KG I THE RED CHIEF, TIKI) CLOUD, NKItltASKA, -FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 18!)!t. A W-rS. A . X T M ia m m jmmmmmmmmjmmt m m & 2 - V have Boots and Shoos Ourselves ! 3 ; ($8,000 worth) and positively wiiA. xot iei: i'i)i:usou rS , Wo will siiuritlcn our entlro Btock for cash at lower prices limn ever bo. "2 foro Hindu in Hod Cloud, and will Remember we guarantee BEST GOODS, LOWEST PKJCliS, GUKATKSr VARIKTV. g Blakeslee & Kalcy. rss 71 iii Hi Hi ii K For Accurate Abstracts of Titl e And Cheap Farm Loans Call on J. II, Bailey, Red Cloud, Neb. local. xi:ws. Dick Gray was in Superior lliio week Mrs. Sudn J. Hailey visited in ltivorton til id week. Tho Gardner huusefed over 200 people show dii). J. II. Simpson was down from IJhio Hill Sunday. A. Morlinrt left for Hot SpringB, S. D., last Monthly. New hay can ho had by leaving orders with McXitt. Wright keeps tho boat gasoline stovo in the ninrkut. A. II. Bowon of Hastings was on our streets 'I'licsdny. F. I). Hummer of Concordia, Kansas, 'raH in Hed Cloud Tuodny. A United Stated Murshnl was in lied Cloud this week on business, Frank Delahoydo arid wife, of Ulno Hill, were in tlio city Monday. A. Altshuler, formerly of this plncc, dlod at his homo in McCook tho othor day. Lola Fulton of Hivorton was visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Suda J. Uailoy this Week. l'rof. A. X. Allijuittt tho now superin tendent of tho Uludon school, was in Hod Cloud this week. A. (J. Davis, of Gravity, Iowa, n brother of J. II. Davis of this city, has been vis iting in Hod Cloud this week. 10. J. Allen and family, who have been in Wisconsin, hnvo returned to Hod Cloud, salistled that Xobrasku is tho laud. Doll Abol goes to Chicago to-night, where ho will put in n few wooks seeing the world's fair and othor curiosities. Mnrried, in this city, on tho l'Jth, by tho Kv. Ceo. O. Wiser, Mr. Ell Fowlctr and Miss Eva L. Morris, of Guide Hock. Tlio following aro now subscribers since our last Issue Geo. V. McCrnry, II. Banks, S. E. Kelley and Uans fcjkjel ver. A steam liiorry-go-nround, has been outertainingour puoplo thiH week, it is controlled by some very plcatunt gen tlemen. Mr. E. Howard, of Grand Rapids, Mich., n brotlier of A. II. find Fred Howard is in tho city. Ho has not mot his brothers for'Jl yours. Hoy .loy and Charley Shephnrd, two fast trotters, woro going through this city the other day, on ronto to tho district fair at Edgar. Tho fniluro of S. F. SpokesHold is one that our nooplo disliko to report, as ho has stood woll in tho city. It is hoped ho may bo ablo to rsHume. Hubert DoWitt. Is about tho hnppiost man that comos to lied Cloud because ho is tho father of n little girl. Cigars nro on you, Hohort. When in Hivorton bo sum and stop at tho Hanks house. 81.00 per day. Liv ery in connection. By far tho moat pleus ant place in Hivorton. Dr. Culluuore, oyo and ear surgeon of Omaha, will moot patients in his special ties, in Red Cloud at Dr. MoKeeby'u of lico Tuesday, August 'J'Jth. Don't forget thnt Saturday ovening August Hot h, thoro will bo an entertain mont civon nt tho opera houso for tho benollt of tho S. of V. Hand. Charley Gurnoy is tho proudest man that rides through Red Cloud and says that tho Intest addition to his family is a little girl, and that arrived Inst bununy, Ed. Ferguson, who nttomptod rnpo up on tlio porson of Mm. Blunckoo, and who was nrrestod for tho offeuso, was dis charged for a lack of sulllciout evidence to convict, Caroline Potorson, living in Putmor's addition w us taken before tho bonrd of insanity, for