce If not pilit In advance, after tliW d-iie March i, Isty, llio price will bo 9.-a. Entered nt tlio Pout Oinre In lted Cloud, Neb., asniall matterof the second class ItATI") OK AIIVI'.llTISINd rrof. r.iriN, 1 Inch or lesN per year $C 00 nix month ( no Tlirco Months ! on NTANIUMIADVKlmSICMMM. IV r Inch ono ear SI PO I'tr Iik'Ii Hlx months j oo l'iriiuli three months i !"piicl.il netioii per line or lino spare, llrst pulilicatloti n cents. Transient ipi el, tie, paj.iblo lnv.wl.ibly In nd laiue, perllim Itieuii. All leading notices In the nature oX advertlso meiits or pull, ft cents per lino. 11:111 notices ntlecal rates, lz:.forn square (ten Dues of Nonpareil or less,) llrst puiillcutloii Sl.no; for each subsequent publication, per squ ire, BO rents. bo "prefened position" eontracts m.ulo. All imitter to msmo imlillcatlmi mint lie re ceived at this ofllco not later than Wednesday. Aiuertlst'lnents eaiinol be ordeied out lor tho current week later than Thursday. emeaew itiitimimmmi II. & M. It, K. Time Tabic. , Taking effect Au?. 13. Tralnscarrjlni! passengers unite Ked Cloud as follows: HAS!" VIA HASTINGS, No. 112 r.-isseiiKtr to Hasting 3.00 p. 111. AltlltVE. No. Ml r.isseiiKerfram'llnstliiKs 11.05 a. in. KASTVIA VtYMOItK No. Ifi, Passenger to St. Joseph St. jAMiiauuunui.iuu u.tny - 1U.-IU U. in, tlOINU WKST. No. ir TasseiiKcrs for Denver, daily, 8;10 p. in DCSISESS CARDS. ryi. j. s. EMioii, Dentist, JIed Cloud, - - Nehkaska yjK over Taylor' I'lii-tiltnr Store. Kxtracts It ath without pain. Crown knd briil o work a specialty. 1'orctl.iln Hilar, aim all kinds of told uIIIiiks. Makes told and lubber plates ami coinblnutlon plRtCB. All woik (,'innntetd to lie flrst-U.iss. I W. TULLEYS, M. D. Homoeopathic Pbyatclan, Red Cloud, NchrusKii. Ofllco opposite Vlrst Natloual Uank. U. ri.Ktc.tinliiiiiK Mukcoii. Chronic dl'e.ises tie.ned by mall. r L. WINFREY, Auctioneer, Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Will attend sales at reasonable flguics. Satis faclloiiKiiara'itteil. . I II. SMITH, IitNtirmivo Agent, ItCD CLOUD, NEHRARKA. I do a btrictlv farm InHurnnco nutl invite rind invite nil to boo mo. pANDOIjl'U jjcNITT, ATTOIlNKr, Moon Bi.ooic, RED CLOUD, NEB. Collodions promptly attended to. r c, cash, ATTOHXEY AT LAW, Moo.v Block, - HDD CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and correspondence solicited. r F. TltUNKEY, Attorney nt Lnir. Red Cloud, ftcbruslui. Office Up stairs, in Moon Block, over Fnir Store . i rKO. O. YEISER; Reul Entitle, Insurance ttiid Collcellng Agent, Moon Block, Bed Cloud, Neii IVotnry Puhlle. p 1. HUTCHISON, TotiNorltil Artist, 4th Avenue, - IU.DCi.our, Neuuaska, First-claHsbiirbors nnd llrst clnea work guaranteed Gi omen call r STOFFER, FaKiilomible Harhcr, -Red Cloud, Nebraska. I give my porsounl attention to my patrons. First-class shaving and hair cntting a Hpeclnlty. II E. POND, Red Cloud,, rYebrnskn. Com eynnccr, Heal Estate, Loan IiiBiiriuu'e and I'endon Ai;eut. I especially invito you to call on wo for anything in my line. Loans made on farm property nt lowest rnton. fMlAS. SOllAFFNIT, liiMtiraiice Agency, lteprcsents (einiau Insuraneo Co . I'reeport, III. ltojal iiisiiiauee Co,, Liverpool, ni;laml. II imu Kiru Insuraneo Co., of Omaha, Nt br. l'liienK Assurauco Co. of Loudon, Liitf, .iiTinan liisuramo Co. of (luliU'V. III. -, jiiaullauAssiiinneH('o,,of lnnbui, I'.iut. v f lluillimtoii iusiiranen (. of llnillnutnn, Iowa. lliltisn Aininen ssuiiiiho 10. ioronio, tun. Clllco over Postolllco. Rkd Cloud, Nkuraska. X,: Eternal Vigilance is minnimmmtnmmmntmmmnimm Are Your Boys Going To School ! Do you want them to look well dressed ? Do 3 ou know WIENER has