The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 28, 1893, Image 5

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v 0
Tor the aliovc price, wo
Will sell you a Lady's Fine Shoe
Kqual to those usually sold at .f,0, Plain or Patent tip,
Opera or Square, toe, D. E. A: E. E.
tdf" Wo havo cut prices on nil our OXl'OllPS ami Low Cut Shoes, Secure
eoiuc of tbc liitrgaitiB before sizes arc breken.
Blakeslee & Kaley.
Abstracts of Title
Farm Loans
Call on
J. H, Bailey,
Red Cloud, Neb.
LocAii xnws.
F. X. M. checks nroO. K. nt Martins,
Mnrlin fc Sou pays 30c (or corn for
T. II. Pmldcn wub up from Superior
C. F. Kichlor was down from liladon
Martin & Son take F. fc M. checks nt
fnco vnlue.
Mr. Connor of Franklin, was in the
city Monday.
Win. Zelulf and Jos. Dluir were i
Superior Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Cnrnalinm of Riverton, was
in ttm city this weok.
F, & M. chocks jnst as good jib gold nt
K. M. Martin Jk Son's.
Mr. L. Tree of Lobnnon, Knusas, was
in tho city this week visiting with L.
llaum niul family.
C. L. Cotting has n curiosity in th
shnpo of a homed toad.
Mr. D. I Scammou and wife bare re
turned homo from Crete.
Mr. Gulliford and children are home
from their visit in Illinois.
John Earner and mother nro in Ghlca
gi looking over tho world's fair.
Dr. Culliinorp, oculist of Omnhn, will
be in Rod Cloud, Tuesday, August 'J'Jth.
Wo nro under obligations to Will
Parkee for a copy of tho Salt Luko Tri
buno. A colored gentleman was entertaining
tho railroad boyB Saturday by eating
Alex Uontloy was down from Lincoln
visiting at homo the foro part of the
MinB Ada Skjolvor is homo from Forgo,
S. D., whero she has b;on attending school
for a year.
R K. IJattongeld, A. Ci. Sanford and I.
Wobcriiiun, of NelBon, wero in tho city
Kdilor Daggct, of Kiverton, was a
pleasant caller ut Thk Ciiilt wigwum
this week.
Win. VanDyko's two sons wore in
Guido Hook Sunday, visiting their sistor
Mrs. Fontz.
M. II. Davis was taking in Nelson and
oilier towns on his bicycle tho foro part
of tho week.
Denuty Shorilf Toinlinfiou, who has
been over tho entiro county, says corn is
in lino shape.
M. W. Dickerson k Co. shipped a car
lond of eggs and butter to Now York on
last Saturday.
Hod Cloud ought to havo a building
association. Our people should take hold
of tho matter.
Duncan Crary mid Miss Elizabeth
llndman wore mnrried tho other day by
Hev. J. A. Chnpin.
JamoB Murphy, whilo working with a
derrick thin morning, hnd ouo of his
lingers bndly injured.
A. V. Wilson, of tho World-Herald of
Omaha, was in tho city this week in tho
interest of that paper.
Dring your F. & M. bank checks to
Martin !k Son, they will takoallyou havo
in exchange for goods. 11
O. A. Teel. of Cowles, was in thol ity
this week. While hero, ho ronowod for
the Great Family Weekly.
lrof. Cantor arrived homo from tl:
west on Monday, and on WedncBdn
Btarted for tho world's falr.i
0. W. Kaloy and wifo are spending tho
hot weather months nt Lakeside, Ohio, u
very dolightful summer risort.
Mr. Pierce, of Lincoln, head ofllccr of
the Frntonml Order of Protector, was
in tho city this week on business.
Mrs. A Calmes loft TliurMlny evening
for Iowa, on n visit to hor dnughior, and
from thoro goes to tho world's fair,
Tho "Red Cloud Club" will meet at the
Congregational church noxt Mnndny
ovening, at 8 p. in. Iiy order of eeo'y.
Mrs. A. O. Willia went to Arupnhoo on
Friday on a visit. Sim wa taken Me
tho same night and returned homorlntur
dny. MiEfl Cora Clcgg left for her home in
Albert )ch, Minn. Monday night. Mibs
w iv ill iw.i.rmitlv misted by a large
cliclo of friends. A large number of her
friends accompained her to the depot to
bid her fat uw ell.
John Crnns was in McCook this weok.
Several bicyclists were up from Super
ior Sunday.
Mrs. John Foster returned from Alma
L'd. Parker of Ouido Hock wnB in tho
city Thursday.
