The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1892, Image 8

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Friday, Dee. at, 1S
B. M. M. It. Time Table.
Taking effect Nor 27.
TralaMarrylnif paaMiigera leave lied Cloud as
No, lis FaMangftr to llMtlng fl:00 p. m.
No. 1M FreiKht for Masting 1 so p. in.
No. Ml r!Hncrfroranatlnm lOilO a. m.
No, l. raaarnger to Ht. Joseph Ht.
Ld uli and eiiTcaKe dally 10:30 a. in,
No. U I'aMenter Do Kansas City and
AUhlion dally 8;20 p. m.
No. 13 ratMngar for Denver and In
termedin point daily 7 13 a. m.
No. lft raatengeri for Denver, dally, o;is p. in.
No. 143 local freight to Oxford dally
except Munday . 0:00 a.m.
no, iff i
local freight from Oxford dally
xeept Hunday.
ails p. m
To You or to You
After hearing bo long and no much
that the Ladies, of the G. A. R. wan
othugbit a rcmnaat of the Knights
f the Golden Circle, and so on and
o ob and that they were not rceog
ited any whero and they would not
be away oat In that large city of Rod
Cloid where all the magnified intel
leetual bumps all grow and that they
should not, and should not prosper.
am bere to tell all interested that we,
that is to say. Sherman Cirole No. 3
of Red Cloud, Neb., was org.inisod by
om of Garfield Post's past command
era abewt 22 months ago with a mem
bersbtp of 17 members and whilo
dame gossip has been even having
waketul lights, we have, as an order
lost io sleep, lost no breath in trying
to cool the heated tongue of slander
from the faet that the comrades whoso
others, wives, sister and daughter
were is the lodge, was not wanting
a divoree after they had shared the
sorrows as well as privations of war,
and some of them 28 and 29 years of
peace, but propose to go steadily on
rv co aot propose, after naving our
membership increased to near 70, to
weaken, No, neverl
Now just stop ani think whon you
ehanee to say they, as an order, aro
made apof trash, God bloss your souls
uaeie Ham, when this government
waa being shaken to all it was ablo to
bear, bad bo timo to stop and say,
"You art trash; We will not call you
we an only wanting kid glove aristo
crats." No neverl If ho had timo
to say any thing it was. "I call for
volenteera to eome to the resouo of this
aoble government." A volenteer sol
dier is a patriot Patriotism dictates
ready and cheerful obedienoo to tho
eoisUtution and tho laws. One of
these volenteers is one of tho Nation'
defenders. Dare you deem it worth
your while to try to say bcoauso some
fill perhaps a more humbler position,
and perohanoe not of any fault of bis
owb, Dare you say to that comrade,
mother, wife sister and daughter jou
are nothing. What did your sacrifice of
laying you life on your country's alter
amount to? You have como homo
with health
impaired. Your mother
and daughter have to
they not as good as I am.
pox an we could co t.
and we wore so bless
u I
rity that some friend
helped us out. But
ot worthy to belone to a O.
R, order. Now mv ma t.tA
j v.w iiiiuvi,
haven t you lived in Neb. long enough
to know the more you cultivate the
aoil the better the crop, the less tho
weed, and tbe farther between. Wo
n ,fr mn 0m ma X. If -
.. VV ,, Wq UBo applications or
initiations every meeting with four
to be initiated at our next meeting,
and three- more application for mem
beiship. When Garfield post eom
mender organised us we think it would
be very absurd thing for us to dony our
ocibi standing m tbe family. I will
have for the benefit of nil, a clipping
from the American Tribune published
aumQgyou wneiner we aro reeoe-
aiBsaor not. Hoping jou will all
consider what you are doing, como
over in Macedonia and help us as tho
good Book teaches. A-Mesibkk.
A Happy Union
Mr. A L. midreth and Miss Addio
P. Hayes were united in Holy Mat
rimony at the brides home Wednes
dajDee. 21, by Rev. RIohardson.
The happy couple left on the evening
trail for bis homo at Ezter where thoy
will visit friends and relatives for n
abort time. May thoy have a long
and prosperous journey through lite
is , the wish of their many friends at
Cewler. They received many nico and
useful presests of which bere is a list.
Chair Tidy and Pair Towel.: Mr. G.
