v ST .,m., wiiwjwimfliaft6a58BBW J'-J- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1898. ""TT" Y. '. EST Mi It let w. it t !. E f h R.-" w. . c v 5 v j- ft ' r & ft l"f V I ft E .t' If - . ,v I fi. 1 t . tf The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss I'illed nml other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers.. It is called the HASH NcKiimln. Mrs. 1'arkRon to dangerously ill at present writing, Tliu directum of tho Conicrfl Bchool have engaged Misfl Mno Hobart to teach tho full term. There wiib no Sabbat h Buhool at tho Ilnniipv pi'lionl hotiBo on account of tho funeral of Mm. Aiiiistrong. Laid at rent in tho Of lit Creek conic tery, Sunday hiBt, Mm. Armstrong, mother of It. Armstrong, Tho departed wan 78 years old. Since tho hiBt writing wo havo had a nleu rain which improvcB tho general appearand) of thingfl. Another nuch anil tho corn crop will ho a Btiro tiling. Tho ico cream nodal at Mr. SimpBotifl' was a buccchb. A largo crowd ato cream anil ho fullllled tho wishes of tho com mitteo, that the gathering Bhould bo a financial as well as a Bocial uucccss. Happy Holler. Dkku KniiUK Ab ther ?. no wun rep resents tliiH plnfi onto ytiro vnlyulu pa per I thot i wood rlto yn tho nooe. JoMnr fthotB my olo man) he scm how 1 cnu't think of no nooe. Sum fokoB Iiot a pnrtlcler gonytia that way now. Thars timu titcoiu jist a peiteo down tho crick, lie ken think nv lotfi uv noo.o, lio ken Hunk uv sum tiling a and CAN ONLY liC HAD with Jmg. cases bearing their trademark nQy Sold only through watch dealers, wiuiouicxiracmuge. ;,, ;:;""", , " T., t Ask nny jeweler for pamphlet, mwn nml uv mini nooo a, never will or acini to the manufacturers. SpwmI peniionom herenboutB have huil thnir pensions suspended, based on Borne little technicality. How long will thlR thins last. Moro thun 12000 worthy Eohlierfl hnvo heen lot out by thiB method in the hiBt four or tho montho. Times will never beany hetter until our people who havo their money stowed nwny in tlieir stockings, tako it out and put it into tho bankB, tho proper chan nel for It to got into circulation. That will fix up tho di lie re neo on Hhort notice. General Gage, president of the Frank lin Hank, and tho cashier of tho uamo hank were urrewtcd tho other day for taking inonoywhon tho bank was known to bo innolvont. Mr. Gago wnH reli-aned on bond, but tho cannier luiujuittkcu in jail for tho crime. Governor Cronnse Bhould by all means call Mr. Garueau back to Nebraska. Tho adverse raportn given to tho No briiBkii exhibit at tho world's fair ought to lo Hullleipnt ovidenco to tho governor that Mr. Garueau Knows moro about dotiuh than ho doett about Uxiug up the exhibits nt tho world's fair. Tako him in governor. The various railroads of tho state havo sued out an injunction prohibiting tho Wird of transportation from enforcing tho Newberry freight rater, on the ground that it is unconstitutional. No firm or oortxirution liken to work at a loss, but wo believe that tho railroads should havo submitted, and if tho law was injuriotir, remedy it at tho next session of tho legislature. An ftlJIIUItlM KV.WS FiiriillitMl liyOnr Couiily Corrt'ipoiidciilN. PlniNiiiil Units Smtiro Foglo supports a new buggy Mirt ream w Monday as down in these- parts have coin- in these been John Fox and Mr. Decker inenced haying togother. Wo had a good rain down parts Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Guthrie's children hao quite sick but aro some better now. If mi) body wishes to go down to Kan piih they can go just south of Will Kos encrans, as tlioy havo just worked the