examination into her mental condition. It was decided that she was of sound mind. Goo. DeWitt and wife who hnvo boon spending the summer in Old England, have returned tciAinoricn, much plensed no well us benonttod by thoir sojourn hi tho mother country. Muj, Henry Ludlow, editor of tho Campbell Press, shook hnnds with tho Uig Injun" on Thursday. Hoiiry is ono of Tub Chikp'h children, nnd as such, wo aropleasod to uoto his prosperity as an editor. Tho nnnanl convention of tho Wobstor county W. C. T. U. will bo ho d nt Eckloy chftpel, August llOnnd 31st, l8'.i:i. Eutor taiument will bo given by tho Epworth I.eaguo. Thero will bo a prizo uoutest, M'nita.liiv v, r Mdfli. ut Hinm, tilnen? The social nnd baud concort that wan to bo given by the bind boys, Saturday, August BOth has boen uidotinitoly iiost poncd, nnd instead thoro will bo an en teitaiuiiiont glvpn at tho opera house for tho bonolltof tho S. of V. boys by Mrs. Huntur, hii elocutionist of National rep utatiou. Thon will also bo vocal and in strumental musio nnd a lino entertain- innni is izunranteod. GIvo tho boy n good houso. Cheap a few niiet nny and all eoiuneUtion. citv m:vs. Seed buckwheat at McXitt's. All kinds of hnrdwnro nt Wright's d r Tho baud boys go to Grand Island thi week. L. 11. Wilder was up from Norton yes terday. G. It. Holland is homo from Hot Springs. do and sco Sherwood Jfc Albright for groceries. A. .1. King of Oborlin was In tho city 'iniirsuny. Low Vauco camo Saturday. j awl the lit homo from ChicngtKery much 1 II. C. V O.J I. Truman, of tho Xution. is homo frini Iowa. fi. W. Edwards, of Orleans, was hi tho city Saturday. Mrs. M. It. Benlloy is homo from her visit in Omaha. W. S. Edwnrds of Muryvillo, Kansas, is visiting in tho city this week. M. V. Dickerson and Fred McKcoby returned from Ouinha Saturday. Messrs. Frank Cowdon nnd Hugh Miner woro in Superior Sunday. Wlien you want n good cooking or heating stovo boo W. W. Wright. , Charloy 1'latt and wifo arrived homo, fn... 4l.n ..I- It-.!.. !.. iiuiii mu Muiiuninii mcuijcbuii. Joe Cummings is sufforiug this week with an enlargement of tlio thumb. Oo to Sherwood nnd Albright for your groceries. They keep tho best in town. A hand-organ, attached to n mnii, was going tho rounds of tho city this week. Dr. Cullimoro, oculist of Oinnhn, will bo in Red Cloud, Tuesday, August 20th. C. S. Potter, who has been over at Wilcox working, has returned to Red Cloud. Mrs. McBrido nnd daughter Laura ar rived homo from tho world's fair lust Fridoy. G.X.Hastings is homo from u very pleasant trip to Indiana. Ho reports u nice time. Mr. Thompson of Norton, Kansas, nn old friend of J. II. Smith's, was in tho city this weok. Eliss Goblo mourns the loss of n very valuablo gray horso that ho drove to his uellvery wagou.. First class goods and reasonable prices can always bo found nt W. V. Wright's hnrdwaro store. Anyone wanting it drovo or borod well should sco James l'etorson. tho pump and windmill man. G. V. HastinLrsandG. E. Hriniileson and E. W. Feruuson renewed for Tin: Ciiii:k this weok. Thanks. James Peterson, the nuricultural man, was over in Kansas tho other day ut his old home, and roports corn very lino. On next Sunday ovening nnd Monday will bo ouarterlv ineetini: at tho M. h. church, and tho presiding elder will bo hero. at I: Bloomingtonl sbfl at this ollicJioi i Thursday nr ,1 Col. Herb Crane, of tho Bloo Echo, was a pleasant callor at while seeing tlio elephant on Sells show. Mrs. Apple, sUtor of Henry Diedericli. nccompanicd by hor two children, of Mndlson, Ind,, aro visiting in tho city