The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1893, Image 5

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am . -
t f r 1
Wv have
Boots and Shoes Ourselves ! 2:
($8,000 worth) iiml positively -m
. Wo will sncrilieo our entire stock for
foro mnde in Hod Cloud, nnd will meot nny nnd all competition
Remember wo Kunrantro BUST (SOOI)S, LOWKST
r Blakcslco & Kaley. 3
7i iii iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii MK
Abstracts of Title
Farm Loans
Call on
J. H, Bailey,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Dr. J. S. Emigh is expected homo this
H. A. Howard went to Hastings this
(Jo nnd sco Shorwood & Albright for
0. C, Hell was in Franklin thin week
on business.
New hay can bo hud by leaving orders
with McNitt.
Wright keeim the bcBt gasoline stove
in the nmrkot.
Cajit. Hlaine of Cow lea wob in lied
Cloud this week.
Mrs. Dr. G. H. MoKeeby is home from
a visit in Kansas. ,
Zueh HarncH has reuowed for tho
Groat-Family Weekly.
Mr. Starkoy, who has been on the sick
list is on our streets again.
Hort Tennnnt came in and helped
6Wfll our exchequer this week.
Isaue Piorco cauio in thin week und
lifltmil uA to bulievo in freo silver.
Geo. 1). Holland is in Hot Springs
Arkansas, on u week's business trip. A
J. N'uHtnin and family huvo gono
Pittsburg, l'a., to visit among friends.
9 MovorB from tho drouth infected por
i tiiinn of Kansas aro coining to Nobraska,
Tho Daughters of Veterans gave u
very pleusant social on Saturday nigh
About 100 pounds of butter is being
mado daily by our Red Cloud creamery.
Tho funeral of Mr. Win. Duckor was
very largely attended on last Saturday.
Conductor A. D. Green and friond
Peter llruiik of Kunsas, woro pleasant
callers this week.
ThbCihi-.k was tho only Ued Cloud
paper that published tho president's
message lust week.
The festival given by the ladies of tho
Christian church on Friday ovening was
a financial success.
John Buster, S. H. Fuller and Win.
Ingalls uro now subscribers sinco our
lust issuo. Thanks.
1.1: .,:.... nrrnva nml Uvn triutk
iiiuuiiK"i ......... -..- ..- " I
. .!.. . I... n,JI
i-rnws stoii hero now. under tno
chnngo of timo on tho I). & M.
Mrs. S. L. Fraser and family havogono
to Canada, whero hor husband went
some timo ugo. Thoy will locate thoro
Romomber, Band Concort with a good
timo, ico croam nnd cako at tho Court
Houso Park, Saturduy ovoniug, August
Red Cloud will soon bo 21 years old
having bcon tirst surveyed in Oct., 1872,
which makos hor 21 years old. Sho is a
pretty heulthy child, thank you.
Mrs. Webb und dnughtor, who huvo
boon visiting with Mrs. M. R. Bontloy,
huvo roturnod to Omaha, Mrs. llentloy
uccompanying thorn for a brief visit.
ThoDunkards (brethren) will hold
services in tho Presbyterian church,
Sunday tho 27th, and ovory two wcoks
thereafter Rev. N. B. Waoo.nm, Past-
Sam Foo has had his
shaved off, and now wbon
him coming thoy hasto
nooplo boo
to hitch
their horses, for fear tliut
thoy might
sciiro at him.
In it Buiall trip of about 25 miloa ovor
Wobstor county this wook wo noticod,
that corn gonorally waa excollont, whll
in uomo localities, It bus boon
scorched or huilod.
Baud Concert, Ico Cream and a good
timo at Court Houso Park, Suturduy
ovening, August 20th, tor tho bonoftt of
tho 8. of V. Baud. Give them u good
Bond off for Grand Islund.
