f."lT,fi" ' ' Tn" -t-toww1hlufl.iaaJ. MMKS ( iJ s 4W Wfcrt'WW' Ml i i& aj w. i S if i 1 to I ft THE RED CLOUD CIIJEF. A. O. HOSMER, Publisher. ni:u CLOUD, NEHUA8KA. CURRENT COMMENT. A im.i. for tlio construction of tho 0k lnlioma Midland railway hao been in troduced In congress. llKPiiKMCNTATivr. Hkaihi favors nn c.xtrn session of contfre.ss to pavo tlio way for effective work at tlio ijtlar esslon. IWTKitNATlo.f At. fish corninlislonerH at Detroit, Mich., have ndoptrd rcnolu tlonn looking to tho conservation of flsh life Anihikw Lano wiyu there are 110 lv hip; writers who can wrllo xm1 fairy tnlcs, because thcydon'tbelleveenouh in their own stories. It. llR.MtvTAYi.oii, tin Inventor of baby carriages, wan fouiul by tho police of Wtilthnti), Mass., in n Htnrvlntf condi tion and mentally unbalanced. Tr.ntiflAT.r.M hut been enjoying a boom nlnco tlio coinplctlou of the railroad that connects it with Inirn. Over three hundred houses, hotels, stores and real donees have been erected. Fhkukiiick Sio.v, the brave i allorwho planted the first French flat; upon tho boil of Algeria on lune II, lbllO, died re cently at the ago of 85 years. The French government rewarded and cared for tho old man, nud ho wns load ed with decorations. Kojikiit Pkck, of Dohlonega, On., wanted to get married, but his llminees were ro low that, ho could not parade the necessary 11.50. Ills brother-in-law, who Is 35 years old, went out on the public square, mounted a dry goods box, tuude such n strong appeal that the crowd chipped in the- necessary money, and Kobert nnd Nancy Jane lllggiiin were duly married. Tin: famous llryn Mawr school near I'hllailelphla has for Its medical di rector a lady, Dr. Kate Caitiplxtll Hurd. vlio is the daughter of n physician, nnd after her college coursu had practical experiences in hospital and dispensary in lioston, then took up athletics under 1'rof. Sargent, nnd finally visited En gland, France, Germany and Scandina via to study liar specialties further. SKcnnTAttv Fosi r.n, of tho stato de partment, has been informed of tho ap pointment of tlcn. Ciusar Cancvnro ns Peruvian minister at Washington. Gen. Canevaro is one of tho most prominent citizens of Peru and has been a can didate for president of that republic. Ho was one of the leading military spirits in tho Into war between Chili and Peru, ami made a gallant record. Two years ago tho Louisiana legisla ture passed tho "Jim Crow" law mak ing it compulsory on railroads running through the state to provide separate coaches for white and colored passen gers. A number of prominent colored men subscribed liberally toward raising a fund to test the constitutionality of tho uct to finally settle tho matter. The supremo court has sustained tho consti tutionality of thq Jaw. Mun baths wero common nmong tho ancients, tho mud on tho scashoro nnd tho slime of tho rivers being especially prized for this purpose. Tho Tartars nud Egyptians still uso them In certain diseases. They aro taken by many peo ple at places on the continent of Europe, among which may lo named DHburg, Ellsou, Neundorf, Pyrmont, Spa, Maricnbad, Fraiucnsbrnun, Eger, Kissinger and Tcplltz. Thk Germans are trying tho experi ment of introducing coollo labor into cast Africa. They recently landed fiOO Chinese coolies at Tnnga, whenco they wcro taken some distance inlund to tho cotton nnd coffee plantations at Lnwa nnd Damcre. This experiment mnv provo n disastrous failure, us it is not at nil certain that tho Chinese can thrive under tho unfavorable conditions they will meet in equatorial Africa. Ge. C C. Waiuikn, of Montana, says In regard to tho gold shipments: "This aenro about so much gold leaving the country does not frighten residents of Montana who know the mineral possi bilities of tho state. Why, Montana can produce f IGO.OOO.OOO u year In