BjBPKSf5yjff4 JSP " ' " "' $ sw - -y ' ffl 4 mm ' II . fliJ TnE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, 1893. VJBJ l 1' tf S i' f K ti- P ft .ww jpi fe Schdrit fSnnnties. 3 5"" r "f!klBNMt Illif -"9 1 et i nit- nAntf.ino n nnfp nnnnc us rriiii- g plete atdjprices the lowest. 2 H III Deyo & Grice. j h..... ............M..... ........ ..J.......v-i.... ..........- To tftie People ! -4-1 GREAT o Closing Wo liuvo decided iIOHC out $6000 wojifli of They will go 4 83 r0 Ladios' phoo, hand 3 00 Ladies' shoo, hand 2 CO Lndicn' shoe, 2 2r Lndies' shoe, for ff 2 00 Ladies' Bhoo,for . 1 f0 Ladies' shoe, for nwd, for :Ti4d, for 1 75 Lndlos' Oxford, ban 1 50 Ladies' . " tnod for (i 1 50 Lndlos' MoKuy sewei loe, for , . 1 00 Men's Plow bIiocb, fii; rt. U. 1 25 Men's " " 'P, , k '""I1 IK Afnn'alrin. Hlit-kn ,. ... .VUM - ... "", Those nro n few of the i i bargains Is a genuine closing out sii : wo are going out oi uubiucss. ri - " w I' i. s.vrc liavo a I te stock of will so nt a srent Hf lice. Now with shoes ut knir prjtof nearly. JLU Wji HISTORY OFAiVEEK. Wednesday, An I Oomor WiUIaiu. E. ltuirtfl.. of Massa chusetts, expresses Idmsekfis satislled with three terms In the cvWtlvo clmlr, K&4NlMMUtlil:J'WiU ni no a canui- date for re-election. The llrltish house of commons lias voted to closure tho hums rulo bill on Fri day. Thomas Wllhoit Wadley, proprietor of "Pine Grove Herd" of shorthorn cattle, died at his home near New Castle, lud., aged 08 years. Leo Hentley, a young fanner of New port, Ark., snuing that his wife was about to dlo, swallowed laudanum aud the two wero buried together. Will It. Perry, who was clerk of tho county court nt Denver, hns gouo to Europe, and there is a shortage of fully rj-'.ooo. At tho Black Diamond Steel works in Pittsburg tho rush was so great for Jobs thui several men were Injured. Tho an nouncement that the plant would resume brought 5,000 men for tho 1,500 places. Tluiriday, Auk. 24. Lord Dunraven's cutter Vnlkyrlo, the challenger for tho America's cup, has sailed from Southampton for tho United States. Clark's thread mills at Newark, N. J., which havo been uut down for tho last thrco weeks, have resumed operations on three-quarter time. Twenty-four hundred bottles of beer that had been seized from a cellar lu tho town of Downs wore cracked at Osborne, In northwesthern Kansas in tlio presence of 1,000 people -and tho contents PgM'jd into a ravine. , , Hrcntano, tho Anglo-American pub lisher, has hcuu fined IMW.OOO frnncs dam ages nnd costs at Paris for selling a nows paper containing it libel upou tho ex-min ister to Hoytl from 1 ranee. Creditors of tho Hercules Iron Works company have reorganized tlio company nud will remove the works from Chicago lo Aurora. The failure of tlio corporation was caused by the burning of Its cold storajjH warehouse at tho World's fulr grounds. Vrldiiy, Aug. SS. Tho Dominion liner Sarnla sailed from Liverpool for Montreal twenty-six days ago and has not been heard from since. Obituary: At Sterliug, 111., Mrs. Jnliez Warner, ngeil 00. At Mascoutali. 111., Guoriro O. Eiseumnyer. aged 7U. Dr. Edward E. Conroy, asjr.iduatoof a Chicago medical school, has lieen arrested ut Now York charged with keeping an unlicensed baby farm. All tho eastern witnesses in tlio cno of Dr. T. Thatcher Graves, charged with tlio murder of Mrs llnrnnby, have promised to attend the doctor's second trial at Den nflmmmmmnfrommg n ? t ! Out 1&ALE OF I SUNK AT COST our ciillrc slock Boots and Shoes us follows: COnlslillg Of $2 :.o - LT. 1 i)0 1 (),") i r.0 l oo l .-, 1 20 1 10 l is l or. 1 2r !o. It that wo nro going to givo tho pooplo. H IlK.II H iV I I II IK. iTv-rxTPNTrr - . yv .-v - '.