"VF w K3riaMii ?VW")TW ; JtfT ft fa' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, JlEI) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 189B. WLiUM itMTMtt M'M ttrt -'Jjrrl Om Mn ti m W i it 1 ' EDITORIAL. NOTES. Tiif. Clili:r believes Hint Gov. Crottnso mcnns well, yet, ho Blioultl, by nil means, flro Gnrneau. It 1b n dlsraco to tho ru publican pnrty to keep lilm louder in Hint responsible position. It seems to us tlmt congress hns eer tnlnly hnd nmplo timo to do KomotliltiK on tho flnnnclnl iutBtioii. What tho peoplo want Is not film speechoe, but something that will rollovo tho country of Itn precont trouble, and n fixed policy on sorco ono thing so tlint bnBinoss men may know on what to depend. Voto for Orovor Cleveland and got $1.2.hi bushel for your whont Tho abovo ilom waa taken from a Mis Bouri Democrat papor, which wan printed prior to Inst fnll'a clootion, and transmit- tod to Tub Ciiiki' by n ropublleau lndy of our acqanintanco, iiflklitK if any of that $1.'J5 wlioat was to bo found in Ked Cloud. Wo hnvo been unablo to find any that could bo sold for moro tlinn r.5e. Wo Bhnll wrlto to (i rover in a fow day a and eco if ho cannot uiako up tho dilToreneo or givo a good reneon why it foil from a dollar to (in conts itiHtoad of going to 1.'J.'., as promised boforo election. i The baso ball eauio by Ked Cloud va Esbon and Lebanon, Wednesday afternoon, was moderately well attend ed, and peculiarly interesting through out. Itoth clubs support souio excel lent players, and for the first few in nings tho score remained about even. It soon became obvious however, that in tho nbsonoo of somo of lied Cloud's most valuable players, they had bit off more than they could chew, and as tho gome progressed tho visit, mg nine exhibited a perceptible superiority over our hoys who were somo what flustratcd hy tho insidious tactios of tlicir gentlemanly opponents. Until tho 4th inning however, tho ganio was fairly oven, and both teams got down and played ball to perfection. After that tho Kansas boys took tho lead, and rapidly gained score till at tho close of tho gamo tho count stood 8 to 1G in favor of tho visitors. Lack of ipaco precludes a general write-up oi tnc gamo wiuon deserves consider ablo attention, as thoy nil played good ball tho biggest share of tho time, and uiado few bunglcsouio plays. The Worltl,N Fair. No western railroad in ho highly favored as regards case of access to tho World's Fair grounds ns is tho HurTtugton Route. From tho Union Passenger Station nt Chicago, into which all Burlington Itouto trains run, you can rcaoh tho Exposition by water, steam railroad, elevated rail road, or cable enrs. Ask tho local agont of tho llur lington Itouto for information nbont tho best and chonpest way of reaching Chicago. Excursion rates every day. For ii Bluggish nnd torpid livor, noth ing can.HurpasB Ayor's Pills. Thoy con tain no calomol, nor nny mineral drug, but aro composed of tho activn principles of tho best vcgotnblu cathartics, and ""- lhoir ono always roaulte in marked bono fit to tho patient. NIJllllHUAM MIWS An rurnlNlivd by Our County Corrt'NpoiiilciilN. luavale. Mrs. Geo, CSurnor returned from hor visit to Missouri a few days ago fully wit tinned, that thoro is no place like Neb raskn. Several light iittuehs of cholera mor him hnvo been imported through the neighborhood lately, but an et nothing serious. Mr. Arthur Davis has just finished Blacking 125 tons of hay for Mr. S. K. Fronties, nnd ho will have as moch more to nut up, Have you heard tho Intent horrible Blunder on , Too Oarber? If nutiisk Iloby about it, tlio Btory is a long ono, but ho will tell it to you as a joko, Drs. Chamberlin anil Finn woro in ut tondaoco at tho corn growers ball last Thursday evening together with their ladies, and several others fiom Ked Cloud. Misfl Qraco Studebaker, lato of Sid ney, formorly of Illinois, has been visit ing hor brother's family for two weeks. She left for her old homo in 111., thellrst of this week. Politics nro rather quiot. In fact I hnvo not heard u word except from Uly Knight Bays ho wont support Port Hedge for BhoritT becauso ho skinned him ho bad in a horso trade last spring. Inavalo is fortunate this year in huv- ing ono of tho Ixiuntiful corn crops that tho country over hud; not many miles on