A baby boy made its arrival at the
residence of U. M. Cochrane this week.
Mr. W.D. Murray arrived in tho city
Wednvsdny to take up hor future resi
dence. George Holland, of Rod Cloud, was
the, guest of L. 1 Ilirchtlnld of this city
Thursday ovo. -Lebanon Journal.
J. W. l'egg hns purchased tho Harvey
lucent hoiiso nnil has moved it to his
residence. It will mnke him n good
Wo havo confidonco in tho F. M.
bank paying all deposits, therefore will
accept cortified bank chocks ou tho samo
for goods.
Thoro will bo n picnic at Hoffman's
grovo near Bladen, August Kith, under
thonusplcosof Ilnrmony Sunday school.
Agoodtunois expected.
Dr. Cullimore, eye and rnr surgeon of
Omaha, will meet patients in his special
ties, in Ked (.'loud at Dr. McKooby's of
tico Tuesday, August 2llth.
Hutchison took a fit tho other day
hnd shaved off his mustache. Dnrnum
wugdb LJ m'U llllll, 1U1 I. UlllUrill UUIIUBIIJT,
ho takes th whole barber shop.
Hoyd it Overing, our popular marble
dealors, havo shippod in a carload of
Rutland mnrble and have another on the
road. This Arm is doing a nice business.
Dr. GrnntCullimnro, consultant ocu
list to Mo. Pncillo Ry. nt Omaha, has ar
ranged to moot oyo and ear patients in
iiiiiuiuuu, nun i'i. iumeeuy, auuiii
T Miss Edith Elv. hnvinp roniminil tier
position as teacher in tho third room,
herplacn was tilled this week by the se
lection of Miss Lou Williams of Cul
bertson. Don't forget tho pnbliu snlo of A. E.
Frasor, three milup west and two north
of Ouide Rock, on August i!d. 14 head
of horsoB, 20 liontl of cuttle and l0 head
of hogs will bo sold.
The dunce nt the fireman's hall last
Saturday evening was a bucccss. They
will givo another one Saturday, August
nth. Every person buying a ticket will
be served with free ico crenm.
On Thursday n llroman making Rod
Cloud and Wymore, was tnken violently
ill at tho depot, by eating nn overdoso of
corned beef. Dr. Reck was called and
after persistent effort the patient was re
lieved, Jns. Petorson, tho agricultural man,
says if thero nro nny inoro blind culverts
in tho city he would like to havo some
pro say so, so that In could run his trnc
ion ongino into them, havine had only
two accidents of that kind last week.
Father Qulnn, tho resident pastor of
tho Catliolio ohureh, talks of soon com
mencing the erection of a now church of
that faith up town, also a new pnrsonnge.
If tho Ilev. Father undertakes tho enter
prise, thoro iB no doubt but what it will
bo accomplished.
Mr. Wm. Lindsey, tho bnr-tender in
Morris Stern's saloon, was arrested on a
stato wnrrant on Monday, nnd cited to
appear before Judge linylcs, chnrged
with inciting some men nguiust Night
watch Miller. The plaintiff failed to ap
pear and the defondunt was discharged.
Tho "Olo Olson'a Trouble" company
held the boards at tho onorn houso Thurs
day night. Mr. Frank Markmnn played
the leading part, taking tho rolo of ''Olo
Olson." Mr. Markmnn is a oplendid aot
or nnd kept the houeo in n continual
roar of laughter. Their specialty work
mm llrst class.
The F. & M
Rank folks have got mat
tors arranged
no,w, ami iiuvo put up
their securities to depositors. The deeds
run to c W. Haley as trustee, and to
Mayor Wiener as custodian. TiieChikk
predicts tliat mo depositors will no paid
in full and that tho bunk will resume
business before long.
This week wo have mado some change
in Thk Chirp by which wo nro giving our
subscribers eix pages of home print.
Those pages wo propose to till up with
homo nows nnd contributions from tho
pen of all who dosiro to contribute on
such matters as nro of interest to Web
ster county. Tin: Oiikf will be us usual
puro'y a Wobster county paper, devoted
to tho interests of the people.
Tho M. E. picnic Wednesday was a
success considering tho weather. Only
a few assembled ut tho church as per
profram, mil two or inruu numiroa
ill down in i lie picnic grounds in uiu
.ifternonn. All thochurcheB in the city
wero represented no well as a number of
country Sunday schools. Tho young
folks I'lijojed themselves by nwinging
ami pui)ing lawn tenuis and cnniuct.