A glorious rain foil this week and
mado tho peoplo happy, and moro thor
..n.ri.iv i.oii! thnt Foster, tho
weather prophet knows his business, tho
reports of wlucli aro oniy io uu
During this wook our mutual friond
A. F. Hartwull of tho lnuvulo cliooso
factory, presonted this ofllcs with ono of
thoso excelltiut Vunkeo cheeses, the
Inavalo cheeso ranks among uio imesi
manufactured in tho United States,
Mr. Hurtwell has our tuanKs.
a Tew
cash at lower mices tlmn iur
Mips Stella Ducker
visit in Illinois.
Is homo from herl,
0. C.Casoisin Hot SpringB, S. D.
for his health.
Mrs.F.A.Sweezy, of Dluo Hill,
in Kcd Cloud this week.
Jas. M. MelTord, of Guido Hock,
in Kcd Cloud, this week.
M. W. Dickerson und Fred McKoeby
wero in Omaha this week.
When yon want n good cooking or
hooting Btovo soo W. W. Wright.
Goto Sherwood nnd Albright for your
groceries. Theykuup the best in town.
Df. Cullimoro, oculist of Ouinhn, will
bo in Kod Clond, Tuesday, August 29th,
I), u. Hart lms bought tho hnck from
Jim Grimmingor nnd proposes to ran it
"Tho Sabbnth Question" will bo tho
theme at the Christian church Sunday
ovening tho 20th.
Jeff Multix, has a curiosity in tho
shape of an enr of corn that is a perfect
model, ho says, of a human hand.
Row Roundtreeof Almo, will prench
nt tho Haptist chnroh in this city Sun
day morning nt 11 o'clock, tho 20th, All
nro cordinlly invited.
Allttlogirlof A.J. Huwley's of Gar
Held township, was badly injured by be
ing kicked by a horso while out in tho
tield with her father.
Tho fumiliefl of L. 11. Fort, H. F, Mizer
nnd Kid. Putman huvo camped at Amboy.
Wo hope llro. Mizor's horso will not tuko
to swimming this time.
Mrs. Frank Graham who has been flick
for several montliB, died nt her homo in
Kansas on Thursday, and was buried to-
i ii i wit vjuiiiiuwiUf luunuiuui uvu
Am ln I iltllilMAan Mniiri.illuMi nittt
I lipcto Mo. Pacific Ry. nt Omnhn, tins nr-
I sntmAil 4 tnnnT nV and Anr tnIaliftu in
Red Cloud, with Dr. McKoeby, Angust
Tho friends of IJev. Georgo Hummel
have set ne.t Wednesday to go and plow
for him and a largo crowd is expected.
It is hoped that everyone who possibly
can will attend.
The Omnhn Weekly Hoo from now un
til January lit, 18U.'., for Sl.lG. Don't
loso nny time in taking ndvnntngo of
this unpnrnllod oftor. TiikIIee Publish
imo Co., Omaha, Nkiibaska.
Austin Wilson, son of W. J. Wilson,
formorlyof this county, is in Red Cloud,
Tho oung man has been nttnnding tho
Nobraska Institution for tho blind, and
has learned tho art of piano tuning, by
which ho is enabled to support himself
although blind.
On tho second pago of to-day's paper
will bo found a largo udvortis.miont for
G. A. Ducker & Co. This linn is ono of
nearlUio largest buyers in tho west and bavo
.s ,,
tl(7 llirtrc.t hovers
y just received ono, of a number of car
loads of dry goods, that thoy expect to
buy this season.
Tho Ourr Oak base ball club and tho
Red Clouds measured bats upon tho
diamond in this city on Monday. The
clubs wero both oxcollont plnyers, but
tho score stood 18 to 3 in favor of Red
Cloud. On Wednesday tho Red Cloud
and Stillwater clubs playod bull with n
scoro of 23 to r in fuvor of Rod Cloud.
