The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 01, 1893, Image 4

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WJ6SNKBN&EffgWW',wr4Wwyw1wV' we '"MPrj
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Ducker's Cash Dry Goods Hpuse !
Grand September Opening Sale,
Dress Goods.
All our 91 Dress Goods will
go for 87Jo per yd. during
this sale.
We have tome ol f do nlccat nnd
newest good Ihttt Hre mndc.
Wo Include otir
. 46 inch Silk
finish Henriettas
at that price which is a
special bargain.
We also have some
nice new goods that
we will sell during this
sale at 25, 35, 40 and
50c pr yard.
Uegardless of the stringency of the money market, Ave are going to try and sell as Jiiany goods as we
did last fall, and we think by making low prices and having the right lrindfof goods,
we can do so. Come and see us. I "i
Ah FuruLlicd by Our Couuty
Miss Anna Coekrull begau bor school
in Dibt. GO August 21st.
Tho boys gnvo Mr. and Mrs. Wood'
side a "belliug" and got u trout, too.
Wu. Sawyer of Guido llock is moving
J. W. Smith b houso to tho south forty
of his land.
IU$. J. L. Phillips has gone to Iowa
for a short visit.
M. Wilson ot Blue Hill is boring a
well for J. W. Smith nt hiB now locution.
J. Vunco und J. L. Phillips uro attend
ing tbo reunion ut Gruuu Island this
Mrs. A. Ilolcomb of Pnwhuttan, Kim.,
wan visiting in this vicinity lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fish visited ut J.
K. Crozior'n recently.
Mrs. J. II. Mourns und Miss Sarah
Mclntyro woro in Nuckolls county last
work, tho guests of their brother John.
II. Mclntyro Sr. ban Rold his crop und
will soon movo to Juwell county, Kim.,
whero bo has purchased a fur in.
Wa have fine wenthor at present, nnd
have n rain whenever wo need it, bo it
No Rendiug Circle was, hold last Satur
day evening.
An co cream supper wns held at Am
boy last Saturday evening but on ncuouut
of rain few wore present.
Died, August 2:'d, 1B03, Mrs. Carroll,
ut the rosidence of her pnrcnts, Mr. nud
Mrs. Hard, llor homo was in Iowa nnd
tho funeral was not held until tho lUtb,
as her husbaud was nt homo and they
had to await his arrival. Hhe hail boen
sick for Boino timo, but was nble to be
around a few days bofore her death.
Mr. John Martin was in llastinas last
week on business.
Mr. I. Friebio was on tho sick list last
week but is better ut present.
Rev. llichnrdsou will prench at Auiboy
next Sabbath afternoon ut three o'clock.
Rev. Futmou preachod ut Amboy last
Thursday evening.
Mr. John Corbett has boou entertain,
ins visitors this week,
Mrs. Will Mitcholl nnd child were vis
iting with Mr. I. Friebio and family last
Mr, John Baladen wns visiting with
Allen Carpentor and family this week.
He went from there to Grand Island on
hie bicycle.
Mr, Charles Frlsbie and family woro
visiting relatives in Grand Island last
Mr. Jadd is talking of moving to Red
Cloud some ttmo noxt month.
Mr. Harvey Cox wns visiting, friends in
Ouide Rock fast Sunday.
A. H. Carpenter is looking forih with
bop. for a good fortune in tho near fu
toro. If present indicatous are trne ho
is one of the heirs to a lurgo tract of land
in New York and New Joraoy und Man
batten Wand.
Nov bay can bo bad by leuving orders
with McNitt.
Wright keeps the boBt gasolino Btove
Special prices on blan
kets during this sale.
One lot of blankets for
88c per pair worth
One lot at$l. 25 worth
We also have some
very fine Blankets that
we will sell real cheap
during this sale.
Shaker Flannel
4jc pr yard
Willow Creek.
