w .JW THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1893. i t t U H. zrn- fHE CHIEF drjpMlMloM, Per Week, 188. A.C.!IORMKH,Ki)ltor. ' J-AHor Tait. Asst. lioeal Editor. From Our EichHttRO. Rlehard Ajcrs was in lied Cloud Moday. Campbell Press. Guy MoMutor roturncd from Red Cloud Monday. Franklin Press. Miss1 Blanche MoMaat'cr went to Red Cloud Saturday evening. Frank In Prow. Mrs. NoMaster and ion Guy, went to Red Cloud Thursday evening. Franklin Press. Iter. B. 0. Snow was a Red Cloud visitor the foro part of the week. Campbell Press. D. L. Bisop spent Sunday at home. Ho left for Red Cloud Monday, Franklin Press. Geo. Miller made a business trip to Red Cloud Thursday ovoninc return- ing Friday morning-Franklin Press, Mr. and Mrs, John Polniokcy, or ltud (llniifl. arn t!it L'iiri-U nf the Mad. w.-, D - mi famtlt in.dav Kitnrinr .Tniirntl. Mrs. J. r. Uutson went to cd 1M...I TIT.. I ...?. n.nn .l TO' turned in the evening. Riverlon r uuara. I. Croloy of Naponee, was at Super- r recently. Ho reports the orons ior recently. Ho reports the orops vory poor boyound Red Cloud, Frank lin Press. J. C. Keller. M. Schneider and Mr. Imm made an overland trip to Rod Cloud on legal business last Monday, Lawreooe Locomotive Judging from some of the pootry in our exchanges, it would be worth a fortuno to a man who will get us a gold cure for the poetry mania. Sun, Superior. Miss Slabby, who has been visitini; her sister Mra. V. II. Soliday, for fow wecki, returned to her homo in Red Cloud, Wednesday evening. Mo Cook Tribune A Wellington, Kansas cirl waved her baid at a stranger and in threo days they were married. Two days later the young wife waved a flat iron at her husband, and the next evening he came home waviBg a divoroe. What arc tho wild waveB Baying? Ex T. F. Meado had a horse killed by lifthtsrisjg during tho storm Sunday evening, July lGth, which ho had in sured about two weeks beforo in the Home of New York. J. H. Smith, agent at Red Cloud and tho adjuster, was up Monday and allowed him 985. -lUverton Guard, A Leader representative was at Red Cloud Thursday, and looked in upon that grand aggregation, known as tho board of supervisors. They pumped wind all day and in the evening were just where tboy started. The tax payers will pay their salaries just the same. Bluo Hill Leader. With tho prosent-week the Red Cloud Cum' startH on its 21st year. It approaches its ninjority a bripht and tthining luminary in tho journal istic field, bristling all over with signs of prosperity. We hope Bro. Hosmer's pathway in the future will bo strown with rooro roses and less thorns. Blue Hill Loader, Kx Sheriff O. A. Tee was in the city Monday and called on the Lead er. When invited to take a seat, wo discovered that he was badly broken up and on inquiry found ho'hod been mixed up in a runaway in which him self and wife wcro both badly bruised up, and their buggy reduced to a great many more pieces than noocs sary to build a vobiolo of that char acter. Blue Hill Leader. Tho happiest man in the land today is a successful farmer. Ho sits con tentedly under his own vino and fig tree, undisturbed by tho maddening noises of the great city. Banks fail, .railroads go into the hands of receiv ers, booming towns