The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 11, 1893, Image 7

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Ercnll Occurring In All Section ll
ftuccil From Column, to Llur-4 IJvi-rjr-thing
but Facts Eliminated for Our
Readers' Convenience
Thursday, A iiff. 3.
Temperance day at thu Hock Itlver, UK,
ClinutAUqua assembly brought until largo
crowd. Mrs. HofTiuuti apoke.
Prisoners wcro discovered sawing tbclr
way out of tho jail nt Peru, Ind., in tlino
to iircvcnt n wholcsalo delivery.
Tlio Chicago and Central Indlnnti Klec
trie railroad begnu the work of construct
lng track) at Noblcsvllle, Ind.
M. Monk has begun a ti.OOnrinmigoiitilt
Hsalust Krcd Ostorbergntdiilesburg, UN.,
for alienating big wlfo'.i n(Tcctloiii. ,
Tho nudltor ot Iowa hm grinded Insur
nncu right to the branch of the A. O. IT.
W. in that state which ttccoded front tho
supreme lodge.
Judge Levy, of a Han Francisco court,
lms decided that Christopher 1). Kyer, u
alleged son of tho Into Dr. Washington
llycr, is an interloper and entitled to none
of the estate valued at f l.ii.'iO.OUfl.
Thu Illinois superintendent of Insurance
has refused to license tho Independent
Order of Foresters to do an iusurnuco
business in this state, claiming that tho
order is barred uuner tho new law. A suit
will be liegun.
President T. C. Ilurllngnme and Casbler
C. P. Newman of the defunct Hank of
Commerce of Springlleld, Mo., have been
indicted for participation in the wrecking
of thu concern.
Friday, Aug. 4.
Hoys playing with matches caused a flro
in an Iron Mountain, Mich., tool house.
One of the boys was burned to death.
A census of Carthage, III, shows n popu
lation of i,uw.
Patrolman Douglass Frledlnndcr was
arrested at Bellville, 111., on n charge of
Will Johnson, a colored prisoner
charged with burglary, jumped from n
train nt Mexico, Mo., and was instantly
Lena Kcubcrt, 0 years old, of Masslllon,
()., played with matches, set her clothes
on lire and was burned to n crisp.
A lono highwayman, operating In a
country road in Kansas, has held up and
robbed several perhons. Ills victims were
nearly all farmers.
The Improved Order of lied Men of east
ern Indiana elected officers nt the Klwood
meeting. Anderson wus chosen aa the
next meeting place.
Porter Lanier, a convict in tho Ohio
penitentiary, beat John Louder, a citizen
Miop foreman, into Insensibility witu a
pnlrof tongs, lnllictlngdaugcrous wounds.
Tho Tennessee penitentiary commission
has selected the property of the brushy
Mountain Coal company at Harrimait as
its sight for thu new statu prison and coal
Ijelgh O. Knnpp, n brother ot Charles
Kuapp, president and general muuager of
thu St. Louis Republic, died of heart fail
ure. JIo was receiver of public tunuoys at
.Santa Fe, X. M., during Mr. Cleveland's
former administration, and in 1KU was
business manager of tho Kocky Mountain
Alfred Morrlsette, tho alleged forger and
fugitive from thu Dominion of Canada,
was discharged by Judge Nelson ot tho
United .States circuit court, in IJoston, on
thu ground that the testimony presented
could not bo relied upon, and that no
judgo in Quebec would convict Morrlsctto
Saturday, Aug. 8.
Wllllnm Horlnndcr, 15 years of age,
whllo bathing in tho unto river, was
William Alsop escaped from tho Indiana
prison south by deliberately walking
n ay.
An artesian well struck at Chamber
lain, S. J)., has a flow of 3,000 gallons of
water per minute.
The work of obtaining a Jury to try
Actor Curtis nt San Francisco was re
sumed. Ilut two Jurors were accepted.
Da Id Simpson was overcome by gas
whllo reptlring a well at Anderson, Ills,
llo fell to thu bottom und was killed.