Mr. Godwin is at homo from Oklu
homu. With duo respect to tho Willow Creek
correspondent of tho Belt, but wheu Inn
boys gut lurgo enough to play bubu bull,
ho will knowohurity begins at homo, uh
our boys bud only jiructiccd threo after
noons before- tbo content with tbo Cow
Ich nine.
Mr. Hon 'Jrunor him Go ucres of corn
thut will yield 15 bushels per ncru.
Henry llrubakor urrived homo tho IS
well satisfied with this place.
There wan u tcuiitfriinco meeting at
Mr. AduniBonH Wednesday tho lGth
Tbo hIcuuIch have killed lots of chick
ens in this vicinity.
Grand pit Nnrris und wifo have gono to
Denver us Mr. Norrin Iiub u herious
cough; his phypieiun recommended
mountain air a probuble euro.
A lurgo delegation from Willow Creek
Sunday school attended the song service
given by Mr. L. Albright at tho M. K.
church nt Cowli-H, nnd every ono cume
homo well pleased,
Will Adamson's wifo und child lire vis
iting bin fatber'B fmnily, It. Adumson
this week.
Mrs. Laura Curl died August 22nd, at
tho homo of bor father. Mr. Win. llurd.
MrB. Godwin'a buby is sick iigiiin.
Four boyn imid a nocturnul visit to
Sum limners water melon natch lust
week nnd he shot over their heads and
frightonod one of them almost to death;'
us his yell wus heard over a mile, better
look out boys, ho may not Bhoot so high
next timo.
Clem Ilruner talks ot attending school
in Rod Cloud,
Mrs. Frazier left tho 15th, to join her
luiBband in Canada, whero they will re
flido in tho future.
Fred Hon will Btnrt to school In Grand
Island nt tho Business College on Sept.
Will Frnsor will work Mr. Mousliang's
iiirm next year.
Well wo have bud nn exciting timo on a
giand scale in this neighborhood, every
ono kunwfl whut it is.
Tbo Willow Creek ball club bus bent,
en HowIob nino twice of late, but every
body that saw thorn play, say that tho
CowIcb boys played well.
Nora Gunn was taken sick and had to
bo taken homo from Henry lJiubuUcru
on the 21st,
Stuto Line.
Tbifl part of tho vicinity was visited
by n Ono rain Saturday night.
Jurd Carter isscenbehiud tho counter
in bin storo.
J. H. Tolaud lost a hprso Saturday,
Tho farmers uro still hauling oir Iiorb
mid corn.
Mrs. Ifoiu Ratcliif is on tho hick list.
Willard Mooii'h littlo boa is improv
ing under tbo uaro of Dr. Kirk ot Hurr
Largo warter melons may bo hud if
you only goto North Hriincb.
Luko Dillon is going to havo between
threo nud four hundred bushels of ap
ples. Who pujh thin year is a fuiluro
Jurd Cnrtero residence in North
Branch, buincd August ,'t0th.
Dit. CiiAMiiEKuiiN puts iu urtificia
teeth without plate over Morhart's
New dark calicoes at
4c per yd that are very
good for comforts.
Our 10c cotton batting
will go at 8c per roll
during this sale,
Table linens, Napkins
and toweling at speci
ally Low Prices.
Turkey Damask
only i8c per yd.
Mr. Joe Lockhurl has returned from
Mr. R. 1). Payno leaves in throo wcekB
to go to school.
Ii. M. F. Grubb supports a new top
buggy 10. M. F. will buvo to eut cold din
ner now.
Uncle Dick Payno was surprised Inst
Sunday to receive a visit from a nephow
who resides in Omaha.
Mrs. G. P. Gather who has boon dan
gerously ill h sonui better at thia writ
ing; bur mother-in-law is with her while
There will bo a Harvest Homo Con
cort given at Catherton school houso
tho 21th, of September at 2 o'clock p: m.
a general invitation is given.
Tho lttornry hehfat tho residenco of
Mr. A. N. Wilson's was not much of n
success, and will bo held on tho loth,
of September.