this week. Win. Montgon returned from Mury villo, Kansas, Monday evening, at which placo ho has been visiting for tho past few W0CKB. Mrs. Tico and daughter Frnnkio, of Xow York state, nro visiting at tho resi dence of II. E. Pond. Mrs. Tico is Mrs. Pond's sister. Tlioso accomodating storekeepers, Sherwood & Albright tlio grocers, study to plenso their cuBtomors. Call and see thorn when in want of groceries. If salt costs ono cent a pound and ham 15 conts, what would n hog ho worth that had been fed on Hallor's Condition l'owdors? For Bido by Deyo i, Grice. Dr. Grnnt Cullimoro, consultant ocu list to Mo. Pacific Ry. nt Oinnhn, has ar ranged to meet eye nnd enr pntlonts in Hed Cloud, with Dr. McKoeby, August JOtli. Tho Omnhn Weokly lleo from now un til January 1st. l8'.ir. for 81. lr.. Don't loso any time in taking advantngo or this unpnralled offor. TiikBkk Tuhlisii iMi Co., Omaha, Nkiiiubka. Elmer Knloy was ono of two out of a largo iiumborof students at Klliott busi ness college at Burlington, Iowa, to re ceive the world's fair diploma, which en titles him to admission to tho world's fair. Deputy ShorilT Tomlinson arretted a trnveling embezzler tho othor night and nlaced him in durnnco vile. Tho follow was irlvou a midnight trial and thon sent to Atchison, Jvnnsns, where lie was want od about 81000 worth. Hon. W. A. MnKeighan was appointed on his old cominitteo on "coinugo" by Speaker Crisp; and J. W. Moon, who was olectod last fall to congress, was put on tho cominitteo on "expenditures on public buildings." Both aro on good committers. In our last issue, Tin: Cuii'.r took oc- cauion to mako a remark about tho wa tur works, which was not appreciated fully by sonic. Wo have boun informed this woek that thoro is a groat plenty of wator, that wo did not deny lust week, but wo did sny that wo thought it was surfaco wator; however, wo have boon further Informed that tho water nil comes in on thn south sido of tho trench which would indicnto that the wnter was what they nro pleased to cnllsheot wator. We hopo they will bo successful and snail hold our criticisms until such tunc as tho I experiment is inoio fully devuloped. cn:ir:r rmivnox. G. It. Chiiney was in Denver this week. Mrs. Itov. V. L. Elv has been unite itiek I thin wick. I Dr ,1, S. Etiigh is home from an ox I tended visit in Chicago. County Clerk Itnunoy is taking In tho world's fair in Chlcngo. Mrs. Mary Conover of McCook is vis iting friends in Hed Cloud. ClCharley Coleman's horMMnii away the other day and tore his buggy to pieces, Dit. Cm.Miitmni.v puts in nrtiileia teeth without plate over Morhurt's store. Miss Maude Greenlee, of Hluo Hill, wns visiting friends in Red Cloud last Saturday. Mr. Low Soddurbcrg, of Clieyemu Wyo was visiting old Hed Cloud friends this week. J. A. Wright, of tho Lohnnnn .lourna', was a pleasant caller at this ollleo on Thursday, whiloiuKed Cloud taking in theqirciis, jtvioot i -tjut largo i fordistrib the circus, uoiuu aeaiii. our real estate hioii havoirotlon numbers of circulars this week distribution in tho east. TholitMobnbo of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil, winch has been very seriously ill, i convalescing, wo aro plensed to team. A tonchers' special examination will bo held at Hed Cloud on Friday, Soptombor 1st, IH'J.'L D. M. HiiNTini, Co. Supt. Miss Xellio Warren ontcrtalnod a Inrgo numuoror young irieudsnn WcilneHiiuy i 1 aftornoon. u was a very plcnsnnt nllair, id tho littlo folks enjoyed tho occasion obbcr rejoices over tho advent of a gonulno Xebraska girl bnby at his house. And now ho