Ac it begun raining about 1 o'clock it
was ncccH-ary to go home, but notwith
standing a good timo was enjoyed by all.
On last Saturday night, whilo Night,
watch Miller was attempting to arrest n
man for disturbing the. peace, n gang of
fellows from some other town held tho
ofllcor nnd insisted the mnu to escape,
badly brulbliiK the olllccr, and throwing
his club away. Warrants wore sworn out
for tho inon, hut up Jo date, thoy have
not been arretted, and for what reuson,
wo nro at a loss to know. Tho liloa that
n lot of men should he allowed to ranko
night hideous, and then allow them to ro
(roe by some hook or crook, or design, is
all wrong. If any mnn it guilty of law-
lefrness whether u no uiocnmoor incit
ing people to do wrong or actually Ink
ing purlin Biioh acts ho or they should bo
puuiBhtd. according to law.
iiiiu.r MICTION.
Tho court house is being repaired.
Editor (ireonlco was In tho city Thurs
day. Mr. J. W. Moon Btarted for Chicago,
Miflil'loreucoltanneygocstollluo Hill
An infant son of Jos. Herbcrger died
thin week.
Henry Kivhlcr of Rlno Hill wub in the
city Sunday.
Win. Veiser returned from Omaha
this morning.
I. W. Panning of Denver, was in the
city Tuesday.
Dr. Chamberlin went to Hastings
Monday night.
Miss Stella Ducker went to Lincoli
Monday night
Miss Addle Reiglo wiiBvisitiflgin llurr
Oak this week.
A. Cummings came up from Superior
Monday evening.
Miss Sarah Kerlin bus returned to hor
homo in Rent rice.
J. (). Llndley and Al Anltz were, in
Superior Tuesday.
Miss Reiki Spanoglo returned fro
Chicago 'liiosduy morning.
Mrs. F. V. Taylor will arrive home
this ovening from Chicago.
Odell Moushangwas hauling lumber
from Red Cloud this week.
Alfred Hndell goes to Chicago to-morrow
to view tho world's fair.
CIiiir. McMillian returned from Supor
ior tho fore part of the week.
Three of Rev. (ieo. W.Hunimorschild
ren are down with dysentery.
M. M. Feam has moved to Red Cloud.
He has been living in Kansas.
A. M. WnltoM and 0. h. Robinson, were
down from Rluo Hill Thursday.
F. M. DatiL'htorv and Jnmes M. Mef.
ford are new subscribers this week.
J Ilea
fl th
Flavo (Irice and mother returned fron;
the world s fair Wednesday evening.
.Miss uoruo liinuioy is visiting wi
her sister, Mrs. C. J. Piatt, this weok.
Mrs.C, R. Crone, who has been sick
for some time is slowly convalescing.
R. S. Proudtlt nnd I. W. Crary of
(initio Rock, were on our streets Mon
day. H. W. McLaughlin and A. II. Hoff
man of Rladvn, wore on our streets this
Dr., CiiAMiir.nuiiN puts in artiflcin
teeth without plato over Morhurt'B
Mr. J. A. Raum's littlo baby has been
quito Bick this week but is slowly recov
eriug. Mrs. II. II. Hurly, daughter of D. R.
Spunogle, nnd husband nre in the city
tuts week.
Rob't McRride, who has been on th
road with a nhonoirrunh. is homo on
short visit.
Mr. J. E. Rojle, tho genial advance
agent for Sel's Dros. olreas, was in tho
city this weok.
MIsh Ada Howard Is homo from tho
world'B fair, accompanied by her coiiBin,
Miss Hickok.
Oscar Teel has been appointed con
stable by tho bonrd of suporvitors for
Red Cloud township.
Mrs. Hnllot of Lincoln, who hns been
visiting with Mrs. O. C. Roll, returned
to Lincoln Monday night.
Abo Kaley didn't havo anything olso to
do so he ran a rusty nnil into his hand, and
is now carrying that member in a sling.
Dr. Mitchell of Superior, was inthocity
this wook in consultation wiUi Dr. Mc
Keoby in regard to Goo. Hummel's child
ren. Elbert Coplen, n Holdrego youngster,
has been sent to tho Reformatory in
Kearney, for somo shady work at Red
Cloud. Holdrego Citizen.
Sells Brother's show will bo here on
Aug'J4th. This is one of tho best cir
cusos traveling. Ro sure and remember
tho day and date and see tho best show
on earth.