- - - -J RedCloud, Nebraska. children's kcIiooI kIioch, which In your time to fit your children Denver business men will send loads of flour and ilvo of potatoes to the unemployed of New York city. Tho London Pelican announces that May Yohv, tho Chicago actress, and Lord Hope have been secretly married for some time. Tho Birmingham, Ala., ctfy council has voted to issue city currency. Saturday, All if. 30. Tho National Association of Firo En gineers has concluded its session at Mil waukco after selecting Montreal as the place for the next meeting. Ground has been broken for the midwin ter exposition at San Frnuclico. Professor Louis Aunssiz, President An gell, of tho Boston Hutuano society, says was a firm believer in the immortality of dumb aiiiinab. Obituary At St. Louis, Dr. J. B. Glan clcs, tho most prominent American Pro tective association worker in the west; at Eau Claire, Wis,, Hev. J. Boehnr.ntLa Crosso, Wis., Sistors Aquelluo and Scho lastra, of tho St. Iloso convent. Reports from Paris say that James Gor don Bennett, of the New York Herald, has not recovered from his recent accident, and that another operation will bo neces sary. Scnntor Squire has introduced a bill au thorizing tho extension to Alaska of tho provisions of tho law appropriating money for the maintenance of agricultural ex periment stations. Tin re was nnothor anti-French riot at Naples. Three members of the mob wero killed und teu wounded by tho polico be fore they wero disponed. Monday, Ati(r SB. Toronto took a vote on having tho street railways operated Sundays, and the ma jority of "Sundnyarlaus" was 1,000. But one newspaper advocated an "open Sun day.." PROMPT RELIEF For biliousness, diarrhoea, nausea, and dizziness, take Ayer's Pills the best family medicine, purely vegetable, Every Dose Effective CYCLONE IN THE SOUTH A TEnniHC'STOnM VISITS THE OF SAVANNAH. CITY Tho City DntnoKCil to tlio Kxtvnt of llun ilrrdu uf Yliiiiiftfiiula uf Dollars Staity Llc I.unlnml .Sliliiplni; Driven AtHuro Homo Name of Vict linn. SAVASXAH.Gn., city nnd tlclultvhniheon swept hyn hurricane that hns stirpiiBsetl tho gro nt one of li-Hl, nnd almost on its nnnivcnuiry. Tho wind blow with terrific forco fronji rnrly in tho nftcr noon until midnight, ntwlilcli timu nil tho wharves along tlio river front nnd tho Ocean Steamship company nnd Savannah, Florida nnd WYstetn railway whnrvei wero under water and tbotldu was still rising rapplly. A view of tho city at day light repealed a ttccnoof wreck nnd ruin. Tho streets wero impabsablo from the de bris, fallen trees, twisted roofi, masses of brick, f'.'iiccH and broken limbs nnd brnuches of trees wore piled across tho sidewalks nnd in tho sqiinrc, nnd broken wires swinging in every direction. Lukc May Itonch Million-,. It is Impossible nt this hour to estimate the ddmngo ns tho result of tho storm, but it was very general nnd it is snfo to say that it will go up in tho hundred thou sands, and perhaps millions. Nearly every property ownor In tho city hns been dam aged tosomccxtcntnndsomo to thenmount of thousands. Tho list of fatalities is gradually glowing and It Is Impossible to tell to what extent it will go. Several bodies of drowned peoplu wero pickod up during tho morning and searches are now being inndo for others which nro missing Every hour seems to bring some new story of n death ns n result of tlio storm. At this writing tho known fatalities number thir teen. List of tlio Known I)ob1. Following Is the death roll, so far ns knownt A. C. Ulmcr, assistant cash ier of tho Central Hall road hank on Hutch inson's island; Tony Holmes, colored, crushed in a house on Hutchinson's isl and; four unknown negroes, drowned on tho lirampton plantation, four miles from tho city; Lewis (Jngguet, colored, ran into llvo trolley wlro nnd was killed! Tatler Squire, a 0-year-old colored boy, drowned on Hutchluson's island; John Williams, Mary Ilutlcr, nnd Small Green, drowned on a rlco plantation south of the city; two unknown sailors, drowned nt Tybee island. It Is nlso reported that eight of the crew of a terrapin sloop wero drowned. Many Ntlll Itoportod Mlsslntf. There aro forty or fifty othor persons who nro reported missing, and It is su posed, ns nothing hns been heard from them, thnt their bodies will bo found later. Twelve barks and barkentiucs which were anchored nt quarantine station we vero hrl trio blown upon the marsh nnd some of the, were cnrrled by tho storm ucross marshes on to an inland two miles distant from tho station. One of tho vessels at Tybco was