Wo have boen having several good
rains in the lust couplo weeks, which
has helped out tbo corn considerable, I
think that wo will buvo a good crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield from III. who
aro relatives of Mrs. James Elliot, wore
visiting with her ii few days last week.
She left for Holdrodgu Monday toj isil
Charles Crnhill, tho littlo son of L. M.
Crabill of Red Cloud, who bus been vis
itingwith I). 11. Larrick'e tho past two
weeks returned home latt Saturday,
Mr. Cowloy's new houso looms awny
up tlu-ie, und when finished will be tho
finest in, tun neighborhood. Undo Isaac
is gottiug stylish in hiB old ago.
Old Roots,
A uieo shower of ruin Saturday.
'" Tom Andeison is putting up hay on
tho poor farm.
Kid Clutter of Catherton called on
Win, Andiewo, Thursday.
S. liinilquist has painted bis bouse.
Win. Elicit wns trading horseB ono day
last week.
J. H. Wisoearver was on Indian Creek
Saturday night on business.
Rov. Fcndrieks wus around buying
bogs tho otbor day.
Davy Sheet of Kunsus is visiting with
Peter Hanson bud ono of bis mules
cut on tho wire.
Jelf Kelso linn been helping his broth
er Link jiut up liny.
John Kumbnugh of Gago county is
hero looking after land.
Hovel und Goodno were threshing
uniidal us ou Friday and Saturday.
J, Tomlinson of Red Cloud wus iimong
us last week.
Kov. Ucun attended quarterly mooting
at Inuvnlo Saturday und Sunduy,
MiBS Lily Holmes of Hed Cloud has
been visiting at tho residenco of Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Lamp of Red Cloud havo
been visiting at J. Rutledgu Con Wilson
and Al Marker of Otto, called on F,
Bean on Sunday.
fj. iiean and family tsumlnycd ut bis
tll('n nonr (?mvlia.'H near Cowles.
H. II. F.
Persons troubled with chronio dinr
rliiea should try Chamborlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhcu Romedy. Many
oases have boen cured by it aftur till else
had fniled and skillrd physicians were
powerless. For sale by Dco & Gricc,
New dark Dress Ging
hams at 8c and 10c
that are very nice,
Heavy O'ray Flannels that
sold last year at 20c, we
will sell this year at 10c
per yard.
New Cretones at Low
Our .Extra Heavy 10c
Cotton Flannel, Sale
price 8c,
TiiompNon rcek.
Plenty of rain ot late, and farmers
busy seeding, and making bay,
J. A. Brown is harvesting his largo
crop oi Max.
Scott Polly in going to Grand Island,
this week to commence school ut tbo
business college.
Mr. Kuinbarger of Alda, visited re
contly with Mr K. Bennett and fumilv.
A goodly number of our people intend
ed tho show at ltod Clond last week.
Garnd ma and Grand na Schneck aro
intending to attend the cumptueeting ut
Long Island, Kun., which will begin on
September 8th. They havo a number of
refutives m tlint vicinity, with whom
they will visit1
Kov. Theo. Johnson, an old time resi
dent of Amboy, but now of Grand IbI
and, was on tho crook last week looking
after his interests on his farm, which is
being worked by Mr. E. Bennott. Ho
wns accompanied by Frank Buschow of
Blue Hill, who made a putchaso from
Mr, Johnson's fine herd ot Red Pollod
cattle, giving in exebango bogs.
Some paity or parties utudu a raid on
Mr. Bennett h melon patch ono night re
cently and took away a number of nice
inolons, and tbo noxt night tbo samo
party or parties or some other party or
parties took an other lot ot melons and
destroyed many ot tbo vines, Mr. B.
does not enjoy tho joke very much.
T. J. Polly of Salina, Kansas, a broth
er of S. It. Polly visited a few dajs last
week with the latter and family.