either sulo tho corn looks damaged either with hail or iliouth, but right around hero it is simply wonderful. Tho Holt correspondent, who lies at TJIuo Hill, is something of a colonel; bo writes u good article with his quill, but it reminds ono of tho State Journal, Of ciiuibo Iio'b all right, for hu would'nt steal, from a big daily paper like thlit. but then to our minds it sounds a good deal, like he's talking through his hat. Thero'B going to bo a circus in town nnd wo'ro nil going to go, for wo'vo seen tho pictures all around, of this awful greutbigshow; If you wateh fir us Dear Hos, when tho baud begins topliiy,,nu'l! bcoubuII, boeuuBo we're coming 'down to stay; wo'ro going to see tho big parade, und then we'll eat ieo cream, and somo times I think its all a pleasant dream, ttio ircosliow too, wo II see, before wo eat our lunch, for wore all going to bo all togotherinabunch; then later on wo'll sot in the great big circus tout, and wipe iiwuyuioBwoui.wiiiio wo spoon our lirty ItAllta I.S. cents. 1.1 1.1. TIlONO Wonderful 'lllllls III Tuii'ii" If yon wish to boo them call on Doyo it Gricound ask for Hoggs Liltlo Oinnt i'llla. im'ry bottle guaranteed. Illittlcn. C. I'. Hicks contemplates taking in tho Worlds Fair V. S. Hull was doing business Hub week at Blue Hill, Tho carpenter work on tho parsonago has been commenced. Mr, W. D. Hoop lias charge of tho H. it M. business during the absence of I), P. Runnel, Tho .Sunday School picnic held in Hoirmnns grovo last Wednesday was well attended. Mr, Yost anil wife, James Hurden and wife and Peter Nospol and wife Sunday cd at l vers Mills. Davo Hyrnu left Tuesday for tho Whito City by tho lake. Ho expects to bo nb Bent three or four weeks. h. 11. Thorn left Saturday for Denver, Colorado, where ho has gono to look after somo money interests. D. P. Kiinmel and wife tire visiting friends in tho eastern part of this state and (Kansas, will be absent about two weeks. The drill given by tho young ladies last Friday evening was a grand Huecess. Those attending wore well pleased with tho evenings entertainment, pioceeds about SXi.OO Mrs. 1 lull, mother of S. V. Hall, and Mrs. McLaughlin, banker McLaughlin's mother, left Tuesday for their reBpec live homes, after spending the summer with their sons. Mr. McLaughlin ac companied his mother as far ns Hastings. Soulli Slile. Anothor nice rain Tuondny night. Mr. Tom Long is visiting with L. Aub shon, Charlie Flhors and family, hnvo moved to town. Tho dnnco ut Hoo Sharps last Satur day night wns a grand buccohs. Tho pleasant countounnco of Pat Oies nnd ladies wero in thoso parts Sundny. Frank IIulTcr had tho inisfortuno to got ono of his horses badly cut on barb wlro. Tho fnrmors in Lino township, would bo hnppy if they could rido to tho hay Held in a top buggy. (lust Michol of Kansas and Mr. Guess of Abilene, wero visiting with John Tur nor and family thin weok. Kd. Amack and family aro frequent ly called on tho north fide on account of tho HloknpAs of his Histor Lottie. Messorn. Tumors hnvo quito u beo airairaud lust woek purchased a tree of Mr. liundetigh that had two swarms in, and ilfty pounds of honey, Kichnrd re porta no Htings.but ask Uhurlio how thoy thanked him. Hnrsv. Satin. Lou ado is working for S. H. Lindsey. Tom Andorson is busy putting up hay on tho poor farm. Evorott Ilenn and wife wero callers of Itev. lienn Sunday. Miss Ll.zio nnd Doru Mnrkor of Otto wero callers on Indian creek lately. One of Mr. Groomsman's hay stacks was struck by lightning on Saturday night. Chnrloy Ware is badly disllgurod but still in tho ring. Ho cut off his mus tache. Mr. Humbaugh from nour Hindoo nnd his faihor, of Gngo Co., wero callers of J. lienn Hundny. Mrs. U. Wilson has returned from Frnnkhn Co., whom bIio has been to beo her brother who is vory flick. S. E. Kelley nnd Oeorge F.lick left for Illinois where S, E. InUuith to join bis brothor-in law in carpenter work. SlX'N.NEK. Olio. Mr. Marker bus a new mower. Tiuhie Marker is improving slowly Wo had u good rain Monday night, Albeit Marker called on Uoyd Let tner Sunday. II. Lauibreehl had a horse cut oil the wire last week. A good deal of hay is being put up in the neighborhood. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Kudolph Streit an eight pound boy. Mrs. C. II. Wilson returned homo Friday, from Franklin. Some pailies came through hero Sat urday last, with race horses. Charlie Ware built im addition to his house, one block east of tho post otllce. TuMiiMMi Weed-.. l'lt'amiiit IM'iiii'iv. Sunday school every Sunday. Haying is tho order of the day. Wo have had several good rains this weolc. Corn is coming out better than wo ex pected. Tho lato raiiiB aro milking tho farmcrn feel better. There aro several prospects for new houses in this part. Hov Iloiui pleached last Sunday, with u good attendance. Several farmers seem anxious to get fall plowing donu now. l-iirineis that hnvo got farms. Mb tho place ror them to live. Uncle Jerry Ornsdetr will boon have his new house com plated. F. Grossman had a largo stack of liny struck by.lightning and burned. J. P. Iliile has the largest wnter melon patch in this part or the country. Prospects seem good for winter wheat us wo mo having niinn everv few davw. Wo learn that school commences tho Uh of September, with a nine months term. Mr. Uifo is harvesting his flax; ho has tho largest crop that has ou-r been in this section or the country; he has ono hundred acres or more. Wo hear t hut some of the fanners that moved to town for tho winter are going to move back on their faniia again, ror there's no plaeo like home. The Demon or et.u(r Itisoinonin, and its twin brother Dys pepsia, aro the offspring of a disordered stomnch. A positive cure in fmrmi in IlcffL's Dntule ion Bitters. Solil i,v l),.v,J I ! -. "I a, uiitu. Anilioy. Most of tho farmers nro making hnyln theso parte. Wo have had soveral good rains during tho past wiok. Mr. '., llnrnos nnd his daughter nro visiting in Knnsns. Several lied Cloud peoplo woro visiting in Atnboy last Sunday. Miss Mnudo Millor is on tho sick list this weok but is Improving. Mrs. Mdd C'ov nnd child are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cox. M!bs Jessie (Jookrnll wns visiting with friends in Cowles hint Sunday. Miss Norn Molirido will tench tho fall term of pchool at Pleasant Hill. Miss Mamo Heal has been engaged to tench Amboy school this wintor. Mr. bylvestor l risbio will teach ecnool in the vicinity of llladen this tall. MissTrix Mior n member of Camp Comfort was on tho sick list this weok. Mr. Joe Halation and family wro visit ing with C II. Carponter and family last Sunday. Hov. Putmnn of Ked Cloud will proaoh nt tho Amboy school house Friday even ing, Auguot 'Joth. Mra. Carrol, who Is visiting with her pnronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurd is on tho sick list this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carpenter of Hustings woro visiting their Bon Allen Carponter of this nlaco last week. Quito n number of our peoplo took in tho big show nt lUil Cloud last Thursday and Boom to boBatistlod. Several of our poopio intend going to tho reunion at Grand Island for a good timo tiio twenty-eighth. Hov. Hlchnrdson preached nn elegant sormon in tho school hoiiBo hut Snbbnth afternoon on conlidence. Miss Clara Uborhido of Guldo Hock hns beon spending tho week with tho family of Mr. Ed Hnssor. Mr. and Mrs. Hoso and their dnughtor Mrs. Unroo of Ayr woro visiting with Mr. John Martin and family last weok. Mr. Ohnrlos Frisbio in'onds to take a trip to tho world's fair after tho rotnrn of his brotliers I rank and Sylvester. Mr. Frank nnd Sylvester Frisbio nro taking in tho sights nt tho world's fair this week for an educational purpose. Camp Comfort peoplo nro enmpod nt this plnco nnd nro spending a pleasnnt timo In Gospel Grovo nnd vicinity, tnk ing tho pleasure nnd displeasure of a camper s lire. A surprise party on MissStolln Dolbins wns held nt D. F. Trunkey'B last Mondny evening. Wnter melon, ico cream nnd cake woro Borved during tho evening. All porsom report n good timo. An old settlor picnic will bo held nt Amboy Soptembor 1:1th, for tho old set tles of Webster county. A good program is expected and bovornl good speakers will bo nrosont. C. C. Cox wns chosen instructor of tho day. The young ptople will also taKo part in tho program. AH nro invited to come nnd bring their bas kets and innko tho day as lively as pos sible Now York and London mny have their ''Jack the Hippur' and "Tom tho Peeper' but Amboy has n rnidor, commonly known as "Shorty tho thief who has been traversing this vicinity