The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1892, Image 7

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Sorr.nion's starch factory in now
ptoctn of construction.
Mart liojfs arc reported dyinjf of tho
holern In Uto neighborhood of Sterling.
FAn.Mr.tM In the vicinity of Onff hnva
organized an association to build an
Qeouar. GotiriiKY, it Dodge oounty
farmer, raised 30,000 husholn of corn
this year from 400 acres. It is worth
Whim: recently kuntinff near llyan
nls William Chambers accidentally dis
charged hU shotgun, shooting off his
left nrm
Mandamus proceedings havo been
commenced at lleatrlce to compel tho
mayor to cortlfy that the city has a
population exceeding 10,000.
l' G Moiiiuso.v, a brakeman on the
U. & M., whllo uncoupling cars at Crab
Orchard tho other evening, caught his
foot in a frog and beforu ho could re
leuso it ho was run down by a cur and
his leg bo terribly mangled that ampu
tation was necessary.
Ion;?, of Wnbasli, was re
cently taken before tho iiibtinity board
and declared u tit subject for tho asy
lum. Dalton was an Inmate once be
fore, but was discharged. Lately he
lms been chasing the Inhabitants of
the vlllago of Wabash with a gun.
Kd MtmiiK, of Crawford, recently at
tended an cnturtainment at l'ort Hob
inson. Upon his return to Crawford
he commenced drinking and next morn
ing shot and fatally wounded hU chum
mid room mate, Thomas Totten. lie
then tried to escape but was captured.
The Nebraska Soldiers' association
bus elected tho following ofllcers for
the ensuing year: Dr. A. ltowen, presi
dent; I.outaliUllin, vleo president; J. Q.
(loss, secretary; T. J. Majors, treasurer;
John Olllcsplu, color bearer. Next win
ter's meeting will bo held at Omaha.
The place of holding tho summer meet
ing has not been tlxed. '
Stehmno hail a destructive flro tho
other night. J. 1'. Ueushaw, dealer In
general merchandise, was carrying u
lump through his store, when ho
stumbled and fell, breaking the lamp.
The building was tired and soon con
sumed, as well as the post oflleo and a,
number of other buildings. Tho total
loss was about A.OOO; insurance about
half that amount.
At un early hour tho other morning
the old log barracks at Tort Iloblnsou,
built in tho early '70s caught flro and
burned to tho ground. Ono end was
occupied as quarters by blx families of
enlisted men. Tho other end was
ubed by the quartermaster as n storo
room for wagon muterlal aud other
heavy goods; also a lot of ordnanco
property, all of which wus entirely
con hu mod.
I'ETun Laiison, a sixteen-year-old
boy, was shot and seriously wounded
by Kruest Cabcrly, a boy of the same
age, at Lincoln tho other morning.
Uoth are messengers in the Lincoln
District Telegraph Co. and tho shooting
occurred in tho waiting room. Caberly
had a revolver in his hip pocket An
other boy attempted to take it uway
from him and In tho scufllu tho weapon
was discharged.
Tun troubles of John Tholon, of
Crete, have been multiplied. Until last
munmcr ho was well and strong, when
fell from a windmill and injured his
inc. ainco then no mis not uoen nuie
iki and probably never will be.
Ills family consisted of himself, wife
nnd six children, nil of whom havo
been sick. Uecontly a little girl, 8
years old, died, and In a few days after
wards the mother passed away.
The supremo court has denied tho
application for a writ requiring tho
county clerk of Clay county to issuo
certificates of election to the three re
publican instead of to three independ
ents who wore declared elected to tho
legislature by small majorities. Tho
latter had thoir names twice upon the
ballot once as Independents aud once
as democrats. As It did not appear
that any one had voted twice for tho
name man tho writ was not allowed.