steps right over tho tops of fences, without stopping to climb tho same, in his great delight. Tlio atTnblo trnveling man, Col. John G. Bugbee, tho cigar man, was a very cordial visitor at these heaihiuurters this weok. Ho isn solid republican and ono of tho kind thnt makes n fellow feel good to talk with. Dr. G. E. MuKeohy and wlfolmvogono to Chicago to seo tlio world's fair. Aftor n week's visit nt tho fnir, they no to Wis consin to visit the doctor's mother. Thoy expect to ho nbsont from licit Uioud ufbbut n fortnight. j ins wcuk, .ur. waver hi. aoumi was united in mnrriago to Miss Emmu Riser, daughter oi Mr. nnd .Mrs. h. n. iwscr this city, Rv. E. L. Ely oflleinting. Tl youiiK couple hns tho best wishes of Ti Ciiif.k, and their young friends. Col. Clins.Seeloy, thoniTnblo nnd cour cous press nuont of Sulls Hros. enormous shows, was a ploaBiint caller nt this olllce. and tendered Tiik Ciur.rtho freodom of tho circus. Hoisnvory ploiiNiint gentlo mau and understands his business. Thero will bo an old settlors picnic at A tn I cu nn Kniitcmber 1!!. nt which time Hon. j. S. Oilham. J. It. Willcov, and others will ornto on their experiences I tho wild nnd wooly west. Evorybo come, hotli old nnd young seniors. While in Hivorton tho other day a Ciiik.i' reporter had an occasion to want n square meal and seeing tho sign of tho Banks house thought that was about his size, so went. Dinner was ready and the reporter started in. He says that tho Banks house is tho best houso west of Red Cloud. Itov. Goo. W. Hummel has been called upon to part with his wifu this weok, sho having departed this Hfo on Tuesday, and was buried on Thursdny morning. This makes four denths in his family in about three wooks. Ho cortninly hns tho deopest sympathy of tho people of this city in ids bereavomont. It is a sad blow. Attoruoy, J. Portor, Jr., hns procured pension, under old law, for Mrs. A brain Garbor, Guide Rock. Claim wub tiled Juno '.".', present year nnd nllowed on rth of present month. 44 days from tlmo of tiling This beats tlio record for quick time. Wo don't know if Hoko Smith was at homo on date of issuo, if ho was ho iild bo credited with onu mark of lont. John Tomlinson. tlio present efficient deputy shorili of this county, is a enndi date for thB ollleo of sherill on tlio rop nlist ticket. John has tilled his ofllco in n splendid maimer, and wo beliovo tho parly to which lie belongs could mnko no wiser choice in lining that placo upon their ticket. Tlio only thing wo hnvo against him is that ho is not of our po litical faith. Tho best and most hatisfnetory cigar over ollered to tho smokorBOf Red Cloud for n tlvo cont cignr Is the Professor. Since handling it our trad lins been very lame and in no instance have wo had ono word ot complaint but on tho contrary nil Unit have purchased it aro now kicking for thft reason thnt wo hnvo been out of them for a fow dnys. Our largo ordor hns beon placed with tho house to bo shipped by freight which neccsnnnly delays thoir arrival. But bovs wo will hnvo thorn nnd Doyo ifcGrico will again bo in tho swim. Tiik Ciiicuh. -On Thursday Sells Bros, great circus, aud Aggregation of wild an imals camo to Red Cloud, as ndvortisod. Tills show is nil that It is advertised to bo and more, for thoro nro many wonderful things thnt can not bo accurately placed upon paporthat hikes placo In tho great throe-rimed circus. Tho nooplo present, thero were ubout four thousand of them, nil went away porfotly natisllod that Hells Hros. circus was tho host that has exhibited here. Our roporter also no ticed thnt