Tho First Congregational church of
Waukegan, Wis., celebrated its semlcen
teuntnl with appropilato exercises.
Madge Fleming, aged 13, while playing
with matches at Kau Clnlre, Wis., set her
tlothes on tire, mid was burned to death.
Tho Midway Park Chautauqua encamp
ment, between Wooiulncton, Ills., and
Normal, opened with a good attendance.,
Aug. 23 has been set apart as tho day
for colored peoplo at tho World's fair.
Mrs. Vanco Smith, a widow of Sedalla,
Mo., put two burglars to flight with a re
volver. Tho Hank of California has received
f,,b00,000 of lino gold from California
mines in thu past three months.
W. A. Taylor, C. W. linker nnd John
Forley nro in tho field fur the Democratlo
nomination for governor of Ohio.
Dr. II. E. Young, superintendent of tho
insane state asylum at Nevada, Mo., has
resigned, and Dr. James 11. Gordon has
been elected hiH successor.
Tho Dnker ranch in Chaso county,
Kansas, on which Texas fever hasnp
peered, has been quarantined by the Statu
Llvu StocK sanitary commission.
A supposed mad dog took possession of
thu lawn of thu governor's mansion nt
Jefferson City, Mo. A policeman shot the
Tho leading bankers ot llrooklyn hnvo
signed n petition to congress, nsking for
tho repenl of tho silver purchasing cluiiso
of tho Sucrinau bill.
W. W. Illackmor has been elected presi
dent, nnd J. C. Wallace secretary of tho
Hallway Mall Clerks' National associa
tion. Tho Osage Indians in the territory havo
declined to treat wjth the United States
commissioner for their surplus lands.
They nre well fixed financially.
Mrs. Dora Webber, a pretty young
grass widow of Guthrie, O. T was ar
rested for horse stealing. She had started
to leave the country with a livery team.
County Commissioner Twomblcy of
Arapahoe county, Colorudo, has gono cast
to seo tho witnesses In tho Dr. Graves
poisoning case. On his visit will depend
the retrial of Graves.
Tho HrltUli board of trade report on tho
los In February of tho White Star steam
er Naronio has just been Issued. It con
cludes that tho loss was one ot tho great
mysteries ot tho sea.
Nick Kesaler lost a leg by reaching for a
hand-rail on nn Elgin, JoHet and Eastern
car, which. ww vimlw. A Kane cam
Illinois, jury has given hlin -",00o dam-
Tho house of Pamuel Vanderburg, In
nuom, Pa , was burned, and an Infant
child perished In the flames. Mrs. Vnn
Icrhurg rescued two of her children, aged
I and 0 years, but was unable to reach tho
Governor Altjrcld Issued n requisition on
llm governor of C.illfornli for thu extradi
tion of William II. Whitman, llo is
wilted in Sprlnglleld for einbez.llng
ibont $.',000 from thu American Evpress
Employes of tho Cincinnati and lledfonl
railroad tried to tunnel under tho hvniii
vlllu nnd Hlehmond road, at lledfonl,
Ind., Satunlay night, bec.iuso thu latter
would not grant permission to cross uuner
their tracks. Thu hole was filled by tho
opposing road, nnd litigation will ensue.
Tho boiler In thu grist mill of Is.iac
Howell Si Son. at Pittsburg, Ills., exploded
Saturday. Tho elder Howell will prob
ably dlu of his lujuiles, nnd tho son's con
dition Is nlsuciltlcnl. No others were In
jured. Tho County Law tongue adopted radical
resolutions nt Muscutlne, la., Saturday,
for thu enforcement of thu prohibition
law. A fund was raised for prosecutions.
Anton Nordlch, n mttipr, was killed
urtlay, by falling two feet down n shaft of
thu coal company at Pana, Ills.
Monday, Aug. 7
Champion George DKon knocked out
Eddtu Plercu In thiee rounds.
It will require $H00,0tX) to put tho United
Elates steamship Hartford in servleoablu
Tho coast defense shin Monterey ro
turned to Sail Francisco from her north
ern cruise.