road on tho statu lino. Iov. Geo Haui'incl's uto havinga hard time of it as thev huiicd a little girl last Saturday and u boy on Sunday and at this writing another is not expected to live. Last Sunday morning tho lightning struck the roiith-ttiit earner of Al Decker's pontine foiico nnd followed it nearly a quarter of a mile nearly killing three shoals. Thero wore nine shoats in tho pen. Stillwater. Jos. Dresbach has returned from the world's fair. Mrs. TIiob. Finney, who ban been quite sick is now convalescing under tho caro of Dr. Vnndivor of Guido Rock. Peddlers aro coming thick and fast nt nil descriptions. Mr. Turner has oven got to peddling ico cream with his meat. Superintendent Hunter and family wero visiting his father-in law, Suuford Croxton. Simpson supposes ho is look ing utter his fences. Wo understand Mr. M. M. Miller has sold bis half rcetion hero and lie nml his son and Harry Hates will start for Ok lahnma in tho near futuio to prospect for land. Miss Mary Mclntyie, after a two yearn nbsenco has returned from Wash ington, to malm parents and mends a short visit. She reports times very dull on ttio i'acilic coast. SlMI'BO.N SnODOKASS. JiuIhoii. This ppctinn of country was visited by a splendid rain last Saturday morning, unit another one biimluy morning, fol lowed by cool weather. Just what the crop or grnwiug corn needed. In pome parts of tho county tho condition of tho crop is Biicii Mini any auiouiii 01 rain will not mako n full crop, but tho lain will havo its good effects in bringing on tho grass and what Into corn is in the crnund. Tho com in tho hail belt is killed and drying up, and the chinch bugs aro wm king on thu corn in paits whero tlioy havo bail no rains. Died at Judhou.on Satutday tho 20, at 8 o'clock, Mis. Nettie Hiown, wife of Mr. Fred Ilnm n. She was buried at Ml. llopo cemeterv on Sunday at 2 p. in. ino liineiai was niu uirgi-M ever wit nessed ut Mt. Hope. Hovh. Hoopo and Horton otrered prayer at the grave, Mrs. Hrown wiib about 22 years of ago, Showaaa christian lady and thodaught' crof Mr. Joliu wueaiiy or wouier, one of tho oldest Buttlers of Smith county, and thpy uro lielfl in liigli esteem in the noighhorhood in which they livo. Mis. Brown had n baby girl a week old which Iter uifetor Misa Kiuma Whcatly has taken to raise. Airs, lirown leaven u father, husband, two sisters and u brothnr to mourn her loss. Tho bo renvod Jhuobnnd him tho sympathy of tbo ontiro'oDnununity. Sin. If tho hair Is falling nut, or turning gray, requiring n stimulnnt with nourish- ing nnu rnioni'g ioou, iiniiH vegctnuin hcppii. I never did hev euy nnck to think uv nooe a, never hoponed st nil. Hunkiun he rit fer a hih?I nil then got Blmiueil uv hi?, name, then got shnmed uv blBBolf. Kum Hnnkuin wak up taro yer eliirt nn do sumttn or nuther an mak yor mark in tho wurkl. Thu hale war. rutlior hard on us Wall nut crick fellora and thar bo sum nv us as wood Boll out cheep. rir. vauiiuriiorg lis iz goin ihick to oiu Mis'oury of ho kon (IIkiiohii of hi tlilngn end Mr. Davis lie ofer. to sl orfnl clucp thur iz a lull lot uv uooo it i cood on, think a uiinit. it lz so hard to think wun wun wants to reel bad. Grits SombloMin f. loft Mr. Ilotuuz and gou hum agen. Sim htz helpt Mrs. Uutou (who & sick) nearawal boutor. Ah I lij'V run tni nonodrli wil rito aguii if this gittt in tho wast bttskot. i am, trull yourti, Sallv A.N.N Ji.nkh. i Amboy. Mr. HarncB and familv entertained visitors last week. Miss Annio Cockrall has purchased a Hno driving horso from Mr. Art Hayes of Cowles. Mr. Ilarvoy Cox lias .returned from Republican City, but