W. S. Waldon came in this week nnd
paid up arrearages and renewed for tho
(5 rent Family Weekly until '01. He has
our thanks. It is now that wo need
money und wo appreciate Biich favors.
Tho Red Cloud base ball team has mado
arrangements to meet the Ulue Hill team
on tho following dates: Rlue Hill, Aug.
10; Red Cloud, Aug. L'l; Rlue Hill, Aug.
31: Led Cloud, Sept. 7; Rlue Hill, Sept.
A lady, whose hair corned out with
ovory combing, was induced toglvo Ayer's
Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She did so,
and not only was the loss ot hair checked,
but n new nnd vigorous growth Boon suc
ceeded that which had gone.
Rev. Geo. Tompkins will preach at 10:30
n. m. next Sunday the ItOth inst., on "The
Rudders Mind" and at the W. C. T.U.
mass meeting at the Christian church ut
8 p. in. on "Divinely Authorized Drunken
ness." You nro cordially invited.
Wo hopo our friends in tho country
will help us to swell our subscription
list to IdOO. Wo want you to do your
best ns wo nro bound to givo you tho
best paper in tho county. Wo wnnt to
get ltiOO BiibscribcrB by New ear's
II. K. Pond of Red Cloud, who adjusted
somo hail losses southeast of here for
tho St. Paul Fire fc Marino Insurance
Co., was np Thursday and brought tho
parties their money, the amounts aa stat
ed olsnwhore, which wnn satisfactory to
all and proved tho company to bo very
prompt. Campbell Press.
Ust or Petit Jurors.
R, J. White, S. Linqulst, Josoph Graves
Flojd Crow. A. J. Smith, James Amack,
Jelm Uenn,. Rnrnes. Ed, Simpson, Jos
eph Hnught,G. L. Rlnker, J. R. Crozior,
Porter Hedge, Harlan Parks, John Rrown
O. P. Hnrvoy, Joeoph Watson, Josoph
market Iteport.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat 9 80&J0
Corn 23
Oats lOfUB
Rye :irxft40
Flax 8(lH.ri
Hogs -1 OOftl 7.'i
Fat cowa 1 r0(2 00
Ruttor VI
LggB 7
Potatoes CO
Chickens doz. 2 00
Turkevs . , , , lb. C
Thirtieth Anniversary.
Lnst Sntnrdny, July s2, Joseph E. Cox
wnB surprised by n host of moro thnu
forty of his relatives and friends who
came in observation of his thirtieth birth
day at his uowly comploted country resi
dence in Logan township. It was about
10 o'clock in tho morning when tho rumb
ling of tho first npproaohing carriages
with respectivo iudicationscausod him to
murmur nud recall thirty yenra Blnce:
after an immediate rush to his ward,
robe, Joseph soon en mo out, jot nniu7od
and began to answer nnd receive ns well
as hostess Miss SndioUarneB. Tho gath
ering of tho happy gnosis was Boon com
plete and now arrayed with mingling
voicos, nil seemingly began to onjoy tho
pleasures of this most unique occasion.
,-ns high moon when tho writer with
observnuoo through an ajar door
tho pleasure of looking upon tho
most elaborato variety of prepared eata
bles of tho season including nn endless
selection of delicacies particularly char
acteristic to birth-day parties.
A moment Inter tho dining room won
mado ploasant nud comfortable by tho
hoisting of windows nud ojienlug of doors.
H broke
n call "dinner in ready ' by the pro-
lotcss caused u confnnion of voices.
rokou soutencos nnd untold ntorios ench
und every one neomod to pnrtnho in n
heartily and high spirited manner and
every mouth was fed, each heurtchorished
und gliuloned by the choicest of delicacies,
tho guestn resumed their former perform
ances which wero of the uioBt social or
dor. Many nice prcsont were brought in
honor of tho occasion. The following is
a list of thine presents which the writor
reevlvt-d n glimpse nnd note of:
Handkerchief Mrs. Joe Cox.
Necktie Mr. nnd Mrs. P. S. Fair.
Tidy-Mrs. J. M. Scott.
Spittoon Mrs. Graves.
Towels Mrs. SkelleiiRor.
Flying Dutchman Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
nper Caso-Mr. Delks, Albert Com-
rsou und Mrs. Giles.
hero wore many other presents which
tho writor is unable touive. A party wan
given to the young people in the evening
whioli wni very well attended. The time
was spent with the latest plays.