Children Cry for
Ji jam ia
i &fam
11 sal
I Tthat
A. Hanawalt nnd wife, Pair towels,
Mrs. Geo. W. Wells. Flour bin and
sifter, Mr. Goo. A. Harris nnd wife.
Nut cracker and picks, Mr. & Mrs,
C. II. Castor. Picture frame. Mrs. J.
0. Hayes. Silk li'dk., Mr. K. II.
Kconny. Vases, T. Paul and wife.
Head reHt and picture throw, G, A.
Wells and wife, Doz napkins and
pair Towels, II. P. Ablo and family.
Tablo cloth, S. D. Cook and family.
Two fruit dishes, J. M. Steely and
wife, Pair towels, Mrs. W Estop.
Lamp, J. K. Graves and wifo.
Photograph holder, Mr Koontz and
lady. Table cloth and napkins, Mrs.
L. S. WolU. Two cups and SAUacrs,
C. C. Boron and lady. Cako basket
and toothpick holder, E W Wells and
wifo, Glass water pitcher, Miss h M
Boron. Silver pikcl castor, Miss Graeo
Hildrcth, Photograph holder and pict
ure throw, Mrs L B Atkison. Silver
sugar spoon and butter knife, Elton
Cook and lady. Pair towels, Mis?
Lottie Hildrcth. Set Goblets, W Scott
and wife. Salt and pepper oastcr, Miss
Julia Hildrcth. Pair towols, E L
Fawcett and wife, Pair pillow slips,
Mrs E W Wells. Whisk broom holder,
W E Cook and wife.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
i .. . . -..
Boarders Wmitcd.
I am prepared to tako boarders b;
tho week. House located ono block
from post office, eno door south of
the 4th avonuo hotel, Prices reason
able and first class meals, and beds
furnished. Mrs. A. Sapi,
lkiforo Samnol Went, Jmtlcoof (he pence, with
in ami ior wcuiii'rcoumy, neuruiKa
Amos (lust
James l'llchcr,
James l'llchcr will t.iko notion Hint on Hie nth
dav ot December, isw, .4ntmiel West, n Jintlce
of the pcaconf lied cloud, Wctistcr county, Ne
braska, Issued an order of nttnrhinviit for the
sum of fifty-six dollars nnd costs, limn iictlon
pendlnc before lilm, wherein tho siilil Amos
(lust Is plnlntllT. and the said Jnines l'llchcr Is
defendant, that property conslstliiK of three
hundred bushels ot cum, being the rental of
the farm by said l'llcher, rented to V. K. An
derson, has been attached under said order.
Said caaso was continued until the Stat day of
January, 1893, at 10 o clock a. in.
Amos Gust, 1'lalntlfT,
StUrr and eipeiur pJd WMklj fromiUrt,
AadTueuMnLKxclnilTa Urrltorj,
. i .. ww4..ui uuou ruance lor
UOaia. bard atork. trua Tto -
M"nn. i nirirrMmwitguar
idimso io iticai
BvQ. kiDriroBI
lprt Sim
n In-
Ann not Mm-
umt any
pml cxnriMM. DontV
lnffft7Aiirr month
YJr Ttonafnll-irMlDthlioroair
. I...- ... i
tines. ti1l11Lmj. nuums
..... ...u.r.-.. m,..' tii ii
houw It rtUabls. riamo thUi ppcr.-Kd.))l
D. B. Spanoe,
Real Estate
Red Cloud.
For Sale.
A good farm of 100 pores, within
fivo miles of lied Cloud, in a goad
state of cultivating, well watcrod,"and
fenced. For terms, address
19.3m South Lyon, Mich.
Our books and accounts havo been
loft with II. E. Pond for settlement
and all indebted' to us will call and
settle with him.
Hahius & Gust.
Take Notice.
After January 1, 181)3, I shall sell
meat strictly for cash.
J. A- McAitTHUii.
a a i i , ,
For Firo LiErhtnimr uml Tnrnmln
Insuranco in tho German of Frocport
and other reliable companies, call on
or write to Chos. Sohaffnit, oflico over
Deyo's druf; storo, Kcd Cloud, Nebr.
Special Oirer.
