TT?J3K7J1 L wo Sidgs to WK WILL SELL, All kinds of i'oolwoar uluiapor 'luring tlio month of Decern 'mt limn yon have been nbl to lurch,m it heretofore. Our rtouk is full and you will be able to get just what you want h'n's and boys Split and Oil Urain boots at cost. A largo ftnesk of Arctic, Felt Hoots, Alaskan, Storm Slippers, Over gaiters, lamb wool soles, tfco. Viv. will anvc j ou Money BLAKESLBB CITY XI'.W.S. Miss Maggie Campbell was visiting in UrlcAtii. I W. Tublcr is a new subrcribcr to Tiik ClIIKI'. il, F. Winters went to Lincoln the fore part of the wtek. t The Pope boys are home on a vaca tion from Lincoln. Mr John Stiect cainc in this week and renewed until '".III, Thanks. Chancy Warner is home from Frank tin academy spending the holidays. The M. E. church Sunday school had a very nice Christmas entertain ment Saturday evening. Tlio presiding elder, Itev. Adams, was here Sunday and occupied the pulpit in the M. K. church. James Ulair, wife and baby, of Con cordia, Kansas, arc in the city visiting with Grand-pa Ithtir and family. The llaptist church people enter tained is Sunday school with exercises f an interesting character Saturday evening. Jack Mc Arthur's dam, wc mean tho dnm across the creek, went out tho other day leaving tho ice suspended iu mid air. Tho A. 0. V. W. lolks will havo an installation of officer for its members and ftmilics. 'I'hcy will give a ban quet afterwards. The Chriritian church entertained its Sunday school very nicely on Sat urday evening with an excellent Christmas exercise. The house of C. C. Cowdou caught firo Monday morning, but by pr ompt measures was cxtinguisncd ucioro cb damage was done. Wli. &ioy has resigned tho agency nor or tho Continental insuranco com- tianv and will take up tho agency for the Home of New York. Tho Congregational church held Christmas services in their church Saturday night, for the benefit of tho Sabbath school children, it was a pleasant nif air. Sleighing this week is not very good, yet our fun loving people have been playing a joko on Old liorcas by trying to sloigh-rido "n less than a sixteenth of an inch of snow. At Chicago, 111., Nov. 21th, by Uic llev Frank Pease, of Kenosha, Wis., Fred Stiimlo of Philadelphia, Pa., and Miss Lotta Munsell of Red Cloud, Neb., They will make Chicago their home. N. P. HanFcn, living 10 miles north west of lied Cloud, Will havo a public sale January 10, at which ti mo and place ho will sell 70 hogs and 18 cat tle Terms, 12 months. Col. Win frey, auctioneer. Another Advance." in tho popula tion. This time, Lew Vance, the popular jewelry man, is tho luokv papa. It is n boy and weighs 8 pound?, and, in consequence, Lew is selling his gooits at a great saerifioo, besides giving away a lino cigar with each sale. Congratulations. The Sunday school at Amboy had a Christmas treo on Christnns evo, which was a grand success. Presents wero distributed to all. Tho enter tainment consisted of sons, recita tions, etc. It. M. Martin & Son, pre sented tho Sunday-sohool with a lino pieturo, which was highly apprco iatcd. Walt Sherwood is one of the most delighted gcntlomon in tho city, and all day Monday would put down the fiiriirPK "12" in thtj columns of his linnko in tho bank, instead of the- bank's business. On investigation, itj was learned that on Sunday previous, his wife presented him with a "12" pound boy, and ho was so (Jolightod with the Christmas present that ho continually kept dotting it down. Father is doing well. Ciiars. John Tull-y N .'ertainly a young man, whoso' iml'isTious habits are worthy of emulating. Ho teaches Heboid llvo mile north-west of lied Cloud. Ho WHlks out thoro in tho iiinrninir from tho city, builds tho fire, sweeps out tho school house, toaohes tho school, and walks baok at night, wnlkiiiL' fit) miles a week, teaching tho school and doing tho janitor work for iho small sum of 8 75 porweck. ilia hulinol term will bo throo months and if ho continues to walk each day ho will have walked 000 miles, tlfg Qagstioii YOU WILL HUY Many lines (that wc wish to close out) at Cost. The best' poo Js obtain able nt tlio Lcwcst Cost Value The LatcM Styles in Men's and Women's Fine Shoes. Slippers for the Holi day The lines of Goo II, Keith (men's shoes) John Strootinan (lailic shoes) Hill & Green's (Littlo Gian School shoes) and J. 11. Lewis' Wear Resistors, ill uusurpasscd in fit, wear ing qualities, nnd styles. Wc want to fit you with a pair. on jour foolwctir & KALBY AROUND TOWX. Mrs. A, G. Miller is on the sick list. Will West was on the sick list Fii- day. G. A. Miller is the nieht watch now. IVm. Zcluff spent Christmas in Mc JwJook. J. L. Miller was in Jjincoln tins week. Charley McMillan is going to wor in Goncva. Miss