Wm. Ingalls, living on tho John Wint
er's farm is a living witness thnt lightn
ing will striko twico in tho immediate
vicinity. Tho othor day lightning
struck his chickon cooji ami demolished
tho Bnmc. nnd during tho rain on Tues
day, lightning struck his houso, toro
down a shelf and passed out through
tllo siding, shocking two children per
ceptibly but not dangerously,
"Suoh n getting down stairs, wo novor
did Bee, up ono stop nnd down two three,"
is the Bong of tho boys who wore rudely
awakened from the little sport of plnying
"two como threo'' tho other night when
two well-known goutlonianonniololBuroly
sauntering up tho bnck Htuirwny. Ono
of thu boyu snid it looked just like n lot
0(V of aheop jumping ovr tho fouco to got
iilf eOrn, only tho boys jumped ovor tho
trudors to got out of tho clutches of
law, thoro for the purpose of raiding tho
den. It won a great lot of fun nnd we
are told that tho don is closed for re
pairs. Inadvortantly, during our busy hours
in going to press with our last issue
thoro crept into these columns, n very
personal item, from n now Cowles cor
respondent, which mntorinllv nnd wrong
fully, we aro informed, reflected upon
tho choir of the Christian church of that
city. Thin pnpor does not aim to pun
nh. nt iinv time, norsonal reflection up
on unyoue, either upon the church or
other orgonizntlons, nuless thoy should
,bo well-founded and deemed of suulolout
importance by its editor to appear in
print. And ngnin wo ask our correspond
ents to simply send the nows freo from
personal reflections of nuy eort.
iinii'F mr.vrio.v.
Seed buckwheat at McNitt's.
All kinds of hnrdwnro nt Wright's
P. K. Ooblo went to Chicago Mondny.
Hen Ludlow wns in Hustings this week.
Charley Gnrbor wns in the city Mon
dny. Mrs. Spuki'slleid was in Hebron this
E. A. Ponry of l'ranklln Sundnyed in
tho city.
Walter Jones and wife aro homo from
Mrs. W. K, Kngloburgor was in Guido
C. U. Morin wns down from Hastings
Miss Susio Kcnndy arrived home
Jeronio Wright enmo homo from Wil
cox Tuesday.
W. N. Richardson came homo from
Omaha Monday.
Conductor Tip Dennison, was in Red
Cloud this week.
Dr. Chamberlain wan in Kelson this
week on business.
II. D. Rnunoy will lenvo for the world'fl
fair next Mondny.
Tho fnir at Kdgnr takes placo on Sept.
1-7. Purses 62.100
T. 0. Haokor dopartod Mondny to take
in tho world's fnir.
Isnno Ludlow nnd wifo wcro visiting in
Campboll this week.
Tho Congregational tea nt Mrs. It, M
Martin's was a success.
Tho boys in tho mnrblo ehops hnvo or
ganized n baso ball nine.
Tho Adventistshavo gone They made
a good impression bore.
Miss Rottn Abol rotorncdSundny even
ing from hor visit in Omaha.
Alfrod Hndol nnd wifo arrived bom
from Chicago Snturdny morning.
Hnrry Goblo enmo homo Sundny from)
Sioux City, whoro ho hns been visiting.
Mrs. M.A. Fuller, has returned from
Arkansns, whero sho Iiiib been visiting.
Mel Shorman hns gouo to Chicago and
will visit in Wisconsin beforo bin returnrf
Dnvid Lutz departed for Iown Toes
dny, whence ho goeB to visit his dnugli
Tho nine-mouths old bubo of I. D
WoIIb died this week, nt thoir homo near
Miss Adn Howard nnd cousin, Miss
Hickok, returned to Council Bluffs Snt
urdny ovening.
First clnss goods nnd reasonable prices
enn nlwnys bo found nt W. W. Wright's
hnrdwnro store.
The boys in tho mnrblo works nre going
to piny n gamo of bnll with Stillwoteri
next Wednesday.
Anyouo wanting a drovo or borod woll
should neo James Poturson, tho pump
and windmill man.
Mrs. Abbott, sister of Mrs. P. V. Tay
lor, and children hnvo returned from
thoir visit m St. Francis.
Tlieo. Mathewsof this city nnd Nunnio
S. Hatten of Kearney, wero married this
week, Rev. Putman, otllciating.