was on tho sick list last wook. Sunday Bchool next Sabbath at ten o'clock and pleaching in the afternoon at thrco o'clock, in the school house. Mr. Charley Cockrall is on tho sick list at present. His illnths was caused from Ins being sun burnt while in swim ing. Mr. Luther Heal was kicked on tho leg by a horso last week and was com pelled to limp for several days, but is rapidly recovering. Our rain last week mado tho farmers rejoice, and their hearts aro overflowing with thankfulness, for corn is growing good with no signs of a failure. Mr. Clarence Lewis, who left here some time ago, has returned. Ho has been to Nebraska City taking treatment for his eyes. His eyo bight has im proved inn lime. 1 ho Amboy readme: circle met last Sattirdry evening. Discussed tho cur rent topies ot tlio wceli proceeding. Read Canto fourth of "Tho Lady of tho Lake," and debated tho question of "Woniaus' SuHVrnL'o." Several irrand and fluent speeches wero made. The question was left open and no decision given, licv. lonikhiB. the Hantist minis er of Red Cloud, preached in Gospel Grovo last Sabbath in the place of Mr. Chimin. the seats woio tilled with people who listened to mi elegant set moil from the pastor. During tho last few months Gospel Grovo baa held tho laigest con gregations of any plnco in tho county of wnuu .viuuoy is proiui to uonst, FoOMI'S. Iiiitvnlc. Mr. Vanco is having his boggy re painted. Haying is tho orJor of tho day in thene parts. Wo hnvo had plenty of rain to raako corn a suro thing around. Mr. Irons linn a car of fltono to put n foundation under bis barn on his farm. Mr. Knox Iiiib moved to IMverton nnd Mr. Hull in seon pounding iron at his old fttnnd. Mr. Tom Jones hnB tnk9ii tho contrnct to put up Mr. Richnrdson's hay. Ho hnB fiOO acres. Thoro woro nbont twenty of tho young folks wont to Superior Inst Wednesday to Min reunion. . The dance in Mr. Davis' grovo wns well attended Inst Thnrsdny night and all report n good time. Al'BOM Stki.nus. Line. S. G. Foglo eports n flno now spring buggy. Uncle Tommy Leudi visited Mr. Kenu- to Monday last. Homo sickness still prevails throughout the neighborhood. Mim Mnry Slinrp is convnleKcing under iiiosKiiiiut treatment or Dr.iVlcKpeuy. QMrs. F. U. Hutchison from Walnut crirk visited her Bister Mrs. Galbrcth, last wek. Gutitlo showers still provail and hotter growing wonther him not been experi enced for many seasons. inn autton will ngnin tnke his abode among us hnving loused tho fnrm lately pureluncd by Mr. Holland. Richard Konglo Jr., departed Mondnv Inst for tho World's fnir whore he will spoilt! n few dnys, nnd then lenvo for England to visit his former homo. Siectatoii. Tired, Weak, Nervous Mra. Mary C. Orvdcrman " I had rhoumatlstn so severely ttiat I wai obliged to wo a cane. I wn tired of lite and was a burden tothoso about me. I often suf fered from dlzzlncsi, worried much, and was subject to nervous spells. Hood's Harsaparllla mado mo feel like different pern. I owo Hood'sCures my present good health to Hood's Rarsapa. rltla." Mits. MaiiyC. Cuviichmam, La Fon taine, Kansas. Bo suro to get Hood'f. Largest Show . Earth Mighty Monarch of all Tented Exhibitions It record I iinliiipeili'liablo, iMtperisliiihlc, IJnhlciiiMied, AIou I lie rvat'li of rivalry an Hie htttvn are above the carlli. Coming in all its entirety Sells Bros. Big Show of the world. Thrco ring circtiB. Royal Hippodrome, bugo elevated stages, live-continent uienag erio African aquarium, Australian Aviary.SArabiau Caravan, spectacular pa- Red Willow CJrecli. Plenty of rnln thia wtok and wo nil fuel happy. Mr. Wilder is