while this wns ono of tho larg est shows trnvoling, it was comfortably free of tho disroputablo characters that travel around with shows in general. In faot it was about tho best, cloituest, and most interesting circus performance ami inoniigorio that our reporter hns over seen In tho west, oust or anywhere else, and can fully recommend It to 1110 public as such, On H10 IH'iilli oi' Mr. i. W. Hummel. A chord in life's cadence Is nilsslup. It is lust In tlminmi'lloi strain; Wo listen for Its llirathi nuinlier. And citteli hill llio soul's sweet lefralll. A llfn souk has passed I10111 ymir presence, Ariiayedln 1I111 li illicit IIkIH; How lovely, how Mir culm hfiiiiii.ilice, Now clothed tu dwell hi tho heavenly Unlit; How fotuily ou hoped lo leliiln her, Till lime Its lull record liuulit lllli , Hut a volee f 1 mil the silence hath spoken, And llio henit's low lospousu Is; Father In lioavcii,lt Is well. Ilnw v.iln Is the heart's ndnntlou, Kiiclrcled hv earth and decay : Th lilcMim of tho llmver must vvltlier i:'er Its fni;riiiici p,is far on tlio way. Oh. mother! Oh, loved coiiipiiiilou foiover; Thv life. Is it lluht 011 our way . Oh, haudi fulthlul luiml, 1I1011 will lead us Wheioulniv awakens tho day. -Written lor I lev, (ieoiso llutaiael by Mr. 0. A. Hojacnuiic. if y i -fh pe An Old ltd If. (Jen. George W, Morgan who died at Fort Monroe. Vo., July 'Jtith, ISM, was tlio last of the Generals of the Mexican war. llcjwas appointed Col., of tho Kith I'. S. Inf., and in April was brevctted llrigadicr General for gal lant meritorious conduct at Contrcrns and Cliurbusco, where ho was wound oil. It was under (leu. Morgan that our townsman Cant. Lafayette Mtuiscll served in tho war with Mexico, he be ing n member of Co. K. lath U. S. Inf. and to his knowledge thero is hut ono other survivor of tho liftmen forming Co. K. Col. llrnilall of Burlington, (own. Cant Munacll lias in his posses ion the following letter from his old commander. ftlm-NT Veunon, O., Nov., 121st, S.". Mv Ot.D Comhahe: Dr, H. Stephen son of Ccntcrville, la., who was a comrade of iuino in the war has sent lncJour nddroBH, And in nicinorv of 10 times gone by, I send you a shred of the flag of tho old lath Inf, under which you marched on tho fields of Mexico. T ishing you every blessing 1 remain your friend, v UKoniiK w. MontiAN. ahe shred 'inahes by t "Flag of tin d of tlio flag is about five two bears this inscription, ng ol the Kith Infantry Mexican war" nnd is very highly pmcu by the Cnpt. ho says it is woith tuoro than ho ever expects to be worth. It was originally presented to tho Reg. by tho ladies of Mount Vernon, Ohio, Capt. Munsell also served in tho Re bellion; n Capt. in tho famous Englc Uog. 8th Wis., he funis ready listners to his tales of two wars and lives over his fighting days in rehearsing them to others. Sec Myers Ohiliiary. August L''!rd, lS'.Kl, Mrs. Georgo uniinel aged 11 years passed away aco, at fi o'clock the inorningTof , and on tho 21th, day of August was laid to lest beside her three child ren, her baby. Minnie nnd her only son Edgar and a daughter Emma, almost a young lndy, whom she had buried but n short time ago. Sho leaves a broken hearted husband, and four daughters to mourn her loss. It is believed by all her f riejids that grief played u prominent parifi tutting her to her children. Mw tho rich blessing of God rest upon 10 bereaved. She needs no houso nnr luiiiin below, Mie'.s none to wlieio tlio righteous K Her spirit soaritl on tinsel wIiiks, To see Hit) the KliiKiit KIuks. And wear a fadeless croun, Tlio sudden exit grieved us sure. On earth, w o'll sco her sec no inure i T lie Kciitlo form Is laid aw.iy To wult the resurrection day, When tlio Inst Turnip shall sound. Death often hicaks our leader ties; Hut iod will hid tlicdiiu arlso. Iheii, wo expect, onu day tn share Utitiinkeu Joy, wltb her, up where l.ovo lias no broken tic, Xot Allllftcd liul Oulriigcl. 