Hurglars called at tho postofllcont Kent,
Wush., nnd secured $:ii In stamps nnd
Indian allotments In tho Cherokee Strip
will bo completed Aug. 10, nnd thu procla
mation opening thu land may bo Issued
four or five days later.
A. I). Sharon, the well known capitalist
of San Francisco, Oil., suffered u slroko of
npoploxy three days ago. This Is the sec
ond time Mr. Sharon has been stricken.
John O. llrnn, n negro convict, with
only 40 days to serve of u two chin' sen
tence for bigamy, hnnged himself in his
cell nt tho Jefferson City (Mo.) peniten
tiary. William Williams, fireman on tho steam
boat George 11. Hay. was killed when n
boiler Hue blew out nt St. Louis, Mo. llo
was both scalded and suffocated.
Governor Lewelllng of Kansas has np
pointed Dr. K. T. Miller. T. .1. Host, C. V.
Drake and K1I Keams as delegates to the
sugar producers' convention to bo held nt
Chicago Aug. HI.
Governor Lewelllng ot Kansas has par
doned Frank Dureln, tho wealthy "joint
keeper" who flod from Topckn some years
ago, leaving lines and forfeitures amount
ing to i:i,000 unpaid. A condition or thu
pardon is that ho shall not rcsidu in Kan-
The claim that the Issuance by the state
auditor of nn Insurance certificate to the
seceding grnud lodge of United Workmen
irlves that oreanlr.atlon thu exclusive
right to use the nanio of "United Work
men" In Iowa, is denied by Grand Master
Gruham ot the loyal body..
Hcv. F. A. Smith, a Connecticut pastor,
publicly announced fiom his pulpit that
he wns Etarvlng on the meager saint v paid
Tuesday, Aug. 8.
A convict committed suicide iu tho pen
itentiary nt Jefferson City, Mo.
Two men were killed at Pittsburg, Ills.,
by a boiler exploding.
Considerable ilamago has been done by
floods in thu vicinity of EI Paso, Tex.
Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartoris, with her
three children, arrived iu New York from
England. '
"Citizen" Georgo Francis Train, in an
English coach and a bodyguanl of 30 citi
zens of Cosmos, was a visitor to World's
fair grounds.
Senator Teller thinks unconditional ro
pe.U of tho Sherman law an Impossibility.
Tho first rnln for weeks visited Fnlr
biiry, Ills., and vicinity too late to help
the corn crop.
Fanners of Schuyler county, Illinois,
havo organized a mutual company to.ln
suru against llru and lightning. Tho cap
ital block is $50,000.
Halph Smith, a farmer living near Wa
bash, Ind., hasdlsappeaied, leaving n wife
nnd child in destitute circumstances. It
is believed he has met foul play.
Tho people of Frankfort. Ills., are fright
ened over the advent of James McMnhuu,
stricken with smallpox. Ho Is said to
have escaped from ft Chicago hospital
about a week ngo.
Tho fair will not bo held nt North Man
chester. Ind.. In September, as had Iwen
extensively advertised, owing to tho strong
counter attraction at thu White City. An
other reason advanced was tho failure of
tho crops.
Edward Kuhn, tho German farmer nt
Shelby vlllo, Ind., who found strychnine iu
kin food, bus since discovered that It wns
nlso in tho flour nnd laid. Hu Is slowly
recovering. Detectives believe n neighbor
nnd relative is tho crlmlual, but are not
ready yet to give detnlls.
Wednesday, Aug. O.
Gas has been struck nt Stronghurst, Ilia.
The Democrats of Cuss county, Illinois,
renominated Oliver Decker for county
Miss Cora Wilson died at Union, In.,
from the uffects of drinking concentrated
lye with suicidal intent.
Tho damage to tobacco from hall in Lan
caster nnd York comities, Pennsylvania,
is worse than nt first reported.
Tho Ohio Hopublicnus will open their
campaign nt Akron Sept. 13. Governor
McKinlcy will muku the principal speech.
William Ploughflcld, n farmer, wns
stabbed to death nnd his brother John
wounded by two tramps ut lllnlsboro, Pa.