completely cap sized and three of tho club houses on the island were blown entirely down, others were Hooded and tho people Bought shelter wherovcr they could. Tho wires are all down and Savannah is almost entirely hut off from telegraphic communication. ANOTHER EMEUTE AT CHICOGO. An Unorganised Mob of Unemployed Dis persed by I'ollce. CuiCAoo, Aug. to. Four thousand un employed men who had gathered at the lako front to discuss Mayor Harrison's order to stop parades surged out into State street. Thoy wero a disorganized mob and mado no attempt to parade. But their numbers impeded trafllo In tho already crowded street: cablo trains and carriages wero stopped, as tho men were packed too closely together for any vehlclo to force its way through. The mob cheered as It advanced and brought out hundreds of spectators until tho streets wero packed with people. A hundred men stopped in front of Siogel, Cooper & Co.'s store clamoring that they wanted bread. For a moment it looked ns it they wore going to dash into tho store. Thoy needed only a lender. While thoy hesitated tho police wero upou them. Po licemen in plain clothing and uniformed officers rushed into the crowd. They grabbed tho men by the collars and admin istered a series of vigorous kicks. The demonstration ended in inglorious defeat, the mob scattering beforo tlio chargo of tho police and disappearing down the side streets. Conflagration st South Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 25. A flro which in the extent of tho territory it covered almost rivals, comparatively, Chicago's bistorlo conflagration, has swept that part of the city known as South Chicago. The 50,000 people comprising the inhabitants of tho town wero precipitated into a panic second only to that which characterized the con flagration of 1871. Tho loss is estimated at (500,000 200 houses were destroyed, and people were rendered homeless. The fire siartod near a three -story brick building at tho corner of Nine-first street nnd Superior avenue and within two hours had consumed nt least 200 buildings nnd five blocks of the grcntest industrial suburb of Chicago. Among tho first buildings to fall wero the First Methodist church ut the corner of Ninety-first nud Superior avenue and the German Lutheran church ou the opposite corner. 'Windfall for Chnuucey Depuw. NEW Yoiik, Aug. 25. Chauucey M. Do pew received a letter from Paul Hart chez, u rich Cuban planter, in which thu foreigner says that ho is suffering from an Incurable ailment and that in his will he leaves to Mr. Depew one-half of his estate, valued at t'.'.Oi 0,000. This is In return for 500 which Mr. Depew loaned him eighteen years ago with which to de velop uu invention for crushing caus sugar. llaptlit Editor Drops Dead. St. Louis, Aug. 25.-Dr. William II. Williams, editor of The Central Baptist of this city, dropped dead on tho depot platform while waiting for a train at Al exandria. Dr. Williams had been attend ing the Baptist couveution at Kahokah and picached u sermon befoto tho asso ciation. 11 Is supposed his death was lauucd by heart disease. Dike I'lrru rails at Milwaukee. MlLWAUKKK, Aug. ti. Upon tho appli cation of William H. Momsen' and John M. Mortimer Judge Johnson has appoint ed u receiver for the Sercombe-Bolt Manu facturing r.ompauy, Thu defunct com pany was u manufacturer of bicycles. Walter Sanger has heea riding a wheel wade by this company. FORTY SEVEN SAILORS GO DOWN. Three VTVcclin of VLliInf Schnotiers Its pnrtod on tho Atlantic. NEW York, Aug. 25. Tlio fishing schooners Kuiplro Stnte, with n crow of ten men, nud Kiln M. Johnson, with a crow of eight men, went down off Manas qunn on tlio Jersey const nnd nil on hoard wero lost. Thcso two vcssols wero lu company with tho Chocorua at midnight when the storm (.truck thorn, and after beating nround all night in somo of the worst weather known oft tho coast, nnd with the lois of thu captain nud her first mate, tho Chccoruu hns tied up, the only survivor of thu three. Tho ciow of the Chocorua say that no small boat could possibly llvo in tho sea thnt was running nt tho tlmo and the