Miss Kendol, who hns boen visiting nt
tho residence of J. Nustoin, roturnod to
hor homo in Atchison Wednesday.
Clyde, tho littlo son of J. A. Buuiu,
while plnying, jumped on a korosono can
nnd run tho spout through his foot.
A man living in tho south part of the
city says he's going to exterminate all
dogs that como on bis placo at night.
Frank Rank, Robt. Mnling and Jnn.
Young were removed to MoCook, leaving
Frank Martin nnd Geo. to run tho yard
at this place.
Tho father and sister of II. F. Rum
baugh, living north of Red Cloud, arriv
ed in this city, this wook. They livo in
Gngo county.
The Misses Marion Thornton and
Kdith Rannoy of Blue Hill, Miss Mno
Hobnrt nnd Mnx I lobar t of Luwrence,
aro visiting in tho city.
Dr. Cullimoro, oyo nnd our surgeon of
Omnhn, will moot patients in his special
ties, in Rod Cloud at Dr. McKoeby's of
flee Tuesduy, August 2'Jth.
Thoso nccomodnting storekeepers,
Sherwood Si Albright tho grocers, study
to plense their customers. Call and see
them when in wunt of groceries.
If salt costs ono cent n pound nnd hnm
l.r uenU), what would n hog be worth thnt
had boen fed on Hallor's Condition
l'owdoraf For enlo by Deyo fc Grice.
G. A. Mutton, has become a rendor of
tho Great Fnmily Wookly. Ho says tho
Foster letters aro worth $10 to any farm
or. Remember thoy can only bo had in
this paper.
There nro some peoplo in town who try
to keep their premises clean and freo
from all impurities that breed disease,
and for that reason will not allow a ma
nure pilo to nccumuUte, nor keep bogs
to wallow in tilth and taint the atmos
phere. To thcso people it is not very
ploasnut to have a noighbor stick an old
nUBty hog-pon whero the odor will como
into the houso nnd endanger tho livos of
tho family, and it is not only unpleusnnt
bnt it is a gross injusttco, und it ib only to
avoid ill feeling that eomo of those who
are doing this are uot compelled to re
move tho nuisance nnd coaso compelling
their neighbors to broatho the poison
which they have triod to avoid.
That Watku Puoiii.f.m. Wo hnvo been
told that tho adherents to tho present
plan of securing better wntor, hnvo snid
thnt they would got n novor failing sup
ply of good wator, nnd inilika mnuy of
ourcltirem Tin: Chirk believes thnt
they will bo partially Bucoessful, but
then after this hnB nil been done, will
tho supply bo renlly healthy, and freo
from impregnation, thnt wntor so nenr
tho surfaeo of tho ground is enld to bo
contaminated "withr Thcso things nil
prosunt thomselveB to tho minds of our
oitions, and thoy have a porfoct right to
discuss tho niattor pro and con, for tho
poople pay tho frieght. This pnnor has
nover bcon much in lovo with tho wnUr
system of Rod Cloud, nnd has intimnted
tho snmu at divers times and places nnd
do not know that wo hnvo over had nny
evidence produced thnt would matorinl
ly chnngo that opinion. Kvidenco
might do it but tho present wntor, nuvor.
Tho plnn of locating tho present situ of
tho ongino house nnd wells wns nil
wrong, nnd n usoloss expense of many
thouxnnd dollnrH, nnd still the money
goes into tho ground without results
thnt will bolnstlng, wo do not sny it is
nn entlro failure, but do say thnt no sys
tem whntsoover, in our opinion, can bo
clllcacious in tho present location.
Sooner or Inter, nnd probnbly soonor,
nrtesian wolls, or some other means will
hnvo to bo secured to obtnin nnndeqnnto
supply of good, fresh nnd wholesome
wntor for tho eity'u uso. There is no uso
to quibblo over it nnd tho problem will
hnvo to bo faced in nil soriounness. Ex
periments with tho people's money mny
bo nil right, but novor-tho-less tho people
will demand of its servants the best thnt
onn bo produced for tho money used.