Snowdrifts a foot deep were found along
tho line ot tho Haverhill and Amcsbury
road on tho hillsides ot Atnesbury, Mass.
The new city directory census will givo
the population of Clinton, la., as IM.TISS,
which is more than double that ot 10 years
Frank Swnnson, J. Crawford and John
Miller, tlneu prisoners iu tho Webster
county, In,, jail, broku through steel bars
mid escaped.
The Central Unioti, tho leading German
Republican newspaper of Ccutralln, Ills,,
lias Mispouded publication owing to the
ill health ot Georgu Hreuiiing, thu editor.
John Wallace, initio foreman, and
Hobert Mould, flro boss, who weio almost
roasted by gas iu tho explosion that oc
cuired In thu East Uostou, Pa., wine, uru
Samuel Cooper, of Flmlluy, O., has sued
tho Toledo and Ohio Central Hallway
company for t:,000 for damages fiom
being struck by 11 passenger train lust December.
Washi.voton, Aug. 7. Tho opening
nf tho extraordinary session of the
Fifty-third congress in tar ni tho house
wns concerned, wns uninnrkcd by any
thing of 11 sensational character nnd wns
meiely formal. Speaker Crisp wns re
cocted nnd without moro than tho muni
tolitical opposition, nnd m ho took his
sent ho wus onthusinstlcnlly reeelvod. In
n fow brief words he pledged himself to
perform tho duties of lus high ofllco with
honor, fniinoss ami Impartiality. Tho
only Incident worthy of nolo wns tho ob
jection mndo by Mr. lint rows of Michi
gan to tho swearing in of (icorgo F.
Ilichnrdson, Deiuocint, 11s reptescntntlvo
rroiu tho Fifth Michigan district.
(JliurlfH 15. Dulknnp claims to ho entitled,
lo tho srat on n piimn facia caw. Tho
ronsidornUon of tho question was post
A committee wns appointed to wait on
tho president to Inform him I hat congress
was organized nnd ready to recuivu uny
communication ho might sou fit. Tho
biennial drawing for seats proceeded
mold laughter, cheers and nltcrntlons of
pleasure ami disappointment.
Tho house udjonrned out of resect to
the memory of thu Into William Enoch
of Ohio.
Wasiiinotos', Aug. 8. Tho homo was
called lo onlnr promptly nt noon nnd
prayer was offered by tho newly elected
chaplain, Hcv. Dr. Hmlnwny. The jour
nal, which wits rather a lengthy ouo'.wus
then rend nnd nppiovcd nnd tho house
took a it-cess until IS: 15 p. in. After
Iho recess Mr. Springer (I)cm., Ills.),
chairman of iho coinmitteo appointed to
wait uiwn tho president, reported thnt
tho president would comtiiunlcnto in
writing n tncHsngo to congress forthwith.
Instnntly Mr. I'rtnlen, ono of tho presi
dent's secretaries, mndo his how nnd sent
Iho important document to the clerk's
desk, whero it was road by Clerk Kerr.
Tho president V tnessngo wn3 listened
lo with interest by tho members of thn
house, nnd nt tho conclusion of its read
ing wns greeted with gonornl applause,
not confined to any section of thu
Tho Michigan election case, ponding
between Richardson nnd Belknap, wns
taken taken up.
Tlie Senate.
Washington, Aug. 7. Tho Fpnnto ns
somblcd nt noon in obedience to tho
president's proclamation and fipent just
half nn hour in session. Dining that
brief space of timo, howover, tho oath of
ofllco wns mlminlstercil to Senator Quay
of Pennsylvania, who had not been pres
ent nt tho lost special session of tho sen
nto, nnd to Senator Puscoe of Florida,
who had lcen re-elected by tho legisla
ture of his state since tho adjournment
of tho spocinl session. Tho oath of ofllco
wan also admlnlstorod to tho now secre
tary, Mr. Cox. Tho resignation of Sen
ator Beckwlth wns announced in a com
munication from thnt gentleman. Tho
tmunl committees to wait upon tho presi
dent nnd inform him that congress wns
in session nnd ready to receive any com
munication ho might bo ploitsed to mako
wns appointed; but boforo the commlttoo
lind timo to perform that duty tho sen
nto ndjournod in resiiect to tho memory
of tho late Senator Stanford of Cnlifor
uin. Thoro wero 75 sonators present.