just received all his fall stock of Boys and Children's Clothes, Hats Caps. Are you aware that you can buy suits there Very Cheap for your kids ? We liave been enabled to buy a niiieli better (trade or k""ih, wbleli weean cll at Ntiinc prleeM or Inferior prude or ItiNt Helmut. WHY i lleeaitoo while In market we found eery uiantiraeturer iiiixIoiih to kc! bold of ready cattlt. AfcUAA fi; a rnJ I vsJ P'r : J fr"fi) -l 4Sk WzP H'id Headquarters for Men and Koys Shoes ! Chas. AIerier, THE CLOTHIER. m m m nun m niiiininininiiiiHiiiinini itm? v-v the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Red Cloud, Webster County, You will Find our slock complete in 1! 1 Ml every linei ana we W111 oe picasea to serve you in such a manner as to hold your trade in the luture. Neb., Friday, September 15, 1893. WEATHER l'ORECASTS riirnlNlied ExpreNfily l'or The Chief for Welmter County (CopjrlKhted by VT.T. Foster.) Sr. Josei'H, Mo.. Sept. 15. My last bulletin gnvo foaccasts of the storm wave to cross tho continent from September 1 Itli to 18th, and the next will reach the l'ucific eoast about tho 18th, across the western moun tains ubout tho closo of tho li)th, the threat central valleys from tho 120th, to 22d, and the eastern slates about the 'Jllrd. Thin dihturbanco will be a full ay crago in force, nnd will increase as it ncars the Atlantic const. The fifth storm wavo of September will reach tho Pacific coast about the 21th, cross the western mountains by close of tho 2.")th thocrcat ccntralval lcys from tho 20th to 28th, and the eastern states about the 2'Jth. This disturbanno will bo at its greatest force about the 20th. whilo in the western part of tho great cen tral valleys. Tho warm waves will cross the west ern tLOuntalns about the 21st and 27th tho great central valleys about tho 211 J and 20th, and tho eastern states about tho 2,r)th nnd October 1st, Light irosts may bo expected in northern latitudes, following tho storm wave, about 21st in tho northwestern mountains. 2llrd in the upper Missis sippi valley, and 25th in the northern New England states. Those who drsiro tnoro partiouUr details can obtain by weather chart for September or October bo sending stamped and addressed covclopc. SUN BI'OTS. A. Guliimin, in his work on sho sun, speaking of La Buc. Balfour, Stewart and Lowey'a writings, says of them. "Thoy appear to have observed that when ono of tho planets cross tho piano of the sun's equator, it drags as it wore, tho spots into the equatorial region, Tho spots spread toward tho poles, on the contrary, when the plan ets pass away fretn tho equatorial plane." Touching motorology, tho weather on our enitli, tho abovo quotation con tains the germ of tho greatest truth ever uttered. If a planet draws tho sun ppots-hich aro tho Banic as tho high barometers of our storm waves toward tho equator of tho sun then the moon, which is a planet to tho earth, draws our storm waves toward the earth's rquator when our moon is in a similar position relative to the earth that tho planet occupied relative to tho sun. All nature's laws aro tho Bamo everywhere. From Alcyone, tho con tral star cf tho Bloiadcs. which is said to hliine with a light equal to twelve thousand suns like ours, to tho little meteor, whoso life dies out in a flash of light when it strikes our atmosphere and is destroyed, tho saino universal law rules euprcmc, snd thoso diversi fied heavenly bodies are of tho samo materials, all camo into cxifitcnco in tho samo manner, and when wo dis cover a law that applies to ono wo know that it will apply to all the others, and tho assertion of these great astronomers that tho planets havp a marked influcnco on