supplying tho creok in rousting ears. Mrs. Godwin gave a farewell pnrty for Mis May Hon. Mrs. Godwin's baby is sick, nlo Mrs. Charley .Inchon's. Mr. Wolf is building nn addition to Lou lincnu'ii house. Miss Mnry Lnttn wnH visltlnt? on WIL low creek Inst week. Come ngnin Mnry. Mr. Godwin hns gouo to Oklahoma to put up bay. Ho expects tobegono threo weeks. To sco Mrs. Adamson now. ono would gnes alio had patronized tho pninlosa uoniist. MiVb Grace is on tho creek ngnin to glndden tho young people with hor hap py Diniles. A. O. Hon nnd fnmily nro nttending the reunion nt SuiHrior. They roport n big crowd, balloon nxeension, Boldiern nnd ono battery, plenty to eat nnd drink, Two of Mr. Cntter'a threshers woro ovorooniB by lunt TueHdny on his fnrm near Willow creok, alio, ono mule gave up tho ghost. No wondor: temperature 107. MNb May Ron took tho train tit Guido Rock the L'Sth for Pnwneo county, this state, whero she expects to visit until tho lib of September, arid then alio will nt- Sicillian Hair Rtuowcr citlc. io just tliO HpO' tho Pawnee City high school for it tend yenr, Tho Snndny-Hchool at Willow oreek is running along smoothly, with Mrs. Wild- er as superintendent, xnoy nnve n now orgnti, iMiught through Hev. Putmnn of Hod Cloud, and now tho school will feel slighted if the M. K. choir does not call on them in their rounds over the county nnd give them ono or their mnsicnl exhi bitions. Mamtoiia. Callivrlou. Program of tho Cathorton Literary Club at Mr I) II LnrriokV. Organ voluntary, O II Cather. Greeting Glee, A V Lnrrick nnd C 11 Cather. Opening recitation, II P I.nrrick. Iiading from an nddresa by James Russell Lowill nt tho opening of the tree publio library in Chnlfea, Mass. March, Swinging in tho Dell, A V Lir rick. Dialogue, Tho Kin Pi Society, W V Lockhart, A H Lnrriuk, II U I.arriok, II I Grubb. K K Grubb nnd G P Cather Jr. Duet, violin ami organ, C II and H C L'atlicr. Ktsny, Heiij. Franklin, A V I.nrrick. Viirid duot, My Kingdom, L D Itnmoy andC H Cather. MidBtimmer oxorciso in which about 2,") took part. Hong, Coino music to my heart. A V Larrick. Roeitntinn.ThoIlnildors, I'M Ratni-y. Linden Quiekhtep, A V harrick. Reading, Geiuian Idras of Amoricn, from tho Cliaiitntiquan, C Durnl, Songs Unit wo loo, A V Larrick and (J II Cntltor. Dialogue, Married and Single, E h HrittonC'VCowley. Ho of Good Cheer, A V Larrick nml C II Cnther. Tho Horo of tho Tower, II 0 Cnthor, WnrblingB at Kvo, A V Larrick. Amplicoii, C II Cather. liouisvillo March, A V I.nrrick. KiWiy.TliflTransi'ondintnlistB in Now Rugland, R H Pano. FiuorBon and his viows, Mrs A Wilson. llawthorno as a writer nnd our future. W Cather. Tho Son Hird, L D Ramoy, C Cnthor. (jitPHtions on the Concord writers and Cambridge scholars, o. Tho Caiivassing Agent, K II Pnyne, C W Cowley, A It Lnrrick, A V Larrick, C II Cathor. Music. Next mooting nt A N Wilson's Aug. t!0, Mr. Tliomna Hatte, editor of tho Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, hasfound what ho believes to be the best remedy in oxieteneoforthollux. Ilisevporionco Is well worth roineiulioring. Ho says: "Last aiimmor I had a very buvorenttack of tlux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamber lain's Colic, Cliolorn nnd Dinrrhom rem edy was recommended to me. I pur chased a bottle nml received almost iin mediate relief. I continued to use the nnnliolno and was entirely cured. I tako pleusiiro in recommending thin remedy to nny person sntfering with bucIi n dis ease, as itt my opinion it Is the best med icine in existence," a."i nnd f0 cent bot tles for sale by Doyo & (J