gold if forced to It There aro ' no less than 160 gold properties in tho stato that tiro paying claims. From these mines Mon tana alone can produce gold enough to pay the national debt" IXQUUtlKB arc dally reaching con gressmen from all sections of the coun try concerning the manner of distribut ing tho proposed new Issue of tho war records scries. Tho law provides that these volumes bo mailed from the w ar department upon lists furnished by each senator and representative. Shu. liar inquiries are numerous about a new edition of Col. Kellogg's maps of thoChlckumauga nnd Chattanooga cam paigns now numbering fifteen. These, when Issued, will bo distributed mainly upon the requests of congressmen. Gkn. Lonostiiket'h experience goes back to the Mexican wur, when many oflleers whom ho 'afterward counted as tho enemy wero his comrades and warm personal friends. His friend Frank A. llurr has often told the story of the at tachment botweon the general and Gen. Grant, which, dating back to those famous Mexican battlefields, recurred to Grant's memory shortly before An- Vpomattox nnd led to an Interchange of Invitations with the humuna object of ivoldlng further bloodshed. And when t Last, lit Urn bitter hour of the eon fed- kto chieftain's humiliation, after the all ties of tho capitulation had been tlltlc led, r.nugstreot tolls how Grant UaJced arms with him, und ns they walked away togothcr recalled their friendship by buying in tho old 1 h ;I'utv, let go back to tho good a und play a game of brag as we ....VIA" NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gleansd By Tolegraph and Mail TKRSOSM. AND FOUTICAt. It is tho belief in Germany that Franco may yot resort to war to Bottle tlio present beclouded situation. For that reason extra exertions nrc being made to alienate UJr czar from Frnnce. La Pur.ssK ntBRuhat the Marquis do Mores is conniHtl n bed nt Urusse-ls with a severe wku! in the right shoul der, received in n.uel with n lending Parisian. Tho duel grew out of a vio lent discussion on nnthScmltism. A MRRT1NO of advocates of frco trado was held nt Melbourne, Australia, at which n resolution offered by Henry Pnrkcs congratulating tho United States upon its recent election wns adopted. Hon. Jamp.hO. IIi.aimr was reported Romewhat improved on tho morning of the UOth. It Is again rumored that the prince of Wales will visit tlio world's fnlr. Sin IttcifAUt) Owk.N is dead at Lon don. Ho was one of tho. world's fore most specialists in comparative anat omy. Hr.PiiKSKNTATivi: Catciiinos, of Mis sissippi, says there will bo no silver legislation this year. Mns. Lanothy, tho "Jersey Lily," was reported seriously sick of periton itis in London. John II. DmtiiAM, .minister to llnytl, has been ordered to his post nt onco to investigate tho arrest mid imprison ment of Frederick Meves, an American merchant. Ho will bo tnken to Hnytl by tho Atlnntiv Gk.v. Hohkciianh. reglstcrof the treas ury, accompanied by his daughter, has left Washington over the Pennsylvania road for California, where he will spend the winter nenr Los Angeles. AnviCKS from Itnjpotv, province of Gtuerut, India, report tin encounter be tween n body of Dacoits and a forco of native policemen under command of llritlsh military oflleers. Lieut. Gor don, of tho lloinlay lancers, nnd four policemen wcro killed. Nicholas Gonni:ii, a well known Ger man Catholic editor, died recently at Dubuque, la. Tiik president bus nominated Fred crick J. Grant, of Washington, to lie min ister to liolivln; Archibald C. Coolldge, of Massachusetts, secretary of legation nt Vienna; Georgo Crclghtou Webb, of New York, secretary of legation at St. Petersburg; Joseph It Herod, of Inill ana, second secretary of legation to Japan. Tiik marquis do Hcndnnu, a grandee of Spain, who wus formerly minister of Turkey, has been appointed