The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1893, Image 5

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.J' i!
lrV rn
m mmmmmmmmmmm m w g
W'c have
H Boots and Shoes Ourselves ! 3
($8,000 worth)
WHX XOT isi:
" Wo will Bnorilieo our entire stock for
i foro iniulu in Hod Cloud, and will meet any arnl nil competition.
Remember wo guarantee REST GOODS. LOWEST
Blakeslee & Kaley. 53
Hi Hi UiUiiUUiiUUiUiiUiUUiiU Hi Hi K
Abstracts of Title
iarm Loans
J$H, Bailey,
KM Cloud, , Neb
J ,W. Bryant bus renewed for Tan
Cii ur.
mvo you seen
those nobby suits at
iBStWiuldell and sister arrived in the
reCiiikp wants a good correspond-
ontlin Blue Hill.
Misallnttio Rnnnoy returned fromRiv
crtohiThursduy. Do you want tho best shoo on earth?
Wifcrier litis them.
iarry Stroup went to Nelson ThumL'SH Audio Roiglo returns to Hebron
'1 i rl Mii.i nn..1 1.. l..t.. .1. at
day1, with a phonograph.
Men's lino clothing made to order ut
WitlWs Tailoring House.
'n o6. of V. band bojs left for Grand
IsliidMonsJay to attend tho reunion.
M' W. Dickorson will commenco buy
inpiVggB and butter from farmers Sat-
m5S J. S. Cromwell and daughter
Grlwejpaid this ollico a pleasant call
aUlmsido and serviceable clothing for
max, iooys ana eliiiuien ai roasonuuie
I 1 . . 1 t
ijeut Wiener's.
B; Hicks one of our oldest subserib-
.. .... . . . . . . i
erf carac in this week aiU paid up uuiii
January 1st, 1875. Tlinnks.
xVv&Cullimoro tho eminent occulist
wte itfiled Cloud this week to 1111 nnnp-
rjctmtnt. Ho is doing a nice business.
k l,tko lato novelties in hats and caps
ft TiMjB, boj-H and children aro now on
Biiio afftho Golden Eagle Clothing Store.
jprayninn Smith has succeeded to tho
ojfitoM driving business. Mr. Cozad
hiv ngrcHigncd tho position owing to a
rcviiouon in uiu tjuitir.
AlrsjFrnncifl Drown who haB been ad
judged" insano two or three times is
iigan In a demented condition null will
'hiiVa'to go to the asylum ngaiu.
llrau J. Sellars birthday ocenred
lntSturday August 20th. Sho accord
iny"gavo n dinner to a numbor of in-
vlwd guests, who wish her many more
S5S ""happy years.
Young man do you contemplate get
ting married? Wiener the elothor will lit
you out in style, and leave you with
money enough to take your wifo to the
Columbian Exposition,
Tiik Cmr.r corps of correspondents
aro not to bo excelled by any, and we
hope that they will conlinuo to furnish
their bright and nowsy letters week!)
from all parts of tho county. We
phould like to havo each one send in a
weekly lotter when it is favorable.
Tho Hod Cloud correspondent of tho
State Journal does lied Cloud nn injust
iroTwheu ho talks about white caps in Hod
Cloud. Thoro aro nono and nevor hnve
boon. Tho burn lug of tho house of pros
titution, if it wai tho work of n uro bug,
jt did not orainato from any so-sidled
white caps.
Ed. Itiloy, ono of tho criminals whom
Deputy Sherilf TomliiiBon captured in
Iuavalo somo uiontlis ago. turns out to
bo ono of a gang who wero hired by an
abstract firm to burn tho records of
Harvey county, Kansas. Tho county
ppent about twelve or llftjjLthousauil
dollars befnru thoy tuinblouWiioTRlloy.
Mr. Smith living in Kaiipas, and prop
rietor of Smith's lake, about nino miles
from lied Cloud, somo few yeais ago put
oti)( line carp in the lake as well as
having Htocked it with other valuable
species of tho tinny tribe. It is a .beau
tiful placo to llsh and go picnicking. Ho
presented the editor hereof with a line
Hpeciuinn of a German Carp.
