eTW - ....... a" -,.',' Jt'M.nit &.i&l!Jl iteW-ftPttai r'va,,k '.'.:. w arw' m'tAJk,' fJH6jWfergggg' 'FTl--'- 'V"'W---i""' -t "WW J."-.'- "- "Yr--' ,' .. -(.IneMaM-J 1 . fj-- " "-" '"T uunuiimifttiiikwMoi'nm' if tr I OKvaxiKtmitttvimy -'nasmmmm i ., m4. rvi!tf uitr.imi. aj-auy.J'imijMWXlli i nrrwti"- -' mfc.jw.Tun.:.'tr c I V 31, ,iV- , We are going to sell out all our winter goods Slick and Clean. This will -be, aiQpuortunity to get .xx. x.fvy w"5 iu.uiivi;u in j iaiu figures. vi-'.i Ks, JANUARY CLEARING 9JfXj&ii Saturday 1 Special Mark Down sale on Black Dress Goods ! $1.50 Silk Warp Hen rietta reduced to $1.15 per yard. 1 .25 grade reduced to $1 per yard, i dollar grade reduced : yto 75c per yard All our silk finish Ger man Henrietta 46 in wide 'reduced to 82 c per yd, former price one dollar. 85 and 90c grade re duced to 75cf 60, and 65c grade re duced to 50c 36 in. Henrietta spec ial price only 25c pryd 1 I Our object in making this sale is to close out all our Winter Goods, so that we can have the money to to put into Spring Goods. The above Prices will be for this sale and as the winter i only about half over, this will be a splendid chance for those who have goods to buy. . Ducker's Cash Dry Goods House. Tem chief Friday, Bee 30, ! To our nt rone mid Friendu, Greeting: Before another issue of The Chief shall reach tho pcacoful home! of its, many readers, tho Old Year.ahall have bocn called to its tic counting, and filed away in tho ar chives of the great universo of God, there to be kept as security as the signet of the King of Kings is kept. Dear old year, wq take our lcavo of thoe not without a feeling akin to aadnesd: Thou hast dealt with us kindly,'-lovingly, far beyond our do sorts, hast kept us from the hands of I ho destroyer of our earthly hopes, and crowned us with richest blessings every hour. Tis true that, during thy reign,' soulo things fell, out to us along thu lipp not wholly eajoyablc, such for instance as landslides in certain see tions of our beloved country and so fourth, adfinituni. But briefly do we turn the leaves one by ono of the dear old year, and scan its pages to ascer tain whether we have made glad tho hearts of our patrons through tho ' columns of this Family Weekly. Thanks to tho dear old yoar whose chief clerk with precision and neatneris recorded the fact of our abundant suc cess in bur brief labor and concern in that direction,1 But to permit a rcsurao of all' i'e Editor wrote with his swift ly gliding quill during the twelve monthi'gone would be a task impossi ble. We turn us now tto look with viiori,kcoq'upon tho new form as it como, first like , a mist, thon plainer grows and moro perfect, shapo assumcc. O, ring'' tho bells, in joyful; happy mots, 'aid hail tho New Ynr as it came! Wo greet tlicc, and call thoe fricodJ" Will thou deal with us as kindly as our dear departing friend? We kn'othnu wilh But, ah mo, while we sit in our little Sanctum and try to fathom the hidden mysteries of the New Yeaiw'o almost shrink from the task before.. A mist gathers be fore our eyes', our pen's voice is faint a it still glides over the fair, whito sheet before 'u3, 'making low. soft muito as itlpeeds along. But let us not anticipate, but rather turn our thought toward tht Now Year with all its noisibilitiel all its grand achieve Clearing Sale Price- 36 in Plaid Flannels only 19c In fact every tiling in our Dress Goods stock will be Marked Down This will bo splendid chance to buy a Dress Cheap. Special price on 5 foot Smyrna Rugs only $3 2000 Yards! of Best Standard Cali co, special price only 5c former prices 7 and 8c incuts for not only thu lonely editor as lie sits with bated breath and tries to scan tho future ground but seen in dim outline, wliilo come the oft repeated "Moro copy" from irrovcront lips, lips of our indispcnsiblc, yet ever annoying devil who just off his weekly jamborco makes pi of forms, and raises Hades goncrally. Wo pause, we groan, we drop a silent tear, and wonder if all editors nave troubles halt so severe. But after all, tis pleasant thus to live and work, and think of glory passed, and hope for futuro blessings still. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Tho legislature should not fail to return Senator Paddock to the U. S. Senate. The republicans of that body should remember that Senator Paddock has been ono of tho most ar dent workers in the senate and if thoy fail to do justice to one of tho state's greatest men. thoy must look out for tho condemnation .that will surely fall upon their heads. Ho has worked long and earnestly for bis party, and devotedly turned his every effort to wards tho pcoplo of tho state in order to better their condition, and to leave him out now would bo to injure the interests of tho state and jeopardise the party, Thcro aro hostH of good men in tho stato who could fill tho po sition, and who have been allied with tho party, but Senator Paddook is pre eminently better qualified than any who have been mentioned to date. The Stato Journal is haying a "Lit tle Homestead" exporionco this week with its compositors. On Saturday niht the boys decided that they had agriovanco and wont out, leaving tho Journal, ns they supposed, in the soup, but Mr. Hathaway mid two or three of tho men who refused to abido by thu chapel meeting, got out the JouniHl in fair shape, It will bo another eace, where a few hot headed fellows j'lit up a Rtriko mid lost tlioir jobs, instond of resorting to arbitra tion. Kvory person is in favor of tho laboring man, but generally strikes result in just tho very thing that the striUr doesn't want, Instead of let t'ug well enough alone, a few iollows will provoke a strike, carry out tho forco with tliciu, and the whole affair winds up with new men taking their Special Price On Plushes for trim mings only 25c pr yd. 300 yds Apron check Ginghams, good quali ty only 5c pr yd 300 yards Trilled crash onlyfc3c pr yd Basket Flannel former price 18c reduced to 2yic pryd Bargains in Fascina tors at 25, 50c and 75c Remnants Remnants We have piles of them place, when a moderate courso would briny about the desired end far better and save much suffering. If the Journal is not paying fair wages it ouilit to do so, but strikes do moro injury than good, for oft-times it takes away men's employment who havo others depending on them for a living and cannot afford to leso their situa tions. Tho lcgislaturo meets next week, and tho people will oxpcot them to do much better than did its predecessor, which was tho most extravagant legis lature ever known. Senator Poller, generally known among hi- colleagues in Washington, by the cuphoneous title of "whiskers" lias declared that the populists will take no cognizauccof cither old parly, whenever and wherever they can clou" a senator af their own stripe, but when thoy cannot do so, thoy will do the best tlicy can in making a deal from whatsoovcr party favorable. Tlic incoming legislature should pass a law enacting a "bureau of emi gration." The stato has novor been properly advertised and suoh a bureau would do much towards getting our stato a proper recognition in other , state.-. Tho Hon W. J'). Andrews, State candidate for congress, in this district; has been nppontcd minster to San Salvador, at a salary of $3000 per year. Tub Chief congratulate Mr. Andrews on his appointment, knowing that ho is fully iualified to fill tho position. Noi'E-sinoo tho abovo was put in type, Mr. Andrews had been offered and accepted ollico of private secretary of (iov Cruutibe. (i. M. I'mphenuur of Kansas was a caller this week, Ono of tho B. & M's diners limned at tho depot on Thursday. Ilddio Knngh has born en the nick INt, but is getting better. W. L. Breeze, wifo and daughter, of Kansas, aro guests of I). Jones. Mis. A. L Funk of Lincoln in visit ing her many friends in this city this week'. Coding does not offer you goods in charity. Ho merely buys olost, sells close, and wins your trade, Miss Bradley, ono of tho toacliors of tho Superior public schools is visit inn with hor friend Mrs. O, B. Crone this week. Miss Pannio IJedicnt was married this week to Bobt Graham of Lebanon, Kansas. Tho young couplo havo our best wishes, Holiday Goods! all the balance of our holiday goods at half price, Sanitary Flannel former price 15c and 18c now reduced to 12)c Special Prices on table linen at 25c 35, 45 and 50c pr yd that are worth seeing. German Knitting Yarns former price 25 cents reduced to 19 c per skein 4 skeins to pound. Tlie Tc'NtliiionliilN Published on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla aro as rcliablo and as worthy your confidence, as if they camo from your best and most trusted neighbor. Thoy stato only tho simple facts in regard to what Hood's Sarpa parilla has done, always within truth and reason. Constipation, ami all troubles with tho digestive organs and tho liver, are J cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled us a dinner pill. People aro wishing each other the compliments of tho season and ex changing gifts, Did it over occur to you to send an ailing friend a pack ul'o of Aycr's Sarsaparilla.? If not' do S3 now; and fry this medicine younelf, it jou need a first-class