See Myers
Citv Watku There is every indica
tion at tho present writing that tho city
council has ut last struck tho right lead
on the water question, and that in a few
days they will have solved thatvoxed
question to the satisfaction of the tax
payors. They have been engaged, dur
ing the last week, in excavating u large
trench at nn average, depth of six toon
root, in wiilcn tney nro laying porous
tilflending to tho north well nonr tho
lgino house. They expect, and nre, in
fact, now in possession of ovidenco
enough to dispell ull fear that water in
Hulllcient quantity can bo hud by the
present method. Tho trench will bo
from 100 to .'100 feet lone. This will
open into a reservoir of suflicient magni
tude to Hold Hundreds or barrels of wa
ter. The reservoir will bo fed by num
erous lntterals laid in various directions,
and us tho land is apparently undorluid
with a sheet of living water, there Is no
doubt but what tho wator problom is
solved, and that in a few days good wator
and plenty of it can bo hnd, und that,
too, at u cost not to oxecod tivo hundred
dollars. The council is to bo congratu
lated for its cfforts'In this direction.
(Furnished by J. II. Rniley)
Hut tie E Pearl and husband to
Bernard McNeny, qcd, BeVfJ
1!.VM1 3000 00
G E Coon, shorlfT, to Hornnrd
McNeny, sd, so If ar.-2.ll .... 2397 60
D D Miner anil wife to F II
Wilson, wd, nU 22-2.11, nnd
fi) se) nnd lota 7 nnd 8,
12-2-11 GOOO 00
G K Coon, sheriff, to Wm Mar
shall, ad, lots 7 and 8, block 3,
TalbotB add to Guide Rock. . 300 00
Laura Haas and husband to
Olaas Rose, wd, patent, nw)
29-1 D, 3ucreB 77 60
G E Coon, Bluriff,, to John
Greenwood, ed, nH'nw'i 2-4-11
1C8C 77
J D Gnuo and wifo to State
Rank of Franklin, wd, lot 1
in 8-1-12 nnd nw4 and nej.f
Bw'.' and lots (i and 7 in fi-1-12 5500 00
Clnns Rose and wife to A II
Gray, wd, lot 10, block 8,
J C Rose nnd wifo to A II Gray
wd. lot G, block 2, Roseraont,
1 00
1 00
1 00
J C Rose and wife to A II Gray
lot 1-, block 12, Kosomont. . .
Total I1BUC1 77
Take Notice.
I have loft all notes nnd collections
with II. E. Pond of Red Cloud, and here
by appoint him ns my agent with author
ity to colleot and receipt for same. Dan
iel Snyder. l-3w.
i . i ....
A few more of thoso eolobrated
Homo Sewing machines whjch I am
going to closo out cheap. If you
want one, call at onoo and sccuro a
bargain. James Peteuson, tbo agri
cultural man.
Tho vnlui) of a good name wan well ox
nmpled the other day, when a man asked
ono ot our druggists ior u bottle or Sar
oaponllH. 'Whose?" inquired the drug.
rM. "Whose? why, Ayer's, of course.
Vo don't supposo I'm going to run any
risks with Hannah, do yt-f
Arc You Xcrvout,
Are you all tired out, do you have that
tired feeling or sick licndnoliof Yon oan
be relieved of nil these symtoms by tnk
Ing Hood'H Sarsaparilla which given
norjo and bodily strength.
Hood's Pills nre onsy in notion,
James Potorson, tho Miinn ami
windmill man of this, oly, has placed
Mr. Geo. Slcn-IJ in charge of that
department. Mr. Mct'all has few
equals in thnt lino and can put up
moro windmills in a week's timo than
ony other nun. in this pnrt of tho
Fairs k Irii
That wc will accept CERTIFIED
CHECKS on the
F. & M. Bank at their face
value in exchange for
Dry Goods
Boots, Sroes
Also, will pay 30c for corn for 2 weeks
Remember we mean business.
Call in and sec.
Highest Price for Butter and Eggs.
Oar Tlianlu.
We wish to express our thanks to the
ladios and the D. of V. that assisted us
at our social.
8. or V. Bard.
Now Hay for 8ale.
Inquire of Wm. VsnDjke or L. P. Al
bright. Calmes keeps tbo boat ico cream in
tho city.
I. C. milk cans GO cents, and One Cross
milk cans GO cents at W. W. Wright's.
Heo mm before buying.
There will be nn ioe cream festival nt
Ash Croek M. E. Ohuroh Rolo on
Wednesday eve July 2(ith. All are very
cordially invited.