'i'ho Professor is hero again. And we
can truly say that we think it tho most
hatidsomly finished cigar that wo ever
' paw in it's class. It is n clear Havanna
tiller with a Sumatra wrapper us fluo an
any of your ton cent cigars. It is with
out question tho best Co cigar in Hod
Cloud. If thoro is a lover of a good cigar
in this vicinity that has not seen or
tried it wo hopo ho will avail himself of
his llrst opportunity of no doing, Don't
. . forget the name or place, Deyo and
Wm Crice,
Cheap !2f
a few
nnil positively
cash lit lower prices thnn over bo.
Prof. Caster in homo from tlio world's
fair. (
Mrs. F. G. Dlnkosleo is homo from the
world's fair.
M. C. Funkereon wn3 down from Dlue
Hill Monday.
Alex Stewart of Wymorc was in tho
city Monday.
Dick Orny and wifo woro Superior vis
itors this week.
J. S. Cromwell renowed for the Great
Family Weekly.
Geo. W. Darker is homo from tho Chi
cago world's fair.
Tho Misses Nyo roturned from Chica
go Tuesday evening.
John Knrnor and mother hnvo ro
turned from Chicago.
Mrs. C. L. Cotting and children are
expected homo this week.
in. Letson arrived from Dendwoodji
b. D., luesday, and returned yesterday
Mrs. Robt. AdaniBon isn miest nt tin.
residence of Mrs. J. A. Tait this week
The State Central committeo has
called tho state convention for October
this week to tako charge of hor school
at that placo.
P. A. Doachy, who has been visiting in
tho eastern part of the stato, was in the
city this week.
Miss Carrie Drakefiold roturned to
Hastings Wednesday to tako charge of
her school in that city.
Herbert Stone roturned from Orleans
Wednesday, where ho was called by tho
sickness of his father.
Mrs. M. R. Dcntley was called to De-
corn, Iowa, Wednesday by tho death of
her father, L. h. Cook.
Miss N'ellio West roturned Tuesday
from a very pleasant trip to Chicago
and Washington, D. C.
A foinalo phrenologist has made many
happy peoplo in Hod Cloud by giving
them n vory happy future.
Mrs. J. S. Cromwell and daughter
Grace aro visiting at tho resideuco or
D. F. McFarland this week.
A. D. Green and J. S. Cromwell, two
of tho D. ,fc M's. solid conductors, will
soon move back to Red Cloud.
Miss Lulu Warner camo homo from
tho world's fair Wednesday, in ordor to
be present at tho opening of school.
Rev. H. D. Piatt and wifo. of Cowles
mado a short stop in tho city Wednes
day, while on tholr way homo from
The little son of Max Lustig, who has
been visiting with M. Stem for a week
or two, roturned Wednesday to his homo
in Hastings.
Mrs. Dorr, who has been spending
soveral weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
R. M. Cochrane in this citv. nceomnnn.
ied by hor grandson, roturned to Fro
inont Monday.
Everybody takes Tin: Chif.f, and
when you want to advertise, do not for
get that our circulation is sworn to. AI
bo, we do job work in all tho latest styles
Tiik Cmrr is purely a homo paper.
A fellow living near Guide Rock got
nracked over tho head by a gambling
outfit, and, had it not boon for a friend,
tho fellow would probably have been
"dono up." Ho went homo a wiser mini
On last Monday, while Mr. L. Wil
lianis was performing on a horizontal
bar back of tho hardware store, he
slipped and fell, striking his head on tho
edge of a barrel and fracturing his skull,
three pieces of which woro removed,
Uo is ablo-to bo around again at present.