Spanish minister to the United States to succeed Senor Sunrcz Guancs. TllAFPIC MANA0P.1t Jaycox, of the world's fair, has resigned. In a caustic letter to President Illgglnbothnm ho alleges that he received no support from directors where ho hud a right to ex pect it, and that his plans have not been carried out BlISCELLANEOLS. A man named MeUurre wns electro cuted at Sing Slug penitentiary. Ho had shot and kicked a woman to death. LontNO PicKKittNii, senior proprietor of tho San Francisco Call nnd the ltul letln, was reported dying on the 10th. Ho was 84 years of age und had a son live years old. TunKi: men were klHcd by falling walls at a fire nt tho Fort Orange mill, Albany, N. Y. Two others wero se riously injured. Tub steamship Spanish Prince, tho pioneer of tho ocean lino between Charleston, S. C, nnd Mediterranean ports, has arrived at Charleston. Tiik Miners nnd Merchants' bank, Creede, Col., failed on the lUth. Liabil ities, fJO.000. Tin: rinderpest has spread to live hitherto uninfected estates In Mecklen burg, Germany, and to seven estates in Uolstcin. Many cattle arc dying of It also In Jutland. Om.ANDo Mktcai.p, a prominent cap italist of Colorado Springs, Col., has as signed. Alkxandku Rushi:i.i, Wkuii, formerly of Missouri, has turned Mohammedan nnd is soliciting funds in India for the conversion of the United States to the samo cult. Tiik jury in the Jucob-Slro breach of promise case at New York brought in a verdict awarding tho plaintiff f-.'5,000 damages. The suit was for t.'iO.OUO. Tiip.uk. Is suffering in Oklahoma, west of El lie no, caused by severe weather. Co.nkkv, tho non-union printer of Chicago who secured tho world's fair printing, has reached an agreement with tho Typographical union, and opposition to him has been withdrawn. It is believed that all letter carriers and clerks In tho free delivery post offices will soon be included in the civil service rules. Titp.iiK was wild excitement at Du rango, Col., over a gold ilnil in southern Utah. Tiik Paris nvenement denies tho story of tho Marquis do Mores' duel and wound. Skciiktaiiv of Waii Ki.kinb bus ap proved tho plans for two more bridges across tho Chicago river hi Chicago. Tin: Illinois corn crop Is much shorter than last year. I UK Hock Island management claims a complete victory over tho telegraph ers. A man church authority says tho pope Is highly pleased with what Mgr. Satolll has accomplished In America. Tiik great stallion Stniuboul was sold by auction at New York to 1). II. Ilarrl mnn for Ml, 000. Tmtr.E boilers In tho largo manufac tory of the Perkins Horse Shoe Co. at Valley Falls, It. I., blew up and James Judson, night firemau, was lustnntly killed. Two United States deputy marshals In Wyoming have been killed by horse and cattle thieves, whom they attempt ed to arrest Three of tho thluves wero killed. Nkah Walton, Ky a gang of railroad laborers got Into a light. Two were killed and two aro dying. Mn.i.ioNAim: .1. C. Doani:, of Chicago, Is liable to go to prison for docking his horses' tall. A BEnious wreck occurred on the New port News & Mississippi Valley road nt Kddyvllle, Ky. Conductor Carter nnd PosUil Clerk Sanders wero seriously in jured, though not fatilly. A nisABTiioun conflagration occurred nt Itcrson, a village of tho 01 rondo, France, nnd fourteen of tho villagers were cither burned to death or killed while attempting to escape. IJaciiman'h dress goods and clothing mills, Philadelphia, have been destroyed by Arc. Loss, f:35,000. FlltR at Duqucsno, Pa., destroyed six dwellings nnd for a time threatened the wholo town. Tiik operatives at the Illackstone (Mass.) woolen mills struck because of excessive fines. William Koiilkii was cooked nlivo nt Springfield, O., by n crude oil tank exploding. Tiik missing word ernro in England has been squelched. Pearson's