The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1892, Image 6

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mn rHHiiiiM m 1. 1 ii f.'j'f" i i'ihiii i ii i pnnawgni
It's Not Popular In Washington's
Official Oiroloa
rrldn Itarrlion Never Served Win at
III Iteceptlnna Attorney General Mil
Ur' Famous "fnillanapolli l'onch"
A Temperate City.
Special Wnihlnntoa Letter.1
During tlto first session of the present
congress the country was surprised and
aroused by tho churgo, openly mode by
Mr. Wntson, of (leorglti, that a member
of the house of representatives hud
been in nn Intoxicated condition while
making n speech upon the floor of tho
house. Tho chnrgo was Investigated
by n committee composed of members
of tho house, nnd, after taking volumi
nous testimony, It was decided that tho
charge was without foundation. Never.
thclcHS, tho Impression prevails
throughout tho country that thero is a
great deal of Boelnl tippling dono in
Washington: and thero Is something of
truth as well as exaggeration In that
It' Is true that It Is customary in so
ciety horo, as it Is In tho social clrclesof
other cities, to havo wine at banquets
and receptions; but it Is not truo that
this custom Is always observed In ofll
clal circles.
It Is well known that tho present ad
ministration Is dominated by tho In
fluence of a homc-lovlng, God-fearing,
temperate man. Tho views of Mrs.
Harrison on tho subject of temperance
were of such a pronounced character
that from tho moment of her advent
Into tho whlto house ull alcoholic
liquors wero banished. However, at
Btato dinners, in obedience to the cus
tom of u century, wines havo been
served; but the guests, knowing the
sentiments of their host und hostess,
touched them very sparingly. On the
president's private tablo wino Is never
served; indeed so rigid is the rule In
this respect that the use of liquor Is
never ullowed in the preparation of a
Mrs. Morton, tho wife of the vice
president, never has served unythlng in
tho nature of an intoxicant at her
Wednesday afternoon receptions. For
those who do not euro for hot tea and
chocolate thero ,is ulways prepared a
largo bowl of cafe frnppo. At her even
ing curd receptions, 'however, when thu
company Is smaller than when the gen
eral public is admitted, as is the ease
on Wednesdays, a bowl of punch Is
placed at one sldu of tho square en
trance hall. Mrs. Morton Is an ab
Btemlous woman, und, while declining
to prescribe uny sot course of action
for others, is personally opposed to the
indiscriminate serving of punch at
afternoon receptions, or Indulging in
wines at luncheons and dinners.
Postmaster General und Mrs. Wnna
maker havo mind an ngrooablo substi
tute for punch in a frugrant compound
of ornngeudo and fresh strawberries.
They havo tho courage of their own
convictions In tho mutter of serving
liquor in nny form, even at their cubl
net dinners, where nothing stronger
thun Apollluuris wnter Is allowed.
Attorney General und Mrs. Miller
'have ulso made a departure- from the
usual order of things by Introducing,
Instead of punch, u compound or which
they alone havo tho recipe. Although
frequently importuned to impart tho
secret, they laughingly refuse, uvowlng
that none but themselves can properly
brew "Indianapolis punch," in which
raspberry vinegar und lemon juice pre
dominate. Speaker Crisp and ex-Speaker Heed
arc abstemious men, and their families
are like unto them In this regard. Sec
retary John Faster, of tho department
Of state, uud Secretary Churlca ??iter,
of tho treasury department, have lived
temperate and commendable- public and
private- lives In Washington. The into
secretary of tho treasury, Mr. Wlndom,
was a pronounced temperanco udvocatc.
Iu ftjot, tho temperance sentiment
seems to prevail la tho entire adinlnln
tratlon, and tho legislative circles as
well. It is very cleur to my mind that
tho popular impression concerning tip
pling in Washington Is erroneous, be
catibo it is exaggerated. It is truo that
individuals here, as elsewhere, indulge
in strong drink.
A few members of tho house of rep
resentatives are drinking men; but they
do not usually indulgo their appetites
during,tk5 day, und houco are not un
der tho uanofti) influeuqo while con
ffross is in session. They surrender to
their unfortunato desires only at night
These iudividuuls, however, should not
be regarded as fair examples of tho so
cial circles of ofllcial society in tho na
tional capital.
