Wni5&VBi vsaiw Wlvr'5? w ;7r?Pf ? 'v A l- V7 . 1 Bv A. C. Hos A Q I'ubllnlicil w S"lllli "M!&S-. In....... . -wren at io font nin tnll ,? )'n,cJ m. " "'HUM "'fee month. in. i...."?NMiVti'ii! "' ?00 ;i uo $&fo r In ad- ltrWS,cyreofadvert,so" Jiii'i id nr . .'.f, ""tlffvlz: for n square W'"r o"W pub"ca,,"1 ,,cr "U! rut .." . .- . "i ' Sflll... V.1 "ICIWOIII' A "'nVr.?i"s)llcatloii mint liB re" i.i.".c,,n'rac mnuo. All ..'.'"Pttcrtium Wednesday cello,! i Vii.i uo r!cred out lor ,,Mwte.u22i-. --" -"lieil u Tlino Tabic. II. A IfTectAmr. 13. timer leavo ltcd Cloud as foliott'yU HASTINGS, to Hasting No. Ha i' AHIIIVK. r from Hustings No. Hi At VIA WYMOUU ifccr to Ht. Joseph St. JYo. njlilcauH dally J.o (K)IN(J WKST. inters fur Denver, dally 3:00 p.m. 11:03 A.m. 10! 40 a. m, , 8;19p. Ill -Jjusnxnss cards. J J. S. JUMKitJ, DcntUI, in Cloud, - Neiiraska. Over Tttylor'a I'urulturc Slor. Extracts teeth without naln. i'rown mid bridge work a specialty, porcelain Inlay, and all kinds of koM IUIIiiks. 4 v;es told and rubber plates uud combination ( ;utes. V ,i work tmarautccd to bo first-class. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. Homeopathic I'liyMclau, Red Cloud, Neumann. Otllco opposite Plrst National Dunk. U. H.l'.xiimlnliiK surgeon. Clironlo diseases treated bv mall. r L. WINFltEY, Auctioneer, Heu Cloud, - Nehimska. Will attend sales nt reasonnblo Ukuics. Satis- faclloiit;iinriiUtfed. I H. SMITH, IiiAtiruiu'e Agent, KED OLOUD, NE13RARKA. I do a Btrictly farm insurnnco nud invito nnd invito nil to nee me. DANDOLL'II MoNlTT, ATTORNEY, Moon Block, BED CJiOUD, 'NEB. Collections promptly nttondod to. o C, CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Moon Bi.ocft, - RED CLOUD, NEU. Collecti.ns promtitly nttondod to, nnd correspondence solicited. D, F. TItUNKEY, Attorunr nl Luiv. Red Cloud, IVebriiKkn. Office Up Htairs, in Moon Block, over Fnir Store. G EO. O. YEISEB, Real EKtnte, liitturunco uud Collcetlnt; Agent, Moon Block, - Bed Cloud, Ned Notary Public. R 1. HUTCHISON, ToiiKoiial Arlittt, iili Avknui;. Rr.v Ci.oud, Neuuaska. FlrBt-olflfls bnrbors nnd llrflt-cliiea work uunnmteod Oivomoncnll wurts D. STOPFER, &St FaHiilonable Itarhcr, Red Cloud, Ncbranliu. I give my personal nttontion to my patrons. First-class shaving and hair cnttinj? n specialty. H E. POND, Red Cloud, Ncbrntikn. Conveyancer, Real Entitle, Loan IiiHUrauee nud I'enslon Agent. I esneoially invito you to call on me for nnythini; in my line. Loans made on farm proporty nt lowest rntos. plIAS. SCHAFFNIT, Insuruiico Agency, ileriimu 1 nsuianco Co.. l'reeport. III. ttoval imiiiMfci Co., Liverpool, KiiKiand. iliiinu Klro liiMuanen Co., ol Omaha, Nebr. I'lm-nlJc Assnraiico Co. of London. IJmk. flennau lnhunineoCo.pl Uuliioy, III. iiminiinii As4iirniiea (;).. of London, l.im. iiiirllimt"" IiihuraucoCo, or lluilliiton, Iowa, llrltuh America AssnruiU'u to. Toronto, Can. . Ollico ovor Postolllco. Red Cloud, Nebraska. ... v. . ' . , "4 '., i cpr.'" -.i vi Jernal Vigilance is the mnmmmmmmmmMimmmmm Are Your Boys Going r ri ul f V 'J 1 Lbs) K To School ! Do you want them to look well dressed ? Do you know WIENER has just received all his fall stock of Boys and Children's Clothes, Hatsi Caps. Are you aware, that you can buy suits there - Very Cheapfor your kids ? Wo Iihvc been enabled to buy a much belter grade of goodx, uiiicli we can hcII til same price or Inferior grndc or hint Mcutfon. WHY f lle'cauiie while In market wc round every nianul'iraliirer uiixIoiim to get hold ol' ready cattli. Sfrtud M ft v v.'