dories on board could havo been of no posslblo use to tho ciow of the two vessels. The steamer Kggleston Abbey, from Cardiff", reports a rough passage On Aug. W, atop, in,, Captain llarnott observed somo wrccknge, and bearing down towards it saw a man clinging to n partot a broken uont anu nn empty barrel. A boat was quickly lowered and tho man was rescued in an exhausted condition. Ho proved to Iw George II. Upton, one of thu crew of tho fishing schooner Mary Lizzie, of Portland, Mo., which foundered at 0 a. in. ou Aug. 21, ho having been In tho water thirty-three hours. Tho rest of thu crew, six lu num ber, ono ot) whom was his brother, had porlshed. Telegrams from New Haven say that 300 beautiful nnd stately elm trees wero lov clcd by the storm there, nnd thnt there was much other damago nt sen and ashnro, but no life lost. From Milford nnd New Bedford, Mass.; Providence, H, I,; Port land, Me., and many other places inshoro and on the coast reports como of heavy damage to all kinds of property. Happily tlieru was little loss of llfo and fow per sons injured. WORLD'S FAIR MATTERS. Last Week's Vald Aduiliituna Aggregate Over a Million. Chicago, Aug. 28. Including Sunday, Aug. 20,tho paid admissions to tho World's fair last week footed up 1,007,100. Yester day thero wero about 1,000 fewer attended than on tho 20th. Saturday's attendnnco was somewhat disappointing, it being the only day when there was not uu increase over tho Corresponding day of tho previous week. Tho exhibitors lu Mnchlnery hall wero highly pleased at tho throng that Eremeated tfiu great building all day aturdny. Chauucey M. Dcpow sent a message, which was printed ou papor that twenty minutes beforo had been pulp. Thero Is n scandal in awards matters at tho fair, and involved therein nro no less porsonsges than the national commis sioners from Oklaoma and Wyoming Beeson and Mercer. Mrs. 1. E. Harmon approached tho superintendent of the Rus sian wine nnd liquor exhibit and offered to secure a gold medal for (15,000, reducing thatamouuttotlO.OOO later. She brought to tho Bupcrindent as men who would vouch for her the two national commissioners named, who went under tho names of "Brlco" nud "Oregon." Tho woman has beeu arcstcd, and Mercer and Besson aro not making statements, Tho Cliicngo men won the football match from tho West Pointers 14 to 0. Paid attendance Saturday was 104,238. Missouri celebrates next Wednesday. The cadets took their departure for West Point today. Singlo tax and labor will be tho subjects discussed at tho Art institute this weok. Henry George will bo present. Meeting of the Associated DallUf. Chicago, Aug. 20. Agatherlug of much Interest to the press everywhere will take placo in this city Sept. 12, 13 and 14. On those dates tho Association of American Associated Dailies will meet at the Mecca hotel, corner of Stato and Thirty-fourth streets, and discuss matters of interest to tho newspaper fraternity. Special rates have been obtained at tho Mecca. The ob ject of tho association is the improvement of the business interests of newspapers. Sept. IS, after the preliminary business a paper will bo read by General J. O. Amos, of The News, Sydney, O. Sept. 13, F. H. Gllson, of The Palladum, Bonton Ilarlwr, Mich., will discuss "Tho Position Nuisance," and the paper for the 14th will be by Charles Culmore, of Tho Press, Hous ton, Tex. Each paper will be generally dis cussed. Tortured and nobbed. PuLABKiAug. SS. News reached hero of a bold robbery west of here. J. N. Bolles, a farmer, drew 11,000 from thebank hero a few day ago and hid it under the edso of a carpet. At midnight two masked men gained entrance into his house, covered Bolles nnd his wlfo with pistols and demanded their money. Bolles refuseu to ten wnere u was. inen me robbors bound and gagged Bolles and his wife and with a pair pincers began to pull his toenails out. Aftor suffering tho most horrible agony Bolles disclosed tho hiding place. Tho robbers secured tho money and escaped. Close of a Jacksonville Dank. Jacksonville, 111., Aug. 28. Tho Cen tral Illinois Banking and Savings aseocla tlon has