Tun superintendent of tho state asy
lum for the Incurable Insane at Hust
ings reports that the finances of that
institution aro in a very satisfactory
condition, and he hopes to complete the
biennial period with llttlu or no defi
ciency, notwithstanding tho fact that
211 additional patients have been re
ceived during the year. At tho present
time there are MO pationts at the Insti
tution. Tho cost nor capita for tho
past ten months has been HO'J per
Tun twelfth annual session of the
Farmers' Alliance met at Grand Islnnd
on the 20th. President Powers' nnnual
address was the most Interesting part
of the day's proceedings. Ho stated
tho object of tho alliance to be educa
tional. Tho recent elections had the
effect to Intcrfero with and break up
tho regular meetings of tho alliance,
and In home Instances lias produced a
condition of almost hopeless lethargy.
Tho question of tho consolidation of
tho state alliance with tho Farmers al-
lianco and Industrial union Is, he
says, worthy of earnest considera
tion. In regard to legislation, state
nnd national, the president urged tho
reduction of railroad freight rates, tho
amendment of tho Australian ballot
system, some relief, if possible, from
the. present usury abuses, a government
postal telegraph system, and that
which he considered tho greatest Im
portance at tho present time, a grand
trunk railroad owned and operated by
tho government running from tho
Dakotas to tho (lulf, in order to stop
tho east enriching Itself on tho west
Hkcknti.y n ten-year-old Schuyler
school boy, named John Irwin, found
tho bank deposit book of u llttlo girl
nnd tried to draw t" by presenting It at
the ban's. Tho cashier told the lad he
would have to got an order from his
mother. Ho left tho bank and soon re
turned wltlt nn tin order, properly
signed, for JJ.7B, which amount was
given him. The order was bogus.
FltEU NovoTSY.ti school district treas
urer in Hayes county, has been bound
over to the district court on the charge
of embezzling 1 171. Ho claims the cash
was burned when his home mot de
struction und think tho district should
stand tho loss
Condcnuctl Itepnrt ot Hip rroeeedlnj-a of
lloth limine.
Soon nftcr the rolling cf the Journal In tho
neiintc on the 19th Mr Oormnn nnnouocot tho
(tenth of Senator llltison, ot IaiuIMiuih, ami tlo
livered r brief etilony nftcr which the ernnto
oiljotirnrcl... There itmi Terr lltn attendance
when tho hou.10 met Mr. Wll'on, of Mlasourl,
called up tho ftennto hill Increasing the tension
ot pensioners of tho Mrilmn war from 10 112
a month. The bill was rf d Mr. Culberson,
tit Testis, movnl to nuspend the rules ant) pai
n hill limiting the Jurisdiction of tht circuit ami
district court of tkft United Ktatce, The bill
prohibits Milts In United Stairs courts bv or
acnltut coriiorutlons, except to the court of
tho legal domicile ot the lorporatlon In case
bcrc jurisdiction depends upon the citizen,
shin of the parties. Tho motion was agreed to
nnd the house udjourncd.
Tnn ncnnto was In session four hours on tho
SOiu. Sen-nil Important bills were Introduced
nt.d two were psiMeil no authorlrtng tho sale
f lands fort Mlflln. Del. The Mcliarr.i
Jan bill was not taken up. but went over. An
rffort wns made by Mr, lllackbiirn to have the
Hudson river bridge hill taken up, but ns that
Mould hnvo had tho ifftct of nlditrocUlng tho
ntitl-opllon bill tho iftort was nuccemfully re
sisted by Mr. Washburn. Mr. ltlacltburn'tt mo
tlon wasdefeaudby it vote of 13 to IL Tho
null-option bill no then taken up and wnx tin
der consideration until ndourt.mcnt....ln tho
house nothing was done, tti object of the mem
bers seeming to bo that nothing should bo done
until after tho holidays.
TUB session of the firnato on the Slut wus do
vottil mainly to ipeech malting. Ainmu; tho
speakers were Senator Perkins and I'eller,
thu latter fnvorliu tho itnil-npllon bill and tho
former.spoUo ns to tho policy to bo pursued nn to
thc-lndlan territory. Ho filtered statehood or a
territorial goverment and opening the Outlet.