- x-v n n , i j r rriM m -ttv . ". JT . M . 1 J M i U ( - " Headquarters for Men and Boys Shoes ! Chas. Wiener, m m m m in m muiiuiu'iaiiimmiiiiiiiu ' ' Price of Liberty," and Red Cloud, Webster County, You will Find our stock complete in every line, and wc will be pleased to serve you in such a manner as to hold y6ur trade in the future. THE CLOTHIER. sSffy r.ftW JWfB' f SS1 One Dollar a year is Neb., Friday, September 1, 1893. WKATII1.R KHHXAHTS. FiirnUlicd Uxprctttly for The Clilef fur Webster County. ICopjrlKhtcdby W.T. Foster. St. Joseph. Mo. Sept, 2. My Inst bulotin gavo forecasts of tho storm Tfavo to crosa tho continent from September 2nd to Ctk And tho next will reach the Pacific coast but 7th, cross tho western mountains bj closo of tho 8th, the great oentral va' ley from 9th to 11th, and tho eastern states about the 12th. This will be a aevcro storm throug out its journey across the continent, and will probably do some damage in tho Mississippi valley. Tho warm wave will cross the west ern mountains nbout tho 7th, tho great central valloys about tho Oth, nnd the eastern states about tho 11. Tho cool wavo' will cross the western mountains about tho 10th, tho greet central valloys about tho 12th, and tho eastern states about tho 14th. Rainfall will be more generally dis tributed during September than it was during August. The heaviest and most concentrated rains will occur while tho storm wavo of tho 8th to 12th is crossing tho continent. 81'OTS ON THE SUN. Tho high barometers of .our earth storm explains the spots on the sun. Young is generally accepted author ity on astronomy, and ho sajs: "Fayc moro recently proposed, and now maiy-tUins a theory which has numer ous good points about it, and is ao coptcd by many. Ho believes that sun spots are analogous to storms on tho earth, being eyolones, duo to the fact that tho portions of tho sun's surfaco near tho equator mako thoir revolutions in a shorter time than those in higher latitudes. Tho theory explains tho distributing of spots which abound precisely in the regions where this relative drift is at its max ium." Prof Young raises tho objection that if sun spots arc caused by sun storms, all tho spots should bo oyclon io, and manifest tho spiral motion. Ho forgot that wo look in at tho top of tho sun spots where, as a rule, we cannot soo tho spiral motion that ex ists near tho body of tho sun. At the top of tho spot tho thin cirrus clouds aro moving in nearly straight lines and do-not, as wo know of our high barometers on earth, manifest any spiral motion until tho clouds havo sunk deep into tho spot as they approach tho body of tho sun. Professor Young aud Faycc err in calling tho spots cyclones and storms, for they aro nearly all anti-oycloncs and tho very roverso of storms, for thoy nro tho same as our clearest weather following or proceeding tho storm. Tho storm contcr is full of clouds that aro tho brightest spots on tho sun, and the spiral motion upward is observed from our viow. Professor Young says that if tho sun Fpot aro equal to our storms, tho whirl should be in tho samo direction on tho samo sides of tho equator. That is also an error. While our low barometers usually contain n cloud ring encircling tho centre of tho low, tho centre of well developed storms almost unuorsally contains a clear spuco., 300 to 500 miles in diameter, whero the darkest of decp-bluo skies aro scon, and