Dolly Shcpardson, of Iliverton, was in tho city Monday. Fred McKccby reccis'cd a handsome pocket caso for Christmas. II, lloldrcdge and wife will go to Durango, Colorado, in a few days. Mrs. Frank Graham, of Kansas, was visiting Mrs. E. Hadley this week. Mr. H. 11. Ogdcn came in this week and subscr bed for The Ciiiek. Thank ks Miss Josio Igou departed th's cvcnfr,gino on the Santa Fo at Emporia ing for a few weeks visit in tho cast, Miss Matilda Cook has accepted position in r.. Mctarlands grocer store. C. F. Carsaw, I. R. Hampton and Geo. Ralston have paid up since our last issue. Thanks. Mr. Howard Dcislcy came in this week and lightened the woes of the editor by paying up until '91. Thanks. There will be a special examination of tho teachers at Red Cloud Satur day , Jan. 7, 18U3. 1). M. Hunter, Co. Supt. Our particular friend, J. C. Hoi comb, who has been confined to his bed for some time from an accident, is up again. Miss Ada HowaH, who has been teaching school in Dubuque, Iowa, for tho p lit few months, is home on a two weeks' vacation. J. L. Frame has moved to Red ,j " J ' Y' Cloud, and ou January 1st, will a sumo control of tho Valley Hous, Jim lus lots of friends who will pat ronizc him. Finlcy R. Halo is going to have a sale. He is proparing to tuovo to Missouri. Mr. Utile is a good citizen and The Chief dislikes to have him leave the cou'ity. Mrs. A. J. Rurccrt, a sister of Mrs. John M. Chaffio, and who has bocn on a visit with Mrs. Chaflin since early in October, will return to her home on Wednesday next L. W. Cummins and wife, of Iowa, wero in Red Cloud this week attending the funeral of Andrew Cummins, who was killed in a railroad accident near McCook this week. We havo had a big holiday trado for which wo thank our natrons, and wo start out in the Now Year with a complete stock and prices that defy all competition. C. L. Cottinc. F. R, Halo will havo a publio sulo of stock on tho 0th of January. Jle will sell Vi cattlo, 13 hogs, besides oUior articles. Terms, 12 months. Free lunoh. Col. Wintroy, auctioneer. Geo. Ncase, day switchman, while coupling cars, had avcry narrow cs capo irom serious injury today. Tho coupling pin new out, and hit bim not between the eyes, but luckily did seriously injure him. Fred McKccby was iiito unfortu nate. Ho roomed in the Continental block, in Omaha, which burned the other day. Fred hud his clothing, mtdical books, etc.. in his room, tho no of which was about f 200. They ill burned and Fred had to purchase a new mum. Wo want every one to fol thatTlJK Ciiiek is his personal and particular friend, champion, counsel and advo cate. We want him to writo us freely about everything tlut interests him; to eriteizo us when ho thinks wo need oriticism, suggest improvements whore he sees need of improvements; ask for counsel and advico in his porplexities d problems, and in goncral feel trat all things we are Ins near menu up u umom no can reiy ai an wuui. o want to make the paper ono of tho best Journals in tho valloy and with tho co-operation of our largo num ber of subscribe wo feel that we can accomplish our I M C. M- CALMES, ME B&IKlEie m WWEM& vv.svn, tips. Deyo & Grioo ahvnys the leaders. L P. Albright was in Lincoln th week. Go to t'Mlmes' for your Christmas candies. Jlibles of every description at Deyo & Gricc's. Jako Kaley of Omaha, was in tic city this week. Books! books! all kinds of books at Deyo & Gricc's. That dollar and a half vase lamp at Cottings is a beauty. C. L. Cutting, tho Druggist wishes your patronage for lS'.C First class work is done at the Golden Eagle tailor Shop. II. K. Pond has money to loan on real estate or city propcrtj. The cheapest and best steel ranges laiuTci cook stoves at Dlorhart s. II on W. W. Wriuht for all kinds of stoics and hardware. Uso the diamond ink, docs not hurt from freezing. Sold by Cotting. Remember, Raker wire at $!( 25 per hundred pounds at A. Morhart's. J S0 Oscar Patmor before buying 7ilour. lie has made a big reduction. A A pretty good fight ocourcd in front of one of tho saloons on Satur day. C. R. Crone, clerk of tho district court has been laid up a wock with the grip. The Rolo postoflice has been dis continued, tho mail being thrown to Red Cloud. Uring your job work to Tiik Chief office. Tho best goods and honest nriccs. Satisfaction guaranteed. " yruil uuckoco, wiio is running was up tins week spcnuing Jhriumag cforo our next issue '03 will be ere, and wc take tins method ot wishing ono and all a happy New lcar, Don't forget that for heating or cooking stoves you should not fail to sco W. W. Wright. Ho will savo you money. "I am convinocd of tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, after having taken but a few doscs"-this