1 am permitted to say that Rev. Geo. W. Hummel feels absolutely outraged and that, by many of his indiscreet friendsiind thojniblioiit huge, by charg ing him with' criminal neglect of his family, in not givng niediceno, furnish ing them rotten water from a well close wliero hogs have beon buried, or n woll surrounded by u hog pen, or u houso un lit to live in. Even sotno of our papers have cried for a cleaning of our streets, lest we become us bad as they, who aro in tho country. And nearly till this to defend tho reputation of our family phy sician. Xow plenso in tho name of com mon humanity let up and let the af flicted family bear their grief in pence. lirother llunimel Diames'iio one, lias not said an unkind word of tiny ono. And sujsifyoti want to seo how they nro living como and soo, J. A. CllAl'l.N. EniTOit CiitKi', Dkah Sir: In as much us there is now a large acrago of fruit trees planted on tho orchard plan, and enough so that the pcoplo will in tho near futuro be blessed with tho delicious fruits produced on thoso or chards and tho owners mado rich by their proceeds, yet thero is a faction who, us a rule, could not get an orch ard on tho ubovn named plan, whoso children no doubt go hungry for fruit, and who find fault with tho orchard system. Now, I want to say that all that I have dono has been to tho in terest of tho country at largo, as ever) one knows; that my comission is very littlo, $l.ftO on ono thousnnd trees. I want tn ask the following questions: How long would it hnvo taken to got ono hundred thousand trcos planted in Webster county if tho people would havo had to pay cash for them? There is tuoro than that number now planted on tho orchard .system in the county. My anwer is, at least a half a century. How many youti", men nnd women un der 20 years of age, grown up in this country, havo had all tho fruit they eould cat? My Answer is, not one now. 1 havo saen the day, and all tho fore part of my life, when 1 had all tho fruit just as levanted it, in its HCfiRou, bo then, 111 short, tlio young pcqple in this country, thopo thnt havo grown up here, know but littlo ubout tho pleasures of this life. Now, don't fail to sen 1110 and get an orchard, I will not hunt them; thoy must hunt inc. If this fails to lodge in the waste basket, I would be pleased to give a few lines regarding fruit culture in the next few issues W. M, MOULAN. or Cciui'tiu IIm a Ilargalu. I paid 81,700,00 ciibIi foi tho Slilrey property and now otter tho sumo for ?1, Boo 00. 1(1,71111.00 cash, and cill.OO (mar gin) on or beforo VI 7 por cent This property would be cheap at 2.500, lu good times. John M, iiuxmv, u n,,i 1 T il: tho ".'In g m m mmmmmmmmmmm w my nr his w & & ic We receive the stock of 3 Fine 1 1Clothingl : That will catch you. 55 5 zZS WE HAVE OUR 1FALL HATS E Elegant StocK, AH ttie 5: We want to show you our stock. 5 S Chicago Clothing Store. 