In a publlo address recently delivered
here, tho speaker Ocn. Cutcheon-as-acrtcd
that tho social customs of Wash
ington wero responsible for much of
tho ovil resulting from tho use of intox
icating drinks. Men nnd women, ho
said wero tempted beyond what they
were able to bear, lost their moral bal
ance and drifted into lives of sin. Ho
knew of -'no other city in tho country
whero'thoro was so much wine drink
tog.'" - '
This Is unfair, and untrue. Nearly
everyone of our priests and pastors lias
denied tlio trutnoi uiosiuiemeni maue,
mainly because it is an exaggeration. ,
An Episcopal rcctor.who has longresld- J
d here, 6oys. "It aeesu to mo not only i
5iJS5SS'Bl ?"'1fe SsSSi
unfair, but Impossible, to institute
comparisons between cities in regard to
a matter Hko intoxication, of which it U
so dlfllcult to obtain accurate statistics.
Excessive drinking taken many forms,
some of which never show thomsclvca
to a casual observer. Though I hava
ecn many cities of tho United States I
have Intimate acquaintance with only
one besides tho city of Washington. So
far as external appearances go, thera
Is certainly much less intemperance to
bo seen in tho Btrects of Washington
than Is visible publicly in New York city.
Asldo from Inherited tendencies, the
two chief cnuscsof intempcrutico among
ordinary men seem to bo idleness und
wnnt. A great many of the poor resort
to drink beenuso they uro in want of
good Biistulning food. Certainly there Is
iftuoh less of tills sort of drinking in
Washington than in uny other cities iu
this country."
That last sentence contain mom
than a modicum of truth. It seems to
cover tho easo completely. There U
very little enforced Idleness und conse
quent want In this city. Only thoso
who will not work uro idle and penni
less Tho sent of government being
here, and over one and a half million
dollars being disbursed hero every
month, gives us considerable of u circu
lating medium In excess of tho amount
usually available in cities of equal
population. Hence, there is less Idle
ness and wnnt hero than in other
cities. Consequently thero is Icsa
"1 am very sorry that such a state
ment was made by a prominent man '
r.nys a Catholic priest who has been
traveling In tho west for some time.
"Statements of that character hnvo
given Washington an undeservedly bad
name. While traveling I have been
grieved to hear exaggerated and un
warranted statements made against the
social customs of tho capital. Every
patriotic American should havo the
reputation of this city at heart, and bo
guarded against making destructive
criticisms which are calculated to be
little tho national capital in the opin
ions of the people of the country."
Whllo denouncing and refuting tho
allegations concerning the condition of
social and official circles in this particu
lar, I urn constrained to admit that
thero was much original foundation for
tho thought of the country concerning
tho tippling habit In Washington. He
fore tlio war, during and Immediately
after that r.trug;;le, It was customary
and not unbecoming for men to drink
freely, deeply nnd sometimes excessive
ly. It was almost always expected,
when gentlemen were Introduced, for
ono or both of them to follow tho Intro
duction with an Invitation to take a
drink at somo bar. A well-known
newspaper man who has been hero for
many years, recently said to me: "Gen.
Rawlins and I wero here as army ofll
cers, in common with many others,
with nothing to do but draw pay for
several years after the war, and we
played billiards four or live hours every
day, just to kill time. Rctwccu games,
wo were constantly meeting friend
and being introduced to newcomers
here, with tho result that I acquired
the drinking habit, which has clung to
me ever since nnd minimised my useful
ness. I am glad to be able to say, how
ever, that there is ninety per cent less
drinking in this city now than there
wus twenty-five years ago."
My own experience here corroborates
nnd emphasizes that statement. Tho
growth of the temperanco sentiment
throughout this country has been kept
pace with by tho growth of a slmilur
Bentimcnt in this city. The temper
unco workers throughout tho republic
may thank God nnd take courage, for
every effort put forth by them in their
own communities has a reflex influ
ence upon tho social life of the govern
mental city. Members of congress,
senators, cabinet ministers and all pub
lic officials hero feel that the eyes ol
tho people aro upon them; and they
know that tho hearts of the people aro
Inclined towards sobriety and temper
ance. Smith 1). Fur,
Why ne ffn Pollnwfiit.