The holiday recess resolution was udoptvil aud
Mr. Mel'hersou (tf. J,) Introduced a Joint rcao
lullon to r-mpend tho jiurchaee of sliver under
tho Sherman act of IHWj. Adjourned.. .There
was 110 quorum in the house and tho utumpt
to transact any huslnces failed Adjourned
without doing anything.
IN the senate on the !2d the McOnrrnhnn bill
was dobatod at some length, Mr. llunton (Va.)
closing his three days' nix 1 oh In Us favor. It
then went over. Mr. 1'cffer further ripoko In
favor of tho antl option bllL After n short ex
ecutlve session the senate adjourned until Jan
uary 4 Tho houso won in ttcnslon only fifteen
ttiluuus, when It adjourned until January 4.
Merit nml Uravery Itetrrtriled and Illation
esty Very hevvrely Vanished.
The customs nnd regulations most
commonly observed on board a buc
caneer ore worth noting. Every pirate
captain, doubtless, had his own set of
rules; but there were certain tradition
al articles that seem to havo been gen
erally adopted. The captain had the
htate cabin, a double vote in elections,
a double share of booty. On some ves
sels it was the captain who decided
whnt direction to hail in, but this and
other matters of moment were oftener
settled by a vote of the company, the
captain's vote counting for two. The
ofllcers had a share and a half or u
share and a quarter of rill plunder, nnd
the sailors one share ciicli. Kooty wus
divided with scrupulous care and ma
rooning was the penalty of attempting
to def rami the general company, If only
to the amount of a gold piece or a dol
lar. Etcry man hud a full vote in every
affair of importance.
Arms were always to b clean and fit
for service, and desertion of the ship
r quarters in battle was punished with
death. On Kobcrts' ship a roan who wus
crippled in battle received (300 out of
the common stock, nnd u proportionate
sum woh awurded for lesser hurts.
Louther allowed 150 for the low
of a limb, nnd other captains infctituted
u. sort of tariff of wounds which extend
ed to cars, fingers and toes. In chase
or battle the captain's power was abso
lute. He who tlrst spied u sail, if she
proved to be a prize, vros entitled to the
best pair of pistols on board her over
and above his dividends. These pistols
were greatly coveted, and a. pair would
sell for as much us !!0 from one pirate
to another. In their own common
wealth the pirates are reported to have
been severe upon the point of honor,
and among Kobcrta' crew it was the
practice to slit the ears or nose of any
sailor found guilty of robbing his fel
lows. Such feeble interest an now attaches
to what was once the formidable fame
of the pirates is not even testhetlc, it is
merely comic. No imaginative essayist
discusses piracy as a flue art; but Paul
Jones Is resurrected as the hero of a
musical burlesque. Poor Paull And
he is almost the only one of the whole
buccanceringrace whose btory discovers
n trace of the legendary gallantry of
piracy. Paul, whose father had been
liend gardener to Lord Selkirk, plun
dered the Selkirk mansion of Its plate,
which he subsequently returned In u
parcel to Lady Selkirk with u letter of
polite apology. National ltevlew.
These are Facts
Housekeepers Should Seriously Consider.
nn NnTRF nrrnvrn
nlih i'aius. Rnamtlf. nnd Paint which (tola IhIhmIk em. a Mil titim ftfT.
The lining sun Store Petit li Is Itrllllynt. Odor
li, l)urkl,ni1lheonumerin;s fur no tin
or !m rsciM wlh Trr purennso
If you want the best food, you will be interested
in the following facts, which show why " Royal "
is the best baking powder, why it makes tho best
and most wholesome food, and why its use has
become almost universal its sale greater in this
country than the sale of all other cream of tartar
baking powders combined.
Tho Koyal Baking Powder NKVKK JhlN.