The Chirk hopos thnt tho preeont offorts
mny bo nioro beiieticinl nnd moro suc
cessful thnn anticlpnted, bat wo must
confess our weukness ns to tho gonernl
results, oven if nu nbundnuco of wntor
should be scoured
Spe Myers
Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gil-
hnm wero pninod this woektolenru of
tho death of littlo Edward, thoir young-
es"chiiii, agon u5 years, nrtor Bvory
brief illness. He wns dearly loved by
the parents and grand-parents, ns well
as by tho othor relatives, nnd wns n gront
fuvorito among tho children of thonulgh:.
borhoodvThoflowho have noted the
seemingly unusual fondness of Mr. Gil
ham for his children, nnd especially this
child, have a keon sympathy for him.
Dr. Tulloys, the grnnd-fnther, gavo him
tho vory best of nttention, and, although
usnnlly very successful in such cases, it
seemed th.vt his skill was net to nvnil
in this. The children miss thu plrnsnre
of caring for him and listening to his
littlo attempts nt imitating their
guage. mo funeral services woro
conducted nt tho houso on Tuesday by
Rev. K. L. Ely, who spoko comforting
words from tho toxt: "Ho shall not re
turn to mo but I shall go t'ohim." '2 Sam.
12 ,, nnd wore largely attended by
U.nmon Seuviok. Sunday after
noon at .'1:30 thero assembled at tho M,
10. church, as per announcement, tho
musical peonlo of ovory denomination in
tho city. Tlio uttendunoo wub largo und
tho interest manifested was notlcublo in
each person present taking hold und try
ing to sing their best. Thcso song ser
vices will bring the musical peoplo of
our county closer together, and result in
the upbuilding of larger nttondanco in
all our churches and Sunday schools.
Music hath charms and in union there
is strength' Lot us all rally to their
support and muko tho County Song
Service Convention, to bo held at this
placo in September, u success. Arrange
ments have been mado to practico with
tho Cowles schools noxt Sunday after
noon. PouTics Tho local political cuuldron
bus begun to sectho in this county, und
before tho various conventions nro bold
thero will bo numorous candidates fur
political favor. At presont thiB paper
has no particular candidates for tho po
litical boil, but has in mind sovornl vory
estimable gontlemon who could till liny
of thoolllces to bo tilled thisfall, but docs
not think it opportune at thin timo to
mention tho fact. Thoro uro alsosoveral
gontlomon in Red Cloud who uspiro to
county olllccs with fair paospoutsot suc
cess. South Ward.
Kngincer Roed and family will move t
Red Cloud.
Tink I Touch in will movo to HastingsJi,
Chas. Milligan has gono flrelng.l" H
lied Cloud in going to havo moro rail
road pooplo.
Mr. Archibald, was down with his ux
chopping off somo of tho boys.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lytlound childron
aro visiting in town.
Mr. Willie Isabel! is visiting relatives
in Red Cloud.
Knginoors Ford und Bigloy will roturn
to Red Cloud.
Who snvn it can not rain in Nebraska?
Fivo engines are boing stowed away in
tho round houso.
Wo aro vory Borry about so many of
our ruilwuy boys boing laid off.
Hakd Times.
The Chineso pay thoir doctor only so
long aa he keeps thorn in health. 'I hoy
bolieve in preventing ratuor than curing
disease This is round sense, and ono of
tlio strongest recommendations of Ayer's
SnrBaparilla, n medicino which not only
euros diseases but prevents them.
Ilayl Hay! Hay!
Bids will be received nt tho Rod Claud
Mnrblo Works for 50 tons of 11 rut rlnvs
prairio hay, to bo delivered nt Hod CloudJ
ail propuriy biiu-Kun nun weigiiiuu. jihj
to stand in tho stack W) days before it is
measured. 8 cubic feet to constitute a
f m m Twmmmmmmmmmtt m m
It his W e & ki
We receive
1 Fine
Clothing 9-
That will
s AH tQ qew Styles, 3
"We want to show you our stock. 25
H Chicago Clothing Store. !