is what many people say. H. J. lloldrcdge, Dan Lindscy, Jno. Harris, Jno. Kellogg, Mrs. Sterling and Miss Tishio Marker arc new sub scribers sinco our last issue. The Adams express company will operate on tho li. & M. commencing with next Sunday, and tho Wells Far go Company seeks other territory. Go and sec Sherwood & Albright for choice groceries, provisions, fruits, candies, etc. They keep no stale Hoods. All fresh and the best brands. Hall's Hair llcncwcr contains the natural tot hiffr, and firing gra and scalp natural food nnd color-matter lor tho medicinal herbs for the scalp, grayncss, baldness, danurun, sores. A. P. Johnson has our thanks for a renewal to The Ciiiek to 181)5 Newspaper men always have a tender place tor men who ehecriully pay a distance in advance. It is rumored that tho F. E. & M. V. railway, known as the Northwest ern, is about to branch out in the i spring for the west, and why should not Red Cloud get it ? We are pleased to note that our lit tlo reprimand brought out tho bridge committee to look after the Indian Creek bridge. The bridgo should have been looked after long ago. Del Abel has clerked so long in tho olothing business that a gentleman from Ireland mistook him for a Ho brew. Del says it must be becauso he has a Roman noec, that his nose roams all over his face. Go and sec Wright's stock of hard ware, stoves and so forth, if jou want to sco the handsomest, best and cheapest stock in tho market. Ho sells tho best goods as cheap as ethers sell inferior goods. Dan Llndsoy is tho dandy hog raiser of tho county so far as heard from, lie sold 13 head of pigs four months and 15 days old, that ho re ceived $02 70 for. Who can beat it ? They weighed 110 pounds each, Tlio McCook Enterpriso knocks at our door this week with a big X on it. It is a now vonture, and O. . Lind scy ih the editor. Tho paper starts out well and has tho car marks of success imprinted thereon. The Ciiiek wishes it prosperity. O Winner has taken tho agonny for Dr. Jaros Hygicuo underwear. It is recommended by leading physicians in tho United States. Used by the army and navy and tho principal cities uso it in their lire and police departments as an almost Buro pre ventive auirist ihcumatism. Some fellow on Saturday attempted to ride an untaiiucd uronono. jno animal started off a 2:10 rato and fell with its ridor at tho streot oar track. When the broncho got up the man's feet stuck in tho ntirrup, and it was nothing but providential interference, that saved tho young man from being dragged to death. As it was tho horso was stopped by another in front of it. iisr.inow. it v uixv.. tiii: i:.v .Jjn i:uKl nvcr mid I'lrcninu Meet Dfiith ill .TlrCook. McCook, Neb., Dec, 27 An awful railroad accident occurred ut Perry Station, about six miles west or Me Cook, at five o'clock ths evening, which resulted in the instant death ol Kiigineer Andrew Cummins and File man Maxtor W. Goodrich, both of whom aic recent anivals from Red Cloud, whoie they were formerly in the employ of the R. &il. It semis that the engineer and fireman, with ongino 135, wtro pulling tho gravel train back to the gravel pit nt Wau nctta and was backing up, tlicro be ing no turn table at Wituuclta At Perry Station they encountered and ran over some hoiscs, tho animals go ing under the engine, which was thrown into tho di'ch, tho tender on one side, tho locomotive proper ou the other sido of tho track. Roth of the engine men were pinioned under the locomotive and wero crushed to death. Word wa9 brought hero by a horse man nnd the wrecker and crew (juick ly repaired to the scene. Tho wotk of releasing the dead men was prosecuted with vigor, tho crushed and disfigured bodies being brouizht back to McCook at eight o'clock. Roth of the unfor tunate men havo families living at Red Cloud, Mrs. Cummins having onejchild. Tho dead fireman's family consists of a wife and two children. This is ono of tho saddest accidents that cycr occurred on tho western di vision and it has cast a shadow of gloom over this community. The above item was taken from the Lincoln Journal, and relates to two of our well known and esteemed railroad boys who met their death whilo in the pursuit ot duty. Railroading has its terrors and dangers, yet littlo docs the passongcr think of those things when ghdding over tho iron rails, drawn by the ponderous locomotive, wlio.e guid ing hand is that of tho bravo engineer and his trusty fireman. Day in and day out they remain at their posts, facing countless dangers, yet ever ready and willing to perform their du ties no matter how severe. This was the case with Andrew Cummins and his fireman, R. W. Goodrich They wore at their posts of duty when the dread messenger came