Weekly wnsconvieted of violating tho gambling act, nnd tho money about $150,000 was escheated to tlio crown. Juiiop. Wooi.hon nt Dubuque, la., sentenced It K Graves, president of tho wrecked Commercial National bank, to fivo years in tho penitentiary, the mini mum term. Tho bond on appeal was Increased to 515,000. Tiik celebrated lumber undcrweigh lug ease emtio up In Judge Parker's court nt St Joseph, Mo. Howell nnd Tlbbetts wcro convicted of violating tho Intor-statc law anil sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment nnd 2,000 fine ench. An appeal to tho su premo court was taken. Resolutions asking congress to pass n natlotial quarantine law were passed by New York's chamber of commerce. TiiKcointnlttce oninter-stato and for eign commorco In tho houso reported favorably on Cratic's bill extending tho tlmo of commencing work on tho safe deep-wnter on the coast of Texas. TtiEtiK Is n marked Reeling of disquiet at Santiago, whero a court-martial is sitting for tho trial of tho military men implicated In the recent troubles. It Is fully expected that several will be sen tenced to bo shot Tin: Argentine confederation has de clared Ulo and Santos unclean ports. AxoritKit alleged labor poUoning caso Is reported, this time from New Cum berland, W. Va., where n number of Hungarians imported to tnku the place of striking workmen hnd their drink ing wnter doctored with croton oil. Tin: Clcmcncenu-Derouledo duel set all Paris laughing. Neither was hurt in the shots fired, when the seconds said "honor was satisfied." Tiik third pigeon shooting contest for the championship was won by Elliott who beat Fulford by a score of 03 to 00. The Indiana legislative apportion ment case was finally disposed of. The attorneys waived their right to move for n rehearing, nnd the clerk was di rected to enter a final decree. Two more of the poisoned Arknnsas convicts died on arriving at Little Itoek, making eight deaths in all. Five others were seriously sick. News has been received of the death nt tho Ilelknnp Indian agency, of A. Simons, the agent, who was wounded in n light some days ago. Tiik Spanish steamer Grao, with 1,200 bales of cotton aboard, was burned at Savannah, Ga. She was loading for IJareelona. The loss was heavy. Duiiino a big fox hunt at Newton Falls, O., Daniel Luchleitticr was ac eldenUilly shot by Henry King, a wealthy farmer. Lechleltner will die. FoitKPATHP.us' day was observed in u fitting manner ut New York, Phila delphia, lioston und Chicago. Many prominent speakers made brief ad dresses. ADDITIONAL DISl'ATCUICa. The Zunl Indians in New Mexico were reported in nn ugly mood and trouble with thoin was Imminent. John L. Sullivan, the pugilist Is suffering from fatty degeneration of the heart A coi.i) wave struck tho west on tho morning of the Stlth, at places going to 20 below zero. Ei.kctiiic linemen have struck in To ledo, O. Tiikiii: was a serious fire at Slater, Mo., commencing in Holloway's notion store. About $100,000 damage was done; Insurance, $iJ5,O0O. Citoi.KiiA is increasing nt Hamburg. A You.va man at Greenland, Ark., fired into a train, the bullet going into nn oil tnnk. An explosion resulted nnd tho train wns wrecked. Sixteen cars and 800 feet of track wcro destroyed. A ttP.PortT frou the Mexican border says that revolutionists have defeated n force of United States marshals und captured some of them. M. FitKVciNcr hits withdrawn from tho French cabinet ns minister of war. A ni'.cisioN of Mgr. Satolll reinstates Father McGlynn, of Urooklyn, to tho priesthood. A call has been issued for n Catholic congress, which will bo miido an Inter esting feature of tho world's f.tlr. Tiik supreme court of Montana has rendered a decision which practically settles tho fight over tho legislature In favor of tho republicans, A HTiiAXOE ease ot n man