blood punfior. ' Speeiinen atvt . : ..... .. -. .i S. II. Clifford, New Cast el, Wis,, nus troubled with Neuralgia and his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was aff.t.tvd to uu alarming degree, oppotito fell away, and ho was reduced in (losh and strength. Three bottles oi Electric Bittors cured him. Ldward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running soro on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba,0., had five largo fever Bores on his log, doctors said he was incur able. One bottle Klcctrio Bittors and ono box Bucklons Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by 0. L, Cotting. What Can't Pull Out? Why the Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case Com .pany, Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from the pick pocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only lc had with cases stamped 3mm. with this trade mark. jjf Sold, withotit extra charpe for thia how (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet, or send to makers. huh Ribbons. All our ribbons mark ed down regardless of cost. Shawls $5 shawls 4.25 $6 shawls for $5 Ladies Shoes all our $2 Lady shoes reduced to $1.50 pair Underwear Ladies camel hair Un derwear 1.25 grade re duced to $1 Bargains in all grades of underwear that we have not space to mention DIEDERICH & COOK, -DEALERS IN- BOOTS and SHOES. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. They keep constantly on hand one of the largest and finest lines of Boots and Shoes to lie had in the city. They make a specialty of the Waverly School Shoes for Children . See them before making your purchases. . 25 zs- for 25 Absolutely Pure JustTryIt. F-r.JAQUCS Died Wednesday, Dec. 28, 18112. Mrs Sus ana Abrnins, aficd 70 years. Shn was tho mother of Mrs, James Amaek and Mr. Henry O. Wolf of Gnrlield town ship, Tho old ludy was born in Penn sylvania and moved to Nebraska about three years ago. Sho was a devoted Christian and was much beloved by all. She was burricdon Friday from the Ash Greek church. Bcv 0. II. True man officiating. -i. ..... Mi . The (itc8tion is fre(iion(ly asked, "Why is Aycr's Uheiry Pectoral so much innrc elTootivo than othur oiuigh remedies?" The answer in, umply hecauso it is iho most skilful foui hination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical Hcienrc. - !! rirat CIiinn IIourdliiK Mr S. liaylcs wishes to announce to tho public Unit bo is prepared to tako boarders at $!l..rtO per week, slecninu included Anjdy at Ith Avetiuo Hotel. foal, I'loiir mid I'eiMl. Don't you forjet that L. Al bright sells nioro coul, Hour or feed for 91 man any one, ceo mm . A. Merhart has just received a car load of genuine baker barb wire, and is selling it for $11.25 penl'10 pounds nit!. otnnUo Ml Cloaks and Reefer Jackets All our cloaks and jackets marked down Regardless of Cost Big Reduction in Blankets and Comforts, Comforts at 25c, 50c and 75c that are bar gains Blankets we have some bargains in fine blankets that should not be missed $10 blankets reduced to $7.75 per pair $6 blankets reduced to k .. v yj 1 IJClll BAKING POWDER & CO. KANSAS CITY. MO. !" Notice to ioii-ltetident Defend ant. A. II. Kalcy, 1'lttT. VB Jolin Manoy ot al, Deft. In tho district court of Webster county, Nebraska. John Manoy, James W. Manoy anil Micluul Maney, non-residont defendants in ahovo jiamod causo, will take notice that on tho 27th day of Docomber, 189', tho plnintitf abovo nninod tiled liin peti tion in tho district court of Webster county, Nebraska, nRaiust said defend ants impleaded with others, tho object nnd prayor of which is to forecloso a cor tain mortgage executed by defendant, John Mnnoy, to plaintiff, upon tho south half of thoBoutli-wast (juarter of section liH, nnd the north half of thu north-west luartor of section !J;i, nil in township 2, ranjro 11, Webster county, Nebraska, to Kocuro the paymtnt of his certain prom, issory note for$."iOO, datrd Aug. 18, 1890, and duo Sent. 1st, 181)1'. with interest at 8 per ront from date. There is now duo on said note nnd mortgage tho mini of 8Arj.Y!i:i, for which sum, or tho amount found to hoiluo on snUl note, tho plaintiff prays judgment fur a decree Hint fluid premises may bo sold tosatiHfy tho name, and for such other1 and further relief as may bo just and oquitnblo. You aro re quired to nnswosveald petition on or be foro tho Oth day of tfebrunry, 1803. Dated, Hod Cloud, Neb., Doc. 27, lb'Ji'. ., ., . . A- H. Kai.hv, Ily Kaloy &. Uarker, Attys. aU-lt 1 i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. C null PIULMCP, lWR, M if- w ,vi'