moonlight evenings with no good will to tho people, cabbage, potntoes, corn mid harness hnvo ing mysteriously disappeared. Wo bore warn tho peoplo to watch their trttck patches for fear of this traveling night ingalo. Fooi.ipm. Male lilnis This part of tho country hud a good rain Mondnyfuight. Part of the farmers aro back netting sod, ami somo arc mautng hay, Madam Kuinor says 1 guess thoro wns an ico crenm supper Saturday night at Mr. Tolands, Somo or the farmers are hauling off corn and hogs.tho roads hnvo just been worked and they are kept hot by folks hauling lumber also. August the l'Jth and -Oth, was the Quarterly Conferanco of the Friends church at North ltranch. There was a largo crowd; tho church was crowded and also a large tent, that hud been put up for the occasion. To those who went to hear tho gospel preached, and the will of God concerning them, they heard it; and those that went to have a good time, I guess they had it. Miss Minnio Pickett of Glen Klder was present. She has been attending school in Phil adelphia, Pa., lor u year and expects to start in a shoit time, as a missionary to Japan. She is loved by all who Know her. Wo all join in wishing her success, audsaiug "God be witli you till we meet again." Ouiilu 'itiult. Hilly Montgomery is quito sick. Cloudy and rainy, sure to rain show day. Hmie Miner lias got homo but ho is quite ill. Miss Clara Uberhido ia spending u low weeks at Atnboy. Mis. Johnio Crarv is visiting her par ents ut Lawrence, this week. Mr. Howard Wirt from Fairbury, spent Stnday in Guide Kock, width his best girl. Mr. and Mrs. Holland, who have beon visiting in Iowa, for a couple of weeks have loturucd homu. The family of Mr. Lou Johns moved to Hastings this week; wo are sorry to lose them from our community. Mrs, Clias. Teachworth left last night for Amboy, where sho intends visiting her daughter Mrs. Frisbio, for a fow dnjs. I'li'iitanl Dale. Tltrre was a plowing beo at Mr. Hum mel's lasf weok. Mr. ltosencrans has been on tho sick list ror emtio time. Squire Foglo has had splendid luck with his incubator. Corn hauling is the order of tho day, a the new corn promises lair. Mrs. Guthrie is nearly well now, she lias b"oii quite poorly for a woek. There was a largo crowd at tho ice cream stiuper Inst Wednesday night. Mr. Fova'id Mr. Decker Have got ,'t."i tons or hay in the stack and nro still go ing to have more. Mrs. Wairington w Keeping nonsouiis week for her daughter Eva Paderland, w'hilonho and 1ui aro visiting out west. Market Iteporl. iUm reeled Weeldj.) WIlMlt Corn .. Oats... 9 ,'lOlft 10 .'20 '."2 ISO ,T. Hyo .' ... r lax . ..... I legs Fnt cowb 1 50& &2 00 Huttor ... Eggs Potntoes.. Chickens. t ( t ( Turkeys ! I dnz. lb. Written for The Cnti'.r. What' In a ftaincf 11V II1LL WlLLOUUlIllY CHAITKK X. Dick nnd 1 now felt that tho secrecy with which wo find been moving among our follow mortals need no longer bo maintained, and that it would bo moro to our liking to bo known by our true niiiuop, and so now signed hotel registers as in das gono by when wo ntood fair in our community us Hill Willoughby nnd Dick Nailor. No one.JI presume, can fully appreciate our feelings when, for tho first time in several weeks, wo could, without fear, sign our names in tho strong, round school-boy hiinda bo familiar to our selves undflTricmls. Wo now wrote our parents, telling them of our adventures, and. iitnoiur other things, asking them for counsel witli reference to our futiiru course. To nil our letters wo received answorB so fuU of good advice, and so fraught with loving consideration thul our young hearts wero touched tin never before! I had alwnya looked upon my mother ns being among tiio purest and noblest of women, but not until that pnrticitlnr time hud I discovered Unit in n point of intellectuality sho surpassed thousands of moro pretentious women. 