It is absolutely pure nnd wlioU-some.
It In combined from tho most npproved
mid healthful ingredients.
It make.1) tlto fiuost flavored, most tender,
dellelons and wholesome food.
It ha.s greater leavening strength than
any other linking powder, nnd Is therefore
tho cheapest.
It never loses its strength, hut will keep
fresh und of full leavening power until
It acts slowly in the dough, so that nono
of its strength is lost before tho baking is
It makes food that will keep sweet, moist
nnd fresh longer, or that may ho eaten hot
und fresh -with impunity.
The reasons why the Royal linking Powder is
superior to all others in these respects arc easily
stated. One is because it is made from chemically
pure materials; another is because it is made with
greater care and accuracy than any other. It is
always uniform in composition and leavening
power. It has been the standard baking powder
since its introduction. The rounder nnd con
ductor of its business over since is still ut
the head of its management. Thus all the
knowledge and skill attained by over a quarter of
a century's experience is available in its present
preparation. The consumer is not experimented
upon by changes of foi inula that arc constantly
being made in other powders in an cfibrt to get a
mixture that will not "cake" or lose its strength,
or that follow changes of proprietorship or manu
facturers. The Royal linking Powder i3 always
certain and equal in its work ; a tcaspoonful docs
the same perfect work to-day that it did yesterday,
or last week or month, or last year.
While the last teaspoonful in a can of Royal is
as good as the first, other powders lose their
strength after being made a short time, nnd par
ticulntly after the can 3 opened.
The exactness vth which the active principle
of each ingredient prior to mixing is ascertained
by expert chemists; the actual prohibition unforced
ngainst the receipt injo tho works of nn impure in
gredient; the care with which the materials arc
dried, coated and prepared before their combina
tion, nnd the precision in packing the powder so
that it shall be delivered to the consumer in the
perfect condition in which it leaves the factory,
are some of the details which go to make the
perfect " Royal."
The same means arc not employed by other
manufacturers. There have been a great many
imitations of the Royal, but no equals. Pure
materials arc not employed, care is not taken in
their preparation and combination, while in the
great majority of baking powders alum is added to
give them strength, while cheapening their cost.
The great popularity and general use of the
Royal linking Powder attest its superiority.
God bless the children. Any
thing that alleviates their sufferings
and that restores them to health
when they are afflicted is deserving
of great praise. When we consider
that half the population of the
world die before they reach the age
of live years, we can see what a
boon any remedy is that banishes
the chief danger of childhood, for
eighty per cent, of deaths in these
infants come from croup. Mothers
will read the following epistle with
Kansas city, Mo., Nov. 30th, 180;.
My b.iby, nineteen months old, Is very
much subject to croup. Recently wc have
been Induced to use Rcld's German CourIi
and Kidney Cure and we no longer dread
these attacks. Two doses Rive Instant re
lief. I p.lvc it freely and do not fear an
overdose. J. W. MARSH,
202 F-nf.t I'ifth Street,
Manager Depot Transfer Co.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Gold Thread.
The bnso of tho gold thread of com
merce Is silver, which is brought from
the Hank of England In cakes weighing
about ono thousand ounces. Hold leaf
is carefully Incorporated with the hllver
by hammering und afterward the whole
is subjected to a charcoal flr. The bar
is now ready for conversion into wire.
This is accomplished by drawing it
from one hundred to one hundred and
ilfty times through ever-diminishing
boles in steel plates and llnally, when
tho capabilities of this metal nave neon
exhnustcd, through nperturen In dia
monds, rubles or sapphires. The deli
cate wire thus obtained must now be
passed through the steel rollers of ono
of Herr Krupp's little Hatting mills.
This bring up to tho final process tho
spinning of the flattened wire round
silk to form the golden thread of com
merce. These spluning machines aro
worked by water, although two steam
engines are to bo found in the factory;
for water power is considered to bo
moro regular nnd even in its uctlon.