Washington, Aug. 8. Tho proceed
ings in tho benate wero of great public
interest. In tho first pluco, tho presi
dent's mes-'ngo wns read nnd listenod to
with tnarkcil attention on both sides of
tho chamber not a Bound wns hoard.
Tho message wns referred to tho coin
mitteo on linnnco and its immodinto
printing wns ordered. Then tho flood
gates of legislation wero thrown wide
open and a current of bills on finnncos
nnd other subjects were admitted, Mr.
Hill of Now York was tho first senator
to got in a bill for tho repeal of tho pur
chasing clause of tho Sherman act. Mr.
Btowait of Novnda followod with two
oilier bills, mid a speech, on tho flnmo
subject. In tho speech, ho declared
himself against tho ropenl of tho Slier
nutn act, as such ropenl would, ho said,
destroy silver coinngo forever. A reso
lution wns ollcied by Mr. Lodgo of Mas
sachusetts, directing tho committeo on
linnnco to reiwrt a bill for tho repeal of
tho Shermun purchasing clauso of tho
net nnd providing for n voto on tho
passage- of a bill by tho 22d of August,
if not sooner reached. This resolution
win supplemented by another, offorcd
by Mr. Halo of Muino, fixing tho hour of
meeting of tho senate from and nftor
Thursday noxt at 11 n. in. Thoso reso
lutions precipitated a discussion in which
Bovernl of tho l6adlug BPimtors on both
sides of tho chamber participated. Thoy
went over without action.
Tenneisrn Minora' War.
Knoxvilli:, T enn., Aug. 0. Thcro lms
been another attack by miners on tho
convict camp ut Coal Creek. Ono sol
dier wns killod.
Items Which Tell the Story of Seven lny'
Crime nnd Casualties nnd Other Im
portant Mutters Arranged Attiaclhelj
ml (ilrn In A 1'ew Words.
Tlirco lllnodrd llumr lliirnrd.
O.MMIA, Aug. 5. Fire destroyed th
MnbloofJ. W, Pngo. Three vnluublo
hums wero burned.
ThnniKS W. Iiwrejr Pfixrl.
Lincoln, Aug. ! Thomas W. Low
rey, tho lending grain man of Nebraska,
died at tho rosidenco of his sister neat
this place.
A New Clmnritllnr.
Lincoln. Aug. It. Tho Nebraska Wei-
leynn university has a now chancellor,
Dr. Isanc Crook. Into president of tin
University of the Pacific.
Asked for tho Itrpcnl oflhn Hhrrinan Iw.
Lincoln, Aug. C A petition signed
by Governor Crounso, every banker in
tho city und innny business men, nsking
for tho repeal of tho Sherman low, was
forwarded to congress.
A RtnlililuK Affray.
ScilUTLKit, Neb., Aug. 0. While
Richards' circus was lwing loaded on tho
em's nn nltorcatlon nraso Iwtweon two oi
tho colored attaches, which ended in
Dick Ruddis being seriously cut and
stabbed iu the head.
South Oinulm Live Stock,
Union Stock Yaiw I
boirru Omaha, Auk. S.
OATTliK-Ilecolpts, UJ0 head: 1IJ0 to 1W3
hs., $UWfM.30: lliMioMuOlba., SUUat.Si; U
tollUOllM., $J.W17U; choice cow. S1.7A&.VV)
common cows, ll.IU31.75; good fcotlars, J'.'.H'ia
J.10; common feuleru, I,.U0&.75. Markut
active and stronger.
HOOH-Kucelpts, 4.000 head: light, tMH
1.80; mixed, 94.MQi.UO; heavy, 4.ttXdl.W
Market oiieiieil htrunir. ilusod S5o hluhor.