1 hero had what seemed to mo u revo lution; an insight into tho qualifications, both native and acquired, of that bo loved ono who had given mo my being, and 1 1 ml guarded my every step with a watchfulness akin to Unit exercised by guardian nngola over tho lives of inno cent unbes, and of those who have be come stricken in years, and as such are simply waiting to bo gathered to their fathers. Indeed, I now for tho first timo began to appreciate fully my own guardian angel mother. And I give it hero as my firm conviction that, in innumorabio in- IstunooB. the child does not fully compro- nrnu ni iruo reunions io ins inoiner until somo calnniity bus befallen hint, and Ids mother's counsel and riper judg ment have helped to sustain him in his hour or need. I beg pardon Tor hero copying a letter written me, while Dick and I wero still at Ottawa, by my mother: "My Dear Hill: You may never know this sido the grave what u consolation it is to mo to know that you and Dick aro at last beyond the reach ot thoso whose determination it was to punish and degrade you. Now that this inror- million win not cause you unnecessary alarm, I may as well tell you that largo suiiib or money have been expended in your pursuit; and last, but not least or all, those who wero thus hot in the pur suit engaged the services ot two of the most disreputable men in tho state who, witli guns, and a couple of huge Cuban blood-bounds, were hot upon your tracks and near at hand tho morning you left Detroit for Canada. I seemed to have a strange presentiment, that night, of your impending danger, and could not cloM my eyes in sleep, but sat alone in my chair until near morning. Hoforc my eyes there eamo a sort of gray mist, and dimly outlined therein I could sco a huge train bowling along, now among tho hills and then gliding swiftly, yet noiselessly on. Then my vision carried mo beyond the train to a darlc forest, along which lay stretched out tho steel rails over which tho train would soon pass witli its precious freight of bouIs. among whom were my precious boy and his friend, besides many others, all un conscious of the deep plot being laid for our capture. There I beheld two dark-faced villains, one or whom was deliberately swinging a lantern ucropa the track as n signal to the engineer to stop his train, while the other villain stood behind a clump or scrub oaks holding by tho collars two terocious blood-hounds. Again I saw tho train us it canto glid ing on, and through the window of ono or tho coaches I beheld my boy and his friend, as they sat apparently without fear, and seemed to rejoico at the pros pect of their speedy deliverance from all danger being near at hand. I sat spell-bound for a moment, and UienasbypouioBuperhuinaneirort which I shall tuner bo able to explain, I throw my arms about the neck of tho engineer, and, pressing my lips close to his ear, asked him it ho had a boy. Ho started up, looked at mu in astonishment, and answered In tho iilllrinative, and nt that very moment leaned out or the cab win dow, gaed along tho track, and was just in the act or hinging the train to a stop, when I tiling my arum again nbout his neck and witli a wail, cried out in all the anguish ot my ovorburduuod soul: "U, then, you have a boy, O, save my only t-on by heeding not tho signal lor your train to stop," So loud was this wail rr agony as it burst from my lips, that your rather, who had been asleep in an adjoining room, came hurriedly to my rescue, fearing as ho afterwards told mo-that some caliuuity hud befallen me. Your father, after I had related to him my at range experience, tried to laugh tno into believing that 1 had been asleep and dieaming. Hut I know, my dear boy, that I had not been asleep. 1 know that it wns all a reality. Now, 1 cannot explain this phenome non, and perhaps may never in this lite bo ablo to give a fiitipfnutnry solution of tho injHtcry, but I do know that the whole transaction was real. I thank God that 1 do believe that there uie cer tain conditions, when complied witli, that make it possible for one spirit or mind to go out after that or a loved one, jtnd save them from impending danger, dangrtrcoming from an unnatural source, emanating front thd million of wicked men and carried out, perhaps as in this case by hired villains. I believe, too, that there will a time emtio when soul shall have power to cnininiinicato witli soul, irrespective of distance, time or place. I do, even now. pi edict Unit the timo will comu per haps not in my day, but in tho life-Umu or my noblo boy when mind shall in tlueitco mind without tho media, such aa is now commonly employed; when, not 70 (UiiliKo tho subtle agency of electricity which now enables us to communicate 00 wt others across the