Sinco Sells Pros, circus has gone, wo
learn that thoro wero several gambling
fakeH that nestled very close to the touts
and did somo lirst-class robbing by var
ious skin games. Soveral peoplo lost
littlo sums of money by tho old shell
game ami such tricks. Tin: Cimir has
no sympathy for a fellow that will got
picked up on a shell game, as tho public
has been warned tiino and again against
such matters.
Dr. Laugh, has just returned home,
where he has been for tho past five
weeks attending tho World's Columbian
Dental Congress in Chicago. Ho re
ported the Congress a great biiccchi in
every particular an opportunity of a
life time. 'I hero wero 1,10." members,
of which 11.') wero from foreign lauds,
lopresonting nearly all nations from
Greeeo to tho Hawaiian Islands. Many
valuable papois were read and work per
formed by the very best talent in the
known world. The Doctor feels much
elated over tho valuable information
gained at thiB great convention of world
wido dentists of eminent ability.
ititmr itir.vno.v.
Judgo West Is out after a Hovoro illneds
Trainmaster Kenyon was iiuilio cltv
D. L. Lincoln of
in tho city.
Wymoro Sundajed
A I Holdredgoof Hiverton wtiB on our
streets Saturday.
Austin Mathews was up from Super
ior last Saturday.
Miss Maggie Danieln, of Suporior, is
visitinK in tho city.
F. E. (loble and T.C. Hacker returned
from Chicago Monday.
Henry Clark wax quite sick this week,
but is able to bo out again.
ill. H.
lh!)th i
M. H. Marsh and wife go to Chicago on
to see tlio world's fair.
il will commenco next Mondav.
and tlio children will bo happy.
A blind ninn entertained our citions
on tlio stroets this week by singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ayers, of Inavale,
wore visiting f rinds in tho city UiIb week.
The peoplo of Hod Cloud Miould mow
tlio tall grasi down nround their premises.
John A tilt, now handles it completo
lino of furniture, fresh niolons, fruit,
Our congressman, W. A. McKoighan
voted against the repeal of tho Shoruiau
Mrs. Frank Martin and family are vis
iting with her sister in Grand IbIiuhI
this week.
All kinds of commercial job printing at
this ollice, wo cannot be oxcolled in prico
or qunlity.
,Mrs. Henderson and daughters Dora " ',l n,on ,,('cin in
' nd Ednn, of Womor, KauBits, were irvl tllt3 """onm, whero a vat
V Hed Cloud this week. Uonw smoko was ascending
Mr. Goo. Higby of Smith Center, Kan
sas, waB yisiting hia step-brother, II. C.
IUchmond, this week.
A littlo child of Al Hunt's died this
week and was buried on Mondny. It was
sick for threo or four wooks.
G. It. Chancy and wifo left Rod Cloud
tills week for an extended visit to tlioir
old homo in South Hond, Indiann.
Miss I.illio and Oertio Wnldren of Nor
ton, Knnsn, arc visiting in tlio city this
week, the guests of Mifs Laurn Smith.
Mrs. Ackortnan and daughter of Camp
bell, who have been visiting nt tho resi
dence of G. W. Lindsey returned homo
this week.
Luthftr Rothrock and wifo and Miss
Lottie Rothrock of Reynolds, Neb., war
in Red Cloud this week, tho guost of It.
D. Simmons.
Geo. Matkin.tliosecond-lmnd furniture
mnn was nn in Roil Willow conntv thi
week and says that tho corn crop is veryTclou,1 mtteeiiH ,Uo of good repute and
lino np there.
Remember that L. P. Albright sells
raoro flour than any other storo in Web
stor county. If you want flour sco him,
for bo keeps tho best.
i. .v. meinour, wao nas oeen sponu-j
Ing a few weeks nt Ottor Lnko and otlie
Michigan towns, has returned homo en
islied to live in Nebraska.
J. 0. Lindloy, who roturnod homo from
Indiana last week reports having seen
many fine things in tho way of farming,
but thinks Nebraska boats th world.