rice. CowIon. Mrs. Crafford is still n very sick wo man. Miss Jennie lilaine has been visiting friends nt Hastings. Goo. A. Harris nnd wife visit friends and rolativcB in Iowa. Tbo later corn is jet promising, since tho Into gentle ohowors. Mrs. Sarah Peak nnd daughtor Mnry, left for McCook Monday. Some of tho earlier check rowed plant ing is scorched somewhat. Row Richnrdson preached to n good congregation on Sunday night. Little- Jimmy linger had n party of lads nnd lasses on Ida tith birthdny latoiy. Misses Liz.io and Flora Drown will soon visit their sister, tho wife of Rov. P.igo or Willflcot. MihH Li.io Stenrn gives n glowing nc count of the trip to Suloin, Oregon, by the California route. Tho AndersouB at the houso of Win. Thomna hnvo n now baby, weight, box nnd unino not published as yet. Tho Cowlea Herald has began a new volume, with Mr. Richmond ns editor In chief, who is detoriaineil to make it n success. Tho ico crenm nnd enko on Saturday netted tho ladies of tho Congregational cuurcu over om.w. i nanus io tue con sumers there. What a punster on namos our Roll correspondent is, to bo suro! "Susie" must havo boon living on razors nnd pen knives, recontly. Tho Indies of tho M. K. church will servo ico cream nnd enko, jtiBt east of Thomas Pniil'B store, on Saturday p. m. evening. Your patrouago is solicited. Mr. liailey, that cake you bo miioli ad mired, and about which you woro bo cur ious last Snturdny was mntlo by a civi lized lady, who is also a mnrrlail women. Somo ot our young mon nro pnrting with their lovely inustiiuheul What will tlioy havo to twirl, in their moments of deep rcilectlon? Whnt will) bo tho nixt fnd, nt fashion's behest! Shave their brain basket entirely. Hood's Pills euro all Mrer Ills, Bilious ness. Jaundice, Imllaestlon, Blck lleadacbe. MuiicrvlNom ProfecdliiBN. July -7, '.) a. m., Ill mombers present. Motion carried thut August Uimchow's cinim ior aeseBsing roiBiiam iowubuiii bo allowed in lull. Motion that all claims of assessor which havo been reduced bo allowed m full lust. Moved and carried that clerk bo or deied to notify treiiHtiror to transfer 820 funds ot school Dist. '-!3 to Diat. 8'J, bo- ingu balance of 870 duo Bali I district. Adjourned to 1 p. in. 1 p. m., board convened, 14 mombers present. Report of committee to settle with count v treasurer laid on table for future consideration. The pioposition of State Hank of Red Cloud, Hluo Hill Hank, Stato Hank blue Hill and First National Hank Hluo Hill to cam for funds of Webster county, as provided by law, also bonds of each of Biiid bank was received, rend and re ferred to committee on bonds. Committee reported as follows: We, your committee, recommend that the various bonds bo returned to each ono separately and they be required to bo qualified as to tho amount ench ono is actually worth over and above all exemp tions on indebtedness. Report was adopted. Motion to Icavo accepting of banks at pnsent to treasurer was lost. Proposition of J, W. Robinson of Guide Hock to pay personal taxes, 807.81 for 1880-7-8, interest to bo deducted, wus invented. Adjourned to July 28, l) a. tn. July 28, board convened, 13 members present. Moved and enrried that parties renro Renting tho different bankB who huvo innflo propositions for euro of county f undfl to verify the BignatuniB of the parties signing bonds as genuine. Tho purtioB being present verttied genuine ness of said bondsmen, all of which was uiaiio a pari oi nonus. lionds were again referred to cominittco to invest! gate responsibility of said bondsmen. 