continent, we 10 shall havi) power to talK, and sing, and 8 laugh, and pledgo ir constancy, as wo 7i do now while in direct content with our nu friends. I'nrdon mo, my denr boy, for 0 having devoted bo much timo to u sub. ject which, porhapp, will strike you aa I...L,. ..I,!., (.. nl!t....lir,... n,,l, na t,t-!lV iiiiii iiiiii tvj n'ii i iiHlliPiu riiuii ur. I"".' (Soil, may have run its course. Allure well, and all join me in love to both you and dear Dick. Wrlto often and keep us advised as to your whereabouts. FjVku Yoi'tt Moiin:tt," I wns, as tho reader may well imagine, tilled not only with love toward my dear mother, hut with wondor at tho senti inetitB advanced by her in hor letter. That she firmly believed that through her spirit's intervention she had averted u grout cnluntity, by pressing the engi noer into her service. I could not doubt for a moment; but that such could be a fact was ijuito another thing, and I re solved to investigate tho mibjcct before calling it the "imaginationsof a diseased mind." I will at this juncture or my narrative hint to tho reader that this same subject will play its part ever and anon as tho story proceeds. Dick, too, had letters from his people, and, ho and 1 having no secrets, read all our letters intercliangcably. o now began a systematic explora tion of the city nnd tho surrounding country. Wo rode in 'Iiiipscs, diovo liv cry turn-outs, went out in vessels, nnd quite as often strolled in true and print! tivo pedestrian style. To-day wo would bo listening to boiho great parliamentary debate, and tomorrow bo angling tor fish. Noxt wo would llnd ourselves in tho quarters or tho city wherein dwelt the lowly, conversing with men, women and children, studying their characteristic traits, and in this way sought to inform our minds as well as while tho hours of eacli succeeding dav awav. Ono day, while wo wero walking leis urely along a streot bordering onoof tho wharves, wo woro struck with tho thought that there, in that immediate wnrd nnd precinct, perhaps, wero no groeB who may have escaped front bond ago from our own immediate neighbor hood or county, bade in Koutuclcy. ,iusi then wo met an intelligent looking col ored boy, with ti bundle of school books under his arm, and inquired of him con cerning his studies, and then asked him concerning his parentage. Tho boy was remarkably apt Tor one or his age, and gave answer proudly and without any seeming embarrassment. Through hint we learned that Iub fntlu-r hail been a slave, hud followed tho North stur in his escape from bondage, and that both ho and his rattier would bo pleased to have us call at their home as soon as convenient ror us to do so. Wo lixed upon Uie evening or tho fol lowing day for tho call, and, taking Uie number and street as indicated by the boy, pursued our way, atill milking notes of such things as to us began now to as suiito interesting proportions. During the night thero came a great rain storm, and next morning wo wero forcibly im pressed with tho thought that the autumn was far spent and that winter was approaching. We hml read so much of tho rigors cr a Canadian winter that wo weto in a mixed state or reelings as to whether we ought to remain in tho North or take passage Tor Cuba. Hut wo agreed that wo would remain in Ottawa for somo time, at least, and that during our stay we would improve our opportunities for gaining such infor mation generally as might bo of service to us in time to cotitr. Dick suggested that we take up some of our studies where we had left oir at the timo wo ran away from home, and ho nt once determined to devote a por tion of each day to history, and higher mathematics, whilo I so tirmly resolved to llnd a placo in one of the largest newspaper establishments in the city. I found somo trouble in that behalf, owing, as I then believed and still be lieve, to tho peculiarities or my Southern dialect, but which prejudice if preju dice it was soon yielded to moro con genial feelings, and 1 waa soon quite a favorito with tho greatest newspaper published in tho Dominion, "Tito Old Dominion," and was not long in gaining tho hatred of some members of the repertorial BtatT on a rival concern. Hut (pardon my egotism) I gave, ap parently, such promise of uscrulness in tho new rolo 1 was now playing