X. R. Teel and family of Frontier
county, wero visiting with O. C. Tool in
this citt this week and with Mrs. Tool's
relatives, Walter Shcrloy. of Stillwater
Mr. AmoB Huffman and wifo of Wash
ington, D. C, arrived Wednesday morn
ing in response to a summons from his
brother, Mr. Wm. IIulTman, of this city,
who is seriously ill.
Mrs. Jas. D. Glass roturned homo last
Tuesday from a visit to hor mother in
Hlairswllo, Pa., coming by Shelby ville,
Ky for her son Arthur, and taking in
tlio world's fair on her way homo.
Rev, J. A. Chapin will preach his last
Dortnon in tho M. E. church on the !ld.
All are iuvited. Ho will dedicate the now
church of Dostwick on the 10th, closing
his year's labor beforo going to tho con
ference, I.. M. Vanoo has taken down his street
sign that stood at the edgo of tho side
walk. It wan a righteous act, nnd now
others ought to go and do likowieo. If
the council wont do anything towards
cloauing up the streets, tho merchants
Mayor Wiener ia homo from Chicago,
whoro lie wont some few days ago with
his wife, for tho purpoHtof regaining her
health. He informed us that she was
improving rapidly. Tin: Cjiikf is pleased
to note the tact and hopes she will fullly
The Sliormnn bill has been ropealod by
tho house of roprosontativos by a big
majority. The bill now L'oes to tho son.
1 no tree silver mon aro greatly Uis,
courncd at tho action of the houso with
out giving a proper substitute Tho
llland bill was ujuuttd.
Tho republicans this )oar ought to
elect n full ticket if good, substantial
men aio put up, Tho peoplo have id
ready becoiuo exasperated cor many
things that havo occurred in tho In-it six
months nnd aro williug to change thnii
otes to the party ot progress vi.: tho
republican party.
This woek L. Sodorburg, of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, bought tho A. O. Dorg farm
for which ho paid $'.J7uO. Evidently Mr.
S. has not lost faith in lied Cloud or Ne
braska. Mr. Koderburg, lived horo a few
joars ago, but went to Choyeiino to work
for tho liurllngton'railroad. Tiik Ciuei
congratulates him on his purchase
A rri'M.OIIVr.
Tin: Ciiikp takes pleasure In nnnounc
iiitf that it will send Tiik CuiKr ono yonr
to every couple that gets married In Web
ster county from the llrst of September
lH'.KI, to tho llrst of September 18111, froo
f charge, provided that they will send
in their names to tl Is ofllo. It makes
no iHlfercnco whether they nre rich or
poor, whlto or black, or what, all that is
required is to send tho nnmes ill to this
ollico with post onico address and be
married in Webster county.
ICvpuM W'aii County Com cation.
Tlio Republican County Cential Com
mitteo or Webster county, is hereby
called to meet in tlio room over tlio post
ollice in Red Cloud, on Saturday Sept.
nth, 189.1, at 1 o'clock t It is urged
that every member of the committee bo
L. H. Four, Hk.nuvGii.iiam,
Secy. Chairman.
Where Our Head Leader Stood.
"If therefore , silver lias been demon
etized, I am in favor of reinonolizing it.
If its coinage has been prohibited, 1 am
in favor of ordering it to bo resumed.
If it has boon restricted, I am in favor
of having it enlarged." James G. Dlaine,
in tho Bonato of tho United States, Feb
roary 17th, 1878.
See Myers
An Eaulv MoitNimi Futr. -On Satur
day morning, at OiIX), tho loud tintin
nabulations of tho tiro alarm announced
to tho rising Red Cloudians that n tiro
was inprogresfl. Soon tho streets wero
allvttywith mon fleeing in the direction
aBt column of
On going to fourth avenue, it was dis
cerned that ono of tho bagnios, known
as tho Madam Etherton house, was on
tire. The tiro company hastened to the
rescue, but found that they did not havo
hose enough to reach tho building, and
by that time tlio building was enveloped
in the llery elements and could not be
saved. This is tho second time that this
dwelling lias boon consumed. Homo
have said that the tiro was incendiary,
and that a supposed gang of white caps
did the work. The fire mav havo been
tho work of a lire bug, but The Ciiiki
wishes to put its seal of condemnation
upon arson, or any devilment of that
kind, but does not believe that any sucli
institution or society as "white caps"
exist in Red Cloud, or over has been,
the littlo whito circular to tho contrary.