tho sun storms is strong tvidenco going to provo that our moon and planots affect the weather of our earth. But thoso astronomers and our Washington weather fillers maker a mistako in not recognizing tho huh hh being preoisoly tho finno nature as our earth, tho only difference being in their hIzcs and magnetic forces' Other astronomois, who suspicion that Bun spots aro sun filOrms, mako tho the Price of The Chief. mistako in comparing them to our storm centers alone, when tho great sun spots should bo compared with our high barometers, our clearing weather. A .scientific writer in Bclgravia says: Whan Mercury passes botweon Venus and tho sun, tho spots conic forth in tho fullest splendor, and there is moro than a suspicion that Mars, in conjunction with ono of tho infer ior planets, is Influential in increas ing tho area of tho spottcdncss." This last writer probably should have qualified his statements, for such con junction of tho planets certainly havo greater influence in producing sun spots at times than at other titncB. Tho conjunction of tho planets is tho baso of Prof. Mans'ill's system of mct- erology, and ho recognizes that a con, junction, when one of tho planets is at perihelion, has greater influcnco than at other times. Mansill's mis tako howevor, liei in assigning to tho planots their greatest influcnco whon at pciihcliou. The pluict, when at its nearest ap proach to tho sun has an incacascd effrct'on sun and tho other planets, but in altogether a different man ner, and with mush lcfs effect than when at certain other points of its or bit. At ono point in their orbits tho planets and satolitcs cause atmosphere to expand or contract, whilo at other positions they excite clcctrio action and produoo local storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. WorKo than an Outrage. William Newby, who enlisted in the Fortieth Illinois volunteers August 8, 1801, and who after severe and almost fatal wonuds at Shilo was imprisoned at Andersonvillr, and who after years of wandering as a demented and crip pled tramp returned to his homo was, a few days ago, sentenced to a term of two years in tho penitentiary, be oauso soma ono said ho was not Will iam Nowby. Tho story has been fre quently told. On tho trial 135 wit nesses, thirty-seven of whom wero old comrades in tho Fortieth ragimont, twenty-two relatives and the remain der old frionds and neighbors who knew him beforo the wur, swore that tho man on dial was William Newby. Ho was also recognized by eovou ex prisonors at Andcrsonvillo who knew him as a prisonor. In spite of this evidence tho jury found tho accused guilty of personating another man, and Judgo Allen last week denied the application for a new trial, and sen tenced tho crippled old soldier to two years in tho penitentiary. This is worso than an outrage, and tro members of the Grand Army of tho Bcpublif aro making an effort to raise money to pay the cxponscs for an appeal to tho Supremo Court. Tho relatives of Mr, Newby arc nono of them well-to-do and thoy sacrificed nearly ever) thing to defend him in tho recent tria1, They have absolute ly nothing to cxpoud in further pro ceedings, and if a fund is not raised by somo ono to pay tho neoessary ex penses tho unfortunate old soldior gcs to tht penitentiary as a common criminal. Tho lawyorfl who havo had charge of the case, among whom is Gonrral James McCartney, of Chicago, late Attomoy General of Illinois, havo given their serviocs without pay, but there are certain oxpeuccs that must bo met. Tho Grand Army voterans havo become interested in tho matter and havo resolved that they will not permit a crippled old soldier who scrvrd a