He was going home to his wife nnd
family. It was growing dark. His
road from tho station was a lonely one,
and ho was getting along as fast as ho
could, when ho suddenly suspected that
a man behind him wus following him
purposely. Tho faster ho went tho
faster the man went, until they came to
a churchyard. "Now," he said to him.
self, "I'll flnd out if he's after mo," and
hoeutered tho churchyard. Tho man
followed him. Voguo visions of re
volvers and garroters grew upon hlra.
Ho madu a detour of a splendid mauso
leum. Still tho man was nfter hlra,
round and round. At last ho turned
and faced tho fellow, and asked: "What
tho dickens do you want? What are
you following mo for?" "Well, sir, do
you ulways go homo Hko this? I am go
hig up to Mr. Fltzkrown's house with a
parcel, nnd tho porter at tho station
told me that if I'd follow you I shouli
And tho placo, us you lived next door.
Are you going homo at nil to-night?"
Melbourne City and Country.
Natural Doubt.
"Hallo, Vandcrloln, somo of yout
peoplo coming in on this train?"
"Yes; I'm expecting a sister of mine,"
"Sister, ehl Bv birth, or mrn!?"
Iti Introduction mid Occurrence In Sev
eral Wr-.trrii muted.
Prof. L. II. Pammcl, Ames, Iu.,'
writes to the Orange .ludd Farmer:
Not long ago there was some discussion
concerning tho Introduction of the
Russian thistle in the northwestern
part of this state. It has appeared In
several plncos in Iowa and is causing
some alarm. It was stated that it is
the common saltwort found along the
Atlantic const, but It now appears that
this weed is not the native Salsola
kali, but u variety, und is It noun as
Salsola kali var. tragus, which is
shown In the accompanying Illustra
tion reproduced from tho report of the
department of agriculture issued for
the year 1S.M. it U not a native of tint
United States but of Russia. In somo
way it was bn tight to this country.
now will never be learned. It bos be
coma a formidable pest in the wheat
fluids of tho Dakotas. Mr. S. W. Nar
regang, president of the Dakota Irri
gation Company, writes iu the depart
ment of agriculture leportfor 18U1, iu
response to an inquiry from Dr. .1. N.
Hose: "They grow much longer thun
tho specimen, often three times ns
large, forming plants which are six
feet lu diiimiHur as large as a large
wagon wheel. In reply to your ques
tion as to the tltnu of first appearunce
I would say that we llrst saw It three
years ago. Since that time It hits
steadily Increased, until the gi cater
portion of South Dakota east of the
Missouri river Is Infested wiili the
thistle, particularly the strip of
country extending from Eureka, Camp
bell county, southeasterly to Sioux
Falls, which Is covered thickly with
this weed." The same writer states
that some farmers have left their land
because of It. A competent authority,
Prof. T. A. Williams, in tho Dakota
Farmer November 1, imcj, says: "Thero
is a story often heurd throughout Da
kota that it was introduced here by
Russian Immigrants sowing It for
sheep feed. We have not been able to
get at the truth of this statement nor
to ilnil just where the weed was llrst
Introduced." Ho pronounces it the
worst weed in South Dakota. In this
connection it should be noted that
when young the plunt Is used as forage
for sheep. This w,eed Is an annual,
grows vigorously and produces an
euormous number of seeds which arc
ecattercd over tho prairies, because of
its tumbling habit
Another important feature of the
weed is that it comes up after the
wheat Is cut. Dr. Rose, iu the report
referred to, suggests" that farmers in
the western stntes take timely action
to eradicate it. In Nebraska u bill for
it extermination was introduced, but it
failed to pass. It is Impossible to say
just how far this weed may spread.
Thero arc numerous cases on record
where some plants promised to be very
troublesome, but for some un
known reason they failed to
spread. Rut this weed seems to
bo thoroughly adapted to tho soil
nnd conditions iu southwest Iowu,
northeast Nebraska and the two Dako
ta. We may well regard It with sus
picion. Tho remedy to bo applied is to
cut off nil of tho young plants und do
not nllow nny seed to mature. Rut
this requires concerted action. Wusto
places as well as the flelds must be
It Is not always meanness that
mokes a cow breachy; It is frequently
As Tiin keroseno emulsion may be
kept in tho barn ready for use, and Is
so chenp nnd effective, It leaves little
to bo desired and less excuse for loimu
Prof. W. A. Hk.nhy found by experi
ment that it cost S'J.iU to produce a
hundred pounds of gain with lambs
Sil.03 tt) secure the same gain with pigs
of about the sumo ugc.