marrying his illegitimate, daughter, which ho did kuowlngly, is talked of in London. The commercial convention between Franco and the United States has been ratified by the French chamber of dep uties. A shout earthquake shock was felt at Seymour, ltul. Tin: first stone has 'been sot which is to murk the Delaware and Pennsyl vania Imundary line. TiiKoiKiitK Foi.mim was killed while crossing the Lehigh Valley railway near Kahwoy, N. J. Hu wus a cousin of Mrs. Grover Cleveland. Iti'.i'iii:sKNrATivi: IIankiikai), of Ala bama, predicts that thorn will be no public building legislation at this ses sion of congress. Tiik oldest theater In Gnttenberg, Sweden, built In 1S10, has been de stroyed by tiro. Till", wlfo of Itnnitpiirto Wyse, the well known engineer, died at Geneva. She was an American. A thain on tho Mexican Southern railway was detailed the other day. roup persons were killed and a number beverely Injured. WAR IN MEXICO. Revolutionists Put a Guard of Sol dlore to Flight. A BLOODY BATTLE IMMINENT. International Action Wanted Tha Itevo Intlonldta Captura United Malta Deputy Marshal In Zapata Cnuntjr, Texat. NtnvA liAitEDO, Mcx., Deo. 20. It Is now definitely known that there is nt lenst ono band of revolutionists, num bering about 200, on Mexican Roll, a dispatch having been received here from Guerrero stating that a detach ment of soldiers stationed five miles from Cnmargo were attacked Saturday by tho revolutionists. The soldiers wero so greatly outnumbered that they at tempted no defense but retired in panic stricken order to Cnmargo, where the remainder of their troop wns stationed. Tho revolutionists kept up u constant firo on tho government soldiers, but havo not yet attacked Camargo. It is reported that several soldiers wcro wounded Reinforcements have been ordered to Cnmargo and u bloody battle will bo fought unless tho revolutionists ngnln seek refuge on United States soli. Gov. Reyes, commander of this mili tary zone, has written a letter to Presi dent Porflrlo Diaz recommending that tho Mexican government maku an nr rangement with the United States gov ernment for tho pursuit of border revo lutionists over tho international boundary line. Tho military of this country Ray tho arrange ment can bo made. Under the existing law tho outlaws when hot ly pressed by tho troops of one country escape capture by crossing tho river, where they lire perfectly safe until dis covered by the troops or federal author ities on tho other side, when they aro chased across tho rlvcr again. This gumo of hide and seek has been going on along the lower Rio Grande border for the past seventeen months nnd tho Mexican military authorities think it tlmo to adopt some new measure for Btopplng tho troublesome raids. UNITED STATES MAItSIIAI.S DEFEATED. New Oitt.EANS. Dec. 20. The Times Democrat's Nucvo Laredo, Mexico, says thu Mexican revolutionists have committed another bold outrage on United States soil. A lengthy dispatch was received here from Guerrero stating that reliable in formation had just reached there of an engagement in Zaputa county, Tex., between a posse of United States mar shals and about 300 revolutionists, which resulted in the defeat of tho marshals and tho captura of two of tho latter, who aro being held us prisoners by the outlaws. Last Wednesday this posso of mar shals under the leadership of Pink liarnhlll, who is regarded us one of tho bravest officers on the lower Rio Grande border, left their camp about forty miles below Carazzo nnd made a raid upon a ranch. They captured Julian Pulaclos, one of the lenders of tho re cent revolutionary movement and started back to their camp with him. They arrived at the camp safely and kept gunrd over their important prison er Wednesday night and Thursday. Just beforo daylight Friday morning tho raarshuls were nttucked