and called them to a higher lifo. As soon us possible after the accident their families, in this city wero madu ac quainted nith tho sad news and left Tuesday cvoing -for McCook. On Wednesday evening tho bodies were brought to Red Cloud, and were met ! at tho depot by tho A,, O. U. W. and Mapotiio lodges, and escorted to their lato rosidcnc.'H. On Monday morn ing at eleven o clock the funeral ol Mr. Baxter Goodrich took place at tho Congregational church under the management of Red Cloud lodge No 00, A. 0. U. W, of which he was an honored member. After the services the body was taken to Salem, Kansas, for interment, a large number of the A.O. U. W lovs nnd friends following and paying the last tribute at the grave. Tho funeral of Andrew Cum mins took place this afternoon at ji.iuo eiockirom tiieuuristion oliurcli and was taken charge of by Charity large A. F. & A. M., of this city of which Mr. Cummins was an cstcencd member. Death is sad at all times, but coming to their homes as it did so unexpected it is doubly severe, nnd and tho trying ordeal is ono that will cause those left behind many tears of anguish and muoh suffering that none can portray that have not passed through the afiliction. In thoirhourof sorrow tho bereaved families and their friends havo the heartfelt sympathy of every household In tho city. Ited Cloud Camp No (108, Modern Woodmen elected the following offi cers on Wcrtnosday evening: V. C V. 0. IMakcslco W. A.-L. H. Kort K. B K. N. ltiohardson Work F. V. Taylor K. M. S. Marsh W.-C. N. flurney S. F. 1'. Hadloy Manager I), J. Myers Delegate G. K. McKccby Alternate Y. 0. Klakesleo Drs MoKcoby and Dennoy were elected Physicians. WAXTKP 5,000 IImnIicIn or Corn for which I will pay tho highest market price. C. L, Cotting, .n. -i. Now Try Thiw It will cost yon nothing and will surely do you good, if voit havo a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat chest or lunus. i)r. Klnu's Now Dis co vory for Consumption, couchs and' colds is guaranteed to givo reliof, or moiioy will bo paid back, Sufferers from Lu Grippe found it just tho thing and under its dko had u speedy 'and perfect recovery. Try a samplo bottle, at our expense and learn for yoursolf just how good a thitm it is, Triul bottles freo at 0. L. Cotting' Drug Store. Large sizo 50o, and $1.00. WIENER HAS O Mil m BHHE Kept the Ball Rolling This Season. Bargain Hunters Have found what they looked for AT HIS STORE. DO LIKEWISE! And Commence the New Year Happy. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, AND ABE BEAD? TO SELL YOU Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods. Havo some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F.& M. Bank, Up Stairs Don't bo misled, but go and sco A. Morhart if you want a cook stove or steel range. Do you buy grnoories? If you do, you should call on Shcrwood& Albright. They keep the best. Wright has tho finest stock of heaters in the valley and sells them at way down prices. Lout A blue drops skirt, trimmed in nar row velvet, thric in a row, somewhere in lied Cloud, Finder please leave it at Mrs Calmcs' bakery. Ti o celebrated Globe coal oil heater tho best manufactured, for sale by W W Wright, the leading hardware man in lied Cloud. ever offered. leneri 11 Tho best shoo for 2.&0 I'or salo only at O" Itcport of sojhool taught in District 58 for month ending Dee. 23 1892. No. of pupils enrolled !17. Avcrigo daily attendonco 21, Pupils who wero neither absent nor tardy during the month wero Geo Heifelbowor and Iltchard Itunchey. Pupils not tardy wero Giace Street, Jessie Ilutton, Lillia Hurler' Kulu llunchey' llosio llunchoy, Hannah Wilhclmson, Agnes Street, Charlie Huifer' lvldio Patmor, Hoy Patmor, Floyd Street, Miles Doyle, lloss Fearn John Doyle, James Doylo and Law rence Doyle. Lui.u C. Baiiukii, Teacher. Wbn IUby was tick, w. Kara har CaMorU. When she wm a Child, ahe cried (or Caatoria. When she became Mlw, shs clung to Caatorla. When iha bad CuUdfea , abe gara than Caatorta. The Superior MEDICINE for all forms of blood disease, AVER'S Sarsaparilla the health restorer, and health maintainor. Cures Others! will cure you. Noit'Rcitdcnt Notice. To Walter D. Wenke, uon-realdent de fomlont: You are hereby notified that ou the L'lid day ot December, 18U2, rrd erika D. Wright tiled a petition against you in the district court of Wabtter county, Nebraska, the object apd prayer ot which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground tnat you have willfully abundoned the plaintiff without good cause, (or the term ot two yeara laatpaat. Yon are required to answer aaid petition on or before Monday, the 13th day ot February, 189.'!. 23-it Fiikderika D. WaioriT. By Ohanoy JcOhailln, Her Attya. J