3 Sj Opposite Postoflice. J3 71 iii iU UUUUUUUUmUiiiUUU iii iii iii K Mr. II. J. Mnyors, of Oakland, Md., Fays: "I httvo sold thirtoon bottles of Chamberlain's Cough remedy to-day nnd uni literally sold out. This is tho largest sulo on record of auy ono preparation In a day over our countoro. It gives tho best satisfaction of nny cough medicine wo hatidlo, nnd ns a seller it lends nil other preparations on this narkot." For snlo bv Devo k. Grlco. T- 1" T I bor Jb arm jLoans VliUt IVlll. To whom it may concern: You nro hereby notified thnt I will not bo responsible for nny bills , or any dobtB contracted by ono Eudio Luco, my adopt od sin who has left my home, without my concent. All porsonH will tako warn ing nnd govern thoiuBclves accordingly. Aug. a:ird, i89:i, MaHV E. I' IBHF.ll. . Mnlurinl and other utinoBphorio influ ences nro host counteracted by hooping tho blood pure nnd vigorous with Aycr'a Sarsaparillu. A littlo caution in this re spect may provont serious illness at this season. Ayer'H Sarsaparillu Is tho beat nll-yuur-round medioino in oxlstenco. milk Wagon. Tho peoplo ot Rod Cloud will pleaso tnko notice that I will start u milk wugon about Sept. 1. Clias. Gurney. Wanted Placo in hotel by woman of thirty. Address, Box 'Xt, Inavnle, Nobr. For tho noit thirty days, in ordor to reduce my stock, I will mako you spocinl bargains In buggies. Jam vh Peteiikon. Cam. at tho Harvard Painless Dental Parlors and got acquainted with their methods of tilling teeth without pain. A (."Alt load of rock salt for salo at L PAIbrlght's Hour and feed store. Bakine Powders Before Congress; The Pure Food bill before Congress would be a righteous measure for the people, and should become a law. ) The public want pure food, and in order to protect themselves must know what is adulterated. All adulterated preparations should be so branded, including Baking Powders containing Ammonia or Alum. Then if people want to dose themselves with "Absolutely Pure" Ammonia or Alum, they will do it knowingly. The public have been looking up the composition of Ammonia and Alum and they don't like the idea of eating either in their hot biscuit. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is a Pure Cream of Tartar Powder; free from Ammonia, Alum, Lime or other adulteration. And every investigation, whether in the laboratory or kitchen, confirms and emphasizes its superior ity In every way. NOW IN !l now Styles, a - For Snle. . . . s woiMuor county fnrm, or 100 nrcn, with well tlnlshed friimn house, ntlWrj, 1X) acres fenced in to pssturo, ov( ,10 head of cattlo, over 10 hogs, ovo'.'JOO IiubIisIs of corn; oiler nil for nshoririio for tho smiill sum of $'2,100. Aoorl prairie farm of ICO acres with 1111. provomentH, prico 91,0,'tO. 80 no in lewol county. Kansas, cl.lUU. HUies 111 .Jewel county Kansas, i,;Ofiu. i?vci w-bHtor county 0. iiiiutj ,y...,ivw, 'jr.,i,ur. u.,ii.ini,u iwuMuuu,niii Hji50O Farm I.oaiiN, 1 can make a fow 8300 choirni loans just now. J. 11. BalKotf Cloud. Over Post Office C; Professional hunters in laying in sup- plias for a long hunt take, first, 'JO gal- 'a lono snake blto cure, '2nd, 1 pound ot , ' crackers, .Id, 15 gallons snako bite atir, nnd 1th, 2 iloy.on bottlos of lluller'f .4 Hurt Curo Cough Syn;p. For sal by Doyo & Grice. ',, Am. kinds of Ilea supplies at A. Mo-, r hart's. Such no sections, smokers anil foundation combs. X In order to reduco stock, wo will soil all fanoy rockers for in per cent discount for 110 dnys. Now is tho tlmo if you want n nlco rocker. F. V. Tatlob. iii ...... For a lanio bnck or for a pain in tho sido or chest, try saturating a piece of llannol with Chamborlnin's Pain Balm nnd binding it onto tho nlToctod parts This treatment wiirouro nny oruinar, case, In ono or two days, l'nln Unlm ai cures rhburuntism. CO cont bottles fo; salo by Doyo it Grico. ",. K 1 41 rN l u ryajgfu vyxmuatssssaKrssrssss C r-klS. i",ll