Waverley Magazine.
, Hunt One to Answer.
Tho long-haired caller in the editorial
room was indignant.
"Poets are born, sir." he said to tho
eminently practical editor.
)f course they urc," responded the
editor, suim-ly, "you didn't Imagine 1
thought they were hatched, did you?"
"I mean, sir, they are born; born, Blr,
do you understand?"
"I think I do," and tho editor rubbed
his chin reflectively, "but why aro
That wns tho straw mat jracturca
the spinal column of tho camel nnd, the
poet stalked oat of tho den. Detroit
1'rce l'ress.
l'ogg says there is only one objec
tion, so far as ho Is concerned, to rldiiuj
a trotting horse. The hor.iu's back is
always coining up when the rider is gi
Intr down, and going down when the
rider in coming up ltoston Transcript,
In the January Wide Awake,
Margaret Siduey's pupor on "Whittier
with the Children" naturally lend u'.l
others in titnoliuob und interest. It is
sympathetic, personal nnd dollghtt'l,
and shown tha good Quaker poet as the
child-lover and with tuut child-naturo
his pocmb bava led us to ascribe, to him.
The urtlela U profusely illustrated.
Another louder U Fradurick A. Obor's
"The Uridge thut Spanned the World."
It deuU with tho localities made
fnmouik by Columbus in Spain. Kirk
Muuroe, the founder ot the I.esgu of
American Wheelmen, contributes a
pithy article "About Bicycles" to the
Wide Awaku Athletics, and makes sumo
Bhurp criticisms on the present method
of "jaekkuiunjr" in tho saddle. Tho
short htorles in tut number aro es
pecially bright. Annie Uowlls
Frechette' "Kill" Is tho study of a
small boy that shows tho Itovrells'
realism iu a utw vein: Mary Kvla Dal
las' "The Mule Turk" is a tale of
pluck and endeavor; Mary I'. W. Mtnith
in "Ilehind the Wardrobe" delights all
tUofce who love or hate arithmetic.
The serial stories by W. O. Stoddard,
Molly Klliot Seawe.ll and Theodora It.
Jenness are increasingly
Kate l'utnam Osgood's "Italiad Of the
Itonny Page" Is full of btrength nnd
lire; M. K. li s dog poem, "A Morning
Call," Mrs. M. F. Ilutt'.s "So the Snow
Vomcs Down," and Iitchurd lEurtou'd
"t.undlord aud Tenant" are charming.
The Men mid Things department is
full of bright paragraphs. Th- illus
trations are beautiful. Meynello's ex
quisite frontispiece of Whittier with
tho children, has almost the softness
nnd strength of an oil pulutlng. und is
well worth framing'.
Price 20 centt a number; SMOnypur.
On sale at news stands or sent post
paid on receipt of price, by I). Lotlirop
Company, Publishers. Boston.
"I risn it Is always host to keep cool,"
said thcsiiuw. "I'siictlv," ii'p'li'd tln'Mile
walk, "1 catch your drift" WuililueUni
"That mnti enii't bo a poet," .u!d .len
nliiKS, us a Irlend pulutul lUltnblin a llt
orury num. "He looks too uiuili like emu."
Uu.cugii News Itccord.
Ftit.TON "Did ho leave any rot Intuit Iu
his will fur bis wiful" HiiMipi' "Nn, hut
ho loft her plenty at money to f-'Ct the lnt.t
the market ulTurilH." Inter (h-cun.
f.nnk to Yutirni'ir
If your liver Is nut of order, your skin saf
fron coloiud, lnni;tiu furred, cyeliallH tinted
with velloiv. llottetlor'H Ktuui.ii'h hitlers
iustaiit r li tho u.irreot tiling. IHmH watt,
If ou don't want Jamidiee and perhaps ab
scess of tint liver. Jjikutvlho. li ,vmi have a
malarial chill, touch of rlieilliuitlElil, llldl
gestlnu, hhlnev or nervous trouble, use tlio
lilttern without delay. Ulvutta lulr trlul,
us it preserves.