Ruckingham's Dye for the whiskers
can be applied whon at horns, and is un
(formally successful in coloring a brown
or blaok. Hence ita popularity.
For Farm Loans
Legal Notice.
TIil AeDUbllrun Vsllev Land
frmlunt, Hill uko notice that nn the 20th day of
.nine, vas. Aionro 11. uamner, mo piiunnn
herein, (lied hM petition In the county court of
Webster roiintv. Nebranka. nirilmt aalil de
fendant, tho object and prayer of which nre to
obtain Judgment SKUlnxt said defendant on Re
count of mousy paid, laid nut and extended hy
plaintiff for tho use ot said defendant am! at
its special instance and request, on the redemp
tion ui iuiiui ior ins saiu iitiriiiiiuii iroin nix
liens, and one J no. :. Mitchell, havlnx been
attached In said ncilon as Ksrulnhee, plsiniin
asks that nil moneys, credit and effect nf do
fendautf In his haudi mar bo subjected to the
payment nt amount found due plalnllll In auld
cause, rtalntlir claims thero Is dim him In sul t
came nt action, tho sumot three hundred (?.W0)
dollaisand Interest.
Ynu are requlri'il to answer said Million nn
or before Mouday, tho 4th day of September,
Dated July Itth, 1833.
1-tt 0. f. Vi.ANsntmii, ,
Atty. for l'laliitlff.
. Publication Notice.
Und Office at IllcomlnKtou, Nub., July -. 1803.
Notice is hereby kIvcii that the followlnu
named settler has filed notice nf his Intention
ti) make nuid proof In supnort nt his claim, and
Hint sain prooi win ue maue ucioro ine ciitk ui
tho district court, Webster county, nt lied
Cloud. Nebraska! on HaturtUy, Heiitember 2d,
ik.i, viz: rraiia ntoae, tin. aim', io. jii.j. ior
Iho ii! i neKi Hec SI, Tp t. N ltaimo VI W nth V. M
no names the follonlnK wltnosws to prove
hit continuous residence upon unit cultivation
of said land, viz: Alfred McCall. John If. Of.
borne, (I corse W. Hummel, Oliver McCall, ull
ot Ited cloud, Nebraska,
1-tt 0. (1 . Uai I.RV, ItCRlstcr.
Cannot Be Imitated)
And N
Stands Without a Rival ! - ''
Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder
Is superior in all things to any other. It's popularity has
induced, a host of imitations. More than twenty of thtie have
been suppressed in the past year by the strong arm of the law.
Neither these imitations nor any of the
Ammonia, Alum or Prize Baking Pow
ders can any more approach . r . $ .'
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
In its marvelous strength, purijy and
other great qualities, than the paste can
take the place of an old mine diamond. .
A million Friends.
A friend in need Is a f rlsnd indoed, and
not less than one million people have
found just Buoh a friend in Dr. King's
Now Discovery for consumption, cougtiB
nnd colds. If you hare never used this
great cough raediolno, one trial will con
vince you that it baa wonderful curative
powers in all diseases of throat, ohest and
lungs. Each bottlo Is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed or money will be re
funded. Trial bottlea free atC. h. Cot
ting's drug store. Large bottles 60o and
Sood buckwheat at McNitt's.
Fon window ecroona go Wright's.
Go to Wright's for screen doors, win
dow soreons, fco.
See W. W. Wright before you buy barb
wire. Ho sella the Gllddea for 3o.
Call at tho Harvard Painless Dontat
Parlors and got acquainted with their
mothods of tilling teeth without pain..
For n cut, bruise, burn or scald, there is
nothing equal to Chnmberlnin'a Fain
Balm. It heals the parts moro quickly
than any other application, and unless
the injury is very severe, no scar ia left.
For sale by Deyo & Orios.
Now hay can bo had by leaving ordors
The Demon of Despair
Insomonia, and its twin brother Dys
pepsia, are tho offspring of a disordered
stomach. A positive ours is found in
Begg's Dandelion Bitters. Sold by Deyo
& tirice.
Call at Harvard Painless Dental Par
tors, over Morhurt'B and havo your work
dono without torture.
For Sale.
A Gno Mason & Hamlin piano.
Nearly now. Will bo sold cheap and
on cany terms,. Boyd & OviKlriu,
lied Cloud, Neb. 49 tt.
The Army Bill
Is not the one that worries ns but the
doctor's bill. Keep a supply of Uegga
Family Medicines on hrnd and reduce
your doctor's bills U5 per cent, Hold by
Deyo fc Grico.
Over Post Office