collapse, all busi nessstagnates-but the wise Wc'. can snap bis fingers at all these things. He is monarch of all he sur vojb on his broad acres. Ex. Lost week's issuo of tho Red Cloud Cuier closed tho twentieth year of its existence. It is now old enough to 'vote, and it n needless to state that it will vote tho Renubliaan ticlnt 9 "- '- ---., Tab Chief was born amid privations and hardships, and is a child of tho "plains," possessed with all tho pluck and progressivencss of a tjpical weBt erner. Wo wish Bro. Hosmor anoth er twenty years of prosperity far bet ter than that enjoyed in the nasi Superior Sun. The Union Pacifio is not atono in tho maelstrom of hard times. The Burlington on August 13 will abandon some 1,700 miles of passenger Hcryico letting out in oonscquoncc at round houses, machine shops, between Plattsmouth and MoCook inclusive, and St. Joo and Oxford betweon 300 and 500 men. Tho trains to bo dis contiucd next Sunday on tho Burling ton are: Nos. & and G between Mo Cook and Denver; Nos. 13 and 1 1 bo tween Oxford and St. Joe; a branch train Lctwccn Hastings and Obcrlin; a branch train between Kearucv and Kencsaw; one train between Pacifio uuuuiiuii niivi jJiiivvaii uuu iiis au- twecD Kan8 ,jjtJ nnd Atchison. 0maha Correspondence Lincoln Jour- na, Tho following article taken from the Superior Sun in regard to the reunion, will bo 8pceohc8. The first speaker introduced was Itm- Pli.nin nf1t,1 lllnmt wlm.lo1i. Junction and Lincoln; ono train be crcd a most powerful address, taking for his subject American liberty, and tho danr-cra that bcHet it. Ho likened 0 it. tfl A nnnrrrful iron nlsntrvl ilnrini """""""'i " "u ,uu UJ the blood of American soldiers till it now tower to heaven in its atrcnptli tin nt...1 it..! l!t...i. I... .1,. ...: Uun .vnv.n .u ..V..VU " nuvufi,,, Ho stated that liberty ban its cncinies !.. .n,l,i. .,,:(.ai..i.n. "'""J8' anU tI,at PhUch by Mo rcoro o now gnawing at tho root of this , , , ree. and that tho time will come when the roots will again havo to bo cleared ana wasnea in ma uiuoa oi uravo ae- fenders to rid it of tho narasitca that fenders to rid it of the parasites that are sapping its life blood and seeking to destroy it. Specimen Cumcs. S. II. Clifford. Now Casscl. Wis., was troublod with neuralgia ami rhoumatism his Btomacu was disordered, his liver was affected toanalartriug degree, tippotite fell away, and ha was terribly reducod iu Uesh anil strength. Tliroo bott!eu of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shuphord, Harrisburg, III., had a running sore on his leg of eight yours' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and sown boxes of Buckleu's Arnica salve, and hi leg is sound and well. John Sneaker, Catawba, O., had five large fevor uores on his leg, doctors said ho was incurable. One bottle VApc. trio liittera and one boa Bucklen's Arnica salvo cured him entirely. Hold at C. L. Cotting's drug utoro. . Ouo of the leading men of Toledo sends to tho Blade his analysis of the situation as follows. It is worth con sidering: 1S92 Grandfather's big hat. Wheat $1 per bushel. Wool 20 cents per pound. Homestead labor 0 to $18 per day, and striking fcr more. 1893 Grovor's big collar. Wheat 00 eents per bnshol. Wool 10 cents per