It was nn ucrlculturid editor who wrote:
"Pumpkins am said lo uu futu-iiiug for
hoiis, but wo havo never tried them our
helves." Dtsr.Asn Is untmtiin.l, uml l luit the proof
thut we uro ubiisi ig Nut. iv It U rialiued
tint li.irllel.l 'lea, a simple herb remedy,
helps N"..turo to overcome this abuse.
Mt'Ptn: "Thntn-son eallPilTnonn Id'ot"
Yabley "You uetilu't mind tu..t Thomp
son ulwnyn dm. osugucruw tuoiu or lui.5. '--
iniiiuniiioiiB joi.ruui
Couons tsn tlnHi'.Nr. The irrititlon
which tnduixs coiiIjIii immrduitcl,, in
lie veil by tiHiiof "irwu'.i'n iliuiu7.(.l7'ncicii."
Hold only in boxes.
"Johnnv, clvomen proverb." "Ampu
tation lo tho thief of leg." llurper'n
Ir you nrorniKtlpatcd, billons or troubled
Willi lok homliiolie, Uceelmm's Pills afford
Immediate relief. Of uruyt'lsUi. cents. spitiou homebody MU.Mtinp theater
lint liitist L'o It la-i'iit on noun; U the
' theater, for a fact. i. (J. ' kujutu'.
MrCmiKi.r. "Do oukunw what Is the
best thing outi" MeCnicklc "No. Whut
Is III' Mt'Coikle- "1 haven't decided
whether It's nn iiehlng tooth or a eaullugra
thm." "Yot'tt ehtilrt look ho cnlltxpital," said a
visitor to her haslets the other duy ; "they
really tceui to beg jtnur gin-sin to nit down
cotlly nnd flint in uouifwrt together." lion
ion 'ItUIIMU'lpt.
Two vatcnts for bottle stoppers have
been liMieil. A lmiont lor n mouth top
per, operating effectively when eertulu
buttles approach, would also verve a useful
Koou mil Osn Omlt Clara "What do
uu think ot my new iniiltl" Mamie
"l.ovch 1 Hut where do you put your other
lmmli"-N. Y. lleiuld.
Our Balos for tho past week of
"Ciiautkii Oak" Stoves and Randes
havo been unprecedented. Tho Char
tor Oak haa been forging ahead ovory
day of tho forty years tbat it has
bocn on tbo market.
Mus. CtiMtih "1 thought thorongregutlon
vu:i deeply tlirieil by our pastor's sermon
UiN morning." Ciitusu "1 noticed u good
leal of restlessness inisulf."
sw tT;
w r-WT v v ii nnii
Voit itor dMlin klip thim. II youn
dots nit,irrlU direct tomannftetumi.
Don't Whees and couch vliou Halo's
Honey of llorehound anil Tar will cup
l'ltie's Toothaehu Dropj Cureiu unu mluuto.
Must Rr.
tobacco ' lluvt'i'lui
liver I' -N. Y. lltruid.
"lllrk hits ulvrn
"Is ll lou or
CATTI.i: Hest lieeven f 5 a
Ktuvkcrs 'Jim
Nutlve lows 1 HI
IIOOS (iood to choice houvy.. 4 M
WliriAT No, 2 red 01
No. 2 Ininl f(J'
COKN-No 2 mixed HI
OATS No 8 mixed
n.OUlt l'lUcnt, per stele,
HAY-Cholce timothy
Ill' ITKH t'holio creamery.... 21
OIIIMlK-Kiill 11
KtKiS-Cliolce 2il
roTAions w
CATTI.i: -ralrnatlvcj 3M
rt 3 3)
(ft 3 Wl
tl Ul'i
,'.& 7
44 .Tilt
'M t(T6 t.1)
47 f 4S
3 VI (, ;' 10
1 WJ I'JO)
7 W O 8 W
0 .V) (17M
21 C4 29
11 C4 M
m a
SIIKni'-Falrto choice
l-'IiUll -Choice
WHIJAT No. S red
(OKN No. 2 mined
OATS -Nn. 'J mixed 4
HYP. -No,'-'
IiAIt-VCHtei 11 Htcam
l'OUIt New
rJATl'I.l! 1'rlmo to extra
JIOUS- l'urlilns nnd Milpnlwt..