by about !100 well armed and equipped revolu tionists. The deputy marshals mailo a desperate resistance, but were over powered nnd compelled to make u re treat The revolutionists released Pulaclos and captured two of the deputies who remained behind the re mainder of tho posse in tho fight It is reported that a number of tho revolutionists wcro killed und wounded. There is also a rumor here that the two deputies who wore taken prisoners were hanged by tho revolutionists and their liodies riddled with bullets, but no confirmation ot this last mentioned rumor has been received. A DANGEROUS PASTIME. The Criminal Kmlmrrtiire of lonli Shoot I ik at itullwny Tniln. Faykttkvii.i.k, Ark., Dec, 20. A wreck occurred at Orecnland, a flag station on thu Frisco road fivo miles south of here. A freight train going south wus passing there when a young man, supposed to bo George lMcrson, flourished a gnu nnd thu engineer sup posed ho was going to shoot tho headlight out a piece of fun frequently indulged in in that settlement, but he allowed the engine to pass nud fired into thu train. Tho bullet penetrated nn oil tnnk ear and oxplodod it This wrecked the tram und burned sixteen ears into ashes. Tho oil spread tho firo und It wns with great difficulty that tho citi zens saved tho town from burning. Part of tho cars that burned wero loaded and part empty. About 800 feet of track wero destroyed. KiilioiitMl t'niiTlrU Dying, LiTTl.it Itocif, Dec 20. Anothor con vict who partook of the poisoned food ut Helena has died, mnkitig thu total number of viutims up to date nine. Saturday Abraham (Ireun. colored, who was taken 111 nt Helena, went into con vulsions. All efforts to savo him failed, nnd ho lingered In terriblo agony until he died. Ihiring tho night three other convicts grow gradually worse, and small hopes are entertained for their recovery. Tho government will offer iv large roward for information that will lead tn the arrest and conviction of the parties who poisoned the men. Crook Kicair. St. Louis, Dec SO. Edward, alias "Speedy," Murphy,- Edward O'Connell nnd James Morrlsoy, alias "Candy Alley," thruo notorious and dangerous crooks, broke jail in tlio district station nt Seventh and Carr streets ut nn early hour yesterday morning. They man itKcd to make thoir way to tho Carr , street side, but in jumping from a win dow Murphy fell and broke his leg. Ho was rearrested, but thu other two men grtt away. COLD SNAP. Jack Front Itrplevln MM I'oMrmiloni In tli n YVrnL KansabCitv, Mo,, Dec. 2a It wan a wretched Christmas yesterday so far at tho weather went nnd tho elements seemed in conspiracy to make it chill and drear nnd dcsolntc. In tho morn ing tho sky wni hidden by n thiok dun veil. Tho wind, cold nnd raw, camo from tho north, with occasional blasts from tho far northwest llritlsh posses filons nnd Intermittent chills from On tario and Quebec shifting to strike vulnerable points of Christmas cole brators, but never getting many points away from tho pole. Just ns tho noon chimes rang, came tho snow, filling tho nlr nnd putting clean raiment upon everything out of doors. As tho day wore on it grew colder, touching zero at 12 o'clock. At II this morning It was 0 below and ut f o'clock it was 15 below. Dispatches show tho storm to have been general und very severe all over Kansas. It cntno from the north nnd has played havoc with tho wires in many places. So many operators being nwuy from their posts for Christmas makes reports from many points Im possible, but the Western Union In a general way declares tho storm very severe. A dispatch from Washington says: The temperature, fell rapidly during tho forenoon and middle of the day over all districts east of tho Mississippi river and in tho southwest began to rise very rapidly tu the afternoon, with Increasing northwesterly