pound. Labor out of a job. Which did you vote for last fall? I. ! . . Notice to Teueiicrs. NoUco is hereby given that I will examine all persons who moy desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers oftho public schools of this couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will bo held on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urdoy of each month. Tho standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is tho same no grado below 70 per cent., average 80 per ecnt; for first grade certificate no grado below 80 per cent., avcrago 90 per cent, in all branches required by law. D. M. Hunter, County Supt. I. C. milk onns JX) cents, anil Ono Crow milk cans GO centa nt W. W. Wright's. Boo nun beforo buying. . . See W. W. Wright's for tho finoit gnno. liuo Btovea iu tun oily of Hod Cloud. Don't forgot it, that Morhart wants all of tho old rags ho can buy, from this on. Don't forgot it and soil thtm to him. Bticklcn'H Arnica Salve. Tho beHt ealvo in thn world for cuts, bruise, Bores, Ulcers, Salt rhoum, fovor Bores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, o Kiumiiiiof io givo perfect Batisfoction or monov refunded. lrlco 5 cents box. Forsulo byCotting' nun per A 11 A oii load of rock salt for Halo P Albright's Hour and feud aturo. at L Tho Army Hill Ih not the ono that worries us but tho t STVf0 "'",. ft00l n fiupply of llcaa ", J,o procieiM or sulci snlu m applied to. Family MediciniB on lirnd and rodnoo "'J,'1l,,,,",',!nc".tonV6H,"0U,u duotiio plain. Kff8 bi"'' ,J5 ' "n" M piftrJii ?sffl' hTanywi lute DeyoAGrico. 'orliiterottowneani rliilmnl hy oii. or either rtf Kill. (r HIIV ilf IfUII n.ilnr..tTlnn It. JA De Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla. Children Cry for J PUcher't Castorla. First ClRss Boarding Mr. S. Bayles wishes to announce to tho public that ho is prepared to tako boarders at $3,50 per week, sleeping inoluded. Apply at -1th Avonuo Hotel. Some of tho best farms in Wcbator County at a bargain. Sec II. E. Pond. MuNtrr will oxchnngo Hour and feed lit ciibIi priccH, for corn, oats or potatoes lit nmrkot prima. Tayi.oii keeps the largest and best selected stock of wall paper ever brought to Rod Cloud. All fane rockers 15 per cent discount of 30 days. V. V. 1'aii.ob. Libt your farms or city propoity for salo or rent with H. E. Pond. When THbjr was tick, we gave her Caatorla. When the waa a Child, she cried for Castorla. When the became MIm, the clung to Caatoria. When she had Children, she faro them Cattorla, Hull ! Hull ! ' llnll f ' iiSZHStttliSd! wHiy Hull IiiBtirnneo. Don't wait until t.'oiil. rinur hikI Vfp.il. Don't you forget that L. P. Al- relit unit., M.nwi rni.1 Ann. am f.ij r $1 than any one. Scohim. ALL KIIH1B UI H60 IIUppllOB at A. MO- hnrt'o. Snch as Bections, emokerBand foundation combs. Farm for Sale. 1 .!.. 1 II .... . .. uiHiru iu hum my lurni Biiutueti lour miles Routhwent of Ouido lloek. and n.& gdor g, ftl'l poott uiyctesdttio iiorso ior eulo uhoup Ca " F '"l'1"'88' S. L. PiiAsr.ii,. .1fi-00d'tf Ouido Rock Neb. I.V ordor tn rnrllinn ntnnlr n.ill o..ll all fancy rockors for ir per cent discount for 30 doyB. Now is tho tlrao if yon want a mco rocKor. i'. v. 1 atlou. CnXH. 6VHAVVS1T. Agency I're, LlRlitiilug mid Tor nudu liisurniicc. Written iu tho best und oldest com panics, ut lowest raten. Cullundscotnc umco over post ollicu, Kcd Cloud, Neb Children Cry for Pitcher' Cattorla. B RIGHT'S DISEASE ' AND OTHER DISOROERS OF THE KIDNIVS CAN BE PERMANENTLY CURED IV USIN6 OR. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. - It Is a eafo and unralUng remedy for all Kltaey Troubles, Liver DtorJers aud Female Irregularhles Prlco Ono Dollar Per Bottle. Ike Or. J. H. McLean Medicine Co., ST. LOUIS, MO., PLC PROPRlETOWl. Legal Notice. Tht fkppiihlli-.ui Valley Ijind Aisoclatlnn.do ft-iid.Hit, III tako notice that on the -."Jth rtay or .linn-. lu. Aionzn 1). Unrilner. the plalntld herein, tllt.il IH lHstlllon In the comity court ot t-h-ttrr i-ouiily, Ni-liraska, iiKRlnit mid tie-iL-ndaiit, the object itinl prajrr ot which nro to obtain imlKnieiit Hciiinst naht defendant on lie. count oi inontiy paid, laid out and cxitcndud by pUHitllT for tin nan of slid defendant and nt j super ,U instance; mid reiniest, on tho redcinn Ion of lands for tho said defendant rrom tax Hens, nml oim Jno. c. Mitchell. Iiaviiiu befii altnclieil In wild action m (tarnliheo, plaint I IT nskJj that nl innno)H, credits und 1'rfi-ct-. ot do fciidiuits In hla hnmls may bo mihjccted to tho laniviitof innoimt found duu pliilntlll Iu enld ciiisu. I'l.ilntllf t-lnlins thorn Is ilnu him In sal I canto of iirtiuii.tliu tuniol threo hundred (.mo) on ikron-oiiln-d lb answer snld petition on ..... .. .,1, ,,-., ,u iiiiinrr attlll or iH-foro Monday, tho tth d.iy of acptcinUcr, ,o '.. luted July -Jttll.lSU Itt C. C. KLANtnuno, Atty. for l'lalntirr, Pllbl It-nl Inn IVntlon. Land Onieo at llloomliiirton. Nob.. July 23. 1093. .... "i .'.. '" ''". uii uiai me loiinwniK nanieil settler has Html notico of his Intontion to lll.lke I iml lirix.r In uii,inrr r l.i. i..i.n ...... Ilml H.iid lirtiiiff titll I... ......I.. l...r.a .,... .,.'.. . tho dlKtrh-t court, Wuhster county, ut lied violin, nenruMK.k.onuiiirduv. Seotemlier it. IMii,U: I'rnnk Mtokes. lid. App. No. 1JITO. for 111.. 111. Ilnlf UAafll .. . V ...! a.. ... .... I. ...v,.. i ..u -4 ri-.f, ,, iiiiimn -j u uiu r,.n III, fl.l,lll tllA f..ll.ulM. !............ .n .. his coiitlnuoui residence upon und cultivation ,u .-nun liinu, ir i Aiircii aici nil. .loan It. us X:: SCT jr,-. "i"""-'1' " mcc.ii, an w in .iwuu flvuiiiinti. i-ct 0.(1. ..Aii.Kv.lteKlstcr. Nollvo to Non.RcHldcntH. In the District Court of Webster County. Ki Thomas (I. llarton, IL"'.11.0 &, Vvim "M'S. f,.",,, Jn'e, AValsh. The. James WaUh Mcrcuutllo Co. J. I'raiicts Hinlth, 'Iruiktoe, Fi Ik u ulwuu tin litu.l iknn.Bi.al.ini. a .!... -w ivrxf.Uit.i,iraiiviiit:'ii;i.UUi;Ual8j Vnil Uni ImrutkU ntll1u.l . ... i. IU.. 1 July, il. plaintiff herein il led his potltlon in tin district i-oiirt of ebster county, Ncbra-ska, ..h.iii' i""i niiiMriiiivu nun iiiiiuiuer ueienii unts naiiKsl In th tlilo of s.ilil cause, the object anil iiiiiin jtf shIi!. ! Iu nt .. - r . I'Hiju niii(.n ii iu itircuuiBt a vv ruiin imirlt!mp oxooulctl by tho .letYmlaiiU, Hattio lr If ill ilit feml llnvRn t.t..ni. aa ait ... and iifierwurdH HHjIt'.ieu to plaintiff upon the follovklntt described premises. Ut threo t.D hi liliw.lr nnnin In l'llll....,u ...... 1. 