If tho building was fired, it was dono by
somo our tilled with budge, or somo ono
wiM '""tiv" WH rovongo on tho In
es. and not by the citizons. Red
do not tako tho law into their own hands
for execution, although, in this caso, wo
believe that such institutions havo had
too much license in Red Cloud, and that
tho olllcers havo been direlict in the
prosecution of tho inmates. Tho furni-
fT tlio bouse was saved.
A Bask Hit. On last Tuesday tho Red
Cloud ball team and that of Uluo Hill
had a return game, in this city, which
was a very interesting game nnd stood in
favor of Red Cloud up to the 8th inning
when tho umpire umpired it to Dlue
Hill. Tho Ulue Hill club are nice young
men, and know they wero beaten, but
their umpiro did not like to boo the rec
ord broken nnd so throwed it to Dlue
Hill. Tiik Chief has seen many baso
ball games of both littlo nnd great clubs
but it never saw a follow that could count
men out just by a swing of tho arm with
out the bastmnn touching tho runner.
Tho first part of tho garao wan excellent,
nnd created much enthusiasm, but the
last threo innings worn simply worked
and not won. The two teams aro well
matched and with fair umpiring neither
ono would havo much of n walk-a-wny.
Tiik Ciiiep hopes that tho next time the
clubs play thoy will have a fairer umpire.
A Had Cask On Tuesday afternoon
Dr. Robert Damorcll and J. S. Emigh
amputated' the limbs of Miss Lottie
Ainnck, agod ninetoen years, or there
about, nnd daughter of Mr. Tabor Amiok
living cast of the city. Ono limb was
amputated abovotho kneo and the other
below. It seems that tho young lady
has been sick for somo time and that
the blood failed to circulate in tho low
er portion of tlio limbs, and thoy becamo
so discolored that her lifo was
jeopardy unless her limbs wero amputa
ted, and consequently it was dono on
Tuesday aftornoon. Hopes tiro now en
tertained that her lifo will bo spared.
ii ..
Lnck of vitality and color matter in tho
bulbs causes tho hair to fallout and turn
gray. Wo recommend Hall's Hair Re
newer to prevent buldness and grayness.
A littlo hoy of Mrs. McDonald's, living
nunrh'ire, fell against a red hot stove and
was fearfully burned, Thopninwns ter
rible, and it was thought tho burn was
so severe as to scar the child for lifo, I
sold the lady a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm, which, after greasing the
sole, sho applied, It won removed all
tho tiro and oasod tho pain, and in ton
days tho hoy was well, no trace of tho
scar remaining. J. 1). McLaren, Keys
port, Clinton Co., HI. For sale by Die
iL Grlco.
TIioho Womleii'nl falanU In
If you wish to see them call ou Doyo ,V
Once and iibIc for Hoggs Mttlo Giant
Pills. Every bottle guaranteed,
23 m m mmmmmmmmmmm m m g
It his AM e e 1H
pz We receive
S That will
H Allele
: We want to show
Chicago Clothing Stored
" Opposite Postoffice.
7i Ui ili iiiiiUUiiiiUiiiUUiiUUii iii Hi UiK
Milk Wagon.
Tho peoplo of Red Cloud will please
tako notico that 1 will start a milk wagon
about Sept. 1. Chan. Gurncy.
Wantki) -Placo in hotel by woman of
thirty. Address, Dox :t5, Intivale, Nobi .
For tho next thirty days, in order to
rcduoe my stock, I will mnko you spociat
bargnins in buggipa.jA.MKH I'ktekson.
Cam. at the Harvard Painless Dental
Parlors and get acquainted with their
methods of filling tooth without pain.