HllKKl'-Uecclpts, if head; $W
BiOO; luiuOs, tJ.OJa4.75. Market weak.
Chicago I.lvo Stock.
Umon Htock VAnns, I
Ciikuuo, Auk. 8.1
CATTLK RflcrliitH, 4,noo hcuil; comiium to
eitra steers, J3.tOiii.iU-. stookers mid fuudort,
J-'.'JoCt-l.iO-. cowrtuml hulfem, tlW&MiU.
UOUtf-HocUiu, 6,S) head: htuvy, Si.7S(6
0.",i; mixed und medluim Jl.Wii.1.tU, UkM,
BHKKI' llccelptH, ".Ofohead; iwor to choice,
tl.5mai.-5: hiuibs, $
Chlcsga Grain and I'royUloni.
WHKAT-Auut, 58c; Septeinbar, 69JJo;
Dieemlicr, lliJe. '
COUN-Aiimut, ii:Kc; HeptemWr, aiM
Ootnhcr, 4UJe; llcLeinber, iWMie; Jlay. 41WC
OATB Auixuat, UJHc; ricptcmUor,-lc; Sluy,
l'OHK-Aiieutt, 512.00; Septomber, 2.H;
3liy, l-.37!li.
I.AUD-Auuust, I7.07J4; September, J7.7JW;
Oc tuber, SZJ7&
In Kiccllcnt 8hape.
Omaha, Aug. 5. On application of tho
stockholders and creditors of tho Ameri
can Lonn and Trust company, before
Judge Dundy, tho bank wns handed back
to tho ofllccru, Receiver Ralnoy mndo a
ntntcment in court thnt ho had found tho
n flairs of the company in excellent shape.
nit Ily a Flying Holt.
Et.M Cukkk, Neb., Ang. 0. Frank
Waro was badly injured whllo working
nenr a threshinir engine. Whllo tho
machino wns iu motion a 1olt liecamo
looscncil and Hying out struck Mr. Waro
in tho bond. Ho wna brought to town,
whero his wounds wcro dressed, and i
now doing nicely.
Frinntn Tlilrrm.
Omaha, Ang. 4. A close pieco of de
tective wotk unearthed a fence for stolon
goods iu.the best rehidenco portion of tho
city. A search warrant was secured and
tho rosidenco of Mrs. Eva Thompson,
widow of a banker, was gono through,
resulting iu tho finding of n complete
tailor shop which hnd boon spirited away.
Drnli'i tho Btato'n Claim.
Lincoln, Ang. . Receiver Haydon
of tho defunct Cnpitnl National bank has
given verbal notice to Stnto Treasurer
Hartley that tho claim of tho state for
tho amount of its deposit, something liko
$.2.10,000, will not 1)0 nl lowed on tho
ground that tho stato's monoy had novor
been deiKwited iu the bank, or that tho
bank hnd never got tho benefit of the
Ills Crowd at Camp Lincoln.
Sunmioit, Neb., Aug. C When Low
Hnnbnck hnd introduced ex-Scnntor
Ingnlls at tho Grand Army of tho Re
public meeting, tho latter said: "My
namo is Donnls. I am left, but I can
kick." After complimenting tho veter
ans ho tackled tho financial situation,
following with somo remarks on pcusioai
and criticising tho present administra
tion. A crowd of 1H.0O0 witnessed tho
aham battlo.
Hilltop llonacuui In Trouble.
Lincoln, Aug. 4. A call waa issued
somo days ago for a secret meeting of
tho priesta of tho city for tho purposo of
drafting resolutions relativo to tho
troubles which exist between Uishop
Uonncum and tho clorgy of his diocese.
Bishop Donacum in somo way got wind
of tho incoting and issued a letter warn
ing tho priests from attending, Littlo
or no nttention was paid to tho mandato
nnd tho gathering took place. A memo
rial wns drafted which will be forwarded
to Mgr. Batolli, exposing tho action
taken by Bishop Donacum and asking
that an investigation Ira made.