It is cheaper to muke a good road
than to mnko u bad one. The money
expended on tho wenr and tear of your
wagons, of your horses and harness Is
enough to make a good road.
Tiik axiom "A penny saved Is worth
two earned" Is practically Illustrated
by feeding unthrashed oats to cows and
eulves. Try it once and you will never
wusto time, money und labor in thrash
ing outs.
Or course, after milking your cows
all summer you know what each can
do, and whether you nre milking them
at n profit or u loss; so you will have
no trouble in tolling which oues to sell
to tho butcher.
Puiik bred llvo fitook is a lending
cducutor. Tho mun who onco be
gins breeding becomes u student of
animal life. Tho result is a Immune
nnd intelligent mun with a prosperous
and progressive fumlly,
Thousands of trees uro ruined by
overbearing when young. Tho greedy
grower thinks it great luck to seo u
tree heavily louded at two, three or
fouryoars old, but It is growth that u
treo wauU ut that uge, uot crops of
v Ml
The Three Uraili-t L'nunlly Kept by Atnorl
ran Farmer.
We may class cattle that are usually
kept on the farm into threo grades or
kinds: Thoso for milk, for butter and
for beef. In a great measure they aro
distinct, us tho unlmnl that excels in
beef production -is rarely tho most
profitable for butter or milk. Whllo a
cow may g vo a large quantity of milk
and yet be an unprofitable butter unl
it, il, It Is well settled among tho dulry
men that the general purpose cow lu.s
uot 3 et arrive.!.
Some thut nre raising breeding ani
mals to sell will insist that their par
ticular breed or strain wi.l 1111 the bill
for a general purpose animal, yot a
cure ul trial will be sufll lent to con
vince anyone thut the best results in
any particular lino uro secured only
with the sf ecinl purpose unlmal.
There are plenty of unimuls that will
average well In milk, butter and beef
production and will excel in none, but
it will be a waste of time and money to
get up a herd of this kind. For a but
ter cow what Is wuntedis u medium
sized cow, ruther under than over sle,
notun extra large milker, but ono that
will give a good average, yield 11
mouths in theyenr, giving her u mouth
to go dry before calving, and from
which at least '-TiO pounds of butter can
bo made in a year. A first-class butter
cow whl make oven more thun this,
giving us much us n pound of butter :i
day on an average. If she converts
her food Into butter, It is evident that
she cutinot convert It luto milk or beef,
und in nearly ull cases a cow that gives
a large quantity of milk cannot give
extra ricli milk or make u prolltable
beef gain lu llcsh.
The llrst thing to determine is the
special purpose for which the cattle
uro to b kept and then select and
breed thoso that are best udiipted for
this purpose. If milk Is nil Item, select
breed that gives a largo quantity of
milk. Often it is possible to keep cows
und sell the iniMc to better udvuntage
than to muuufutture it into butter.
Some families can grow u good quality
of beef to better advantage than either
nunc or butter, and then u beef unlmal
is one that, converts the food supplied
into growth or gain of flesh. In cither
case, by the selection of a good sire,
breed lu tho direction wanted und with
htiillclcnt individual merit to transmit
his characteristics to his offspring. Iu
this way, by carefully selecting the
cows, a graduul Improvement can bo
made in tho direction desired. Rut it
is hurd to select and feed for a general
purpose animal, as such animals rarely
prove much above the average iu any
one quality. St, Louts Republic.
Thu Importance tit Kvrplni; llulry Uton
ll clean nuil Suct't.