1'... .V' I . .. ""!. " IMIWHI11 ...iiiiiiuil III t orlKlnal town, now city of lltsl cloud, Wel-stcr loiioiy, niiuiisK.i.iu secure the paimcnt of a promissory note, tinted Auj:ust23d. Ihso. ro tho uiu or Iho hundrevd and soventy dollars (w;o) and duo and payable one da after date; that there is now due iiion auld note unit inortoiuo the sum of nine huiidrt-d und neenty.ivo ilol Lira, (JJiM with interest ut ten per rout per iinnuui f i oiii June -."Jib, Iku. riulutill tirii)s tluUn decree bo entered In u .lit mllluu ......1.li... u..l.. ... 7 " "" ."Jv. ."itiii-iiiiH "tun iiiuiikuku HUH II St you and nur cu-drendautai tlmt the nixo devcclbetl procrty be sold under wild decree. fill, ,1... .muiiuili rt bi.I.I u... ,. .. . . ... .win u, niir i ,i.i,r vu-iiuieimnntn ill or to Huld prcnilst s, In. uillinUed to bo Junior and in feilortotlici pl.ilntlirs iiiurtKKO lieu thereon, and Hint jou und each ot ou be foreclosed und iiurmiiii uiicipiiiyoi reueinptiou or other In-U-reM in said iiiortitaueil premises, ion uio hereby notified I hut ou aio required day of AtiKUst, Uv.K uud It you rail to answer lhniniiin im m li. rur,. u..i.i .!.. . i. .......... .7.7 alh'i:.itiona cpi.tiilned therein will be taken its iriio una jiiiieiiiunt uud tiecico rendered as By jTm'mcNv, iu'S'Alij:3 -j wn- SPQQRERPIT.CQLUR1 Pa&VNTS CHATINO, annot Choke a Horse Adjusts Itself to any norao's nook, Has two Bows oi Stitching, . Will hold Hamcfl In nlaeo bottnr-'han any cthor Collar. Ilitvo a I'uw Mro or Those Celebrated SPOONER COLLARS Alao a largo lino of harncaa, Ac. Call and ace mo If you want bargalna. J. L. MILLER, Tho Vctcrnn Harncaa Man. Partti Loais At Less Tat 7 Per QQtt J$. A Siitipsoii, Blae Hill Neb, W. M. GRAN N IS DEALER IN Pumps, Windmills, and Fixtures Repairing neatly and promptly done, Special rates on tublar wells, Bladen, Neb. Now Ileal Etttato Firm, J. H. DAVIS & SON, Eeal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agents. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office with D. F. Trankoy, Moon Block We have loonier! in Rerl Cloud and will be ideated to have people who desire to sell their farms to call and list their lands -with ub as we have eastern buyers. Gall and see us. J. II. DAVIS it ON. -WBAT, 0 MARKS. mbJ..!L'.b" Mtntm Smtttim wiiiiu. r luui shoi Tert U l'euLuui wb. uircuisiinn or IT. Mbc H JP M , Id HavUitBaM Jk Solentlflo Anirleia ICtiiia sisss DKamu bavbw 'I nnuiai7 jinuuatad. No Uitellimni uld bo without It. WMkTr ii iK 1 any Kilrntlfle mur In tha D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent Red Cloud. Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, L. II. FORT. Manager. A Tii;it;i 'f mia'mj,7j Furnished to all Lands in Wobster County, Accuratoly and Uavln had 1 ton years miwi ic'ico In cnunty records and ono of thn most cntnplelo .set of An siract books 1 1 tli s'ntn, mi Riiarunteu satisfaction. Yot.r favors sollcltL-d All ordo -a tilled promptly, lo.ono dollar lioud llicd S0UUlLU tndaiiroed. Address or call on 1". 11. FOIIT Manaokii, lied Cloud, Neb. C M. SMITH & SON, I'noi'lUETOHS OK BITO" MAY IiKNli W'UMD prompuy uuoa. G. Y. MATKINS, Dealer hi Secoid-tT arid Goods First door north of Moon Block, If you want bargains you should not fail to call and see me, for I have them . E. B. GOBLE, DEALUIl IN Fresh and salt Meats lied Cloud, JXebvasha, Your trade is solicited. 