closed its doors. The assets are stated at tUW.000 and the liabilities at 1320.000. The president, Dr. L. W. Brown, has deeded to tho receiver 1,000 acres of laud valued at (80 per acre at a low ostl mate. Thobaukisnot incorporated, but is the property of private individuals and will bo abundantly able to pay depositors iu full. Farmers' Alliance Adjourns. Mount Grktka, .Pa., Aug. 20. The na tional encampment of tho Farmers' Alli ance has come to a successful termination. About 10,000 peoplo were present tho last day of tho encampment, while tho total attendance for the week will reach nearly 75,000. THE DEATH RECORD. Dr. Geoikik W. Bknbon, widely known physician of Now York. Duko Eics'ST, of Coburg and Goths, at Couurg. Sister Many Cathehikk, oldest mem ber of thu Uomiulcan Order of Nuns, at Slnslnawa, Ills. Ii. J. MusitOK, prominent physician of Green Bay, Wis. Colonel E. A. McNaui, prominent pio neer of Dulutli. Captain James ATAits of Chicago, at Devil's Iike, Wis. William A. Stiiono, ox-mayor of Jollet, Ills., at St, Clair, Mich. "Cum" Duvcknkv, youngest enlisted soldier from .Michigan during tho ro bo ion, at Grand Haven. Hcsskll D. Hills, ono of Omaha's early settlers, aged 75 years. George H. Wkbkr, oldest newspaper publisher lu UlluoU, at Pawnee, F. VL HEED, iiioii.ii:Toit City Livery, Feed Red Ci.oud, B RIGHT'S DISEASE ' AND OTHER DISORDERS OFTHC NIDNEVS CAN BE PERMANENTLY CURED BY USING DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY - BALM. It is a safe and unfailing remedy for all Kidney Troubles Liver Disorders and Female Irregularities. Prlco Ono Dollar Per Dottle. Tho Dr. J. II. Mclean Medicine Co., BT. LOUIS, MO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. City Cub I.lnc. I). K. Hurt proprietor, Hun to nil trains und to nil pnrtB of city. Terms very rcnsonablu. Biicklcn's Arnica Halve. Tho bent enlve in tho world for outo, bruises, sores, Ulcora, Salt rheum, fovor Bores, tetter, chapped hnndn, chilblains, corns, nnd all skin eruptions, nnd post lively euros piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or monov refunded, l'rico 2fi cents per box. Forsnlo byCottlug' tl .- First CIiinn lSoardliifi Mr. S. JJaylcs wishes to nnnouncoto tho public that ho is prepared to take boarders at $3.50 per week, sleeping inoludcd. Apply at 4th Avcnuo Hotel. Some of tlio best farms in Webster County at a bargain. Sco II. K. Pond. MoNitt will o.xchiiugo flour nnd feed nt cash priceH, for com, outs or potatoes ut mtirkot priceH. Tayi.ou keeps the largest and best solcctcd stock ot wall paper ever brought to lied Cloud. All fancy rockers 15 per cent discount of 30 dnye. l V. Taii.ou. List your farms or city propoity for salo or rent with II. K. Pond. See W. W. Wright's for tho flnost gnso lino Btovea in the city of lied Cloud. Hall! Hall! Hall! Funncrs should cull on II. E. Pond of Rod Cloud nnd havo their crops protect cd by Hull Insurance Don't wnit until your crop is destroyed. Coal, Flour and Teed. Don't you forcct that L. P. Al- J3 uht sells more coal, flour or feed for $1 tliau any ono. Sco him. CHAM. 8CHAFFN1T. Agency Fire, Lightning and Tor nado Insurance. Written in tho Dcst und oldest com panies, ut lowest rutefl. Call und bco mo Ofllco ovor post offlco, Rod Cloud, Nob A Alow Joke On tho liver. Whon it is out ot order nnd you feel bluo, try u few doses of Beggn' Little Giant Pills. Your liver will appreciate tho Joke. Bo will you. for boIo by Deyo & Orico. Pump nnd Windmill. I have a fino lino of pumps and windmill, and if you want any of them you should sco mo for prices James Pkteiibon, llod Cloud, A. U. C. Asthma, Bronchitis nnd Consumption result from n negloctod cough or cold. Don't neglect but cure promptly with a fow dosoo of Beggs' Uherry Cough Byrnp Sold by Deyo & U rice. Of Course Its a Itiirgaln. I nnid 81.700.00 cash foi tho Shiroy Sroporty und now offer tho sumo for 81, 00.00. 