5 40
(i0 3 IS
(ft, 6 40
Cj 3 3-1
St .J E'(
m; 41
2 2)
4 HI
4 IX)
3 2)
10 00
1.1 20
4 75
SHKIM'-I'iiirto choice 4 ft)
ri.ont -Whiter wheut
WHKAT-No. 2 red
COKN-No. 2
OATS-No. 2
NllW YOI11C.
CATTI.n-Nntlve Hteer4
IlOli S-Oood to choice
f-'I.OUIt-CJood toiholco
COItN-Na 2
OATS -Western mixed
o a
10 00
11 40
ffi 81
013 18!
CI 5 40
ffi 6 2.1
f4 5 75
C4 4 00
71 i
(& 4IU
Pi 30 i
n 10 os
Oil 50
It Is never neccwrry to tfll tho money
lcmier to tnkna 1 it uiuore iuteicbt In his
bimlno.- . IX J'lcio iiMis,
Ir oil ciin still the fury of tho waver,, why
tlooH not every hhlii ta..e ji.euty of it iu her
Tur. trouble Is that when n man need hl
nii'vo muitt ho can't Had II. Atchison
; obo.
"WottKis' now, I'cter" "Xaw, I i.t a
job iu do city liti.l." litilTiilo Jixiu'CHS.
Ir's iihvnvH tho full tteiison with thu lunu
tour blejeltttfl.
Tur. 1ro.1t m not tho most, pou!ir producci'
of "Iniiier" mill;
It In belter inpltu a uii-ie taffy dur
lnKllfotliiiU!tuii.tiolieiitailiy inter death.
Both tho mntliod nud results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
mid refreshing to tho taste, and ncto
Kently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
.Liver n:ul Uowcls, elennseo tho eys
lem effectually, dispels colds, heud
ficlu'S nml fuvcru and cured habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tbo
only remedy ot its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to tjo taato and ac
ceptable to tho Btoninch, )rompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and ngrcenblo Biibstauces, its
ninny excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo niado it tho most
populnr remedy known.
tsyrup of Figs is for sale in GOo
and 81 bottles by all Icailinjr drug-
, gisiH. ivny reiuiDiu tiruggist wnu
1 may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly lor any ono wno
wi?bc3 to try it. Do not accopt nuy
touisviur. rr. 'rn vonn. N.r.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
ro mod In tho
preparation ot
W. BAKE11& CO.'
tclileh U abtolutelj
jmre and eolubte,
tha itren'jth of Cocoa mixed
with Bturch, Arrowroot or
8ui;ar, nd I far moro eco-
a m
mu ;.r!M
Inn lets than one cent a flip.
.m . ...M
noarisning, uuu kadiuh:
nomlcal. coi
It Is dellulouc,
rkld bf Otoffnt tjtrjvhtn.