1 kill nothing but the best of beeves, &c. MarketOne Iloor JVorlli of Ilery Cooli. PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard ItED CLOUD, NEB. LumberLimc, Coal and Cement. theTradeTumbWto""" DEALERS IN Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Red Cloud. Nebraska. Prices Lower w. w. WRIGHT, HAS OK IIM 1 Hardware of All Kinds ! ; Barbwire, Gasoline Stoves, Cooking Stoves, &c &c. In fact he has one of the most complete lines ot hardware west of Omaha. Never leave the city until you nee liltn. r Doctor Henderson 102 ft 104 (5yflrrrflwferr)cau8fal)yyouthfulfolllo8andexccssc8,pro(ucinIrnevoug,. "n;,iu.-.Bi-., iuiujiicdnnaiiiuvcncsiin inoiaco.niHncsor uiooaio too head, palnilri thninMr ContUHOd Ideas and forootfu nc8.tiashfulnes.iivrrH!nntn,11.,v.in., '.' ".VJ?."0.""01'' ol manhood, Ac, cured lor llfo. lean Btop Btoro ncrvo and uraln powcr.cnlartro and a trcni Svnhilie thuttcrribloaiHcuso.lnnll .JX.9 JL,s tormsBndBUKcscurcd lor life. Blood Poisoning, Skin Ulsoaaea, iMLtro, onenujpfl, oorcu, i.onorruiri onu Minn, n(.l kit Smim naJa...K lMnAAK...a Qlcet, and all forms ot Private Diseases ma U posltlvclj Book criptloao osiuvciy cured or money refunded. rnlr for both bcics, to pares, 27 plo """" tures.truo to llfo, with lull des cription of above dlacasos, the effecta and uru.Bcuicuinpiainwrappcriorooinniainps, iZlin thin lit tin tirwli nr.il fintturoi nitimittnria -.- W-TM . WU T-l V) t HVW OWUU. iaii Free Museum of Anatomy w-aaa-tw 111UW140M11M niinnuivaui,i;iiji "I'lcun i-iiu till in 1 rl IlUtll UI lUSlnlC ttnn-ri m-rmnn withnnt. vrnx li l hfttl(Citirrmlt4 In 4hm kL .. a..i. wujorjtfi jor awe aia$at$a max 9 cannot curt --- -....--. ...-. ...., r-.. . r..v A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, "if la now prepared to insure you Willi Tor him; ho will cull on you In a fow il.ij a. yoll tM .nvn money ami gel more Niiiuruelory limiiriiiieu limn ivl'inuliv other mini. lie hu extliulve lontrol r four com iV" m ) i. our pntronago BOlioltcd Etc. than any yard. W. 9th St., KANSAS CITY, MO. j4 r UM nrw ... -. AirnMrbi4MM MtJicint, Oldtlt in At a nit Lenctil ZKaliJ. OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTien .AuthorUcilbythoStato tn i treat CHRONIC. HCRVOUS m xnrntii uwtAM .cures Ruarantrru Cr money refiimliii. All niciiictnrs fnrniHhed rouily for s. No tnorcury or InJurlouiJ Vni .lleltica uBed No dvtontlon Irom work. I'aUeiita ut a dlNtanvi) tnViti a i,v nmii ana express MudlclncsPcnt ovrry h?r" I tr 5Vro,5 km! arlkk OBO. Charscfl low. Oyer 80,000 cases cured. ABound cwrlonreSro important, lload little book, then state j our i-aso. s"dor0,tn?oS unauraa.ConsuUatlonrreoandcoiiadeuttal.persbnaliyorbyTeUcr Seminal Weakness Spvunl rtoK.MM.. alt nlRht lofises, uhFoio lost bcxuiU rower ro. 1biawraknartaamltnAkiiTniifitrA7H Stricture r.srmunc,.iJy im ileiitcan uso tho trrutmentnt homo. lief ifowdosoaifmovo lover nnd pain in rnnan wit V, V. . 'M P-"U-H tuiPmr nt VHW( " t w vavi n.tuptiuii tur ilGUIilrt MaferPo0 - r.v.HvrVv. - .H ... t,,iW Vufn lift in tbat well-known comnnnv 4f t t 11 ? k X i.JW' wr,k'Mihij-ii. .--. '&' " ZJ 'MHiiAiiSKS1 ' ,UdTTjT