In no other work is thero us great a
demand for cleanliness ns in tho three
parts of the dairy business, milk, but
ter uud cheese. The most attention is
needed to maintain the cleanliness of
the milk receptacles, such us pails,
pans, cans and churns. In the first
place there should be a sufllcletit sup
ply of puns that those emptied and
washed in tho morning need not be used
until evening or tho next day. After
washing tl-ey should be placed iu tlio
sunlight until used. On cloudy days
they can be thoroughly dried about tho
stove und not nested when they aro
wet, and allowed to thus remain for
several hours, as iu that condition they
cannot dry, and when separated tit
night they will give ofT u disagreeable
odor, and the warm milk placed in thcin
Is certnln to bo contaminated. All tin
dairy utensils should bo tlrst washed iu
boiling water, then thoroughly rlused
iu clean cold wnter, and turned bottom
sido up to drain und dry until again
used. All vessels about tho dairy
should bo cleaned as soon as emptied,
nnd not allowed to stand neglected for
hours thereafter. The shelves, benches
and racks upon which the puns aro set
should be washed with soap and water
every time they uro cleared. Even u
few drops of milk ullowed to remain
on them to mold or gum up with butter
fnt would prove unhealthy, and detri
mental to the milk iu the same apart
ment. Whero ouly a few cows uro
kept tho same scrupulous clcunllness
should be observed. The surface of the
butter in tho tubs should be covered
with n cloth saturated with strong
brine, both during und after tlio filling
is completed. Locate the filled tubs in
u cool, dark portion of the cellar, ex
amine once a week, und if the brine is
found oozing through the staves, it
should be wiped away and not allowed
to remain and stain tho wood, giving it
a most uninviting look. Americun
A Contrivance That Will l'revent Ureal
Muny Annoyance.
Tho annoyances resulting from open
garden and lawn gates can bo avoided
by the contrivance shown in tho ac
companying Illustration drawn from a
sketch sent us by IL C Holllns, of Ken-
tucky. This gato closer will not only
close the gate every time It is opened
to tho usual width, but if tho gate is
swung completely back to tho fonco, It
will ulso hold tho gate open. Thh Is a
great convenience, as ull roallzo who
havo tried chuinsor ropes with weights,
and self-closing hinges or springs.
With self-closing gates, tho careless
ness of children and callers will be
overcome, and tho trees pud plants
saved from injury by trespassing cat
tlo and swine. American Agricul
turist. Aftkh the ducks begin to lay It is
safo to count upon nn egg every 24
hours, but as they do not lay In nests,
the safest plan Is to confine them every
night or many of tho eggs will bo lost.
iii-,ea : ti m&
VThy Protection Wn Defeated la the
Late klectlon.
If President Harrison hat! tho same
felicity in personal intercourse us in
public speech and with the pen be
would be a marvel of politics. UU
latest instance in point was a little
passage In a letter written, apparently,
with no thought of publication.
Speaking of the late campaign, ho
said of himself: "I was a leader Im
prisoned, and savo from tho little- visit
to Mr. Reld, I knew or thought but
llttlo about it." That is undoubtedly
true. His devotion to the invalid wife
by his side was such us to inako every
thing else rotnote from his thoughts.
Rut even If he had been on llro with
eagerness for tho fray, ho would still
have been "a leader Imprisoned." Tho
proprieties of tho situation forbade
his taking part in tho onmpaign, und
that of itself was a very great loss.
No one who recalls the wonderful
series of speeches mado by Gen. Ilarrl
son at his homo In 18SS can doubt that
his silence during tho last campaign
was tin Incalculable loss to tho repub
lican cause. How much Influence his
speeches would havo exerted no ono
can tell, but they certainly wero a loss
grent and irreparable No ouo could
tako his place. Tho vacancy romained
unfilled. That llttlo speech at Mr.
Hold's homo was hardly up to tho
Harrlsonian standard. The shadow
of impending affliction was upon it.
Rut the latter part of the lottor is
especially felicitous. Tho falluro of
protection ns nu issue last fall was duo
to the fact, as he puts It, that "tho
wage-earner has refused to share his
sheltor with the manufacturer," adding,
with rarest felicity, "he would not
even wulk.undor the snmo utnbrolla."
That expresses It exactly. The wage
earners nre men of intelligence. At
least they know enough to know that
under free trado American industry
would bo paralyzed, or compelled to
go on, if at till, at greatly reduced
wages. Rut a wave, of special ani
mosity to capital and enterprise swept
over the country, and when passion is
at tho front considerations of prudence
nre thrust into the background nnd
sacrificed with mud catrcrness. How
much of this prejudice wus duo to tho
Hoinextend strike Is a matter of uncer
tainty, but all agree that It was a pow
erful factor.