800 wiib appropriated to build u bridge over mill race at Amboy. Adjourned to 1 p. m. 1 p. in., board convened, 10 mombcrB present. Committee on bonds report: Wo rec ommend bonds of Ulue Hill Hank, Stato Hank llltio Hill, First National bank Hluo Hill and Stato Hank Red Cloud and that funds of county bo placed in these goncral banks. Roport of cominittco to settlo with county treiiBtircr wiib adopted. Moved and carried thut Mr. Fulton havo roof of court-houso painted. Uonds of bankB wero approved in amounts as follows: Stato Hunk Hluo Hill, 810,000; Hluo Hill Hank, 812.000: First National Hank Hluo Hill, 20,000: Stato Hank Red Cloud, 8.0.000. Claim of A. W. Cox for $.'11.80 was til lowed. Roport of county attorney in regard to tho DcLaney estate, also Mrs, Crow ell, wiib read and ordered On tile. Moved and carried that 820.20 bo de ducted from Jos. Garner's personal tax for 1882. being an error in tho assess of 10 head of cuttle. Moved and carried that treasurer bo instructed to transfer all amounts on general funds of 188t)-'J0'Jl.l)2 to general fund of 18'J.'I. b Adjourned. CLAIMS AUDlTKl). popular tho lend A Leader. Sinco its tlrst introduction, Klectrlu Hitters has gained rapidly In furor, until now it is clearly in amonc pure medicinal tonics and altor ntivvs, containing nothing which permits iU tiuo ns n bevernge or intoxicant, it is recognized ns the best and purest medi cine for all nilmetitd of stomach, liver, or kidneys, It will euro sick hendncho, indigestion, constipntion, nnd drive inn larin from tho system. SntUfnutlon guaranteed with ouch bottlo or the mon ey will bo refunded. Sold by C. L. Cot ting, druggist. iiin market Report. (Coi reeled Weekly.) Wheat 8 30& 10 Corn jo Oats 1018 KVO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMIII 2 I lllX tftttt ( (0 Hogs :i r,of:i 7:1 Fat cows 1 C0(it'2 (A) Huttor 12 Rims 7 Potatoes no ChlckoiiH doz. 2 00 Turkeys lb. 0 .fill)-'.", m, clnlniH Hiidlled. K A Parker cokIh Hrlk c.ii-o rejectol O t'Teel dlstreiH win mats KWHliiilelMkerreiinlrliiK lrlilo cron lax (Milium WIImiii brltlRouuik John Ileal " W II (I runt " M II .Maihli liniiluttrit for liridgu l.iulliiw work mi hrliluu W A Heeluy Imlts for hrldgu Slirxiii wmkonliriilKO H Wlillten liiinlicr lor hrlilKo All lluiriiiiili lilidsuuoik (i WDowhollHlor hriclKu Muik'lit Jiiiu-h Imrilwhru It s rrouilllt luinlier V v ,.'.I.",H "ll cr on tax Jan (illlinui atty fees lliiney Vlucent work on court house .1110 HOt'll VWIIllllllllH A W HoliiiKrnln V J Wriuht Itt' ll.nl A II Hirtieh(T A Wctu S IM'nllicr J K Wiitt .1 KiniLrlier A II llnmmin JoMpli (iiirbcr , Win Irons A MeCall I'.iiiiincrliiiill It II I'nlKm i: II FlHI TiihIcih Lumber Co Hupr, Korvlceu cr 011 tax 1-iM a as L' '10 Z .Vi 2 V n id I -Vl 4 2 a :.s in :n 7 Ui 7 15 4 !l ll!l III II 10 fi f l r. si 11 v.i 7 10 h lh is 00 is im 1.100 IS (Ml ti.! Ml IS (HI a I 31 7U M ai 27 til IH Ml ..0 70 :ui iic II 7'. IM H 73 23 Cjiiariiiilt'i'd tare. Wonnthorizeour advertised druggist to Bell Dr. King's Now Discovery for con sumption, coughs and oolds, upon this condition. It you nro nfllicted with a cough, or nny lung, throat or chest troub le nnd will uro thia remedy us directed, giving it n fair trial, nnd experience no benotit, you mny return tho bottle nnd have your money refunded. Wo could not mako this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be re lied on, It novor disnpoints, Trial hot tlos free nt C. L. Cotting's drug store. Large eio 0O0. nnd 81.00. - .. Heo W. W. Wright before you buy barb wire. Ho sells tho Gllddou for ilio. Cam. ut the Harvard Painless Dental Pailom and get iicquainted with their methods ot tilling teeth without puiu. geniitH and traus-Pacillc wild beast exhibit, ut ho, II At 21 iSSKSBmK&mmmmwr- . ' lAtcviitLG 4K wAvoriFcu.T snrrATm ttsrniST ctorir. I'resontliiK an Unabridged ami t'lipiunllelcil n;oi;r.'iiii. i-xalti-d la alia and pure la tone. eiini.ii, pupiu.ir aim piciimiik c"iiit'iier.iuuii. A pur- 3 Bi Colossal Circuses ! Separate Mammoth Rings I 3 200 All star arenic artists. 