if wo wero viowing these oarth storms from tho moon or ono of tho othor planets, we would aco a dark spot surrounded by bright faeuliu. Tho latter would, of course, bo tho aloud belt in tho oloud wavo surround ing tho low barometer, and tho whirl in tho northorn hemisphere would bo coutrary to the bauds of the watch. the Price of The Chief. If wo wero looking at tho larger spots on earth or sun that aro tho high bar ometers, tho whirl would bo in tho op- posito direction, or with the hands of tho watoh. Thcrcforo Prof, Young's objection that tho whirl would bo all in one dirootion, if tho spots on tho sun aro caused by storms is not good, Prof. Young says that tho influence of sun spots on tho earth has been porfcotly demonstrated, that when sun spots aro numerous, magnetic storms arc numerous nnd violent on tho earth, Thoro ho stops and con eludes that tho spots aro caused by volcanic eruptions throwing dobris high above tho sun which falling back on tho sun, somewhat cooler than tho sun's surface, causes a contraction and depression. Thus ho accounts for sun spots. But ho fails to suggest how a vol cano on the sun can causo magnetic storms on earth, I would account lor tho coincidence by saying that sun and planets aro revolving, spher ical moving magnets and affect each other in accord with tho laws of mag- natistn in suoh cases. Thcrcforo when a planet passes a plaeo whore tho magnetic equilibrium of tho sun is disturbed, the increased cnorgy of tho magnctio lines of foroo cause sun spots or sunstorms, earth auroras, and increase tho foroo of tho earth's perpetual storm waves. Professor Young admits 'that in vestigations nppcar to indicato that the sun spots havo an influence on tho cyclones or hurricanes of tho Indian ocean. Volcanoes on tho sun cannot reach our hurricanes with their heat, But our scientists around tho weather buroau at Washington claim that all of our storms aro caused by heat. I do not sco how heat from tho sun's volcanoes can causo great hurricanes, great magnetic atorms and great aurorap on tho earth all at tho sumo timo but I can readily understand that all theso and tho sun spots may havo their origin in an inoroaso in tho mag netic torocs. Tho world is only beginniug to learn of tho properties of magnetism and electricity, two names for ono object, tho umcronco being about tho same as tho difference between clear and muddy water. This form of matter wo know of but cannot sco, is begin ning to bo recognized as tho molivo power of tho universe, and ere long our altronomcrs and tcaohors in astro physics must recognize that all storms, sun spots, auroras and changes of tho barometer, aro tho results of magneito action, caused by tho influonco of the sun, moon and planets on each othor. I hopo to demonstrate tho correctness of theso assertions ero I get to tho end of this discussion. Notice. If you aro going to school this full, put this paper in your poukot nnd proa out it tit tho ollico of tho Western Nor mal College, Lincoln, Nobraaku, when yon register hh it studont und you will secure your cur faro at tho rato of 100 miles por term of tun weekn until your car furo from your homo to Lincoln tins been paid. Tho Western Normal' Colli go in ono of tho grcutctsl Rcliooln in tho United States und this opportunity is givon to tent its meritn. Full turm emu indices Tuesday September Gtlt. You ium enter nt any time. No exiiminittloun. Do not cut this uriiclo out but bring the paper with