It is not worth whllo to dwell upon
the mistakes and misfortunes of the
last campaign, except as they point a
lesson. The manufacturers of this
country might as well understand that
they cannot afTord to defy thu enmity
of the wage-workers. On the contrary,
they must realize the fact that the. peo
ple rule in this cottntrv and that to in
cur tlie enmity of their employes Is to
court disaster in one form or another.
The ultimate success or falluro of pro
tection is still undetermined. Four
years more nnd another election will
be upon us, und the result of that elec
tion will undoubtedly turn, as did tho
lost one, upon sentiment. If tho man
ufacturers rely upon hard times and
starvation to bring the wage-workers
to their side they will bo disappointed.
Protection is a mutual benefit, as is
perfectly plain, but bodies of men. like
individuals, need only to havo thoir
animosities touched with the torch of
hate to make them forget their own In
terest in an eagerness to get oven.
The story of Shiiisoh's pulling down
the temple illustrates universal human
nature under the goad of exasperation.
The manufacturers of this country us
a class are fair-minded men, and have
only to tako counsel of thoir unlmpas
sinned common sense to restore (rood
feeling between thomsolves nnd the
wage-workers. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Clamorloff for
A good denl of silly and irrelevant
talk is now heard among democrats
concerning the rapidity with which, in
European representative governments,
a revolution in a general election is re
flected in the management of public
nffnlrs. We aro told that a defeat for
the party in power in England or
France would result In au Immediate
chango of administration and policy.
The cabinet would resign at once, and
a new one, formed out of members of
the victorious party, would be put In
Its place. This is true, but it is not
pertinent. Things cannot bo done
that way here. Tho constitution for
bids it, and the present usages must
continue to prevail until the constitu
tion Is altered. Wo have no cabinet
In the Rritish or French sense.
Even if tho president and ull tho mem
bers of our cabinet had resigned the
day after the election, tho democratic
accession to power would not huvo
lcen hastened to the extent of a single
The sonsible thing for the impatient
democrats to do is to try to mold senti
ment in favor of a change in tho con
stitution which would make the terms
of tho president nnd of congress begin
on tho first day of Junuary immediate
ly following thoir election, und to havo
tho first stated session of congress com
mence at tho opening of its term. This
would call for protty quick work iu the
counting of the votes for president, it
Is truo, but tho cuuiigo would not pro
sent any difficulty of this sort in regard
to congress, for the legislature to
choose the now senators would meet in
December. Ry this means tho govern
ment could bo kept iu "closo touch with
tho people." licaton presidents and
congresses could notlagsuperlluous on
tho stago of affairs. Tho will of the
people, us indicated at tlio ballot-box,
would bo put immediately into execu
tion. Changes of this sort in tho constitu
tion have often been suggested, and so
far as it pertains to congress this
chango would certainly bo wise. Such
a sclieino would undoubtedly sccuro
much popular support. Even as it per
tains to the president tho proposition
would also command considerable, fa
vor. This is an age of "reform." Thero
is u largo element of tho population
who would abolish any political usage
that Is old and put hoinolhing different
und hitherto untried in its place. Hun
dreds of thousands think that tho mode
of olcc'.lng presidents Is too slow and
cumbrous; tens of thousunds say that
the idea of having a president at all it
antiquated and ubstird, and that a coin
mission or board should be put In his
place. Then there nro others who
would abolish the senate as well as the
president- Nobody ever saw an ago in
this country moro favorable to new
notions in politics than this is. Let
the exultant and Impetuous democracy
pitch in uccording to constitutional
methods for the required changes in
the system of doing things, for tho
president nnd the republican members
of congress nre going to hang on to
their offices until the. term ends for
which the people elected them. St.
Louis Globe-DctuocruL
Speaker CrUp' I'ulillo Humiliation Means
Tho direct nnd studied insult offered
to Speaker Crisp at the Reform club
banquet to Orover Cleveland In New
York evidently marks the beginning of
a factional fight in the democratic
ranks. Crisp Is the third officer of
the federal government. He was in-
vueu to aiienti and ms invitation so
worded as to lead him to construe it as
requesting him to speak. lie prepared
a speech, furnished it, by request, to
the Associated Prcis for transmission
by telegraph and was left sitting, Hko
u bump on u log, nut being called upon
by the chairman.