that I was poon honored witli the position or assistant reporter or tho happenings about town, and was frequently sent out on nowB-gathering touis into variotiB sections of the Dominion. The only draw-back to nil this was my often sepa ration from Dick. Hut the good fellow was too bravo and manly to repino on nccount of the situa tion, and encouraged me, oven, to enter upon thoduticBor ttiv new position with all my "soul, mind, might and strength," and so I did, I procured tho necessary hooka on stenography, and began the work or preparation with tho view to becoming mi expert in my now profession. Timo and space fordid me giving the reader moro titan the merest outline of the ordeal through which 1 passed. 1 would sit at my table in my bed room, both at Ottawa and abroad, until the still small hours of the night labor iously striving to master the art. I linallv got so far along as to be able to dot down piotty accurately some passages out of history as tho words roll from tho lips or Dick as ho would icad in it slow and deliberate voice. Hut, like David Capperiield, 1 round it exceedingly dilllcult to translate my own work into intelligible IOnglish. Already had wo determined us to our fiituio course by the following ourning when wo were to call at No. llUi Vine St., Tor an interview with the little datky's father. In responaa to a pull at the door boll wo were admitted into a spacious drawing room by the lad whom wo had met tho day before, and politely invited to be seated while ho should mi iinuuco our call to his parents, Whilo the boy was gone I took a stir vey nt the room, and doing so round every evidence or taste and retinement. Hanging upon the wall wero four largo paintings representing Washing ton, Lincoln, Harriet HeecherStowoand Queen Victoria, which, together with it rich warm carpet. massie pieces of fur nit ii re, clioieo lloweis blooming in the cozy nook assigned them -in short every thing in complete order, Soon the door leading into tholibrurv opened and tho boy returned accompan ied by as line a specimen or tho pure blooded African as I had o or looked up on. Wo hml barely got through wtih the founiility or a mutual introduction when Dick the over impulsive Dick- sprang rrom his boat.aud grasped thogontlemam or color by tho hand bioko forth uflei tho following manner; "Why bless my boiiI, if this isn't Uncle Mose, then mj name isn't Dick Nailor!" Mr, Muses What ton, for bucU wua lltc Jfr. Ceo. W. Twtst All Run Down. "A few ycari no my health failed, nnd I consulted sovoral pli3lclam. Not ono couW clearly dlnRitoso my cx,a uud lltrlr nicdlclno failed to clvo relict. I commenced to take Hood's sarsaparllla. l'rora an nil run down condluon I tuvo been rcstotcd ta nood health. Hood'sCnres i Formerly I wclgltod 135 poundi, now I tmlaiica tho icale nt 170 pounds." Olo. W. Twist, Coloma, Waushara Co., Vflt. Mood's P 3 euro nil Liver liH.aicK neaiv aci :ho, Jauudlco, Indication. -! Mil. uiiu juati Try u box. i!0c numo of our host stood for a moment aa though confused beyond recovery, and then, all ot a midden, broke into a rap turous Binile, and holding Dick olf at antra length, that ho might tho better tnko in his reatttrcs, gavo vent to ids reelings as follows: "Why, bress my soul, body and pos-. sessions, if diss am not do little DicklT Nailor whoso father jined plantation! wid olo Mars. Simpsons down in Olo Kentuck, den Iso lost my sensea sho" "Hut, uncle Mose.' now tint in Dick, "don t you know Hill Willoughby here whoso father's plantation joins yoiin also?" "Hill Willoughby. Hill Willough by" repeated Mr. Moses Wharton, as Ik again grasped my hand, "let me look it yo eyes my chile. Yes, yes as sure in do good book dis am do little boy whe kem along wif his mother do day oh Mars, sole me to detti tyianto down oi Ked river, and plead wit olo Mars not t let mo go! an who, God bress her sou oltern to buy me back ami sot mo fret O, my dear boy, trice welcome to desiy ilen strong arins wat den carried yo ou to do carriage, an sot yo in beside d brassed lady wat ollor to set mo free. Hut hero the good man's feelings gotth mastery over him, and he sank dow among the soft cushions of his gresi arm chair, and wept like a child, mi after he regained his composure, ho e: em-oil his weakness on tho plea that w wero tho only