Mr. H. J. Mayers, of Oakland, Md
says: "I have sold thirteen bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough remedy to-day and
nm literally sold oat. Thin is tho largest
sale on record of any ono preparation in
a day over our oouniorfi. ll givos ino
best satisfaction of any cough medicino
wo handle, nnd ns n seller it lends nil
othor preparations on this uarket." For
salo by Deyo & Grlce.
For Farm. Loans
The World'H Fnir.
You may not believe it, but it's never
theless truo that it's coolor nt the world's
fnir than it is right here. Tho Expo
sition buildings nre situatod on tho
shores of Lake Michigan and refreshing
breezes from off its wutors swoop over
the fair grounds unceasingly. A man
who goes to Chicago with the idea that
ho is nbaut to enter nn oven, will be dis
appointed. Ask tho locnl agent of tho Burlington
Route for information abont the best and
cheapest way of reaching Chicago. Ex
cursion rates every duy.
City Cub Lino.
B. R. Hurt proprietor, Run to all trains
nnd to all parts of city. Terma very
Milk Wiikoii.
Tho pooplo of Rod Cloud will plonso
tuko notice that I will start u milk wagon
about Sept. 1. Chas. Gurnoy.
Call at tho Harvard Painless Dental
Parlors und get acquainted with thoir
methods of tilling teeth without pain.
9SOO Farm Loans.
I can muko u fow 1500 choico
lounfi j
just now. J. ii. uniioy,
Biicklcn'N Arnlcu Salve.
Tho best salve in tbo world for cuts,
bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fever
sores, totter, chnppod hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and poni
ti voly cures pilee, or no pay required. It
is gunrnuteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per.
box. For salo by Coiling' tt
A oak load of rock salt for salo
PAlbright's Hour and food store.
at L
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Ainu.
Used iii Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.1
the stock of
catch you. 3
Postoffice. 2
II. & RI. R, K. Timo Table.
, Takl nir effect Au. 13.
Trnlnwnrrylmr passengers levo Bed Cloud m
No. 14.2 l'uucuRer to Hosting 3;oo p, m.
No. HI rasscngcr from Hastings 11:09 .n.
Nn. iii, Passenger to Ht. Joseph Ht.
lAJUlsaudClucufto dally
10140 a. m,
No. is Passengers for Uenyer, dally, B;19 p. m
Ono Poland China male hog, weight
about 80 pounds, white foet) white in
forehead, Disupoarod about the 22d
inst. Liborul reward for same. Wm,
From Our Excltangcs.
Chas. Hohaffnit was on oar streets to
day. Campbell PresB.
A vicous Jorsoy bull attacked a valu
able horso belonging to O. Q. Dorsey of
Beatrice, und gored the animal to death,
Bentrico Nows.
Mr. ami Mm. 13. M. Boach loft ThursJ
day for u flying trip to Rod Cloud,
Cowles, Blue Hill and Hastings. Thoy
will muko a short stop in each placo and
then go to Chicago for a short stop at
tho world's fair und from thero they will
goon to Michigan for a visit with
f Hondo. Just how long thoy will bo
gono is jiot known. Franklin Press.
Over Post Office
Professional hunters in laying in sup
plies for a long bunt take, tirst, 20 gal
lons nnake bito cure, 2nd, 1 pound of
crackers, 3d, 15 gallons snake bite sure,
and Hh, 2 dozzsn bottles of Ilaller's
bure Cure Cough Syrup. For sal by
Deyo it Grice.
An. kinds of Deo supplies at A. Mo
hart's. Such as sections, smokers and
foundation combs.
In ordor to reduco stock, wo will soil
all funoy rockers for 15 per cent'disoouut
for 30 days. Now is the time if yon want
a nice rookor. F. V. Tailob.
For a lamo back or for n pain in the
side or chest, try saturating a piece of
flunuel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and binding it onto the affected parts.
Thin treatment will cure any ordinary
case in one or two days. Pain Balm also
euros rheumatism. 00 cent bottles for
sale by Deyo & Grice.
w 4-M &'?