This means u declaration of war by
Cleveland and his personal satellites
upon Tammany and Its friends. Crisp
received f nintnauy's support for speak
erhence his public humility. Cleve
land believes that his election was duo
to his personal popularity. He knows
ho can have only this term in the pros
idency, and proposes to run things to
suit himself. Ho is ufllliatiiig with the
mugwump pharisees, und evidently in
tends to punish Tammany for its oppo
sition to his nomination at Chicago.
This menu a terrific factional fight
in the democratic ranks. The repub
licans will witness it with amusement,
und hope for the same result as that
of the famous fight of the Kilkenny
cats. Toledo Ulade.
CSTDeuiocratio reform is reallv in
danger. Too many cooks spoil the
broth, is an old saying that applies
heie.--Iowa State, Register.
CaTho attack on pensions which is
being made ull along the democratic
line Indicates the turn that the econ
omy of the Cleveland administration
will take. The old soldier has no dent,
ocrallc friends. Albany lourmiL
OyPrchirient Harrison's own fidelity
to the Interests iu his charge and his
intense devotion to his country were
never more appuruut than in the mes
sage which rounds out his administra
tive net!). St. Paul Pioneer Press.
u-JTSeerctary Foster is right in in
sisting that the reserve should uow be
over one hundred million dollars In
gold, but there Is no prospect that the
democratic house will reduce expenses
so ns to permit any accumulation ol
revenue. Philadelphia Press.
CXTIf the Heed rules bo not adopted
by the next house, tho so-called "high
tariff" faction of tho democracy will
block the way against the free trade
or dominant element of the party.
That Heed code is very tueftil iu'u
crisis. St. Louis Globc-Denjoctijk, r
BSTThe republican party has never
been a cowardly organization, trim
ming its sails with every chungc in the
popular breeze, aud, nltliottgh the prin
ciples which it laid before the country
have been for the time being rejected,
It will not betray them. Indeed, if it
wero to give up its protection faith it
would lose the ono great article of its
creed which gives it political Identity.
Philadelphia Rulletln.
HPA good many vest buttons have
been flying off since it was reported
that Cleveland had offered Dave IHU
the position of secretary of stato. Rut
while the merriment is boisterous it is
u solid fact that Cleveland could hardly
do a more polito thing for himself nnd
his party than that. Even If 1HR
should bo offered the place nnd would
decline, Cleveland would gain strength
for his tact. It would be very politic
indeed for him to effect this renp
proachment and show his mngna
nimlty. It is probable, however, tliat
the tomahawk is not to bo buried so
easily. Minneapolis Journal.
tSTIn his Reform club speech Mr.
Cleveland departed from glittering
generalities long enough to say: "If
we redeem the promises we have mndo
to the voters of the land, the difficulty
of our task can hardly be exaggerated."
This statement is interesting for two
reasons. One is that It indicates a
doubt on Mr. Cleveland's part whether
any attempt will be mado to llvo up to
the nnte-election democratic promisca,
and the other is that It reveals his be
lief that his party promised more than
it has tho ability to perform. Tho
"plain peoplo" will bo disappointed to
learn that tho vision of good things
hold beforo them during tho cumpiiign
is never to be realized. Under theso
circumstancos they aro not inclined to
ngreo with Mr. Cleveland thnt tho
democratic triumph should reinstate
their faith and their confidence in
xueir countrymen."-Troy Times.
CoiiKrcMloiml Kitriuaci.ncr..
Tho World objects to the nppropriu
tlon of SIO.OOO.OOO by tho house of rep
resentutlves for rivers and harbors.
When the last river nnd harbor bill
was pending It was intimated that nono
would bo offered at this congressional
sesslou. Rut that bill, in uddition to
tho appropriations mndo outright, con
tained provisions for contracting for n
great deal of work for which funds aro
now required. This is ono of tho lega
cies of u doinocrntlc house elected on
tho issue made against "tho republican
billion-dollar congress," und which
after spending 5fl4,OOO.UOO moro than
tho aforesaid "bllllon-dollar" body did
at Its first session, loft untold contin
gent charges against tho treasury. To
wliut enormous heights the nppropriu
tlons of the present session will nttain
Provldenco ouly knows, but tho peoplo
will know soon enough for their por
sonul comfort N. Y. Mull und Ex.