white peoplo from tl state where ho had been a slave wif whom ho tins mot, and that, though u manly, perhaps, yet hu could not uvo the scene ho had made, so stiden hnd tl revolution been made. Ho excused tl non-appoarance of .Mrs. w hurtoii ait their daughter on the ground that thf. hnd gone out to a church sociable, were ignorant of the naines or tho go tloiuon who were to call. So wo Bat ml tallied for a couple of bonis, askit questions and answering them intd- chiiitgnbly, and then witli the proiuipt mai wo wouiu accept an inviiaiioirv ..i... i.. in. ...... ....... f. ,.....! r ..;.. .1 ,j Saturday evening following, we slu with tho onco poor slave, and with I bright faced lad. and leturned to i lllltl. It'll t.llll 1,111 lILtt 11,1111V, I11U11U I hotel, to pondcrovcr things of tho pit and draw lines of parallel along wnl both whites and blacks had walked r centuries, though nevor so divergent l the estimation or the masses. Wo hnvo yet to find nny enso of bb wire cut that Hnllor's Unrb Wiro L ment will not cure. Wo absolutely gi anteo it nnd Doyo .t Grico will refund cash lor nil proving unsntisinctory. IlAI.LCi; l'lKU'IllLTAUV C C.m.i. ut Harvard Painless Dental I lors, over Morlutrt's and havo your w done without torture. The Army Hill Is not tho ono Hint worries us but doctor's bill. Keen n supply of Her' I'ntutly Medicines ou lirnd and rodeo your doctor's bills ji.'i ptr tent. Boldby Doyo .Mi rice. V Don't forgot it, that Morhart wats all of lite old rags ho can buy, f3in this ou, Don't forget it aud ticll tLiu to him. A Pu.y.lo To ninny Indies is how to keep uoir hair in curl on rainy dnyo. ThoHoluion is onsj. Ask Doyo t Grico for Noiniir oil Hair curler and tho pu.zlo wil bo solved. Ilnj ! Ila ! Ha) ! Hids will bn roceived nt the Hod Coud Marblo Works for fid tons of Ihut das prairie hay, to be delivered at lied C'ufcil all propoily stncl.td and weighted. Hay to stand in tho stuck !io dnys boforo it is monsured. 8 cubio foot to constitcto n ton. Vol Ice for I'ulilicatloa. Lund office at ItliMiailimioii, Neb., uns. '.'I, iKD. .Niitlcu Is Itereliy kIwii thai lite ftillowlliu named Mililrr Inn filed milieu of his liitenlluii t;i iiihImi Dual in nut' m siipem! el liN rl.iiui, and lli.U said prnel will he mmlu In-fine tliueleik nt tint DIMrlc I e inn. Wulnler Co., at lied I'loild. Neli., mi Mnml.ij, October 11. isnvli'i Ifldmrd I. runic, lid. Apt). No. i.iit, fur Hie k'j noU .iii'le', M!,.iicr:itp:iii, It l-.'wi'.tli p. in. Iloli.ltne tiio le'liiwiliK tli'ii'H In in liiseiiiilluiiuu-i ivilileiiee lie unl tullual'1.11 il.sulil bind, l. .Inline, WIM111, Alliet lSl Wll-on. ei,ir.-iiic II. Wilson, .l.uiiui A. wlu .l!l lit Ottn, Nib. . ). (i UAH.KN.Ue.'wftl .Volii'u. - , ilinilesll. 11(1)1)1.-. tsniult UmiC I.. Wl'litb If) 1, 1 1 intee, ami lluriiliani I lite) " ' Co., ill fi'iiil.uitx, will lul.e iiitli-(iii,'itiiiiliuir,ti day nt Annual, isw. .lames N. hewn, Tiustee, I'lnlntll! lii'iiMii, lllfil his iiftltou In the illHtilct I'liiat of Wi'hsiMr cumin , icliiuikii, aualast tint aliotu n.imi'il iieien'il.iti'', III" n'-'Ject and litci nt iWili'li is in fint'tiusii a leitidu liiort t.MKi eveiiitfil li Lewis I. Illiliiini'l nnd Utile lliihiliiel. his wife, to u fiild Ii. W.Tnllejs. I'lintre, inili the siiutlU'list qii irler (if M'i'llnll lui'llU-fnlll 1 Ml III liiVMPlilp nun Hi II Hill, III raimo twilwt l." imlli ( tlm Hlxili p. m. In Webster 1 oiiniN , NeiiiisU.i, toici'itre lint pay ment of aeerl'ila lronussoiy nolo ilnli'd Jituii 1st, 1KS7, for the sun of Slum, and Inlere-t ca pons tlirielo titttelipd.itiiouinl payable In til' Scars limn ilatntllcicnf. Tluil haul iinu aim coupons imdmurtKUKo nro now p.tstiiuti, 'thai Mild l.'inl Iris been counted to llm .to foint.uit click's II, lloppe, wlin iiHiiuni'd and iKreed to ui said imiriKauo. l'l.ilmlit prajs toruilii'i'ooi',inrclisurn ami tint nalii picm. Iscs nuytriMiM to sutlsly tliu iiinminl iluc, Vnu me icipilrcil to answer s.ilil pi-tHlou on or lii'imo Mniiiiiiv Hip i! I day ot OclolicrAlMU Haiti! aiiiiiisI.i,. imi Vv i MMFS fs, iimiiys-, trtilpp. 1'lilntt'A.L, liy A, I). Mct-'Annt.Hw.lits ntlniiioi. I I I IMI t I y-y W ..vJrfl t''W';B;' jr; At J hwiht "auw;"iiri"li ivwvTdii g ff -r-f 4- umi . mi. m... , -- h - , JlL . . . .. w1i" iwiipwiWjiiyfriif inpy mmmmmmatmmti mmmmmmmmmtimmmm