New Nebraska l'ontinnitert,
Wasuinoton, Aug. 4. Postmnstors
wero appointed for Nebraska as follows:
Albany, Sheridan county, S. H. Joice,
lcoW. D. Mclntyre, resigned. Bnrt
lntt , Wheeler county, J. G. Wolfo, vico
William Rcilloy Tcsignod. Btirchanl,
Pawneo county, T, A. Lnird, vico J. O.
Dort, removed. Cook, Johnson county,
B, A. Leech, vico N. B. Yarwood, re
moved. Crab Orchard, Johnson county,
J. D. Cannell. vico F. M. Sharatt, ro
moved, Dawson, Richardson county, T.
Kean, vico E, W. Baser, romovoil,
Emerald, Lancaster county, W. S.
'Thomas, vico G. W. Leo, resigned,
Grant, Perkins county, J. 8. Myers, vico
G. P. A. Ford, removed. Hampton,
Hamilton county, W. T, Krnuso, vice E,
L. Ingalis, removed. Hanson, Adams
county, J. W. Downing, vico Waltor
Stono, resigned. Harrison, Sioux county,
J. E, Marstcllor, vice E. G. Hough,
resignod. Hoskins, Wayno county,
William Zuth, vico J. M. Hugh-
lin, resigned. Lawrcnew, Nuck
olls county, G. A. Hurley, vico P. C.
Moorehcad, resigned. Mason City, Cus
ter county, M, C. Warrington, vico L.
B. Hill, resigned. Nowport, Rock county,
3. M. Hederman, vico J, II. Davenport,
removed, Republican City, Harlan
county, W. .T. Pudl, vico A. T. Smith,
romoved. St. Ilolcnn, Cedar county,
I IfiVi Q Fil
for Infants and
HlltTT yoara 'otrirUoM ofJ?itoriwlkya.troyjLgf
MjntBMBfjafaoMiparMlt to ayk ef It wttfcaat m
It U wflnaatlomably tka tat imr fey Imftata CTkUIg j
tka world kaa mr luiowa. It la hwlwi. CklMr Ilk It It
Uaa tkam kealth.' It wlU tkalr llm I It Matfcara fcaT
1 .tatI.iKykIiik la fw pnmtlcaflly arf t m J
I t i
y cklld'a mndlclne.
Catterl daatroya Worms.
Caatorl aJlajra reTerUkHets.
Caatorla pruveata vomltlag Sonr Cnrd. v
CaatorU oaraa Dlarrkaa amd Wtal Oollo. ,
Caitori rallevaa Tcetklmg Troaklai.
Caatorla onraa CoastlpatloH nad FUtalHCT. ,
Caitorla nantJJjo tho ffoot of enrboalo aold a or wlaoaoM &.'
Caatorla doaa not ooatnln morphlao, opium, or otkr narcatlo yrfrr. '
Caatarla BjafaaUtttea the food, ntgalntaa tka atoaaaok aad kawala.V
( nlvlng healthy and aatnral ataep.
Caatorla la pnpJaoae-aUwJioJeajBlytJlajuitaold illkmHu
Poa't aUnw aay oao to anil yon aaythlaK ela o tfca pi w alii .
tkatlt l"jaat aa good "aad"wUlMa war very parya."
gaa tkat yea arat C-A-S-TQRI-A. 'J
Tka facalmtla
i algaatar t P
la avanr' J
us! I
Children Cry tor Ntcher's Caatorla
taaot ajaaa
What U iht eondttten of yeunt It your hair ryfAarA,
brittle? Doc$ it tpUt at (he tndt? lla$ U m UfeU$t mpptmrmnft
Jot$ U fall out itlieii combed or bru$tidt It it full dmnirugT
Doet your scalp itth t It U dry or inmhtrnttd ttndiUtnt Jfthttt
re tomt of your tymptomt bt warn in timo or you wilt ototm.
bald. ..
la what you dmi. Ita produeUon la not aa aeeldeM, bat tha ratnlt nf aHraiMa ra.