A c'ak load of rock salt for sale at L
PAIbriglit's ilour and feed store.
Seed buckwheat at McNitt's.
All kinds of hnrdworo at Wright's
Oo nnd see Sherwood & Albright for
When you want a good conking or
honting Btove boo W. W. Wright.
Goto Sherwood nnd Albright for your
groceries. They keep tho best in town.
First class goods and reasonable prices
can always be found at W. W. Wright's
hardware store.
For Farm Loans
Anyone wanting a drove or bored well
should see James Peterson, tho pump
anu windmill man.
Thoso accomodating storekeepers,
Sherwood & Albright tho grocors, study
to please their customers. Call and boo
them when in want of grocorlos.
If saltcoBls one cont a pound and ham
11) cents, what would n bog bo worth that
bad beon fed on Hnllor's Condition
Powders? For sulo by Doyo & Grlco.
Take Notice.
To whom It may concern:
You are hereby notified that 1 will not
bo responsible for any bills , or any debts
contracted by one Eddio Luco, my adopt
ed Bin who has left my home, without
my concent. All persons will tnko warn
ing and govern themselves accordingly.
Aug. &Jrd, lHiKJ,
Makv E. Fisiiku.
We havo yet to find any caso of bnrb
wire cut that Haller's Barb Wiro Lini
ment will not cure. Wo absolutely gunr
untoe it and Deyo &. Grico will refuud tho
cash for all proving unsatisfactory.
Cam. at Harvard Painlesn Dental Par
lors, over Morhart's and havo your work
dono without torture.
When in Riverton bo sum and stop at
tho Hanks house. 81.00 per day. Liv
ory in connection. Dy far tho most pleas
ant place in Riverton.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammoula; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
the stock of
catch you. 3
lie w Styles. j
you our stock. 2
The Demon of Dcupnlr
Insomonia, nnd its twin brother Dys
pepsia, are the offspring ot n disordered
Htonmolu A positlvo cure is round in
Regu'a Dandelion Dittei 8.
Sold by Deyo
&. Urico.
(Furnished by J. V. Iialloy)
E S Strickland to Hiram P. King
wd lots II and 4 block lVances
add toGuido Rock 81200 00
Alice Do Grofft and huslwind to
Otto Maire wd lot '1 block 4
Hoovers mid to Blue Hill.... '.'50 00
United States to David G. Hag
gard patent e no 8-311.. .
John Smelsor et al to Ann Eliza
Smclsorqcd nwjj 7-2-11 1 00
Samuel Kidd nnd wifo to Mary
L. Slyer wd lots 17 to 21 block
21 Smith i. Moon's udd to Rod
Cloud 800 00
United States to Sarah Sohorm
erhorno patent sojj 20-4-0....
Annio J Chaflin and husband to
Calvin F Moranville wdlots 12
nnd onst '.'2 foot lot 13 block 1
Tulbot's add to Gnido Rook.. . 800 00
Attie D Swoezy nnd husband to
John H. Morgan wd pnrt lots
'Si and 20 block 1 Ulue Hill. . . 200 00
Total $3251 00
Among tho incidents of childhood that
Btnnd out in bold relief, nn oar memory
reverts to tho days when we were young,
nono aro more prominent thnn severe
sickness. Tho young mother vividly re
members that it was Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured hor of croup, and
in turn administers to her own offspring
and always with tho host results. For
aale by Doyo & Grlce.
In order to roduco stock, wo will Bell
all faiioy rockors for 1i pur cent discount
for IK) days. Now la tlio time it you want
a nice rocker. F.V.l'Atrxjn.
Over Post Office
Tho Army UIU
Is not tho ono that worrios ns but tlio
doctor's bill. Keep a supply of Hoggs'
Family Medicines on hrnd and roduce
your doctor's bills Ho per cont. Sold by
Deyo X Grico.
Don't forgot it, that Morhart wants
all of the old rags ho can buy, from
this on. Don't forgot it and acll them
to him.
i ii