winds nnd rapidly falling temperature over the lake regious, central valleys nnd thu southwest An extensive area of very high pressuro Is moving rapidly south eastward from tho Dukotis and will probably cover the easturn state, the central valley, the lower Mississippi valley and Texas during Monday night, with very low temperature. SLATER'S INCINERATION. Tho rttialiifm 1'iirt of n .MIiKiitirl Town tluttud. Slatku, Mo., Dec. 20. The business portion of this little city was visited by a dhnstrous firo and before tho Humes could be controlled twelve of the lead ing mercantile houses were in ruins. The total loss is estimated at $100,000, with an insurance of 105,000. Addition al reports may, however, swell tho value of the property destroyed to $125, 000. The fire was first discovered at about 3:30 o'clock burning briskly In tho toy nnd notion store owned by R. L. Hoi loway. The alarm was immediately given and despite the increasing inclem ency of the weather, every man in town was soon on the ground. Ky this time Rosenthal's meat market adjoining Holloway's store was in Humes and the citizens directed their offorts toward preventing the spreading of the Humes. Several bucket brigades wero quickly formed nnd the surrounding business houses wcro soon deluged. Nothing, however, could stay tho progress of tho Humes und the tire rapidly ute its way through the block, consuming every thing within reach. When the end of the block was reached the tiro burned Itself out THE CHILDREN'S RIGHTS. OirnprliiR or Wliltim i ul Itcil Allowed tlio Itli.-bts or Kiill IIIiiiiiN. El. Hi'.NO, Ok., Dec. 20. In tho cauo of Morrison vs. Wilson in the United States court here. Judge Ilurford held that the children born to a white citi zen of tlio United States who had mar ried a female member of thu Arapahoe tribe mitrlit still be a member of that tripe of Indians nud entitled to an al lotment under tho treaty as a member of tho trilie, nud that the laws of descent in Oklahoma applied to Indians, und that thu administrator of an Indlun de cedent was entitled to tho possession of the lands so allotted. The decision was rendered in an ejectment suit in volving luu acres of laud adjoining Kl Kenn, of great value, und is of great im portance, us similar questions nrc pond ing in nil tho courts of the wost where allotments have recently boon made. Tho decision Is contrary to tho decisions in the northwest under similar treaty with tho hloux. I. nnd Olllcn Work DiTrrmlng. Wahiii.noto.v, Dec. 20. Tho state ment of the commissioner of the general land ofllco in his annual report to tho effect that tho work of that ofllco is up to date wifs regarded as n gratify ing condition, but tho sequel Is not quite so agreeable, becausu the hind office officials are confronted with the problem of how to keep employed tho present forco of clerks. Two years ngo the weukly issuo of land patents was approximately !1,U00, and this num ber has now fallen to less than 1,000 per week. It is expected that early in the new year there will be a reduction in the force from 20 to DO per cent Two I.ltdlii Ullliiil, Four Way.nk, Intl., Dec. 20. Mrs. Mary Noonnn and Mrs. John Sohward uer met u horrlblu death at Siemau & llro.'s book store. They were ascend ing lu tho elovator, when tho boy In charge lost cotitrol ami It shot raphf.y upwards. Tlio ladles, becom ing frightened, attempted to jump off at tho third floor, but fell backward into the shaft and were hurled to their death 91) fcut below. I'Hinliiu III Mvndnii, Stockholm, Dee, 20. The fnmino In thu government of Uluabory threatens to cause an exodus of the poor people. Hundreds have gone to tho coast of the gulf of llothnla to seek means of emi grating. Ulcaboty City Is crowded with starving peasants. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Cholera is Increasing at Hamburg. Electric linemen have struck 1 Toledo, O. M. Freyclnot has withdrawn from tho French cabinet as minister of war. Tho .unl Indians lu Now Mexico were reported in an ugly mood und trouble with them was Imminent The supreme court of Montaua. has rendered a decision which practically settles the tight over the legislature in favor of republicans. 8100 Krwurri 9100, Tim i-nmlm-j nf tliU n.1trr Will ha llleaStv! to learn fiut there Is nt least one drcadoA disease that sclcnrn hits been nuin to cure In nil Ha ntnimi. und that Is Caturrh. Hall's Cawrru Cure h I ho only positive ourd known to thu medical fraternity. Catarrh ucliif? a constitutional dlso.io. require a constitutional treatment Hall's C'atnrrh Curo Is tnlteti Intornally, nrtliiR directly upon tho blood mid iniicoun surfaces of tho Kvstoni, thereby destroying tho foundation of tlio disease, nnd Riving tho patient strciiKth by bulldlug up tho constitution nnd assisting naturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so tnuoti faith In its curi Uvo powera, that thoy our Ono Hundred Dollars for nnv caso that It fulls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. . . Address, V. J. CtiUN'fiT & Co., Toledo, 0. tTBaia by Drug-ilsti, 7.kj. Aiit in Chicago MIm Lakeside "Do you lllte Tltlunl" Young HiihIcUh-"! don't Know. I've uovcr been there." P. utnl S. llultolln. I'linn Admission Tickets to tho World's Fair uro boing offered by lift Chicago Scale Couipatiy. Bead them your uddi ess. Tin: mariner who scours tho sea in all sorts ot Mother needs a great dc.il of sand. Lowell Courier. litttie I'ox of Fxilrhnvi'u, VI. "Whrnmy dniiRhtcr Kitty was about threo years old, Kczemu or Suit llhcum appeared on tier face. Hitched ro badly sho v. ouHl Scratch till it Bled Wo had sevea or clcht doctor), without tha least shadow of btneBt. When Kitty had taken half a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla Sho was better, and whon sho hud toltrn 1',; bottles Bho was perfectly curtd and has shown Np Sign of Salt Rheum Tor almost four years. Her s'tln is now ns fair snd clear ns any clilld'n In town." Wit. Vox., Williams Slate Mautel Worln, I'alr Haven, Vt HOOD'S PILLS "f tb test after-dinner mil, BSUsl illKCHlon, (.tiro tictulnclio nud bllluu.ticsi. "German Syrup 99 My niece, Emetine Hawley, was, taken with spitting blood, and bhe became very much alarmed, fearing' that dreaded disease, Consumption. She tried nearly all kinds of medi cine but nothing did her any good. Finally she took German Syrup nud she told me it did her more good than anything she ever tried. It stopped the blood, gave her strength and ease, and a good appetite. I had it from her own lips. Mrs. Mary A. Stacey, Trumbull, Conn. Honor to German Syrup. 16 S?l3 starvation Oil Tpy u , omysse. W Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer ; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo phosphites, provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated with loss of flesh. A PrrpirjHl by Rcntt A Bowno. OhtmUU, Now York, hold by all (Iiukeuu. Ely's Cream Balm UlIIOKIiY CtUlltS COLD IN HEAD ilrlm'.hjJiin.'T .AW.'1'11"1 'nto cb nottrll. EM IlltO,.y,Wurrcrihl.,.N.Y. 3HILCHS! CURE. TnLC n"?pt,n ? V01, Croup, Bore Xtaroat. Sold by tit UnintHts on a Guarantee s WIFTS SPECIFIC I For renovating tlio entire stem, I ollmluatlnK Jul l'uisons from the nularul origin, this iircjiaratlon lias nu equal. HKfffiSS "FnrclBhttvn months I iinilan ('atlrU Hiini nil tlltt fritttrvlin I ai.na trViVSii.r i.'"." ''"."; !:' .!,?" .. ."' "jr iivst n-tui miym'Jilll!!, jtaJnpfl in t-Mlfo? . ,.A a,.... n....ti i cured alter using a fnw bottles." tSwif B1 WfEVtRjNj butol s is. u. .'UCl.KllOlIi:. Ilpriilcramv Tr. Tnvitl. nnn llln.l n.wl al.ln f-vl casta nulled free. Tub Bwht Si'ictno Co,, AtUuta, lie. SM'y WMd r "w; I IIWWWW