you. The . A. .R Encampment lit 'ImllaiiupolU. August 30th, to Soptembor .')rd, tho Burlington llouto will sell round trip tickets to IiidiantipoIiB at very low rates. Tickets will bo good vlu Chicago or St. Louis us prcfercd nnd will admit of stop ovor ut oithor of thoRo cities. If you nro going to IndunupoliB, lake the liur llii'Mon Houtofulnoty per cent of Nob rasku's old eoldiora will go with you) nnd enjoy ull ot tho advantages of fast time, niugniilcont equipment, und through service, which ouly that railroad can Vol.21. No. 6 'VSLr, Absolutely trurc A orcam of tartar baking powdor. Highest of all in IcavonioK strength -Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Buklng Powder Co. 100 Willi St., N. Y. OUR EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. 11Y D. M. HUNTER, CO. SUIT. Tho following districts have engaged tcncherH for their schools as follows: Dlst. No. I. Job. Dresbnck, Carrie Bill, Mrs. Myra D. Flotcher. Dist. No. 2. Geo. M. Custer, Mn. O. C. Case, II. 0. Probasco, Fidelia 8chalT nit, Lulu Warrior, Mary E. Nye, Nellie West, Rhodn Wuddoll, Dorn Henderson Louiso Williams. Dist, No.' 3 Jas. M. Scolos. Diet. No. 1 Alma L. Peters. " " G-Moy Bunker. " " 0 Lulu Barber. . " ' 7 Daisy 3raft. " " 10-EllaVanWoert... " " 12-Mnrio Taylor. " " IB Lore MoBride. " " 17 Donald Pope. " " 17 Lulu A. Ayer. " " 18-A. W. Richardson. . " " 21 Daniel M. Gather. " " 21-MrB. Minta Boren. it yo-W. II. Grant. " " 28 Maudo Greenleo. " " UO-Mamo P. Bealo. " " Dl A. N. Alqulst. Annie Roth. " " 3 Maudo Orchard. " " ai-Retta Abel. ' " ur.-Lulu Albin. " " 30 J. L. Springer. " " i)7 Nancy Leivia. " " 11-Edith Davis. " 42 Mary Furquhur. " " 43-Blanche Arnold. ' " 40-Mnbel Day. " " 47 Goorgiu Prathor. " " 49-Alvin Tope. " " 61 Maggie Granoy. " " GO Anna Cockrall. " " G8-Sarah L. Fishor. " ' W5-8. Frisbio. " " 01 Loua A. Bailey. . " " C2-Ida E. Sayer. " ' nu-Oscar A. Arnold. " " (It Thorton Foe. " " Cc Bollo Spnnogle. " " U0-Einl!y L. Robinson. " " C8-Josio Mlllor. " " 70-N. L. D. Smith. " " 72-Lottie Roby. " ' 73--J. R. Btrader, Mabel Wright. Dlst. No. 74.-J. R. Thorton, Mary E. Boale, Clnrn Hoover, Marion Thorton. Dist. No. 75-Chns. Foe. Drat. No. 70 Lulu Potior. " " 77 Mao Hobart. " " 80 Jc'sslo HolyoroBB. " 81-OllveFce. " " 82-Edna Edson. The schools generally oommenco on tho 4th of Soptembor. Tho first educalionnl meeting will bo held nt tho school houeo in Dist. No. 4, on Thursday evening, Sept. 11, 1893. Tho nrst teachors'moetiiig will be hold ut Cowlen, on Sutureay, September 23d, 109.'). The liret First Grado class meeting will bo hold at Red Oloud, on Saturday, Uoptomber 30, 181)3. wo desiro that tho meetings be well nttondod, that an interest bo taken in ed ucational work, uud that the attendance und the interest may both inoieasoas the work of the houooI your prog res we. Superintendent John Bnett, Han Fran cisco: Knthuslnsm is the secret ot suc uewi in teaching, Win. Eastman, SaUm, Ohio, President ot School Iiaurd: The effort to Becure ornnmentiil school grounds not only edu cates and call? out tho liner feelings of our pupils, but oporntos as a softeninir ntid u refining intluenco over those who havo loft thoir sohool days behind. AHer Rreakfkst To purify, vitollre and enrich tho blood, und give nerv, bodily and digestive strength, take Hood'aSareapariUa. Ce. tinuo the modicine after every meal (or a month or two, ' Hood's Pills cure constipation, JWo, m rrvpwp m i 5;,' f 'irA'lti .. .UaWti. &.&. umjzI