One. ono-seutud buircv. nnd nm. iwn
seated buggy, new and only used a
llttlo while, ono cood fami v ImrRn
splendid driver, a first-closs piano,
nice Bet of parlor furniture, &c. Any
of those goods would make nico Christ
mas presents. Will bo sold nt n
great bargain for cash if applied fur
scon. L. Bai'm. Kcd Cloud. Nobr.
l .
Di) not buv a stnvn until vnn inn
iboso fino heaters at Wright's storo,
Tho ceUbratud Globo caul nil Imntnr
tho best manufactured, for sale by W
W Wncht, tho leadinir hardwnrn nmn
in lied Cloud,
Hiicklen'a Arnica Naive.
Thu bent Bntvn In Om u-.iri.i r... .,.,
brulBos, eoroH, Ulcorn, Suit rhoiim, fwor
soree, totter, clmpiioil hntuls, cliilblniiw.
COmB. and all akin nrimlinna n.wl .,.,.,!
tivjly cures piloa, or no pny required. It
a Hii.i.iuiiuru wj bivo perioci Batisrnction
or tnonov rofnnded. frico 25 centa pit
box. Forenlo bvCottlnor. r
a M
Dont bo folish and buv nnv (Hu-io
mSB COOds Until VOU hnvn unnn
and Grieo's stock and their prices.
Farmers Observe
Corn 30 cents
Wo will pay during- December, in trade, 30c for o rn.
We have just received a large invoice of
And our store is full from top to bottom.
A Beautiful Pict
Our stock of Ladies and and Children's Un
derwear in gray, white and red is complete,
Bed Comforts and Blankets all kinds and
Remember we mean business and will close out
Wn?. McflYOY,
Webter Street Livery Feed and
Sale Stable.
North opposite Moon Block, Red Cloud.
Your patronage solicited.
. JT. COZAIP, Proprietor.
All hauling intrusted to mo will be promptly attended to.
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
oud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
fcverlshncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sloop. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Cutorlali an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told mo ot ltd
good effect upon their children."
Da. O. C. Osoonn,
Lowell, Ma&s.
' Castorla Is tho liest remedy for children of
hlcu I am acquainted. 1 hopu tho day U not
far distant w lu-n mothers will consider tho real
Interest of their childrcu, and uso Castorla In
utead of tliearloiisqiiacl. nostrums which ore
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup nnd other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby serdluj
thoui to premature craves."
Da. J. V. Kmciietoc,
Couway, ArW.
The Ceataor Company, TI Murray Street, New York City.
with $10 and J
in all the latest styles
ot January, uivc us a
" Castorla Is so well adapted tocblldren that
I recommend it assupcrlorto any prescription
known to me."
IT. A. Ancma, M, D.,
Ill So. Oxford Bt., Urooklyn, N. V.
" Our physicians in tho children's depart
ment havo epokon highly ot their expert
cuco In t);clr outsldo practice with Castorla,
nnd although we only liaro among our
medical supplies r.hat Is known as regular
products, ) et wo aro free to confess that the
merits ot Castorla has won us to look with
favor upon It.
United IIospitai, akd DisriNsittt,
Uouton, Mass. c. Burru, Pre.,
ure Given
worth of goods.
Cloaks and
Ladies and
we have
Prices way down, we will in fact undersell all
our competitors
all of them. Xmas
call and be convinced.
R. M. Martin & S on
W. W Wright
Has a line line of
Heating and cooking Stoves ! J
nd is selling so low tbiit all can afford to buy. r4lP
If you do not consult him before buying.
New and Second Hand Goods.
New and Second Hand Goods a Specialty,
2d door north of Moon block
mmw wma'w Mum.
Orders promptly flUod. "Sourpatronago solloitcd
Lumber, Coal, Lime, lath, Etc.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Prices Lower than any yard.
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Managor.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having hud ten yearn experience In county record and ono of the most complete set of At
struct books In tho stato.wn guarantee satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
All ordes tilled promptly, lo.ooa dollar bond tiled
I nd approved. Address or call on
L. H. FORT Manager, Rod Cloud, Nob.
Perkins &. Mitchell's old stand.
Choice Flour & Feed,
And sells it cheap.
Get his prices before buying oui flour.
Jackets in
hildren's Sizes
over 200.
bargains before the 1st
Am -- j !$St
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