1,700.00 cash , and 801.00 (mar gin) on or boforol" months, nt 7 per cent This pioperty would be cheap nt 82.500. iu good times. John M. Ciuitin. A Iuzxlo To mnny ladies is how to hoop thoir hair in ourl on rainy dnyn. Tho solution in ohhj. AbIc Deyo it Orico for Nonpar eil Hair curler nud thu puz.lo will bo solved. When BAby was sick, we coto her Castorte. When sho was a Child, she cried for Costorla. When sho became Miss, sho clung to Costorla. When kho had Children, she gave them Ctorla, Children Giy for Pitcher7 Castorla. Children Cry fof Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher' Cattorla, iBLjr i aud Sale Stable A.'- Nehraska. SPOQHER PAT. C01UR1 FSEVSKTS CEATIN0, Adjusts Itsolf to any Horse's nook, ITns two Rows of Stitching, Will hold Hamoo In placo bottor than any othor Collar. Havo n Few More of Tlioio Celebrated SPOONEE COLLARS Also a large line or harness, Ac. Call and see mo If you want bargains. J. Ii. MILLER, Tlio Veteran Harness Man. Fartri Loatis At Less Tb,E .. 7 ' - Per ceiit E. A Sittipsoti, Blag HHi Neb. Notice to Tcacncri. Notico is hereby given that I will exumino all persons who may desiro to offer themselves us candidates for teachers oftho publio schools of this couuty, at Red . Cloud on tho third Saturday of caoli month. Special examinations will bo hold, on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is tlio same no grado below 70 per cent,, average 80 per cent; for first grado ccrtifionto no grado bolow 80 por cent., avorago 00 per cent, in all branches requirod by law. D. m. uuNTia, County supt. Notice. Onirics H. l!oc, Knrbh llotipe. f W. Till levs. Trusted, and lluriiliam 'I alleys & Co,. lo- (eiiilnnts, will take notlcu Hint on tlio lih day ot til ( AtiKjist, IH'JJ. James N. Ilrown. Trustee, liilntlTr herein, Men Ills petition lu tlio district court ot Webstsr county, Nebraska, acalnst tho uhovu iiaiiicxl defendants, tlio ot'ject and player of wlilrli is to forccloso a certain inort guK executed by Lewis 1. Hummel and Hello Tliiiiiinel. his wife. In the said L. W.TulIejs, '1 rustee, upon the south-east ipjsrtor of section tueuty-fiiur OU In township ono (1) nonb, in ninto twelve (12) north ot tho sixth p. in. In Webster count)', Nebrusks, to secure tne pay ment of n certain promissory note dated June 1st, 1KJ7, lor tho sum of Jl 100, nnd Interest cou pons thereto attached, duo and payable In five cars from date thereof . That Mid tiotu and coupons nnd mortgage nro now past due. That said land has been conveyed to the. do fciidant diaries II. Hoppe, who assumed and agreed to pav said morlgaKo. l'lalnillf prays foradecieiiof ;torclosuro and. that said prein lies may b'j sold to satisfy the amount due. You are iciulrcd to answer said petition on or belore Monday the 2d day of October. 1893. UattdAUKUSt.17.l8J3. . . .. .Iamph N, iiuowK, trustee, plalntllt. By A.I). McCandi.ei3.IiIs attorney. CAViarm. DESIGN PATENT, COPYRIGHTS, etc, For Information and froo Handbook wrlto to MUNN & CU.. Ml UluiADtVAT, NSW YOIIK. Oldc.t bureau for aocurlrw patouta in America. Kt try patent, lateen outbr la brought beforo Uio pubUo by a uotico glTon iree of ciiugo In Uie Largest circulation of any aclontlflo paper In tha world. Splendidly llluafratud. Nil IntnlUaenl man ahould bo without IU Weeklr. S.'i.otl a I far t;ou.i luwuuB. AuunH juunn a iaj suciw, 301 Uroidwajr, Mew York car. AuarcM juiinn n uu. A Fine Farm For Male. A Great llargaln. If you want to buy u ilno homo you should not full to sou this farm. It will go for 85000 if sold poon. Half cash and half on timu. or will trudo for valuablo property. Tho houno iB lOx-1 2 storios with L llx'.'O with porches on each side Good water, lino outhouso. Big barn '21x10 -' stories; cob und coul liouso 14x10; grunnry l'-xll: com crib 8x32; windmill (now), boliool iioubo wiiiun -iu rous. to milus from county seat, two truding towns within 8 milea. If sold soon will sell ovorylhinB on tho furm including 1L cuttlo, 11 horses and mules, 17 hogs, farm machinery, buggies, olc. IGOucree woll fenced with galvanized wire. Ap ply at onco to tho Red Ci-oud Ciiiiv, Red Cloud, Nebraska. f'ol lm MP ll1 PN I Eft 1 lii ra tBMV -li rt.('r-'Vr Solentlflo American Agenoy forA r B P- I wv r m m I m- 3- i I l,,S i & fc. H rKr fc-;"in ,. 3 A ..isft; im tHrates r . V tf'f- ""!'! ktr "J:;v,-'T)r.; ver. . .