W. B AKEB Gs CO., Dorohester, HaM,
HritvnAM'Rinrl p'enty filinot live 111
the Mime luiuae. -dull eaten New ft,
t rlSk II
3 tV)
fi a)
1 n
tt 4 -a
l 77
M .-A S'Ai
)i 00 O10 b1
l.ltitl A TUIF.F IS
TUii SiOHT, Con
cuiaTitUm itomon. A
alight -old with your
eytci:i in tho teroful-
ous eunuuiuu v 11111.-11
cniuxnl by impurn bloo'l,
ia enough to 1'ttsttn It
iilon you That i" tho
time t.-lwn nenliet and
delay an. full of dinger,
CGinuiuntlon U l.ime-
Berofula. You can movent it, and you can
euro It, If you haven't waited too lonfj, with
Dr. Piorco's Uoldcn Jledleul Discovery. Tliat
is tho mo-it potent MixxK-leanser, Btrength-resK-irer,
nnd lltsli-buililcr tlint'H known to
m(llcr.l fcelonco. For every dlataiw that han
U bo reaehul tliroueh tho Wood, llWo Con
Mimiitlou, for Berofula in ull iUs fcrmn, ncau
LuiiKB, llroneliilis, Asthma, ituil nil wvero,
lincrririg CoiikIw, it Is tho only ftmninferrf
ri'iiiedy. If It doesn't K-nttlt or cure, you
luivo your money Imelc.
Tho proprietors of Dr. frino'n Catanli
RonKtly A-oie tlutt their mwllcfne tjerfecUy
and pt'rmmwntly cures Catarrh, lo provo
It to won, thv nwto thiii otter: If tliy can t
euro your Catiirrli, o m-itter vhut yom
caw Is, they'll y you $500 in caih.
Machinery, &c.
rfinn oi-rn
byuu 0CCU
Thn.o wholniy oor nrrdtonro ntlima lada, bi
unu inrna rfiwtih xiii
1. Mir iir. tiiN.ipi,iN'i
DJbCltirTlVli C'ATAI.DOIIUinitllril linxin anuU.
thr DA Ihriu rllllkf.
Tf.n. IMirlllu.lratm
Audrey. pi trr SFFn PflMDAUV
Hia aad 814 If. Fourth trf t. ST. LUDU, MO,
B-AI4 1U13 I AtKA Mf, ! I.TW
7oo ctn't find what jaa want In your home atoraa,
el un the irnln unit rnme to our mammotb trr
lloiidi Kataullduneni. If yea ctn't coma, tries Mod
Mr onnipln (nu cliarije for ample), and order nt
,ou want IT mall. We guarantee iatliracttoo.
KrMJiiTuij rariaMarftiatrMnufc
Garfield Tea
UUI t-WllU I IMIUI4.iW,IH-Mil)llWUJ UMAIUII ,(- UW1" "
Cures Constipation
btul oftttatr.
,STe Doctor.1
'and no had olTooti
ajrAMa uiu fAj-camtr UHmna.
foon, Btrtrtlr conadentlal.
jMtlmor'al. AridraraUra
Tlioira Ufda. Qacago,JUX
nMIM. rioetamnt.nqliioonTenlenoa
kl'itaiii.k run
Copper Half-Tones for Fino Printing.
Write rm- NmiiiUa uml I'rtree.
li .H. 'ITV, MO.
Morntitnr Habit Cured In 10
;u iiuji, jxouay till cureu.
I DU. J. STtl'IIKNS. Lebaaon. Ohio.
r.lilll TUU vifU ma -m nlia
Vnilllfi Urn l-onrn Teleeraphr anil Itallroad
lUUrlfJ nlbll Aiiiit'llulnoiiIiorv.ati(lwcur
iroroUUiiatlonn. Write J.l. IIROWN.bedslla.MO.
eriou iuij varu mj om rw taa
rURKP. Trial BotUe free br mall.
I'arr. offer all othrra fail. Xddmni
lUI.Ii CHKl.lO.,nekt l'hll..,l'
J I'lso'K Ucineily for Cuturrh Is tbo
I Itcut, Kasleat to Use, anil Cbrnpeit. U
H Solit by ilmuKlHts or sunt by mall, H ,
Wc. H. T. llazeltlnu, Wurren, 1iv
"A. "nkT-D. 1428
etata Uat Ju taw tko Adrortlatvacat la tkM
VlKi.' tJfr.S t-fr?:
:.',;.. - t.