term at Audersonvillo, and who had both mind and bod; inquired in tho government Bcrvico, to bo sent to prison for the want of money Moro thin old toldiora should be in Kj'SiSSl - - 'r Vol.21. No. 8 Absolutely pure A orcam of tartar baking powder. IIighc8tof all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Bcport. Royal Raking Powder Co. 100 Willi St., IV. Y. .................,...,,..,,.. nvin tcrcslcd in suoh a caso. Every man who bclicvM in common fairneia and decency should contributo lomothing to provont the consummation of this outrage Those who desiro to son tribute may sind thoir money to Win. Cromo, Fairfield, III., or to General Charles W. Pavey, Mount Vernon, Illinois. Many Chiesgotis have contributed, and if a general interest is manifested tho case will be appeal cd and Willam Newby will bo re- , leased from tho.pcnitcntiary and the ' Stato saved from disgrace of sending a half-crazed old soldier to prison. Resolutions Of respect of Sherman Circle No. ,'J, Ltulioa ot the Grand Army of the Re public of Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Wukkeah: By the death of Bro. Wm. IIulTinnn, our esteemed sister has lost a good und loving husband, nnd her daugh ter, n kind and loving father, be it Ri hoi.vkd: That we the members of Shormun Circlo No. .'J, Ladies of G. A. IW extend our sympathy to tho bereaved widow, daughter, hta brothor and family in this their hour of sorrow and aflliotion. RfBOLviiiK That we fully comprohend the loss of ono near nnd doer, we trust that thin exproaion of eondolence may enst n ray of sunlight in the desolate homo and hearts of those who now mourn. IUhoi.ved: That we hope they may bo enabled to rcnli.o that thoir loss is his eternal gain and bo comforted in the thought or mcoting tho lovod one in a bettor lifo wboro thero will be no part ing, nor tears enn come. KhsoLvi.u: Thnt a copy of these reso lutions be sont to the sorrowing widow nnd daughter and to tho Rsd Clood Ciiiiif for publication and be spread up on tho minutes of the secretary's book. Novilla Bailks, ) Nettie Diaver,' (Com. Mauy MAifAPrr, ) A Good Tiling to Keep at laud. (From tho Troy (Kansas) Chief) Somo yoars ago wo were very tnaoh snbjoot to sovoro spoils of cholera mor bus; nnd now whon wo feel any of the symptoms that usually pneoed ,hat ail ment, such us sickness at the stomach diarrhwn, etc., wo become scary. We hnvo found Chamberlain's eolic, cholera nnd dlurrhrca remedy the very thing to straighten one out in such eases, snd al ways koop it about. We are not writing Uita for n pay testimonial, but tohttour random know vhiit is n good tnlng to keep in tho kouEi For sale by Dayo t Urico. A Fine Farm For Sqlc. A Great Unrgnln. If iou want to buy' u lino home you should not fail to bco this furm. It will go for-$.TO00 if Bold Boon. Hulf cash and hnlf ou tlmo. or will trado for valuable property. Tho houso is 10x24 2 stories with L 1-1x20 with lurches on each Bide. Good wutor. lino outhouso. Big barn 21x40 2 HtorlpBj cob and coal houso MxlG: granary 112x14; corn crib 81.TJ; windmill (now). School houso within 40 rods. 15 miles from county Boat, two trading towns within 8 milcB. If sold soon will soil ovcrything on tho farm including 11 cattle, 11 horbco und mules, 17 hogs, farm muchinory, buggies, otc. ICO acres well foncod with gal vunizod wire. Ap ply ul once to tho Red Cloud Cnur, Red Cloud, Nebraska. No person should travel without a box of Ajer's l'ills. As a safe aud speedy re medy for constipation and all irregular Hits' of the stomaoh jmd bowels, thy have no equal, and being skillfully sugar I coated, are pleasant to ttike, and long re- uiin moir viricei. -fc. fZJMOTfV :i