200 .100 Sensational and Startling Acts. Heal Roman Illppnilromo spnrtal thrilling and spirited races of every an ami nation, atU Heroines of itorseiiiaashipl speedy sports nt aiieient khiKdoiitt! ,ucs v lilch sin prise nil tin lltes. 100 Heroes 50 lioldcii elites tilled with It. ire Wild Hcats, einlinii'lin: eiery enpthe lie. lit known to exist. I'rsetit inom i.uc, exi'liisho re.itures than all oilier slnitti fomlilncil. 50 Sells Bros., Enormous United Shows, The Illustrious piedccesnr ot all aiiiii'ineiit alll.itici's. One million aitually hivented to perpcia.itu Its grandeur. Iinn't full to seo the inlulitlcst, richest, l.irnest nml most rkssle pictincoiiiu and novel street pniniloi-M'rserii la any clly. 1'rodlc.il pinfasloa oi princely pitr.iplifrmilia proudly pu-neiitud la itraml proi'esiloii at I ted Cloud, nt 10 o'cIocK on lliu iimiiiln nf aii '.'4. lied Cloud, TliarMlay, Aai; til. IKetit'Kion raleN on all rallroiuN. A. H. Gray, the Insurance Man, Red Cloud, Is now prepared to insure you in that well-known company, The Home of New York. Wnli Tor him; lie will call on yon In a few lajN. Von eaa avc inoney anil cot more MitM'ai'tory lasiiraaee than from any other mail. lie liait exclusive control of Tour coiiiiUcn. .&&&&&r-&&&q$-&&.&-&&.&&&4S UI D DilDICD 9 $ Will iVfaQ Low Pigiires i On Plumbing rf) Anyone wishing wntor works, will do well to see him boforo uiakiiig n j contract. Ho cbo tit you up with nny kind ot ropairs, and furnish W you with nuything in tho lino of ) IIorc, Hose KccIn, Xo.zles, Spriiiklei'N, CoiiplingN, conn- rfjj IIiikm waNlierN, lieltlnv, wIimIiiiIIIn, taali's, piiinpN, and 1 cylinders llN nnd all kiii(lM or lutings, hath ty tiibM, wash IminIiin. and Naiillarliim llvliires, (() even ciiKlneM and hollers, Ntcain healing A apiiaratns, etc. h Retnombor his figures nro very low and ho will gunrautco his work to be Y sntisfnetory or ho don't wnnt tiny pay. llcadiiiarlerN at WllllainVi Hardware Store. Cp --tj:r &r- $& 4 (15 (ID p. p. HEED, l'llOI'HILTOlt City Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Red Ci.oud, - Nu HHASKA. Tho following aro a few of tho lied Cloud people that attended tho lonnion at Suporior thin week: Tbo MiRFes Lulu Potter, Mary and Mnrgaiot Miner, Unttio llnnuey, lliuiicho (JuiiiuiingH, Laura Smith, mu-u Niee. Dom Wtird, and Corn MarHli. V). ,1. Ovoring, ,T. K. Aultz, J, A. Chapiii and wife, John Diukerrton, Clareneo I'Vanie, Hvorott Dyer, S. Day and family. A. II. Kaloy, JohnWillinniBou, Win. Llndlev, Ciun. Fort, A.(i. Willis. Hert Hlair, Tereo Me. Ilrldo, tl.ll. Hiilland, It.H.r-'iilton, A. Hedge, Capt. MiiiikoII. Ii.D.Oatiiuin.H. K Mizer and family, Win. .elufV, fieo. Overing, 1). KrHler and wife, M. Marsh and wife,.!. A. Held and wife, Ike Ludlow and wire, ftlrn. W. O. Hupp, Mr. Maliully, Mrt3.lt. 11. Wilson. T?! Sew ing Maci IINES AND- ORGANS. Ma. 25 8. JE. COXAD Has ti lino lino of Sowing chiiiDS and Organs froin upwards. AUo Ucepxiill liliulu or nineliiiie MnpiillcN. oi'H reiuliiti;v pronipiiy. tun ami Mt.L. ,e, r, n 1 i I ,' ?. fl ..aaBaaaaaultiau.- :.rTr!r!?!S,I- jH1wiiiiih" a2K rv fWfltlBiiWBf(lilJBWwpiT(i rjAl ft!l JtJ. -V rjSuii U. w.A.ii " . M .1 --i -.J. .yLsmi nmmmsMU mmmW 3b .;.iu, tl.f. mmammm