Rev. W. S. Blackburn pastor ot River
ton M. E. church, preached a good hit
mon Inst Sunday to a largo aiulienco at
Costal Springs school bouse, and after
the sermon, ho baptized soverul young
people by Jimtnorsion.
Tho Sunduy school of Spring Vnlloy,
nud Crystul Springs will unito in picnic
on Thursduy of this week in Mr. Wul-
smith's grovo on tbo creek.
l'lctmuiit Cirove.
Wenther fine und plenty of rnin.
Corn is filling nicely but hay is a littlo
The folks that havo boen sick aro till
getting better.
Grand ma Slabby has boon very sick.
Mrs. Hilton has not returnod home
from Bluo Hill yet, tho reason is bo
cuuso her folks are sick.
Wo think that Bro. Hummol is hav
ing more than his share ot trouble in
siukness, but tho Lord has promised to
not leave or forsuku them; may the
Lord bless und comfort them in the
hourB of sorrow.
Mouth Slriu XewN.
Weather warm and dry.
Mr. Leigh is on the sick list,
Bollo Aubnsbon is feeling some hotter.
Mr. Hub Henry is tho father ot anoth
er bouncing baby boy.
Wo hear tho merry boll quito ofton
look out for the wedding, F, L.
Miss Mary Sharp went to a birth day
party last Tuesday night at Rlverton.
Mr. Aubushon's baby is getting bettor.
Ayer'fl Snrsapnrilla is ono of the few
romedk's which aro recommended by
evory school of medicine. Its strength,
purity, nnd ouieacy aro too well estab
lished to admit ot doubt as to its super
iority over all other blood-purillers what
ever. A)er'sBareRparilla leads all,
Nov Window Shades, mount-ii
ed on spring rollers, only
voc, also bolter ones at 50c
Special Values in Car;
pets at 30c, 45c aifc
u l
Chenille Portiers af
n-, v aiiu ipu mat cc
very nice,
In Rugs,
COWlCM. '(
Tho A. O. U. W. of this place hiutya
pionic in Hagor's grove, on Friday Afcg.
2."ith, with addresses by Ehi. Gilliam Fof
Red Cloud and others. There waafa
largo attendance and they had u giiod
timo. fy ,
A baby girl appoared lately at the
ai me
ivn; fat
houso of Mr. Wilson, north of tow
which thoy aro all mightily pleased
it is tne urst L'irl in tho family
D. Best ifl slowly recovering from his
sickness, nnd at this writing ho is able
to sit up some of the time. t
Mr. MayfleliVs baby four months oM,
was buried on tbo 28th. Rov. Plult
Vi.,ril..,l .tin filiinmil fit.., i i.m. Ct
jm it,iu-., ill, llllll-llll at-itiiwn.
A prize contest was held at Eckl
church Tuesday 29th, in which some
our Misses took part. We learn th
ono from Bladen carried olf tho pri
which was a model ot tho Tompcranco
Palace at Chicago.
Rov. Piatt and wifo hnve roturned
from their vacation. They spout most
of their timo on tho farm while their son
and bis family wero visiting in Illinois,
und taking in tho World's Fair.
Dis. Moranvillo and Damoroll havo
Iatoly held a consultation in Mrs. Craf
ford's caso. They rogard it as a critical
Services aro to bo resumed in tho
Cougregational church noxt Sabbath
Septomber .'Ird, preaching ut 11 u, in.
and 7:30 p. in.
Market Ileport.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Corn ..
00 fi 10
lit) '-"-'
20 22 30 ',)i
I 2."i(T4 10
1 G0&2 00
. H
Fat cowb
Butter . .
. I i
doz. 2 00
lb. r,
a Wreck
With catarrh, lung trouble and Generally broken
down. Jleforo 1 had taken half n botllo of
Hood's Barsaparlltal felt belter. Now I am la
Cood health, for all ot which my thanks are duo
to Hood'o SnrQapnrllln." Mas. M. V.
Bonk, Clover, Iron Co., Mo. Cist flood's
Hood'a Pills euro Consltpatlon by reitor
to WU.Wo yUviibf Hi alunoaurfotnaj.