March. KnowintMnf thadluaaraot iBMiarrandacarpledtotaedlaooTarrotaow
toireattham. 'akookum"conUlBa nMihcr BUnaraU (or otta. Itla.BotaDa.bu
a rifllKhtfullr cooling anil ratraahlogtonlorBr llmalaUag taa toUMtM, IMa
faUtnohnlr, curti dandruff nnd gromkair on aoU aaaaa,
. arcu inn cupvirsu. uraunjmixi ma iron imwini fraKioii, n in va
ot RkookHH Ski Soap, it dwlroya paratUit HmtU, wkukiedon omj ttttnu
1W Kor vxkx
17 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
25zs for 25
Absolutely Pure JusTlkYlT.
r.r.JAQur.s &
p. VI. REED,
City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
yUmA .Mtllaaiak.
Red Cloud,
A. Kclmlto, vico j. u. utirnH, re- .,!,. M ,,lonK afiourteil. viz,:
moved. Sargent, Custer county, J. B. torn to tho World'a fair can I
McL'rarv. vico William buerman, re
moved. Bhunonvillo, Clay caunty, Is
rnel Con, vico J. Florin, removoil,
Bcrilmor, Dodgo county, O. JIartcns,
vico L. C, Rnrns, removed. Silver
Creek, Merrick county, J. 11. Stetson,
vico W. E. Kerr, removed. Stuplehurnt,
Seward county, O, L. Scrllmor, vico II,
Meyers removed. Table Rock, Pawneo
county, A. ILano, vico W. S. Linaloy, re
moved. Winoton, Knox county, J. D.
Slicrbrook, vico J. T. Culbortuon, re
Tho succcBH of Mrs. Annio M. llonn.of
McKeoaport, Ponnpylvanlii, in tho .treat
ment of diorrlucn in her children will un
doubtedly bo of interest to many moth
ers. Bho anys: "I spent Hevcrnl wekn
in Jonstown, Pa., after tha (treat Hood,
on account of my husband loinb om
ployod thoro. Wo hail several children
with us, two of whom took tha diurrhuui
very lindly. I Kot aoma of Cliainliar
Inin's Coho, Cholera and Diurrhii'a roin-
edy from Rar. Mr. Chnpmau. It enrad
both of tliain. I knaw of poyunil otliar
ensaa where it waa equally uucceosful.
I think it ennnot be oxcalled and chaar
folly rocomincnd it." 2T and TK) cent
bottles for anlo liv Pevn A. Otica.
TliourKI'H fnlr.
Ro)ortH from Chicago nro a unit in
tloinoiiBtrnting wuiit ii grcnt r,uny poo.
tlint vm.
Hud Unit
clasH nccomiuotlutloim nt lery inodnrato
UKuroH. nio iuoi ip, tnero la very littlo
dilllcitlty in rnuuruig it good room at
81.00 n day. That surely is roasonublo
enongh for anyone! Ab to thu cost of
getting to Chicago, tho Burlington
Itoutt) h locnl ngent will gliully givu jou
full inforiuatioii
i i
Jl. Ut. Vy.
AHtlimu, llronuliltii and Cononmptinn
result from a neglected Congo or cold.
Don't noitloot but euro nroinntly with 3
fow doses of llegita' Cherry Cough Syrup
aom by vtyo x urice.
Tho World'a Fair.
Hero's an cBthnato of what it costs
to spend a day at tho world's fair.
Itoom 1'00
Breakfast -
Carraro to and from grounds 10
Admission to Fair 50
Dinner. 50
Supper 25
Total 12.60
Ii you want to spend more, you can.
If you can't afford that muoh yqu can
got alonjj very nicely on considerably
less. Ask tho local agent of the' Bur
lington Routo for information about
tho best and oheapest way of reaching
Chicago. Excursion rates ovory day,
Ono Poland China mule hog, weight
about 60 pounds, white feet, white in
forohoiul. Dleapeared about the 22d
inst. Liborul reward for same. Wm,
Vandyko. tmmmmm
New lkuy tor Sale.
Inquire cf Wm. VanDyke or E. P. oJ
-W- Mb"
jHy W""