JUva. 3f. F. Bane
Ladies Cloaks
and Capes.
We are able to show the finest
line of Winter Garments tnat
have ever been brought to
Red Cloud.
We bought them so
that we can sell them
real cheap.
Now li the time to buy before
the assortment Is reduced.
Special Values in
Cloaks and Jackets,
8t CO.
PIcaitnnt Dulc.
Miss Hawk fs recovering fust.
. Thoro was n plowing bco last'Thurs
day ut Mr. HummcH's, and eleven teams
woro there.
Mr. Fox will begin work on his broom
corn noxt Monday.
L. A. Haskins is running a large force
putting up his hay.
Mr. Luther Rothrook wbb in these
parts seeing after his farm.
Al Decker went to Lobunon last Thurs
day uftor his mothor-in-law.
Lido Warrington was homo n few days
this week.
School will commonco noxt Monday
with Miss Edith Scribnor as tcaohor.
Many people not awaro of tho dangora
of constipation, reelect tho nronnr mmn.
dy-till tho habit liaonmeajihronlo, or in-
flamation or atoppago yntL ArAjtftiamt
two of AyerB Pills iu tho beginning would
have provonted all this.
Southern members of the Epworth
LciiKiio having found that Hotel Endeavor
at Chicago was run atter tho manner of
Heaven with no color line huve deter
mined to boycott tho hotel.
Flvo train robbers held no a train pas
sengers and alT-on tho Northern Pacific
and got only fo'.'jtheio wns 40,000 hidden
lu tho express car; whereforu it Is tho Im
pression that tho robber were novices.
The miscreant Scharfl hns nt hibt ad
mitted that bis victim was his lawful wife.
It required a strong force of police to keep
a Milwaukee croud from lynching thodaa
tard. Aud all the law will do with htm I
imprisonment fur life.
Tuosdny, Auj;. 0.
si juuuk iimn named nee: nis an
nounced that in .September ho wi'fl crow
Niagara Falls hanging by his tasth.
General J. A. Underwood, of Rico coun
ty, Kas., was killed at Frederick while
attempting to cros a railroad track.
Michael Kbrdon was probably fatally
injured while making a parachute jump
from a balloon at Peoria. A high wind
was blow lug at the time and ho was dashed
against n building in his deactut.
It is now stated that in settling tho
damngp c.tso for 300,000 bronght ugulnst
JtiWflPiu Toledo, Ann Arbor and Alichl
Sfiflflet Arthur had to pay thu receiver
oP.i!iroad $.',500, which Included the
plaintiff's lawyers' fees.
Tho marrlnuu ceremonr nf Km,,,,,.! ir..,i
! and Llzlo SoaiuM, In flay county, Ind..
wm oiuer day, was solemnized in a corn
Held. Mrs. Frank ltholnhardt, a widow of St.
Paul, Minn., 1ms been iiotillod that by tho
death of her brother-in-law an o'.tato iu
India, valued ut fi,000,00d, has been left to
Tho cranberry tnp Is
enormous on, they say.
going to beau
Ei'olMiln Xolice.
oliilor I'uiiiity f
!le!.l,Ms.,Ttk'rof llMVMla "l I' Hiaelser,
Tsn,l!,lLm!'i,11", """.wle'l hi the eol.ifo of I). C.
nllH'IS. I, lleei'.lM'll,
uii mo he,ueb nolllU'i on tlm Sllli (Lu
ll! AllL'IISt. IhW. Allll.i i:. Sim WLV,!lZi..V..
.. .... . in iki iiiiiuuiinLi ii
....... ,, ,., i niiiii, iimn hit e (in I'd it on hi
iHi'lnS'f ,?'n,Mi0r .".'I"' "m """ rf" Vel'sl"
I I I -V III Willi! llU li .i !... I
JAMi:si)0l'I'V, County Judge
' J
''V i
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